LUKE DELIVERS THE GOOpS, NEW GAME WARDEN. Kefjiitor Want AdvertiiemenU Prore Gsmtt Tliomo of Holmdel Began H!» Dntloo Sntordny. Little Wonder Workori. THAT SUM WILL BE NEEDED FOR E. t. Bonnott of Fair Haven lost Garrett, Thorrie of Holmdel, who •j chauffeur's, mitton' lust week. Ho ^ ADDlTIONALjJCHpOL ROOM. was recontly appointed game warden placed a want advertisement in Tho for Monmouth county, began his Rogistor which secured his mitton for Pflpjjlo Will Voto on Appropriation at duties on Saturday. lie succeeds him. The mitton . was found by SchiJoI Election in March—A Num- E. C, Burtis of Asbury Park. The Jorcomo Herosz, chauffeur for Abram ber of Site* Propptsd but Nona So- position pays $000 a year nnd ex- I. Elkus. Icctcd Yot. '!•';.. . , penses.. Sir. Thome wan ono of 33 •Mill/is; Being Built, ®9ew Elachlnary Will b® Sn« Through a want advertisement in. _The, Red Bank Board of education," applicants far the job. He and two The Register, Allen H. Smith: of Me- at a special meeting Friday night, other Dien tied for first place in the chanic street sold fifty White Leg- took up.tho question of providing ad- competitive examination, and. Mr. --'stalled andL th6 Storage Effooni Will tte Enlarged horn hons. i, ditional room, to relieve the present Thorrie was given the preference be- Joseph Raymond ~".pf Mechnnic overcrowded condition, of the schools. cause of the experience which he had ~A Brlcli(Building Will be Constructed on theBtreot recently advertised ih.The Reg- It was tho opinion of tho trustees had as a deputy game warden. He is that about $85:00.0. would be needed. a son of tho late Theodoro Thome ister that he had o-table for said. Mr. A number of eitC3.were suggested and End off SheLumbar Yard.: Raymond received several" replies and filked over, but no definite nctipn was of Holmdel, who at one time was hnd.no trouble in selling thortablo. •'. taken in regard toselectin g the loca- prominent in" county polities. Forren Fv BlAlsdialt iabuilding', a made into lumber.' Tina mill has been' tion for the proposed additional now mill, at hla lumber yard-at-Red •'n continuous operation nil winter, a Bchool facilities. . Thd school board Bnnk. -His' propertyextends "from biff' lot of work having been done for members said that they intended to Bridge avenue-eastward to.tho: trpqlcs farmers,in this part of the county. have the location decided on in time ol. the .Central i railroad company. Most of the country sawmills have to submit the matter to tho voters at Bjirrbwes avenue crosses the • land, tone out of existence and Mr.'-Blais- SECURITY LEAGUE SPEAKERS anil the new mill is; being built a loll gets a big part of tho.work wfiieh MINSTREL TROUPE OF' SIXTY the annual school ^election in March. short' distanco" \vest of tins' street ;hey used to perform. Besides those, ."YdUNCi'MEN FORMED. A number pf letters'were received ADVOCATE ARMY. TRAINING. The building ia well; under .way, and jobs for farmers, Mr. Blaisdell has —--«--.',' -i from Hooch street school children ask- l v anou Tko League Was Formed ot tho Town .svill'becompleted in about two weeks. boon doing a big lot of work for own- Showi Will be " - * ing that that school be 'enlarged. The 3r» of- country estates; Large tracts Placet and the • Hall Last Thur.doy Night—New II; will bo 40x60 feet; and will'be en- Will be nt Lab . letters spoke of the overcrowded con- Yo^k Spanker 5aya Germnn Metl) closed with galvanized steel. It will if woodland were cleared on tho os- ' dition of the school. I J PKOTO DV ANDnCW R. COLCMAN, aha constructed In such a way that 'atea of J. Amory Hnskell of Middlc- lahan tho Manager of tho Troupe. .,There is congestion in" all the od« Should bo Adopted Here. ftmothor story can readily bo added. :own township and Robert McCarter An- amateur minstrel troupo of schools except the Oakland street A meeting to forni a security WATCH JREE? BANK GROW! I and on account of Mr. Blnlsdell'a in- if Kumaon last fall, and Mr, Glaio- about sixty Red Bank.young men has BCh00l. The great increase in pupils league to work for n better-state of Edward SofFel's new house on Spr'.ng street is shown in tho above pic- ScreuRing business a second story will lell's mill hns been sawing troes into been organized' by Lewis Callahnn entirely unlooked for,. military preparedness along the coast this year wa3 wn3 held at ha Ked ture. The house is being built in a pieco of woodland which was once bo'built iii'the spring,'which ia always building matorinl. Five men are em- and: the. first performance will . be nnij Jt wp3 not uritUihe school? re/f held a t$ the Red Ban Bank ktow town hall the biggest, season, of tho year-for ployed. In the spring- Mr.- Blaisdell given at- Lakowood within a- short opened after thesummer1vacationiPlu™llay night. ThitfThirty-fivi e 'known as Throckmdf ton's" woods. It will coat about$8,5bdi and Mr. were Soffel, who now lives on Leighton avenue, will move in it within a short building operations. ixpects to put up a brick building arid time. Mr. Callahan, who' has a ros- thnt tj,,, trusteos realized thnt more , Present," and as this was a much I The mill n"ow. being used will do 'ifllco on the Bridge avenue end of his tnurnnt Oil Monmouth street, last hool room was imperative. When smaller attendance than had been.an- time. Tho carpentering was done by Clarence Kyte. of West Long property. During the past three BC : soryicc us a store houiof .This build- „„„„„ Ulo !•„„. v..i== yyoa r organized.ij a trouppe of fifteen Poup,,lu iE JJ. #Eadcliflf Radcliflfoo tootookk " charchargg e of tho t cipatep d it was decided to form - Branch. Stiles & Son were the masons and the electrical work was dohe_ ing is two stories high, and the sec- Months he-hth»us provided lumber,-nails poraons which-EUVO minstrel shows at schools as superintendent in the fall |temporary.organization only and to md building paper.__ by George Hogdn. • . ond floor hns been used for storing nB paper fo:r nine, new Rod Bank, Lone Branch nnd Belford. tho8chools wer0 bciow U]o defer permanent organization till a lumber.. Mr. Blaisdcll'BbusineaahnF- -•buses. at-Rod-Binb k ond vicinity. bo i y ' * • •-•'-' - ThqshowsKiveTh, q- rshows.a , VgiveJn n ...-louJ?i'-"t -yoar^worT?oo -f of- tllOtliOics -rcstt ooff ththee statstatee anasdd belo belowtliw thee mootint g hhwill-be-held llbhld ' at^thtthe a so greatly that this story is lidea material which ho has sold for tow largely attonded and they made big standar(j fi^^xoa by th_o „„„„ stat„e „„„boar„d „o„f " on Thursday night,of next inadequate for holding the lumbo- repair jabs. hits in tho towns where they wcro di u uA tw t hi% il ti week .WILL FARM TWO PLACES. Mr. Blaisdell'a lumhor yard nnd hits in the towns where" they w.cro ed*u' "ati6n"""At"thc"specrai "meeting week. George McC. Taylor was made carried in stock, and it was partly on produced. i Fridacy night Mr. Radcliffe slated that chairman, of tho temporary organizs- Jamei Hickey uiiness in Tennessee, where his Fred nnd Jame3 Jones, Harold Gib- fught in the nfternoon from twelve school curriculum. He said that such on the John ,JC. Schonck farm at R-m-nessin Farm- at Holmdel,—has father, the late Frank L. Blaisdoll, lin, Mr. Callahnn, Edward Farrell, till four o'cIocK. a training, outside of preparinp; and he will Most of tho lumber Bold by Mr jwne'd large tracts of woodland. Part Harry Boskoy, Eugene Magoe and Holmdel. The Hiekey homestead Blaisddl is bought ready for sali > ypudis to serve- in tho army, would property waa bought a short time, ago hold a sale of the personal property from lumber' factories, but there it >f theae holdings are now. owned by Leroy Chamberlain. A dancing skit be of yalne to them in times' of peace. on the farm on February 4th. Mr. ROYAL ;ARCANdM DOINGS. by Mr. Hickey's sister, Mibs Mary McCampbell has always beon a lib- :orisidcrable amount of sash work an Vren Blaisileir and ho looks after wll'bo givonrby;HarryGiblin, Frank . He naid' that a .militar y. education was Hickey. • _ .'_ apoeial jobs done ijt the mill; In ad ho management of this property in-Monahan' and John Lnyin. Harry Imtallation of Officm Held Lu»t. in a measurmeasuree aa businesbusiness educationeducation,, eral purchaser of the moat improved dition to thia mill. Mr. Blaisdoll,"haf ddition to conducting his mill busi-'.01i'>mberlain will be the pianist. Thuriday flight. I fo&it would train youths~to be olert machinery - and it is said, that Rnm- In tho chorus are Robert Bennett, self reliant in managing their encBsin Farm has the best ioutflt of mi outside sawmill where trees are nesa.. The new officers of the Royal Ar- I Arthur McQueen: Charles Giblin, canum lodge of Red Bank were-in- work animals of any farm in the Samuel Dixon, stalled last Thursday night. The in- , He said that the study county. • TRAIN HITS WAGON. thew Connors', Frederick Holmes, 8t3l{atioTwaB'lin"cb8rge''-oT"Ctarie3 f.f ewics-should be given more atterf- TWO MEN HURT WHEN HORSE Mr. McCampbell eaya he will not 8tallation waB- in charge 'oT"Charles tlon in Clarenco Jones. Floyd Imley. John T rfnnx of Pa-waic -Remarks ware the schools and he praised the FELL ON FRONT STREET., quit farming, but is only going to Litt„l Damag -e oDan e. in .Acciden» t at .Dickinson, Leo McKee. Clifford John- ^KR w WutoqM KS ' B°y S™* movemciit. -He thought1 pass the work of seeding and culti- L that vating and harvesting over to three ORDINANCE FOR WEST RED . Kean.burg Saturday Morning. |son, Harry Harold, Samuel Green- AlfredI Botticher and-HarryL;Mar- ° military, education could bo Richard Name's Left Shoulder Phlo- .Joseph Burkott of Koonsburg Is nlant, Richnrd . Dickernoh, Goorge ointed reft-uijentatives to •"«flu5rod-at tho PCh0013 without ob- ; cuted—William Carney's Scalp better farmers. Tho big farm has BANK SEWERS. tm were aPD . Cut—The Home, Which Belonged been divided into three smaller farms 4 and these havo been loosed-to James imng on tho Propo.ed Improve- result or n collision Dotwpon ft tram Die, uaymonu tsweenoy,. "egmnrn licit^ committee was i^hbsen consist-- "S.'-I ' dove-fiil. with the physical to J. A. Hatltcll, vras Slightly Hurt. ,,>enl'»t Next Council Meetinq^ ?lld >«» wagon wily Saturday morn- VanBrunt, Aloysms Pntterson, Wai- • y Walter L. . lpivis, ...Clarence trainme which the pupils now re- VanBrant, John Mnhor and James n Tll h o{ Richard Nagle, who is employed on Bennott's son, the latter of whom is Bakery Firm Told That It -.Mutt- K- ° Wrgon m .winch ho wai! rid-to r Thompson, Frank Moiiahin, ^e ck imt, Jo3epll Pl^: -r'A rocking ceive, but he s-iid thnt "if it was _J,. nl Amorm y„.„,„„„. HaskeH's_Oa„ k Hill farm in Not Block Sidewalk, with Autoi. in.? "na ovorturncd, but tho only dam- Hurry Glbln. Goorge Bublm. Arthur . . necessary to s-crlilce other studies in iddletown township, Ruffered a dis- lewing tho pl«>ce on which he was chnir wn8 given to Fnink A More or r to M raised in Nut Swamp. Mr. McComp- ngo done wns a bununt roni-axleroni- axle.. . . |I JonesJones,,' FredFred_ tFrancis runcls, Harry Penning- hohou30u > who waa re.ee!eciecteted 'regentregent,. , 4? ,. teach mihtary duties no located left'shoulder and other in- •Tho ordinance praviding_for _Bew- ! mem- ' hesitation should take place in mak-|j . ii runaway boll will have a general oversight of «d tnkeii his brother- on, John McNe-I. Uoy Ke-rnov. Oe- Moo 6ordon Was initiated as a memtin-- .. .. • .~ m jeg in n ell0rt bul ve]y H in B 0 1 0 11 11 (jjg ing tho oaennco. all tho farms and by putting these fiiisseil M*S* A*8 _.&5 SL"'^ Hf'i i . !.".^^ "-. !"^', terof Uu, lodge. A i-chenraal for thi on Broad street Friday morning. Mr. three., experienceij . farmers on tho was succeeded by* Dr. Nngle drovo to Red Bank to do some piece, each of "whom will-btt inter- the New York univer- shopping and left the horse in front ested in raising thrf biggest crops pos- elaborated on the subiect of Clayton's meat market. The nni-siblo. the farm is expected to produce ';miiiing at the public mal becime friRhtened and bolted. a greater profit thin in the past A icxt cpuneil . mootiiig ..T—^ - — . , illegcs and told what he A weight was attachedrto tho bridle, groat deal of work and rionoy haa ight, .Febvuni'y. 7tli. . '. .. JOHN GRANT'S VENDUE. lections on aliiaho were given by Pro- thought Bhoiild be done to nipke the but this did not impede the horses been spent during the past six yeara Jlayoi-. Gboj-go Mr Snndt roportod fensor Hurold K. Allotrom of Red Atlantic aoabo'rd snfo from n foroiirn flight mnch. Mr. Noglo was. coming on improvements and the furiii is satd lint he lind ordered 1,01)1) .tptia.of coat Bin Crowd niwl Good Pricos at Auc- Bank.Bk . An addresdds wns givei n by JoJ- forcef . Ho vm a In GermanGanyy natt ththo outt- out o ff a stort e jusjt tn s the horshosp began to have nioro miles of underground 1 tion on Holmdel Fnfm. soph Lang of Long Branch. TIIOBO bro"k of tho present war and ho do- to run, and ho undertook to jump in I'm the water works at a coat of drains thin any other farm_ln_Mon- iiM n tun. ' • " John Grant, who has farmed the present from the Ked Bank lodge scribed tho measures taken by tho tlie wagon. Ills jump did not carry were Walter Dnvis, George Conk, German government for military pre- him hiehigh enough and he landed on mouth county. A new horse barn is ISiclH fox- cleaning, tlio; sewage dls- Ely place at Holmdel the past fow •-— •• -——, - — H- 1 in course of erection'on tho plnco n.snl plnttt will bo opened at the next TESTIMONIAL FOR TWO OFFI- years, had n veriduc of crops, live George Swick, Alvin H. Hartnor, Jo- paredness ' ". ' tho whifflctree and got wedged be- tween that part of the'wagon and theand timber for hay barracks to holdi ,)UiK-l| meeting. .",.• . '• . . CERS WHO RESIGNED. stock and farm machinery on Tucs-Boph J. Dunn, Maurice Schwartz, I ,,,______„_ 1 lfiOtoni ia boinp cut by a sawmill It mis'voteU to send a reprcfjontn- _ „,.(_. „ ,. „ „ _ day of luat week. He will retire in Leon Reuckhaus, Thomas Mcknight, j AUTO DESTROYED BY FIRE, wagon bUdy . lie remained in this and the barracks will bo erected enrly tn an ineetniineetmKg whic\dijch willl .bboo hold CvS \™"> G!v«" t0 R-v-R- a- S'0*"1 tho spring and Howurd Wugnor, who Martin V. B. Smock, liVanjt Fonton, position while tho horao -oped down in the spring. ...._ ':_ _ —- • • " '"" ' • ' and John J. Many, Former Cnplain iV'no'w'onYohn L'.'Ely's" f'araTbetwoen William Stawnrt, Clarence Beck, Har- Seven.Pn,.on er Car Ov^ned by New the street. The horse turned into Truiitoii Oil Friday of nbxt'weok, y, p — - . - - -_ -. * ... * * •.* ... , . TI ::.:. HT_,L -»r_-— i Yorkegr a I otal Liocs. Front Btreot nnd collided with an au- For doing chores rround the house j t wlijcjhc tinifltnitt the..question-ofth.qs - the and Second Lieutenant of tho Oi'- Holmdel and Marlbo'ro, will move on old K. Allstrom, Harry Wattsj Max I Mr. McCampbell will keep the two uinugementt'' of.Tiewagefdi. disposal l ilwilll the propprty. which Mr. .Grant will va- Levinsky, Alexander McCoach and j A seven-pasaenger automobile tomobile which waa standing in front ganizntion. owned by Peter To->le of New York of Georgo Wolfe's store and which Percheron colts which were raised on o considered The ciivuiry troop andveterans' cate. Fred Dietz.. the placo and he will also kr.ep his old A letter was received from, the sociation of the troop gave a recepr | Tho sale was very largoly attended c-ncht fire on the Nutawnmp roid. in was owned by the 0 X O bread com- bay mare, but every other work i talitee utility commissio__ n and was tion and smoker nt th, o armor. ._y Fri-. 1 and nearly. ev'jrything sold at top NEIGHBORS AT ODDS. Midillctown township. last Wednesday pnny of Long Branch, animal will be sold. - His animals in- lied. H stated thnt-at Trenton on day night as a testimonial for R. V. notch prices'. James Hickey of Bver- night . pnd wus totally destroyed, i The rear light of the automobile clude eleven mules which are thor- riuiiriilay of next week the comriiis- R. H, Stout and John J. Many, who |;ett bought a team of horaes.for $510 lorburgers Go to Law About Jesse' Murfitt. who lives ne-r where was broken and Mr. Naglo and theoughly seasoned and in good condi- lion would begin the taking of testi- 'resigned recently as captain and sec- and tV.illinm A. Magoo of tfto snmo Leaao. thefire occurred, called up Red Bank horse were thrown to the ground. tion. . - • . . •• A suit brought bv MichapFRvan of police hondou'irters on" the telephone So was William Carney, a colored huiiy'asto tho vnluo of the proporty ond lieutenant of the troop. Sevonty- plnce bought a single horse^for $130. y 1 In e->ch leaso Mr. McCampbell pro- iviied by the Public Service electric five persons were present. Tho troop Other horses were bought by Vernon V«nderburg"gains t James Johnston '"«« told Police Sergeant Harry v,n>1han, who undertook to stop the horse vides that not only no hunting or ^p) Tho -commission, will use and the veterans'-association gjve a | Gruntof Holmdel and Michael Griffin of thei sainS-D ace"was tried Saturday Note of the accident. Mr. VanNote when the animal struck, the automo- momingXfi™> JUSM EdSSrf W* ™°™* Indenendent fire company, bile. A number of •n6ned the shooting shnll be done on tho farms, :he iiiTorniution as a guido in fixing pair of cuff links to each of the men of Bradevelt.. Louis Schwartz of Red and five but thnt birds nnd other game aro to utos for electric light chnrgCB. for whom the reception was given. Bank bought an automobile for $206. Wine of Red Bank Mr Rvan claimed members of that company prostrate horse before, it could re- be protected; nlso th^t only one neu- William H. Norman complnincd ' The presentation speech wus made Corn sold n£ ?1.24 a bushel and hay thatMr .Johnston hidleased an ™rc ^nt to the fno in James Hubbard's gnin its footing and continue its tered collie dog mny bo kept ond that . (•hut tin" bakery firm of Child Bros, by Fred W. Hope, n member of tho sold nt $28.50 a ton. Chickens fetched frcduuntly blocked the sidcw'alka on veterans' association- and a former 21 to 23 cents u pound nlivo and tur- Scntt LongsiV Tony to Dr. Edwin Field's office, whore his rtill Bti'eet, neat' the film's, plnnt, lieutenant of the troop. Ho spoko in keys brought 35 cents a pound. and liud fnUed i "otheother respc t oo ^.1^ Scntt LongsiVeet ami Tony to Dr. , or three Mr. ivlth automobile delivery trucks. Mr. high terms of the work of Mr. Stout kVhtfthlkceVheagreemeatforthcleasD.MrM , Webber. TheTh y didd vnltanl t work, but dislocatediltdd shouldehlde r was put back m Ryan oued for damages of $14.60. tho firewa s under RUCII grent hendway its plrce and his other injuries were hns encournged quuil to make their • riiinnn also said that tho company and Mr. Miny ns officials of the troop, BAD TIMES COMING FOR CATS. home on the place nnd many quail tunned doui?h nnd, other nifu^o in tho and he said that every man in.tho or- Mr. Johnston churned that he had . that it was impossible to save the car.! aUendedto. Mr. Carney was cut on were hatched out. These qunil were IliceU Clerk Albert C. Harrison ganization regretted that they were never made the lease, that it was the scalp and bruised, but his in- New Law Liablo to Put a Lot of Thorn juries were not serious. One of the very t"me nnd they were totally fear- instructed to notify the company no longor to be nssocinted with tho .Out of Business. I made by his nephew, William Gilmar- LADY ELKS CLEAR $50. less of men. Last full some gunners lluit it must not block the imlewnlks. shafts, of the wagon,was broken. • former ctptfiin and eecond.lieiitennnt. Cuts will have to bo registered as. .,.,.t'n. Tho.lattc, r st-.ite, ,d, tha, i Mr. Rya, j. n. got on the pl^ce nn>1 kil'flil n l"rcro lo tho other complaint, Mr. Nor- Joseph Swannell, ncting cuptnin of 1lad not IlvetI U to the lease an hiul Auxiliary of The Elks' Lodge Held a number of thorn. Mr. McCampbell uiir wus told that ho must report tho troop, rnUde a few remarks iind ho wel,,„„,.l „n Ihic-i rlnrhm nrrordimr to un ordi- P f' Card Party La«t Week. STREET WORK. lmnCB whlch tried in every nosaible way to lonrn lml to the bonrd of healtb.r: . also paid a high tribute to Mr. Stout The ladies' auxiliary of the Ellis' tho identitv of these trunnera in order D. Wikoir'n bond.as-tiinkinir night's council meeting to place cats 1 3 New Sweeper to bo Bought—Con- arid Mr. Many. in thuhe suiusamue cuu-Kurcategort y with-dognuit-uuEithd as nsouf if; ir gJ„., *™, . 1, ;. '°',.i, ", *™e,i ,, ,, ml Mr lodge cleared $00 at a card party tract for Team Awarded. to prosecute them, but ho ws unsuc- ninl commissioner for $15,000, with Brief replies were mnde by tho re- fc a n n cessful.r After the close of tho shoot- . New Amsterdam Ciisu/ilty com- licensing !» concerncd. "The li- ?£^; £W?$ ^-J*? t%" pivon lart-Thurtdny night at the Elks' The. street committee of tho Red cipients of the Sifts. •Mr..Stout and mlmocons e lufeuo lu forr ululu cithex r„ n c ..c>v tu ol r„ n do„g is h m tho s'iddio in exchange for a i-eot. About inir ncpnii-lio found a ca^oy of forty ;is Mii'ety, wns ncccp'tcd. Mr. Mr. Many said th-jtlhoy oft tho troon. , , . „ bicycle and a pair of shoes. Justice council was authorized on Mon- succeeds Albert T. Doremus. ?1 Thi(1 f 8 fo] lifetimo seventy persons were present. Six- duy night to buy a machine for nu-il wh'ch hnd efciped thfi gunners, with regret nnd thnt their nssocintion f-•lconB O fo- r onch.«•.. ,rnimn.| . —Til0 iicen8 V/ioe dismissed the suit on the ground teen tables were used for the card and he hns since been feeding therm 'Ho position pays.no salary. in will bo ,,„„„ ntth e onlcoo fclor k that Mr. Gilmnrlin.nnd not Mr. John- gntnes. A prize of a silver napkin sweeping the paved streets. The cost and caring for them. He snvn that if 'Hurry It. Clayton, .police chief, ^taaSttoT^tK ,, Hi | il ato.tonn wasa thee lesselesseee. MrM.r Jtv,n has will bc about $425. Tho machine, by urnuil in a report showing that 21 A c d ring wi's awarded.at each table. The menus of suction, picks up tho dirt nil fnrmera wou'd follow the aama Thnv sin.1 llmt,f«vpr.il,n troop was win bc registered. Any cat or dog now broasrlit HU-t ngamst Mr. Gil course- nuMl wnulil Roon be PI plenti- hml hccn-imulc since Juniinry ciillcd into .soi-yico ill n war theyy i j Hcensod c-n m!Ultin for *u:50- K^r^ ^"^.^inYl-iSjtT. pulicd ovor the streets, „„,} it ful in Moiirnouth county «* the Kng- rnnnillff Ilt lin[0 nll( not operated by employees ot tlio would renew their mcmhci'ship «3 cav- hu shot by :iny pornon. Tho ordi- wl1 HBII Hpnrrow nnd tho Knirlish starling. A note for $$4',23IM, 7 w;ia ordered ,,irvn«!n. Thoy reaigned their com- nnnca will becomo cffuctivO' nftor THE WEEKLY PAPER CHASE. Willium'Oakcs,ir n i , iMrsi . xLou' s Zobol/,!. MrsM.l townt° -. During the pasp t fewy ycara Thn u=u-'l >: thc irust company H bank missions us offlcom beci-.uso their in- ' mm Oukes, Mm. Lou's/obol. Mrs. , , , f', - concontract t % W February 7th, provided It pussos its Willi ----- F Fi(! ( 0I ms hul tho ,vork nry wh>nh will bo sold ' t tlio snlo 'H jmy bills. • . I croiising business duticB inndo it im- third ronding nt that timo. Tuxen Mrs. Goorgb Hill anil Jolin Coaovef ' h\h-m 0. Cr^btrcc... Mrs. II. J. Rose-1 f ; u sl ^ un(, his v he printed in next week's Issue of The Tlic -Hoi'ciik.s ••rompiiny of Now ' posallile .for them to devote na much FFount! tl volt the wil h V b 1 p3 a C clt, Mrs. Leah Sooley Misses Estelo , b ^ unsintiBTactory to Register. . ,>rk I-- coni..lotcdl watsi-n-ooflntl- ththo jimo'to^iieVti t p militai'v iToVitionB n« tbev ! ,'- " ° r° ' ° i '"!^ °" ''° \^ "" Two prizes were awarded in 'tho G ofllcinla. 3 COnSO fcCM> but X0S r0 Ot Ai-ennawnl. Kcnnoilyt nn, Abd Lydie Bennett.nnn McQueend . FJoh. Bn . AflliI contrac •t for n driver, team, hnr- ««•• lift nt the corner of EB»t Fron1 t ,ml boon ritiw " - " '' '" " " """ weekly paper clr'se held Inst Situr- ml High streets nnd the-work In :: posed on cnta. (ireenawnlt. Following tha card nesii and wngon wns awarded to NEW WEST RED BANK HOUSE. u After the spoech mnkinir song ilny nfternoon. Mr.s. George Hill won itn ]inH utl iiMon and approved by si'o rmiilm'ud by John Lrch 1st. It is fore the council Monday night with Forron Blaisdcll Will Hove a Home of thoiio llsitii! encounters wim be-dny night after n letter from M. Louis found. After tlio pnpor chnse n hare on Wnllnco Street. being bu'lt on a lot which Mr. Wng- FAHM VENDUE WEDNESDAY. twonn Huirhcs and John Brown, quartermaster ncrco-.int of tho nnd hound chase was held. Tho prize ner bought a fihort time ngo from I-nvln, Doth mon nro cluvor spiuroru CIWuli-y troop, Imd boon road, ulutingi for this clitiso wiin won by Mta Gone right to give n Sundny nicturo nliow Forron F. Blaisdell of Spring strcot George Woidonliorn, who moved _.....!...... I ._u_... !._.„.,._ . . t .. ahoot n(. th(j I FroDt_ Thoso wll0 l00k ...... - will build n bouse for his own uao on Conover uf Coll'n Neck Will i rillth e innU'h.iti said to havo boon tho .....-»tbal a. ut u.^v,.. recen» t,., pructlc„ i >, — ..... pnrt in the in tho Kmpiro tlio-'tor for the honent Wost. Thn lower atory of tho houua Selnill Out and Retire. I liveliest and tnoat excitingg that hnhnss nrmor«»»»•.„y th«!•. . ivlnoailny. Tlio fnrm la well ntockod nerving of refreshments anil it gen-explode ' over, Thomna Field, Sr., ThomrtB churcheft to grant n permit for Sun- firnt utory will bo conutructod of con- dny pictureii. crclo nnd tho neconil story will bo on- Jatmw nnd Alfred Itoovpn of Wn- id tlio iinlo will be u Ini'ico ono, ornl social Hmo. Field, Jr.. John Quinn, John Conover, croft, pnrtnora in tlio hog kill na bunl- u-(il) C. HhutUi will bo nuctlft-ncor. ' Bill Pootinft Ordinance. Hiirvoy nioodgoml, Hlchnrd Frank, CIOBOII with nhingloa.' Tho houao will bo cninpletod about April IHL The ncsn. have about wound up. their ewj- .nijvuw J. C. Stokoii of Freehold will THE CET-TOCETHER CLUB. Bill pouting compiinloti doing bUBl- I.OUIH VuiiKulHt, Herbiirl mill Willllim 'New Mend of Temperance Union. 0 iiifido olnvk nnd Sidney Ileoni of Stonobridgc, Loo MeKeo nnd liurton Minn Ursula Kurloof Mnplo uvonuo purclrino of the lot together with tho non'n work. Thoy li'ivo WHO* .481 nc:m nt Ked B>|iik will' Imvo to pay u building of tho IIOUBO will mukq.a hoRB. The lnrfrout porkor which they Nock will bo outsldfl clerk. A Meeting nt Hlflli School February 4th liccntiu of ?20 n yonr, neenrding to nn Chnmborlnln. him boon nindo rresidont of tlio Young v Uiuor will bo on the grounds. Hall Tomorrow Night. ordinnnco which pnnned Ha flnit read- pcoplo'n brunch of thu womon'n tem- total cont of about $4,000. nl"ughtorod won owned by Jonn II. iiini'H Brehnney will fnrm tliu plucu Tho (iot-Togothor club of Rod ing Mondny night. A lino of $fiO or N Comeback pornnco union in plnco of Minn Grnco SHlwngon of Holmdol nntl; wolRhea i'Xl huiinon, ami Mr, Conover.. will Hunk will moot nt tho town hull niv, No mnn voinnn linn ovor nnid to Free Wlm>». 54G poundn. Jnmcti Roovoa hna kmea ton diiya in juil in providod us n pon- Roue, who haw resigned. Miwiea An- A'bottlo of good California port IIIVU to lirnduvolt to nuiko bin lionio .Monmouth «tr«ot oil Thurmlny night iilly for violation of the ordinance, Un—"y'ou will havu to dhdo'thii n over." nnbol Iloiino, Jonnio Dowon and Mnt- lioga for farmora for tho punt thlrtjn Illi IIIH Riin-in-liiw, llolmwi lOly. (if thin wook nt fight o'clock. Tho Tho rCiuion lu: Our cloiining. horry or claret, given nwny* fro« yearn. tio VnnHrunt, Harry Dowcn and 8 im- wltbour dollar n full quurt Cnbinoi object of tho club ia to got nil clnnlies "Tlio Strife Etornnl," pronaing, dyolng nnd ropniring of uel Hombllnir iiro now memborn of tho of cltizonti toKOthcr to co-opornlo for elotlioH in HO tliorouglily dono Hint nil wliislioy ovory Suturduy. J. I. Mon Majedic Tonlnht. "Tl Jnno nunibur of youiiB people nro oxpoctod Phorc. pic.tontcd by tho 'celebrated nctor, Hurolil Lockwooil. niwlntod y horu, proHcntod by thu culobrntod nt tho mootliii; tomorrow night nnd atar, Hlnncho Foniytho, nwiiHtod by it Hod Hunk Steam nnd Dye- Workn, . Steinbnch company are cloiilni! out nnmo now nnd. mtorciitiiur fonturoii of 21 Wont Front ntroot, tolophono thulr cntiro nLock of inon'o und boyii . Stelnbaeh Compnny, tho fnmoua blond beauty, May Alli- nr, Blnncliu Finny tho. ntmbitud by a company of ovor !i,0l)l) plnyvrn. nt Anbury Turk, nro coiiiluctfiiic n nulo son, und i» ntrong company oi ntura, oui|mny of ovor .'1,01)0 pinjroru, nt untcrtiilnmvnt will lie offered. Dnnc- tho Miijciiitlc 15-It;- 05 Shrownbury uvonuo, tolo- cUitblni: prior lu rebuilding thin <1«- liifT will IIIHO bo pnrt of the progrnmi tliontor.—Advurtlno- phono 18-M. Rod Hank, N. J., "whoro pnrtiuiiiit.—/Vdvortlucinoiit, of womon'ii liftornoon nnd evening —Advortluoment. in JMIIJCHIIC tliontor,—Advortit'i'- mont. drt'Mion nt ?9,75 up.—Advortliiomont. nil cum utop."—Advortlnomont. flnltcil flub, dultvornd nt to VVt 1 SiiBRiiitlva I'layt Two Sliowi A Clean Show \ (I Reell hundred pounilo." A. KmAtt, 8B hm- Alwnya Warm . nvvry. nl|{ht nt the Mujoutlc tliontor, iilwayii nt tlio Majontiu thontar. Dent Ponlnr. I'liolo Pl«y« mil iihuwii at llio Mujeiitlu; only lilgli- monn fltrdit, 7-on« -Bmrieh, N. * nil cdirifnrliiblii.iit' the Mpjfiatld.tllfl- clium moral plcturon.—Advurtlno- of now pictured oviiry nlpht at tho 7:(>0 nnd D:00 o'ulock; tl rooln of ntiw of order fmd nourtooitu ovory nlRlit nt tlio Mnjontlc.—Advilr- Mujvntlc thoiitur.—Advortluomoiit, H D7-M,—Advortlaom&rtt. (cr,—-Ailvortlwirfgnt. ','', '" ."'. -*-"•• (i.'i.—Ailvortiiiombnt AilvdrlliHinumt. tlncmcnt. munU 1 On one occasion when Horace Greeley -waa visiting thej>lace a heavy storm came up. Hop brook, which is between the Phalanx and Lincrof t, ONE OF THE ORIGINAL PHAi c

••* ;--•>.. / • /•• •••'•',• > •• THE H£D BANK REGISTER Pane Three*

•s m. We're save ,Q

Some $12 ;$15'ai Some Some Suits and Suits Suits


Some $20 aiicl $22.50 • Some $25 and $27.50 Some* $30 and $35 NOW Suits and" Overcoats Suits and Overcoats Suits and Overcoats

8J3.OQ Suic or Overcoat ©25 IS I 03.SO Suit or Overcoat $2.65 $4.OO Suit or Overcoat $2.35 1 $45OSuit or Overcoat S3.33 $5.OOSuitbir Overcoat.$3.75 | S38.OQ Suit or Overcoat SJ6.S© Suit or Overcoat $4.85 I $7.OO Suit or Overcoat $5.OO $7.5O and S8.00 Suit or Overcoat $S.4O $9.OO and $10.00 Suit of Overcoat $6.9O


„.„ spent a month at Tompa. The TWO INQUESTS HELD. • party will spend the rest of the win- iAKING NEW CITIZENS. Iter visiting places of interest in Coroner Woods Conducts Inquests In ! Florida. Two Deaths at Freehold. PEOPLE'S WATER COMPANY GO- Mrs. Stephen Secloy, Mrs. Jamea NATURALIZATION PAPERS IS- Coroner George ' Woods of Red ING AHEADjyiTH PLANS. D. Sooloy, Mrs. Alidu Wnitt and Mrs. SUED LAST WEEK. Bank conducted'two inquests-at the Lnura Morris are on thoir annual out- court house;at Freehold last Thurs- Utlllllea Commliiion Muat ADproro About Two Dozen Fornign-Born Retl- itumei i.oinmi...on «.u.i "">"»•- ;„„ to New York.. ThThee womewomenn makmakee . dents Become —Citizens -of the day. One waB into the death of Har- Fr.ochUo Before Company C»n do thetr i e yeaJ. Their outinB in. vey Anderson, -who- was killed by nn [|«''»«"-r"ilo H. Wnrdi New i r ' theaters, shopping United Statei—One Man "Stood automobile at Freehold.last week, and Building Started. c udea MfB to Up" for Ireland. : • , Building Started. ^ ,.g anandd genorn genera| l gOgooodd timeotimoa. . tho other was into tho death of Adam Tho Pooplo'o wator compnny, which Because the first und second grades About two dozen residents of Mon- Rubyvich, who was killed at Loril- was-recently granted a franchise by of the public school were over- month county were naturalized at lnrdn lost October. In the Anderson tho Itarltan township committoo, i•Bs, crowded, the board of education has Freehold lost Thursday. They be- case the jury found that the man's going ahead with'its plans for a divided the grades and made a new longed to many nationalities, includ- d««th wps caused by an unavoidable water, plant. Tho company has BO-class of first nnd second grade pupils. ing Gormnny, Italy, Austria-Hun- accident, In the otnor'case 1KB.ver- tested a plot of ground at West Miss Myrtle Bailey of Keyport is in gary, Great Brltian and Sweden. dict was, that Rubyvjch met hia death Koinaburg, adjoining tho railroad. charge of tho now class. After they lind nil buen accepted as at the hands of some unknown person. Wllllnm Id, Macr'nmld is nrawdent of The Methodist church will hold a citizen? of. the. United States they Rubyvich diod from injuries received tho. company, Edward T. Compton Dutch Bupper at tho church next stood up by nationalities and the oath at a fight at tho home of Joe Vieviers in vice pi-CBiuont, Ueorge Oberl..ii(lqr Tuesday night. Members of tho va- of allegiance to tho United Statos was given. When.tills ceremony wus com- of LorillardB. Vievicrs is now being is secretary and Ilorman JL Lchr io rious church and Sunday-school de- held to await tho action of tho grand troaauror. The othor mombora aro partments are arranging the supper. pleted the judgo asked if there were Roocco P. Payntor, Frank R. Hill and any men in the group who had not jury on a charge of causing Kuby- M A nhort entortalnment will be given vich's death. _' W l'""m Bi Randolph. Tho franchise after th'o suppor. . ' taken the oath of office. One man will havo to be approved by tho ante stood up. Obadirh B. Carr and William Nowr QUICK JUSTICE FOR THIEF. utilities commission before tho com- man of tho Stone road nnd Theodore "Whnt country do yon stand up pnny can operate a plant, - Trunx of tho Creek road are newfor?" the judge asked. "." Aibury ParkgPnd thoir enses woi'o postponed until president, Pnul R. Itadclift'e of the elegance throughout. fire. Mr. Johnson also uses the firo , Gcorgo King of. Jersey City re- tho hexthenring on naturalization. Keel I3iuik schools vice president, and No radical, revolutionary experi- whistle to call liis dog at meal times. turned homo Saturday after having W. E. Bildorbaek of the Seabri'ght It isn't necessary to "Claim1' that ments will he found in the FairluM. No matter what part of town tho dog . spont two days with his brother, Sum- MUST PAY BILLS. school WIIB miidci secretary and the. Fairfiekl lias a speed of "sixty This car is supreme in genuine, lwsic,. is in, when it hoars tho whistle it UB) B. King of Church Btreet. treasurer. The officers, with Charles obvious Quality. mnkes a daeh'for tho firehouse. Mr. . Misa Sophie Kochlor of Carrnve- Brooklyn Man Muat Pay Vn or iJo R J. Strnhnn of Freehold and A. M. miles an hour" andtlirol tli>a down to Jolmnon him also taught hia dog to! ,iU0, who teches tho sixth grade in moved at Executor of Estate. Dick of Keyport, constitute the ex- two and a half mile:! aa lnmr. Kvoiy Thfi Fairfiold isanESTAHLlSHICD blow the whistlo by jumping up ond the public school, hero, has been lnid ecutive committee. Tho last Friday Wvgc. Kairlickl'doL'S tli'at.. SU(!CESS.:ind iho Ammi-.ui pi/u)ile pulliniy on tho cord with its teeth. i Judge Kulif V. Lawrcnco isaued an of October, January nnd April were up with grip. order last Thuisdny tint unless Frank have so doL-laiX'd ir. I Karl BDehm of Now York, who is Miss G. A. Mondorf hue'closed tier fixed us diitcs for holding group l'aii;c cirsare.iioti'.KiiiijCiirs, Tliay foreman of the bulkhcading work nt E: Holt of Brooklyn flle3 n bond for.teachers' meetings) throughout the dopiirtmont store on Carr avenue for $l.GO0 and pays cortuin ilehta in this arc doMi;iu.d-and nuimifart,un'd to The new Flcei.wood- "Six-.^S"— Now Point Comfort, wna badly the -winter. It will bo reopened about county within ten days, ho will bo re- county. \ bruiBCil on tho bnckUnst Tuoaday af-' March 1st - tjivc laJirs and infillIcniini tin; jnaxi- ? 1050--is.in every,important (V;Hnre moved rs executor of hia wifc'H es- [ii'.im MI' iti.Mii-iiJiis imiliiriiijc. A.J.'air- a five-passenger lvpmdiiolion of the tornoon when thcrboom of a pilo nov un(] Mnj> cimrloi) G Book o( tnto. Tho order wns mudc at tho np- ASBURY PARK OFFICIALS. ficld w.is lvrcnily 1I1 IM 11 liy a.'lady 1 drivor Dwung around nnd struck him. I chur(!ll ^treot havo roturnod from n nlicnt'ori of John W. Flock, a Lone Tail-field. . Ho WOB pickod up in a somi-cOnsciouB week's visit with relntivea nt Trenton. Branch undartnkor. Mr. Flock naid James D. Carton is Appointed City londilion nnd was rovived by fellow Mra. Albert S. Morris of Main that Holt hud not paid hia wifo'B fu- Attorney at $1,500 « Year. Fnige-Beiroit Ivlotci- Car Company, Detroit, Michigan workmen, Ho was Inter takon to hia street is entertaining Miss Louise ncrnl expcnHCS und that his eighl- Jnmes D. Carton was named as nt- homo. Odoll of Now York for n few days. yenr-old son James had been in thotorney for Asuury Park at a salary of F:\irficM with (lrt;\cli.iMo jr. w. MOUNT co. Miso Maiftarct Baun of the Crook Mrs. J. Gus Woclfle of East Shore custody of two iiuiita since liiu $1,500 lHBt week. Othor offlcinla ap- Srihn iii|i,i-ii:np!.'iL'$15l5 [ road gave u card party last Thura- Hticct is spending a few dnys with mother's denth. It was shown that pointed wore: Uoubcn II. Norris, ('aliruilcl - - ."JiniO TolcplioiniElS Cor.Mnp""Avo. «nd WUlc Si . R.-,| II,,,!,, N. .1 ilny night to about a dozen friendo. roMlvo* nt Nowark nnd Brooklyn. Holt collciited $riOO from a life in- comptrollei'tre^isuier; J. LinWood Swl.in - - $l'J0O Miaa Edna Olcott won first prteo nild David P. Wilson, Jr., of Now York, nurance policy after his wifo's denth. Shoppard,.receiver of-revenue; Wil- 'JViwii i.".ir - - $ar;GO the second prizo wont to Mra. Pnul apont Saturday nnd Sunday with hia In hor will Mr«. Holt appointed hor liam K. HarriRon, usseiiHor-collcctor; f. I). !>.', Dolroit Foulko. MIBS Ponrllno White of Now parents on Sooley nvenuo. liusbiuul executor nnd loft two-thlrda Budd H.'Oh'ert, lienlth ofllcor: Chnrlen (•3) I York was awarded tho consolation Charles JohnBon of Now York spent of her eotiite to him. O. Davenport, ovemoor of the poor; Imiio. Dnncinjr and muuic woro on- part 'of last week with Miss Violet Herbert G. Stewart and Alvin U. J joyed uftor tho c->'rd p->mcs. Foulks of Sooloy nvenuo. Cllver, nuditors; John II, Bennett, | John Holll„y o_f Ha. .y. Vio. w nvonuo in, Clmrlon Muttlicwn of Sooloy nvenuo WANTS BOND FORFEITED. Iniildinjr innpector;--Robert Hartley, „ hia «loul)1o honno convortod , him n job nn carpontor nt tho dul'ont Pi-oioculor Aikt for Furfclturs of Jr., Bupcrintcndcnt of wntor nnd scw- int* n Dingle dwelling houno. Whon I powder worka nt Union. William Acker't> Uail. ors; John A. norden, polico justice; the chnngca havo boon muilo, tlio Mrs. Ezeklol Olcott of Sdeloy ave- J. Honry Drew, liconuo innpector; lioimo will havo oleht rooma nnd anuo IHIB boon confined to the houno ProBccutor Soxton lnHt Week nuked Hnrry B. White, city clerk, und Wil- bnth nnd a nhowcr bath, and tho M-with sickness. for n writ to compel tho forfeiture bur II. I'liiiconut, ilierctor of publicity. PubSic Opinion Indorses turuUonu will cost ?400. Samuol B. Lonlio VnnlllHo of Nownrk apont or n $ji.00 bnil bond on Willlnin Acker Kinpc ID dointc tho work. part of Inut wouk nt I1I11 cottnge on of Centiirvlllc, who donurtcd bin wlfo this family remedy by making Lils sale, larger titan that The women's, tompornnco union Jnhn strcot. limt uprlnp; nnd eloped to Murylnnd Sail Uoat Upssts. of any other medicine in the world. The experience of met Monday night with Mm. Andrew Albert Luiikon of Now Point Com- with JoHuplilne Welto of Clianol Hill. Jiimca Clayton, John Gnrilcl nnd liuwronco of r'oroot Park nvonuo. fort Beach in confined to tho houHoAckor nnd tha woman wcro brought Douglnn • Gnrrivl of North Long generations has proved its great value in the treatment Next Bundliy morning nt tho Motlm- with grip. back und Ackor.wnn convicted of do- Branch had mirrow cncnpcn from of indigestion, biliousness, headache and constipation. dlnt church Kov. Charlos G. Hook will uortion. Lator ho won hold under J. GUB Woolfla npont pnrt of Inut $500 bull on n chnrgo of livimr openly drowning Inut. Thunulny when n mil I prcncli on ','Tlio 8phor«j of Chrlntlun wool; on n buiilncuii trip to Now York. boat in which thcy'.woro iiullingon tho lloiio," and nt night bin topic will bo with tho Wolto womnn nt Kuyport. South Slirewnhuiy rivui" wan unset ''Tlio Two-fold I*nw." Frank Hnnn of tlln Crook road In It in thiu bond which tho nrotivcutor confined to his homo with grip. In iiooltinif to havo forfaltad. during a uqu'ill. Tho men grubbed Huniuol II.' King' lino Complotnd a Edward Johnson of Onk.Btroot Is the overturned hont when they came Reliable Homo Treatment houno at Boicoii Ilpnch for Mm.lnid up with iilckiionn. to Hi 11 inlrfiifco nnd hold on until help tirozolla Connlff of Now York. • Thd Widow Lo«ef Pemlon, . roached Uicm. John Garilol lout 11 relievo those troubles nnd prevent them from Iwcnmlnc Hcrluils IHH liy Thou'mmlri of wlvt'U, iii(ilh"rli tint] ulii- 1 hauto bun six roomo nnd bnth ond In Judge Liiwronco hun rovokoEnBliihlovrni nlon of f 18 per month grnnUnl to Mm, ld OHIIINIO. lii'Ciuuin II Imn rluiil (lull They KtrctHithcn tlio fitomadi, (itiliuihito tins Ilvcr nmt rcfjiilntii complotod a trurnlf° '<"" Cliorlon I*nl- Chiulcn 'Itochstcdt lit removing, tho I0V11I one of lha "Drhili. Ilulilt". IUII) Cora B. Morrln of Long Brnncli lnAt -lu'rcliy bruiinht imppliH'nn t» tlii'lr bowels. Mild und linroitcso.' A proven tnnilly r^Aicdy, ll moron I-nfoy6tto otioot Tho build- llxturcn from hia mont mnrkot at I!ii(t- yti< Ooiinor,' Jr., onriicr . Tio cupied by. Frank Jfjowls! an n.c.on.i'ol:-; ofr a.mortftnjrd of IROA.on.hor hnmu 'lv«n hoar tovorott, wont coun hunt- Miftdil'nnil Whim iilii'iiln. of .' .C (iry, atom nnd, the placa, vacated #ijil tho JudEo decided. Hint under In« ono nlpht'I11.1t week. Hu witn MIi!9;Ne1llo r. T vt'ry nuci'ouflf 11). and ho dot thrt'i? rac- tt nnyn to mlvortlnc In TI10 Itptrlntej /» la (.« \V AI flr;- U9. haw- .'-j': .* '..•. •• •', •.' '... >W •»• pcituloii, <•'-•- , " -•'/,,:. cuonii-flnd' tft'oHintJBDums--' v ' •" \' ' • tnhtum, tat.,SBi. Pt AlAtlftt' Pftae Four. THE RED SANK REGISTER.

the Btsvte, do not in any way inter- RAILROAD OWNERSHIP. AGED MINISTER DEAD. fere with present business conditions. F-rmers anrt producers of other sup- Reason V/hy Railroads Should Rev. George. 3. Mlnqihs Died at Al- H. COnK Edilro .»I> fcetitoT,, commission firms outside of tho state '—'ur own automobiles on The ultimnto value " of small thin one-hiff' the expenses at pri- amounts of money nteaclily nccumu. nomie effects of this service cm never "cms pastor of the Anbury Park Pres- bo had until tho government owns tho bytermn church nnd served m that puT'oUJ uutb at In&rSt wis vately conducted markets, and the Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of tateu linn I iu "*• '»w"^» "«o i-m- •• p capacity six years. forcibly callcalleledd toto m y attentiottti n a ffe w | diminutionn ooff these cxtrn expensep s carrying roads, days aEagOo by a remark madea by-ay ; X\Z?* "I?-1;?nnec.:.pr_,nshorm!.n,_«nh . __Thc_»aIues_oX all.the crops ondj!g-_ , Mr. Mingina .was marnod .throo EATONTOWN each week. Mr. H. Thompson, our farmer that a certain farmefarmer in his ( gher price than he would otherwise mestic nnimiils and' mnnufactures— ™fi having lost two of his wives hbhd "iht ll fd' while at -the same time it the whole-iihnuil wealth product of by de-th. He is survived by a widow neghborhood was "mighty well fixed'receive, while at -the same time it the people—depend entirely upon tho an(? three daughters, By Charles D. Cleveland. local representative, will call upon you SSfh'd forty thousand'dollars.out'B'vea the buyer goods at a loss price factor of tr"hsportution. St Interest.'1- I knew this "farmer thim he would otherwise have, to pay. forty years ago, when I was a school The farther products can be DEATH FROM GANGREN^ retfulariy* on request. Charge ac- .teach«r in the farming districts of | Th_ e measure is one whic_ h has been shipped in all directions nnd tho 11846. Open Nishts '''<* 1916. Monmbuth county, he was -then., advocated in Now Jer'seyfor a long cheaper long hauls become tho more Koyport Man Died at Long' Branch counts, payable on our regular monthly nineteen years old and he had just time. -j\s stated above, it would not profitable become the products- of , Hojpital Lust Week como into a little moneys.. He used in any way interfere with farmers' Jarms and factories. Louis Craven of Keyport died of I Every Boy's First Suit basis will also be opened; for the con- this money to buy'!» small farm and exchanges or with any other agencies Th.e rtiore profit>ble farm and fie- gangrene at thirXong Branch hos- bo got married and settled down. He for the disposil of fiirm produce ov torry products become the more wages jtl SSundad y of llastt wookk. HHo was venience of those who . furnish us .told me that he and his wife hid.made sea food. 'Iho record of similar pub- increase and business prospers. 32 years old and is survived by a or Overcoat up their minds that they would lay lie m-'fkets in other states his been And the only owner who can afford , widow. SeverM ' weeks ego 'Mr. by tJirco hundred dollum a year from such that these market! hive become to cheipen -the longer hnula nnd to Craven rana nail into one of his toes, (i is a source of jjy and pride. with usual mercantile reference. tho prpfi6--df the farm, so thit when recognized public institutions. They build oxtonsions and feeders without At first ho piid no attention to the 'they got along in years they would ' dull hugely in perishable goods,' and cas=h profit is the government. injury but later it begin to trouble 1. .'not need to worry about'not having, because of this fact they have be- This is so because thc-governnienr h'm nnd ho went to :\ doctor. One of City Prices accorded on a!) purchases. enough to live ou. I come very popula' r with••'"••. growers of can rfford to bu'ld up industries and his toes was amputated nnd a few small' fruits and with vegetables production- in new directions ot a days later two others were removed. * * * temporary loss, beer-use--.increased—As ho showed no signs of improve- I have met this farmer a number which are used fresh. sources of tvxotion nnd;revenue will ment ho w-s taken to the hospital and Of times during these intervening move th-in.make up for the deficits in- pnrt of his leg was amputated. The are a source of joy to the yors and We have t:ilked. over the The establishment of these markets i r : ACKER, discuss--- — " parents as well. They cott those so little and wear »o well. well 130 Chambers St., New York City. h Prices S2OO to $6.5O 01 for ages 4 to 18 years. - kopt utated Boys' Mackinaw!) S2.5O cicli ' to S3.OO, they make good Jtorostr Sometimes, jie^ said, when ' could be(-Immediately brought under L™" n^itliTTvnmn'nf'-I'most theproTitsof flic fairni were unusually the new "system of st-ite control, ifiecononiic situitioii bec-u-ie the nm~M."-Sldcum,""a Long or we will. 7 big, they had laid by more than three the municipalities wherp they h-n-e : , f r-iilroid facilities'his- >.,v^.....^ dealer, died at a Now York L Boys' Knickerbocker hundredred dollars a yaryear,, because there ; beebeen startestarted ssoo desireddesired.. IItt woulwould , kcpt up ,vitll thii ;ncrea»e of produc- hospital Saturday morning. He hid , nothing for which they cared to ' make a shite-wide system of market been at the hospitil sevei-'l weeks.' Trousers, ages 4 to , 18 Mr.Slocum w?sopernted on Decembftr U You Will, Read This Advertisement spefidd ththe money; bubtt theth y hahd never ingi . whichihh woulldd helhlp to keek p pricei s ' 5i,_ ....-'.in-Hnii nf thp T rlle lc iuctlon mte years, priced at SOc to in any ono year laid by less than the uniform, and which would ensure bet-1 - P'. " ol .. tne . . '±U4th 1 fo1UrI thLIIUe removariMIIUYJUl oUfi IaI bonUUTlte! whicWHICHh . , I want you to receive the Garden. Mnguzine for tho noxt nlno months as n present from me. Will you nccept it? Every lady or amount originally decided on. ter prices for the producer and .lower States increases pretty regularly pi.esse,i •<>„ his kpiin." The ooerntion o SI.SO. 'They stand the it* prices for the. consumer than could al ut U er c ont r T (,'entlemnn who loves flowers, or raises flowers nnd vegotnbles should' be ] '°. " . I?«'\ y" - " " . . disclosed a tumor wh'eh enveloped nl- strain." -.Wheiv thi« farmer neighbor of his! obtained by any other method. . | The railro-d f-c-lit-es Mve not in- , ., ' £ huve n good mnEnzino that doila with theso subjocts; nnd tho Gar- most the who br i n nnd wIl h the den Magazine i» the best publication tluit I know of. It is devoted' told mo-about tho money ho had out I (Town Talk continued on pnge 12.)|cro-sod miytlnnglike th;.t during the doctors feireil to remove. sitV-c0 the Substantial Reductions in I pnst five ye-ii% nnd wthin another , _ . to the interests of the i mateur gardener. Every issue is full of prac- tion Mr Slocum had been c Suits and Overcoats during tical assistance to all who aro interested in muking tho homo grounds | five years, unless something mdic-,1 ticft], unconscious,. Lost Thursday iS^ulr^HBS FIREMEN^ P™E^CT.ON.I IN| ^^'. done, we ?h-nl «hiv e a bretk-clow^i™£n • J-«— a- P^tic^ok- e an-d - Jhe January. attractive. - • . ^ ; MY PROPOSITION . 'Btod. I got out my pencil and a few > . , oci tio of tied' PlMnir .upj^&tettousos .-ml cron-s aml{ ranK"-v y llom thcn unt" nls Firenlen a ftrMtf A : a n do-th. Mr. Slficuni ws '!7 ye-^rs old minutes' figunng. showed .me tlvli Hank ii\ Prosperous Condition. rotting iriflhe fields. And'thnt spells See James Grover for Made- Send nio one dollar with your nnme i u». fl! of Llln ^ niilro"ds so long will it be dilHcult to j' He Stepped into His Automob'le. I 19 Bron.il Strout.-Rod Banu. company. j.[lj],.0^(is so long j This Offer is" Good Until January 31st, 1818 7be. miich above ?40,000.' This would Tivit tu'iM-—Hi njamln II. Fold . >.-- —- . , David Errickson of Adelphia ]»•»*••<••«•»••••••••••••*•• ftivo a not income of over two thou- Xi\v< ylnli ('(.mpiiny. uf jI necesrfiso-they coiiKt-'ntly inc-e'sing g sumsj All orders must bo in this ofllco on or before Unit ditto.. Scudl i;o;u-.i of u Itoi-H—Ocur necessary to heller ex'iiting linen and ""jrUpp,,p ej du.,j i,, u,(! yVm-d of his homo sand (lolhirs n year. -' T ' M. Ac] for further particulars NOW-r-or hotter yet, mnil the dollar and bo m;iii of N ;ivr -IIIU company I to recite needed new lines. j lust Thursdayy nighg t as ho wis pteppp- * * * man or .\avr IIIK con\pan\, i\iu um.su J\l. i — „, — , , — r i • t\ • suro of the frao mnBUZino. DO IT NOV" uaskiii of Hi'llnf ciimiKiny, juiiii s. uuin-l The onlnly hoppe of romodvinprr- this- j,;,;^ ^ j,,j ^ i,iiiB F>utoii>obil«bil . DtDe->th wis This incident shows tho rapid in- . Jr.. f I iiitt.p( iiilenl (.-lunpany, I-'n-d more nnd move mcimcng difl'culty-is jug to apoplexy.' Mr. Errickson vma GUI uf I.lt>tTty t-Dinpiiny, Thomas cre'uso of small sums of money stead- iMooiK-y oi llniun i Dinpnlii. to t-kc-the whole business of trans-, 5g years oi(]- '[Ie w-s >\ farmer and W. EL MIM ily laid by. The .increase at; first is j\uilitln'; rollilnUU'i!—William Swun- poH-t'on out of pnvrto control and I p]so can.jennjT"01ivor G. l-'rnko of LITTUB SII-VOR, IN. J. with ihn steady additions to tho prin- lliilnn i-nmniiiy. -WhoiV niilra-'d'securities-r-rc gov- w^c], lie soldrt Asbury Park. Last Apj^r.ilscmonL conimltteo—I'l-ctl I-'. ci-iip.pnt. securities, there will be no ] Thursday ho hid been to Asbury cipal, make tho fund roll up like u 1 .snowball going down hill. This Urinvcr f.r lU'lii'f rtmiimny. .In oph MCMI trouble to nnrkqt nnnmg Ame-ican | Pni.k alul ],.„] ,.utunl0Ii ;,, u,0 ni;tor^ iurl WilHani i-tu-minoll ol' Liberty i-om- *i*IO*K*i*IKOI'C»10*01K^l»IO!>Z.t>>iC«>iO'»^^^ farmer had donied himiiolf^ and his liiiny.- investoi-H ns m^ny millions worth as noon npnnrohtly in his muil good family of none of the rational pleas- need to be sold. . 'health. Thnt night he stirtod to t-^ko Tho tol'il niiiiotn of the association Government ownership of riilronils I i hhor home anil as he pl-ced his ures of life. Thero Ind boon simply p n nc KK p ire §32.783.30, which is a gain of wou''d putomnticMlutomnticMly stib-lize the f i^ ii bd f th t You don't ask to have a prescription filled a consistent and pursistont dotormimi- stib-lize the foot on runrii,lg boird of the nuto $l,17B".'26'"0Ver last year. The amount vlun"Innss of socuvitiessocuritica, provido nhR°-1 ii f ll-li"ckwnT(lB.' Mr. ErrickKon is spent'Tast'yo-ir for relief work was rovide abso-1 C o jWn^B Mr ErrickKOTi is fulure. Sometimes iierhups in: bad lutcly sifo invostmont for •surnlus i sul.v|vet) i,y a widow and two children. the "cheapest'? way. -WHY THEN, should ?G84.7G. This money w-is divided flindB. incro-iBO tho nre-» of producing , _ -j- _ yoai-B this ro(|iiii-oil n little temporary 'inong Hie widows and orphans of the ncve-iee. incre-se the pio/its of fann „.„.. ;'"'.»»,». ^^ . sacrifice of things which were desired, deceased firomon and among active 4r your PLUMBING, which is really more "(but thono sacrifice!! woro only tem- j'nri f:\etory production, increase cx- MRS. MARIA J. HOWLAND DEAD firelnim who were injured and un-ible ch-'litre i'lid merehandising. raise porary and were such im every family to work. The company pays $B0 to Widow of JOIBO A. Hotvland Died at wages nnd lessen unemployment. important, be made a "bargain counter"' frequently ban to makpj even when the l'nmily. of every fireman who dic3. - Her Homo at Rurason Sunday. no provision ia being made for tho During the pnst year seven firemen Mrs. M."riu J. Howlnnd. 'wfidow of transaction ?! always did and always will future. ., THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. Irivo died.' They were Thonyis Price, Jesse A. Howlnnd, died at her home they say comes with age, Arthur L. Wymbs, William Hohman, at Eumson Sunday aftecnoon..'.She install nothing but'the best. This wtory is probably not excep- 'oseph Aul, Robert M'icDonald. Fred It Wa» Presented to the State Legis- but why not be a little wiser lature Lust Woclc. was (iC yoars old nnd h"d been in tionnl. Thoro may bo many wimil-w Gndon mid.J. J. Antonidoi. Tho iio- n -»4»ll\Jll tl!IU»vau* illlbUl.lllllJ-), X1IU [lU^I 1.t T ttpor huilth a long time. She and her than your years 7 You may cases in Monmouth county. I print ocintion in composed of three mem-' The legislature of New Jersey con- husband formerly lived nt Long save untold sufferings, even •I because it shows so well tbo result lieru from each (ire company veiled at Trenton last week for this ! Mrs, Howltnd is survived by of the accuinulatioii'of small amounts ' year's session.,. Governor I'ieluers| — nre Jesse A. life itsel", if- you have on RED BANK SEABRIGHT oT monoy, laid by euch year. The , Corlies, Mrs. FIREMEN'S NOMINATIONS. message was presented to the two hand some of the reliable farm in this case is not a large one. branches of the legislature. . The Elizibeth Mount. Mrs. Deborah Arm- and it is not especially well located principal points in £he message were strong. Mrs. Jnmei Condon and Miss remedies and. '"first ai.is" nor especially fertile; but it his been [^pendent Fire Company Nomi- Plumbing Heating Slating Tinning .tes Officers' foi* Coming Year, -.is follows: Mary Howland. She is plso survived that accidents and unexpect- intelligently farmed, the buildings Due to the operations of the direct by 25 <»t"ndchildr'on and two grent liuve been well kept up, and the place The following nominations have '.nhcritance tax act and"'the requisi- grandchildren. ed illness make necessary. <*7£<^^^ makes a very comfortable home. It been made by Independent fire com- ti6n.-uct,' tho state started its fiscal is an illustration of whit cun be done pany; . . . - • , ••• year with a real cash balance of We carry a complete on a am-ill Monmouth county furm, rri-slilclil—WUllam Fi-ancU. NO MOURNERS AT FUNERAL. Vk-o ptvHlritsnt—Oenrgo \Vorthley ?305,421.01, indicating that the state stock of the best and ptiPf 8t "whero industry is linked up with pru- is in better financial condition than dence and thrift. Si'vi-iitiii-y—Wllliiril Kuiip, Kiimuul ItnB- Two Colored Men Deserted Tlieir drugs and sickroom supplies •I-.H. for soveral yours. Brother's Body nt Freehold. Shrewsbury Avenue, Red Banlc T1-.-H -lira— Jiil-ii liuli'tnn.- - State departments and institutions in '-...• —o-o-o-o-o- I'oi'itinnn—Wlllluni Wyinlis. Two.colored men, who siid their j TTireo Minutes froxn Kil-;l IIKHISI:IMI fiiritiniin—Flini-r Jolin- will require increased appropriations Senator Arkersim has-introduced that the state's work be not crip- names were Ilairisonj' went to Free- OUR MODERN ORUP STORE FIRSTrCLASS hold last Wednesday with the body of j in tho legislature a bill providing for s ui nwhtiinl fori'innn—'Antlionv pled. Comiortablo lloomo the establishment of state eornniission -VflllMT. Kull investigation of the Wharton their brother. James Harrison, Jr., i markets, where thu. produi'ts nf MIIKIIK-I- —Klj- KlVliy. . . who died nl New York.' The brothers ' fl tract proposed purchase should be SCHROEUEK'S PHARMACY, farms,.''fisheries, dairies, 'etc., could M <-!' Hi'cial clMiimlllce—Fi-diilt miulci before the cjuestion is again left Freehold soon afterward and' t>0 sold on a commi^ton Ivsis, nn- i submitted to the people, have not been heard from since. The J. L. BERGEN & CO., CAFE and OAR ATTACHED Frank Housuee wass elected a rcprrcpree- dead' man's body remained at the Eta- • PROPRIETORS. dor Iho control of the' iitute. Thee jj .L,n[.,(j,.t, Good roads nre needed as a part of to ththe st itet . firemen'fi' s relielif tion' until Friday ' when Alonzo 16 Broad Strum. Red Bank. rnoaHurc* j)rovides for placing such s.soct"tii Jh i national jnepaiedness, and with a JAMGS L.. WORDEN, Proprietor tiiarkels under the uuuiugcmcnt and jimill .state tox and a slight increase Brower, secretary of the board of; Oectoil a member of the boml of vis- heilth, called up the New York un- j Telephone 79-J. • TELEPHONE 86B RED BANK control of one iiemm. to bt< known H"vs- of the' firemen's r.elie'f assodii- n automobile fees, 10,000 miles of • an tliu Klute coinmiiKii.m market, di- ;-o:'.U could be constructed in fifteen dertiker who prepared the body for .lOii. - •'• '" - burial. The undertaker sent Mr. rector. This director will receive a The eieetion of ofi'ie(M*s' will be held yn iwf, the cost to the state being Biliiry of ?f).(IOO per ye-.ir, and lie $1,000,000 ii'yoar. Brower enough money to bury tho in Tuesday night, February 1st. body, and it was buried in a Free- sh'dl CHtililish and nmintiin in nil County road work should he made Earling, Johnson If rake Co cities, towns and boroughs of. 10,000 hold cemetery. CHARLES LEWIS, uniform, and onginuers, supervisors Contractors and OuliderB, inhabitants or over, ilepotu to be used WESTSIDE'S NEW OFFICEHS. ind. inspectors should bo protected us commission inai-lioUi to -curry on by tenure of office. Death ' from Heart Disease. And D«Ur« In AU Kind. o| the commission business. Now CITICIQIS .Chosen by Westslde Appropriation sliould be madu for INO MATERIALS- Fire Company for Coming Year. John W. Burnham of-Mutawnn died WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OKA LEE IN .mother stale normal school. last.Thursday week of heart disease, BRIDGE AVENUL, The following ofpeers hive been R 4l 'Ibis lnewiiiu is of inoie public in- MMoro e money should be pprovided from which lie hnd suffered several Lumber, Shflfi, Doors. Blindi, Olas N. J. elected .by Wcstsiilc fire company: terest nnd of moro publiq importanco fur the promotion of vocational cdu- yens. Mr. Burnham wns 78 yenrs Workk dduiir by the day or contract. thin almost any other mil lsure so far Kort'lnilMr-CJusf Onibt'l"'. cation. old and wan ii nativo of Now York. and Bnlidor No J9b too IkrtctK nunH ton «HM*IL introduced in the. legislature this ^s iBdiit fiirt-moii—HI.-lut-y Olmsev, More power should be given to tho When he waa a boy hio parents moved Jobhtru attfnrinf 10 al uhvn notle*. Tliiiinu-i L-iuinni--, .willliiiii K.'llanciirlt.' public utility commission so that it's| C«tlm«t roiiiinltli'l-.-Joliii onkrs, Jr., by the railroads. • \I-IIIIII- Oni-rlly. The Beit Show , * • • • lii-iiii-.ill.il t-iiiiiiiilitfi-—Cuiiniir!), Julni To, bring about n short mid. buni- and the largest' ever given for tho RULES TO OBSERVE' H. OMI(I--4. (*it(,-iti.- , liinni»rk.'('hiiHC\\ ncss-liko session nnd fewer laws, it is Tho gcneriil lint's of Senator Ac- - monoy, 10 cents. Prices always the Truck r(Uiil,i.niio--l iii;aii. li:iiu:ui:K. lULommendod that the legislature Icerson's bill follows very c'o^oly tho h;iH'v sumo ut the Majestic thoator.—Ad- ''Safety First."' Stop, Look and Listen." Both of which ai take a rect'Bs- on t'ebruury 1st for vertisement. |>I"IIH which have been found most four weeks, during which time the sure preventativeB from accident. . . effectivo and most beneficial in tho A laundry Problem Unclnimed Mail. appropriations committee should pre- To insure perfeut lieaith in your houat'hold you aliould Btoiran Western Btntea und in such of the Adveiti.icd letters are at the post- jpare its bills. Then fpur weeks moro look to see if your plumbing1 is in a sanitary condition. It would b IDnstcrn «t!iteB aa liavu established (ill'u-t at Ilcd Hank for: thcsio public murkotd. All producer* copjd be devoti'd to legislation. GLERK ALL RUR DOWH You Have to Solve is: better to have it inspected and overhauled by a competent wor 'I. K. Alli.l Wlllluni .ic of farm products, nnd nil fishermen, Ml « IliinU Mt». A. K-I Ecstorcd To Health By Vinol man. I employ none other in my business. Whether it be plum clammtra, oyalermwi, dairymen, etc., J. 1.. II III JMIII-I-I K<:u Got All Ho Wns Pnyinc For-. Whoro to -oond your clothes to injr. repair or now work, tin or sheet metal work or heating in.m «ro privilognd Ui send their supplies lli'iirin' 1!,•. I:,• Ml'« ICIIxnl Hotels vary as much In degrees of Ehelbyvillo, lrd.—"I am a clerk It. a bo washed clean, ironed well, to Uieun marketu, where the goods are >li-<. I e• -111 -uc. Klll-lcr. hotol anil was all run down, no energy, of its branches. ' Aili'll.ert llurli••tt, Iti-v. II. W, comfort aa the haughty hotel clorks handled properly, amid sanitary Bold. Tho goods aro iiolil ft both ro- 'u-i, lln-nnln, do in degrees of flippancy nnd efforts my blood waa poor and my face covered M1 Mirrounilinfjn. , Some people do titil nnd whulcsnle, to both dealers MIM. Alfrol Ilurko, Mr». lli r. M. Carried on to the best ndvnntago of wliun a guest culled up and in an After bking many other remedies with- jority do, and as each nciiuon rtlr. ('(illnirt. <)».», I'n out benefit Vinol nan retoredmy health liroducorn and buyers. Thu miirkulH ril. r^u I.'CIMII, Ma lint angry voico Miid: "Thoro lire- a hriiiRU added trouble to tho nro inndo nelf-impporting througli a l Win. Ui couple of mice fighting up hero." nnl strength."—ROY F. BinD. commiiiulon which is chnrguil for Will. UollKliiirty, For all run-down, weak, norvoua houfiowifo to find good Inun- Mr. I >.:.>'i,i-. "What room have you?" inquired hundllnf; the |;oodn. BettlemvntM nro !\ln. ^.-UtMH.l SWIIVt'/.. conditions of men and women, nothinfj drosaos, no each tiouiion brings 1'r.nli: i.!.M>r. i_n.~ »i.n:_ ...ui.Ai.fr n,i Try it on ou? "Wh'.'t are you paying for it?" iron tonic without oil. henoo wo add now and bottor Uomonlji, rimili.4 liuir, II, i liunilMtiin, Director and Embalmov. Mr'.. F-;. I Ivor. KUbtl "Two dollars, was tho reply, guaroutuv, uquipment onch year to untlci- * • * llllKll Whlto. J»mt» Oouuor, Jr.. Ml D*nk. MIM. "Well, whnt di> vfiu oxpuct for two pato your noodii nnd supply . .iMclw.Kii.Clmiloti M. \N .u.t'lirr. (lollam—a bullllirht?" Upholstering In All Its Branoheo. The mnrkot will have n bureau of them. Wo wash nbout nnything CIHTC'iinomlt'iii-o fur" gathering nnd (ro-a.rtr wWi IU T. 3mllli •! H.d n.iA f.r XI w Fr«nlio| Hlra. Mnd|;o—So you feel hotter ninco Til in will Keep fnimttiii, fiiiliurmonun d Allen II. Croxilon of Krochold. died oil'. Send for ua now. ' Olherii who iiund (toodii to thuao mnr- Tuendny nf hint week, ])u"th you gave up d/incing and dovotcd Of(k» •rtuma 587. I«IU-I mipjillci.. l wit. h infonnatio_ _n eon- ciiUHcd by iji'.ralyids. Mm. Croxiionyounwlf to lied Cr<»» work? Auto Vans and Express. w ( a Marjorio—Indeed I do, donr. I've Now that tnovlna Umo la Doar I vx. Office anil Funeral Pulan, 13 Monmouth Slraol. ReJ llnub, M. J; carnliiR pricon und ciinilltlonn in vn-l "r« ' ycurn old and wns a iliuifihtnr jntrnr^d to do . your noxt roovlntf of riouu iihicim. l''arm»rn i!nn Ibim ubip ° t-he hilo Willinm Cuminink'M. 11«- luid my naiiid in tin' paper.M nino times. •iirnlturo. (ilun.ia or ImftiinKO. to nil Daru tliolr goodii lo Urn point wlmru tlinnn «' InrKei*! padded •'mm • In IIIMI llotili. lixfiiro you li»v» Itooilii aro in ifrcutont domand. Thin , two ul.'itciii. Slis WAS Pi-nylng for n Man. >our mil imivliw ilimo. write. nei»I or RedBank Steam Laundry | will nupply (he nocitii of that locality, I - „ \~TT' ~ , ~ Polly—I Imllovo Mim Vollowlouf ••(II for Ihf unly rcllRliln furniture nnver YOU BEAT THIS? iiml nt tho inmo time It will itivu1" p-Ke«l Muttorplclum ndiHly prnyn for u mnn. 'In town, and ut*t my prloon on your nnftt Pltono O3-J (prodiicorn bottor prlcmi than If thoy JIVUI"y W«diu'»da.1^ y lan"11d JiiUuyI'i'iduy.. T'ouIon- ol>. All Ulniif. of lifnvy or Unlit Iruok- 0 1 1 v Dolly—Well, mirnt inon nood pray- 'nil iloim at nlitirl notlnd. Cnll or adjIrMt The Red Bank Register will carry anadve: «fil|>pcil tlirir ijoodn to a mark(>t, which I'', . " ;"' « «'y

r'f^ HAZLET NEWS. HOLMDEL NEWS, Henry CrDuryca Has a. Party'on Hi» Twenty-Ono Horie> Said by tho Ely . 61st Birthday. Estate Lait Week. Henry C, Durycn celebrated his The WiJJliam C. Ely estate sold 21 81st birthday with a party friday horses last week, Five were bought REAL ESTATE night. Among those present wore Mr, by W. B. Vanderveer of Freehold and ALEXANDER D. COOPER , and Mrs.Iro.Corhurt, Mr. nndMrsY four were bought by a Perth",Amboy INSURANCE Harry Peseux, William C. 'Cowlea, man. Teams • were Bold to Walter , Real Estate and Insurance Hiram Duryca," Mr. and Mrs. John J. Conover of this place, Mrs. Jennie aridLOANS Warliock, Mr. and' Mrs. Joseph C. Duggan of Marlboro, • VVhitc Bros, of Cherry, Misses Ircno Pescux,* Edna Asbury Park, Dr. Knight of Point 58-64 jBROAD STREET > . RED BANK, N, J. Emmons, Mao Foster, Josie A. CowleB, Pleasant, W. L.. Del'alma of" 1-3 to 1-2 off Peseux, Hudson Carhnrt, Clareton Mrs. Conover Taylor continues to REP BANK, N. J. Cherry and Stacy .Carhart. •'. recover from her sickness. The HuzletT Indies' auxiliary met in An nutomobllo which was .'travel- tho firehouse last Thursday night. ing from Atlantic City to New York CTT1WE GIVE GREEN TRADING STAMPS. ASK FOR THEM If you could buy your usual The following officers.weru elected broke down at this plagu about mid- for"the ensuing year: night Friday night on the, Keyport B35S3 style shoe that you have been pay- turnpike. 'Ihieo persons wore in the I'n-HlcliMit— JIlHii-Eilna M. Wnittnncl. car. They 'repaired it s'ufliciently to ing $4.00 to §5.00 at" $2.9© Vtri! president—.Mrs. John H. lluhron- enable it to run to Edward W. Per- fHccrctars-— 5II« isiHlfi). TiuiiriMiliu'rg. rino's hotel. They arrived at the wouldn't you do it ? Well, that is rro;isuror^~.MiM 1'. Otlo. Wi'lKaiul'. hotel'about..two o'clock in the morn- t«l\V. W.illillK. ..Ml'H. Jl. AiVlli; Wnlll'iiit', ing and awakened the proprietor by what you can do at my Semi- lint. Timothy WUHIIIK, Mr«. Ilnri'i1 K. banging on the door and throwing Con-lcn. . ' • • pebbles against the windows. It was annual clean-up sale, how on. The next regular meeting will be a-very cold night, .and the uatoists held Thursday of next'week. spent an hour sitting, around .'i stove The shoes I'm offering you dont Joseph H. Webster and Thomas G. in the hotel bofore they went to~bed. Cowlc.... s returne; d , hom...e .o •n .Sumlny- They got their automobile fixed in often get on bargain tables'/but night from a trip to Miami, Honda. the marning and.resumed their-joUr-' Mrs. W.ilhnm McCrcery has re- ney ' . I'm making a clean sweep. It turned to Jersey^ City after a visit liavid Doremus is sick with a heavy with Dr. and Mrs; John Murphy. I cold • ' - Cut out this Coupon, prcicnt It at our Store this costs you nothing to look at them. -Miss Helen V. Perrine of 'South'I Peter Maher lost a horse last week. Jtncl t>y buyini! GOc woilli or more of Teas, Coffco, Spices, ExtrQctB nnd A&P Bakins Pow- Green Amboy visited Mrs. Sarah T. Stilhvell•[• Gurrett Cottrell wilj.move Febru- der yo*U will receive Great rubber bargains also,now. last Wednesday. ' ; lary 1st froni one of Tlicren"McCiimp- Mr. and Mrs. William VanMater I bell's farms 'to 'a house on Henry Trading left for Enat^Orange on Thursday, j Cross's place. Ho will make his home .v H: GREEN where they will spend tho winter with on the Cross furm about si month'and their daughter, Mrs. William D. Stout. then will move tq his own property TRADING Mrs."P.nb=rt-I.. Vac!: has returned. wcuc \V;c!;atur.!:. Jamer V-.t'iBrui't ides Regular and Extra Sta Red Bank, N. J. to Point Pleasant after a visit .with will, movs from Chriney Holmes's her mother. Mrs. J. G. Ivins. pliice to the McCampbell farm which, From Monday,'.Jao.' l/lli, raiarday, Jan. 22nd Mrs. M. VanBrackle returned homo Mr. Cottrell will vucate. See Coupon last week nfWr a few days' visit at Morford Taylor is laid up with THIS COUPON NOT GOOP AFTER SATURDAY, JAN. 22nd NewRochello with Mrs. J. S. Marvin. sickness, .... '""'•'. Mrs. Marvin- accompanied her home A union meeting was held .at the and is spending a few days here. Baptist church Sunday. • . BBWBf Mrs. William D. Stout of East Mrs.. Josepph Holmes and Mrs. ; Orange spent Tuesday and Wednes- Chriney Holmes have^rccovcrcd from i day. -with-her. parents,. Mr. and^Mrs. sickness, — —-1- William VanMater. _ Worth of Miss Agnes Adams d'f Brooklyn MARLBORO NEWS. spent part ,of last week with Misses GREEN TRADING STAMPS Agnes and Bessie Hannnway. rs of American Mechanics' John L. Tl^Webster has been con- Lodge Installed. fined t.o""th.e house seVeral days with The American Mechanics' lodge IC- 10—STAMPS FREE—10 with' every dollar's worth ,of goods, given sickness. , v • cently elected and installed the fol- WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING Mrs, J. S, Marvin and Mrs. M. Van-lowing officers: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, this Brackle spent Friday with Red Bnk C'ounclio)'—Rullff YoafitiwH. friends. " . • • . • • Vice.councilor—Gtirriw TiUon. 1 hot Ammonia. .•••...... 10c week only, v Mrs. Daniel C. Oowles is confined to AsHl.stynt recordinj,' Hucretary—V.viu '•I 1 can Sultana Spice:..,... .'•. 10c VoUI'lHM'S. 1 can Old Dutch Clennser.. ; .10c the house with sickness. ('omluctor—J. I'\ >rurjm. GRAND, Cut out and present this coupon, it is good for Mrs. Richard J. Guderjahn is able Warden—Frank Cionlun. 2 pkgs Noodles' 5u each, or 1 to be out again after an attack of Inner tiontinel—t.larpiwo Holder. MOTHER'S pkg . .• ,....10c SO Trading Stamps FREE. Ontor soiitinel—.Inlin Xl(;hoi'li.>in. . OATSpkglc 2 cakes Mother's Ironing Wax, . grip. - Trustee, one year—\V. .1. fltirtlmi. .lr. Mrs. William Seibel,. who has been 'J*ru8t(:e, t>\'u yo.'irs—ilju-rott -MaMi'f. Cleaned CURRANTS 1tykgs 25c each 5c sick for the past week, has recovered. Tr'uBtoo, .tlirco J'*>;irs—II. Wll(l!oj\ • 1 bot White Vinegar..-. ..;... .10c H. A; Hnddon of Bradley Beach S. E. Curtis was appointed chap- Laundry Starch 2 lbs 7c A&P Ice Ofeam or Jelly P.ow- was ri Hazlot visitor on Friday. . lain. , ' . 'dor, pkg. . V •,. 10c John Morroll, Jr., has been con- Mr. and Mrs, J. II. E.ilnl aro siieiul- H.ll.dnlb P^WFAPPnpil pF |,— qc 1 jar Iona Brand Jam 10c fined to the house for tho past week ing several weelta at Mobile and other Sliced 1 bot Mustard Relish 10c 20 MONIVZOUTH STREET, RED BAP*. N. J. with grip. points in the South. 1 pkg.Elbow Macaroni....'.. ,10c Mrs. P. Otto Weigand was a New Rev. J. C. Stock, superintendent of 1 jar Peanut Butter.;. 10c .^.^.»?C.K^.^J^6.^l-.\'.^^KJli'J 1 can Vanco .'. 10c , ^pparr^-..^-*: York visitor on Saturday. the children's home society at Tren- Frnnk V. B. Young is visiting in ton, visited frioiuls here on Saturda ' -SOLD ONLY IN SEALED CARTONS-Evcry EcEG6S.u Guaranteed- Doa.48c 2 boxes A&P Stove Polish, en.. 5c New York. "I Mr. and Mrs. Charles TiltonTMi. T bot, Worcestershire Sauce.,, int Miss Fannie Cowles has. returned I and Mrs. Charles- Buck, 5Ir.""and'Mii from a visit with Mrs. Willinm IT. ITin-1 Charles Storms and Jlr. and Mrs; A. EXTRA 'STAMPS WITH TEAS" son of Asbury Park. M. Baird recently made a pleasure Garrett A. Walling will hold a pub-trip to New York. 60 stainps with 1 lb. Fancy Chop lic sale of farm stock at his farm to- Mrs. Stephen Brower of Milwaukee.' Tea 70c morrow. ' recently.visited Rev. ami lira. Henry: BO stamps with 1 lb. New..Crop- Dr. Frank C. Hyer is on the sick Btizzell. '• Ton ,.- ,...CQc 500 Sheets of Typewriter Paper, 8^ x 11,50c I jlistr;-- -;•• "_•,„ : " Mrs. S.B. Wells and Mrs. ILW. Our quality and price have made us the I argent butter re- 40 Stamps with 1 lb. Tea...... ,60B Buck attended the funeral of Mrs. taikrs in the world 25 stamps with .1 lb. Tea,..',., .40c 500 Sheets of Copy Paper, 35c and 50c | SHREWSBURY NEWS. •Vyvrobeig at New Brunswick la 1 20 stamps with % lb. India Cey- week. Mrs. Vyvreberg was the wife Dozen Sheets Carbon Paper, 8 x 13, 25c C. M. Patterson's Farm Leated'by a of a formor paslor o£ tilt Rcformud lon Tea. .: '.25c Freehold Man. church. , • „ Half-Dozen Desk Blotters, any color, 25c Charlci M. Patterson has leased his I farm to ICdwai'd Buckley"of -FreehoWj VANDERDURG NEWS. MTCOH Arty Typewriter Ribbon, 75c . - I who will move on it in ,-the spring. 80 STAMPS with a large can A&PBAK1NG POWDER 50c 30 Stamps with 1 lb El Eyn'd Arthur Smock, who is now on the Dr. J. D. Ely Orders all School CIiil Coffee 86c $1.00 Quart of Ink, 75c I place, will move to Wickatunk. dren to Be Vaccinated. j Mrs. Charles M. Rockhill is sick Miss Kalhe'rine Seanlon of Free- 2S STAMPS with large hot A&P EXTRACTS 25c 20 Stamps with 1 lb of Ambosa Half-Dozen 25c Letter Files, $1.25 i with grip. hold visited hnr piirenta, Mr. and Mis Coflfeo 82c- | H. Kdward Armstrong made a good Patrick Seanlon on Sunday. Therci 20 Stamps with 1 lb Sultana , Rubber Stamps (Viade to Order ' profit by a transaction in seed pota- Seanlon visited Mrs. Patrick Bnjrgelt 20 STAMPS free with 3 pkgs of A&P Cornstarch each 7c Coffee 30e toes lust week. He bought forty bar- io f Freehold Saturday and Sunday IE Stamps with 1 lb Iona Coffee 25a rein of potatoes last fall from Michael | Louis Thornton and son have goi e 15 STAMPS free with a large jar PEANUT BUTTER 15c 10 Stamps with 1 lb Good Coffco-20o Iliorilaii of .Vaiidurburg for $1.60 a. j (o philailel])hia to visit an uncle who , larrel, rind... , sol__,.d , thei, m lno,__.t .wee k, .t oJ.. jB sei-iouHiy ill.' (Lawjess Bros,, a New York-commis- Charles Poole, who has been con- FREE DELIVERIES TO - FREE DELIVERIES TO ., THE PLACE WHERE YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT 0 ision firm, for $2.50 a Barrel." fined to the house several weeks with Fair Haven, Oceanic, Rumsori) Mrs. A. Holmes Borden is kept in- sickness, is much improved. •Catontown, Little Silvtr and NEWSDEALER and STATIONER | doors with grip•ip. Katherine Cooney is spending scv Tuesday and Triday. Shrewsbury, Monday'and Tho reading cclu] b met yesterday at eral days with lier sister, Mrs. Thomas Thursday. 31 Broad Street Telephone 1 Red Bank, N. J. gMrs. Harry G. Borden's. Those who Little of Asbury Park, who is confinul Middletown and Atlantic High' Naveaink, Monday, i took part in the exercises were Miss to the house with grip. . lands, Wednesday. - Belford, Tuesday. Anna Kennedy, Mrs.,. Joseph James Ryan and Clarence Conovei Highlands, Thursday. ..iiapel Hill and Leonardo, Fri- Mrs. Richard Sickles. Miss Evie Val- Have been' sick for the past week with day. entine, Miss Mary Borden and Mrs., )rrjp ii: W. Linson. Son s were sung by j ' ^ . , ; K } p E|yo f Ma r bo ro made a 56 Broad Street, 56 Broad St., I The Presbyterian Biotherliood will Red Bank, N. J. ' Telephone 60. Red Bank, NT. ; hold its annual meeting tomorrow j | night, at which time officers will be ^ _ rented the Wil- WE GIVE H^i: GREEN TRADING STAMPS. ASK FOR THEM I (INCORPORATED) I elected. liam E-i"!Vii property on the Colt's The usual missionary meeting will N(;l,^ tL,inpiU' add will move there in lio held at Christ church rccloryMo-: tn(J „„,.;„., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN : murruw night._ The program fo r thle Michm i'('ollins has moved his saw- Epiphany service will be used. ir outfii "fro m John Whalen's wood" s Rev. F. 1'. Swoy.oy will attend the to'the Thtn'on' McCamphell property Episcopal convocation at Long at Holmilel where he will saw lumber ! Branch tomorrow. > for the buildiiDJ of two. new barns. | Mrs. John McCarthy is very sick ;:iiid an.operation muy he noccssury. ' Mr. imd Bin;. J. AVriRht Brown arc seooserrcosoeoeoaoooooooaoo ; vis'lihif in Virginia. Alex.nulorDennis is in a very seri- ous condition arul :m operation will i probubly be necessary. Sand and AH Kinds of Building Material Mrs. Emma Morford is on the sick list with grip. Distributors for the Famous Beaver Board Mrs. Sadie Scott nnd her son Les-! O tcr are sick with grip.. o C. Irving Pnttcii'soo received three j ••I'LKS WATKltl'HDill'-- ft Airodalc pups from Pennsylvania lust i o *l'. ii.slli1 Htri-n^lli liu-rin:; 0 week. They are valued nt $146. [g uiul commit? O YARD: Leonard Street and N; J. S'. R. R. Phone 49 7-J Cliurlos Sherman, foreman of Dr. 2 O Ernest Fahnostock's place, spent last I n (,i]nn '„. ,,.ni(Mlt wlltPn,,-,,,,f,,i 8 , OFFICE: Bridge Avonuo. Phone 336-M wool; at hin former home in Mary- witi'i""iii':ui'i1i.Kfc> co.Mror.Nii.s is 2 land. l.\ll1l-:iil.--ll.\IIL,H mill I'lVKULAHT- R IS" 1.1 nml ll»- lliBlient cl(-t,-rro "f S HMrli-nry lliat linn ,-i-nr boon nt-/j SCOBEYV1LLE NliWS. liihiiil. Is nhsoluli-ly tho unly nu-tlinil i-t' uiitoriH-oolliiK new I'on- Various styles of bodies now readyJfor John Brennah Adopts a Cat with croti'. Tin' only nu-llinil CIKIMI'MOII by inoinlMi'iH OIIKIIKHM'^. Ari-lil- ^ Beneficial Result!. tci'ls, i-Hiiir;ntors ami bnlliler-n iin; A cat whose owner is unknown Ilivllc-I In ti-st any conci-cto 01' IHI- t mi'iil niNi'il with IIKltl'UI.IOK immediate delivery. climbed up n tree in Mias Jennie WA'I'llHI'KHlM-'INd OOJll'OUXDS. t Scobcy's ynrd lust week nnd could not Will.' us fur iirliTH of HKIt- be coiixed down. The nnimul spont (M'l.l-iS IT li'l us do your work Tor T yon iimli-r (11'AItANtKr:. llnnllli'l the night in the branches, and the anil UUT.itnn U|XIII miiillnitliin. f next morning Adam Cisaannro climbed up the troo'nml Kbt the cnt y down. Ho Rave tho cut to John Bron- nnn, who keeps buehelorVhull imd i tfercufes Waterproofing Co., *Weare showing here the various models. After t who lincl boon mourning tho'lons of n » 156 West 20th Street, cnt which dimippcnred n few VVCCIIH y. IIRO. Mr. lhonnmi WIIH very glad to I New York City. voer a year's experience and 16,000 8-Cylinder Ret tho now cnt, IIH his hound had boon CONSISTING OF overrun with mico ninco tho other cat oaoooooosoooooeoooooooosGo y dinnpnoiirod. The now cat hns done cars on the road, this car has proven It is the most t yeomnn service in catching mice nnd y only n fow of tho "varmints" are loft. Are You One Sided? IClluworth Lune in ngnin uninR liin If to, Kovy can you expect to ha perfect automobile made today. y automobile It WIIH wrocked by run-correctly fitted in rendy-niado clothoi y ning In n ditch at Colt'n Nock » fow thnt ore cut for a perfectly propor- WCOKR IIRO, but In now nil rlRht. Ml1. tioned model? , < Let us demonstrate to you. HARNESS, ETC. t Lnno ropnircd it liimiiclf. It will cast you no more for n iiiit f \ Mro. Ileniy Polhcmun is confined to inatlo to your moature tlmn to Imy n the IIOUHO with niclinoira. reftdy>m*dn iuit. Minn Ilolon Polhomua of Brooklyn Cnll in nnd impact my line of •ain- Located at Stable in Globe Court, spent Hutiu'dny and Sunday with Mm, |il«». Get my prUc*. J. H. Vinltiff. I limits A np«3ci»lty of * hig!i-grn«V*«»S»»5»*J»^J»»SK^»i»o5»«» Africa, ROD DANK, N. Page Six. % THE RED BANK REGISTER. ,

is now-being sold at reductions ranging from one-fourth to one-half the regular prices. BBWi MS? TITO SALfL You will save money on whatever article:you buy.; You may never have another chance to buy dependable jewelry* etc., at such lowprices as I am now offering my entire stock.: Every articlais marked ih plain figures, and every, article has my guarantee, as usual; All sales are for cask No goods exchanged. - '

My business has grown to such proportions and my stocks are so large that my present shelves^and cases are much overcrowded. I have therefore found it necessary to entirely remodel my store at No. 38 Broad Street and put in new fix- tures. I expect these new fixtures to hold for me a; mu to select from. ' :> .'-

Store Open From 7:OO A. M. to 6:OO F*. M.. Exccept Satusj^ays, 1O:OO F»,. IVL

Telephone 457^ -]

: -••"•"""" ••• •• •:_ ...... j . MONMOUTH'S L.EAOIMG

about equally divided among the Bap- and Miss May Barkalow of New Bod- fcring from a nervous breakdown tist, Methodist. Reformed and Pres- ford were married on Thursday, caused by worrimont over the injury byterian churches. Docombor 30th, ut Asbury Park by to his son last fall. The boy was hurt Rev. Leon K. Willman. Mr. Height is in a football gamo and underwent an Church League Officers. engaged' in the plumbing business at operation. W. P. Stcinhauser hua been cho3en Allenhurst. president of the Luther league, of District Mealing of Lodge. MAPPEM1MGS OF INTEREST ih the Asbury Park Lutheran church.' Royal Arcanum Installi. ' Tho Knights of tlio Golden Eagle Mind Dorn Schnoidor has boon elected A, L. E. Stros»burger_wo8 installed of tho eighteenth district met nt vico president, Mrs. Jule VnnDyko asreigoni t of tho Asbury Park lodge of Formingdalo Friday wook. Delega- ALL PAHTS OF RfiONfyaOUTH COUNTY. secretary and Miss Margaret Hands- Roya»lY Arcanum Tuesday. nigh_ t of last tions were present from all the lodges church treasurer. ' week. Howard S. Hulse is vice re- in tho district and several of tho gent, Thomas Angles orator, H. C.grand lodge officers were also in at- Personal Motes, Sales of Property, Building Opera- Republican Club Meets. • • Walling secretary and James T, Lewis tendance. At the meeting of the Asbury Park treasurer. tions—Lodge Doings—Slight Fires—Births, Car- Republican club last week, Dr. Bankers Enjoy Banquet. , Thomas H. Pratt took his seat as Lodge Officers Installed. The officers and directors of the riages, Deaths, . Accidents—Other Interesting president. He has named a finance Leon A. Woojloy was installed as Ocein Grove hank enjoyed a banquet committee consisting of Thomas J. noble chief of the Spring Lake lodgo at the North End hotel Tuesday night Features of Town and .County. Winckler, Edward Mitchell and T.of Knights of the Golden Eagle last of lost week. N. J. Taylor, president Frank Appleby. week. Reginald Applegate is the now of, the bank, was given a traveling A' sou was born to HE and Mrs. The association of officers bf thoSecret Service Man Convicted. vice chief, Josiah Cranmcr high priest bag and outfit by the directors. B.C. Foster of Freneau on Sunday Long Branch firo department held Edward Chaimes, who claims to and Albert Warner venerablo hermit. House at Southard Burned. of last week. their annual election last Wednesday. Have served in the United States se- Commerce Board Banquet. Fred White's house at Southard A sim was born to Mr. and lira. Chief James P. Ennis, Jr., was elected cret service several years, was con- wag destroyed by fire early last " William Evans of Belmnr Tuesday of president, Assistant Chief Andrew E. The Freehold board of commerce victed bv a jury at Freehold Friday of will hold its annual' banquet on Wednesday morning. Mr. White was' last week. Nelson vice president, Louis Huhn atrocious assault und battery upon awakenod by the. crackling of flames Mrs. William Johns of Freehold secretary and William R. Nixon treas- Wodnosday, Fobruary, 9th. Willnrd Sonny Brovfn. Chuimcs will be sen- P. Throckmorton, Bertram Birch, F. and just had time to escape with his gav« birth to n daughter Saturday urer. tonced today. family." The loss is over $1,000. ww-k. A. Brower and B. Frank DUBOJB are Mrs. Charles 11/ Walton of Asbury ToWnship Ofiiciftle. Escaped Convict Caught. tho committee in charge of the dinner. Kilted an Eagle. GOES TO IPHESS Pat k gave birth to a son lust Wednea- Abijah Chamberlain was elected Joseph Thomas, who escaped from Mochanics' New Officers. Wilfred rinvcns of Prosportown . «l.-iy. chairman of tho Millstone township the New Jersey stato prison" recently, Albert B. Smith has been installed shot nn eagle which he caught eating If you want: committee at the reorganization meet- was caught near Lakohurst last week. a chickon in R. T. Ridgway's field lost A»l»iu'y Pnrlcof Acquitted. as councilor of tho American Me- ing held recently. Keuben G. Stra- Thomas was serving a sentence for chanics' lodgo at Matawan. George week. The bird weighed ten and one- Your name to appear in the new directory} Henry Ciivnnello of Asbury Park han was sworn in as collector for his burning barns and stealing horses in W. Clark wus installed as vice coun- half pounds and measured seven feet viim acquitted by a jury at Freehold 42d year in this office and Georpo J. j Monmouth, Ocean and Burlington cilor. iVilson W. Hobrough secretary from tip to tip of its wings. , Your present directory listing changed; i lost Friiliiy on n charge of keeping a Ely was sworn in as assessor. counties. • , disorderly house.- The evidence ami Cluford W. Hulshart treasurer. Former Resident to Wed. aatiinbt CiWHiiellu WHS fui'nished by Library for School. Meeting; of Young Men. Home Officers Elected. Mis3 Pauline Stein, daughter of Your advertisement inserted where it will puid detectives, who said they hnd Miss Mary L. Clayton, teacher of Tho anntlal meeting of the Young Mrs. William H. Fnrlev has been Joseph Stein, who formorly conducted bring telephone trade; BCveriiment. Mrs. Maggie McElvalno is vice coun- Ocean Grove bank and tho Mary J. ing there from Now York. 23 Monmouth Street. . Hod Dank. if. J, cilor. Mrs. Rillie Sodcn associate party was arranged by the Bible class Vtnilmiliuriih'i Succenor. O'Hagnn ..property was sold to Mrs. of tho Miuiasqunn Baptist church. Fire Company Election. councilor, and Miss Elizabeth Prickctt Ella V.B.-Cox. Walter I*. Gardner of Hudson associate vice councilor. Long Branch Lodge Leadi. Frederick G. Russell is tho new county hiisbeen upiioiutCil a judge of Boy Saved from Drowning; president of the Farmingdalo fire Joel M. Yatei Dond. Tho Long Branch lodgo of Royal thu court of errors and appeals to Norman Foster of Asbury Park was Arcunum leads all tho other lodges in company. James M. Bonrmoro ia vico Humtod William II. VrodenburRh of Joel M. Yatca of Allontown died saved from drowning in Sunset lake tho county in tho matter of gains in president. Edgar O. Murphy secre- Freehold. Mr. "Vredcnburfili hua been last Friday week after being confined Saturday morning by two companions membership during December. Six tary, Walter II. Grovo treasurer nnd one of tho lny judges of the court to the bed Bevoral wcolcs sufforing and a policeman, who got to the boy now members wcro addod to the Long Arthur G. White chiof. oiiice 18i»7. HIM term will end Febru- from a broken leg and othor injuries with the aid of ladder:) which woro Branch lodge during that month. ary 9th, next. received while working last Decom laid on the ico. bcr. Mr. Yates was 04 years old and Producing "Storm" At Philadelphia. i AcMinon i« Piiroled. is survived by a widow. Policemen Elect Officers. Tali Eson Morgan, formorly di- K'lwm-d AdiliHdn, who waH arrcsti'il S. T. Emmons was oloctod presi- lnut November On ti chargo of brenlt- Memorial for Cliurch.. rector of music at tho Ocean Grovo 1 dent of tho Long Branch policemon's auditorium, has been engaged to pro- It will liberate more plant food thaji any other iiu* into P. 0. WciRnnd's store at Hnsi- The family of the Into Henry ,B. benevolent nssocintion last week. Mi- Shannon of Long Branch has given a duce- "Tho Storm" at Philadelphia ' let, nlcuiluil Kuilty IUHI Wednesday to chucl Cuncen is vico president. Jo- overy Saturday afternoon nnd night Because It's (or One Thing Only, and | kind you can buy. It promotes the decomposition of rwwiviiifc ii pair of stolon ahooa: Ho handfiomo glass cross to St. Luke's nojifi McGarvoy secretary and W. E.for the remainder of the winter. tialil ho did not know the oliocs woro church of Long Branch aa a mqmorial Miller treasurer. • Red Dank People Appreciate This. all kinds of vegetable matter in the soil. It ia best ittolt'ii. Ho WHH paroled for ono year. to Mr. Sherman, who wna nn official Freehold Store Sold. of the church forty yonnt. Tho crons Clarksburg Man Dead. A Hold Pnrtnerililn. Tho Frank Dulloia store property Nothing can bo good for every- because it ia of an animal nature and superior ioxmy will lie lighted at night. ' • William II, Hnvilanil of Clarksburg ut Freehold has been ilold to Charles W. \V. Dilkn, proprietor of tlio IIo- thing. , Meeting of Farmers. (lieil Saturday week at tlio ugo of C8 ChaRaris for ?0,0,00. This building Doing ono thing well bring*! MIIC- lime made from mineral .-products. It acts quickly • tol Ikhni'iil at Kieeliohl, han Hold a yonrii, Mr. Hnvilanil ia aurvivod by a had boon "coiiMdcrcd aa a municipal cesii. ' liulf Inti'ii'iit In tlio business to Mnr- Tho advisory board of tho Mon- widow and two noun. Ho was nn and is lasting:. Hydrated in bulk or in bag. Es- tiit McOowuii, who him been bar- mouth county fiirm demonstration building for Freehold, but it wan later Donn'n Kidney Pills aro for ono tivo mombor of tho Clarkoburg {locidcd to build a new town hall. tiling only. f tciiuVr ut Ihn liotnl tho past twelve, bureau will hold ita nnnual meeting Methodist church. pecially screened for drill use. Also Ground Oyster j'unni. Mr. MrOi/wan'will huvu the and dinner next Saturday at the Storekeeper Sued. For weak or dinortlorcd kidnoya. Hero in reliable evidence of their nclivi! iiiiinii^eiiicnt of tho hotel, American hotel at Freehold. Ad- Trappon Meet With Success. Suit for $2,500 damages ban been Shells in small or carload lots. Good stock on hand. dri'hsea will be given on uubjecta of worth. ' Knights Kloct Officrra. Brasilia Oakerson and William C. brought uguinnt Morris Berry, who inturciil to farrnerii. Purkor of Horuerstown, who have At tlio (innuiil election of tlio Adul- conducted n clothing atoro at Asbury Mm. M. Wnlling, Main ntroot.Jfoy- Dostli of LonR Brancli Girl. been trapping in the pines in Ocoan Park liuit nummer, by Mary A. Soibcl. port, N, J., nay«: "I had illizy and PROMPT DELIVERIES ASSURED phln lodtfo of Knif'httl of I'ythiun county, rocontly caught nino foxes In • Sntutdliy week Wlllium L. .loliniion, Mnbol (iohlt'11. iluuglitur of George Minn Soibol claims that Berry put hor norvouo upoll» nhd my l.ldnoyn woro Jr., A\im, which afToctoi' Trolley Hits IWies. and they noon mndo mo well. I nd- p Andrew RuF of Mnnauqunn wan vico tho iioo of thin medicine in all limn V. Mm! '•rimlol r of ffonmi. till! heart. Hlio wiia ulKteon yeuni old A.team of horseii belonging to a, taken to tho ntato hospital at Tron- and in survived by her paronta, two canon of liidnoy trouble Doan'o ICId- • InvnnU Aiito'^uWlinnint. Perth Amboy firm WIHI otruck by a ton last week nnd was placed in thonoy Pillu oro unfo for women to uuo." v lirotbor.) and u ultitor. . Irolloy cur nour Froncau Monday of obiiorvation ward. Ills queor actions J. K. flhurta of Ani, Pnrk hn'K lout wook nnd woro no badly inlurod it * InvonUxl n dovko which ly bo nt-Many Naw Cliurch Mimber*. ' * havo caused bin relativoa and friends Prlcn 50c, at all donlorn. Dont LIMEKILN 1 was neccmiary to kill thorn. Marshal to four that ho In going innano.-. tnclu'il to nulotnobllon to} holding All n risiiult of tlio rccunt ovaiigolln- John Muluoff of Matawun shot thorn. nimply auk for n kidnoy romwdy—-i(at j ilrlvcrV will ownflt'/l- lloonuo ciirdu, Uo.cnmiialBn conducted nt I'Voehold Fr»»hold Man In Hospital. ' ; ' ' Donn'n Kldnuy Pllla—tho nanio Uint vj'lm onrd In ojtiioKou'.to.cllbt VIQ pojroonn Imvfl Jolnod tho churchon Ocenn Grove Man Mardsd. ~ | Dnvlcl Raltzinan of FrocholAJs n pn- Mrtv Wnllinw had. Fontor-Milburh of tbot flaco, Thu nowmiimD ' •'• ••', ' ,.,r. W iU''Vif'i)' loci*. '•' miimDoffl uCo " T.IInrrlflon Ilolght ofOconn Grovb nt l'„• WUIadolphltt feouplttil,«UT -~^o-i Props., Bufffllo, N,»Y, . ."..,. r,i. •G'/0 UnlKirt Cqunill, HI. rent. 720 Wirren U jmnrk, eulnry It 10 football at uhoo) Tuisday of last r QOBtRTA, ttACKKI.I.AK, man of the borough. Matthew W. LMUI(,II h 1. l r *x AiUjiiiriivtrj t r. 8UEFITOJF OS. Smith now holds the Job and It Is be- week, HERE'S MEW VIGOR 071 I" It 71' 'i.iuninj j;. Unhor, wny» Offlii l>u iian u minis, It. d tnk^H, J. Mr: Lerratta Trout Dead. OVERWORKED uuJ raeunii -~~ 'H.2B T. luphmiu 40 (Continued from lout page.) Shot Whiio~f>Uylnff. „ ' , - ftlre,- Lerretta Trout died at the I 1,695.10 * I.1BC-! Tilo men's Bible class of the Freo- Charles Jones, eon of William home_of William Morton of Bridle Jome3 Cooper, Jr., tho popular May lltli, 13IS. GEO. \V. SMITH, PIANI8T. Boltl Prcobytorlnn church has organ- Jones of Long Branch, was shot in tho Saturday week. She was eighty years Jruggist, hns been in the drug busi- Cliafl. P.* \vort...ey, police. JBO.00 - Collector. 674 SamuiH Wall, roudH. 24.00 State 0/ New Jorjey, 1 oWo for C'onco.x W A. 'Kl.TUN, KicfTcr leader. ' Long Branch hospital. . ' • Maude S. Holmes, iniant daught 677 Ilod Hank RoelHter, print-. forocoEng Btatemjnt It true and correct of T, S. Holmen of Fwcht _byJMiro>na, tho great dyspepsia rem- to the ucat of my knowledi^o and belief,. ••* SUHGEON fJENTlST. (Patriotic Soot Elect, - Women Hold Election. Sunday of last vycolc of phoufnoni jdy, is the fairest, he haB ever henrd >78 Pulii'le'Service Kloctrlc Co.. ~i '••.•: aiso. w. SMITH, / Grfldtuto Unlvvrtlty Df fC£ni,irlvaiiLi. a.>f . HHo doesn't bclievo,,that a medl- lltflit, borouKl) liall^... .. Uoilccto/. lu Ur. i, I), UM'knur vn, John Sherman is tho'now prooldont Carrie Throckmorton was elected 070 Public Service KlcctrlecCo., No. 81)n»d3ti«t Wintering in Florida. r jine ought to be p fiworn and itub°crlb(Mi tn before me this of tho Adolplila lodge of Phtrlotio (tsjpr unless it Itiht. Ktrocti.'."...... • 001c«_hmini! K A. U luoJlOK M. llvdr: commander of the Long Branch lodge loes the user some g llthday of January, 1916. ixceu Sons of Arherict. John H, lllller is Mr, and Mrs. ChnrleB W. Jenkins of JOVIL. And Mt- *,S0 Edwurd Urowp, roml i OHAB. P. CnOSB. of Shepherds: of Bethletom last. week.. vna i s solld undeundr a positive guaran- 5S1 JlrrnWHmlth Post, 61, waya JlorouKli Olork. Vice president, Milton Eckmnn record- Ocean Grove nre spending tho rest of EO McC. TAYLOC, C E. Jennie - Gordon ia vice c"ommnndor, tee tp relievo, dyspepsia or' to refund andd- uu. 16.00 .We., , thtaa undnrnlsnedundrnlse,, liavlnss auuitcuu d ing aocrotary ond Charlca H. T. Clay- Mory Tabor accountant and Elizabeth tho winter at Palm Beach, Florida. 2O.a0- thh e rolluctullt r H boobk , llnlldd sattie correctt G C0N3UL.T1M! ENGINErn. ^ho. .money. You simplv leavo 50 CS2 Samuel Wall, roodi ; CIVII OCINK, It and bUHVKI OH. ton treasurer. • Evorctt treaaurer. - '" Build* Another Garage. Gg3 Kilwnr.l Itroivn. ruuJ^..... GO.00 to Uie Lent of our knowledge an! belief. :cnt£ on deposit with James Cooper. 584 Unltwl Council. 141, rent. IIIWING L. WILD, H El.nor PulUira, llroutl hi.. h«l hunk, N. IB.00 •V. W. TRAVIB. On Trip to Florida. Butcher Firm Dissolve!. Clarence Shafto of Farmingdale /r.F and if, after you havo used the burougli nail. lino built another garage on his prop- OSS Knburlllll & Pru3tonruto,, uock..k.... OSS.00 K. ROBtKT DiCKSON, Dr. and Mrs. James. J. Reed of Sea- Sngotsky brothers, "who havo con- )ox of Mi-o-na you decide that it has J,J8C'S8 l ln & PPr o tton ,d duel;,.l , 3', n.O'J T0WNSIHP OF SHItEWBniTBY. D VKTEItlNAMAN bright ore spending two months nt ducted a butcher business at Freehold erty nt that place. lono you no good, all you Invo to do DS7 l &J^tU 430.03 Bale ot JCana for Vnpald Taxev. r Haven. N. J. 11 or» <2I W. Red Dor.Sl s-to.' tell him so and ho will refund Public itotleo Ii huriuty- given' by jCd- -*^- Blinmi, Florida. During Dr; Bded'e ievorat years, have dissolved partner- Recovering from Appendicitis . » 3,371.20 absonpp hie brother, Dr. Waltor S. your monoy. . wln tiobb>, culUofur oi the tow us nip of ship. Tho businesa will'bo continued Misa Margaret V. Tuthill of Mata- Juno 6th, 191B. yiirowtsbury, in ttio county of Muiiinuutu, L KLILLY & QUINN, Rood of Long JBraneb, will look after Huhdrpus of peopleThavo been re- KaildliiK. Red D»nk, by Samuel Sagdtsky. wun Is recovering from an attack of .188 Chun. T. Wortiiiay, pollco.l • 60.00 t.iU.1 ..« wul.bull at [tubiiu *uJu uil- tliu UmridHin fete practice. > ioved of Btomach agonies by using SBllWin, 11. llcnduruun, 18.00 lanJa, ttnunicntfi, litrodltunieiiU ar.d roul John J. tiulnn. ChurchjOfficer* Elected. appendicitis. ;hia remarkable remedy. It is not 0 finmuGl Wnll. roudJ 21.00 caliita liurQinui.tcr tnontloneJ, fur tde - ' Lodgs Officer., limply a food digester; It is a medi- r Gcu. Adaraj, nro depnrl- shortest term tor wululi any pcrsun or M CONK W. H. Blowers and Mrs. Charles A. Job as.a Fireman. -mont ...... -, [jerrionj wilt nyree to' take tlif aamu und - -Thomas Kinney has boeri Installed Pulling were elected deacons of tho cine that puts-nil of the digestive or- E. - AUCTIOKFEH. Harrjsqn Piercp of Mannsquan hw 602 Cha.. 1". Cross, nro dopart- pp.iyuiy e tax lioi.en tiiercontiire . Including Inter- Prompl arten'ion \>. «ll %*\ta of farm AS noblo grand of tho Afibury Park Avon Baptist'church last week, H. ;ans into normal condition and gives - ment .70 a job ns fireman on the Pennsylvania e-t und of,.u;tlo. mtirchandlre a l itn|j,lrty todgo of Odd Follows, A. H. Sherman M. Dolan was'chosen trustee and •uddy^rglowjrig, vigorous health. A Q93 Urownlng, Kin^ & Co., pu- '.'pie Mtud ualo will take place ul tho I' O la vice grand, William 0. Hnvena re- railroad. / " ' lico Globe hotel, In the borouyii ol Kea liunk. Frodua White clerk. -hange^for the better will be seen- 6!)4 Edwan, Brown. roaJa..... mi L'rlclity, ,ti.e eleventh day of i-ebru- H-'B. r , cording secretary and Milo C. Griffin SuEFerins from Pneumonia. vfter the first few doses of Mi-o-na, I&S6 Artnur u. Williams, doclc. ury, nineteen hunJrud and uiKleeti, ut AUY HUHGEOh AND Church Election. 8 troaaurpr. •--.'.. •'••'. Mrs.' William F. VanderVeer of rid its continued use will soon give iI)" Kefl Bank liesiatpr, prlnt- 2:l)li. o clock .n tne aiU'rnuun. OENTIST. John Crowell and.Joseph VanNess ;hc power to cat.anything at any time lnfnfff ••,,••••_•••• 8.00 The. aald landn, ttnomeiite, heredita- NEW jeiutery. P.nno.Com'panJrOfficer., West Freehold U laid up with pneu- C. D. Keo?o & Co., ways ments aim real tibhuto .-o tu Do nuid, uiid wore elected elders of the Asbury monin. nd not suffer distress afterward. Use moans.. 6.00 tnu, nainuB ol Uio persona against whom tM.rli>rmud on blleb b At the annual meetfBfe'of tha TusU- Park~Reformed~churclrtastweek. J.' \Ii-o-rii nnd see how much more there 598 Now- Ifork Telephone Co., trie talJ ta.vcj have been laid onuccount AUo doffs trrated with Scrum fcr DlBtvm ' Ing piano company tit Aabury.Park Alton Thomas and George Longstreot Broke Hi. Ankle. ~ is in life. waya and nioaiiH 3.22 of titti same, and the utndunt of taxca . ' Mana?. G99 Giimewcll Klro Alarm Tcl- laid on account of tiacn' parcel, uro tta . Telcphunu 211b, Eaxmf.wn.^N. J. lost weok H. A. Tasting was elected were elected deacons. . . Forman Browor of Freehold fell cphono Co. iiro dept..... president, Mrs. Mary F. Tasting vice GOO Wm, Hulao, Sr.. roads..... ft'nft ttOlldWU, VIZI and broke his nnklo Tuesday 6f last &.00, Abo, 1-ranlc, - prosldont and Frank E. Underwood Grand Juror Taken Sick. 001 John Nausbaum; dock..... 12.00 JY BUROBON, week. 502 Albert VniittnniL, ruads » Lorenzuno .place, Tlnton Falla..? 18.70 ; secretary.- . . : ; .''... E. E. K. Rothfritz-of Asbury Pnrif Uuchunon, Deborah, UHlco. IMblie Service HulMina Tetouboiw H9L 111.00; dock $4.00...... ; 16.00 Two lot.H oir Whito road, Red was taken sick at the session,of tho 803 L. M. Dasliicll. board of R4Hidenrt).KlHlin'Wtttlur> Avenue. Tt19 ; an Anoclnlion Officori. _ Bank . .. 3.74 Ken HANK. N. J. grand jury nt Freehold last Thursday health : 100.00 Bowimifi, KliKabeil), ,. ; . Edward ?S. Vanloer WOB chosen and had to be taken home. Hia sick- S04 Win. B. Ilcndtjraon, dock.. 1B.0II -Jon-,0 mil lot on I'roanect avc-' SOD United Council, l-il. rent, itid1, Llttlo Silver 10.31 RNKRT A. AKEND, . '$?? ' ; president of the Manasqinn building ness was not serious. Lorouirh hall . I5.00> Jo. E ARCHITECT, , nnd loan association last week. Asher Brcwoter, J. ... B., li« W. <(lth Si^-^t, Nf» York City Now Lodge for Bradley Beach. - 806 Samuel Wall; rondj... 14.00 Two lots on ltlver View avenuo 7.48 ; Curtis Is vice president, F. Borden 607 U. S. nllen, roadH 34.5(1 8 Public Service Mcctrie Co., Home and lot near Littld Sil- kcatdnno. Kr( Aged M*h. ~~.""~ 1 Two--JoUi at SbUtir Ked Hank;.. 1.87 the Manasquan lodge will bo united 510 Arthur C owlft,-roaJa. .-.. 5.0(1 Churl tun, urenton, '. E Patrick Kolly of Mntawim died last Git ted ward Broivn, -roud * 35.00 llou»c and lunU at Pino Brook., 4.74 • ' ' COUNSELLORS Al UA , with tho now lodge. Gl" riehdrlck-.on & Applcgate, Davidion Rulliling, Brawl 8I1MV Wodnosday nf "irTo nge of 92 yenrB. r K e . or small t l-'owler, \Vln..t.a, - - Bulletins Rantod for Bank. amounts, on dia- roads .. .: 1.G0 Six lots on U. &l. Co. tract. Lit- Ihl) HANK. N. Ho m»de hiB.home with His daughter, U13 David Minton, dock 31.6 ll tle Silver....; ' 11.22 William Lnnsley, who has organ- monds, w a I c h * a, G14 Ohae. LowiB, dock 17.00 Hired, John, . ' , KEDBhlCh A dl/Pt, Mrs, Michael Henry. He in also sur- Jpwelry. Bllverware, vival by a widow and three other ized a bank at Farmingdalev hac LipplncotL'a ualt meadows....: 20.67 COUNSELLOR AT UlW, rented the old. pootofTlco building etc. IxinnH redeem- S 818.16 i. cnrMr.Broart «nd Fron" Cjhlldro'n. ;•'•"• ; able nny time wlihln KBP RAN*. N. J from William B. Goodonough as a On Increased profits if you have . July 13th, 191B.- ."""•'"' U ut WuvBldO.".^. TT.Ol Seek Riparian Righti. 815jw. P. Worthloy,'police.| 60.00 ij, M. G., . temporary office. conndenlfnl. Corre- your house wired by Us. 016 Geo. Admna, nrc do[)t ' B.OO \1 on \.Hson tract; honaa Allonhurst borough. Jiimca M. Ral- nillclleil. 817 Geo. Adam 4, nr'e dept - 3.10 lot en Lovy iract, VVljyalda 30.92 CntINRELIX)h AT LAW. Wall Firemen- Elect. Call on U3 TODAY and secure our 618 Geo. Adams, llro dept 6.00, 5. Co., RED BANS tS. 3 «fcon nnd the New York and Long entrance (or DarnN anJ land on Sycamore Charles Nowmarr is the new chief ladles. 619 uco. Adainu, nre dept , 6.00 ri. Ifl pAKT l^ilNT , Branch railroad have applied for cer- figures; they will interest you. * . 020 Cnai. P. Cn:B4, salary .-" 60.00 avenuo to 'Lufqlra brook, card, tain riparian righta In tho part of of the Wnll township fire company. 621 Alfred Hendrlckuon; tiro - wlro<, uoli-a, rullB, ties and » LSTON BEKKMAN, , John Curtis is ossjatant.chief. Nell AU Our number ia 317-J Rumsbn, if aept 2.60 , other property 7(8.00 r\ COI1NREI.IX)R AT LAW wc>l 1»ke which touches on Allonhurst 622 John H, Kllilder & Sons, McQurrity, J., estate. nfiln* Id ftn«o »iml REP BANK. N. I. •feorough. gor foreman and Arthur S. Hall first ' J. E. LEMON fi CO; LlCfnst-d Ix>Ah BrpH*n. you haven't time'to call phone us. roadi 11.20 House and lot on Wnlto. street, assistant foreman. . 823 New York Telephone. Co., Slirowsbur: 13.09 HKKBEK1 E WILUAMh, ! To Bory Electric Wires. Ave. m 2»u> su wuyg und moans...- •. • '2.92 Owens, iTanls.. •••"•••••.-. A Hospital Patient. SUIK'.EON UENTIH1 • Tho Consolidnted, gaa company of Naw York«lu f. P. Reid Electric Service G24 Chamcroy Bros., dock 34.60 Houuo and lot on Monroo avo- iUMU llnlv«rel» 0/ P«nn«Tlv«rl» Cornelius A. Conover, who was for 826 ReJ Lank Register, print- nue, Hed ilanli.: 8.43 . In Red.BanV: Mmbn Wd tong Branch will placo nil its electric •• -' - - :-. OCEANIC, Ing 23.60 Obre. s, L.t mnt* ^ntunlajri. Jjrlros under ground.by May 1st. The many years -employed by the Long 626 Robert S. John3on, flro do- Hqfp-'etp i'nl lot'oloton Broad street, 120 RTOAH Ifwl R*rf ttiinW N'J Conduits were laid a long time ago be- Branch banking company, has been a Borouah of Runuan, N. J. '>,' partment ; 12.60 ShrShrewsburee --- y 1G.9S 1 patient in a Philadelphia'hospital for MRS. CLAYTON'S LETTER 627 Robert S. Johnson, fire de- FO..U. , . .. H.mrl nH, ' I >R"W M THOMPSON, fore - the streets were-permanently . . nrtmenl..- :.-....-..; ' K60 Mcklos Pliico; paved. .- several weeks. " ' •.;:••.•.. To jttil-Dbwh Kenrous Women 828 Public Service Electric Co., ilrowibury Haziira. place,- I .F nRMTAURimoEON Louisville, Ky.—"I was a nervouj Polhemus. RRolandl , Jr., J18 l(> Seagirt't Poitmistreas. llKiit. borough hull : 1.00 - I 8rt Nnfl Bmnk BalUlng, Bni B«nk. H. I Surprised on Anniversary. . wreck, and in a weak; run-down con- FiNANCiAL^EPORf G29 Public Service Electric Co., Hovjac und lanj at Ptnobroak.,. B.3I " "^ ' The appointment of Miss Knthefine OF TUB ' < " . 11 ht. streets'. :... 12R.IC Reade,, Marthuh, k C'KANK L MA^NlN^. JHr, and Mrs. Doniao Conover of dition when'a friend aak>d me to try 630 U. S..Allen, roiids. 20.00 Two lot on C. & I. Co. tract.... 7.48 T Englishtown • were surprisod laBt Fraleigh as postmUtrosa nt Seagirt Vino]. I did BO, and as a result I havo 631 fc{. Trjifiord-Smoclt. roatl'i... 1S.00 Riordan, Michael, simoEON nE^tls . Wednesday in celebration of their his been confirmed by Postmaster pained in health and, strength. I think 632 MorBe u .luck on Inc., In- ' • Hoii.se and lot on Whito street.. 12.72 a :KI BANK, a I. BOth wedding anniversary. They re- General Burleson. She succeedariVer- Vinol is the best medicine in the world BOROUGH OF FAIR HAVEN Hurunco on dock •. 92.25 dtuun lui-uid K l.T..n , gil D. Erwin. ' ' 633'Per U Llttjei ways and- * LanLdd att Waysidn.. 7.48 , ,K. WILLIAM KOSE, i ceived sevoral gifts of cut glass nnd fcr a nervous, weak, run-down system prom qnuary lot, 1915, tp incanB •• X.30 Traders, security Co., ^ I " DENTIST. I adtvor, - nnd for elderly people."—Mrs. w. C. 034 Chna. Lewis, dock id.21 Lots' on Cornell auonuo. Way- 8a«ir to Dr. B. P. UonUa. Fell Downntair.. 1 CLAYTON, Louisville,-iCy. ' 0«^orribor 31at, 1915. < 636 Robert Iinnc§ & Son^, flro side ;..; 3.74 Gai bHmfnintoivd. Cunning on Barnegat Bay. doportment'. 2.04 VnnPelt, Mrs. Mnrtha. «n RROAn MTBFPT "CT1 nAMIt B. I. Edward Stryker of Freehold fell Vinol is a dollciouo cod liver and iron, •• • BE0EIFI3. - downstairs Sunday of last week nnd 636 Tlntorn Mnnor Water Co., Hnu.4O nn lot at Uoovoytown.. 18.70 Holmes Wikoff, Newell Burke. tonic without oil, guaranteed to over- Balance In bunlt ? 1.8S4.08 wator department 187.50. Walsh, D. J., . . . . EO. D. CUOPER, .rt6neas_Tico of Mntawin ii ro- G44 Now York Tclepli6n« Co., - - Idomnnrlfi anil clnlnn ugaln&t the eatuto—^^ Auto on Fire, -' • , ffljrmi Clm^tajjft Mm inn^lfl. ront - 'covoring frtfm pnoumonlh. Dr. A. E. for olecili;ns .25.00 - ' imyB'ntul moan i..,.. V.. 3.17 nf mid rtccoaniid, nivlnr I'IIIII or alllrnin- Vvu MM J WOLFERT. An automobile belonging to S. Jalnvuu'rffand Joseph Eodl of WUti- From Cnin."P. Crom. turned Iti 546 Itoa Bank Ko^lstcr, nrlnt- tion, within nlno months from the twen- D"' "L,™ • by , olilef.of polleo.. ,;:•.;..,.-,,. • . .. . Irte „.,• <.... i ,, 16.00 . ty-nlnlh ilay of rji-c-eiiilinr."! JJIE. or they 1 ^R™dTJr^t. H«l n«ok. M. J Thomha Proctor of Lone Branch, was win nre seriously sick with the same rtC Pull fie Eer\ico. Electric Co.; , iwlll bo forever barred of. any nctlnn _ . 9 B/?hn'5Sh,iifr. efr,,foj;, From.Urin.3MV CroeJ, Imdo 'froth.' 1 partly'dtotvoybd:'by int*iifit.D!ifiU16y,, dfsoase1;1,•';': ;;': . • ."'!-••• ' 1-; A. tflulfdrj- 'IV.'r... 67-00 • • , llelUa ..,, :...... :. '. 132K 1 aEttlllat l0 M eUn r l : Ul PuUlIc Survluo Electric. Co., .• u'cSiurS " " " '' « "*• rSA^i^if^r*^^ Bench Saturday morning." 'Tlio" lil^ze FrocholdGlrl to Marry. l rmiiL hmJ*'!p. Croj^, tHitick, __ (OLD ESTAI1U9H£D.> u, . Merchant^'. Steamtiuiit Cc.., |. 190.00 Il4,'i.t. blil'OUKh hall '-ityrns Btarted by tho engine Ka'c'knrln^. G4S Jana ]>;,. and lionald Hun* . Announeomont in mado of the en- RcdJontUi hstut«n do LujreVi'Fjfni ; ! ULlll Klin* * i M v \vk'Ubort';-ehcck arr a641t ,. .••: 100.00 kln.upor...-. .,,- 'roBcnt claims to ' To/Enlarge Rup Mill. 'ascmoiit of-'Miss Dorothy Itosoll, Count'*" Homes, Shoro ilia•, Bung .<»9''lJ.'S.- AHeil. roail.i-.' 1 ' Messrs. JOHN S, APPLEGATE «V SON, lowt. If you: want to Sell, Bur'Q* I I.'.. :..!.. '' 60.S2 r iu?htov, Of Jo'tn T. ROBOH of flree- Totilf...... '..,.'. ,J24,fl6S.-44 GCO, kS-[.d:.W.i Davli, vays; nil•.."!; !.;-•••,,< ' . 1 -. Froctorflt An addition'i>OxOO foot will 1)0 built d Cl Pl j v N. J., .- >•) |o tho- FyeelioUl'J'u»;. mill.-,; Biehteeh, "', tocher E^Biddle, Jr., of|Me- Dr. H\'8. VtiriDbrd : 1 \Wi"IH»n,lr : iviiya now roomoom^? Vill'VVilrVe ih&follihfife>lj52)XI.:.rij(AHi!ll.. f •,60.01) i--" ICxecutorln; Notleo. ' ' ' ' 1 On a SouthorW Trip. | ••, • LUiS „ uoj .Ujy.,.JlH(l,.osj •fl.OO 'Jiimerf S." Ldw»oh:, executor of Krfwnrd Second Nfltinnal Blank fjulldinj ond floor.'M'lll1) 6 uapd aa a storehouse. 1 RiMimf f* HIHI P nes H,- Baird of Mnrlboro a'Sti l(«wd J ,.... ., • ...... 5,163.ao '«r.:| C?t'6'.«'\V;' SuiU ways'-anS J. Luwsoiite , deceuaed, by .order of the .tt'flya nfid 'n -.-;'.';!1.'-.'.. .!' • •"1Ti3.81 metin.H ...•.:.. ••''' .40 •MiiTt»Ka .of thn counly of Monmiuith,. tonB Br^fch Mann K*»r^di.^j)^^| | , 'Vr) „ v*4. ttaoyigh thiWSouth. Hiajfiiist f ; horoby. jjlvea noHe^i to. ..the credllufB. of, f'or.KTv:.i.':K V itlt.116' sir, Arthur C. SwifC,. i 6aii.a,.,^f.. ,.. 12.00 nv* CE. DavisonVf i-ipng Byinch gtbp will bo'at Chittmoogii nnd noih DRAWER iStilllrlcs . .4)R.-. ....,..i,.y-.-.. l>G0 '•" :6.00 the oatd docoa-iod to bi-in^ in thoir dehtv Artnur'C.S'witt; lomnniH and-clultn-* against the esuite nnd Miss\Agnoa T. Delnhuftt ,(>$ Niw there •)ie"\yil)k go pS New Orloansmnd ASBURY Boar.l of lu'alt:r..".. '..'. . J G57, Unltud, Ciniiii-ll,- HI, rent',. OIT BXJXE TO O^Zb CSCSXTOSS* K V^ntor department ..,.'.'. of «iud deceased, under otith pr atllrnia- Hxirtttnrn' Notl'C TCoik wereinurrlod at tholatter pl ce Mobile, ' • ' .' i,B.Oll '"borallitlfhull. . 16.00 tloa, within nine monUin from the twen-. PrlntlnK ••„...., 832.73 tr.it' Wm. Hti-lHe, Sr., rojida:... ', s-00 „ .... ., Winiain B; Llttlo rtnd Wl.lliim Curchln, on,: Ghrietriitts duy., . Mr. and .Mrs. Muto iinJ couiUy school tax PofsH'. ilttle,."wayj arid' -ninth day of Novemlier, 1015. or they executors of Harvoy M. Llttjip.r School Debntnra Selected. lie forever barred of any action by order »f the ourrogutc of Ino cor.nty BaviBon aro liV^yg a\ South Anjtoy. county tax.., .., < .,..•...„ ,: 6,3(6.G'II..ocii\tlon. _•/ "ow aiwLfiugnr Sherman hivo been Intprt'Bt on hotesi .•..;...... ' 132.95 pool- ..;.;...:../ JAMI-iS 3. LAVV3L>N, cro^ltors of tho HWIII tloronpco to hrl^jf m 192 Broadway, Nuw Y.orUiClty. their deht*. drrnnndH, nil I clulms aft*ulnat ^o'.eotau"'to represent the Asbury Park Mix* .\lopnrtnilintiT. ,,•,..:..: A parent-tonchers as'sooiaiiap--JVBIH, (lent lor uprDU'.'h_hall IDU.llO tlie estate of *nlrt J V. Hurt Jeilluiucnt laxoj, 1012 »71 Unas. P. Cro a, w.tys and •Mary N. Kotuhaiii. adnilnl-trntrlx o\ lf>ir. nr ttioy will ht> fnrfvor nnrrfl'l of of Anbury. Park, died last Thursday. This 18 the quality condition of our tneuiiH 1.00 iiiyol Ketcham, dot-eusiMl, by ordur of nny nrtion t!icr«for against tho nald nd- "?eturn» from Hoipitnl. ' 1 i' su modulo of ihi! rounty of Mon- imnderiner — ABSOLUTELY PER- Total V $ •CiGM.O: 171! Chaa P. CroBj, salary...... 611.011 mlniBtrntor. jogEpH ,, ErBTACH_ BJr.'Hurt, who wna n bnthihe misto: Misa Joaephlno Dangler of Elboron mtnith, heroby give- notice to the cred- at Asbury Park, died last October. •'ECT. Noto In Kucond national bank.? 4,100.00 Horn' of the snlfl decoaHOt. to hrlni; In Pre»ent rlnlnm to has roturned from tho Long Branch their debts, r ninrmutton, within nlno months from Willlnm SnndlnHa, n member of UK :uke in every detail enables us to ll.-lit. Btriott the twenty-'lxtli day of November, lUl'i. floitrlght borough council, Rive hir vnrrnnt. T EW YORK ANP i.nNr; nRANCH V Big Cactui. ;uarantoe you tho abovo kind of 2n Cha«. P. Worthley, pollco.l B0.00 175 Pub..e Si:l\lei' Klcclrlu Co.. ir tlioy will bo forover barred of uny N' RAILBOAn nnnu"l dinner to tho mayor and coun- vork. 02li H. ,!. Hchnojnor. pcor 0.00 Ilifht. tioroiifh hall 1.00 ictlon tlitrofur against thu" eaid admin- Mra. Forman Barknlow.of Freehold : 1 ciUnst Thursday night. Many of the 627 H«l Ua.Hlc Roglstor, wnya 176 New k ork ' Ttflophono Co., I tratrlx. Tlm» T«hl^ In *<**•« Oetobw tin*. 1*1(L 'las-^ Christmas cctua which h"s a Our wngon will stop for tho trial and 2.011 way 1 and mi'nnn •.. 3.22 MARV N. KETCHAM Sta'l,,nn in N^w Y"rV,P-f»n«vlvanI* It R./'i'vcnth fiorough ofilcialu wore present. ipretd of about two feet and which lundle if you will call 628 i-i. J. Solin.ohlor, poor S1.45 t"7 c™. /•I'IIIIH, IIr,. dipt 5.00 'loirs moro than ISO blooms. 529 Public HITVICO i-jlectric Co., 8TH Ooo. AilutiK. tlm uept 5.00 STotlca ot Gottlomant of Account. fi-ong Branch's Arretti. llKht, borough .bnll 1.00 873 (!.•». Adiuim. Mm dh omJ During the past yoir tho police o' 530 Public Herilco ISIectrlc Co., J80 i.eo. Ailnm •. Urn dept .60 Inoolvent Kstiite. rorllnniiiR 'ft fcntmin.n r.'N»».TerMy; A Coming Wedding. - llsiit, Btrootn. .., 131.66 til 1'or.HlB Little, tviiyi und Kotico I» horoi>y civtn that tho nc- fn iin.l rourt of tho county of lion mouth, on B2. 8,1*."<' »1'. I - 042" has boen announced. • CARE" Is our Wa.h-Wcrd~* 534 John 11. b'lolitai' & 8ani, ncaii 1,16 VMZ. IIZR '1 '« «"!"•: '4*'4". wnyn npi tnoins J.00 886 United Thurailny, tho seventeenth-uny of lh MpDcrmott,—waya 15.00 8 W. (1ST 11 44. » re.-11 .•'«.« '» »«. 0W. 57 Whito Street, Red Bank, N. J. nnd inoiini 4.tr, K-h hall Dated January 10th, A. D.» 1918. John Drum of'Freehold h>is bought Mr. and Mrs. Honry Conover of 7 ii. 7 3S.R "0 B «•. I" 0".« fl p. m. tao Marcus Height property adjoin- Telephone 62S-M Red Bank 530 Willlnm Jiulao, Sr., roads. 0.00 I :75.6S SAMUKI SAUAiII. KOT F'lu»lw»h anil N«wark: ftta. A4t; * in, t>ui,UHfs BbH, v.'aM.ra.t llHlit, atvoetn 132.36 1I>3 IltimlrliIdiDii & Hun, puur.. 4t..'0(l ISO, <4> (M.-»»anunlri. if. 1 WlMaU' 8300 bail for the grand jury on Outdoor Privy Jaitunry, A. D.t 1916. •• ^ c cusi noxt spring. 541 Ital Hank UcRlntcr, print- 'Hi;: IUM UIIIIII UcalHIor, print- wran only), 1* 0U p. m. caui-RCD of stealing bicycloBi The ing 60.24 Ill-,- 101.C6 Dated December 20th. A. D., 19IB. It {• uncomfortable. Inconvenient. un» For Urn Uralicli. A.uun Mark. Uaau Onm, (Jkoftu took placo lust Octobokv. Long Time In Office. Iioalthy. It* cold nnd drnuglily in vrm.cr, 542 John 11.: IHoldor & 3onu,, 504 rublln Hnr.vlro Rlftrtrlc Co,, JOHN WrtlOHT UHO I'oit'lll ; 3.00 llKht. BorouBh hall ' 1.67 Polnl ri«aiVini «m> mtunutxiUta Mlatwnal I St. i" Hla' Thumb. ' T. A, Millor has boon'olocted BOC- • enilUamelting place in aummer, nbarto G43 tlondrlck^o'li, &, .Applogntu, 195 Public Borvlco ldcctrlu Co., Otf BULB TO Df\R CBEDIT (Mnndn,inxc»ptcdd rl> Mauwan and C IL 11. ol N, 1.. Of laat. waqk. Ho y/19 on hla, way .to wuyi und innaiiB. 0.47 1 1 Inalah Oakorson of Ilornorstown lit jih your IIOUBQ. your. 1117 Arthur c. Bwlft, ronilH,... 4.00 10P Bninunl Wall , roadd 1D.O0 tltlicll r (lohllhl* , (lonmrnlvinlldd lill m »Kntnt»t 7 i.1 7 II Mu. m: L >«,4XMWII.m Bun- flownrk to work at tha'limo. 548 United council, HI, ront, fOU Wm. Curchln, way-'i anil ' tho o-tntotnte of ttnlttnl't U(Uiroafx.. under onth d«yit: U !17 a* in*M AV vV v. m, Qtean.CroYo Man Do«,d; hns been laid up.tho pnntfow woekn i, your aummvr koine) borouiili' '.all 16.00 nionn i 8.95 or alllrnuitionlllti , wltlililtl t nlno montlitl H ffrom LKAVK NKW YOI1K rOlt UKD DANK. vlth u oore finger and a big carbuncle up nnywlicrc tho eighth dny of DocL'inber, itMG, nrth#y CL IL It. ol N. J.. n~t "I Lilwi* «i»m. ir MIIXI. Howard A. Burr of Ocon Grove 540 PoiHhi I.Utlu, (lock 1.(0 101 Win, lluliui, Ur., roail»..... 0.00 on hla neck, Lur'y o^i 6f>0 MmviHid tlhomu. roaila.... 10.M will bo fnrovor harrotl sf any aution 10Ml 1130, IO,( liturdojnonljr, ilw(u»lur- .mod Saturday. w6ok A* Phllndolphin, Icikl d Blrojr. Tila mnllcr, f 0:11.r, 1 thcroforuKulnat tiio «alri uliiiliilatnitorH. drtyhclvl. 1 U. H'U. 4 ,ij 4 4IS nOO & OLAM^ Addition to a Hotel. i.ytntnUQO^rn.ufain cat\ DoculllDoi- 14th, 11116. OH.MtLKR H. KI,V. O j.,0ui, p,'m. Uf ul mUitlfflitl. Bumlftjfa1**W, Mr. Wurr wan 27 yeara old and is •l"ve, A linn'!',.mn |i»- 1 April lStli, HI IB, "01J Humuol t.all. road't | ui on UANIICI a I:LY. «4 It ID, ,11W, .IOOH m.. HUD, 4>.U, DIM, »M flurvfved by n widow 'nnd ono ubn. An addition to cost $5,000 la bolng liCI B'imuol Wnll. lainlH ( "03 Clm1. P. Crown, lalary.. . .. no.oo p. in. Ol!ictu. Lrt no .luw He wiiti n enrpentor by trade 'wilt to tho Buckingham hotel at Ao- Wl (!hnn. i*. Worthlny. nultno. no.no 104 Cm". P. Worthloy. polloo.. , r,».on ON RULE TQ B&n OBSDITOBD. o a. it. or N J., root of wo.ij.KiitM.t. «»\ SKI. s It to you, Olln tuiith tth'\ 1'Mwiiril llrown, i-nuiui *()6 tiixi. AiiiiinH, (lr« ilopt Ti.on IOx<'t'Utoiiin, l tBKInnlM> 001 (.'lux. I', (.'run*, m\lnry.,..v tio.oi) "OtJ lliiii. W. Hmltli, »al.iry ....:• ir.0.00 Murlo tl* lliuildln'ff an I II, lluiinlmitn oti'yt, I w ll no, ] m, 4 »., < ,«, D », •>«, II to, i tilo kitchen,,,(( k\bvor $1,200 In miLacriptloim Iiuvo ouTi Clou. /dlllllM,. xvnyH and n7 llnnrv .I. ,-,chnnr'(ir, IIIIIIII-.V 50.00 H|Mi|dlnK, exnctilor^ nf Murtha J, llmird- II mi. u, Hm iin»n*«O,goo,OKI,.9Ma.ni.i nieiuiti .,....., r. .OK lOH llol Ihtnlc lUm-lutar, prlnt- imm, dooiia'oil, by ordur of thu ^urruKiiti* •Jill, ;)Bi. «JU»n. m. mro'idy boqnno.cu.rod, toward tho arti- 3al4«r ^Mov«» to I(arm. 'rf ,-.. 5511 Win. (, llrlon. twin IniT ; 1.2H of tho county of Monuioiith, Itentby K'VO '0l> t'Mwiml Urnwn, rou-ifi..',,,. nolti'o to UM' rrerlltorrt of Vn- Hal'l dn* I'WIII. II. IL 7tli Avu "nil Kid tStrawt, N, Tu fiblnrlako nt.Mntnwan, Tho engineer Uolmrt Knigor, who linn conducted r..">7 itmi ii:itili itotti'tei', piini- r," r," km. H n.->i Iliai lit. 4Bl KiatuiiloK 3(1.01 M0 Wm. «nnu. It. It., llu.Mih r.rmm.1 III. * H. R, H.I Woman Attacked by Dog. Kill I'ulille riiirvlna Hloctrlo Co., ll'ilit- . las.BS nf Ducotnbor, lint, or th«iy will l]« for- tZhurah Mii-l 0onl*ndr tllr^i*. * US. UiKJ 1JIQ '13 Pi'l.Ui' Hi'rvli'ii I'iliirlilii Co., <>V«T burrrd of nny tuition lliorofor Mr«. Ii. A. Iml'iy of Imhyntown iVorking at Brooklyn. llt;ii(, liot'Oiiith hull t.l'll aiiHlntit the m\(\ oxonutm"'. ll'l.tur.l rimc.^udl.tllpn. burdlj.lB(J. fint Win. VniiNtito Jr., duck.., 1611.00 Ilillll. iil>roii-h lutll. ...'.. t.to wua nttackod by n blp 'dog nonr M'lin- Frmik K. Erving of Iiolmnr han 5113 Allr" I lUiiHli-li'luioii, nuyn 714 Now Yolk Tcliipliium Co,, MAKIK II. H^ALDINO, OHO, II 10a. IU.IIHI". 6 17li.ro, •Bury'a otoro thlunlny wooh. Her uH ESTER A.«WOLCOTT, 11111I in«>:ilm , f, 00 , wnyit 11111 me-111'. II. h)AHl>MAN ni'All Kin fiirih.il iinriluulttrii ••• il«i«.iflbW «t iflvon up hia job at Unit place nnd in 1 Cloliilnif won bully torn boforo tho low- working In a grocery ntoro ut Slitontoivn, N. J, Practical aliuoli r,nj Arihui- ('. Dwlft. nn<. V.am) 1, II. DrouUlyn. niotul worltor. 'I'lnnlnic und hot »l> wnyt mill lilftitn^ , 3.12 1/ O.i... lli.li..rloliinn Hull, Itnd Dnnk, N. J, fiitr, Ahlu Piirlfnr,' pnllco,...., 1 .61) I'UXSi'.u torM1OIH..th* 'jrM A»|i«. «. V. any After Job,. , - i Iroka Arm While Playing'. 1 1 .v.'ij;: A'1'1 «v:.jLW!...i.,"""#»i'X LV UL1 '"<•«!• '•l1*«iH«i "V;!l!'.' i!lr w'iryn whah t ,you. it, wi)l ,••'"1 • •v.ll'.^ .'•• ... .- rHnJnfhl 'MMiViit^lrlii.V,.'.." tj(vo mndc . Chester Vn>!Hlu*o''<)f' 1 « ,.,,. ... A, .. 1 niul wurMi flf.oM I rhd WAtchr .tV.t.M'flnNnu-1 \V<)U. (rotufi,! i'l \ ] V,'. ( I 119 "ft /'li|lti";iil|.; iU'i itaofN.w,,..i ©aero Etab* ••••••^•^^•••^•^•^•<^^<0-^^

KBYPORT SOCIAL CLUB CELE ' BiiATES ANNIVERSARY. Kfesniblieiin Club to Hold Entertain mont Washington'. Blrthdoy- Gbrltlioh Endeavor Officer*—Chile Welfare Committee to Hold a Sale TJio Keyport social club held a ban $not Thursday night at Jtnritnn Inr • in'honor of its seventeenth anniver- sary. About forty-persons were pie. qnt Former Mayor John G. Schanck president of the club, presided. He nrculo a short speech. Other speak- ers, wero Mayor Walling, Senato: Henry E. Acke'rson, Jr., Anthony. D Bttdle, L. Browor Walling, Georgo TV. Brown, John W. Wescman, Joseph D- ISedlo/"William- E. Bedle and Dr. H 7 Partial list of Bargains ,£L- Caoley. The club has rooms over Every sucqessful business house tbat.js progress ve and Partial Sile Standard eas company's store on Offered at the •- 'Broad street und hasabout 25 mem- up-to-date has- found:.-the-foi.lpwing-tb.-'ber'gprd-'.business' hsxat moat of whom oro business men bi? the borough. policies. Not only good, but actually iridispensible pulicies Red Bank Store Long Branch Store. Tho Keypo.rt__Reput>lican club is Small "Model" Upright $ 50 Shubert, Upright..'. $ 00 malting arranj»ements for an entcr- , at inventory time. . • " Erneit Gablor & Bro., Upright.. 85 Hatne. &. Co., Uprlffht 100 tainment to lie held' at the Surf the- Phelpa & Son, revarnished 100 nfcor on Wushington's birthday. The J. &C. Fischer, Small Upright.. 110 Mnnhall & Wendell .",... 125 committee isendeayorinp to get Rex To reduce all stocks as much.as possiblei-before inventoiy. Simpson & Co., revarnished.,.. 126 Beach's "The Spoilbrs,"a photo play Antiiell, largest scnle 140 Peek & Son, Opera....' 145 off nine reels, for tho principal part Francis Bacon, thoroughly over- Sterling, Upright, cost ?i!G0 IBS oil'the entertainment. To reduce particularly'any surplus stocks. hauled, looks like new 15S The following" officerc have been Carmen, Mahogany, Upright, lit- Wagner, little used, cost $275. ISO elfectod by the junior Christian En- tle used , 185 Sterling, Upriglit, cost $400... ?400 :...... 250 Woottery Upright, cost $300,.. 225 . .Kip t vico president—Ralph I.oni?- strf"*t. Wagner, Upright, like now, cost Sterling, Upright, like now, cost- Second vioo president—MIBS OHvlnn. $800 ;. 200 Jo. We.have dosed_theJ)est_y:ear that we h§ve had-for a Tonk & Co., little used, like new, J'GOO•.'.•...'...•• ..;....:•..... 286 Itccordlne socrctary—M Jlauscr. '"" cost $300..' ._.. > 215 Empire White ' Mahogany, coat OrrHonillll g Becrctaj-y- Mar- number, of years. — - - • Whitman, large, slightly "used,"."" ?426 . .-,* 32S re«rct OehlhauR. . cost ?300....' 225 Trea u»or—Miss Evn.' BurroweB.. i Hnrdman, like new, cost ?550. ,^ 325 Orianl't—Miss Amy Orracrotl. i Lauter Player, large, 88-note, ... like new, coat $-800...... 425 Weber Player Piano, cost J8J5O..J3B0' Tho-Child--wolfaro -oommlttoo-"bf- ^'•l:: We tpokin.exchangefor playet^pianos, etcM more .used ; the Keyport improvement association pianos than we anticipated we ever would. will hold a sale of clothing'find house- .• " This i* only a partial list.. We will quote special price on hold goods in the Weekly office Sat- r urday .afternoon of next week. Mrs. any and every piano in our stock upon request. No piano Pater Sondergaard has charge of the Hence we are overstocked. Our entire upper floor is affair. practically ^crammed" withjjiano:?....._ ....' - . is reserved during this saSe, no matter what the makers' Michael 'Plankr a''" Slavish" laborer;' price is. ••••".. - - •. was returned to Arlington Thursday v on- order of Recorder VanBuskirk. The man had become a nuisance wan- Since Xmas-we spent every available minute to overhaul, . Also, a variety of new and slightly used sewing machines, dering around the slieeta. and h id to music, reeor i cabinets and other goods will be included. bo_ placed in theboronKh jail each .' revarhish and put these uprights in the. best of condiiion. night by the police officers. Nothing could be learned from the man ex- Seasonal le terms can be arranged for this sale. cept that he came from Arlington . . This week commencing TSuiarsday,rjJa.Bra. i 'and that he had lived from 'the gar- Both . tore*open evenings. bane cano for several daya. at 9?OOA. M.,'we will open the biggest sale-off sec- Miss Mildred Walling spent last Come early and get the most complete selection to choose - week with Misses Hope anoVCather- ond hand pianos' ever offered in this sectio.n tf New ino Tilton of Brooklyn. • from. •••• ' '.•••:••• •••• •:~" ' , "V- '".••• > The high school pupils are prepar- Jersey. . . ing: for a debate between this school Grods purchased at this sale will be delivered at any and the Matawjn high school, -which will bo held at the 'Matawan. liigh . This sale ^applies to both the Red Bank and Long,. futureiime if ? ou are not ready for the piano now, but decide (school on February 11th. The local tmpila are being conched by Misses Branch stores. : ' .. to buy on account of the irresistibje.prices. Clary E. Pulton and Keith Brown, teachers in tho high school. Mrs. Bud Vaughn of Farmingdale visited friends hero iast wcolc. The Keyport literary club will oh- torvo Federation diiy Friday oftorr noon rit the public librnrv. 'ihe l'H- cration president, Mrs. Charles Stock- ton, will bo presont, and tho Keyport improvement association and dele- gates from nl! the clubs, in this dis- ",tiiet n"";i boon invitod to bo present. '•',•' The Keyport public library has a total of 2,1)02 books on its shelves and 12,646 books and magazines were Joajio'l 0.setl entirely of women. An afternoon tea wns held vcr.tcr- (ill bills had been paid smd thnt a ilny in UieMcxtt'ura room of Calvary cmnll balance wan on huncl. • Miss church under the i'uspices of Mrs,rJmina Hunt, Fonnan nnd Duniel Jospph Tyler's Sunday-school clano. Hunt, Archibald Reynolds anil Arthur. . Rlf.ss Viola Yerkes of Now Bruns- Soiiel -wero elected active members wick visited friends here Friday and of the society and Frank Mngec-und. Saturday.. • ; - Ji-ivokl Dennett --were, elected associ- Mrs. Thomas Dawson, who" hus ate members. Ever]/ Friday j will Kave a Special Sale. Watch been seriously ill with pneumonia for I Charles*Flock entertained, a num- ijome lime, is rapidly recovorinir. (.bcr of hia friends ut u shout ut blue ' Anthony Eidoti will on™ h's shoe trocks on the Lefferson farm Saturday the I{£GBST£R for f!ie Weekly Bargains store in tho Goldschmidt- building afternoon. ; . . '.-...... 'about February 1st. •. Mrs. William Hartshorne.is on the ; Miss Ella Carpenter hns resigned sick list with grip. .her pos'tion iis comrnerci'il te'ehcr in John Grant, Jr., of Holmdel h;is Special for Friday, January 21st the high school here end will return become a partner with James Covert to her hounc in Kassichuwtts. in the threshing business; Mr. Covert '1—1-pound Pure Clover Honey y.. ..21c • The Ml Ced~rs held their nnnunl has been engaged in this business a I—25cjar Rexall Cold Cream.. J. 119c ' meeting last nircht in the MT.on:c number of years. Ibdfje room in the McKinncy build- . Mrs. Gnrrett Buck has been, con- 1 —'f Ib can Pure Ground Spice, ci.Her Pepper, ing. fined to the house with grip. Gfnger, Mustard, Cinnamon or Cloves.. 8c Henry Mack bought a teum of j P. C. Willing. S.-.. 13 clerking in ; horses from ' Frank S. Weeks last 1—$2 two-quart Fountain Syringe, 2-year guar- 0; D. Wnlling's butcher shop (luring : week. THE UNIVERSAL CAR lha rbsence of Telftir Roberts, who antee... $aso has been confined to his homo .with ! Alice Fields, -daughter of Walter 1—$1 two-quart Fountain Syringe, guaranteed 85c a 8P'"0rn cold. j Fields, is confined to the hoU3e with The Grter. Jr.. of-Jersey Hnr(-shorne's place list week when 23 3—10c rolls Crescent Toil-t Paper... 19c City, visited friends hot-e bst week. porkers were slaughtered. The work Runabout $390; Coupelet $590; Town Car $640; Sedan $740 f. o. b. Tho f'mM'es of the l"to Pufu': OR-- ., «.one iiy.tne farm hands under supervision of John A. Miller, .NEXT FRIDAY-12 Different BargaSns Detroit- J < • • given nortnita of both men to Cil- "•-•'::•'».. ."-..'Tprt-hornei vnry Sunday-school. Mr. Ogdcn and has 35 other hogs. He also has 42 Mr. Wh-'rton wure Fiinei'intendcnts ALSO DISTRIBUTOR OF: of the Sunday-fchool for in-nv vein!, i . Fr.ink Pe-'se Ins l-nu'rlit Vw De-ni LINCROFT NEWS. JJiOMerty on Bro'idwjiy from his motlicri Airs. Mi'l'ss-i Pcsc New Yorlc Viiitor nt This Place Hurt PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST DODGE Touring Car $785 Deyson Woodhouse of I'ortland, by Automobile. Mainr>. in vipil'n.'r Irs pircnts. M'-. Mrs. Catherine King of New York RED BANK ilnd M'-s,.Samuel Woodhouse of E:ist "'•a struck by nn automobile on the Phone 355 ' IHE REXAtL STORE : Koyport. Newman.Spring road a few days ni:o § REO 4 cylinder $875 , . M:'-'i Kvolyn Andrews of Ni'>v York . IUI w.is knocked unconscious. She ] O SODA CIGARS CANDY was tho rue-H l"f-"t v-,.i- r" ">•. ••ir| had been visiting Mrs. Henry I/.igi>n- Mrs. Kmil 1'inipcr of East Knyport. •'••>•{ and was on her way to the ited Tlv- '•t,i,,,-i ^r j\ira. Jfcttie Knapp, Bank station when the. accident un- Who died on Monday of li-st wc»l<. cu rel. Uhe nutomobilist did- not piip sit her home here. She \v«S REO 6-cylinder $1250 , t llten Kiok whilc v;i,i 1-" ' <,t i"..-l-.n«:,i!!y from tlio stop tlio niucliimj but sent it abend at v working at Rod inci'CiiKecl speed. Mrs. King was un- NEW WAY Iioino ofMrB. Jose.pbino A.r IlofT DM ftliPn street tiiu •j('t-«'ice" hc n^ ro't- coiiM-'iuus only ;i few moments. She Mrs. I.'-'wia S. Thompson, who is REO, 3-4 Ton Delivery $1075 , ductcd liy Vuv. Walter Slrnv. ' Mrs. w V'dlv bruised iii'l slnkon un. spending the winter at New York, TO TREAT CATAP Knapn w.'B 81 VO'TH U<<\ air' her do-th Miss Klorenrn Firchawk pave a {!pfylt Fr'dny iui'1 S 'tunlay hure. was ('no to pneunioniM. Plio ''i snr- p-irty Siiturdny niprht at tl\e bouio of Mis. James Vnui;hn is on the sick viv<"\ h" one i-on. All>crt M. Knp. her undo, William Sevcrln of l'ha-list with grip. Brcnlbinft n Germ Killing Ail1 Kn- REO Two Ton Truck $1650 Tho Kovport intprovciniint » s'tici"1- lnnx. About lifty guc»ts were ,|irvd- Gertie Mullin, dauprhter of M-it- tion will }>oM •• mire food uuppcr on •"it i'nd the usual pastimes wef'u on- Iliew Mu'lin. is nblo to he around tho :r, havin,,,,,,.,gB boo„».,n. confine™,.,,,,™d two Tho di.seovery of Hyomci luu- w A iinrcial senU'c will be lichl.nt tlio Hurry I.agcndorf is laid up with a the bed several, weeks with sickness, wrought a wonderful ch:inKo In thr CHANDLER ^Six $1295 - ; {iftlv;'t on iirmv lnll tomono'" irr'bt, heavy eold. Her two brothers Wilfred and Jo- treatment of catarrh, lho sorv'co lieini; in chnrgo of Mnsign Ilort llyram is on the sick list. scrh. are also s'ek. I . Pnor ,l.° th'00 J"-'-1''" »«'! th" mci1'- All prices f. o. b. Factory, ~ Kilwin Konot. Miss Anna Thompson is sptniling a «.'n.c.s ordiimnly i-mploycd in tho cure t KiiKcne I.nyton took u strawloul of this A uool tounr'inmil in liii'iii? lirld by .fourteen youiiR folks to a pnrty ut week with relative:! at Asbury Park. "' «('™ase were drugn, sprayH. lo- Jiiombeni of ll'o .'"-™y Centnil tinc- R;chrd ConnorH's at Wayiiide u fuw ..A coi'inlilu for the benefit of tho !lonB;..0V-'-, I.n:,")™° "nKtincea they 'iion thilnmcii'n club. chinel will.be hold by thu ladies' nid belllJ|ited, but the improvement wni We have a large stock of gocond hand cars in prices ranging from $75 to nifhta ii|;o. A number of Lincroft no < < tl ri Tho mid-vo'r nx'/minnl/oni fo>" tin: "•• --'o'l " n-wtv nt society tomorrow night at Mrs. Jo-. {,!! . i. ?I' . , . L , Ki'iimnuii iluo-'rtmfiit "f Ihn locul George VatiBrunt's ut Pino Brook sonh W. Thompson's. I Wllh "V01"^ you t.iko into tho ar .$600 and including a large number of makes from Fords to' Packards. Stop di'lioo'H w"l fit rt next Mond'v. I,'1"- 'Hicy made I ' coi-co Moufier has boiiRht a cycle p»««»RC8 of your thro.t and ho id : Frank II. Kln!nieti Conover. cot A comp clo "l ,|roppor an- ; nil opos.'iiiai Tliiir.'Klny niir'it and an- »iiocl ri(r of t.ir« "Cliriiiliiin Unddivon otlmr on I'Viilay nifcht. In ii. dition to the building two i.uto- nulllclent Ilyomei for sovon 1 wool f' rmclpty Tliunul ly nijrht rt wli'cli nn mobiles belonging to Mr. Terhuno trentment. cliscfon W'/i hold I'lid a iiocinblo wan Henry 1'ftpi! fell in the ice pond at V r C il y ; l011!l «iiJ».V0(l. 'I'lfono oHlc.orn wore choiicn: I'lml'inx and i:oL a wctllni; last week. i i°.. nn! " i." »''- ""'"'"'f » °{ I'orhupB the utrongcut evidence thv I'maliliint—Wiilli'r I'lol 1 •_ Ho in now laid lip with imp. $12,0(10. Part of tho loiin In covoreil enn-bo Kivcn to doiibtorn Is tho f-c VJco imuilihtnl—Arthur llofTiil. by iniananco Thro'Ihrce other nutomonuomo - tlh»tt J-menJ 'CqoncrC , Jr'TVi'iii no inuc' (!(!Ol(t0 11. Iticlldllll! ilOUclll. II jl!|r- t Trenurer- -M|i» Cnrrin Ciuniilmll, -'en wcro fd:dten from tho building. f^Jtli in Hyomci Ui-t ho Kolhi over- Monmouth Street, near Broad, Red Bank, N. J. tlwrntnry. Ml « /nun Illii rniiiii, I'.m wnt;on and !>ii|;icy from John I'on- Tho origin of tho fire in unknown, Ctialrmniinr cominlltnni-^MIriii Mnrllm /jit, pneknge under a po.'iltlvn ginrantoo t> llllIU, Mloi Myrn WDIO'III, r.'h"rln I'lfldi, 'I (ilmrlon Ijiioniird bought n borne nt refund the monoy if It does not re HTr«. '"IIIIT "lo'il •,-Mlnci'Oliuiya Wol. 'lho Red Ilnnli lieirlntor olTurs no Move. . Telephone 1?6 , I'.ti, Uliiuiiid Wllnon. : illohn iiiMiit'ii iiuction ui Holmdel liuit [iroiiiliiinnl . It ninkoik i n enml week. impor nt l .RO per your,—Advurtlnw* Advertising in Tlio Kcirbjtor jmy 'lha treivnimr'n rnjiorl uliowoil that Mbin Mary Vuu|;liun in rccovoriiij; menu nnd paya big.—Advcrtlsomont.


- BANQUET AT RUMSON. BANK ELECTIONS. Ruroion Fire Company Held.Annual Red Bank Banks Elect: Officer* and Banquet Last Thunday. THErMCSt PAY FOR-GOlNfc TO Director!. The annual banquet of the Rum- Ai the annual meeting of the Red son firo company waB held last Thurs- . THE RED BANK SCHOOLS. Bank trust company lost weok, Now- day night at the firehoUse. About ton Doremus was re-elected presi- 100 persons were present. Euchre Tho ParcnU of 39 Children of That dent. Harry Campbell vice president COR/3.VIISSIONEIRS HAVE LONG DISCOS- games were played and about 26 _ Hove Received Tuition nn^ Jesse Minot'secretary and trcas- prizes were awarded. After the From tho Red Bunk School m ^ directors £ele aIg0 re. SiOW OVER THE PROJECT. lit Night games the banquet was served. Harry 0]octed. .-. • A. Kettel introduced' Councilman \Vostside„,,,,, the. littl. e settlement in Frank McMahon was . re-elected *EV3any Decisions ISiven George Churchill M toastmastor and Shrewsbury towrishiptownship borderinghordenng^: on presidenpresidenidt tt of theth SSejond d natjionail EViayor Sandt Declares in Favor of Putting ihe ft/lat- In hitf remarks Mr. Kettel referred to' «"> Bouthwostrboundary of Rod Bank, gank laet Week and Benjmin J Pa?- ter Up to the People—Commissioner Brwln Op- Tfie Board Will J/leet at the Cou Ur. Churchill an tho next mayor of has been thrown into a ferment of: kerand Robert Hartshorne were re- Rumson. Addresses were also made discontent bjrthe fact that the people, ei6tted ;Vico presidenta Calhicr by Councilman Richard Rogers and; ft that section wll no. longer be al-.Thomaa Voorhis and AssistantXash- poses the Mayor's Proposition—He Says a Big Seat ^©»SMonday For Their Efthai fleeting—Only a William Mahoney and Paul Albrec to aehd .thfeir children to tfie. ier" CharleT'H." Throckmorton'' Dancing was enjoyed after the sup- Red Dank cchoolBuulesa they pay for re-elected and tho directors were also Majority of the Citizens are Against the Pzr\. Few Case^&emain to be Decided. the schooling! their children receive. re-elected. -. -..,..,• per. The cost for. each child per year Monday' night's council meeting I could be done at loss thart ?25,030. . . • The J.fojiiYiouth county bonrd of issesamont was correct and made, no Would bo about $20. Bills for tuition was''featured'b:_•*.«—I-..-_:..J- L.-.y a- .lon—g discussioJ! •—n i ]„ regard to having three parks, the ^ taxation mot nt;Frcehold lust Thurs- 'eduction, • •- • -'•--• • - fees were mailed to Westside parents over the question of buying lands for < dayj~.nd.gave tlieirdcciaionfl in a num- Sarah Johnston of Belmar, who lost week, following a conference a public park and for the extension mayor claimed that such a plan would ber of cases .which hod - previously was assessed $50,00.0, got a reduction botwoon tho Bed Bank and township not be practical because the people of Broad Btreet to the river; The would not make' use of; parks so lo- beon heard.' Thoy BIBO heard a num- on her property of $5,000, making a HE HAS BEEN APPOINTED / school trustees.' The township wants THE- VILLAGE' WROUGHT UP matter'was brought to the front when bersof now: cases, cl~lef ampins ^rhich net assessment of $46,000, - the Westaide children to attend the cated. The river WPB the greatest aa^ ^-iwap-the-appeal ;tp -the board asking VICE CHANCELLOR. ABOUT A SCHOOL JANITOR. the ordinance providing for a bond set of the town and the only logical - The''application of Andrew J, C, I Shrewsbury school,becaase this Would issue" of ?175,000. for the proposed place for a park. He said that tho that tho assessment of David Vaiidor- Stokes of Freehold for a raise in the mean an additional revenue of about Three Midnight Sessions Devoted to ;veor;Pcrrine of Freehold be increased? assessment on the property of-Dnviil Atlantic Highlands Man Succeed improvements came up for its third, park could he made a source of "reve- nnd.thejapp.esl. of-Jhe-.Ocean ,Groy~ . John R. Emery—The' Verm ii $700 in state school money. ' The Red Firing a Janitor and Hiring a New and final reading. -In the discussion', nue to the town and that returns of at Vandorveer - Perrine of' Freehold Seven Years and tha Salary i». Bank trustees; suggested that the One—Clifford Jobmton Loses Hit Councilman Charles P. - Irwin op- le^st $3 500 could be derived. Part clqctric. light and wator plant for a- ••roved a very complicated case. • Mr. township appropriate money to cover .reduction of assessment. , Decisions Stokes claimed that- Mr. Perrine's $12,000 per Year. Job and Walter Tuttle Gets It. posed tho passage, of'the ordinance, of this would come from the public ot.casc'j previously hoard wore: iroperty was assessed very much too Former Judso John. K. Poster of the tuition f"ees of the pupils, but the / Eatontown has reverted to its nor- and -Mayor George M. Sandt and market place. The mayor made a Atlantic Highlands has been ap-township board diil not think it would mal condition after a week ruado Councilman Ralph O., Willguss 'fa- plea for the rule of tho people. He - ; ,The personal property of the Colt's 'ow. He said that the assessment on be right to make this use of public vored it. The upshot of the matter snid thnt in a matter of this kind the Neck creamery company waa reduced Mr. Perririe's proporty in the town of pointed by Chancellor Edwin R, eventful by firing a school janitor ''roehold pave the value Of thia prop- Wnlker as vice chancellor to succeed money. Children* from tho township and engaging a. now one. The waa that action on the ordinance was ultimate decision should be made by from $600 to $200...... John R. Emery, who waB retired two ihave been attending the Red Bank Eatontown township board of educa- deferrcd"tiH"tKe"n"ext"c"ouncil meeting the people rnd that in his opinion it .. ; ,T'ie assessment of Gustnv 6. Bat;-: irty as $68,300. while tho assessment ihould bo $110,000; The townsh'p weeks'ago at his, own request. -The schools the past twenty, years-with- tion and most.of-tho male populntion oirMonday, February 7th. Council- w-vi not within tho province of town , nottof. Long Branch on two automo- now. vice chancellor took_thflloath of out-paying tuition" fees,; but the Red of Eatontown village devoted three man Jacob Degenring was absent and pfTcials, who are in tho final analysis -- bilos which- had been assessed at 'asessmeht of Mr. Perrine'a property wis $19,000. nnd Mr. Stokers'nfflda- oIBce at the state IIOUBV yesterday. jBank trustees have decided that this midnight sessions to. the matter of this was (riven as the reason for lay- nothing more than public servants, to $0,000, was reduced to $3,600, .The term of.hiB officeV seven years must be stopped, partly because the the school janitorahip and it was dur- ingover the matter. Some of the offi- prevent the- people from saying • Charles H. Doderer of Seabright 'it set forth that this should bo ""70,000. The nssessor h°d hunched nnd the salary is $12,000 a year. Vice schools are over-crowded and partly ing tho early hours of yesterday ciate stated that a full board should be whether they ,w>nt a park or not. He hitd made an application for a reduc- Chnncellor Foster is a Republican, as because allowing outeide children to morning that tho affair was wound present when the ordinin.ce~i8~vo.ted~ saidthat one~~election*6fncor had of- tion of assessment'on the Peninsula i, great do"I of Mr. Perrine'B prop- srty, assessing property on different is Former Vice Chancellor Emery. It attend schools free of charge makes up. Clifford Johnston was the man on, arid a resolution to that effect wns fered to donate, his services at a spe- ';"' 'hotel'property at Sbabrieht. It had itre'ets in the aomo item. He after- has long been tho custom in making!it possible for any municipality to who got fired as janitor and Walter made by Councilirian Franklin P. cinl election without chargennd, that boon assessed at $19,-500 nnd ho ward pxclained thnt when he had as- .appointmentnnnnintnifintas in the court of chichin-n 1 send children to Red Bank without Tuttlo was the man picked as his suc- Stryker but it was finally decided not other olecfon oflflcers would prob- -. asked: thnt it bs reduced to "58.500. paying anything. cessor. Further developments may to pass such a. resolution. "bly show their civic pride by doing lessed these properties he had gone eery to have tho new vice chancellor the same. This would reduce the ex- Tho board decided that the assessment iver them^n his mind or hud mado of the same political faith as his Tho Westside people hold a mass ensue as Johnston has threatened to Capt; Irwin ws the first speaker, of ~19,50Q was Fufllciently-low, and meeting last night to consider -their bring an action to bo reinstated as pense of a special election to much •nomornnda of OPCII pronertv before predecessor. -J and throughout his talk he repeated less than the usual cost of $800, he the assessment will stand. making the, assessment in bulki Vice Chnncellor Foster studied law predicament. They decided to attend janitor. ! over aild over again thnt he was not William JSchuschmer was ono of with the late William Pintard^of Red a meeting of the' township school Many, complaints of Johnston's 'against the. park project on personal said. -.'•'• tho Hebrews who had bought a farm The boII1UD. 11K ntio itwyui ui awwi-j ;: - -. y -, , ,. Wharf avenue, which wsi called ''Tha "Yeeholil town and tho osaosaor of tic Highlands in 1898 and 188"). -Inlthe IShrewsburjrschool will probably hall was filled to overflowing with business men and thnt they were Green." Ever since this park had on land in that locality decidod that 11)00 Governor Voorhees appointed l>e taken up. Westside is nearly two spectators. The entire board was unanimously of the opinion that tho been done away with, ho Baid, peopla the land was worth-only .$30 an aero, Freehold. townohin "had assessed tho present and acted as a jijry. The town wa3 not in a. position to buy n 'and they said the buildings'were small same pronerty, that the board hnd Mr. Foster prosecutor of Monmouth. mile3 from Shrewsbury. The West- h"d been criticising tho formor town "•e"t difficulty in arriving at a cori- county and he served in this office I sidors will go to tho meotinir in ateachers were also present. The pnrk at this time. He said that it oiTicinh for not buying the land when _ and in Door condition. The board do- until 1904; when ho was appointed j"tage nnd a big hay wapon.which_B. prosecution•- was conducted • by Wil- would be much better to spend money it could hive been-purchased, for —ciclod that $1,000 would bo a-fair as- •.lusioii. Thoy finally jneroiaod Mr. to improve the streets than to buy a Perrine's assessment $2,200 on hiscounty JUUBQ by Governor Murphy. Allen ParEcr will provide. liam L. Edwards the township coun- much less thin it can be bought nowP sessment and it was fixed at that on Court street. The other as- Ho sprved as judge until 1914, when! After "deciding to accop Mr. Par- sel. Johnston was represented by park. He described.the pirfc project Ho said thnt he had beon hearing re- figure. :"•... ho resigned to return to the practice K°rs offer, • the Weiitsidersvoted that Lawyer John Quinn of Red Bank. ns n foo'hirdv pl-n, and said th->t if it marks of th->t kind for fifteen years wos f r 1 Fred Uolinski's was another case of _ iments wore allowed to stand as of law. During hia terniB as prose- !'*, " . the-best interests of their ' Four complaints were made against went through the town would be past. Ho said that he wanted to see 1 'hey had been mado by the assessors. tutor'and judge he handled Beveral I community to become annexed to lionded to death. He said tint Long the park project voted on by tho a similar character. He had paid B Johnston. One was that ho had neg- —'$2,500 for eleven acres in Manalapan The board Rtated very decidedly that famous cases. As prosecutor he con- W_ * About fifty families live lected to keep the school warm; that Branch wns-so deep in debt that people so that fifteen years hence next year there must be «n equaliza-' ducted the case of Laura Biggar and |« WestsideiandI all but two families people there found it almost impos- folks c«u'd not flay thnt tho presont town.sliip. The assessor had mado an were he had not whitewashed the ongirie assessment of $1,600 on this firm and tion of nssessments bv tho nnsessors others, who wero charijed with con- represented nt the meeting. The room of the school.although ordered siWo to borrow money on their prop- town officials lacked tha discernment . the board roduceil it to $1,200. of PrpohoM town and Freehold town- spiracy in the Henry M. Bennett will women wero almost as numerous and to do so; that ho had neglected to erties and he declared that Red Bank to buy lands for a park when it could ..•...."Still another ewe of this kind w-m ihlp nnd that thdre must BIBO be an case.' He also prosecuted the cases equally as outspoken m- endorsing remove old desks, trash and other would be in the same fix as Long have been ruroh-'Bed for Io3s than'it that of Anprolo .Knappl of Holmdel oau'ilization of nonbssmonta botwnon of Monk Eastman and of Twining, annexation as tho.men. The pnnci- and that he had failed to Branch if the Dark was bought. He n"n bo bought fifteen years Ijroin now. township, Mr. Knappl naid $15,000 of properties. Thnv stitod Cornell and others on a charge of pal speeches were .Wade by Gust Om- said that Rod Bank could not develop Mr. Willgusa took tho viewpoint that vfor n farm of 21 acres. The sale had 'hat thero wore untiuostionably gravo wrecking the Monmouth trust com- I oejSi chairmani of/, the mcofanff, and keep tho floors und windows cleon. !j sooner or1 later Red B^nk will have a* fetich made by parties in New York. discrepancies and grave inconsiBten- pany of Aabury Purk. As iudgo ho ' Eden Ewing. The: terntory..which it AH the toichers and tho school prin- any farther north and that if nark and that now is tha time^ buy.' It had been assessed at $3,300 and h» cioa and incnu~>litio8 in tho as-ioss- docided the famous Frothingham will j is Proposed to annex would includo cipal wore witnesses. They were woro to be establiphod they should bo fo» land, is const--ntly advancing and • asked for a reduction. He stated mentfi of Freehold pronerty and they 'all of Westside aswellas all the ter- cross-oxamined by both lawyers. pl«ced at the e'Storn^ ooutliom and wifi'novei" bo "worth loss thnn .at j)res-_ that ho had worked on the place Lwo stated thnt. thoso conditions must bo Johnston mndo a vigorous deninl of western extremities, of the town be-, ent. He said that tha expense of a rcniodiod-tlieconiiiig year. all thtf chul-KoKJJ "againsga t "himm. "Both cause it would be eisier for the peop~(?| -yeaifi and-had -mnde no money. his chnmbers either ut Long Branch special election could ba avoided by Asjieasoi;. Alex.,McClo.es said he un- " iJM. Finnic Mead of Oliffwood toflti- lawyers summed ui> ththeii r cases, andd to reach them than to go to the river, having tho yota taken at the general Icd that ho had paid $1,603 .for somo or Asbury Park. • Ho will also sit at Patterson avenue, westward to thetho trial-hnd-airtho appearance of dint. Irwin UJBO said tKsSl'lt'would be queflTionnbly'got'badly "burnt" when Newark for tho trial of cases. river and from tho centerilFne of Pat foolish to let the fiooplo vota on tho lie li»u>;ht the placo, nnd tho board 'ots at' Cliflfwond. on which was a terson avenuo eastward to Branch a regular court action. Then tho election In. the full. tonomont Kouto in very, poor school board went into executive sea- question'of issuing'bonds for a pnrk. Mr. Irwin thon r«nowod his ntticlt reduced tho ussossment to $2,300. avenuo. Tjio speakers claimed that He s-'d that a special election would Ho h"d been nsic-~"(!d rt RECREATION ACTIVITIES. little or no work had ever been done ft'on nnd voted unanimously that all 'nn the nark ttiniect. Ho said thnt Hiiiviuol Oilman of Mnnalnrjan, who •M.OOO. ITo anirl hn would rrlndly sell : the charges were sustained. They cost S800 nnd that it wou'd be folly to the present public markot on Wharf paid ','i.OOO-for a nroperty there, was his plneo for ?2.fiO0 nnd the assoss- to tho streets of "Westsidd- and' that ""•'end that prnount of moneyrbecuae Mnetinj; at High School February 4th thnt section would furD hotter aa part also voted unanimously to fire John- "avohnp w"s grndu'illy |o3-'.ic; jtroutiA •uf-aetiriod for $2,700 and the assosn- roiluced to that figure.. —Throe Corning Entertainments, stont . tho pnrk project would bo voted out nnd that tho incomb froni it did not Jilieut WIIM reduced' to $21600. ' of Red Bank than it would with the on. of Esight unleRB money was used to buy -~mounf,.to ?275 a year. ITe said that 1 Rufus Ogdon WalliriR. F«W of Tho nnnunl meeting of the" Red township. Several years URO whon! '.:•" ">»••>• • 1. 1'incgold-of.-Freehold was i>~- Th h oG board mot on Snturrlny nitrht men to vote in favor of the bond Lorn? BHnch had oatablishoi a froo Keyport. was assessed at $3,500 onBafik recreation association will be this was BURp-estcrl the Westside ] J?_ _",'i JL-llY r se.ssod for four lots at .$75 oanli. Ho his personil property, nnd tho hri-rd held at tho high uuhool on Friday people opposod annexation on tholasted almost Jtill'J midnight ' ; butt ino market plnce for farmers and th^t un- showed that ho only owned two lota, action was taken. Seven candidates replied to Cant. Ir-less Red B'nk did tho somo nil the •anil the assessment was reduced f.d reducn/l thia iiEfiewncut to $2,500. night, February 4th. The- annual ground thnt their taxes woro much MuyoMayor Sndt rpe f"rmerf! wou'd go to I,on. w^'ch hnd b<>en (lr of nine peraons. With such a grevt up all the revenue. He declared that essod nt $5,000. Ho also asked not to conflict with other.entertain-1 territory would Include part of Little vored it-at nn .election. He siid that :holi!l jirouerlv tl)*~v«.. Pot *vrut thov thought tho land waa na- 1 cation." The affair will end with come in. 'This would leave1 in the the problem againga. . Bnllotintgg for a that a gtc\t majority of those whom Councilmnn Stryker wound up the ^vus reduced to $4,500 and tli'a yoav ;e~""Ml >'t a proner figure. ji b enrlly and wa s kepktt up hi) had tilkcd with h"d favored the discussion with a remark to the effwt a fui'Lher reduction was- nslted for and Me'vin A. pice of Loonnrdo ~>n- dancing and the serving of refresh-,| township only n stretch of. land two janitor ments. , .' milea wide and ten miles long, ex- a llong while. FFo r a llon g ttimi e ththere p^rk. He s>id that tha only place ih-t he "'">ild nit c*ro to-assume the if-was reduced to $3,000. icle'1 from ' his unseasment.. which where he had found any opposition responBibility either for tho purchase • . William J. Johnson of Atlantic >"d been iric,re""t>fid over Inst year. Three entertainments are being ar- tending southward, to Wall township. wero great fluctuations in^the. vote. ranged.by the Recreition associa- Several years ago a movement was People who attended the meeting say oxpresse" to «nv considerab~o degree of the park or for the defeat of the township was assessed $57G on 7'he her"! thought that tho rsse~<'~- was in West Pert Bank and that even project. He thought thnt the matter' piece of property there and ho asked "-netit on hlR-por~oii|-propertv should tion. Dr. Woods Hutchinson, who is j started at Little Silver for the concon-*- * it wis as evcitincr , as the lust h the t idl td | idi in that part of the town ho hnd- rea- should be put up to the peoDlo and - (that it be reduced to S415; but tho '>« incre'"Berl nnrl this was nccordinglv perhaps the most widelv (juoted au- | solidation of that place, Shrewsbury |.Democratic presidential convention son to believe tint more people fa- that it shou'rt be done at thefall elec-~ board of taxation decided that tho thprity on health and hygieno in tho | and Tinton Palls info-a borough: At whe1 n 'Wilson graduallA y increased.hi h s ilvnnced $2,500 over last year's thprity on health and hygieno' in tho | d Tit Fll ifbh; At""vot"o" an""'""d wo" n ~"tho". "nomination. " —"-°°="'- Mr' '=. vored the project than were against it. tion so that it would,not be necessary 'iisHUMiuncnt was all right; nnd no re flgureg. • United States, will speak nt the high that time there was JIO desire by Lit- He stated that the increase in taxes to pay for a special elect'oh. ' ducllon w»3 made. school on the night of February 18th, j tie Silver for annexation to Red Tuttle gained stendilv on the last fow The 'Hollvwood hotel and cottages Soumas McManu's will give an entor- i Bank, as the tnx rate in the township IHlots and he finally came out the would not averenre twenty cents to At the conc'usion of tho meeting t Ijonir Bvnnch were nsoossed at e->ch tnxDayer. He said that the mat- . Tulio. Koch of Jlanalapan paid tainmentin his lino us a famous story Iwa s much smaller than at Red Bank, winner. Cant. Irwin snoke to the ronortcrs •?!>,75O for a piece of pronerty nnd S109.100. The owners of th's nron- teller April 14th. A meeting will bo I At present the tax rates of both inn- After ho got a majority of the h^d bbee n carefullflyl cone int' 'o an~d i presentt and sai id thathit he wanted then* -, wan assessed rtt $3,-000. Theboard er+v stated that thov hnri offo-'ecl to hold for tho children in tho aftor-1 nicipalities aro substantially the votes, the trustees showed that there thnt ho was certain thnt the co=t to bo careful in their stones Of the .ordered a roductlon to $2,B0O. •Joll the property at l<~ss thnn the ; noon and for the growii-ups at night j same. was no hard fooling about the matter, would be fnr less than $175,000. All discussion not to Bay thnt ho WH3 The application of Susan W. Wer- "nssed vnluntipi). They PRked \t Early in May tho Princeton glee club, by voting un«nirnously to confirm Mr. the property owners had been seen rgainst the pnrk project porsonnlly. ner of Atlantic Highlands "for a re- the !-sse«'>mont be reduced to ( which gnvo • a. delightful entortain- P. S; CONOVER PLACE SOLD. Tuttle's appointment. The other cn- nnd the cost of the r>ronertie3 would but was against it ns n public otlicittl duction of assessment on her prop- S07.000. The board, after an innuiry ment at Rod Bank last year, will (Hlt.eil ? werwer e Arthur Taylory . Charles not' be more than S100.000 at tho! representing tho beliefs of tho ma- erty was withdrawn, into t.h<> n**Ke, reduced tho assessment again visit tho town and give another McGnthin. WillWillini m W. WilsonWil ,E Edd- very most. The bulkheading, he said, I jority of tho people of tho town. : Mnrgai'Ctta Heise nf Freefiold. who to $108,500. Perth Amboy Man Will Take Poisea- of their concerts. aion Next Thursday. ward Huvler. -Frank Connelia arid WIIB asrfottserl for ?2,G0O, got a reduc A property owned by the Nate George Robinson. The jan'tor re- PRIZE WINNING APPLES. tion to $2,000. Salisbury O3t"tn nk Lon^ Branch 1 •Matthew Mortensen of Perth Am- ceives a safary of $46 a month. RELIEF FOR WAR SUFFERERS. .Frank L. Hu<»(;iH of Howoll town- lasessed at J48.000, and another NEV / CHUCH MEMBERS. boy, who' recently bought the grain Bhip had a similar ensc. He was ns- nronerty ownn'l by tho estate is as- and feed business of Peter S. Conover Hebrews of Red Bank to Make a Can- Fruit Grown in Jersey Wins Ag&insl Belford Methodists Have Increase of at Atlantic Highlands, has bought tho TWO BOATS BURNED. the World. BW.-,c!il it', "2,GOO mid it v,-;is reduced "~CH~- prupurlv nt Entontown. part of whicli duction nf i>R!»'aoinent o'l n row of wnre fccteil liy the war. President Wood- community huildincs which b» had ta of Uia ptoptoii , RoRovv . Elijah FF. 'rou( -. It includes two lnrge burns and , bolts, one recently completed and the row Wilson has designated Thursday. tako3 award for tho best threo VInn Miiil I" be swnniDV nnd U"" Kocd. Uov. Harold P. bloan of Rod smaller one neiir tho railroad, and oth(v in enusenurso of constructioncont,, were st-nclard boxcii of npplea. with com- wutoi', which was assessed at $2,800, "nt ui) OM h'm pi'o»o»'tv nt All^iffi. n January 27th, ns n duy for the relief 1 Bunk conducted tho jneetmg last riiilrond HidinR for receiving freight, in the buililine;. nnd they were de- notition onon to tho world. In adili- Tlicsi! hu'Mingi~ wero lm'lt in'n noilil n id idi f ii fih bill; i d th d of the Jewish auflV.rcra.' und Hebrews 1'liy hmird reduced thia to $2,000. -o"' for tho men cn">loycil on Mr. Thursdny night. I Next winter Mr. Mortenuen will (tail MroyeM ~<.-Ui thc'lmikling., TIIQ loss throughout tho United States will •on to Mr. Rarclay'n apnlcs. fruit Hamilton F. Kcnn of Deitl, who was Tho now membora, who Imvo beeeen • - •• •• - ...... , , rnm Now York. Wi'ahington, Idnho, tif FCS.IIMI $52,000 oil his residence Br"sb"no's f'lrniH. Tlio nsaesamont in coal as well as'iin grain nnd feed. wan Sl.fiOO, unil wan rnrtly cnvonul makke ga sjstcmattcmaticc ccanvasa s on that 1 Ii"i1 lwnii iniTcisivl Ill's ycir to tnken in on probation, aro Mr. and by insurance. The origin of the lire make a sj'stcmatic canvass on Vrffinia nnd Canada wuo dhownnhown. IHniici l}\ got r. reduction' of If, !,000 ! Mri). Robert Lowe, Chnrloa Horn, clay for contributions toward tho ro- iniil'iiiir Ihe assessment S4!U)"0, ""','ri.000.'wl' ''h WMS it,?.O(in rnovo th'in '! I'H unUnown. Mr. Bnnfichl will rebuild lial f of f tlieicntributionr countrymens towar. Thd toh com- All of theso placea s nro rcnuted to l""t vear. Tho IIOTII dcriikvl to irn to Burlew, Lillian Hyer.s, Roy Voorhccs, YOU CANT GO. WRONG AT ELY'S. his placo. iroihme bettebt r i00 on the Allure and viow tlio pronortv Ijefiue Leila. Luker. Mrs. Fulger/Mn". Oeoi-go mittee to be appointed tonight, will Xiriiin-i'ly of F. A. Iiuvties of Avoi: Wnllingg, Claudo E. Richmond, Mrs. Another Consignment of Horees Ju»t solicit money in> Red Bunk and vicin- iut Mr. BircHy's victqry proves the wii- i.Mlui'1'd to $22,500. ' mpl-'nij *' derision n'i til*" nvittiu'. Received nt Holmdel. . Will Dnnce for Cliarity. ity on this dny. - * rssertion of Now Joranv orchardipts •Iiimoa Durlow, Lillian Hyors, Roy A dance for the benefit of the He- th"t fruit grown nciontillcnlly in thia IIfiiiv- f.loldiiiaii of Deal was as Next Monday w'll bo tho last moot Voorhoos, Leiln Lukor, Mra. Fulgor, Another fresh lot of horses has : Bi'rsril $120,000 on hia property there, inir of Uin ImVrd fni' tlio current t."X MrB. Goorgo Wallinj?, Claiiilo E, '.Hint nrrivod at the stablos of Ihebrew sufferer!" in the wr zonu will ANOTHER FARM CHANGE. Rtiiti! ia Buoerior to fru t grown along jind lin liinl askcil for n reduction to vo'ir. Pra'inioii- will bo tivon thnt Richmond, Mrs. Claudo E, Richmond, William C. Kly estate at Holmdel. be Imlil in the rooms in tho Davidson tlio Pacific nlopo. Mr. llarclnv'a $100,000, huh the hoard believed tho dny on nil tlio remaining nppcnls. (Joorp-o W. iAikor, Lester C. Walllm*, Sovon muted pairs and four mul(i:i building, formerly occuniod by tho Julm A. Miller to Move from Colt's tnploii woro nhippfld A00 miles to tno Caloh Post, Jr., Albort Biclcona, nro in thia lot. It will pay you to Roil llank Iod(;e of Elks. Friday niprht i Ncclc in Mnrcli. ihow and this makes hiii victory nil look these nnimaln ovor if you aro in of noxt week. It will, bo hold umlor John A. Miller, who lmn fnrmod tho morn notnb'o. Ilo la wo'l known SHOWER FQR A CHURCH. TWO DOGS POISONED. the iiuspicea of tho Workman's -Circle, William Iliutalioino's place nt Colt'ii nt Fed Dnnk. whoro ho 1H n froquont a pooictv compoHod of Hebrew master Ni!ck tho P:IHL foifr years, will movo visitor and whoro ho hna ma Cold, Wind or Snow Hcckor'a pan cako flour )) cmiln. OJili nnd limit Snlo. ler, 15 llroitd iitrout, Rod Hank.—Ad- Money iinvoni in our advcrtiucmont llioir courtooua and uympatliutio lit carrotn, wlilto turnlnu, Ilrunoollo huvtj no oircct on my f;liiHH-oncloaod Prtccri cut in lmlf. Dont minu that vortltiomont. Wo havo nomc oddo nnd" ends of tuntion towards mo. iiproutii, rod cabbano, lino trwoot p»- touriiit; car: for litre tri)), hour or on pago lit. Dray & Ilunoll, I~tunt I'liildron'ii uhoon dinplayod on tabloii at 'idvortluomont on pi>i;u V£. Dray & Mm, William P. "itlor. tntocn. Gut tha habit. Road oui day. Telophono >Tamlltoii'ii, 2ir.-W. Kront Hlreot.—Advortiiiomont. Ilunoll, I'mit Front atruot.—Advor- 6-Reol Mmtorplctura B0 and 75 contn per pair. Alhert H. "dvortlnomont on paRo ID. Dray 6 K, A. Ilcdlo. 07 Weut Front «troot. ovory Woilnamlny and Friday, Knn- Mlllor, 15 Ilroad atroot, Rod llAnk.— —Advortliiomont. c; ., 1 tiiiomuiit. Ilunoll. Kant Front ntroot.—Advetv V • iAdv»rtl.0 am| $\ iihoonjit %l. Al nhown nt tlio Majontlo thontor evtts 1 MAJOIIIIIMJI S tlionto'r.-—Advtirllmitlt'Adll - itho Mnjiuilla ilmatnr.~AilvoriliM>- •"-,"-•-:—"••••. •H . . (imy. Boo Iluck MclCoo,—Auvortlno nil own nt the Mnjctitlc thoatur ovary luirt H. Millor, ln.nrond iitroot, Rqr night.—Advortlncmont. nioh(-,': , It p»y»to ailvortlriil in The Itoiilntor. mcnt. Advortlnomont, mBtifeii.i. Hunk.—Ailvorl.Iiiomont. Page Tori. THE RED BflNK'REGISTER.

EXPRESSION LOSES TRUNK. SOCIABLE AT OCEANIC. WEE HURT MWM. People's Popular' Count Entertain- SETTLING UP ESTATES. Christian Endearor Society Held Sue ment at Oceanic Postponed. cessful Affair La it Night. JJOUGH BASKETBALL CONTEST WILLS *OF GEORGE V. SNEDEN About 100 persona attended the Because an expressman lost a AT LITTLE SILVER. AND RICHARD ATKINS.. o "Rube" sociable given last' night by trunk which contained-the costumes the Christian1 Endeavor society of JPonrteen Stitches Required to Clote and musical instruments of the Ar-°Mr. Sneden Left All. He Paneuod to the "Presbyterian church of Oceanic Cat in John W. Borden't Hand— cadians the third entertainment of His Widow and Mr. Atkins Divided at the parish house. The affair was -. V/altor Warden Alao Cut—Three of the People's popular course at_Ocean- His Estate Between His Widow and one of the most successful ever given. The year 1916 is tho one hundredth anniversary of tho establishment of Savings linnkB in the United • WiUUm Ward's Ribi Diilocated. ic was not given. ,The- trunks were Children—Other Willi. The guests were attired in.farm cos- States, and to commemorate this event, nlsa.te teach people to save in order to bo prepared to meet the left at Long Branch and the enter^" tumes and the hall waa. decorated A basketball gam.' in which -tnton tainera hired an exprcosman from George .V. SnedeB,.TOwh6 died at growing demand for money, thiu la to be known in THRIFT YEAK. . ' . •' persons were pain •illy injured tc Red Bank several weeks ago, made his with cornstalks and with crepe paper. : that place to deliver the trunks. ',-,He. Numorous gomes wore played and jilsco Friday iiiglu ters vs. I'oDecemberx . All her estate was be-have bepn held between these boato. SUITS. match rolled at Red Bank. The Hunter* al Iteii Bank? '." queathed to her nephew, Pitman B. Most of the honors have gone to the ..scores were'; ,. - -AUtlvli 1st—lirnoklyn academy Illiolos Potter. John W. Slocum was ap- Vim. ..-••••" A collection of desirable models in various *s. Tnir.p IE lit ltd liniik. ' q Mari-li ^:;il-.jV'reeln'ote]-H vs. Troop II pointed executor. Boyden Pemble and "Babe" Chand- "Dennis . 177 21S 1 fabrics, handsomely fur trimmed, richly lined Glostetn 194 at Ke'l Uatili Tor KISHCI trnjihy. , Arrie B. Lyman of Ocean Grove ler have put their frankfurter houses Tetloy .. .. 175 101 i . Jlardi mull—liiMlforilKj'f lln.mUI.vn vs. left one-half of her estate to her hus- on the ice and are making good sales with peau de cygne and interlined. To close Conover ir.o l "i n l-'ux iiiuitors al Iti-il lliiiik. Capwoll band, A. W. Lyman, in a will which of "hot dogs" and cider. . These 212 IDG All the games-will.be played under was executed last December." To her frankfurter houses are also used by out, ....--' ...-.• Totals : is 5 5 the new~ polo association rules and nieces and nephews, Anna Wilson, skaters as a place of adjusting their UOI.K.MAN.S. system of handicap. The players on George E. Stewart,'Fannie Wright, skates and checking their wraps. - •/ . .'i -,. . $8.93 • ' ••'• '• -• DaRose 117 173 I7H •the Troop B team will be Robert Ma- Miriam Smith, ,Laura_Schiiefer. "Vyni _-!AlmoYertent_is.un6- 1112 The Freebooters will be A. S. H. .S>av lit ir,u is:; Benfer, she left $25 each. The rest electric arc lights near the wharves WJlltO .,.. Kill' Jonas, Thomas S. Field and Randall of the estate was left to Laura for the use.of skaters at night and it 150 Kietor. The Fox Hunters will be W. Schaefer. Krnest N. Woolston was is likely that one light will be, put up Totals S'.'il G. Stonebridge, H. S. Borden and appointed executor of the will. at the foot of Maple avenue off the FUR TRIMMED COATS . The Sheridans captured three Thomas Ford. :• . Mrs. S. Emma Ross was named as borough dock and the' other light will games from Long Branch in a county sole beneficiary in the* will of herbe put up opposite the Monmouth of chiffon broad cloth and silk plush, handsome league match rolled lust Thursday BASKETBALL. husbands James M. -Ross of Ocean boat clubhouse. . .'.. '. . ; • tight at Long Branch. The scores Grove. The will was executed'.four models that, can be worn with or without a belt. •were: Rod Rixnlc Cirln I.o«t-tn'Pi»rlh Amboy years ago arid Mrs. Ross was named All lined with Skinner satin.. To close out, SHKltlDA.NS. - . Last Wednesday. as executrix. NEW CHURCH. MEMBERS. •, Hurlfiy ' 171 ""' Thomas G. Gate of Brooklyn, who 'HUSK mi 17 1 MI • .The. Uetl, Bank hiph.school, girls' Methodists and Biiptists Moke Addi- Snider .;;. HIS , •I Mil owned some property-in Monmouth J 1111 basketball team wan '. defeated • last • ',' tions to. Their RJIembership^'Rqll.' i'ttray .las. 1 12 Wednesday afternoon by the Perth county, made his will ten years ago 111! 1 i- Pranfc- Howard;, jv., of Oakland •>•, .i ICerineily .. last June. . lie left his entire-estate'to : i Amboy high!school Kirln' team.op the street, who is a" physical- director •''TfltalB.... the children of Charles Hoyd .and .-v.-;•;-:---;:|' •'' | . '. , association court by a ucoro of 26 to of a young men'a (jhristian associa- SK RTS i' ' • ' ' 21.' Tho !iEor.i!-lit the mid of-Om first Margaret McGonigle, Charles F. Batt of Brooklyn WM appointed exe- tion att SouthbridRe,' Mass., itnd Irvr RarslihiiHky" in i:m---:-i72t| half stood 13 to 8' iii favor of Perth irift Harrison of Rfetl Bank, were re- '••'•' Alnbilg thiisWrts arc mixture!.,'Wakl/'aml Morris .... Ruth Silver scored four cutor of tho will. NiEW SILK DRESSES : plain colofs..-Many .11 e Tn the popular cirtular, . lYbljtuUl: .'. . '105 i:;; I Amboyi ceived in,.the Mptlxodist church on iTO 1S2 Rod Letters of administration have re- -Jonltin fiiir"[{oals t'o'.' Bank,, Julia Parker probation Sunday, for spring,, of tafl'cla silk, crepe meteor, crepe. semi-circular and pl.uted models, in the follow- Dennett .. . is:; lKf, J'j|! scored o'tie ^oal and Grace Conover cently, been granted on the estates of 177 172 several Monmouth county people who At tho Baptist Church Mrs. E. M. ing materials:., Broadcloth, velveteen,.cordii- :_ . L rscored lliree j;oaln and live fouls. Cooper, Eugene -JqhiVso.n, Osborne E. dc cli]nCj_ in nqw BoulTant,''dropped and .flare, ; Tqtala 811 774 82,1 Jessie Silver -iind Helen Turkington died without leaving a will. Edmund rqy, velvets, and y/pp\ ptiplW; pockets'fei" A. WhiiTen has been, granted letters Harrison, Miaa-Marie R. Smith,-Miss •models.--To close out, ;.v.-; <. :.' iii sbmc of these models. "To'Jcl'6s'c'bur,1' The Clothiers took three games were the other-Hod I tank playeVs. Tlio-Red Bank high school neeand of administration on the estate of Ida H, Wolcott, Howard C. Sylvester, -from the Autos last Friday night in Mnry.J. Dowil of Atlantic Highlands Miynnrd White and Raymond' K, $4.95 and $8.95 a Commercial league match rolled on tuiim defeated the Neptune high school second te:im in a clone arid ex- William F. Madge on the estate of Coiiklin were baptised.'."-Ityrs; Charles the association alleys. The scores Robert II. Morris of Howell township; •ho\YirJ wtift received on experience, -were: citliijr contest by a scoro of iM^to 17 : Ust Wednesday. Ited IJunlt led at the Anna F. Dey on the estate of Elizii A. and Mr; and Mrs. Warren S. Conklin, • I'l.tlTllli;!!!!. Lewis of Freehold; Ellen M. Babb on Mrs. Elizabeth" Borden und J; "Henry I I'll cml nf tin- Ill-st half by a score of Vining wore rec.eivpd by ietler-from TIS.T "l()'"to"4. Neptune tied the score in the estate of Charles' Lovenstrom of i. n^e« ... the middle of the second half, .but Highlands: Frank H. Schnebbo on the other churches. :. ' .r :, >-, HUSTK estate of John-D. Schnebbe •of'Hqw- Uenjunihi i .i'jiV!.H and, regained -3a : 'STREET,- Hurluy .. isi iiM' the lead.- .Miilward scored four goals ell township; Mortimer V.-R. English Lodge Officer^ Installed. • .Tetluy -i—! for, Red- Hank, (iaul .scored one: goal on the estate of Matthew H. English; A public entertainment "iind in- . \ Totnln.. '.SSI iirul" Doroniuy scorud four goals and nd Janms T. and J. F. Allen ;on the stallation of olIlcQrs was hold • last three fouls. Lcddy, 'Murdock anil estate of Melissa F.' Campbell of Al- 137. 111 Thursdaj night in the lodgerooms'of • l-^mcry- . ir.::' J7;l Benson dirl not score for Red Bank. lenwood. .... •Independent Order- of Foresters..in ^Plilc(,'at init nil .IIT2 The players on: tho Neptune team the Second national bank building. Walllni; I HO u.i I lit were Foster anil Junkinson forwards, Glll SUNDAY-SCHOOL ELECTION. The list of officers was previously I :.:> Mafion center, and Fisher, Downing published in The Register. • Totals sir, son s:iun^.Druu m guards. Officers 'Chosen by Baptist Church : Sunday-School Monday Night. The Insurance team forfeited three The " Matawun bnskctbnil team Beginning The Ice Harvest. Kanies to the Public Service team lnrt fiiileil to appear ('.gainst the young The annual election of officers of the Red Bank Baptist Sunday-school Oscar' Hesse is harvesting six-inch Friduy night. ; mon':', nrcociatiou team Ust Friday ice on his Fair Haven pond. Mr, The Steinliach bowling team of night in a game scheduled at Red jwas held Monday night in the Sun- day-school room. After the election Hesse stores the ice for use in his ice j Asbury Park took three game;! from liank, ;md the game war, forfeited to [ cream business. thb Clothiers last Wednesday night in Red H.mk. In tho contort, between ! a short entertainment was given a match rolled on the Culemun allevs the Ited Bank high.school and the jThese odicers v/cie <;hosen: nt Asbury Park. The match was the.\'i>;>tunc high school. Rod Bank won ] DEEDS RECORDED. first of a series to be rolled between liy a scoi'-'j of 'lit to in. 'Phu score.at j As-i'itllllt NUlRTillU-lllil'Mt— Kl.'lllk X the two teams. Those who lienied on fie end of the first half was tied- with i List of Real Estate Transfers Re- corded at Freehold. the Red Bank team were Williun: V. thi' s-core II to 1.1. Red Bank scored '. 'ITHIIIIS I' Ulllrili. •Htirjg, Eutjono MiiKue.' Abe Kriirel. i'ourteeit-points* in tile la.st half tu emli-lll iliti'l'llii ilUlle ilfliart- The following is a list of deeds re lllellt •—Mi- :. Irani; X. V.'n111. worded in the county clerk's office at Abe Benjamin, George Holmes ami thoir opponents four. Red-Bank has department— Ijouis J. Tetley. Tlie 'second match now v.'nn two games and lost two ll IS. Ilia I ^Freehold for the past week: of the series will lie rolled tonight games in the high school lougue. Eu- ikpartnitMU — Ited Bank. on the Sheridan alleys. i;cno Newman scored five goals for .Mr"''.\l'y'n I.IUIIH K. Hi..WII to I.illlnn 11. Lyle. ilcparttiu'tit— Lot mi .Mimnn street. $1. lied Bank. Wallace Jeffrey scored two .Mrs. S. II I.IIIIIH [•'. I'.riiwn to C. A. Alexander goals and nine fouls and' Thomas lllack. Lot nil .tialion Htreet. SI. Sl'ORTS AT THE ARMORY. Doremus scored one goal. Robert t -Mrr. \\ William -M. Itui'klu.ss to Mary A. a ipi:riiHt'litk nt of (Tilillc roll- Rellly. I.nt at tin' »:orner of Milplu ave- H-yv/ard. Huircrt Fi-rrow and G".-or>;e llit titin 11. 1 Harry Boskey Qualifies as the Troop's MiSH nIK' and Irvllm lil.ui', $2,300. l.eddy did.not score-for tic:! B:iiil;. Hi-rtvt;ir.v ait.l MII> Boss Pio Eater.' f'lancy- scored "two gouls and one fou! X*alr Haven. Assi-t.uu si-iTtiii-.v—Siiimii.l Win In n polo 'tame at the armory for Neptune. Reid scored two goals, I'Miviird M. l.ltlle to Ik-rmnn II. Kl Tri'inurer—.1. I!. I tunenrnn. I.iit«. |1. , W^'fil 'i^11, th,e V.-eidl one goall amdi tw t o "foulfl* 1.Hin'ni.ui—l'.ii llan.lt Whit!-. Itelieicn .1. l'rlie to WIIIIIIIII J. U'ol- -Seated the Ireebooters by a •ncore of ,ul(1 Smith st.oreu olle Roal Westcr. AsHistulit i.lilitrlittl—'riiemlorr ] Cert. Uot. St. • T1 1 1 on ih w ln • WilMuni J. Wulfert to John U llciff- igJit,*- '° Pfe'fi -' '' ., i . ' i v-clt did not make any pointsTor Nep. I'lanl-t —JII»H Mai-y Muiillt. iniin. l'lirt of a Int, fl. ning tfc>m were William G. Stone-1 tune • AHxlHtiint iiiimlKt -Mills Miirlon 1'V bridge, Howard S. Borden nnd Gcoriro ! vl' ,, , ,• ,,',', , „ Aiiilllur--W. l>. IIIIIIIIIUH. Mlddlotown Townolilp. ' Hughes— - . Th- e Freebooters were A. S•.• 1 he Delphian club basketball team Trimlces—Alilen MnBon, Woolley, 1 (.'. H. Hiirkalow to CliarleH S. 10U H. Jones, Tliomai; lritvlil and It. Mo.f Red Bank easily defeated the Leon-' m, Tlai-t or land. 111,11(1(1. ardo high school team Saturday night I Sui'hil ., „ ci'— Mi'». . Kuril.• •.\li«- n Helietea (.'. (iimdwtn to Alexander D. Keater. l Iit-i.iin. ran or n int. Ji. Between the periods of the game on the association court by a score of j-j|.",',',' .'rnax'' wutei' llii'rr'iiroii '"' Itlilinnl \V. Hluiit to Ilorothy It. various events were held, among them 34 to 13. The score at the end of the I ' i.n.i-nry euinnilttee—Mm. sinter, Mrs. Monre. I.rtt on tho cornel- of Hcventli being a pie-eating contest which tti'as (irst half stood LTi to li in favor of i A"''»; M". Lake. Mr.- IliiKurmnn, Willlnn IUKI i-ro»pect avemiea, f 1G0. Iioruthy II. Mnoro to Jmiiitlinn T, of Brooklyn Riding and Driving Academy won by Harry Boskoy,. who ate eight He! Bank. Fritz (Justin .crod thrccr^i;;,,!!,™1 ^ StFitre-MrR ll.rb.rt Stout, l.ut, SI. ' • . jries in three minutes. The other Ko:\\s for hod Bank; Hurry Hoffman !.. .Miinloeli nnd internieiiiliitn Mtlft Ttiorne to Chlirlefi W. Mason, contcstinOi were John Dickinson, «corccl four goals and throe fouls: I !')' 'It. ;, ___ Tract of land, film. John Murphy scored five goal.-' and ! * ••-•— L'hnrlo-i W. Aiasun to John L. Sweeney. James Lloyd, Walter Bosliey, Joseph Tract or luml.- Tl. Shapiro nnd Aaron Dixon; I ihree fouls; anil Clarence Jones OFFICERS INSTALLED. John I.. Kweeniy to Kllzalioth S. Jin. A plume-cutting contest was wonscu'i'cd two coiils. Victor Heniblin.r: »on. Tract of liuxl, %l. by Harvey Bloodgood. with Albert di«|I tumes v/an held. Thoflo who took part • f Long Branch. The Red I {",{,';. ir.lliiK Mi'i rutiiry—I.i IIIICJ*. Tract of - land at Oeeiuiport, wcr«i Mrs. Klwood Sceley, Misses Dot IJnnk pluyert; were Harry• Giblin, inn. C. Wnll Seelcy, Miriam Kogeis, Theresa El- (Jubriol Tr.nncnbaum, John l4.nvin, l-'ln iit'.-liil pi-cri'lury—Jnini'H (3. <'inti'i-. nnrltnn Township. ThomiiH Mead and James Tri'iiHtiriT—l.!>wl! M. itlHtinunil. sinRcr, Mao, Cluscy. (Catherine i;on. Mimti'i- or rurniH—Culi'li I'IIMI, Jr. Hufii'l O. Wnllllli: to KriiuepH II. Tonl. Cooporand I.ouiao VanK<;lnt and Ilur- Those on the? Long Itrnnch tiMim wore I iinpertur---', niMiiliM-o Mnxtinn. Lot nn Miiln idreet, Koyport. |l. old Wobb, Kenneth Walker and Re'.fiiu'r, , I|1I.innlgan,*«t Pozynin.Hky, I'on liii-lor (Iiini',!,, II. .iniiiiuiin. lliinlKnn II. Vail lo Loon Haply. Lot Chiirlcn and Linvin VanlCelnt. TheWnlsli nnd Heile!i, - ilniinl llrnry l.'lnk'r. lilt Third Htroel. Kevnorl. II. rni'iti'fH-I'lilch 1'iiMt, Jr., .liiliu N'. Henry Hclilpiivli to 1'ote.r IlueUliurt. coatume.-i wero made by Mm. Klwood l.ilitmni, .h,, l\. ('. 'I'liortH1. Li.I-. »l. Soeloy.. Mr. and Mm. Iliicl; McKee Adnin Mai/, lo Henry 10. Velthuinii, Widows' Penliona Granted. The officer:! of the Amcricnn Mc- l.ntH nt ivoyport, II. arc(mi|i,jiii; Koxhiintnis. ItiTiinlliiK MII rilnry Henry II. clnv- •','ii.L.iliiio iif Long llr.uirli, ;^'O; Mnr-liiti. WIIIIIIIII X. ThiinniHiin to .lolin llellll, -r.n ot K. Ncwiilnii of llrlmnr, 31H; nilllllellll Hivri-tiiry Jll|i|i|ill"l(. IhelH l.nl, »l. n«nfc OlTiceri Elected. Jl-.ry .Smith of Ficcliold, $11 j Mitr- •ri-!.:i^t:rei- ('llnlnii II. I.IIIIHI'M. Ijenii F.ItI mini to Alexander Knrufidiy, 'I'rtiHlei'ii- -1 In • tilil n. Wlllnti, Kiluunl Two lofi, |1. Tho nnminl ijlncllon of ofllcorii nnd Tirct Kulil of i'rcohold townithip, $!); T. Ili'ltlti'll, Daniel W. VllinNitte. Mai llni I.ewln In Henry I'llon, Tnren \niilf McFnil mi- of [,,ing Ilrimch. $11, I 'otnliiflnl1 -I liiualil Kuup. oln, II. • • • director*! of Iho Atlantic: Jfifrlilnntl(ll 'entlll |:il Ct .Man IIK lleliiht to Jnlin II. Drum. Trnrt ivconoy of pn Imnk w.m liold IHML widik, I.invin K. nd Ill-til,- luiilhi"! if Ininl, II. Ali'lvln r. Varil. OIKII «'. 1 :lllot I lo Jennie II. l!/ih,l, Srultlioi-|) i;m| Djiiilcl W. VanNote Ilrancli, $2.'l. i-;iiHtininni. Plan atosice to spend tomorrow night at the armory. went roolcdttd dlroctoni and tliujful. 'I'nint "f Ininl. 11. : • lowinif oOIcorn woril ro'-elnctcd* | Two Shows Now Picture. . ? Jennie It. Mnli.l to John A. Klllntt. Truet of land, |l. ( You will surely'enjoy th® eiitortainmpnt.' -"; '•;: '• •: ' ', s I'rrililmit- -CIIIIIII.T II. VnllMMiir. ! flvory night at tho Mnjctlic thcillnr, nnd nil iitnr cast inn every picturi at 1 Vvptr FuslioM Township.' I Vti,. iiriilclnit-.-.I,,l,,i ,|,. r.iHiriliril, ,7:00 mill !):(l(l o'clock; pm >h o/. licw lliu Miijciiti; tlAdfi (.uiililni•-Jlfiiry (.•, Vianf4ulu.., ,1 | tlictitoi .—Advcrfiso- ,AKII<" i''. K.' l:veir land, |l. ' j. THE REIJ 'itANK RESISTED. ':>•': Pane

EATOHTOWN BOY ,BURNED. . • EVERETT NEWS. ron SA_B. Two tliousuiu ;IIL'HVCH nt cornitalk'. __d Drank Liquor and Fell on Stove Many Reti-enU of TM« Pluco Kept Jollverod; • onn twu-ye;ir-old bull, prlci ;50. Addrttiu Bux JfJ,.hvcrott, N. J. .'_.: in Stupor. -~.w Indoors vritk Sicknon. GREAT OUTBURST OF RELI- BED DAH_, JST.J. Frank Fowlor of Entontown bou»ht There is a great deal of sickness at Kor sale, a doiihlo more with Improve GIOUS FERVOR THERE. . some ryo whiskey Friday to give this place. Old residents say that :iat auovo, on Htirewnliury avenue; loi . r : ia medicine to his son Charles, who thoyrcaiLn.eVer remember a time when JBX1C8. A bargain. W. A. Hopping. Thirty-Nine Perioni join tlie Metho- is five yoara old. Charles was sick so many Everett folks wcro hiid'up. DEAD ABXMflXS. dist: Church no Result of Rovival with croup, and, tho ryo was given to -Those on the- sick list are Archie [ remove dead imliiiiiU, horses nn Sorvieot wliich Will Cloto Friday- the child in small tainpoonful doses Wright, Mrs. Charles R. Mugee, Sr., vs, and pity $) a hoad. lilclmrd Con Two Soldiera Converted, i during the night. In tho morninir tho Edward Grant, John McLoughlin. :-a, Vfc u>'Alile,'i\. J. 1'liono il'IO-.-15. Eulonlown is experiencing one tho boy seemed much improvcj, and. his John B. StiHwflRon, MiRs Chtherino HQITEY TO SOAW. tlie greatest outbursts of religious paronts left Tiihi in charge of a nurse Stlllwaeon, Mrs. Harold Stout, Henry Monoy to lo:in: In -uniM-to Bult'bor- anthusiaem and fervor that that place girl. Tho. girl loft the room for,a Kelly, Mrs. Margaret McLoughlirtf roworB on IITBI hnnd. nnd mortznK*- Has over had,', ns-a result of revival few minutos mid Charles,' feeling William A. -MnRoe; James Walsh. A. L. lvlnH, Rcgljittir, building, llod Uank meotlnga ut tho Methodist. church thirsty, jilrn.nk tha icmaindor. of tho Thoodorc Stilwcli, Jr. and Mr. and CEBSPOOLB. "Which hfivS Boon In procrcss tho .past ryo. Tho ryo was on tho mantel^^Mrs. John Dadon and her six children. CeBflpools nn l m^ptiptic tanka cleanedclea , R two weeks and which will CIOHO Friday I The attendance atithe school has been III, I''nllonl , ItuniHciIt n NerltN K, Karm, picco and there was about half a II, InllKl, r Jtl NtN J ,1 'm o, l.cnimr night. The church was' filled with tumbler of it. The stuff caused tho greatly cut down by the sickness.' avenue, Kalr Jtlavtn, N. J. 1'. o. box 178 tho largest audience it over containod child to get in a stupor ulmost as soon TOE Sa__. on Sunday when eight persons were Charles Cluskoy has n now horse. ( an ho drank it and he fell with his Mrs. Edward Hondriclteon of. Eat- Walnut bedroom unite; malioKuny nofn - bnpticod nnd thirty-nino persons wore fnco resting on n Btovo. Tho nurso and carjict for^nle. /iinlynl Kuymoiur* admitted to church membership. A ontown his been spending several harnedH BhORf- Meetialvlo litrect, Ited Bank. girl returned a few moments Inter, days with Mrs.Charlcs R; Mngco, Sr. number of the now rnambers i re per- B1EHET HATa_tYS sons who had never exhibited any in- but not Until Charles had been badly j 'Miss Edith Stout of Red Bank is second hand goods: nnytliln't you wl«t, burned. His burns wero attended by making a stay with her brother, Har- to dlHpoae. of, ' H«:nd postnl to Uarnel' terest in church affairs and who had a doctor. The boy's injury is pain- pold^Stout,'^ . not been church goers. - Kntz, 411 Fourth avunue, Long liranch. ful but not serious, and it is believed Mrs. Ellvira Johnston of Red Bank Shouts of "Hallelujah I Hallelu- that tho burns will heal without de- is spending a week with MJBS Cather- jah I" and other evidences of old-time facing him. . ••_' • Ton S ( wMm^mmlm^x ine Stillwagbh. - CarrlaK«H,.riitmbont'j, bntirjk'H nnd bar- Methodist roligious fervor featured Miss Mory Scott, who hns been em- nfiB< (or ca'Ii; left -hcru on vtorapc tho meetings and wore especially no- ployed on Brookdalo farm at Lin-Ooorgo F. IJartlcson, Atlantic JlllllB ticeable at Sunday night's service. croft, hits given up her position and is Whole families came forward to join now at her home here. , MODEBU DANCES. -. .the church on probation and many' FMa PurmiiiH, pupil nf L'hrillf. Cnml. '£ss^im^W^- viSsfe-Bas! membeii) raised their hands to indi- James Hickey bought a team of Hnuno, etc. Phone ii«0-M Tor nppolnl- cate that tlioy had rcnowed their •^o^nS^^!f\?.L (horses and a hay rake at John Grant's mom. Residence 130 uroad" otreot, Fleil Christian experience). The meetings DESTROYED BY FIRE. yendue at Holnidel last week. WiUDank. • ;"• ' - • ', p^g| " - wero conducted by Rev, Burton J. K. Everythins but STpirfectms P«.. "™ MaBee bought a horse at the ven- OSTENDOBPP MTJSIC 8TOBC. Way, tho pastor, and the successful PlanoH. . InuBlcnl Instrutni'iit^. eheeJi Wn. Ruined and th. A.buir Park . Misa • Mary Morrcll, who is em- music, etc. TiinlnB nii.l -repalrlne. 1 outcome or tho revival will probably BmldinB w Monmouth otreel, near poBtofflco. Fled moan his return to tho churcfi as pas- Bank. . •. :• -. .. tor for another year. ^"Wo want you .•»* "£ffi£fi— next roar," was an expression fre- The Asbury Park Press printing Raymond Molson has baen visiting BX-xaini.Tr WOBH OO&TS •-. quentfy mado daring tho meetings. plant and the building in which it was relatives at Newark. Mr. Molaon is 11.26; Beconl-hknd pantH 51;' Bccond- locted were totally destroyed by fire comparatively new resident here, hanil Bhoeft fit U.lenp.John, corner i.nat -• In addition to Mr. Way, sormons were a Kront strcot and \yiiarf__avonuo, Red preachod by clergymen from various early Monday morning, The Asbury he having bought the Anna Com THE NEWSPAPER SITUATION IN RED BANK. neighboring towns at the rovival Eory- Park Trust. company building was hbuso at Ogden's Corner last summer, -icos..^Songs by an nugmontcd choir also very badly damaged. • I Martin Messanis bought a horse BABTAUOE-O to MAEZOCOA. Tho firo started about half-past the William C. Ely Estate last rmpnrlnil iiml iliiiiiM«tl>' huiilur> anrtlf»r« In.wlno-*, llil jilayoi1 pluno and IIIUHIC cat)- Mr. ami Aim. Ham- MIHH Carrie \iow~ the roof of the Trust company build- ABB Phone -35-W. FlrBt-clusn' auto noryice- hiet-for Hiilt;; al -s) «:I^li(y rolls or-niuHlc- -V HOUSE nAEOAIIT FOE SOMEONE. ing'which RoOn-aftercollapsBd-arid -" •-fov-AVBtBtm H. 0. ANTONTDEB, . Cn!it_|7"Ml); ljt'tlo. us»:if. Mu^t he ''ton tr ucl wulco, - - - land, - : . ihih ftlldrid of blackpmlth and wlieolwrlcht. *Wnir«n I anywhcro. nnytltno. " Stm-InK S^IpI^l^p^ Flno location, -l.inden place, lormorly Arthur Ainnuclc, Harry Rowland, fell in. AH tho machinery in the ""> ChrtitmnB Club7 -h«. n'ppr^ciut.u.. Aiuus I'uyd, Morjfjin Mcliarcarcn street,, flfjhfj t rooms,, sowewerr con;co;- y te OHHISTMAS EHESENTS work onrt nuto pprlnpH n *-ppc)nlty. 1fi7l nvonnc, Deal, N, J. I'Mono IH'J. ii(?ctiou gafi anJ wutff tq Jiuus; lot KrneHt Guloc, ' Mlia Viola jennon, Press ofllco was destroyed with the OHHISTMAS ,'Wost Front atrcot, opposite Weat street, rUKNITURJQ ii(?ctiou, gaf anJ wutff tq Jiuuso; ; lot Arthur Taylor, Mliw Allno Uulco, exception of tho largo perfecting for overy one If you Join the Chrlatmoa Furnlturo of all kinds, roimired. He *i0x_07 to.at.. i tun ^oiiif: to soil. Bomc- ti f th l fti Pf I Rod Bank. atorinji of nnttqne and mahogany fur • - CARL X*. CTLARK. will set a bargain li quick, AUcp. Mrs. Harris Ilroooo, Mrs. r.enn-iri, ...OKill press. . This was located on the 2^._ " 1 will set bargain 1li' quick, AUcp. John W. Eyloa, Mian Martha AU- nlturt a ^^pfi_lalty. itonry Orause, I-'roni ttWirlrnl. ronfrniHnr. RlcctrJc Wort* White,t -M Monmoutltl i and.d1 ilnuiildd ttntrootaa, . ground floor, and as soon as. the fire MAKE HSXT OHBISTUHB • . EOOS FOB BA_E. strout, near Southern railroad. Rod Bank. In all bruuehoa. Kxport work Ruarantotil HfiU Wank: • ' T11H3 Corn. Lowls, Jiiueu, _\ _ . • ' MIHS Kvolyn Lewis, Waiter Hmloy, was discovered it was covered with by joining tlio uhrlntmiis ciuu. Frch eggs, fancy wlilto, dellvoreil In Prlcen consistent witli good work. EM!- Mlas ..nna Parker, CIIUIIOH MeG.-ithaii, tarpaulin and kept idpitetantly wet in lied' Hank. ..Send postiil.- WHIIiun 11. mates cheerfully 'furrilahetl. Phon_ 338- STBEPX-OOF POnTADLE aAEAOEEK; Cbleman, Flnobropk Poultry Karm,,Eat- H. iJG Leonard Btroet, Red Bank. rFord wpoclal frnmc, $25; steel coto, MISB Ulllan I,ay ton, Mr. nnd Mm Ktl- or/er to prevent th»t from dam- lluve ea>'li buyrn for lar^o1 and Hinall MIUB'I.unovtu Ding- ^vard..Carlllc, > ontown, N. J..' farms. Hend full description. !; will in- 849; all steel, $89. Save public sarogb man, ' JJverutt Carlllo, aging the machine. AH the records epect. Georjfe W. Zueker, trntduate ;».«- MASON CONTRACTOR. expense. Will pay for itself in nho^L of the Press office were saved. Noarjy TAKES -WXC.I- DE DUE POBITToMf WANTED: riuulturlHt, Klnney bulldlnK, timo Garaso lioater, $25. Send for . Mr». ^oulfl '».-Dins- Hoy carlll", A ffobd cook"aiii-lttundre^H wanttt_)oriiK6jr:.oat^tb oi uie latest pattern, vamea in_ tno como Jnenibor after January Md, JfeatinR Ht*ivc lor flalo, ."r]f feodcr, for Hale; hoffn all :iprpS and f?lzes; BO mo aggregate of $20,000, woro totally second natlonaibnnitr your work. Sclilcnta & Son, Eatontown, The last two named now memberii, : N. J. .; . KiKjil.tiH ntrw; on account"ot* having fur-' nxcollont ' nroo.ilhif; '-Awiim] hull calyos Harry Hcipol and Thomas Littlo, nro destroyed, as was also all tho rest ofj P.' Va rdtj. iionford aypnuo, Atlantic ii!ico Installotl have no I'urtluu* ns--e forfi'dni' "importoil ^to«::k, for salo reanoit- IilHhli i soldiers at Fort Hancock.- Mr. Rolgol LOAN WANTED. : t n: ccaa n bis liouehliou t rh« ap.p* Lk ablo, Apply nt A[t»ulU?ln-ogk ['avni, II. R Loan wanted of ?J(J,uOiJ, llrst mort- .Squab Kann, jilione KoKdd JJiank. I>. No. 1,, Anbury l'ark, N. • J, Phono- ono night lust week happened to be POE SALE. graKe nt ti per. cent on HrHt-claHs Im- n-i'll Deal. estimnted at Between $80,000 and Five cockerold atul four pullets of visiting at Eatontown and ho wus at- ^90,000 and ia partly covered by in- ; proved farmr , worth 'double the amount. TUTOHINO. • Romovor of dead anlmalR, lied Bank, White Created Black . Vollfdi, May Adufepa , i49 llroadway, J.onj; Branch, tracted to .the church' by tho light suranco.' • . hatched, will'sell cheap. AddressTollsh,' An oxjierlencert teacher, a dolleg*- grail- SHOE HEFAmilTG AT f5HOKT NOTIOIJ showing through the windows. He N. J. Tolcphone 128-J. uate, will £lvo liulividual Instructions In Lcavo your shoes when you como t_ As soon as the fire was under con- box 313, Red flank. OUIJOKO preparatory work or help pupils town and tlioy vill bo ropalred for you entered: tlio church without knowing P-EASUBE BOAT FOB SAX-. trol J. Lyle Kinmonth, the editor and | _ . , , „ „ POB B-BT. niako up tloiloionclefi- :fn lower' sraileB.' by tho timo yon aro ready to go homo. that it was a placo of worship. He tt 8> Thirty-fout ^asullno pleaauro-.hoat for AddrcflB Toadier, bos--8l3, .lied Bank. . First-class 'material nnd export worK- ' thought that a iluuco'or oonio sort of o^vrier of the Press got hia printing K^XAabTy 'riJ^gf ^ At Middlotown, 'near railroad tatlon, mon• togotji^r with' niorlnrnto pricoff.* I). comfortable six-room liouflo at $10 per SALE. A. Mozza, U8 Bi-onl--s!treot, itcd JBank. entertainment was going on. He was and editorial forco together and be-1 :__— . •-. _^_: nionth. Apply toto .l^oulse Hnrtehorne. „_ Thomaori'a Auto Garage. Avon. Three new, haiid-matie Phonphnnoa 111_TV so impressed by tlie remarks of the Ban arrangements for getting out. . _OB B_l_.- Mlndlotown, N. J. N. J. farm wanont,' $9G each; bay Hholvluga ' speaker that ho attended tho service a a ch V 1 O 0aP J R only $18: potato bodlon, 18-liarrol, I in- i BAJBGAINS IN CHICKKW SUPPEIES. ngaln the next night nnd brought Mr. Monday's paper This was printed ' Htt rr!'n s[Sn Morg anvTno? ft. S. - - BECQHD-HAIID BUTTS HALF HOUSE rOB RENT. proved, wltll turnbuekle, Blnitle holtum, Imperml WU-cizi; Ineutotor, , almost ?4,7G; second-hand overcoat :s $3 up, bet- r- house, with t-arace, for rent; $18. .M, K«l«ey, liast Freehold, N. .1. new, splendid Itatcher. {1.".; 1 Cyphora Little along as a companion, with the at the office of tho Long Branch, *—! _.. __. ter-thtui a i n Cheap' J/>H». ttrdwobd floors tliroucliout,', - — -• -• Iiortaljlo hoverfi,-usi-il one season, »10: result that both became church mom-' Record. The Record, together -vvith -: BVB axaxMT .OB BA_B. corner Wharf a- wnd- Ea8t Krollt well as modern conveniences. In• - ' 0BOBTT , DAIiTBA—T I| t.oriilnu straia n WIHIWhlto4 TiCKhnrI/euhfirnn ' Pllllotlpullotnl utreet, ItotTBnnk a ,, bore. knnnf nf Ihn ntliAt* minnra nt tlin ^>'° utraw and a team ot horKOB for Ira at !}lekopi"o;jirt ehop or at anyto do your electrical work, anil ffo tliore "J cockarola. at very roasonublo-prlcoo.—• agent. . •* .-• for your ticcdioal .'iunpllfs. -Edtlmates- J'-ffRs tar -hatdhlne. Albert B. Storr.Port" . bountyf telephoned iS'rf° Kinmontt.; = •""• «.«"•»».*•»«»-•'**»»,«•„.. HOT CHICKEIT SUPPEB. Klvuii. Jubs pioinutly ulti'ihlcd to. Em- -Moiunoutli, N. J. The eight baptisms took place Sun- Mashed potatoes, .^weet potatoes, to- day morning. Those baptized wore tendering him tho use of their offices | ; M«JT WANTED , SALE. •'. ': riifittics, pleitleH, npplu pie, chctmn nnd Tee. yacht. Itiickot lir-lonnln;; to the1 lato phono. 11.1-M. iiecidencephoiVei an-W." MOABTHTS _£T_0Ti7_Bii___7 Ethol Elisnboth Odoll, Philip Albert operation. ^~ coltoo. Reiormfld ohiircli, Friday, Jiuiii- riiio __B0&nr. ary. _1HL 35 cunta dipt. OOOI-RO Cuk'.v; r.iidy tu ho put on Rollafolo malo aiul f'jui;iltj OutoCtlvea Patterson, John W. Eyles, Anna Eliz- IJcforo the fire'was entirely "out the lee. \vlll sell eheop. Inoliiira at THE BED BANK-HAIR PAH-OB. furiilrthfjcjcl l .fofor r oonn purposes. Cominunl-' abeth Parkor, Lillian MargarBjULuy- IMano, In excellent condition, for salo )iliarma(!y of C A. Mlntuii, Uroiul Htreet, o:itlo!lio:itlo!l3 abfjolutiilabfjoltly lnborerH •vioce employed in removing Ued Bank. ton, Mncio Stryker Brecae, Carrie Me- the rubbish nnd debris of., the fire '"1'''" Wuah!"Ktu" H""oot- Two socond naiid Htovea, ono laundry Htuvc with new. riipairs, ono pmull lipht gill and Benjamin Erno.it Gnico. preparatory to rebuilding. The new 8IBAWBEEBY F_AHTB. 1 HOUSE POB RENT. pfirlrir' Htove. ' Cull at _19 West Front • Bix-room houtn.'- ut Helf'ird, l\vn Itlill- building, Mr. Kinmonth states, will • 35,000 -Chouupeuku Blrawherry plants, street. Ptiono'4-.-lL • $3.25 --por.'thousand, John-- 1. Biokloe, \iten' walk from trolley anj riillroad LINCOLN CLUB DINNER. bo n fivo-etory Btructurd of stool and Htiitfon; lnttirler (if houpo i-er'antlj' ri;- TOR BALU. Navesink, N. J. . , 8~_J» TOUB O-D CIiOTHES TO VS. ' Write .Mn Joh-enh Ilyem, Hoi- concrete and the work, of clearing Aul.iiiMil.il.) tiro andd tub.)) rnpalrlnrnpalrlng I • „On o platforT m springpns: hutchor wason Elovcnth Annual Affair to bo Hold at away the rubbish ia rapidly going on. Gooil priced piild for old clothing.. Call ford N. J. ncw; ono TOP son von BALE. or phone Tlio City Dry Cleaning and prnmptly iloiio. AAdad m I.I , Hi.ylarHl , doulodl? ?a . lm Btwn-liorsa o spring Tvasron and Tho printing preao which waB oaved . Manasquun und bluestone .1 biuyShw, in0tor.ryola-! and suppllos. • °" J '- f ' runabout for salo;. prtoo Highland. Hotel. o pinting pes whic was caved ~~ ' Works, 9 Mochanlo etreot, near CHXSTEH A. WOX.COTT, 1)j01 screenings; w Chiirlea Broad. Phono 2C7-J. Auto tlroM anil m-oassorli-s. Corn..- uf, 22 °, .''• •'*ayo no.plnco.to atqrp.lliqa,9 Tho olevonth annual dinner of the wan BO damaged by water thai It will Burd.Rod Bonk. Eatonlown, N. J. . Practical sliest in*?tirt ]'l''r.jiit and Osliom Btrcet, Koj-port, N. J. Ed on account of tho llro which in |m> hlKiivat IHko-* for your old vory Uttlfl oirpoimo. Apply to .1 I. Htui'k'a Hlia^aw'-jt-ook Kami. Cows tu- der's office at Atlantic Highlands Fri- I oration. OIBI. VTABTED. ' „ WASHUJO—*»»****!-.. j clotlilni? If In ROOJ condition, men's only. MonHlty, 10 Rant Front street. Red Hash. bor.TuliwlH tt!Ht^1 unco, n infill til. ^11 Bait" ' Mr. Kinmonth on Monday, ordered Olrl wanted for general housework; Have youyonrwaehln^don-nr n.iBhlng done nt t thee Jersey I'Kstlmatoi-?timatPBs .cheerfullehnprfuiivy igiven. -Phono-18- luiry lii'ejaVtfonV" day night, tho following officers' were with or without wualilnB, 2D8 nroad .„_ ...... ^(n at 0(. Snrown. In uur earo of ;Coa»t.Jaunary. -Kan;lly/:waah. rough dry,LMTO? call llorman L APAETMENTB. milk and er.-iaiu. . A. MsOlaskoy, ' re-elected: • an entire new equipment for hiHtreets , Red Hank. 00 conts; Hat wprli "Ironed! 15 cents] .r c Hot wuter lieuted upartnientH, all im- bury nv 1 H'.'d Hank Dairy. i -K.-i-ir. . . -* Prosldont—Howard W. Robert*. paper. Theso machines will bo'set Phoni> 204 Rwl Bonk. provement*, four or . live rooilifi »with Vioo prcaldonts—Cliarlca R. Bnydor. up in a building in the rear of the OR—Bxinrr BAQVB. B. B-XSWOBTH AlESAHDEB, PBESCBLPTIOH6. Omar'olcklcs, Qoorfto C. Honry, Harry Press office until the new building is 1 havo a good lot for nalo, pointed nnd Our prescription department .has tho A. lirown. roady for uso, L. Schancft, Matawan, tlio contractor. Tike for lloora, ivalla, and pllcM. Vulcdnlz- to Candy Kitchen. Phona :].)0-j' Ited ready for occupancy. Tho telephone N. J. It D. No. 2. ~. roofs and llrcplacos. Tiling of bath- pg, Uank. froslir.'Ht of arugs nlw.iyn on hand; a fiocrotary—Frank* P. Yarnall. • lnffff,, acclylt>ny e weldingg. All work s rampleto Htock which precludes suhstl-. Troa.uror—Clinton B. Lolmcn.' ' and electric light lines were con- rooms a specialty. 14 MonmouUi- atroot. li l Phono 840-W Ued Bank. antccdtd . HHear of-MetropolitafM n liotol, Eat- tution; and ltu work i.s absolutely ac- ..-. Lewis B.-Morris, Charles E. Snyder nected with tho Press's new quarters uotnrr TO -OAIC. ontown, N. J, NUESINO. curate.- -Wo reKpoetftilly solicit your • before the fira was wholly extin- Good farm preferred; J2.600. would Dressmaking, plain and Taney cewinjr. 1 liatron.-jsc. Want's drug store. Macy and Howard W. Roberts wore ap- guished, and the business of the paper divide Into 11.500. |1,000. Froncle WTilto WAITIED, IIASOH 1st. Also can tlcvote part time to nursing.' '-'m-liart, successor, Keyport. N. J. pointed a committee to Bocuro after- aproncy, Hod Hunk. Position on farm or estate near Hed SBtBEWSBITBY EITEB TOOMT _OTFo. r particulars in either, line kindly call is. going on as usual. I);mk or Oceanic, by single man. Afncri- One-half acrq plot on .ShrewHl.iury river at residence, Ulver streot and Leigh ton dinner speakers. • The dinner com- FOB BALE. can, ase-ifi; liictime experience on farm. front for sale at most rriasonalilo price. mittoo...consists of C. Moll Johnson, i Plenty of Hliado trff"<; sandy bnacli. . Ap- ,'ivcnuo. Barolt Carroll. Phuno'314-li Seahrlprht, N. J. Furniture ;novcd to ana Ford runabout, in flr t clans condition, Hox 3a, Tirtulevclt, N. J.' ply for terms to William H. Hlntelmann, Ited Bank. ' from Now York nnd Brooklyn by vanu. chairman; John Bennett,. George W. M. E. KANE'S AUCTION. for Halo cheap. Apply at Pearsall's j Humaon, N. J. All kinds of freight and ba^j^nKo tranH- Lukcr, Omnr Sickles, Charles R. Sny- Kftrnffe, Oceanic, N. J. POVXTB- WASTED. I LEOAL FA.FEBS. I ferrcd. Agont for Dodd'n oxnresji.. tho About HKy roasting chickens wanted j 1 0 1 1 det-, John It Conovor, Rudolph Hurst, Middlotown Township Farmer Will _0ST WEDNESDAT HIOHT ts, acknowiedh'meniB, leases, I J" ^' . !!?' ."-?. «l"ekliiB_l)aBgaao tlirougU ELEOTEIC PLATHTO qvery week, nllve or dressed. C3. UIMz bond and mortiins'-n. doetls, etc., pro- to "tlestituitlon. • Tolophones: roRidenco, Richard Lufburrow and George W. Quit Tilling the. Soifc, and brnaa1 beds ^ioTlBhed nnd lacquered. ' Son, »rnc«ra and butchers, 123 West on ^lomnoitth street, hetwe.'n i-;in;>irc r theater and Hruiid Htreet, hlaelc Vfll mill parod by me. In my 10-W; oillc.', ;3-n, JuliiLritorer, Prop.; Hardy. The reception committee) is An ouctinn,.*aal'o waa heldJFriday R. H.iCijrnwoll, .03 tl.udoon avenuo, HaJ,,""""Fron*t utreot.Jio' "d" "--•- oVlocU to six. Kdward W. Wise." juVi Hank. Plione connection. two K*'ld phliV l^indr.r kln'lly return of tho peace. NOTICE Or REMOVAL. composed of C. Norris Pippitt, chuir- iifternoon on the Michael c-Ef- Kano v. I—_ 10 BO.AIT TO WISE Hume to 'Che KtiHlnter otllce ami receive room 7, Elnnor bulldl mun; Charles J. Greenfiold, Edward liheral rewnrd. Hod Bank. Furnlturu recovered and repaired, cur- farm nt Kane's crossing, in Middle- O-X .OUB ST0VE3 _EPAI_ED. your house and do all your work In tho tains, ilrapcrlen nnd Austrian tihadcs: E. Snydor, Melvin P. Ynrd, John R. electrical line. All work guaranteed. town township. Mr. Kane's mother Let UM i-epulr your BLUVCH now. 1* OFFICES -OB ItEHT. OJ.Efl.MINU ARD UTEIIIO. laying of carpets, matting nnd linoloum. Murphy, William H. Hewitt. Matthew Gcorpe JIoKan, 25 ^Wost Front Htreet; Diivynport .v.aofa?. eouclie.s, . mattre.isOB died last summer, nnd he had been Schwartz ft Son. West Front street nnd roiini mil utK& and flhoata, Wanted, a uood sound farm liorfie; 1V1.'Diioilo I I-\V. nil havo been Bcrutn treated. H. S. Kln- nuiKt Inivo pyo-lKht{ cheap for ea.sh; I • iiv i'r 'iiliU. 95 Shrewsbury nvenuo. Red TUanlL-Plion.. 1 nionth, Anbury Pnrli, N. J. , will have t\ t^iiod lionie, AildroHa Farm SHOKSI BOOTR1 ABCTICSI RAiEor riEM STOCK . BROTHERHOOD DEBATE. to nlfcct his h'enlth. At tho Bale Mr. Horse, bus 313,' Red Uank. ' Arctics $1 uii. l!ii; speciiils In eel' '.HELP WAKTED. llaviiu: IjiHi^ht a sipall farm rtt Now Kano (Imposed of his horses, chickenu, FOB BERT. .... - and Idiick rubber IPCOIH. Wiirin '\lnn\ M;iil :ind \vift* to 11:k.-• t'iiiirurc el* farm, .\l'iniiioul.li, I will u,M! at. public venduo wlitle or ciil'ired: tun nii-ln as ^t-ncnil .Hi I'Vlimai'y IT., 1111''., my stock uti.l tools Pretbyterinni Talk on Preparedness wagons and farm implements,- mid ho A largo U'.ht paint aliop, grountl Hour, POB BEST. , .|l,.,.,,-ii. t'noni! 7^'-.l. or'ejll wiiliii 1 IIMW .ircniiy. In ll.iimd.jl town- rent. exceptionally low. ."Jpply to 11. OFborn, ill ii Wlinrf ;iveiiuo. Ked Uank oinploy- ship, kn.iwii ir; tue Aiml.! Crawford A debuto on "Preparedness' was exceptionally low. Apply I I fiu'iii at i:riu\ l.ii.l's <;.iriter, next to tho FUSS BOTJOHT. 11 Hunk str.'ct, lied IJullk. •ii t uulco. 1 held Monday night at tlio Presbyter- Jacob C. Shutts of Red Bank was AH. kinds of raw lura bought; manu- • HOUSE rois SA_E. --'I'lolli'iiii.'. II'.ward Tln.lall. ian church between toumH composed the auctioneer, nnd he got good prices factured by ouraolven. J. Millar, Enton- T'rt'tty new tiiiu.^t: en iirown platre ' R2/VI. of meniboi'B of the Brotherhood. from the buyers. Lester Thorno of tpwn, N, J. I'hone 2139-rt. HOUSE FOB BALE. | rooms UIKtvlI bathoaui, h-'atll.vii,, electrheieetru: IIKJIIHl ; Well lii'-iited liiMiKe In «. I Hod IlniiU 1 BAr._. Prof. Paul R. Radcliifo and Prof. II. Middletown pnid If 156 for n brown UtloKoven-rooin for stiln _e moder or rontn hou.s, $2nC I npe Roor monthd con.- |I walk".In snrllir, .''"rhj. Ti'ini', Kimhcli to ; suitir.0,0 rbiiipi'Iltnaccr than r.ir sale, Int -iiililii7 I'' -!: :iev'en-riioiuH, Adlolnliitr .luiii.'i 1". 11. H.!im.!tt farm' C. TalmaKO, who argued in fuvor of horse, and nnother brown-horco wnn BLACICBMITH AND nOB3E9taOElt, . Hi Khrrwiliuiy nvoiiuc. \\: A. llotipInK 1 llllx '"' Ited lliuilt. cemt nti-il cellar, tuliM, ;;III, water; price .it Van 'cl-nurj;, -Sr., H.H). 'easy terms-, will I'runK Gray, iirautical l]orMi!!)|ioer. Tho or Ked Bunk Heal Ustato Co. 53,11110. li.iod iin<|-tgMKi! l.'ik'eu. l''r,iucln yield .j:!,ilt)i' nr'iM^ aiiiin.illy, '-•I'Veii-room prcparodnouB, wcro awarded tho de- knocked down to George Sherman of Uriel: Shop, 1!)- Mechanic xtroet. _»tab- BEIIT. 'Wlilli! iitti'iii'V, M'Uiiiioiitli utreilt ill- luiu.ie, i..ur h'u.iii ijiiil.lliixs, uluiit tierea in-line iti.|i.!iat.rii-.-, :'.I;I .^K-ycar-old winter cision over James D.-' Otteraon, Jr., Atlantic Highlands for>C|l3G. Mrslluho. d 15 yoai-H In Hod mink.. WANTED. or" f.i •id Imtli;' ,-lec- Jfi'oud'Mti'ect. nnd Daniel II. Applegate. After.tho Kdwin Taylor, who livelt'ln Middle- Mlddhi a^«:, gain, po illve sal.-, cl.isliur cHtato. Uuek, Ruo. P. J. II. WhitttiUor, R. A. Stronfr. i-uiln whlti! L,oKliern stock. Kupk ll.ilford, N. j;; J, C. Marvin...... Kroiit Hti'.;.t, ...Ml I: mh. ihitbiillilln.H. Mir.",, wells and lillinlilt,' A. H. Smith, II. I.. Closo, John Road •ind John Murtz ol' Middletown got a prhiK r'arm, Ijcon.irdo, N. J. lir.inln: liciK-li an.I apple ": .'hards, lar/ii- l''..-.'liol.l, N. J. and Edwin C. Gillimd were elected inarkot wagon for $14.60, a buggy FOB BENT 1_ EAST BED BANS. TAI_O_. hla.-ivti.'riyy li.u.'ii, r.n- ,-al.> >>r r*"it. .Indri tfor $7,50 nnd a dump Wigon for posrriG.f WAHI- A comji'lt'ti' nix-room hous<\ nil lin- John W. llmun. I'MulillMlii'il 24 years lli' , Wiiy .N. .1. I". V. Jliiiit.- 1, HOOTED roB »BMT Ann SAr.n. delegates to a ntato Brotlierhood con- A neat, rctlned colored Kirl W p provcnii-nt^. In line ctindltloii, price $13. In ll"il Hindi. All IIIIIIII wurli. Clenn- Asbury 1'ark. Now live-room bungalow for lialo. Or vention at Montclnir on Washington'o V4.C0. Chickotm fetched 21 cunts a Hltlon for IlKht hoiHowork. AdJroBu Apply to KranelH White a«t;ney, Mon- IIIK, inetiHtni: iili.1 ri'ti:ilrlnl,' mutly done. r^iit far $IJ'a inniitn rni-ri|5J*I.•.!, or 18 a birthday. Tho altornntcs are A. T.pound nlive. Thomas Kime of Knno'a Neat (ilil, hox ;i 1.1, ltiHh and mnoked mnnto of HIM ESTATE li Ml O.I IK. faeturer.-i and repairer;! of autu raillnt.irfl. PLUMBING WORK. liam B. Conovor. Tlio treasurer's re- Kano for $1.50. Smidlor nrtielea al) kllulB. Olive oil, frefill OK»TB and fn>sh Seveil-riiolil hiin'-e nil IIII.IIHIII avenuo, luiKiKi, IIIMHIH, muilKuanlH, ^'hiilHlileld.. I'lumlilili,', healing iind thitdllg work port nhowed that tho society him ' WrLIIAM F. BEII.LT, killed poultry n npnclalty. Ti Drldgfl Tled-lluidl, fur uiile ill u Iririrulo: pi-ili'll- and 1,'anollne IHUUH. Hmashod radUtorp wont nt corrcnpondingly good pricog. 21 Ptarl Htruot. Phono ln-H ited Hank. avonuo, Rod Hunk. I'hone 071, oally new, li.-tnlwnod llnors, hut air hen(, mid lamp repalrln/,' 'l ineelally. 113 \\ efl? of tlie licit kind dom) Miili'kly uud ut a about $100 in tho treasury. Tim rlKhl pliii-o to not iiooil Brocerios at ilec'trii' IIKIII^ mil «.!.•<; kit .MixlKu f.iet. Front ritl'cel, Ued II ink. i-cilMoiiable Iluiirc. 1..U m.i Kivo eatl- rlKllt prleeB. 1'roinpt dollvoi'Tes. • LADIES' TAXbOBItTa. Adilri'HH Box 2, Iliil IMitk. inalcn, Work uiiiii'.nit''ed. li. H. Ilen- We do lino ImlloH' tailoring. .Wo miike rort BEHT. llett, Fair llav N. J. A VISITOR FROM ENGLAND. Chnngct to an Office. furfi lo cirdiu- and remodol fui-Fi In up-to- liOUBr; FOB KENT • Itrk'tit lie etliK; 810 DOOE FOB 10 CENTO. j itr'l roiim, or eoi Harvey Johnnon, mannircr of tho Iliiili:M,!lllii:'M revl'ea hand hook of date HtyloH ri':i onnhle. Hti'ln HroK,, '2-1nl l'.'ii'd.lo purk, MII the l.'nlr Have M.mi, fiiriil . iupln'. Monmouth fttfiot, noar poHtolllee. rnad; 11 .• 11.-s IM-'I'-H III" dour: live iii'il, ruillal.le i''M ,i London Lad Receiving Lcuoni in Rod Hunk office of tho Western Union tiHcrul inforiiuitlon, 15 cents per eopy. l f WELL ROTTED MANURE. Ti-lley'H newt! Htoro, llroad ntr«ot. cllv mili-r iii'd ii i-i In tint klnlicu; Sl» .Itilct. la.1.1.'in iiti|ii''ivi'iu.'iit>.: .-cntral l.i- Horaebacliing Here, ^ lolcirruph company, is making savernl FABU FOB BA-B. li'>r llliitu.i. lli'illlre til' .loiilitUL liculietl, catl.nl. rail I'.ir ii.irll.-ul.il.-, ut 'J'i W.'.t Now III the llni.i In place urdorH for chungoB at tho olllco. Tho rear of A farm of 07 acren for wale. hom«i and lil Wallace iilrei't, Itfd ll.inl'.. I'l-ollt litre.'t, Hi.I II.ink. W"ll r<>tt''d stabl.valid CMV niiiiniro, Cnni Alox Prceno of London, England, AUOTionnnn. r is sponding a month with Buck Mc- tlio ofllco him boun partitioned' olF William Qtmclimihu.'di, l<'lrnt avenuo, farm tiuilt)TtU-|"|. devoting inont of hi/i time to loarning counter ii"ii been sot up and tho -in- lli.liiidel; i-'iv ami mini mill; t; IKI:;.• In,: and llv.n'y Hlablc I.'MIH'I "in an,rail |(i.,.i;ij..V|rjtlf'!i«w York rlty. tho ort of riding horsoii, Mr. McICco terior of tho nfllcu repulnled nnd dec- nn-oomr DAIHT. DAVE VOUtt OLD OABPETB. biileliei- KIIUM. |,.,l -!• 1.11,1 pu.il i,i,nn IHiilW lal'thuf. Aut.illlldilln, vali-j r.n- h.ii|i orated. Ttomitirnl revertilhio runn inudo from aln.ul 'Ti acri-H of linnl. lOnnv terniH, or nil.nt .Iliittiiii'e, 'I'liurlili: cars for hire in in charga of tho homo department Milk nnil iream, frenh huttur,- rnvcrt old ciirpotn and r.hvulllo iidrtlerov. Wi'lto W. II. Jiihntuiu, .SlueWMlnirv or [lulnnlel, r.'Uiti'.iihi iivi'im.'. near Ocean aviniuo. Tax Information Wantotl. buttiir und hiitkirmllk. Hpeclal milk fur 4 of tho nrmory. nnd ho nnd Thoman for clri-uliir !. Anii'i-lcixn itiiK Alunufiu:- N, .1, > Kciibiliibt, N. .1, I'liono IS, II' von. IIIUIW where iiiii.iii'HijfiiitM nr»i , I'oid aro instructing tho English Boy 3coul> Annunl Danquot. bablivi. Tidipholin, HIO-W llod llnnk. tory, 1!!IG Vermont litreel, Hrnoklyu. MONET SO EOAN inn OITTT Ifnuwly iinl'iili' kindly wrll.t me Hie faclil viuilor in liorKohacklng. Alox In Tho llfth nniiunl hnnquct of tho 0 0AHPJ1NTEH AMD HUIX.DER. ('unliHii lallin-ii, el.'iuiliuf, in-inulnir, rn- .in ynii boll.tvc n M lm. nnil limn help on Mrnt bond and niortfiaic on Improved o-a noorino. II. 1,, Merrill, Mmtldi'i'. Jobluuf; n palrlm;, .t>.111.r. HneelallillH III I'lelu'l fourteen yearn old and la u non of Oceanic Hoy Scoiitx will bo hold Fri- property In riiinii tn milt hnrrowom. Al- In tin! work of fi.iliilui; u ri.|iiair >Vti' ono of tlio plncoa whoro Mr.. McKoo morrow. ,,-I'vd 'loft my wnllot at coi.n 1 -oud, Went I.omr i Ilronrh, N. ,T. Kent Rent varletlefi nf*onf; llrimeti, N. X [;>nil(lnf[;nll < upph"pph"< lovver prlt'etiprlt'eti , IClmIClmoo r 10 AUTO iinn nnof. . • -... BOAnnnnu WMJTHD. iniwly i|iM!4Mint,i]it] '. Ktriiff't fil«ftf|fl tho cash to uparot Ilowovor, I can Atexmidor. Ited Uank. . Phone • -12J0-.I0 . r Fli'Mt-nlniiH I'll.le boai'il with nicely fur I'reoBo la now nt Now York, ho havlnjr ' vimmTnnn uovims. l1ilfi In the idnce to liavn yuur tlrep nlnlii'd rnomn, rellneu mid hoiuollkn: nl ll|[lit'il; iiH-Ki'il'tt'i rhl'k'm li'iimnj (CiiU moved there n uhort timo rtgo front •toll you I»)W to got Itvory ouaily." - ' C, W. llfiinelt A Co., furniture An' •TOMATO PtfltlTII. ' ronalred. New und itpimnd hfmd.tlreii In tt" and John liner tomato.-nlniitn1 In four- ti't Junli. HlqveH'. then vulonnHod. 1 "Ubra'n n nl,ckcl;.|(o homo, nnd'f<(it /•ail.for I'li'K or nliorl dlulnmio. l>tl' I'TanU 11 Ivlnn, an Meelmnlu iil^rrt, 1fal thono - not iilrMur • roti'Hf'. ,Uud«ei> J l •iipUn-irlyi-ii lm aU'worh.' 100 Horbnri •lmi)i 'etibo'r, own Hoed .frmnLTrowii' nnt- ltouno, HH h bll (iVt)mn),'liiitMlitn!i, •'* * ''*' /.'••' /'/ ' ?;, ' It pnyn tfli Hihcrtlse'ln Th«r Rc.-rlotcr yourwolloi" -,'. • ''.* othiot, Hod llunti. "" tlnir. John I. Sluklon, Nuvonlnu; N. .t. • lliinli. Twelve. THE RED QflfJK REGISTER.

town six. times zu much as it can bo TlLTON-ajAVIS. MARRIED LAST AUGUST. fg|E ISED SANK REGISTER bought for at the present time. THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING. Miu Mabel Irene Titian Wedded' at Mi» Vjola Zelglar of Oceanic Wedded • IHK H. COOK. Edilw .w owT. Sitter'* Home at Fair Haven. to Jame>. Smith of Red Boot. Phone L. B. 403 OEOBCEC. HANCE. A»ociat« tanoi. It is unfortunate that sentiments MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH P. LAKE Miss Mabel Irene Tilton was mar- Tho marriage oC Miss Viola Zeigjar, of» jealousy should prevent' needed . \ . __ • j MARRIED FIFTY YEARS. ried Saturday afternoon at tho home daughte_ r of Geonr. ..e Zeigla..„,._r o..f Oco- THOMAS IRVING BROWN. public improvements, but such senti- of her sister, Mrs. Prank D. Covert nnic,- slid James Smith, spn of Mrs. , . —— mentmenias are founioandu in nil sm u doess -carr yy weighegt anryy Saturday-nightSaturdaynight.. AbouAboutt sixtaixtyy Only the immediate relatives of thegrocery store. •':.-;•' ] whatever nevertheless> bn. t There are persons of relatives and friends were present. couple were present. TOWN TALK. .Ismail-minds in every community who The celebrants received their guest3 The bride > wore a cream, colored I would rather see needed improve- in the parlor. CapL und Mrs. Lake satin dress trimmed with lace, and 155 Broaaway LongBianch, N. J. (Continued from pace 4.) ! pients defeated than see some indi- sat beneath a huge white bell to which she carried a bonuet of carnntions. One of the objections which is be-' viduila benefited by these improve- whito and yellow, streamers were at- ments After the supper the bride and gjoom " The Store Be8mtyai" log raised to' tho propfeed park at. N Persons of this caliber get t^cfted. Following the receptioi i a IT WILL BE HELD AT THE AR. w were taken to the Red B-ink station in the loot of lirojd street is that, the -fewer and fewer in number as a com- turkey dinner was enjoyed. Four an automobile, which had been dec; MORY AT RED BANK. properties .'at the west side of the..mnnity increases in size, but they generations were represented. Yel- orated with old shoes, rngs andjigns Itt-OJ-osed park and the properties at, never get wholly extinct. • low tei roses and narcissus were used by C. P. Worthley, Fair Havon's chief The Exhibition Will Benin Tuesday, the eist side of the proposed park j "• • • ' | for. table... ,i decorations, . , .... of police. •» The counle went to Wash- March 14th, and Will Cloio the would be very much increased in; No public improvement'was ever A feituro of the celebration was ;ngton on their wedding trip, Followins; Saturday—Much Space ralue if the park project should go made which did not' benefit some in- welcome chorue Piness nndn thd eA song Pcrs | The bride is a daughter of Joseph for Displays Already Sold. Ihrough. 'This is true. The proper- rtiyiduals more than it did others, I"??"™ i l - ? , ;| Tilfori of Fprmingdale and thegroom An automobile show beginning on Kes oa lie west side of the proposed in the very nature of things this mu5t et Day bv the seven daughters of jH n SOn of. William Davis of Eaton- Tuesday, March 14th, and closing on parii are tie Sheridan hotel property be so. The only method of overcom- Mrs. Lake. These sime • to'Wn. the following Siturdny will be-held sang rt the "silver wedding at the armory nt Red Bunk. Tho ex- t.rks of Pierre A.Proal, inc this would be through the law of -.- 6 -,- „-..-0 . ... , ,~ by iCh,rI« II. FHc!,^4E3-condemnation. aW this -was ^"'l :!^^. ^ ^JJ^^ CORDOVA—WOODMAN: hibit will be for tho-entiro county Botti ofthej-- properties would be in-, voted down by the people ofNew Jer- (i' >'e*™.a Z°- -,1 Je d.aHgnters ar,e and will be culled the Morimouth v Atlantic Highland. Girl Weds Penn. cresset! gn-My in Yalta-. The Sh r- y 1-st ye-ir. Under this law .the ?Jra-ti w"* ,,? ffii T County Automobile show. It will be ? Fe sylvanta Ga» Man. under the direction of-Chester Hall . Man hot*!, whether operated'as a ho^ 'Sheridan and Union hotels.-the Pronl Mrs.^rry W. PeynoldcI>res o fo Ref d Bnnks uy, te^ or as-a store building, would bo nroperty and the Kuhl property could *Irs- Wjlmei^ Mjclntyrn .e of Asburl y Miss Rhea Cordova, daughter of. Packer of Scibrighg t nnd Leo R. Best ?•, Ne«nn|5 »f Lyn-Mrsrs. Elizibeth Cordova of Atlintic andd LouiLis DeaD n off NNo w YYorkk Th Te h If you haven't, come and see our un- on the corner o: (he street leading h-we-been condemned and bought by Ti-'n .i_ J r»'» ;.. d_.*&V ) ...... usual displays. -.--.• : attire was in keeping represented. creased value and the town wouM color scheme of the room. m"n's parents. Mr. -and Mrs. H. G. Tho armory will be partitionep d ppff Mr. ; then have hid the excess value o ftne SOI rs bv tne seven Woodman, were the attendants. r fift s f th dil f 1 thi» amend- & daughters, Mr. Woodman had been employed for fifty spaces for tho display of these pronertic3. other soncrs were sung by E^telle M^c- rutomnh'les and There niay-'.be" something you have

overlooked. - -v ~ r -—.--

Highlnndsun--.* - - d- hi—s brid e is the dough--- 1r »automobilHwv...vu..we Udealerw-.vt*s. i.jve already en- ter of Mrs. Cordova, who kept the d ce for the' show, and the It would rn-ke the_ ho-it works very J _ ing $50 in gold from their daughters boarding house. Mr. Woodman is at gogeamoun t8pa of enthusiasm and interest much handier of access than at' and cash presents of~$GO, from othev present superintendent of a gas com-manifested is very encouraging to the Whether the proposition goes ' relatives and'friends. Capt. Lake's pany at Lykcns. He could not get apromoters. pre^nt. It would provide oppor-; throu h ot the- pVsert time or not. (rift to his wife was a lnvalliere. and tumty for the establishment of a rent- j j .$ r through some time, vacution to go to Atlunt'e Highlands In connection with the display of Skating Gowns,SkatIng Cdats surel RO Mrs. Lake's gift to her husband was a to be married and Miss Cordova and automobiles, tho American defense- ing boat business. incudinB both row-1 .,„,, before Vnny yeire hive p-.st. •Those pres- and motor boats, io be sure; ] i , i.ho:u!l,,l her mother met him hnlf-way, nnd pocietv will lr>ve an exhibit of n num- : ; The Lcmvth o{ pub ic sp rit in Rprl nt were Mi-, and Mrs. Reynoldsld th, theiir the ceremony was performed at Har-ber of inventions, adopted by the wur the fact that such a business place ;Bink ia very noticenble. When it n nnd d<-uirhter-in-law, Mr. andrisburg, *P and Wraps, Skating Skirts, was operated adjoining a park would ' ,- -through' the people of Red sn, . H-rold Reynolds, nnd the lat- department, >*nd a model of an army prove a convenience M fl aeronlnne. E*ch nighfPatho motion .•enicncc to the people, B-nk'will-.p..y-more for all of theater's child'rei'i.'Tl'ie'ma and Paul Rey- since.it would-make it cui.v- m«, L .u, . . , m e nblds. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hager- Kept Wedding Secret. pictures f enturing war maneuvers will 1-masfitconvertientfoU 1 r .nroperlie!nroperlies 'takctakcnn thth->nn thetheyy wllwill l hivve nblds. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hager- The wedding of Miss Anna Hoyer, be ehown. ^ ' Sweaters for Skating, Trim- Hiem.to engage i-iyer craft; but none to ])ay now Rqd B.ink.is.ihcrcnsing man. Mr. pnd Mrs. Daniel Errick=on daughter of Chirks Heyer of Key- tteiess the establishment of ji public in popull,tiQn verv rapidly. It is-in- pn"d" Mr W. E. Lawrence and her park thore would greatly add. to the , .J,^ i-.tio - which ml.ls to ™u port, and Leslie L. VanPelt of KennB- LINCROFT HOUSE BURNED. of nonu n f Dolores of Red B"nk;'Mrs. burg, which took place on Wednes- his boat business. . . |thl . ..,.,„... of .„,., eBtat. .,n(1 ,vith t]le ~* med Hats for Skating^ Knit ; day, October 13th. has just been an- Bruno RaabV House Destroyed Early p d incre-'sc-of population in Red ]nnd pnd -Thomas Lake of Little Sil- nounced. Thejounle were married Yesterday Morning. ~ ;. /v_-»t' "\"-.i V it. - i" "B"hk will come a-corresponding in- ver: M'-s. Ch-'-'es JMorris and her son at New • Brighton, Staten Island, by Bruno Rnab's hou^ent L'ncroft Ucv. Willinm Fink. The witnesses parOkn the east side of the proposed I • tlle valuij of nll real ostate F , Hoi.r;B. Missei D-iisy. Emma >ind w»s burned to the trround eirlv ye"i- Scarf Sets for Skating, Fur ' tuio.uhu Li.'e jii.op.erty oi 1'hilip Kuhl. Pebecci Brinlev Henry were TThomas^Blakh Blek arid^Harr d H yW Woll- terday morning. The fire stirtert in irk are properties^ of the Atkinses-, in the town. . pMreh.e ec«m, l MrsBrinley. Howar. HenryDd A. . Erinl.yy. Mrs, . f Part of the Kuhl property and part' -o-o-o-o-o- T.-• _, ... „. o. luuiL p,f New Brighton. Mr. a: ivirs. the wall bnck of nn onen fii-oplice of the Atkins property would be | H. B. SWrnnn. Horace W. Shermnn, VanPelt areliv fnE at Kear,sburg. Mrs. Rn"b wns awakened by the smell taken by the proposed park, and The selection of ti Monmouth .I--mes Throckmorton. Mr. and Mrs. of smoke' ^She aroused hnr,,hns- Pieces and Sets. Would bo p-iid for ,-it a fair price, county m-n as vice ch-mciillor of the flcprire Hall;and r-mily. Mi-, aii'l Mra. Court—Wiio. b-nrl. who th--ew .wter on tho fire. What Rose Court, daughter of Th'nk'ner the fire-wa out he ooened after Court of Red Bank/and Wil- the windows to let the smoke out and would ise, a soldier nt Port H-m- the drift throuch tho window caused tho ere married last Wednesday *ne, f""> to brcik out ng-iin. • Mr. Our prices are lower than property, »'flie Red B-uik Methodist p-r- Rll?b was unable to control the fire prope by Rev. H. P. Sloan. , The' nndhe »n" "1S cht''l-en wont down , loth _...... Iv nnil Mra Winner Mac-1 coupie were accompanied by Mrs. W tho Btnirwiy. Mrs. Rnnb threw those quoted by other high- A d their daughter Estello of Minnie Doyle and Gus Adami of Fort tbe bed out of a window-nnd lumnorl ^ld ^WlffirS5ilt!S "S?»nS«nt ef . Republic •„ | Tntvre on Hancock. . ' i from the window on the bed. The lhe propose a frolu™ on Wharf 'avenue lo Preservc the Political cl»u:llity of Mr- "ml Hr"- T'''ke!lr0 '^"^"''Iv —•••— Joss is covered bv insurance. grade shops. anliavdo Travis—Kelleber. — pivrk. 1 iss DeUn Travis of New York and Fire at Oceanport This Morning. 11J^^J ^™; l!!^^ -,^,^\,'^nf *•(.„•„. ofWeinAprJlundMr.Lnkoisinher Patriick Kelloher. who is employed on A fire cnufled bv n ^defective flue •two properties-on~;tho weat Hiilo of "Juilgb John: E. Foster of Atlantic ye-r. Mr. Lnke bus be..n chief Harry Payne Whitney'si stock 'fnrm a considerable dnm"ge this tho park, would show n very decided Highlands, who was appointed to the I Ciiuse in vnluo.,'

Those residents of lied Bank whose minds run imek to 1881, when the project of opening Broad street to tlie river c-nio ui>. will recill th•• t the plan was then ner W y g Toncher'i New Position. Rontals nt Rumson, East Front Street. Tolophono BOB. of jealousy on from Democratic lawyers as well, when re-Kline;- i't night. Misa Bculnh Manning has been en The Carl S. Boker estate on the Of renidcnti of Rod Bank .because end some, ef his strongest supporters eldest of n fnmilv of ten children of gaged to tench at Miss Grnco Child'a Rumson ro-d has been rented i to of the increiso in the vnluo of thofor the place were found in thetho l!>t.e John Like, who d'ed at theprivate school on Wallace street. Thomas S. Victor of New York. Tho property which would ndjnin Rroid i'EB of P0 vena. Five other mem- Miss Manning formerly taught at the Peter Olseii cotlutie at Dluck Point ODD ANDENDSALE nlroel if. Iho street -were cut through Democratic party. ber!' nf th" family nrn liviroj. they he- Rod Bank public schools. She is a h-.^ bcen loised by Dr. John A. Viotor While tokinpf stock we found several different itema that wo aro• to tho river. After the big fire in * *- * graduato of a New Jersey college of New York. Tho rentals' woro 1881, when tho north K'de of Front Judge Foster has hnd u wide ox- and of the normal school. tnatle by Thomas J. Leavoy. goinir to offer for hnlf price. There is not a groat many of nny one street, <»t tho foot of Rroid street, .._"-.....- t «A &L> tt \ **L v> w»rl« • fill «*ril 1 1~\ (% /\*T article. If yon want those bargains come onrly. • ...yrns swept eloEin of stores, the project of cutting Bro-id street through to Mary g..P";p^^g^-^w..^-^?nCTygTO^T-m^CT-^MW^s POST-TAVERN SPECIAL,--o-Cerflal mnde from -wheat, corn, rico the river was taken up. Parker & u«h- nnd salt; .was lBc, now 2for 15c. Ghiidwickt-who owned sill tho prop- tho ponco to the court of errors and- of the l"te Corlies Flinn of Long erty from Front ntreet to the river, appeals: and he has also tried cises She h"s a sister and a COCOA SHELLS, were 5c. pkg., now 2 for Be. including the site of the present in thhe federafdl lcourts t . As an officiaofficiall I hvnrher. Mrs. Ch-vles Morris and Sheridan ...hotel, offered to sell the he bus been counsel for many munici' ' -John C. Flihn of Long Branch. QUEEN OLIVES, were 45c. bottle, now 20c. - ' entiro tr"Ct to the town for $17,500. j'pulities; he has served as prosecutor OLIVES, were 10 and 15c. bottle, now So. They said that thin was their asking of Monmouth county; he has also FIGHT ENDS IN DEATH. FOR CASH ONLY price and that- they would t ike con- nerved as judge of Monmouth county. Jersey Fresh Shoulders Home-Made Sausage, none PLUMS, Green Gage, Health Brand, pint glafa jara, wore -40c, now. Hidornbly less if the town.;_ really | He his many friends throughout the . _ . . ., R . E • p >;v 20c. A By better ...... 20c Ib wanted the property. To cut -Broad | county and st-ite, and since his up-, -Offico Monday SCHAFER'S pint bottle Vanilla', Lemon, Raspberry Syirnps, and" wtroet through to tho river in a i n'ointment he lms been overwhelmed. ' . ;." . Jersey Frefh.Hams 16^c Ib Sugar Cured Shoulders 13c Ib Raspberry Vinegar, were 25c. bottle, now 2 for 25c fllraight line ..would cut all the river with mess-ncs of congi-atulation and! . A lively dog light winding up in the Jersey Loins of Pork rind on Sugar Cureo Hams.... 18c Ib front-igo off of the AtkinH property, of-Rood '"'-«hes for his success in-liin dunth of ono of the combatants took place in the Red Bank postofficc 16X-clb Dixie Bacon, it's fine.. . 16c lb MARMALADE, Ornnffe, Tomato, Tutti-Frutti, Pineapple, Pouch and Ijut it would leave a triangular chunk new position. Monday. The dogs were Dick owned Jersey Loins of Pork rind off Lean Plate Beef...... 9}?c lb Grapo Fruit, fine goods, were 15c. glass, now 2 for 15c of piver front property on the west j n „ „ „' nL__ .by John J.-M-my. assistant postmas- ^njdo of Broid street James M. At- ' '"• 17/jclb Chuck Roasts 18c Ib LEMON,JUICE,' pure Lemon Juice, was 10c, now 8c. ' Iiins, who was then alive, and who ter, and Brownie, owned by Alex Fresh Jersey Chickens 25c lb Prime Ribs of Beef.. . .20c Ib Jnmcs A. Brniiley1 . of Aslmry Smith, who c->rts the mail between the •was the owner (if the present Atkins topjc('i~my"pTJtur(. 'of dogs which I st-'t'on nnd tho nostoffieo. Mr. M-»ny HIGH GRACE KEATS AT SPECIAL PRICES C()RN STARCH, ^.-lli. packugo high grade pure Corn Starch, wns rropert". offer.".! to |."ve; lo the town ius e c,ccasionnlly in The Register, and undertook to-kick the ilogs apart, hut • 6c, now 2 for 5c. for nolhinR all of his land which ' ^ printed it in the Anbury Park Press failing In this he pi("krd iu> a club •would be taken by the street, and he j |. t week, ch-mKing ihc; woulinK to MATCHES, pemy boxes Matches, wfiro 12 for 10c, nod 30 for 10c. aftorWd offered to give also the! •;;ji^;tlH I'thiVV'wa-;"ittieki.r-r" Asbury '""J .tried to separate them with it J_! !.... .ri.._!i ... .i * imiit.it.to_ tn.ii i_w.ia. in.iu.wii-, ^-u. i In lv>;<."iB:ernesR to ston the noiso nnd triangul"r piece of land on the west V"'""" ' V i • MI-.,,iT,;, In VN eagerness to ston the no so nnd ; Broa!»..„d J an __dJ Fron r,.,t Sts. Telephone 306-M. Red Bank, N. J. VAN CAMP'S HOMINY, WBH 10C, now. Be. - Jiido of the road. Park. I was ghullo ijee Mr, bradley , , , »• h fihk Mr. Mnny § BrOad and FrOi copy my ideas as set forth in this , , ()mol .c vi .ousl th ,* „..;«,,,«,„,,«.,V!!rr^ LONDONDERRY Llthin Wuter, waaf 25c, now^ 10c. . " H was then Ihut the Henliment' pictureii^es talen, fotr ;in itd show uliilitys tha. iNo hwe rccogif Mr- ., , , intf,,H]e,, „„,, one^of ,,,-„•,,,„„ '^^g^^^T nizes talent nnd id.ihty. Now if Mr. liuidu...... ,,,.d un Mr. . <,..•,,,Smith'. s-. dot, ; wit:,ih ciu-.lLi,i I P'-yKSSKMSRWT'J The prices quoted bolow nro for ynur boiinfit. Goodu IIH ropro- Bgiiinst the incrc'iao in-the V:.IUB of; Braik-y will only copy The '^gister Ej :(- -- ^k j • • n-^ the anim*a, instanlIv Hented, or your money back: Wr. Atkins's property r-y n public im-; principles in rcgiml to cqird t"^!0" | h , . _^..^_ V l ln Strictly Fresh Jersey Eggs, per dnzon 4!To was cla imcd ih!it the" properly of Mr! i "nly'o.RMiuiuV.M- 'df tho taxes'which I F.LIAS BLACK AN EDITOR. Cut Prices at Cheap John's Pure Granuluted Sugar, per pound....* Go " " " .on thoe ,lP.i side of thee xlo... \ other folks- pay «o the s-,me amount I ^ fa ^.^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ Alkino on tho ens-.l side of the exlcn- ;• """-'i' IOIKS- pay 01 uic s-iine i inuu n i Pure Leaf Lard, per pound .; , . tZo Bion of Bro-d street' would be made "f prnperty: and it lie w'tl unilcrtalte ( All this season's Overcoats with or without fur very vnluiible by putting through to stamp out in Ashury Park lhe ml- can Fruit Grower. Fnncy Crcnmery Butter, per pound , . 3Bo -•_... ( Kliaa S. Black of Little Silver .his collars, with quilted linings, going at $5.75 Hroi«l street to the river:.' This, was ! ten4 , 1 illegal liqiiot.selling business Uoyul Baking Powder .. % lb. 12c,,% lb. 22c, 1 lb. 42o true It was claimed thai even if!" *''' ^\'- xnnie vi|;iir with which lie Wen mndo ono of tho assoei itc Fleece or ribbed lined Underwear, 35c apiece Health Brand Oatmeal, ono of tho bout Oalmoalo on tlio market, Ur. AlkiiiB gave to the town nil of his; '-^te. 'legal li(iuor sellinir in ol.hRr .'..litors of the Amei-ieim Fruit Groyiei, .land which WJ.S needed for lhee street, . plnccaPlncca. he niani:iy yet t-emteme up to lhe, one of the loading fruit mngv.intg s Dress Socks, 4 pairs 25c full nitse package Oo lie should be assessed for oth hone-e : Keller's ldej of an upright, con-(in the mition. Mr. Black lins charge Conover'8 Buckwheat, pneftngo lOo of the ' ^t-H'nliouy and desirable cur/i-n. , : oj me i\ew Jersey deparlmeiit of tho Wool Socks, 3 pairs 25c • . Toco Pan Cnko Flour, pncknjre So iita ho received by , , .... k added value which the extension of —.»••»-— - paper. H' e was a nurHoryma. n. foi Canvas Gloves, 3 pairs 25c Heckor's Pan Cake Flour, pnekngo 8c the Blrtct would give to his land. It NFW 1 UMBER FIRM "i"">>-.- nf y.oit-s nnd farmers' in thn Also specials In Suits and Trousers. Dont forget Nabob Pan Cnke Flour, package So that 39c Cap, with or without ear tabs Pet Milk, lorgo cane, 9 for , 2B0 win proposed to assess him SHOO for I.UIVIULK I-IKM. | sectio mlv icn c frequentlon e y r< go toorch himnl3 to gtAnt Oach 25 feet of land which he would !No w Intei-e»t> Buy Brown E.lnte I . . ."' °"1 ? ?? " - . Health Brand CondonRcd Milk, full woight; no bettor milk put Imvo-on the oast side of the exten-r" Cornpkny "t Kcyrort. - I „,articl„ |,e written b ,-„y„ hi Aifiericum appearen Fruid t 1 fiion of Itro-id Htreet. , Mr. Atkins New.' interests lmve l><>-.i<:'-l HIP lstissu o of up; uminl prico 11c, now. . , ..-. Oo -promptly objected to thin. He .de-lumber nnd hardware business of tho | owor. The Worklngman'a Friend. Cnmpbell'n Bnhnn, !1 mm 2Sc. clared Uiil if ho Riivo the hind for llrown ostite rompnny • of Keyport j . A Clenn Show Cnmpbcll'B Soup, 3 cnnR -. . .* ..;... 28c. iho nlroet he should not he subjected Wharf Avenue and East Front Street, Red Bank. •< mil it will be combined ivilh the miii- nhvnyy s at tho Mnjc.itiij : llieiler. Host Old Dutch Clennnnr, 3 ennn 2g . lo an fifiaessm(snt for henefitH aln'.. Open Evenlnli Until O O'clock c 'i'here was n loud (iutery'm:ulc on the ^v H. of orfev .-.nd co^.-tcou;-. treatment— Good Cnm, 8 i"nnii 2Sc, of that phce. '!'!•.'_• A'.l«"?rti«onient liart of Uie (inponentH of the street f coinpiiny bus Hn\ frul .lnmiinr vards at Good P"?n', .1 rnnR 2gOl pnteiiHion lo nllowing Mr. Atkina the | Koypoi-t and also a lumber yard nt Good LirmiR, 3 cann. ; 25o. lionofit which would como from the jKt ..ini)bllrBi Thu1U) W oilicoi-a of tho CKtcnti'nn of tho utrcM^t. nnd it

Itcifl/ilor headiid thin lint with iimih- m,S!lwa| ) .^tin-Lotl under the name of sure that you will find something that will suit you. lilioii oi yiui). iNO-vriy if.i uuu Conover & Younif. Mr. Connver $2.50 In WlercEiantllso Given Away—$5 Glvott Away WIUI mihiicrihed for Uio project, if my , ,„,.,.,. i,,,,,;,)^ Mr. Yminjc's intmest in If you want to buy a suit or Overcoat here is your chance. On every purchase of ono dollar or more that you mnko hero (jory Id eorrect. but It wad noyer , i, .j . Tho llrown est-ile eom- •ncmory lh( uf m M1uiSenatoi I*WrI T» >. »5S.. Ri. Tiiown nnd hit or Shirts, Pants. tho nllp, Tho nocund nlip in genii for $2.r>0 in morchnndlno. rc»Oiilo0 In mflrcltnndlno. Thoy JTr«o. With the mihucrlptlonit wlilcli , will he held loniiihl al Ml. .Inincti'rt dont cost you n (-mil. You rannot purchnnn botUir gooda for loui) \ncra (K-xured ththe nmoiintt whichihh thlhe IIIIIIIIOUKK on Monmouth nit cut. A money than you i'an buy horo. ' lov/n would Iinvo had to pay out wan . Inrgu miml.nr uf llcltolu hive I in on 2S West Front Street, . J. » ttomctnbfir, nvery llmo you make n purchaaa of ono dollar or §Ii!,0(ltl, or perli'iiB lc«H, Twl'iy thin J nold and n KOIXI nltnndnnco In «x- j moro II nllp in put In for you. Tho morn ullpn you Iinvo tho batter KiuiKi properly will cos;t tho town cix', peeled. Thoio on Iho bull coininlttco OPEN EVENINGS your .-..-I*— iitnw Uii/i num. Thirty yoiirn friim.iiro Jo»rph Imlny, Kdwnrd Connor, EVENINGS ( 1 > 4iO\v thin' Htiiitu iii'dit.'.'.y \"IV. ?y*l *h" j Swi'i ^ ] '*ii-/ t'*>r. V,'* •'• ; ; . THE RED BANK REGISTER, Eana Thirteen. I DIED IW Yb'l'rt lcAK, 1 Mitt*!* V*JVAf VMHl . • . Tho followlntf reaolutlonM were ndoi>t- . William V. Smith of Hudion Avenue cd by Uellef Knglno Conipany, .No. 1, ut Mrs. Arthur Swift of Throcfcmor- Mrs. John M. Johnson of Nuveslhk their regular meeting held- Tliur«'lny Son nvchuo jgrnve birth to a-daughter Had Boon Married Fifty Yean. ' Had a Party Last Friday Night. ovenlnB, January-Stli, U1B: 1 on Thursddy. • WHE11KAS,-By tho Interponliton of ni- Mrs. Snrnh Johhspni wifo of John William V. Smith of Hudson ave- vine t'- providence, Goll IIILH • removed ,- Misa Almodlh Wallihff of Koyport M. Johnson of Navesink, died early nue hnd 41 surprise party Friday night from"us at 'thin time cur rrlemi and is spending u few days with her sis- Sunday morning. Death was caused in celebration of his eighteenth birth- fellow fireman, John J. McGraliuni, uiul S»jy Mrs. Leon Newmnn of. .-.Spring- IlunnASi-By-liIu ileulli-wo luive IOHt by gall stones. Mrir. Johnson had day. It WIIB attended by about thirty an efficient worker nml bnithur, omv street. - bean, in failing health for the .past young folks from Red Bank, Shrews- who wns faithful anil rcarleus In tho ' Mr. and -'Mrs. William A. French year, but had been able to be about, bury, Oceanport and Fair Haven. The hour, of duty, and-:: of Nowman Springs will leave Feb- Sho had attended regularly-the Meth- evening was'spont in dancing and WHEHBAS, In recognition of liia untir- ing: Keul, filu enfnostncHH uf jmrpoHu to ruary 3d for Now Smyrna, Florida* odist church, of which ihc had been other forms of amusement, and a sup- promote the Interest iihd Roncml wel- sphere they will fipenil the rest of the a member the past fifty years. For per was 'served. Music was furnished fare of our orcanlzatlon, lid It winter. • , . i • ithirty years Mrs. Johnson had been by Charles Klaus's orchestra. Vocal RESOLVED, That wo deiilore hln Ions and extend our heartfelt Hynipnthy to George Dey hasi had shingle en- president of the ladies' aid society of selections were given; by Kenneth the frlonds and relative!) of our depurtert closures put Bii his house on Shrews- the church, and until two years ago Brown~ , Ah'• e •*Senj• i ' and by thobrother, und as a last tribute of rcmlcct bury nvonuu. ' . Bho had prepared the bread nnd wine Hudson houKO qua composed of be It further Lowis Cnllahnn of Oakland utreot for communion services for 4G-years. Brov.'n, Benjamin; :ph Stec and RliJSOLVIiJD. That tlioHit roBulutionsibc spread on the mfnute.i of the company went to Pcotaldll, .New York, on Mrs. Johnson was born at Wood- Charles Klaus. Tho guests at the jn memorlam nnd a copy bo ucnt to tho Elonduy to ottond tho golden wedding stock, in Ulster county, New York; party were Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. fcife of our brother. anniversary celebration of his par-75 years ago noxt April. Sho wan a Hayes nnd daughter. Miss Emma j-len- ARTHUR K. JWKIIKY; Chief, ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Callahan. . BLWOOD B. IVINS. ' daughter of the late Joseph and brook of Keyport, Miss Mary Smith CLIFFORD W. STILUS. ' Stuart E. MacKellor, who hns been Amelia Mount. Sho married Mr. of Brooklyn, Misses Gladys" Hulse, Committee. aploycd as clerk at tho North End Johnson fifty years ago next-March, Marion Mnrcellus, Marion Biincll, C. n. T). FOXWBLL. I'reH. iiotel nt CJ 1.1 -ON— y A fow friends spent tHe'after- John Stryker Died Saturday After nernl will bo hold tomorrow nf tor- MjniIt tn l-oilr.i freini fillrmhiK, in .s'•it to the lilCli o«t bi jilcr on oon with her." Sickness of Fourteen Months. noon nt her late home and at St. u I inIIIV ro.ilili;,, ini Die John Stryker of Linden place died John's church at South Keyport. CHURCH NEWS. turday morning from consumption after n sickness of fourteen months, W. TAYLOR FARM, NEAR COLT'S NECK, 1 Spocial Matinee . , AT 10:00 A. M., ON THE JOHN A. SMOCK FARM, - iervices in thu Red Bnnk Churches lie returned last July from the 'sani- .Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at On tho roncl lor.cUuff to the Phalanx, for the Coining Work, tarium at Glon Gardner, where he was the Majestic theater.—Advertise- Rev. Harold P. Sloan will preach a patient for six months. Mr. Stryker ment. . :•• . -—OX • Between VANDERBURG and COLT'S NECK it both services at the ' Methodist was 24-years oklr He w:\s horn nt The Following Goods Will bo Offered for Saloi iurch •Sunday, tho visit of the tem- Mod Rank nnd hnd lived hero all his life. Beforo ho was taken sick ho was B1BTBS. 3 cows, as.good as there are in the county; 2 heifers, coming in profit soon; erance orntor who was to Jmve KVA.VS.—U Diilnnir, on.TucHiluy, Jnii- bull, teum of gray Worse?, weight 1,375 pounds; 4 horses, good workers; ireached having been postponcd'until employed by Hendrickson & -Apple- uni'.v 11th,.Mm. William Kvnn«, nf n dim, Aspimvall potato planter, 2 Rice potato diggers, one new; Mohawk com Jfter conference mootk "Tho Inner, Biile for two years, He wns ft plumlier by trade and • formerly rr>H1'RH. —At Krcncmi, mi Hiiiuluy, planter;-Osborn hay rake, tree sprayer complete, 8 asparagus'ridgens, 2 lumlnation" will bo tho subject of •liuiiiiii'v llth, sirji. ||. c. Foster, of n xon At 10:00 O'clock Sharp, tlio Pollowlnff .Porflonal Property! wuudera,. Acme , harrow, sixty-tootli iion harrow^ 2 spiinn-loOth hanows, he morning sermon. At night tho worked nt. thk trade nt. Atlnntic Vlighr JOHNK.—At I'-rm-hnid. on Sntunlnv, \cti\ds. Mi1. Sti'ykei' leaves a mother, •Innnnry. Slli, -Ilia. Wllllanr Julius . ul''a potato harrow, Deering binuer, McCoiiniuk mowing machine, oxindstQpc, astor will make lin address on tho in- tliiUBlinM1. Spangle fertilizer drill, Boss plow, whifiletrees, necky.okes, 2 hand cbm nito and all embracing knowlodgo of Mrs, Mmgaiet Stryker of "Linden 7 Horses, 8 Cattle, Hogs, Machinery, Etc. planters, wood sled, 2 farm wagons, narrow tread; wide-tread form wagon, place. He nlso lonves" a sister, Mrs. VV^l.TdN.—-At Aulniry Park, on Wril- 1 esus. "Jijaiui vTho. Lord Knows It" iiuHila;-, Jiimiury U'th, ..Ir«. (Miark'.s U Pair of brown hor«fH, H years oUl, KOOII workers and drivers; ronn horse, 11 yenr. * 3 potato wagon bodies, 2 buggies, sleigh, 2 step ladders, Hoover potato dig- Russell -S.-Poling-of Keyport, and Wiilton.ol' u ton. rill be the topic of the sermon, Tho old, Komi workev r nnd rtrfver; brown IHH.SI>, 14 years o,IHj KOOII worker and driver; o,6l; Iron Age cultivator, carryall wagon, 2 South Bend plows, No, 4; beet inlargement of the pulpit and thefour brothers, Jacob, Walter, Joseph black li(jrst ~"~-years old, ffooil -worker nnd driver; sorrin horse, 10 ye;ir.n old, mnid ind HowarrrStryker, all of Red Bank. worker iiniVilrlvor;'.tfVii:tol lior.^o, H ynira "IJU, nut afntid ol* miythlny, Miiltublo fur' cutter) corn ahellcr, puir Bcnles, feed box, grain bin, potato sorter, four- ther chuiiKes which have been under BIABBIAUUS. •x lady's-diivinK. |iorsoj*'iiair oC l"i>' mult's, 12 years old, KVIIII workers; Holsteln lorse- sod plow, spade cutter, asparagus cart, somo hay and corn, lot of iTay havo been completed and they The"fOTCVtt!'wnB helil yc:;lerduy Morn- H-.\UI{.VI.()\V--lIKTnilT:^-A l Anb tinv, u.xlra guod mi liter, 7 yeur.i old; Durliutn t-ow, t?xtrii gtiud iullkur, C yeui'H'okl; ing at.St. James's church und tho GucriiHoy cow,-extra tfood nillltcr, 5 -yearw 61y I!ov. Hur- potato planter, Tlnlihlnn planter, 2 Honvcr potnto diggers, nnd cutter, Hpiing-toolh Mrs. Annie M. Conovor, widow of ulil I . SI.inn. .M1.--K Itnso Conrl oi Itetl Imrrow, i! lurruwln^ slcda, L.eKKPtt'H l'aiia fjreen ihiKtor, roller, f?mln drill, 2 corn JACOB C. en's bible class which has increased H.-inlc ami Wlllljiin wine uf h'ort llnn- droppera, graKS Heed .sower, wheelhurruw, hay Itnll'o, platform scales, barrel header, rom a wVnbership of 22 to a mem- John H. Conovei- of Hnzlet, died lust t-urlc. . . Thursday night at the home of her lotato sorter, Mine sprtader, fanning mill, corn harrow, ON chain, i-row-bui, fuiJ\ti, lership o\ more than 200. Tho DKI.A1JUNT-- DAVIHIIX. — At New Hnovt'lfl, hoew, necltyolceH, whlflletrocH, ',) KetH heavy double liarnesf, Bet lifeht douhle rrowth of the women's bible class nieces, Misses Elsina and Katherine Vurlc, on Sitlnnl.iy, Dci-enilier lifith JIIKH hurm'HS, 3 sets plow harness, ruke ImrnesH, lot of odd collars, lmnd truck, two- las been almost._as great. John Hendrickson of South .street, Red AKHI-H T. IJ.-liihiinl <,( Now Yni-i< ;iml sealed HU'IKII, corn HIIUIICI*. corn baskets. ;t lttdder.s, 2 sols stalk polos, triplet's, Bunk, ot the age of bl years. Death Clunioa K, Davlsmi uf I,oiiK nhinuli. Ki'indstono, sluiviiiK horse, 2 cross-cut saws, one-man saw, buck saw, hcetlo arid chamberlain has been re-eleeted'SU- HISVHU - VA.VI'KI/r. — 'At .Vow wcdKca, niactiini' krilft- wrinder, Hcythes and sneeds, tactile blocks and -ropes, '2 was due to heai't trouble and jiropsy, strupM sleiKh lioll". double harpoon hay fork, horse hlanketH... flynptH, 4P tnr.n tini- •erinteiiden.t of the Sunday-school, Ilrlffliton. Klalon IsUml, by n,.v. Wll- •e«lny B. Tuthill hatt been miido na-- from which she had been sick the, past llinn l-'lnk, MIHI Aiilin Koyor nf Kevport otliy hay. baled; fi tons mixed hay. looso: 2 loads whr>at sti-nw, L'IMI lmshelH coin, year.— Mrs. Conover was born' at 20 barrels Jiomo-^iiiWii Giant potatoes.-iir* hiLvrids-XuicrusH, ubuut JO barrels K*.U!- istnnt superintendent and Wallace ami J.L-illc \-unlvit of KnnnaliiirB. ' ' l Marlboro, tjhe lived at Keyport for r THIS: hums and .shoulders, & htirrel salt purlc, lot of bai'iin, lot of vinegar, barrel Live Stock, Farming Implements and Household Goods effrey hns been elected assistant li- i'.ii'ri).V—UAl'IK.—At'l.'alr Hiivun, un it' cUtor. :i meat casks. ' rarian. several yenrs, arid also at Hazlet, Si.lui.lay. Jnminry let y Itov. .lolni 1.. whore she remained until the death Alitor, -MIMM Muhol IIVIII- Tilton uf l-'nir HOIT^KIIOIJ) (J'ulDS—2 bedroom MI!tea, white enameled bedstead, lot of llnvcii nml Arthur Uin IM „( Kntiintiiwn. feather bi'diS and ludiling, coal stove, 2 ;iliii(.t-iion wnml HIOVDS, twelve-foot black' The junior Christian endeavor so- of her hushmid. Sho spent the win- 1 •I'HAVIS -- Ki';i.i,|.;ni.;it. — At Rcil walnut extt'MHinn tald* , C dining room chains sidfbuard, hdtiKliiK lamp, lamps, MONDAY, JANUARY 24th, 1916, oly of the Prcsbyterinn church Rave ter months with her nieces, who are iturcH, lut of otliur chairs dishes, kltrhen UUMIMIN, '1 kitchen t;ibk'H, stands, ri "Uncle Sam" luncheon lust Satur- the nearest surviving relatives. Mrs. IlilllU, nil Slltlirilny, .liuiimi-y Stll. liv Hl-V New 1 lonie .sew hi;; niacblnc, loukln^ Khi sscs, . furnace ltotth1, Duntloy vac mi ni AT 10:00 A. M. ay afternoon in the social hall of : : J 1ra 1 1 1 rliNUKT, earputs, milk tans, coolur, milk pans, I'lnirn, milk palls, toilet sets, brass As T liavo snkl iny Tarni, I will sdl tn the highest 1 IIM<.T on the IM-UIIISCS wli' ro Conovor was tho daughter of the lato .\"w Yn ''"" "'; """ '- ' ^ " ' lifittlf, rnniiu't Met, clocks, niattifss and HprhiKH, canned fruit and otlier arlicles he church. About fifty persons were William Johnson. She was a member hit) nnnici-oii.H (it nuntiuii. . ' now ri'Sl.lp, fiirmorly tin- OronOE K. HOPPING I'AHM, resent. Addresses were made, by of the ICeyuort Baptist church. The l— S.M At Katontown elcn Doreinun, Mva. Fred Proctor, funeral was hold Momlny nt bur home In Au.-ri'mt.rt. . lli t Ir.Ir,, .M|«M VI.,In Zi-lulZilulnnr "I 'J'KIOIH—All sums of $10 and under, cash; on'all sums over that amount a ON the ROAD FROM MIDDLETOVVN to CHAPEL HILL )i'Ciililil - an.| JnniLM timllllli of KKoJ Ilulili [•rmlit of elh'ht mouths, with bankable note anil approved security. liss Wood, Harvey Smock and How- at Hazlet, and the burial was nt nn tho' almvo ihitt', the folluuin^: dcMM-ibert proilorty: Tltrco work IKM-^OM, roiul rd Brevoort. Songs were rendered Green Grove cemetery at Keyport. - liui-so.. kind :nnl gentleg;; two KI)W.S, KOI-.I mllkor.i; liyii'T, coming-ig n pi-n(itpi(it;; ^Ixtecn^Ixtecn - lnrrol sprhiK lioily tlu'oulmh Uvi.i i'aiiii «. i>ii iuvirly nuw: tn-olli U\ f y the society, nccompnnicil by Mi'ds WILLIAM IV3. CONOVER. rrol sprhiK lioily, tlu'ou-lmh ( (ii, iuvirly nuw: -tn-o-lncli Ux\u\ funn iargaret WyekofT'on the piano. I.- At V»t'i« "11 'I'lUll-H- JACOB C. HIU'TTS, AllctlnllL'or. M!? iron iirin: IWflvi.'-ljiinvl siB I'J-.V mrry.ill witli tuliHiin und Blinftt". iliiy. • liln, 'Joint Hiiriilinm, i'-hoivii oarryMlly , IIUKRVK , coin .slinlli'vv. imKiK a >••-«n.,, lispan.KupanKuss I'lilKerIllKer,, Hiccn A quarter social will be given in ui.1. V.' A. .7. C. ST(IK1-:S, IIIBI.IO Clci'k. Mlow, UlKBa 1'iiiTmvliii'vliii? ? Bled, llo.-rliillo.-rliiKK ninwi'r, T[^r hhr, > I.IKUK , I'.iiii Hay shclvinchli P . DIED ON A VISIT. AMplnwuil potato planterl , lllcmwil - polalo lUjiljor. dl^c liiirrow, Acni«* hnrrow, A. ho social hull of the Presbyterian Ill.'ltH.- At I'l'iiliulrli.-hlii, in Siitur- KIDNKV l!i:i:HH, UutslUo Clerk, Hny, Jiiiiiinry Mh, HuiViin. A. uri- of liin-rmv, 2 K.nili h Ilciul JIIUWH, 2-:I,.,I.J ],]iluw:i,'1! uiic-liorsc . . ultlvalort). Plimum t Jr. twu- hurch by the Improvement society Goorgo 5. Clntli Ilnd Livud at Loon-' (.'atfiri'i- on tlio KniiillrtH. linr.c 'liltlvatililtlvatiirr , JJ(;I11IUJJ-(;II1 I l:i - i;riii.!.--t:.K.i;rii!t:K , fnrlinfrlin . siiovelnil , IKIOHI , ll yf, n Monday night, January 30th. '2 si-t* ^iii^'lo harn.v H, -10 l.nrri'l^ 50 cllleUrri" nrda for Tv.-cnty Years. CI.AUK. M .li-rscy Clly, nn Silluliiv rcc^, 1! nets double liura 1 1 urivN Workl'a Fair pnliUora. U lianv-l-j lll-rt Christian .science .st.ryu't'y will bo CiuOIJ ,! R. .VhilK III' i.lMillllYlVo llil'll iim.iry Hill, (i -I'.-J.S. CLnlc iif i.n.n. ;',D0 Im.siiolH corn. S tons hay. I old at 137 River street Sunday last Sunday .week of 'grip at. the home at..OH, !•.!••. v.'hi'i'.t s'ti-iiw; f» -tr.-v. i;-.rroti, pan i i;i» a:ul 3 nliMiil.s. fternoon at threo o'clock. The Bub- of his daufibter, Mrs. N, K. Suvidpre i:i)(!KS.— At Mliri.\v»hiii'y un aiuiiiiur llOlIKlOHOLn GOODS, liii'liulliiK nialioKiny !JLM1I'(I,,UI suite. oct will bo "Truth." of Jersey City, where he was visit- .Imiiiiiry ITlli, Jh-», ioiliinii.-n, -|-, c,,,.|c'«| CONDCONDITIONS—AlI l SU111H of ?!0 anil lin.lor, earth; nn ;ill Hums over that ;imou).f Tho topic of the pi-nyor meeting ing. Mr. Clark wns 74 years old and n oreilili t off l nunitliH ivlth banliahlt' nuto nnd appiuveil .s-ecurlty. —At IIIMI liaiili, mi ThurR- night at the Reformed church Will hnd lived ut Leonardo twenty yearn. iluy, .iMiimu lii|i, jir,«, AHIIIH M Con- ) "Keeping Unspotted from the Ho .wan twice mnmctl nnd luavua ""•r, UKi'il N yrair.', • • ".: JACOB BRASCH, Vorld." Tho tenchern' class will fol- tliroo eliildi'en l>y his first wife.' They I'ltAVM.V. - \l l.nh.r Un.ncli iw tho prayer meeting. Friday nre Mrs. Rnvidjje, II. I'ruul ('lurk of "II Sini.liiy. .I lniiiiT Mill. L.ml ight a hot chicken supper will be Trenton anil John D, "Chirk of )l l\.i'.v|iiii-t, JI MI 3J yrairs. "• This is the best time of the year to buy a ivpn by tho Indies' aid society. Sun- DtillnH, TcxaH. His second wife also t'ltli.\(l(.ix. At I'Vi-i-lmlil, nil v ay morning the Bubject will bo iiurvlvos him. -' -• '•>'.. lltli. rn. ..hiijjMiLt A. Cnixnoii second-hand automobile from me. I need the room •God's Definition of Heat," and the At tho tiino of Mr. Clink's dentil i:icHii'iiSM.N. .-.\i A.i.'lniihi. ubjoct at tho evening • ncrvico will his wifi! wtiH flclc at Leonnrilo with iiy. .li.iui.iry ISI Ii, imvlil Krrli'k for new cars that are arriving daily and I am dis- e "Common ThliiKii." Motion pic- Ki'ip and pile was nimble lo attend the posing of the used cars I have taken in exchange uroFi will bo hold ovory Tuesday funernl, which wnn held nt Crnnlmry liOUM-IN'. -Al l.iniff llrun.Oi, ight. laat Wcdnondny. at great reductions. The following-oars are priced Charles Forbes Taylor, the boy IIAVM.ANI). -Al (MiirllBlilirK, "II Hat- very low for quick selling. : roncher, will conduct services nt tho DIED OF CANCER. unlny, .liumnry Nlli, Willliiin II. llnvl- 'iiBt Reformed church from Fcbru- liill.l, IIKHI 5S j-r:l I-H. IHHVI.A.NK.—.n ltnni.41111, iin .ttiiiiliiy ry-20llr to Murch ild. Ho is now Funeral of Mra. Rubucca J. Stout .luiiiinry I illh. Mm. ..Imla .1. I Iu\vli\n.l 1916 Studcbalcer, Six Cyclinder, 7-passenger. Complete nragod in n revival campaign nt Hold bait Wc.lt. iiKi-'l Hi! ynir-i. with electric starter and lighting; system." Used as abury Park. " Tho funernl of Mrn. Kobrcrn June liril'l'. Al Anlnirv I'nilt Tliin-H- A Eoclnblo will bo held In tho loe- Stout, widow of John F. Stout of Mid- .lily, .liiiiiiniy lath. InTi11It iliiuKlitcr or demonstrator. Good as new. uro room of Grnco church Friday dlotown townnhlp, wus hold from her MI-H. I'lnnl,"! l\ Hurl. Coming Thursday, Friday, Saturday Ight of next week. Sunday morn- .NHI.V.Sli.v. Al NiiHHlnli, mi Hmitlnv 1915 Studebakcr, Four Cyclinder, 5-passenger. Complete former hom1 e lnnt week. Mm. Stout, .Iniiiiiiry lillh, lin, .liihn .\l. .1 ubIIHUM iff nt 10:30 tho pastor, Rov. James whn WIIM fi, ! yearn old, dlotl of cMiicor iiHil V" y; «rd, Will take for Mil tlicmo"Tho with electric lighting and starting system. of tho Htomnch. Sho lonvos n BOM and KI-'.M.V. — Al Miitiiu-nn. i Another Sterling Program .ymbol nnd the .Tliinu Symbolized." a ilniiKhUir. They lire William W. .laiiimry IL'lh. I'ntrli-k U H.V, 1915 Marion Four Cyclinder, S-paesenger. . Complete with uiiday-Bchool will bo held at half- Stout and .•Mm. Horhcrt Clinmhur- .VPIU'H. ast two. At 7 :l)0 1'. M. Loluml 11. Inln, both of Mldillctown towmihlp. IliSS, -Al AlliMilili electric lighting and starting system. Headed By tobinson of Nowark will sneak. Mr. ltov. Horace K. Goodchild, piuitor of • Iny, Jnmiiiry I2in, Hnv. ( j, .\iin- Sobinson in n rcpronenlntlvo of the irli>», IIKI'II IN tho Middlftown Haptlnt churcli, HIIKI<:ilAN. -Al I'Viinholil. ,1914 Overland Four cyclinder, 5-pnsncngcr. Complete with nil-saloon longuo. •, preached Uie funeral normon, uiul the iliiy, .luiiiinry l.'lin, .Mrn. iViir electric lighting and starting system. Aftor prayer mooting tonight at body WHH burlotl in I''alr Vlmv come MHi-il III yiMi.i. HI,()('U,M, Al N, ho Boptint church candidates for tory. w York, 1912 Regal Touring, 5-pasocngcr. aptinm will bfl received. The l'hil- lliiy . JnniiiirJnniiiiry ir.iii, WilliaWilli m nf I.VIIK lllnni.'ii, HIIIMI .'I, Uioa Borloly will moot next Tucndny Dlotl i,r S|,iiitil Moningitlo. Ifiht with Mrn. K. II. Jonen of Brown HMI'I'II. - At IIMilnililn, nn Tl nHdiiv 1913 Apportion, 5-paescngcr. • ' ,' In A High-Class Lyric Koliort Smith, niT<«l four ycurii, l i iaco. Thu socioty will hold a parcel y lt H v uon of (ioorj;o J. Smith of IllKhlliml, """'"' "" " l" Call at my showroom for demonstration. lost Hoclnlili) In tho noclnl rdiinin died Iniit 'l'uii.'iilny of itulnal monlii- HTHVICKII . -Al lt,.,l llnnk, nn Hnlnr- Entertainment lmr/idtty nlitht of next week. Tho .lin-, -ii li.in, julin Hirylmr, niiVil len'ii lenRUd will hold their oyatcr irltln, Iloiildnn hlii imrcntii, Kubnrl .'I yi'in por Thurralny night, Felirunry umvou four lirothom, Tlio fmmi-nl AI Miiiiiintiiwn,' GTJiZK VAUDEVILLE ACTS Oil.. • • •__.____,.. wn:i held Friday til 111" IIOIIHO. llcv, y ""'• •M'"p "('|I"I'< -.\l llil.'lli' Mnjoilla Toniflht. mou, und tlio body wiui burlod in Xilllil-.liiv "Tho Butuinrn Hhnihiw," In five Mount Ollvut comotory. M l ; Monmouth County Distributor for Clialinern, Morion, Nntional Off First eta. Interpreted by the ntorllnpt VC«lltI||.;|.:n.~-At H.olrh l-LiliiB on ;• and Studebakor Cars nnd Stewart and Brockway Trucks ! otor, Ilarohl lAJckwood, nmiltitnd by SuBBoillve Plnya Muni liy, .Inniiiiiy |7|h, Minn »ll,m o a fnmoun blond Iwmuty, Moy Alll- not iiliown ut tljo Mnjcutlo; only IIIKII- Vunrlici.il of lluc.1,,1, u«r«I illl yiwn, CIII.TI moral picture!.—Advcrtlno- VA'I'IIM,--At AIICMIIHVII, nn 1'rlilii 30-32 W. Front St., Phone 478 Red Bank, fi J. n, snJ a ntrontr company of ntuin. •' '">' Mh, ,lool M, riiion. iiiiml •Jtdvertluoment, . ...—* mont. y ru i Hi I)--'. Page .Fourteen* THE RED BANK REGISTER.


Coats, Suits arid Skirts THE STORE! FOR THRIFTY POLKS. —-,-, , Suits and Skirts BROADWAY, ".LONG BRANCH.

It's the-greatest clearance movement of Women's Coats^uitSy Skirts and Dresses ever D this vicinity. It's a price-lowering ©vent that

over flie bargains, -but just wait tail -you see -them.

#.• • .

Lot 1, Ladies'I>Tcirts x "Lot-4r'tadles''"Coats:~"~: $1.00 . were $2.50 to $5.oa $5.00 . were $750 to $10.00 2.00 .; were 4.00 to 6.orir> 10.00 . were 15.00 to 20.00 3.00 . were 5.00 to 7.50 15.00 . were2L50to 30.00 5:00 . were 7.50 to 10.00 Fancy Mixtures, Plush, Persiana, Broadcloth Lot 2, Ladies7 £ n H i 9 il BO D FWBfc - $10.00 . were $15.00 to $20.00 Lot I% Ladies' Presses 15 00 . were 20.00 to 60.00 $1.00 . were $2.98 to $5.D0 •v . ' • 2.00 . were 3.98 to 7.50 . Lot::i* Children's Ct 3.00 . were 5.00 to 10.00 $1.00 . were $2.00 to $3.50 5.0Q . were 10.00 to 15:00 2.00 were 4100 to 6.00 10.00 . were 15.00 to 30.00 3.00 were 5.00 to 7.00 "MATERIAL—Satin, Taffeta, Poplin, Crepe 5.00 were 6.98 to 10.00 de Chine, Serge, Mixtures A

No Exchanges No. C. 0* D.'s

church. Goorgo W. Luker of Belford Florida, where tlioy will upend a benofit of the Red, Hill Methodist was tho auctioneer, and his efforts month. church. A revival campaign started addud ?40 to thu church treasury*". Mrs. Emma Douglass of Nnvosink at tho church Monday. The third Tha money will be used to lny con- NGWA.RKER BUILDING BUNGA- has returned luunu after having upont quarterly conference will be held at crete "wnlkH.next spring. a fow days with rolativca. at Newtho church noxt Sunday. LOW AT BREVENf PARK. Oeoifie Thompsoii-of-Navesink lost York.. . . • . Mrs. Minnie Walling is laid up with ahorae Ia3t week in nn odd manner. Edwnrd Murphy of Port Monmouth a complication of dinoases. R'u.il Life Conference ut New Mop. Mr. Thompson was cutting down mouth Tomorrow—Roll Call qt is employed in William Reilly'a gro- Joseph- Anderson, who bos been trees, and ho had his horao tied at cery store at Red Bunk. living with Dan, Spradely, has moved • B«lfor-t.. The Clarence Walling of New Mon-ersby but since his sickness ho has +'jl) wlil bfi culled nt the afternooji mouth, who is employed at Bridge- been missed from tho window. John Sickles is expected to return and evening sessions. •• port^ Connecticut, is spending a va- J. Dey Conover started cutting ico within a few days from tho Long Ocor)tjj Thompson of Navosink, cation of a few days with his par-from his' pond yesterday. Tho ico is Brunch huspilal, whero two of hisI F. K BO1CE & CO. who is in the .house nioving business, ents. six inches thick. Mrs. Susanna Ben- fmgors were amputated as tho result OUISIMI a blockade of trafiie on NaVe- Miss Elitlio Smith of Keyport ro- nett started a force.of men at work of an accident in which his hand got niul; avenue it 1 UiaL place nearly ull tuincd home on Saturday after hav- cutting ico from her pond today. caught in a stalk cutting machine. UISTOBBOTOKS. il:iy Paturilay. Mr. Thompson was ing spent a week with hor cousin, The Bay View rending club will The cold woathor of tho past few moving :i liarn on four wuirons from Miia Mabel F. Smith of Navesink. meet tonight with Dr. Daniel D. Hon- days has put n thick coating of ico Atlantic Hif>hlanda to W. Strother Robert Seeloy of Pprt Monmouth drickson. on tho river nnd tho young folks hnvo JOIH'S'H properly on Riverside drive. i--~ ...»,i,.,,,,.i frnm a weok'a visit at Mrs. Daniel Hillyor will lead the boen having groat sport skating. The building wua placed.on poles rost- Trenton, whero ho attended a number Christian Endeavor meeting at. tho Miua Clara Day ha3 returned from ini» on tho wiiKona, mid the front end OA XJ...J iSu.iuitV'H meetings. Reformed church Sunday night. Sun- a visit at Brooklyn. Geo. W. Sewing, of iifie of the poles dropped olf one Mrs. Frnnk Downes of Belford has day morning Rev. M. T. Conklin will Alvin Lnngwith, who attends Rut- 'oi' ih>: w.'H^ftriH. fV\u<. jinbi• cnu^bt in returned from a visit of two months preach on "Is There n Heaven?" At Kcrii college, Hpont'Snturdny nnd Sun- Contractor and Bulldor. thu raid; and the barn was knocked night his topic will bo "Is Thoro a with her mother, Mrs. Snmucl Ham- day at his homo horn. HED BANK. N. J. Heavy Weight Wire fencing pailly oil' the waKons. It was'iivtt) in ford of Erie, Pennsylvania. Hell?" Misa Klb/iboth Welch spent Fri- Vu\ afternoon when the barn was put I ban • Ureo and eontiM. Mock MB, John E. Vandorbilt of Key- Mrs. Maria Carter has roturnod day with Mr.i. Darius Vnndcrmiirk bo»t UK-to-d.w fcoclna uttlttla tat Buklti; back in position and started again on port ia upending a fow days with her of Entontown. iln journey. The, nitsaaK" "C tho barn from a visit of two weeks at hor for- OFFICE IN ELSNEU DU1LD1NG. •nr itrl. of OolJ-omcWd feno*. Abo ho»>i sister, Mra.\Thomnn J. Casler of Port mer homo in North Carolina. Eighteen chickens owned by «mn win, poultry and tawn teidnii. itml h" • "•iiuld be mai'kod by the dead bodies Monmouth. Room 3. of II number of rats, which jumped Eleanor Irwin, daughter of Churlca Chnrlou Walling, Jr., wore stolen on DUIa WIIA »upU* ow. out of the building und wore killed by M|BS Georgianna Arrin'gton \of Irwin of Nutuwnmp, is noriounly sick. Tuesday night of last wook. Thoro 3WK). OontraoU foi bntlxo Job Ulna, bulodbu tha {am! Mr. ThII$'H bound at I'ort Monmouth Mr. and Mm. It^bcrt MIIXHOII of MissGUSnio Itiillnir of Wanhlnjjiton, ing Mm. Kenneth Wost. .. ](IHI, wed;. Jiinie.i (!. Carter, who i',--i|i Am|,,,,, llrn !i|,cii(linir two week.s occr D. C, is upending n fow daya with Mm. (Joorgo Martin in recovering OR nui.B TO s&n OUEDITODO. " •Vioi'hx in Mr. Wallini;'n K'' y nt*""«-S with Mm. Kiln Gardner of Nnvciiink. Mm. Potor V. Dibb. from uickmsiH, , ' \ ltlxncutorfi' Notlcn. ' xvim driving the liortio. Mr. Carter Mia.4 Helen Coo of Port Monmouth MIHII Helen Mount of Orango vin- Mlmi,'Kthol MncI humid of Nownrk OIIH Cvirtln HiKHlnn nnd John 11. Applfl- nU«ni|ittt(l to turn tho hornn around and Mm. William Taylor of Harmony Itcd Miss Marion Dickinson ov«r Sun- o, Jr., iixniMitoni of OotirKO* V. flnn- And further tako hot Ico Hint the Ooa are confined to the house with grip. him been upending iiuvornl dayii with i^flcco'ifiod, by onlor of tlin uurroKiito vuniixa JHOTIOD. ell ot laid UorouHli will muut to r.r.l in the road, and an ho did no Dr. Fny'n day. hor liaronlii, Mr. and Mm. C. 10. Mnc- (If th(\ County of Monmouth, linrcbv KIVQ Nollna In horoby KIVMI Hmt tho Mavnr and comldor objection* rolatlnit la t ijulDinoliilo collided with it. Tho William JJonnis of llelford re- Mrn, Roy Lufburrow in laid up with Dnoiil. notlco to, tlin cr(MlltorH of tha i. , Cnnuod'to hrlnv In tnnlr dolitn, damurdf lltililc, .N. J., lntroducnd an nrdlnnnnn on Council Chamber In tha llarougli ••• of the mudguard** on thu machine niontlm' buHinciiH trip to Florida. Harry Cook nnont Thurnday with find clnlinn nrcnimit tint mtutn of nulil tlio Kill ilny of January. IDllt. nrovlillnn on tlin ntvontn day of February, ID 10, Paul Prunnor of Anbury Park, who rolutivou at Froeaold. It^iiiiod, unilor onth or nnirnmlton, for tha (Xtcnnlon or thci bannnta of tlin 11:00 o'clock p. m, WIIH limit. Mrs. (ieorgo Went of Navi'uink ro- fnrmn tho Htilw«dl place hero, npunt wlttiln nliifl inontlit from tho fifteenth nuwnr nyntam of tlin llarniKih nf Itflii liy order ul tha Mayor nn,t Council An auction imlii of window HIIHII, liirnwl •homo on Friday from it viidt Hiindny and Monday on tho farm. (lny of Jnnunry, 1010, or thny will lin llnnk nnd tlia oimntrunllon of littoral tha IloroiiKli of Had Ijnnk, N. J. liiinlicr anil • two iitovra wan held ut with relatival at Philadelphin. Msjostlo Tonlplit. rorovor tmrrtvl (it nny fiction thorofor miwuri nn-l conniiolUinif, In l*ocunt nve- Attnnt: Mm. John Kawcolto iipont Innt "Tho Vuzzard'u Shadow," in ttvo iiuulntit U10 nnld nxnciitorii. iinii. I,.jlHlitno. nvrnuo. I'lnlnril nvc-nuo. A. U HAIIHIIION. Dorough ClfrSj. tliu New Monmouth Ifaptiiit church Tho ladioFi* lioclnl elrclu will moot weok at Anbury Park. KM.A IMMITIII HNICOICN, lleriKirt ntrnnt. Wo-t I.ooimri ntrcol. lnut Wi'dnondny. 1'ho nanli and lum- ncln, intornroted by thv ntprlltirr next Wedneiidny afternoon with Mm; . Miaiion Ada and Lily Joncfi will nctor, Hiirold Lockwooil, ttiirdntod by • JOHN 11. Ai'i'umxm, jr. Cnlhnrlnn ntrnol, Illvor atreat, Uanh Tha Rod Danlc Rc«Idtor offers lioi* wero left from tho work on tho J. Kdward Johnnon of llelford. norv'o nn oyntor iiuppor ut U10 homo o( Dtront, Hmcli nlrunt, lluh'ot nvan»» and niiw nddition to UiO cliu«cl\,upd tho tho faiiioini'blond bnauty. May Alll- No matter what you want It will, Wcnt'lda avonun, tonetlior with Uin np- promlama, It mnkes a gonil nn Churl™ and Elmor Schnoor of Kol- their father. Henry Jonon, on thouon. nnd u otronff company of ntarn. mvp you tlmo nndinonny If you onepuruiniuiryoo nocentinry cn^r«forf anM, UID paper at 91.00 her yeaiv—Attooitla fitovon vnr«j. Uui property, of thofvnl l"ft Inal wook for Jucknnnvllloi Koyport ronil, tomorrow njglit (Or Iho I nmnnor of miBooalnit tho od>t (tad **- —A-dveitlnonitint, TIIB ItffeliiUsV'a want c'ollktnrui. i niHi, ttierwiC : . •. * !*:•"'•* mont • ' REQI8TEB. Pago Fifteen.

I\T|.AHTIC HIGHM.KDS REV/3. will raoefc ot'tho church next Monday . NEWS PJIOM HIGHLANDS. . PAIR HAVEN NEV/S. > Dro»a church will give euchre parties ber's of the fpiild npent tho day sew- night. Prof. Charlps Wlntor, man- ind dances on the nights of Lincoln's ing aprons for the annual fair at the ©trot nnd Ladder Compobjr Oflcef*— ager of tho boy preacher who is toCburch Seelofcle at Borough Hall— v and Washington's birthdays. Recovers from Injuries lco Yttcht Club Organizes and Elects chapel next summer. Lund Company ReorpBnleei. conduct tho mootlngs, will bo proaont Officor«. The beipmun baskotbull team of Mr. and Mrs John Mooro arirdck " Bids wanted by tho Borough Coun- Tho annual oloctlon of ofilcors of to arrange details for tlfo campaign. Tho ladles' aid society of tho Meth- A large number of iceboat entlius- Red Bonk will play a team composed with grip. cil of the Borough, of Red Bank, for nook nnd ladder lira company was .Rev. J. G. Schilling, who recently odist church will hold a "pared post" asts met at tho Bchoolhouse lost night of boya of Holy Cross parish Friday Mrs. 8. L. deFabry and her son Hnl Jield last Thursday night, wnitan !«amo to Now Yorfi from -South Bocinblo Friday night nt-thn hornngh n jrcsponse to a notice posted in the .light at Hnly Cross hall. \.._... and Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank IIatua took cleaning the septic ttink nt (ho umvi-r P. frwln was elected prcsidont of U10~America,; guvo a ntarooptlcon lecture hull. The young women will put ur wstollico a fow days ago, and an ice Philip Roberts broke through the an automobile trip to Newark on Sun- plant, North Bridge nvenao. company, Grovor Wlllianu was l"Bt night nt tho McthoaJBt church on lunches in boxea. and these will be yacht club was.formed. '.ce whjle skating on a pond Sunday day and returned Monday. They had Scaled bids will be received1'Sy A.' "The Land of tho Incas." Rov, Mr.' auctioned off to tho men folks, ifternoon. Philip was taken home elected fcrcaouror, and Edgar H. Cook The club will have its temporary to go thirty miles out of their way C. Hnrriapn; Borocgh Clerlt, until waa elected secretary. The ofhot offi- Schilling has served nearly all hia Herman Horn, who wns employed. hendquartera In the storehouse on the ind wa3 none the worse from his in returning in order to escape bad cers are us follows: •• • life oa o missionary in South America, by the Rogers construction company, borough wharf nnd n scries of races ducking. roads, and they had to stop frequently eight o'clock p. m., on or before Mon- and ho was secured for tho lecture . Iforomnn—liditar C Coolt. and who was injured by a heavy log will bo scheduled for this year for ; Tho. revival services of tho Mctho- to got thiwed out on account of the day, February 7th, i01C» for clcmi- -Vtrut najl stant foromitn-—Ainoa Btvnn. through Charlos DeVeuty of this falling on .him somo time ago, is able trophies donated by Dr. H. B, Rcece. i st church closed Sunday - night. cold weather.' ing an^d removing the refaEO front tliu Cloctuid nusl»lnnt fofoman—1. B. -place, who lit a friend of the mission- Much internal was manifested daring fltvno, Jr. ' to bo about .for the first time this which are now on exhibitipnin the Richard Parker, Jr., son of William septic tank, at th» sewer plant. Tho - Itcpro«Giitntlvo*i tn flrcmon'flrcmon?1? relerelieff nfnfii - ary. • • • '-'••• week. window ot The Red Bunk Register tho services. • . T. Parker, is kept in-doors with grip. Hoclailon—-I'Vcd-klndonolilIVdklndn , oon. p yeart OeornrOoro ftev. Charles Fees preached, last successful bidder to fumich a bond 10.' Joiililnnun, Hr., two years; Edgar 11. A union prnyor meeting at tho ' The Highland social club' mot last office, The boys put their iceboats on William, Parker has been sick, but Cook, Ihcoo yoarn. Methodist church Friday night will bo night at the borough hall. A social the ice yesterday and they are hold- •""•lit nt the,Methodist church at Eat- has recovered and has gone back to drawn in the amount of bid. ' auditing cummlttno—William Drown. lod by Rov. Georgo II. Gardner. time with refreshments was enjoyed ing a preliminary race this afternoon. ontown. ,..'•• • . - work at Doremus's storo at Red Bank. For any particulars inquire of Wilrnor Hlllwol), Cluirlos Btrytior. Rev. Goorgo H. Gardner will preach after the business hour. • The Methodist ladies' Hid society Leroy Ackermun of Newtrk spent Miss Esther Carhari has returned Frank C- Fenton,, superintendent/of, ' The Portland land company, com- Situruuy. and Sunday with friends at tho Central Baptist church next Mr. nnd Mrs. Motrin E. Roscnbaum has postponed its regular meeting from a visit to relatives at New York. streets and sewers, MonmoutlHitrcet, liosuJ of about a-Bcnro of mombors Sundny morning on "Tho Doparting of Bay avenue left on Friday for New until Thursday, Junuiry 27th. The here. . ' ". Miss Emily ..Arrance is sick with of tho original Atlantic Highlands flro £mf'el." and at night his topic will be York to spend the winteri They-will meeting will be held at Mrs. William Mrs. Clemence Stevens of lied grip. . Red Bank. "'• . cojnpany, woa ro-organizoa last weok. "The Sword of Gideon." The Find- return about May 1st. Parker's. . '/' ' "-nk impnt Monday with her parentsL ThomasJFarley. and-family ore-kept —The right Is^ reserved by the Coun« ^The companyowns-tho-firehouso nnd ing-Out club mot-this nftcrnoon with —-Charles-Butlor.-who-is-steward at- --—Frank—Bonnott—of—Wilkcsbarrer -Mr.andMrs. Theodore~West7 imioora with pink eye. cil to roject any or all bids. jni) on Contor avenue, and tho build- Mies Hazel Linden of First avenue. the Wator Witch club, entortainod a Pennsylvania, spent Saturday and Stephen Stevens is laid up with Arthur C. Ryerson spent Saturday „ By order of the Mayor and Council ing la rentod to tho borough. Tho Miss Frances Gardner of Newark numbor of friends last Wednesday Sunday at the Atlantic hotel with Mr. grip. and Sunday at New York. of the Borough of Red Bank, N. J. following ofTloora havo boon chossn: spent Saturday and Sunday with her night. Games,- music and dancing .and Mrs.' Abram Bennett. Mr. Ben- Fred A. JohnBon and family have George F. Ryerson and S. L. de- PfMldont—Clcomo E. Jtnlilnoon, Br. father, Rev. George H. Gardner of were enjoyed until shortly after mid- nett's mother, who has been;mnking moved from the; Anderson cottage at Fabry each bought a Ford automobile Attest: - :••'••'. • Vloo prosidont—Thomai JonnlnjK. night, when a luncheon was served. :, Beoretnry—Somora T. Chnmnlon. Highland avonuo. . her home with her son,-his gone West, Blrck Point to the Dpwlch cottage at from H.'-L. Zobel of Seabright last A. C. HARRISON, . , TrooBiiror-i-Wlllliini T.'Tl'ranklln, —Benjamin Bowles of Brooklyn, who Miss Edith Hunter of Navesink wherd she will livb with her daughter. Fair Haven. ' , week. . - ',-,,• Borough Clerk. • Tho flremonwor e culled out Satur-has been spending a few weeks with avenue, a member • of the Leonardo James Butler is enlarging the din- Miss A. Joriian of New York is .vis- . William HavHand is confined to the . day morning to a email fire in Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Dunner of Leon- girls' basketball team, starred in wing room of his house and is installing iting Mrs. Willinm Slayer. house with sickness. -Mrs. Haviland OBOVLIj TO DAD CnnDtTOED. ardo, returned home on Sunday. game with tho ABbury'Park girls last steam hent. • . f- EMcutrlx'H Noiii.:o. Annie Jeflfereon'» house, which is oc- George Hookham apent'last week has also been sick, but is now much Mary Kmma Atkln«, executrix of nidi- cupied by Mra. Mary Trendway. Mrs. Georgo Mount of New York spent week. Miss Hunter scored seven of Edward M. Little has sold his bun- it New York. improvedr ard ..(kins, deceased, by urder of tho Troodway was pulling a trunk out of part of lrst week with friends here. thirtoon points mndo by her team. galow to H. H. Eicks of Kirksville. Warren—Herbert, son of J. Harry surrogate of the county of Monmouth, Tonics Moller of Bay avenue is laid The bungMow is occupied by George hereby given notlco tn tho rrarflturB lot n closot and-she-fell against an. ofl- A. E. Dennett sold a river front plot LITTLE SILVER NEWS. Herbert, is very sick. It was re- the Bald docecified tu bring In thetr ripbiB, sto've. The stove waa upset, end-tho up with Blcknesa. on Marino pjuce at Water Witch to Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Eicks spent the ported in some of the papers that ho iltiftiutidi an 1 rlalmn agalnHt Uie e t^ltis cnvpot and woodwork becameysoakod Edward Whalen of New York spent Miss Ada' Dickspn of Jersey City. summer on their, pleasure boat at this St. John's Guild Holds on All-Day w;is taken to the Long Branch hospi- of eaid deceased, under onlh qr_nuirni!i- place and liked Fair Haven so well : ' Meeting at Mrs. Taylor's. tlon, within nine month* from the thliv wifh oil. Thia caught lire, fund the Saturday and Sunday with his nep- Miss Dickson will build a summer tal for .treatment, but 'this was not toTith day of January, I9ts, or they will room wftff.spbn in flames. Mrs. Treid- hew. Edwnrd Dowd of Bay avenue. home here. _.'..: . . that they will make J;his village their The guild of St. John's chapel true. .._.. '.'-.- be forover burred of any action therefor way esoaned 'uninjured, and Bhe sent C. P. Stbll of Mllltbwn wns a guest £ouis J. Bicking of Newark was a permanent phice of residence. held an all-day meeting at Mrs. Zach- Mrs. Rob'ert Y. Evans is sick With against tho said "OxecutriT. . in an alarm. Tho damage was slight. over Sunday of Miss Wilhelmina Ball Sunday visitor here. Mr. Bicking Mrs. JohnDowlen has rented her ary Taylor's yesterday. The mem- grip. \MARY EMMA ATKIM3. The eleventh grade will give its an- attv") Cordnvn cott»ge. I'hlis'lSiven the contact for two new house on Main street east of the Epis- nual dance at the Majestic theater Horbort Poston is able to be about houses ot Water Witch to Thomas copal church to Thomas Johnson and Friday night, February 4th. after his recent attack of grip. Jenpen of Barberie pvenue. family of Rumeon. who moved into , P. M. Scott of tho firm of Scott & Cor win K. Linson of Eighth avenue Mnrion Scnlio of. Bay avenue was the Dowlen house Mond-y. Scott in, auditing the borough books. is recovering from an attack of grip.. detained from school last week with "The Family Album" will be tho 1 Mr. and Mrs. James Endio of Flush- Miss Lola Dunne, who has been laid on u'eerrited tooth. Louise Bischoff. principal feature of the entertain- ing, L. I,, epent Sunday with Mr. up with sickness ot her parents' home daughter of Phillip BischoflT, is able to ment to be held tonight in the Meth- Sadie's mothor, Mrs. John Endio of nt-Xeon^rrfo. returned tn school at go back to school after haying been odist church lecture room. Third nvonuo, . . New Rochelle, N. Y., on Monday. laid up with crip. Mr. and Mrs. J. F.Chaunzey have returned from New York, where they ':, The Prosbytorion ladles' aid society H<\rry Gaffev of New York visited Mr. and Mrs. George Braack of rol-Hvoo horo l"Rt week. wient several woeks with friends. met yesterday afternoon with Mrs. Navesink avenue returned home on MrB. Chaiinzey. who was seriously sick Chnrleos A. Reed of Valley Drivo. Mrs. Frank McKonna: of Leonardo Sunday from a two days' automobile is sick with grip. J while in New York, is much.improvod. . The nnnunl congregational meeting trip to Atlantic-City - --- • The Pearl street yacht club, which ofHie Presbyterian church was hold Mr. and Mrs7Wiillam Tf Franklin Tho Democratic club held a meet- makes its headnmrters at the Atlan- Friday night. Reports of the various of Third avenue were Ocean Grove ing Friday night at the Derby house. tic hotel, has held several informal eociotto'find 'departments showed n visitors on Sunday.- Tho annual election of officers ..will meetings during the past,month. At prosperous year. All the church's Dr. Joy J. Martin entertained about be he'd nt the next mooting. /' ~ ite last gathering the members were debts liavo been paid and a bilarico of 25 friends at a party last week in cele- Edward Bischoff of Navesink ave- surprised by the receipt of an official SCO IH in tho treasury. Dr. Charles A. bration of his birthdny. nue is able to be out after having club pin, as the gift of one of; the Rood and Robort E, Ferris vvorc re- Three scale removers in operation been laid UD with grip. • ., members. The pins are sterling sil- elGctod elders; and John Geary, J. G. at the pumping station were con- Miss Ruth Manning of the Golden ver, enameled in red. white and blue, ProoKea, John L. Perrine and Jesse E. demned by the council last week. Gate hotel spent part of last week with the words Pe-wl street in blue on •Arnfttond'Wiro'rc~olectotondWirorc~olectod tniBtoostniBtoos,,' Ooun'ciln>enj Daniel I. Bryant nnd with her sister, Mrsr~Gunning of a silver bar through the center of the .''• •Wllllitnj B, CaHaghan, who was in Charles R. Grovor inspected the ap-, Brooklyn. pin. The members of the yacht club Charge of a dopartmont of thp Fan-' nlinncoi Monday.-afternoon, and it.is Gr-ndiri Ch-cman is employed ns will co-operate with the ice boatmen jtma cannl worl? and wlio for the post Hko/tM they.will bo removed this chauffeur, for H: Taylor Sherman of here in holding a series of Winter row weoksiiisb.'oointitcatiillg one of the wBHk.i Thne scale removers, or Dunpuri- New York, who is a summer resident sports. fiers, iwero put on the boilers at the ON THAT DAY WE WILL GIVE ABS LUTELY FREE WITH l)ig gunjjj#V3&hdy: Hook1, gave a talk of Atlantic Highlands and commodore (Vloixlny *ight.: 'it' 'th'ei' Prosbyteriah plant !laat fall by n Philadelphia cop- of tho Sandy Hook yacht club. RUMSON NEWS. church to the/meri'ii'club.. When the corn tit a cost of ?PO0. The council- Howard Johnson,; who has been EACH GASH PURCliASE .n of- whicJi: J,; %, jRyan,'% New | The teachers' card club' >was. enter'- each $2.00 purchase. we a featuro of tho ovoning. over ibnibdd approvevdd by the board of York banker, spent p->rt of list wpek I timed lrst Thursday night nt Miss titles you to an extra dollar's The ,exocutivo,..CQnimitti!.o..which is. hoaltih. 'j. . ^ • here and at Atbntic Highlands. It.ja ; Nan.WJftlsb's. First prize for. the card arranging for an evangoliotie cam- rumored that Mr. Strnusa and Mr. 'games was won by Miss Frieda Oh- Buy at "THE KNICKER- worth of aomethinpE you may paign to- be hold in the Mothod'st nt School PupiU To DRIICO. Ryan are arranging to buy u tract of ilandt. Miss Rose Undley wni select. ""'-••'" ihunih from March 10th to April 10th Members of the night school at land adjoining that of the Prospect nwnrdctl; second prize, and" the conso- BOCKER" and save money. I! 'The borough council,,metjPnid'v Leonardo will give a dance Friday, beach improvement association pt lation pjiize went to Miss Helen Yeo- ..Bight to. .cp'pmdofi on loffo'tof. J2#,000 night of noXt, week at the school.1! Msirdein, knowii? as Prospect beach. - mnns. Others present were1, MMies (from _ thoMiddlofloX & Monmouth Frank Ackornon's orchentrn hns boon I Murk A. Toinoy. Jr.. who in nm. 'Ri»o Berger, Marjorie Mullen, Eliza- electric light company of Kcyport for engflgod to furnish music. ployed at Newark by Swift & Co., beth Dilrymple. Elsie Ohlnndt, Mar- tho borough's lighting plant. The spent Sunday with his parents here. garet Rose, Adabel Warner, Mrs. company made np pffcr fir the wflter .. ,8 Reel< I t.lovd B. Wheeler and Mi's, VanAllen x v - , —f—•» '•** > •• > . > hQnel25. Red BanH •;pt«nt< -vTH*' offep -fl^Srrt>W>rrtdtfrtl iw new'ijictbres: every ntght nt tho • .Itpnyato Tjho;Rc£ltttor. Broad & Monmouth light nnd wator committO0._ Majestic tiieator.—-Advertisement. —Advertisement. The Holy Name society of Holy


FIVE PASSENGER You Are Going to Own a Buick During 1916 Place Your / ... Vi, Order at Once

It is America's Favorite and it will be simply impossible to meet the immense demand a few weeks later.


76 Horse Power—ah added 80 per cent without added size Buick Six The World's Record Breaker Roadster : s, It's the Big Sensation $950 Call and learn about it—It has the most powerful motor per cubic inch displacement the world has ever known.

Oisr Auto Service Slat ion SEA- BRIGHT Tcl.90

i&^Wtf&iMift^ me nE?u"~BCTTOTC TTEGia i urf.

EJOBWTOWN MEWS. Outbreak of Grip at Tlili Placi Cburcb Love Feast. Another epidcmlcdf grip hoo ctmck this placo. Those sick ore Mrs. John ANNUAL. JANUARY ANNUAL JANUARY 1 £!. Breeso, John Dickcnson, Mis. Sam- ael Gnlce, Sr., Miss Hannah Covert, Site,' Mwy J. Wolcotfc Misa Effle Au- .anack, Mrs. Thomas Brown nnd her •son, Mrs. George Agile, Walter Carlilo Broad 8t.~HedBdiilc. and Mrs. Edwprd Aumack. Mies Lot- tio Sanford has been sick with (frip, Ibut is recovering. Mra. Garrett Mor- . Ion is sick with rheumatism. Mrs. Harold Stillman is spending a • week at Now York. The Willing Workers -will hold a •meeting: and sociable in the Presby- terian chapel Friday night Every piece of muslinwear in this sale from the lowest to the-highest price is absolutely reliable. The garments are; cut full, the The women's temperance union will meet tomorrow night at Mrs. Harry materials are the best of-their kind. The trimmings are good; The workmanship is above reproach. Regular stock merchandise from . SIcKaig's. - • Mre.^ Arthur "Tnylot—is~makiri[j a A'eputabje^manufacturers^hot the ordinary-goods soof ten found in so called special salesJ You jiayes tout to make comparison by mearis atny with her mother at Middletown, : r jNew York. open to every one to be convinced that other stores do not'sell as cheaply. ' .;_--—--r—. "~''""'~~" ~" "~- —7---=—•- " Misses Foiiriie and Elizabeth Fitz- rpatrick aro spending a week at New "3fork. Percy Dangler is filling Miss ^Fannie Fitzpatrfck's position as clerk TRIMMED PETTICOATS. MUSLIN DRAWERS. SLIP OVER AND EMPIRE GOWNS. CORSET COVERS. an the poatoDlco while she is away. Gowns made of nainsook,' trimmed Corset Covers, in. nicely trimmed . Rev. BUrton J. K. Way read a Embroidery and lace .trimmed Petti- Drawers, lace or embroidery trimmed, jpaper on "I3 Christianity, a Failure" coats, new and dainty styles: open and closed,' plain and circular stylesr with lace, ribbon and embroidery; a new styles, perfect fitting, extra values: ait a preachers' meouuE at Ocean shipment; all exquisite designs': : . . ^Regular 75c., sale-price'.. 45c Regular 2ic., sale price.. 19c. r ./.-••••Regular 25c, sale price...• J9c. >• ^Brove'on Monday. • „ ' Regular Soc, sale, price.'. 36c :.-L. Regular.: Soc., ^ale.price._. _39c.JIZ 7 " Mra. Frank Woods is visiting at - -.Regular $1.00,'sale price.. 79c " Regular 69c, sale price.'. 4Sc. ~ ' kSgiiiar 39c- salifpfic^vrZSc; ~"" Newark and New York. f> Regular 69c, sale price.. 45c. Regular SI.49,~sa1e price.. 98c. Regular SI.00, sale price. • 79c. Regular 69c, sale price.. ..,4Sc. ; • Quarterly conference was held at : Regular Si.00, sale price.. 79c. ' .the Methodist church Monday night. Regular $1.98, sale price. .$1.39 Regular Si.49, sale price.. 98c. "An old-fashioned love feast will be Regular SI.98, sale price. .$1.33 MARCELLA UNDERWEAR. held at the church Friday night. TRIMMED BRASSIERES. Mrs. Frank B. Woods has been EXTRA SIZE GOWNS. ENVELOPE CHEMISE. ' visiting at New York. Extra special values in this lot: : If once tried you will always ;wear Mrs. Annie Cunningham of New Embroidery trimmed, high neck, extra Envelope Chemise of- fine nainsook, comfort style Marcella Drawers and Com- f -Regular-29crrsale-price... ,21c. York has been visiting her nieces, the size gown, an "excellent valued" ' top'run with embroidery and lace: .- , binations. They are different. -. Ask us -Misses Foster, . . Regular 59c, sale price... 45c. Mrs. John Wright entertained a • Regular {51.00, sale price.. 79c •Regular $1.25, sale price.. 98c aiumbcr of friends at 11 party Thurs- Regular Si.75, sale price. .$1.39 day night. EXTRA SIZE MUSLIN WEAR. §lightly soiled from handling is'the', CORSETS UNDER PRICED. CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. ' Henry Nivison of Richmond, Vir- Cut full where fullness is needed, sizer reason for these low prices. <• • ginia, nnd William Nivison of Baiiie- Extra good values in Muslin Wear for Marcella Combinations: 3»at have been miking a stay with Corsets of good contil, made equal to for stouts that please the hard-to-fit: their sisters, the Misses Nivison. any at double' the "price, sizes 18 to 30. children from 2 to 12 years:.-,; Reg. jS 1.50, $2.oo, sale price 98c . Mra. Rufus Casler has been very Gowns—^-79c, $1.00, $1.49. Children's Gowns—25c, 39c, 50c, 69c sick with grip complicated with heart Dunt miss this chance. '" , Skirts—$1.25, $1.49. Children's Skirts—190.^390., 50c, 69c. Marcella Drawers: : .trouble, but is recovering. 1 .-.- -Mrs. Burton J.-K. Way his been Regular.55c, sale prict .... 39c.' - -•' Drawers—35c, 59c, 98c. Children's Drawers—12ysc, 19c,.25c Reg. 79c,- £51.00, sale price 69c (Called-to Charlotte, North Carolina, •by the K'ckness of her father. Mrs. Emmn Wilburn fainted while ^working at Boyce's underwear fac- ttory last week. She revised n few ITE: minutes liter nnd is now all right s . Louia A. Dingmr.n is emnloved as DRV. GOODS SECTION foreman of a gang of carpenters en- NQ C. 0. D.'S. NO ALTERATIONS. NO EXCHANGES. NO CHARGES gaged in building houses for -work- BED SHEETS. HUCK TOWELS. men at a munitions plant near Xake- liurst. • ' Our Own Special Brands." •' Hemstitched, colored border, worth We!ve rearranged our entire stock and have made Final^Mark Downs on 15c, special at 12V c. each. A petition signed by all the bnsi-. Sheets,^72x90, "value-Coc, spe. 50c. each. 2 every garment; needless to say that the original cost has not been considered. ness men of thin plnce has been pre- •.Sheets, 8lx9o, value-70c, spe. 59c. each. . sented to the American express com- BLEACHED MUSLIN. This must be a final clearance, the prices are so low that you will certainly buy pany, asking the company not to' dis- Sheets, 81x90, value 85c, spe. 69c. each. Yard wide, a good grade, worth "1 Oc, - ;cbntinue collecting and delivering .special at 8Vsc.-yard. '•• :. •--•' ----- when you see how great are the savings on theser - ~;- -• ' - ; - .articles after February, 1st. The •company announced a short time ago. ' , PILLOW CASES. TABLE DAMASK. :th"tit would not moke eollect'ons and Cases, 45x3'6, value 15c, spe. lie. each. Bleached, 58 inches wide, choice of deliveries after-thedate mentioned. Cases, 45x36, value 18c, spe. 14c each. The announcement h*\s been made staple .designs, regular 29c, special at of the engagement of K-vmond Au- Scalloped and Hemstitched. •22c. yard. . , Lot No. 1 Lot No. 7 ijiack of this pluco to Miss Emma Cases, 45x36, value 28c, spe. 22c. each. Larson, daughter of Edward Larson HUCK TOWELS. LADIES' AND MISSES' COATS, $8.50 CHILDREN'S COATS, $3.50 of LoriK Branch. The wedding will Linen finish, full size,.regular 1.2vill be Given iimt.riic;tioiis as to the 35c, special at 29c Lot No. 6 Lot No. 11 work required in their various dis- NAINSOOK FOR UNDERWEAK. tricts and nlso how to fill-out the nnw ' Nainsook, 4o inches wide, extra fine NAPKINS. :;;~ CHILDREN'S COATS, $2.00 __ SILK PETTICOATS, $1.25; form of vouelier, which the freehold- quality, lo-yd. piece,' special at $1.89 Mercerized and hemstitched, 18x18,, Ages 2 -to l -f years Only one to a cu'stoincr '»<--.-r-i ers have adopted for payment of road piecd special price 10c. each. . Former prices $3.00 to ^4.50 Former prices jjt2.-00 to 544.00 • bills". ' _ . .'• Matinco Wednesdays and Fridays at 3:00 p'. m.; Satuninys at 2:30 p, m., at the Majestic theater.—Advertisement. It pays to advertise in The Register.

int Street These models caused great sensation at the recent auto show at the Grand Central Palace, New York, where they were viewed by thousands. \: The demand for 1916 cars is greater than ever and especially for these desirable models. Better let us .record your order for one of the above makes to insure delivery for early spring use.

County _ Distributor for thfe Chalmers, Marion, National Cars and for the 1 Stewart and Brockway Delivery Trucks