VOLUME XXXVIII. NO 30 RED BANK, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 19 1916 PAGES 1 TO 8 LUKE DELIVERS THE GOOpS, NEW GAME WARDEN. Kefjiitor Want AdvertiiemenU Prore Gsmtt Tliomo of Holmdel Began H!» Dntloo Sntordny. Little Wonder Workori. THAT SUM WILL BE NEEDED FOR E. t. Bonnott of Fair Haven lost Garrett, Thorrie of Holmdel, who •j chauffeur's, mitton' lust week. Ho ^ ADDlTIONALjJCHpOL ROOM. was recontly appointed game warden placed a want advertisement in Tho for Monmouth county, began his Rogistor which secured his mitton for Pflpjjlo Will Voto on Appropriation at duties on Saturday. lie succeeds him. The mitton . was found by SchiJoI Election in March—A Num- E. C, Burtis of Asbury Park. The Jorcomo Herosz, chauffeur for Abram ber of Site* Propptsd but Nona So- position pays $000 a year nnd ex- I. Elkus. Icctcd Yot. '!•';.. , penses.. Sir. Thome wan ono of 33 •Mill/is; Being Built, ®9ew Elachlnary Will b® Sn« Through a want advertisement in. _The, Red Bank Board of education," applicants far the job. He and two The Register, Allen H. Smith: of Me- at a special meeting Friday night, other Dien tied for first place in the chanic street sold fifty White Leg- took up.tho question of providing ad- competitive examination, and. Mr. --'stalled andL th6 Storage Effooni Will tte Enlarged horn hons. i, ditional room, to relieve the present Thorrie was given the preference be- Joseph Raymond ~".pf Mechnnic overcrowded condition, of the schools. cause of the experience which he had ~A Brlcli(Building Will be Constructed on theBtreot recently advertised ih.The Reg- It was tho opinion of tho trustees had as a deputy game warden. He is that about $85:00.0. would be needed. a son of tho late Theodoro Thome ister that he had o-table for said. Mr. A number of eitC3.were suggested and End off SheLumbar Yard.: Raymond received several" replies and filked over, but no definite nctipn was of Holmdel, who at one time was hnd.no trouble in selling thortablo. •'. taken in regard to selecting the loca- prominent in" county polities. Forren Fv BlAlsdialt iabuilding', a made into lumber.' Tina mill has been' tion for the proposed additional now mill, at hla lumber yard-at-Red •'n continuous operation nil winter, a Bchool facilities. Thd school board Bnnk. -His' propertyextends "from biff' lot of work having been done for members said that they intended to Bridge avenue-eastward to.tho: trpqlcs farmers,in this part of the county. have the location decided on in time ol. the .Central i railroad company. Most of the country sawmills have to submit the matter to tho voters at Bjirrbwes avenue crosses the • land, tone out of existence and Mr.'-Blais- SECURITY LEAGUE SPEAKERS anil the new mill is; being built a loll gets a big part of tho.work wfiieh MINSTREL TROUPE OF' SIXTY the annual school ^election in March. short' distanco" \vest of tins' street ;hey used to perform. Besides those, ."YdUNCi'MEN FORMED. A number pf letters'were received ADVOCATE ARMY. TRAINING. The building ia well; under .way, and jobs for farmers, Mr. Blaisdell has —--«--.',' -i from Hooch street school children ask- l v anou Tko League Was Formed ot tho Town .svill'becompleted in about two weeks. boon doing a big lot of work for own- Showi Will be " - * ing that that school be 'enlarged. The 3r» of- country estates; Large tracts Placet and the • Hall Last Thur.doy Night—New II; will bo 40x60 feet; and will'be en- Will be nt Lab . letters spoke of the overcrowded con- Yo^k Spanker 5aya Germnn Metl) closed with galvanized steel. It will if woodland were cleared on tho os- ' dition of the school. I J PKOTO DV ANDnCW R. COLCMAN, aha constructed In such a way that 'atea of J. Amory Hnskell of Middlc- lahan tho Manager of tho Troupe. .,There is congestion in" all the od« Should bo Adopted Here. ftmothor story can readily bo added. :own township and Robert McCarter An- amateur minstrel troupo of schools except the Oakland street A meeting to forni a security WATCH JREE? BANK GROW! I and on account of Mr. Blnlsdell'a in- if Kumaon last fall, and Mr, Glaio- about sixty Red Bank.young men has BCh00l. The great increase in pupils league to work for n better-state of Edward SofFel's new house on Spr'.ng street is shown in tho above pic- ScreuRing business a second story will lell's mill hns been sawing troes into been organized' by Lewis Callahnn entirely unlooked for,. military preparedness along the coast this year wa3 wn3 held at ha Ked ture. The house is being built in a pieco of woodland which was once bo'built iii'the spring,'which ia always building matorinl. Five men are em- and: the. first performance will . be nnij Jt wp3 not uritUihe school? re/f held a t$ the Red Ban Bank ktow town hall the biggest, season, of tho year-for ployed. In the spring- Mr.- Blaisdell given at- Lakowood within a- short opened after thesummer1vacationiPlu™llay night. ThitfThirty-fivi e 'known as Throckmdf ton's" woods. It will coat about$8,5bdi and Mr. were Soffel, who now lives on Leighton avenue, will move in it within a short building operations. ixpects to put up a brick building arid time. Mr. Callahan, who' has a ros- thnt tj,,, trusteos realized thnt more , Present," and as this was a much I The mill n"ow. being used will do 'ifllco on the Bridge avenue end of his tnurnnt Oil Monmouth street, last hool room was imperative. When smaller attendance than had been.an- time. Tho carpentering was done by Clarence Kyte. of West Long property. During the past three BC : soryicc us a store houiof .This build- „„„„„ Ulo !•„„. v..i== yyoa r organized.ij a trouppe of fifteen Poup,,lu iE JJ. #Eadcliflf Radcliflfoo tootookk " charchargg e of tho t cipatep d it was decided to form - Branch. Stiles & Son were the masons and the electrical work was dohe_ ing is two stories high, and the sec- Months he-hth»us provided lumber,-nails poraons which-EUVO minstrel shows at schools as superintendent in the fall |temporary.organization only and to md building paper.__ by George Hogdn. • . ond floor hns been used for storing nB paper fo:r nine, new Rod Bank, Lone Branch nnd Belford. tho8chools wer0 bciow U]o defer permanent organization till a lumber.. Mr. Blaisdcll'BbusineaahnF- -•buses. at-Rod-Binb k ond vicinity. bo i y ' * • •-•'-' - ThqshowsKiveTh, q- rshows.a , VgiveJn n ...-louJ?i'-"t -yoar^worT?oo -f of- tllOtliOics -rcstt ooff ththee statstatee anasdd belo belowtliw thee mootint g hhwill-be-held llbhld ' at^thtthe a so greatly that this story is lidea material which ho has sold for tow largely attonded and they made big standar(j fi^^xoa by th_o „„„„ stat„e „„„boar„d „o„f " on Thursday night,of next inadequate for holding the lumbo- repair jabs. hits in tho towns where they wcro di u uA tw t hi% il ti week .WILL FARM TWO PLACES. Mr. Blaisdell'a lumhor yard nnd hits in the towns where" they w.cro ed*u' "ati6n"""At"thc"specrai "meeting week. George McC. Taylor was made carried in stock, and it was partly on produced. i Fridacy night Mr. Radcliffe slated that chairman, of tho temporary organizs- Jamei Hickey <jf Everett Lenses John this nccount and partly to get loWo- bon< Tiill ,WUB bought by him from L. P.' Most of tho members of the troupe •!' .i t woul""*..»d 1). 0 impossibly e to bring the (.,„„ Similar leagues havo beon Dadoti'a Place. fire insurance ratea that Mr. Blaisdel! RAMANESSIN FARM AT HOLM- is-bullding a new mill, thereby in- ''nnklin thr'£iT years hg-o. Thore hns hive had experience in amateur tho- schools up to a much higher standird James Hickey, who has farmed the ci'oasine his lumber storage room been a steady incroaso in business atricnls at Eed Bank and^surround- than is now the case BO long as the . Hickey homestead property at Evcr- DEL TO BE LEASED. ,v AH tho-machinery in the present mil" iveiv aincB Mr. Blaisdell bought the ing'.towhs. George GrauBe and Harry present overcrowded, condition ex- national leiiguo. o'tt the post few. soisons, will not iroporty. nnd several new buildings Stewart will be premier end men and fsts. Some of the grades are BO con- I, Mayor George M. Sandt called the The Place Divided Into Three Fnrm«, will be placed in the new.building ant' move as he had intended to do but With aa Experienced Fanner some now machinery, will also bo in- '.nd much now machinery have been the other end men will be Felix San- geated that one-half of the pupils in meeting to order, after which Mr. wilh remain on tho farm. Ho will stalled,' An electric motor of fort'' dded to the plant. Before Mr. i tangolb, J6hn Lnvin, William Ryan, these grades aro taught in the morn- Taylor took charge as chairman. He Working'"Each Farm on Sharot—« llaisdoll bought the plnnt ho wns en-' Hurry Ilubbard, H. Floyd Ruah and ing from eight o'clock till twelve advocated the teaching of military also farm, the Forman Stilwell place Birds Mu«t bo Protected. lior.se power will Jbo usedJo operate at .Everett now "owned and occupied Theron McCampbell, the owner of the machinery. T5£C(1 in .the lumber manufacturing Lloyd Sickles. The soloists will be o'clock and the---'other pupils aro instruction aass .
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