The International Monetary System: Quo Vadis
Columbia University Department of Economics Discussion Paper Series The International Monetary System: Quo Vadis Robert A. Mundell Discussion Paper #:0102-34 Department of Economics Columbia University New York, NY 10027 March 2002 The International Monetary System: Quo Vadis Robert Mundell Columbia University February 8, 2001 Manuel Guitian Memorial Lecture, International Monetary Fund, February 8, 2001 I. Manuel Guitian Manuel Guitian was one of two brilliant students I met in 1965 at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva. Both went on to the University of Chicago for the Ph.D. program and to great distinction as economists. The other student was Rudiger Dornbusch. My students at Geneva were required to write a research paper on international monetary economics. Manuel and I agreed that he should look into the Poincare-Rist stabilization of the franc in 1926. That got him interested in exchange rate theory and it was an interest that persisted throughout his life. The quality of his analysis of that important episode from the inter-war years convinced me that Manuel had a good future as an economist and I encouraged him to go to Chicago for his Ph.D. University of Chicago Economics in the late 1960s was in one of its golden periods, maybe comparable to Vienna in the 1880s or Harvard, Chicago or Cambridge in the 1930s. There were Frank Knight (emeritus), Earl Hamilton (emeritus), Milton Friedman, Theodore Schultz, Harry Johnson, George Stigler, Hiro Uzawa, Arnold Harberger, Merton Miller, Bert Hoselitz, Robert Fogel, D. Gale Johnson, Gary Becker, Robert Aliber, Arthur Laffer, Stanley Fischer, Herbert Grubel, and myself.
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