THE NEWS Windellama Progress Association Hall lnc. Vol. 20 no. 7 – August 2016 Editorial & Layout: Lyn Jones & Gayle Stanton Sec/Treas: Christine Woodcock

Published Monthly Hard Copy Distribution 400 - Website : 6,000 average/month Windellama, , Nerriga, Bungonia, Mayfield, , Lake Bathurst, & Tarago


13th August 2016 Windellama Hall Starts at : 10:00 am CAKE AUCTION: 12:30 Fund raising for CanAssist

 BURNING OFF? - Fire season finished 31 March- regulations still apply.

Windellama News– August 2016 Page 1

Coming Events… Annual Subscriptions - please send your details and $30 (cheques payable to ‘Windellama News’) to cover August the annual cost of postage. 1 Progress Meting 2.00pm All cheques please post to: The Secretary, PO Box 705, Goulburn. 2580 8 Nerriga Progress & Sporting Ass AGM * Unpaid subscriptions will be cancelled after one month 13 Can Assist Cake Auction If you have any short articles, anecdotes, or something 27 Brigade Training and Meeting else interesting about yourself, your family, or the community; please write it down and drop it in our 27 Historical Society BBQ letterbox at the Hall. We will edit it and publish it in the September Windellama News. A LOCKED POSTAL BOX IS AT THE FRONT OF THE 24 Brigade Training and Meeting HALL, 3444 OALLEN FORD RD, IN THE STONE October WALL FOR THE COLLECTION OF ITEMS FOR PUBLICATION 11 Council Outreach Meeting Items left in the box after the deadline will not be November collected or included in the News Articles, adverts, etc may also be sent by email to: 5 Field Day [email protected] Adverts sent by email will not be inserted unless payment is received by the deadline.

Our Policy on Receipts Inside this Issue….. The Windellama News makes out a receipt for all advertising payments made to the paper. We don’t post out receipts to save cost and we assume that the Community Noticeboard 3 appearance of the advertisement in the paper could normally be taken as proof of payment. If you require a School News 5 posted receipt please include a stamped self-addressed envelope with your payment. Windellama Progress 9/11 Windellama Fire Brigade 13 It would be greatly appreciated if anyone sending money to the Windellama News would include their SES and First Aid 15 name and address and a note saying what it was for and put it in a sealed envelope. This would avoid a lot of Historical—Tom Bryant 17 confusion and uncertainty . In Your Garden 21 Willowglen Gardeners 23 Notice to advertisers, article submitters & readers WIRES 25 The Windellama News is published and authorised by the Windellama Historical Society 29 Progress Association Inc. Whilst every care has been taken in the production of the News & publishing to the web page on the community Nerriga News 31 website, the editor takes no responsibility for any inaccuracies, errors or Church Information 32 omissions. All such contributors by forwarding advertising, notices, & articles, agree to indemnify the publisher & warrant that the material is Classified Ads 33/34 accurate & neither deceptive nor misleading, in breach of copyright, defamatory or in breach of any other laws & regulations. Community Information 35 The responsibility for advertisements complying with the Trade August Calendar 36 Practices Act lies with the person, company or agency submitting such for publication. Original material appearing in this newsletter is copyright. It may be reproduced in part or in whole for the benefit of the community, provided that the source of the material is fully acknowledged. If you have any queries about using material from the Windellama News, please contact the editor.


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Community Notice Board

Break Enter and Steal at Bungonia WANTED— Work with Windellama News During the 29—30 of June thieves travelled Team as an EDITOR. Knowledge of Microsoft down Lookdown Road, Bungonia through to Publisher an advantage, but not essential. the National Park and broke into the shed Work from home and make your own hours. there. Volunteer position. Call Lyn Jones (4844 5843) or Christine Woodcock (4844 7275) or Gayle A considerable amount of property, was stolen Stanton (4844 5156) including - but not limited to, generators, chains saws etc. Craft @ Windellama Hall These people have travelled through our We meet from the second Tuesday of the community and NO DOUBT already sussed out month 1—4 pm. other properties on their way to the National For more information please call Irene Turner Park. They wouldn't have randomly turned up on 48445 214. there and done the B & E, they would have been there recently to sus out the area. Can you tell us about a situation where local Please keep an eye out for anything unusual knowledge and expertise helped you out? and inform the police if anything looks wrong. Let us know and we will publish it in our next newsletter.

On Tuesday 28th June three levels of Government were present at the “switching on” of the Mobile Tower at the corner of Oallen Ford Road and Windellama Road.

Windellama News– August 2016 Page 3


A mobile service for all your rural living mechanical repairs

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ABN 56756688933 Ph: 0439 029 313 Licence 2009704 Jason Tolar Accredited Athletics Australia, Mobile 0418227480 AT&FCA, Fitness Australia [email protected]

Page 4 Windellama News - August 2016

Email: [email protected] Phone: 4844 5130Website: Fax: 4844 5265

TREC EXCURSION We are all so excited to have community At the end of last term students attended an members Grahame Woodcock and Sharon Alessi excursion to Canberra with fellow students come into our school to work with students, as from TREC. The K-2 students went along to the our Club Friday concept comes to fruition. Each National Zoo and Aquarium and students in Friday students will be participating in sewing and Years 3-6 attended Parliament House. Both woodwork lessons. Grahame will build a billy cart these excursions were the culmination of the with students for a Billy Cart Challenge which will work students learnt during the term. be held at Wakefield Park in November. We are looking to other community members, with a passion to share, to come in next term to also work with students. We will keep you up to date on this terms activities. END OF TERM AUCTION At the end of each term we have an auction which all students participate in. Throughout the term students earn Windellama dollars to spend at the auction. They can purchase a variety of items. A favourite of everyone’s is homemade Charlotte and chocolate brownies and for the first time we had a meerkat sausage sandwiches which were enjoyed by checking those students who tried them. each other out at the National Zoo and Toby was a happy student when he put in a successful bid for a toy he had his eye on!

Students sharing their knowledge.

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DATE: 13th August 2016 LOCATION: Windellama Hall OPEN: 10:00 am CAKE AUCTION: 12:30

There will also be games for the children, chocolate wheel, hot food, a stall and anything left over at the end of the day will also be auctioned off. For further information contact: Ros Woods 4844 5128 or Di Andrews 4844 5127

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In Loving Memory of Peter John Rodney Croker

17th January 1942 – 25th June 2016

Peter was the youngest son of Selby & Cecelia Croker (nee Hockey). They raised a family of four children at Leumeah, Windellama. Joan, Valmai & Ray were his siblings. He attended Windellama Public School. He was well known in the district, taking an interest in the fire brigade and farming of sheep, angora goats & deer, he also had a keen interest in the Windellama Historical Society. Peter had a lot of Friends at Windellama. He also had a love of gardening. He worked in town as a wards man at Kenmore & St John of God Hospitals. Peter is the last of his generation. He stayed in the area until his sixties, moving to town to live. He took his pet deer Ruby with him. Peter worked in town, caring for his mother until her death. He also cared for his friend Harold Willis. Peter loved to rock & roll, and followed in his sisters footsteps by collecting Elvis memorabilia. Peter had a light hearted sense of humour and a care free way on life. He was a kind and generous person. REST IN PEACE OUR UNCLE PETER & Friend

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Windellama Progress Association Some of the functions at the Windellama Hall in the past few months

60th Wedding Anniversary celebration at Pot Luck Lunch

Nissan Club Dinner

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Windellama Progress Association

REPORT FROM WINDELLAMA PROGRESS ASSOC. The Annual General Meeting was held on Sunday 3rd July at 11 am. All positions on the executive and committee, in accordance with our constitution, were declared vacant and an election for these positions was held. The new executive are: President Gary Lourigan Vice President Ray Plant Secretary Christine Woodcock Treasurer Ray Plant Assistant Secretary Leanne Lourigan

Committee members are: Allan Chapman Gayle Stanton Andrew McMillan Grahame Woodcock Keith Roach Ros Woods

Congratulations to all the new office bearers and we thank them for their support of the Progress Association.

We had a record number of people in attendance with a total of 17 members and 5 visitors. Windellama Progress is developing into an enthusiastic and well represented local community group.

A sausage sizzle was held after the meeting and it was great to see everyone chatting and catching up on local news.

We are continuing to hold meetings on different days of the week, including weekends, and also at varying times of the day. We hope this will encourage more members of the community to attend.

Our next meeting will be held on Monday 1st August at 2 p.m.

Christine Woodcock - Secretary

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** LOCAL ELECTRICIAN ** Rural * Domestic * Commercial PH: 0428 445 259 Email: [email protected]

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ELECTRICAL LICENCES: NSW Lic.No 198855C NSW Lic.No 498875S ACT Lic.No 2009576 QLD Lic.No C13290

ACCREDITATIONS AUS C.E.C. Design & Install Grid Connect & Stand Alone Solar Systems #A3632173

Page 12 Windellama News - August 2016


WINDELLAMA RURAL FIRE BRIGADE Report all Fires 000 Brigade enquiries 4844 5359 Yass - 6226 3100 & Emergencies UHF 21 RFS website or Brigade website

Captain – Rex Hockey 4844 5147 Snr Deputy – Jim Meehan, 4844 5554


Burning-off now permitted with regulations: While the fire season has finished and permits are not required for burning off from the 1st May 2015, there are still regulations that must be followed. Fines can apply if regulations are not carried out.

 Yass MUST be notified 24 hours before you light the fire, during business hours 9am to 5pm and by 3.30pm on Friday afternoons, phone 6226 3100.  Your immediate neighbours must also be notified.  Notify the Brigade as a courtesy to save time, if smoke is spotted, phone 4844 5359. For more information contact one of the Brigade phone numbers above. ** Windellama Get Ready Day - Date to be Advised ** All welcome come along and meet members of the Brigade, enjoy a sausage sizzle.

The Brigade will be holding the Rural Fire Service Get Ready Day at the Windellama Brigade Shed, 3762 Oallen Ford Road. This is an event offering informative discussions on fire safety.

Fortunately we have not had any call outs for the Month so far. Two large concrete slabs have been laid in front of the Fire Shed which will be a great improvement for Tanker maintenance and washing and also for training. As a result the four Tankers have had to be repositioned until the concrete has been sufficiently cured which will be until July 29th. Training: If you wish to take part in the Windellama Brigade training or be contacted by email regarding the monthly training details visit the Brigades website and send an online contact form or email [email protected]. For information on training dates, times and scenarios check the Brigade website or contact the Captain Rex Hockey 4844 5147


General Meeting 27th August – 6pm Training 27th August – 1pm General Meeting 24th September– 6pm Training 24th September – 1pm

Please take care on our roads and see you at the next training and meeting. All welcome.

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Open 5 days a week

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or Studying the Cert III in childcare

Page 14 Windellama News - August 2016

Windellama SES First Aid & CFR We are opening our SES unit for the public to see what we have to offer in the way of service to the community, in case of any incident that warrants our attention. The open days will be the same as the Market days. The CFR side of our activities have been rather quiet over the last couple of weeks, just how we like it. We will complete another course this week end which will comprise a simulated land search scenario. There was an interesting course last Monday night 18th, titled Flood Rescuer Awareness, short, but a very good reminder of what can happen if one is not aware of the imminent dangers that we as SES members may have to face. We welcome any one who is interested to join us, or just to see what goes on at our meetings, the days are the second and third Monday of each month starting times of 1830 hours to 2030, maybe a bit later depending on the subject. The 4th Sat of each month is for our CFR training, which is carried out by an Ambulance Paramedic. These hours are 0830 to 1300 approximately, depending again on the subject.

Windellama SES Communications. He works fulltime alongside many different people and agencies, all over Member Profile NSW. He has a great knowledge of the local area and is an invaluable team member here at the SES. Corey Wiseman For two Monday nights a month and one ‘After becoming crook in 2012 and ending up in Saturday morning per month (with NSW ICU for two months’ Corey decided he wanted Ambulance) Corey volunteers his time. Having to join the SES so as he could ‘help the completed his Certificate 2 in Emergency community and family & friends’. Medical Service, in October 2015, he is also on call as a local First Responder when he’s Corey has lived in Windellama for 22 years and not at work! been an SES member for 5. He brings many personal strengths to the SES, much of which “Meeting and working with new people and can be attributed to his long standing career in the tackling the challenges” Are Corey’s favourite parts of volunteering. Corey’s contribution, although he is short on time, is invaluable to us. His great sense of humour and a kind and easy going attitude makes him pleasure to be around. Windellama SES meets on the 2nd and 3rd Mondays of the month at 6.30pm. Everyone is welcome to come along and find out a little more about us. You’ll find us at the SES Unit in the Windellama Hall complex.

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 Natural bush soaps 321 George St,  Pet shampoo Ph 4841 1404

 Anti-bug balls - natural Fax: 4841 1454 Mobile: 0413 047 105 insect repellent Look for the house on the hill

 Blind Baking Balls For all your garden needs &  Hand made ceramics

acclimatised plants Gary & Denise Johnson Potted colour, Seedlings, Bulbs, Fruit trees, Ornamental 4844 5087 trees, Windbreakers, [email protected] Shrubs and more Potting Mixes & quality soils & mulches.


 Photo Copiers

 Fax Machine

 Cash Registers

 Computers

 Stationery

 Consumables

Ph: 4821 5109 E: [email protected] 10 Russell Lane, Goulburn

Page 16 Windellama News - August 2016

George and Mrs Brooke of Windellama. The Brookes had a store and wine bar at their residence BROOKLYN on the Oallen Ford Road opposite where the Fire Shed stands today. It would actually be under the road right at the bend near the fire shed. The following gives a good description of their farm. This photo shows the location of Brooke’s Wine Bar. Part of the building is visible in the centre of the photo behind the tall pine tree.

FROM BROOKLYN TO LAKE BATHURST. By CITIZEN SYD. Goulburn Herald 21 August 1886 p3 The morning was foggy and bitterly cold when we set out from Brooklyn for Lake Bathurst. I have mentioned Brooklyn more than once, and may be excused if I here describe it. Situated some two or three and twenty miles from Goulburn on the Braidwood goad, Brooklyn is one of many instances of the good effects of free selection. The land was taken up about twenty years hence by Mr George Brooke, its present occupier, and from whom his local habitation received its name. Daring that long period the residence and all other clauses have been faithfully fulfilled, and the "howling forest" of gum-trees and patches of scrub have been transformed into those paddocks both of cultivation and grass which are now comprised in the estate. Since the first selected forty, its area has increased to some hundreds of acres, containing miles of fencing and other improvements. The homestead is located upon a hill, and has a full view of Windellama Creek, a large waterhole in which has never yet been known to be dry. From this the homestead is supplied with excellent water. From the front windows of the house a view unsurpassed for scenery on a limited scale is obtained. Right in front is a long stretch of the main road, on either side of which are paddocks of grass, studded here and there with groups of cattle or sheep, the varied colours of which give brightness and life to the landscape, while the water of the creek adds that charm to the picture without which land and scenery is generally voted dull. Sometimes over the distant trees which bound the horizon on the south and west may be seen the brilliant rays of the rising sun descending in golden splendour, while at other times thick and dismal fog or drizzling rain-clouds may be seen advancing and obscuring the landscape altogether. In the immediate front of the verandahed (sic) flower adorned house is the garden, sloping downwards towards the creek, producing in favourable seasons fruit, vegetables, and flowers; the latter being the special care of Mrs Brooke herself, whose usefulness and taste are

(Continued on page 19)

Windellama News– August 2016 Page 17

WINDELLAMA PLAYGROUP at Windellama Public School

Each Thursday 9.30am – 11.30am

BYO snacks - tea & coffee supplied

Qualified art teacher visiting each fortnight

Bring your bubs & toddlers for a fun morning Music, stories, sand-play, free-play, art, craft.


Page 18 Windellama News - August 2016

(Continued from page 17) shown in the floral arrangements, and which are still more developed in the housewifely duties of bread and butter making, milking, cooking, and other necessaries of country life, without which any free-selector has but a poor chance of success. As seen from the road the white house of Brooklyn, with the overtopping gum-trees, presents a very pretty subject for an artist's study. Its height, as regard as position, makes it a most healthy residence; and the homestead, with its dairy, coach-house, stables, cow-bails, stockyard, and their appurtenances, make Brooklyn one of the most salubrious as well as picturesque places in the county of Argyle. On the western side over the hill-slope is the orchard, in which the fruit-trees have apple-blight which has done such woeful, suffered greatly from opossums and mischief that, to use a common phrase, they have taken the heart out of both orchard and occupant. Copper and cobalt are known to exist on the estate. So much for Brooklyn: now for the journey. Provided with beef and billy, tea and tucker, salt and sugar, by the ever-ready hand of the kindest of proprietores, I started for the lake with Mr Brooke. We soon sped by the Windellama Post Office, receiving a word of cheerful encouragement from Mrs Cartwright, the highly esteemed and respected postmistress.

Contributed by Tom Bryant.

… thank you

My faith in humanity had been tested the past 17 months, until two awesome people Tracey and Jill, put me onto two wonderful people Linda and Ian of Glendarlyn Lodge Tarago. I have been caring for my beautiful mother for three years fulltime, when she passed away last year. Since then things became very tough, being on my own, no savings, and not knowing anyone. I found doors were continuing to close and I had health issues. Housing affordability in the city was out of my league and for government housing in Canberra, there is over 2,500 people on the waiting list. Just before I was referred to Linda and Ian there was just me, my cat and belongings, in my car and a storage unit in canberra . I did go into a caravan park ,it was so expensive. The churches said try a refuge but they were all full. It wasn’t until I came to Goulburn that I realised there was a real community happening here in the country. I nearly was giving up hope, it wasn’t just about the accommodation. It was great that someone took time to care and understand. I was so tired of being put forward to welfare agencies, and refuges and government departments who just treat you like another number. I thought has life just become about money and nobody has time for each other anymore. Also I thought maybe mateship had gone, maybe things were different in my parents and grandparents day when there was support for each other and fear/trust/money and time wasn’t such an issue , (even just taking time to listen and have a chat). Anyway, I just want to say a massive thankyou to these guys, who have taken the time in their busy lives to care, and allowed me also the time to grieve and heal. I couldn’t ask for a better place to be at this point of time in my life, a true blessing.

So please folks support Glendarlyn Stockfeeds, 97 Burrabinga Road, Tarago. Stockfeed, your animal needs plus fencing and local agent for El Gas - deliver. Linda and Ian. Heather Daniels

Windellama News– August 2016 Page 19

This Shop is For Sale Johnno’s Corner

4239 Oallen Ford Road Goulburn & Southern Tablelands Newest Winery Cellar Door Upcoming Open Days Hours – 11am to 4:00 pm Sunday: 7 August Sunday: 14 August ~check website for any changes or call prior for a drop in visit or purchase anytime ~ 25 kms down Windellama Road from Goulburn turn left into Muffets Road email: [email protected] web:

I have been here for 22 years and I am calling it a DAY. If you need information please call in. Price $260,000. That includes 1 large shed, shop on 5 acres. Plus customers Ph 4844 5456

Page 20 Windellama News - August 2016

August In Your Garden By Irene Turner Prepare your vegetable and flower gardens for spring planting. Dig in compost old manure and generous handful of complete fertilizer and lime per metre. VEGETABLES Seeds;- carrots, parsnips, lettuce, silver beet, onions. Asparagus and rhubarb crowns. Plants;- cabbages, lettuce, silver beet, onions; brown Spanish, odourless, red odourless, white. FLOWERS Seeds;- which can be sown during August petunias and phlox. Seedlings available are pansy, viola, stocks, snapdragons, aquilegia, carnations, dianthus, primula, dwarf sweet William, alyssum, poppies and larkspur. In our climate roses and fruit trees can be pruned. Spray apple, pear, plum, quince and your roses with Winter Oil, this controls mite and scale. If you have trouble with black spot on apples and pear, roses or leaf curl on peaches and nectarine, spray with Lime Sulphur or Bordeaux. With peaches and nectarine, make sure they are sprayed no later than pinking of the buds. If this time of year is wet, it is recommended to spray these trees with Benlate which is a Systemic Fungicide. Tidy up perennials, such as Gaura, and Erigeron. Inspect the base of grafted plants and remove any suckers from below the graft. Plant bare-rooted plants, such as grapevines, fruit trees, ornamental trees and shrubs, and roses. Pot up or plant strawberries in cool areas in compost-rich soil. Top dress the asparagus patch with compost and then water well. As the weather warms up look out for caterpillars on cabbages and leafy vegetables. Revamp potted plants now. Late winter is the perfect time to service indoor, plants. Trim off tatty foliage and give the remaining foliage a wipe to remove dust. Check the root ball to see if there`s enough room in the pot for the roots to develop, over the growing season. If there is add some slow-release fertilizer and give the root ball a good soaking with a liquid wetting agent. If the root ball is hard and full of roots, loosen the roots a little and replant in a larger pot with a good potting mix. Water it in well with seasol.

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At Barbeques Galore you'll discover a whole new world of LARGE RANGE outdoor entertaining. GREAT PRICES

A lot of places are selling outdoor products, like Barbeques. The FRIENDLY STAFF difference is WE can show you how to use them! GREAT SERVICE

We've got a huge range of the latest aluminium, wicker and

timber settings to suit both the size and style of your backyard.

BARBEOUES 4821 1292 or 4821 4889 GALORE 388 Auburn Street, Goulburn BBQBaHar.

Page 22 Windellama News - August 2016

Willow Glen Gardeners WILLOWGLEN GARDENERS JULY MEETING Unfortunately heavy rain on top of cold winds prevented our annual combined Willowglen and Windellama Garden Clubs’ working bee & general tidy up at St Bartholomew’s Churchyard. Willowglen Gardeners are now rescheduled for next month, August & we are certainly hoping for better weather. The few hardy Willowglen gardeners who did turn up went back to Jude & Wazza’s home, where we enjoyed our meeting over morning tea (and Irene’s unusual beetroot, treacle & ginger muffins) in the warmth of the log fire. We do need a garden to visit for our September meeting – any offers? We hope Caroline will be feeling much better soon, after her painful illness. Also, we send our heartfelt commiserations to Marjorie on the passing of her daughter Louise in Cairns and Judy in front of the split mulberry welcome Marjorie’s granddaughter Isobel into our community. tree A few hours later we ventured out into the rain to look around the gardens. The mandarin tree was loaded with very sweet fruit – this is the only citrus tree that has ever survived. Judy & Irene both have broadbeans growing (also peas for Irene). A huge bush of Artemisia (wormwood) with seeds beckoned, but Irene said don’t put it into the compost – it kills worms. Warren took Irene under the huge old mulberry to show her the split all the way down the trunk – heartbreaking. Irene suggested a fungicide down the split. What fun we had feeding Mandarin tree is loaded hay to the goats, alpacas, sheep & lambs – this must be one of the best parts of country living, even in the rain. Our next meeting is Tuesday 2nd August when we return to St Bart’s bearing our gardening equipment again. As it will be a beautiful sunny day we hope to see many more helping out. Liz-Ann

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By Kay Muddiman – Media Officer

Q. When is a snake not a snake? A. When it's a legless lizard!

My husband Dallas was digging over the veggie garden some time back when this handsome fellow (gal?) came up along with a spadeful of earth. He deposited it in a bucket and brought it up to the house for me to see, knowing I would want to photograph it!

It was around 30cm long from snout to tip of tail, and at first we thought it might be a Myall Snake as we have found one here before. However, closer examination showed no black head, so that was out. We then thought very young brown snake, but really had no idea at all! So I sent a pic to a very knowledgeable WIRES snake handler, and hey presto we discovered it wasn’t a snake at all, but a legless lizard! A ‘Common Delma’ (Delma inornata) to be precise.

We now know the difference between snakes and legless lizards, the main one being legless lizards have ears (you can see the ear opening in the accompanying photo – a narrow slit opening well back from the eye), whereas snakes don't.

Also legless lizards don't have the long, flickering type thin tongue of a snake, but a much shorter and fleshy one. Our lizard obligingly put its tongue out once, that's how we later knew it wasn't a snake, however I couldn't catch it on camera - much too quick for me! After taking a couple of pics we relocated it safely over the road in our bush.

Legless lizards are non-venomous (as are all our Aussie lizards), but obviously should be treated with respect and caution unless you are an experienced snake handler/herpetologist, just in case of a mistaken ID! Definitely better safe than sorry!

Just goes to show, we can learn something new every day!

Talking about learning something new – here are some interesting reptile facts that may interest you.

· There are more than 8,000 species of reptiles on the planet, and they live on every continent except Antarctica (where it is too cold).

· "Cold-blooded" is not the best way to describe reptiles. Their blood is not necessarily cold by itself. But they are ectothermic, which means they get their body heat from external sources. Reptiles cannot regulate their body temperature internally as humans do.

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WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 21st August 9am to 1pm

Homemade Jams & Preserves Pre-loved toys & tools Locally produced honey Lots for the sewing enthusiast Hand made baby treasures Gourmet foods Wooden Nick Nacks & Toys Rawleigh Healthcare Scented candles Hand made knitted goods Food and refreshments New stallholders welcome

Enquiries Grahame Woodcock 48447275 Plenty of parking Museum open

Page 26 Windellama News - August 2016

· Most of the world's snakes (nearly two-thirds) are non-venomous. Only about 500 snake species are venomous, and of those only 30 - 40 are considered harmful to humans. In other words, less than 2 percent of all snakes are considered harmful to humans. However, the opposite is true in Australia. There are actually more venomous snakes in Australia than non-venomous snakes. Australia is the only continent where venomous snakes outnumber non-venomous snakes. (Lucky us – not!)

(continues page 27)

· Snakes and lizards flick their tongues in the air to capture scent particles. They don't smell through their noses like you and I. Instead, they use their tongues to collect scent particles and then pass the particles over something called a ‘Jacobson's organ’ to decipher the air around them. This is partly how reptiles hunt for food.

· The skulls of snakes are made up of many small bones that are interconnected in a flexible fashion. This is entirely different from a human skull, which is one solid piece. This allows snakes to expand their jaws and heads in order to eat prey items larger than their heads.

· Many people think that reptiles are slimy. But the fact is that reptiles do not have sweat glands like you and I have, so their skin is usually cool and dry.

· The scales of all snakes (and many lizard species) are made of keratin, which is the same substance that makes up the hair and fingernails of humans.

· Snakes shed their skin in relation to their growth rate. A young snake will shed more often because they typically grow fastest during the first two years of their lives. An older snake will shed less often as its rate of growth slows down.

· Most snake species lay eggs. But about one-fifth of all snakes bear live young instead.

· 'Our' Common Delma legless lizard lays eggs - two per clutch.

Should you need advice or help with injured or distressed wildlife (reptile or otherwise!) please ring our Branch Rescue Number – 4822 3888. Our volunteers will be only too happy to assist.

Changes to Waste Management Centre Opening Hours Changes to Waste Management Centre opening hours. From Monday 2 May 2016 Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s Waste Centres will operate different hours. Goulburn Waste Management Centre open 7 days per week from 8am to 4pm. Marulan Waste Management Centre to be open from 8am to 4pm on Saturday and Sunday, plus 8am to 12noon on Friday and Monday. Tarago Waste Management Centre to be open from 8am to 4pm on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. All Waste Management Centres will be closed on public holidays and from 12 noon on

Christmas Eve. Marulan and Tarago Waste Management Centres will also be closed from 12noon to 12.30pm on opening days to enable the operator a dedicated lunch break.

Windellama News– August 2016 Page 27

MICK’S MULTI TRADES ABN: 90 178 544 738 Multi Skilled Tradesman Windellama NSW Lic # MVTC 126573 Mob: 0413 059 587 Email: [email protected]

Proudly supporting the Windellama community is Mick A multi skilled tradesman and diesel mechanic by trade We renovate bathrooms, tiling and floating floors. We can also build your shed and help you design and convert your shed into a home, installing your water tanks and fencing. I have always looked after the locals, and turn a hand to any job. So shoot me an email or phone anytime, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at our down to earth rates.

Page 28 Windellama News - August 2016

Windellama Historical Society Inc.

Hello Everyone,

Our next BBQ will be the 27th August, So come along to say hello and enjoy a sausage sizzle to support your local museum.

A special thanks to our volunteers for your ongoing commitment with the BBQ fund raisers.

We have a few excursions in mind, we will get winter out of the road before we enjoy our next excursion.

Windellama History is preserved in our wonderful museum, with lots to look at and lots to talk about, so come and visit on the next market day.

We have a selection of history books by local authors for sale as well as the ever popular “Wild Windellama” by Carina Clarke.

The museum is open on Market Days - every third Sunday of each month, from 9am till 1pm and by arrangement.

The Next Meeting will be on Saturday 6th August 2016 10am NEW MEMBERS and GUESTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME For any enquiries please contact: Rex Hockey: 48 445147 Marcia Tatam: 48 216421 Julian Woods: 48 44 5270

Windellama News– August 2016 Page 29

NERRIGA HALL NERRIGA PROGRESS & SPORTING ASSOCIATION, Inc. fees for Hire of Hall and Supper Room Notice of 2016 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Hall to be held at 2PM SATURDAY AUGUST Full Day $220 13, 2015 at Half Day $110 Nerriga Hall Supper Room $66 6088 Nerriga Road Kitchen $110 Nerriga NSW 2622 All fees inclusive of GST Security/Cleaning Fee $100 All are welcome Refundable on Inspection

To book please contact Enquiries: Helen Rolland, Pres. Helen Rolland 02 4845 9115 Tel: 02 4845 9115 [email protected]

Advertise here!

Only $25 for a half page All advertising enquiries to Christine Woodcock 4844 7275

Page 30 Windellama News - August 2016

Nerriga Gardeners

On a miserable Scottish morning we met at Corang Cottage to exchange seeds and discuss gardening. Di is having problems with something eating her geraniums after she cut them back and milk sprayed them for going mouldy. Leaves just go missing overnight and none of the usual culprits snails, slugs or caterpillars seem to be involved. Does anyone have any ideas? Here I had one daffodil that nearly made it in time for today but the snowdrops have started to bloom and there are more on the way. Also one herbaceous peony is poking its first leaves up so I have rapidly added some topsoil as frost is due again at the end of the week. Denise provided an enormous range of seeds she has collected which got distributed and she is going to toss the rest into the ground and see what happens. Denise has daffodils in flower in her bathtubs and the wattles are beginning to open and my Acacia vestita is flowering on the lower branches with the promise of a lot more if the frost is not too severe this weekend. While we hate these miserable days the soil is lapping up this drizzly rain and it should be a good beginning to the growing season this year. It is almost time to start vegetable seeds off in propagators or in my case seed trays stuck on tables near windows.

Next month we hope to go to Meroogal House in Nowra if I can manage to book a tour on 17th August. We will meet at the Nerriga Hall at 9am for the trip down. All are welcome but for this one I need numbers so please contact me on 0248459021 or better on [email protected]. Happy Gardening

Windellama News– August 2016 Page 31


Catholic Church Services

Parish Priest: Fr. Dermot McDermott Assistant: Fr. Assin Deacon: Chris Van Gessel

Presbytery & Parish Office

Phone 4821 1022 ******** Sunday Mass will be at 8am on the 2nd & 4th Sunday at St. Patrick's Marulan. CHURCH SERVICES

Mass Times in Goulburn are: St Bartholomew’s Windellama Saturday Vigil Mass: All Services now at St. Barts 6pm (DST) at St. Peter & St. Paul's Sunday: 7am. at Our Lady of Fatima, 14th August Nth. Goulburn Sunday: 10am. at St. Peter & St. Paul's 28th August

St. Joseph’s Church, Tarago Services now start at 10.30 am Enquiries: 4821 1022 Reverend Peter Bertram

Fees for Hire of Hall or Supper Room St. Andrews (Anglican) - Tarago at Windellama Hall 2nd Sunday 9am St. John’s - Lake Bathurst *HALL ALL DAY $200 4th Sunday 9am DAY 4hrs or less $100 EVENING/NIGHT** $200

*Includes Supper Room & Kitchen ** $2 per hour for heating NERRIGA

SUPPER ROOM (Includes Kitchen) ANGLICAN CHURCH SERVICES ALL DAY $80 Held at Nerriga Church DAY 4hrs or less $40 2nd Sunday each month at 2pm EVENING/ NIGHT $100 (Except Easter & Christmas) # Use of the premises prior to your booked All Welcome function will incur a surcharge of Supper Room Fee To Book please ring W. P. A. Secretary, Christine Woodcock on 4844 7275

Page 32 Windellama News - August 2016

Classified Advertisements All personal classifieds are FREE & also included in the Tarago Times We run your advert until you let us know when you have sold it or gained it

GENERAL FOR SALE From $250 each Phone Jacki 0428 298 157 Sony Bravia HD 42” TV $180 ono Ph Quarrions (cockatiels) - $8 each

48445156 Ph 4845 9147 after 6pm Teak entertainment unit, with two glass door Horse part Arabian, 3 yrs old, regd, 14.2 hh, display. 6x4 foot. $75.00 ONO. chestnut mare. $3,000 Ph 0429 461 490 Double bunks, Metal, with ladder, new Alpaca Wethers Variety of Colours, ages 12 innerspring mattresses. $125 ONO months – 3 years.Halter Trained Wethered, Two wooden bed side tables with cane Needled & Shorn. $400.00 each. Phone 4844 draws.$50 for two. Ph. 4849 4480 7267. Faye & Keith. Quialigo. 1 x King Single bed $200;1 x Single bed 15 milking goats. A mixture of male and $150;1 x Single bed $100;Dressing table/ female. Friendly and well behaved. Price chest of drawers (8) $150; 1 x Glass TV negotiable depending on number purchased. table $150; 1 x Glass coffee table $50 Ph Ring Julia 42761489.

0411 421 416 One six month old pig for sale - approx. cost Lounges - 1x3, 1x2 + ottoman - yellow fabric, $150. Please call Julia on 4276 1489

Matching chair in navy blue. All GC. Offers over $500 considered. 4849 4222 AGISTMENT Desk - large timber , 2xdraws/storage under. Horse Agistment available at 41 Burrabinga Leather inlay + matching 2drawers file cab. Road Tarago. Please phone 0429 461 490 for Ergo office chair. All VGC. $400 ONO 4849 enquires

4222 CARS, BIKES, TRAILERS, etc. FOR SALE Firewood. $150 per load. Ph 4849 4520 for Camper Trailer Queen sized bed with large delivery room. Plenty storage room. Comes with zipon Firewood. 2 tonne truck load $430, ½ truck canopy/shelter. Easy to erect/store/transport. load $250. Ph 0401 241 646 $3500 ono Ph 62301774 or 0417749064 Firewood - Split, seasoned. Ute load - Toyota Hilux 1998 tray with sides 2.7 petrol approx. one tonne. Local delivery - $150 per Good Tyres. Goes Well. Un/Reg. load. Ring Greg - 4844 5157. $800. 48445500 2nd hand container for sale. $3000 not/neg. In Goulburn area. Buyer responsible for all RURAL RELATED FOR SALE transport costs.0435798941 Lucerne Hay Prime soft green small bales $15 8 x 3 x 3 bakes of lucerne or beardless

ANIMAL RELATED FOR SALE wheaten available phone 0428493194 Parrot Cage on stand, good cond. $150 Berends 10 disc cultivator 3 point linkage ONO. Ph 0429 006 745 $500 Daken rondini spreader SPT 500 3 Saddles, good condition, $350 & $200. point linkage $600 Phone 48445369 ONO. Riding helmets $30 and $20. Also other Stanbury Electrical 75 amp battery charger - gear: bridles, leather straps, etc. Ph 0434 new condition, used twice only for Solar 286311. batteries - $1200. Pho 48459147 after 6P.M. Miniature Shetland Gig well balanced, Gallagher Lightning Diverter for electric hardly used, some harness, pneumatic tyres, fence energiser protection. New & unused - lightweight $730 ono Ph 62301774 or $30 plus Electranet moveable electric mesh 0417749064 fencing ‘Masternet’ 1.2 x 50m open mesh roll ANIMALS FOR SALE & inbuilt semi-rigid fence posts with stepped double pin spikes - $200 each. 2 available. Piglets - different ages so different prices. Ph Fence Energiser –Solar Thunderbird S65B Bob McDonald 0429 494 331 with battery– up to 7.5 km. Panel, energiser & Alpacas - lots of different colours & ages. battery, wall charger $300 Ph: 4844 5843

Windellama News– August 2016 Page 33

Classified Advertisements cont

WANTED Knitting wool for volunteer knitters for charity. Any leftover wool, any ply, gratefully accepted. Ph

Denise 4844 5087 Instantaneous LPG Gas Hot Water system 16- 20 litres per minute flow rate, working or not. Ph Gary or Sharon on 4844 5980 Licenced/responsible shooter(s) to cull vermin on 2 x 100 acre properties - I have the permits & ear tage. Pls phone after 6P.M. 48459147.

SERVICES Belinda's pet minding Why stress your pets out by putting them in Kennels or boarding and saving on having to get them vaccinated to put them in boarding. I will come to you . Leaving your animals in their own homes. I have Vet Nurse experience of 10yrs . I have a miniature pony stud and also breed and show guinea pigs. I will feed Horses , Dogs, Cats, Goats, Sheep, Chickens Ducks,. Medicate animals daily if needed .

Rainfall Stats Our Advertising Charges

Classifieds - Personal FREE 15 June to 15 July (maximum 2 lines) Month Year 11 issues) Rosewood, Windellama Road, Windellama Small advertisement $ 6.50 $ 65.00 (business card size) 63 / 8 days Quarter page advertisement $12.00 $120.00 Gar-Den, Oallen Ford Rd, Oallen Half page advertisement $25.00 $250.00

66 ml / 11 days Full page advertisement $50.00 $500.00 Double page discount $90.00 Johnno’s Store, Oallen Ford Rd, Bungonia 104 ml / 7 days Inserts - $40.00 for 400 inserts into hard Tarkierelea, Fernleigh Close, Windellama copies ml / days Typesetting of adverts: $50 The W’s, Readers Road, Quialigo PAYMENT: 66.5ml/ days Cheques: payable to Windellama News Corang Cottage, Braidwood Road Nerriga PO Box 705, Goulburn. 2580 66.5ml / 13 days Direct Deposit or EFT: IMB Ltd; BSB 641.800; Tarago Village A/c 200045794 with Name & advert as detail ml / days * Unpaid adverts will be cancelled after one Nerrimunga Creek Rd, Windellama month * All advertising copy must be ml/ days accompanied with payment Willy Weather All advertising enquiries to ml / days Christine Woodcock

Page 34 Windellama News - August 2016

COMMUNITY INFORMATION Windellama Progress Association FOR ALL EMERGENCIES Gary Lourigan (President) 4844 5545 Christine Woodcock (Secretary) 4844 7275 eg. FIRES / ACCIDENTS

Windellama Rural Fire Brigade PHONE 000 Rex Hockey (Captain) 4844 5147 For Mobile users & Landlines Jim Meehan (President) 4844 5330 Ellen Sylvester (Secretary) 4844 5407

Windellama Field Day Committee Co-ordinator Grahame Woodcock 4844 7275 Secretary Leanne Lourigan 4844 5545

Windellama News Christine Woodcock (Secretary) 4844 7275 Important Phone Numbers

Lyn Jones (Editor) 4844 5843 Gayle Stanton (Editor) 4844 5156 Rural Fire Brigades

Windellama Garden Cub Inc. Windellama Rex Hockey 4844 5147 Harry Simm (Secretary) 4844 7061 Tarago Ken Vassel 4849 4652 Sharon King (Treasurer) 4844 5980 Taylors Creek Dave Elward 4849 4240 Kevin Muffet (President) 48447143 Mt Fairy/Boro Brett Daniel 0429964079

Windellama Hall Country Markets Bungonia Craig White 0407 718607 Grahame Woodcock 4844 7275 Tony Kent 0437298200

Lloyd Turner 4844 5214 Nerriga John Rolfe 4845 9160 Windellama Historical Society Rex Hockey (President) 4844 5147 Bushfire Information 1800 NSW RFS Julian Woods (Secretary) 4844 5270 or 1800 679 737

Windellama Landcare or Kevin Stewart (President) 0439471714 WINDELLAMA PH: 4844 5359 or Jade Kinder (Secretary) 0449713585 CHANNEL 21/209 Base

Windellama CFR AMBULANCE 000 Kevin Muffet 4844 7143 Ambulance Booking 13 12 33 Windellama School P&C Goulburn Ambo Station 4827 0444

Shelly Andrews (President) 4844 5630 Windellama SES 132 500

Willow Glen Gardeners Kevin Muffet 4844 7143 Warren Yates 4844 5350 Poison Info. Service 13 11 26 Goulburn Base Hospital 4827 3111

Wires (wildlife rescue) Police Southern Tablelands WIRES 4822 3888 Tarago Station - Justice of the Peace Snr. Constable Gary Handshaker 4849 4411 Linda Shannon 0490041167 Goulburn 4824 0799

Geoff Burns 4849 4330 Other

Nerriga PSA Goulburn Railway Station 4828 5816 Helen Rolland (President) 4845 9115 Train info & bookings 13 22 32 Country Energy - interruptions 13 20 80 Lifeline 13 11 14 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800

Windellama News– August 2016 Page 35

August 2016

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Progress Meeting

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SES Craft Can Assist Meeting Afternoon St Bart’s Cake Service Auction

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Craft Afternoon

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SES Craft RFS Meeting Afternoon St Bart’s Meeting & Service Training

29 30 31 Craft Afternoon

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