Suggestions for Remembering and Celebrating the Triduum and at Home

Below are ways to bring these celebrations to life with just a few items in our homes. Please go to the web addresses where listed in order to easily find the listed resources. Either copy and paste, or type the address in your browser.

Holy Thursday—

• Read the Readings for Holy Thursday • In the family, wash each other’s feet like Jesus did for his disciples. • Pray the Prayer for ommunion.pdf • Focus on Jesus’ true presence in the in silent prayer. (Video meditation with chant— Pange Lingua)

Good Friday—

• Pray the (online) • Read the Readings for Good Friday (if you are part of a family gathering, take turns reading the different parts of the story of the Lord’s Passion) • Pray the special Solemn Intercessions • Venerate the family’s cross or Crucifix by kneeling. If you are practicing safe distancing at home and touch or kiss the areas of Jesus’ wounds or any part of the cross, please take the time to sanitize between each person.

Holy Saturday Morning—

• Gather Prepared Easter Foods into a Basket • Pray a Prayer of Thanks for the Food or celebrate this Blessing from Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers, Copyright © 2007, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Holy Saturday Night (Vigil of Easter)—

• Light special candles in the house (Candles from children’s Baptisms or candles recently blessed in church this past February 2nd on ) • Read the Readings for the Easter Vigil • Recite the of the Saints (words)-- (Video with Recitation)-- • Renew Baptismal Promises (words)-- (Video with Recitation)-- Or Recite the Nicene Together believe/index.cfm • If you have Holy Water in the house, use a few pine sprigs to sprinkle each other, or make the Sign of the Cross with it.

Easter Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection--

(Same suggestions as above, except there are different readings for Easter Sunday)