Tuesday, 7.14.15 ON THE WEB: www.yankton.net NEWSROOM:
[email protected] RESS AKOTAN the region P &D PAGE 3 OBITUARIES Legislative Planning Committee To Meet PIERRE —The Legislative Planning Committee, chaired by Perry Penniston June 25, (Carrie) Pederson and fam- Rep. Scott Munsterman (R-Brookings), will meet on Thurs- Edith Weisz 2015, they ily of Sioux Falls, SD; three day, July 16, in Room 413 of the State Capitol, at 10 a.m. Perry P. Penniston, 83, Edith M. Weisz, age (CDT). of Muscatine, Iowa, and celebrated brothers: Roy of Scotland, 84, of Yankton, SD passed their 67th SD, Edward (Helen) of Men- The committee will begin this interim with a review of formerly of Yankton, died away unexpectedly, the strategic objectives the committee established in 2013 Friday, July 10, 2015 at his wedding an- no, SD and Oliver (Jean- relating to workforce development in the state. Committee Saturday, July 11, 2015 at niversary. ette) of Lesterville, SD; nine home, from complications of Sister James Care Center, members will hear from representatives of the Department multiple myeloma. During great-grandchildren and of Education, the Department of Tribal Relations, and the De- Yankton, SD. Memorial her lifetime one great-great-grandchild; Memorial visitation will services will be 11:00 a.m., partment of Labor and Regulation who will update them on be held on Saturday, July 18, Weisz Edith was a five sisters: Alice Evenson the progress being made toward meeting those objectives. Thursday, July 16, 2015 at farm wife, of Yankton, SD, Audrey Ho- from 11 a.m.-noon, with me- St.