Lithuanian–Polish Seminar 2012 XII 9 –16 (LPS) Endless (Re)Construction of Nations in the Space of Grand Duchy of Lithuania

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Lithuanian–Polish Seminar 2012 XII 9 –16 (LPS) Endless (Re)Construction of Nations in the Space of Grand Duchy of Lithuania Lithuanian–Polish Seminar 2012 XII 9 –16 (LPS) Endless (Re)construction of Nations in the Space of Grand Duchy of Lithuania 9 December 10 December 11 December 12 December 13 December 14 December 15 December 16 December (Sunday) (Monday) (Tuesday) (Wednesday) (Thursday) (Friday) (Saturday) (Sunday) The Metropolis Historical Presidential Palace Lozoraičių menė, VMU, K. Lozoraičių menė, VMU, K. Lozoraičių menė, VMU, K. Lozoraičių menė, VMU, K. Lozoraičių menė, VMU, K. The Metropolis hotel S. hotel S. Daukanto of the Republic of Lithuania in Donelaičio St. 58. Donelaičio St. 58. Donelaičio St. 58. Donelaičio St. 58. Donelaičio St. 58. Daukanto St. 21 St. 21 Kaunas, Vilniaus St. 33, 8.00– Breakfast 8.00– Breakfast 8.00- Breakfast 8.00– Breakfast 8.00– Breakfast 8.00– Breakfast 8.00– Breakfast Arriving 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 Opening 9.30– Kastytis 9.30– Rimantas 10.00– Marek 9.30– Igor Melnikov 12.00 Rūstis Departure 11.00 Antanaitis 11.00 Miknys 13.00 Mutor 11.00 – Kamuntavičius Rūstis 14.00 Kamuntavičius Lithuania and At the Polish – The Russo-French Lietuva and Jan Andrzej Poland in XX crossroads of German war of the 1812 on Litwa in Dąbrowski century in the the old and new reconciliation the Lithuanian, Dean VMU FPSD identity: Michał territory of the Russian history in 20th Polish and Šarūnas Liekis Romer, former Grand Duchy Belarusian textbooks century as an Director of the Stanisław of Lithuania istoriografy of Polish Institute Narutowicz, example of the XX century Małgorzata Antoni Wiwulski building Kasner bridges Robert Kostro between “The legacy of nations Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth” 13.00 Lunch in 11.00– Coffee break in Vero 11.00– Coffee break in 11.00– Coffee break in Vero 14.00 Closing of the Berneliai, M. 11.30 cafe S. Daukanto St. 11.30 Vero cafe S. 11.30 cafe S. Daukanto St. 25 seminar Valancius St. 9 25 Daukanto St. 25 15.00 Presentation of 11.30– Andrei 11.30– Giedrius 11.30– Tomas 17.00 student 13.30 Kazakievic 13.30 Janauskas 13.30 Kavaliauskas researches Historical Lithuania and conflict and Lithuanian identity Poland in cooperation in at flux in the 20 th Belarusian the present and 21st centuries circumstances: Politics the story of Poles in Lithuania 14.00– Lunch 14.00– Lunch 14.00– Lunch 14.00– Lunch 15.00 Berneliai K. 15.00 Berneliai K. 15.00 Berneliai K. 15.00 Berneliai K. Donelaicio 11 Donelaicio 11 Donelaicio 11 Donelaicio 11 15.00– Presentation of 15.00- Kinga 15.00– Andrea 15.00– Kinga Dudzińska 17.00 student 17.00 Dudzińska 17.00 Griffante 17.00 (workshop) researches (workshop) Just a Consistency or Poles and Mother? particularity in the Lithuanians. Vilnius, the foreign policy How much do interests of the two Holy Virgin we know about countries - bilateral ourselves in the Mary and cooperation, twenty-first Multicultural regional, in the EU century. Towns 18.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 Evening Evening 19.00 Evening Evening Evening programme programme programme programme programme .
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