the vol. 48 no. 01 Skyscraper January 2021 AMATEUR ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF RHODE ISLAND 47 PEEPTOAD ROAD NORTH SCITUATE, RHODE ISLAND 02857 WWW.THESKYSCRAPERS.ORG In This Issue: A Behind the Scenes Look at 2 President’s Message Hubble Space Telescope Operations 3 Astronomical Highlights for 2021 4 Geminids report for 12/13/2020 An Online Presentation by Mike Wenz 6 Clock Face Curiosity: Saturday, January 2, 7:00pm EST via Zoom The Numeral IIII 7 Check Your Sky’s Contact Steve Hubbard (
[email protected]) for Quality with Orion! Zoom Meeting link and information. 8 Cluster and Reflection Many people have seen the wonderful performed by the Space Shuttle. Mike is Nebula in Perseus: IC 348 pictures that the Hubble Space Telescope intimately involved with the day to day op- 10 Star Party Update & has produced over the 29 years of it's oper- erations of the telescope and is the one re- Observing Reports ation so far. However, few people have seen sponsible to investigate any pointing prob- what is truly involved in the day to day op- lems or issues that come up on a daily basis. 11 From the Archives eration of a telescope that has been called a Mike has used the information provided 12 The Sun, Moon & National Treasure. This talk will take a look by the Fine Guidance Sensors to serendip- Planets in January behind the scenes and explain how the tele- itously discover hundreds of new double scope is operated and what it takes to make stars and was involved in a study using the 13 Astrophoto Gallery the science observations that lead to all of Fine Guidance Sensors that led to the dis- 16 Starry Scoop the discoveries Hubble has been involved covery of the smallest Kuiper Belt object in.