With 7 faculties, 4 institutes, 3 schools, 1 STRENGTHS observatory and 32 research laboratories, - A multidisciplinary university of the Greater the Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Paris area Marne (UPEC) has been active in all fields - Cutting-edge research of knowledge since 1970. - Strong ties with the business community - A globally oriented university A major player in the dissemination of academic, scientific and technological 15 Degree programs taught in English. culture, the institution provides a wide The Department of Teaching , range of training in more than 600 Culture and Institutions (DELCIFE) offers a IDENTITY FORM academic programs in all subjects, from wide range of courses in French as a Foreign the DUT to the PhD level. Language. Precise name of the institution Université Paris Est Créteil Val-de- It hosts more than 36,000 students, 10% UPEC has been awarded a 2-star label in the Marne of whom are international students. context of the national welcome program for Type of institution international students, Choose . Public City where the main campus is located MAIN PROGRAMMES OF STUDY LOCATION Paris (Créteil) The training offer spans over 5 main areas: The main campus is located in the city of Créteil, Number of students - Law, Economics, Management South East of Paris, 25 minutes from the centre 36 000 of the French capital. - Literature and Languages Percentage or number of international - Humanities and Social Sciences students - Science and Technology 10% - Health Type and level of qualifications awarded Bachelors, Masters and PhDs. RESEARCH Engineering degree. UPEC promotes a transversal approach, a Diploma of Access to University Studies source of creativity and innovation, to address (DAEU). social challenges. Research is based on 32 University Diploma in Technology laboratories and 8 doctoral schools and is (DUT). structured around 8 main areas: Diploma of Scientific and Technical University Studies (DEUST). - Biology and health - Chemistry and Materials Science French language courses - Law and Political Science Yes - Economics and Management Programs for international students - Humanities and Social Sciences Yes - Environmental Sciences - Information and Communication Science and Programs in English Technology and Mathematics Yes - Urban Planning Registration fees/year (for information only) Internationally mobile PhD students and See the website of the targeted faculty, researchers can be informed and guided before school or institute. their arrival and during their stay in France by Postal address Acc&ss Paris-est. 61, avenue du Général de Gaulle 94010 Créteil Cedex

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