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RIGHT: Local residents, members of the Greater Pittsburgh Football Officials Association, officiated at the playoff games in Hershey this winter, left to right: Paul Lancaster, Mike Pearrow, John Jarocki, Joe Kulik, Andy Rizzardi, Gene Kulha, and Joseph E. Kulik. PHOTO SUBMITTED TO REACH US :DOQXW6WUHHW6XLWH,PSHULDO3$ “GOOD NEWS ALWAYS, MAILED & DELIVERED FREE, EVERY TIME” 3KRQH)D[ $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH0RQWRXU(GLWLRQLVDQDOOSRVLWLYHJRRGQHZVSXEOLFDWLRQPDLOHGIUHHLQWRWKHKRPHVDQGEXVLQHVVHVRIWKH (0DLODOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQH#FRPFDVWQHW 0RQWRXU6FKRRO'LVWULFWFRPPXQLWLHVRI,QJUDP.HQQHG\3HQQVEXU\5RELQVRQDQG7KRUQEXUJWRFRQQHFWFRPPXQLWLHVSURPRWHSHRSOH ZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP KHLJKWHQDZDUHQHVVDERXWWKHULFKQHVVRIWKHDLUSRUWUHJLRQDQGEXLOGSULGHLQWKHZHVWHUQVXEXUEVRI$OOHJKHQ\&RXQW\ 0RQWRXU(GLWLRQ 92/,668(-$18$5<)(%58$5< FEATURES COLUMNS PUBLISHING TEAM 3XEOLVKHU (GLWRU·V1RWHV 38%/,6+(5 $1' (',725 Ingram Resource Center 2QWKH+RUL]RQ 3DW-HQQHWWH$35 Open to the Public $66,67$17 (',725 $URXQG<RXU7RZQ 'RXJ+XJKH\ <RXU+RXVH 6HQDWH 3+272*5$3+(56 *3DXO'H%RU6DUDK+XJKH\6KHUU\5HPDO\ )LUH%HDW &KULVWRSKHU5ROLQVRQ-DQH7DOORQ)UDQN9LOVDFN SPECIAL SECTIONS :5,7(56 <RXU6FKRROV .LOH\%UDG\.DLWOLQ%XVFK &KDPEHU%XVLQHVV/LQN 'LFN*ORYLHU-RFHO\Q*UHFNR'RXJ+XJKH\ Montour School +HDWKHU6FKLHIHU0XUUD\-HVVLFD:DVLN District News /LEUDU\1HZV *5$3+,& '(6,*1 &RPPXQLW\&RQQHFWLRQV 6DUDK+XJKH\ $'9(57,6,1* 6$/(6 0DFDURQL.LG 0LFKHOH6KUDGHU :(%0$67(5 ZZZGGVZHEGHVLJQFRP MORE INFO &2175,%87256 7+,6 ,668( ABOUT THE COVER -RH.XOLN.HQQHG\7ZS9)' $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH0RQWRXU(GLWLRQLVSXEOLVKHGLQ-DQXDU\ 3LWWVEXUJK$LUSRUW$UHD&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFH Joe Kulik and his son, Joseph E. Kulik, members of 0DUFK0D\-XO\6HSWHPEHUDQG1RYHPEHUVL[LVVXHVD\HDUE\ 5RELQVRQ7RZQVKLS.HQQHG\7RZQVKLS the Greater Pittsburgh Football Officials Association, -HQQHWWH&RPPXQLFDWLRQV*URXS:DOQXW6WUHHW6XLWH 5RELQVRQ7RZQVKLS/LEUDU\ ,PSHULDO3$0DLOHGDQGGLVWULEXWHGIUHHWRUHVLGHQWVDQG were selected to work the AAA football EXVLQHVVHVLQ.HQQHG\,QJUDP3HQQVEXU\5RELQVRQ7KRUQEXUJ championship in Hershey. Joe served as the referee DQGDGMDFHQWDUHDV([WUDFRSLHVDYDLODEOHDWPXQLFLSDORIILFHV OUR OTHER PUBLICATIONS on the crew, while young Joe was the back judge. VFKRROVOLEUDULHVVWRUHVDGYHUWLVHUVKRWHOVDQGEXVLQHVVHV Both are residents of Kennedy Township. WPIAL $YDLODEOHE\PDLOVXEVFULSWLRQIRUDQQXDOO\6WRU\LGHDVZHOFRPHG -HQQHWWH&RPPXQLFDWLRQV*URXSDOVRSXEOLVKHVWKH crews can only work championship games if there &RPPXQLW\HYHQWVDQGDQQRXQFHPHQWVIURPQRQSURILWJURXSVPXVW 0RRQ(GLWLRQRI$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQHDQGWKH:HVW EHUHFHLYHGE\WKHWKRIWKHPRQWKSULRUWRSXEOLVKLQJGDWH $OOHJKHQ\(GLWLRQRI$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH is no WPIAL team involved in the game, so the $QQRXQFHPHQWVDUHOLPLWHGWRZRUGVDQGPXVWLQFOXGHDFRQWDFW opportunity to work a state championship game is a SKRQHQXPEHU5HSURGXFWLRQRIDQ\DUWZRUNSKRWRJUDSKVRUFRS\ MEMBER: rare opportunity for local officials. This is the second SUHSDUHGE\$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQHLVVWULFWO\SURKLELWHGZLWKRXW year in a row that local officials from GPFOA have ZULWWHQFRQVHQWRI-HQQHWWH&RPPXQLFDWLRQV*URXSDQGYLRODWLRQZLOO EHVWURQJO\HQIRUFHG&RS\ULJKW$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH worked a state championship game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s with every issue, your community businesses are the reason for the publication of Allegheny West Magazine. Please support these businesses. Their support allows us to mail this magazine, free, into the households and most businesses of Ingram, Kennedy, Pennsbury, Robinson, and Thornburg as a community service. $OO6WDWH,QVXUDQFHS -R\FH·V*URRPQ·*RSZZZMMJURRPQJRFRP %RE·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·VSZZZMDQRVNLVFRP 127(: :HOLVWHDFKDGYHUWLVHU·V:HEVLWHKHUHWRRZKHUHDYDLODEOHWRSURYLGHDFFHVVWRDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWHDFK EXVLQHVVDQGDOVRRQRXU:HEVLWHZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP -DQXDU\)HEUXDU\ZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP PUBLISHER & EDITOR’S 1RWHV +RSH:H$UH6HUYLQJ<RX:HOO The holidays have passed once again, and another new year is upon us. We are all most likely making our resolutions and setting our goals for the year. Here at Allegheny West Magazine, we’re taking a moment to look back on the year and review what we accomplished, both as a publication and as a business. What did we do well? Where did we fall short? What can we do better? Looking at ourselves during 2012 helps us to set new goals for 2013. We are always open to suggestions for improvement, story ideas, and more. From our first issue in 1999 until now, in 2013, our goal has always been to be a community connector, a liaison to share good news, information, and announcements that are important to you. That goal will remain unchanged in 2013 as we maintain our mission statement, “Allegheny West Magazine is an all positive, good news publication mailed free into the homes and businesses to connect communities, promote people, heighten awareness about the richness of the airport region, and build pride in the western suburbs of Allegheny County.” Our goals in 2012 included increasing our social media presence by adding more postings on our Facebook page, and communicating more regularly with our advertisers and local businesses through an e-mail newsletter program called Constant Contact. Consider “liking” our Facebook page so you, too, can get updates in between magazine issues. We hope we are doing our job to serve you well. And, we hope to continue that effort through 2013. Happy New Year! Pat Jennette, Publisher & Editor 8QFRYHULQJWKH +LVWRU\RI2LOLQ2XU7RZQV If you’ll recall, in our previous issue of Allegheny West Magazine, we ran a piece on the history of oil drilling in the Robinson Township area. It’s a little known facet of our local history, but one that left a significant mark, and seemed all the more relevant to us in light of the recent natural gas drilling boom. We also ran versions of this story in our other two editions. In the October West Allegheny issue, we looked at how oil built an entire town. This month, for our final installment, we ran a piece in our Moon edition examining what happened to the industry there, and how it ultimately disappeared. You can read both versions on our Web site, where we have the current Moon edition posted, and the October West Allegheny edition available under the archives tab. While you’re there, I hope you’ll flip through some of these other issues to get an idea of what we covered in your neighboring areas over the past year. If you enjoy our Montour edition, I’m sure you’ll find some other stories of interest about our region. We look forward to bringing you more intriguing topics in the coming year. Doug Hughey, Assistant Editor $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH-DQXDU\)HEUXDU\ 1RYHPEHU'HFHPEHUZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP 2QWKH+RUL]RQ2QWKH+RUL]RQ sing four-part a cappella harmony, 2QJRLQJ barbershop style. Any woman, )HEUXDU\ &RPLQJ8SDW :HVWHUQ3$.LGQH\ with or without vocal training, and &DUQHJLH3HUIRUPLQJ WKH:HVW+LOOV 6XSSRUW*URXS meets with average singing ability, is $UWV&HQWHU$XGLWLRQVIRU Sundays, 2:30-4:30 p.m., welcome. Members of Sounds of &LQGHUHOOD, Carnegie Performing Arts Center, 150 East 6\PSKRQ\ King’s Restaurant, Imperial, Pittsburgh Chorus share the love of music and the excitement of Main Street in Carnegie, ages 5- (724) 796-1603. The performing for audiences 12 invited to audition at 10 a.m. :HVW+LOOV6\P is a 70-member, throughout the community. Women and ages 13 and up invited to SKRQLF%DQG -DQXDU\ pro/am ensemble