Murray City, Utah Multiple Property Submission

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Murray City, Utah Multiple Property Submission NPSNPS ForFonnm 10-900-bIMOO-b 0MB0MB No. 1024-00181024O018 (Nov,. 1999)1999) UtahUtah MSMS WorWordd FormatFormat RECEIRECEIVEVEDD 22822800 UnitedUnited StatesStates DepartmentDepartment ofof thethe InteriorInterior ,-------· NationalNational ParkPark ServiceService 7 APR I 8 2000 NationalNational RegisterRegister ofof HistoricIHistoric PlacesPlaces CP :. AP~ I 8 2 ~ II NNAAT f:LTE'^j.^TEir~y-1' C:C- :;';STOf'!:: STO PIL l PLAPLACECESS MultipleMultiple PropertyProperty DocumentationDocumentation ForFormm . NAfiO;sANA !l01 'ALl FFAS,\:,r.K SERVICESERVICE ThThiiss formform isis forfor useuse inin documentingdocumenting multiplemultiple propertyproperty groupsgroups relatingrelating toto oneone oror severalseveral historichistoric contextscontexts.. SeeSee instructioinstojctionnss inin GuGuidelineideliness forfor CompletingCompleting NationalNational RegisterRegister FormsForms (National(National RegRegisteisterr BulletinBulletin 16). CompleComplettee eacheach itemitem byby mar1<ingmar1<ing "x""x" inin thethe appropriateappropriate boxbox oror byby enteringentering thethe requestedrequested informationinformation.. ForFor additionaladditional spacespace useuse continuationcontinuation sheetssheets (Form(Form 10-900a).10-900a). TypeType allall entriesentries.. _ X_ NewNew SubmissionSubmission AmendeAmendedd SubmSubmissioissionn AA.. NameName ofof MultipleMultiple PropertyProperty ListingListing . > HistoricHistoric ResourcesResources ofof MurrayIVIurray City,City, UtahUtali,, 1850-19501850-1950 B.B. AssociatedAssociated HistoricHistoric ContextsContexts (Name(Name eacheach assocassociateiatedd historichistoric context, identifyingidentifying them,them, geographicalgeographical area, anandd chronologchronologicaicall periodperiod forfor eacheach..)) EarlyEarly AgriculturaAgriculturall andand ResidentialResidential BuildingsBuildings ofof MurrayIVIurray, 1850-19101850-1910 AmericanizatioAmericanizationn ofof MurrayMurray''s ResidentialResidential Architecture,, 1902-1902-19519500 RelReligiouigiouss andand SocialSocial BuildingsBuildings ofof MurrayIVIurray, 1850-19501850-1950 IndustrialIndustrial andand CommercialCommercial BuildBuildingingss ofof Murray,, 1869-19501869-1950 PublicPublic BuildingsBuildings ofof Murray,, 1902-19501902-1950 C. Form Prepared by ^T"" name/titlename/title KorralKorral BroschinskyBroscliinsky organizationorganization =M=u"-rr"""a"-'y_C=-=-ity'--'--'H=is"""to=r"'"ic~P-'-re=s'-'e'--'--rv-'--a=t=io'--'--n~A~d=v~i=so=ry'-'-'B=o=a=r--=-d________Murray City Historic Preservation Advisory Board datedate MarchMarcii 10,10, 20002000 streetstreet & numbernumber '--PP.O"""'.O"-'.-". B"--'o"'--xBox'-' 55876'-"8'-'-7--=-6-=-6 _____________Jelepliontelephone e 801-581-1497801-581-1497 citycity oror towtownn SaltSalt LakeLake CityCity statestate ------UUTT - _zipcodzip codee 84158-076684158-0766 D.D. CertificationCertification AAss thethe designateddesignated authorityauthority underunder thethe NationalNational HistoricHistoric PreservationPreservation AcActt ofof 1966, asas amended,amended , II herebyhereby certifycertify thatthat thisthis documentationdocumentation formform meetsmeets thethe NationalNational RegisterRegister documentationdocumentation standardsstandards andand setssets forthforth requirementsrequirements forfor thethe lilistinstingg ofof relatedrelated propertpropertieiess consconsistenistentt withwith thethe NationalNational RegRegisteisterr crcriteriaiteria.. ThThiis submissionsubmission meetsmeets thethe proceduralprocedural andand professionalprofessional requirementsrequirements setset forthforth inin 3636 CFRCFR PartPart 6060 andand ltiethe Sa_secretarSecretary ofo tf thethe lntecinterioInterior';oesr s StabtanaaraStandardnda,dss fofofjPlannintoiii Plann;ng- g andand EvaluationEval,aUon. SeeSee contcontinuatioinuationn sheesheett SSignaturignaturee ofof certifyingcertifying officialofficial ^/ate / UtahUtah DivisionDivision ofof StateState HHistoryistory,, OfficeOffice ofof HistorHistoriic PreservationPreservation StateState oror Federal agencyagency andand bureaubureau I,I, hereby,hereby, certifycertify thatthat thisthis multiplemultiple propertyproperty documentationdocumentation foforrmm hashas beenbeen approvedapproved byby thethe NationalNational RegisteRegisterr asas a basbasiiss forfor evaluatevaluatiningg relatedrelated P.ropertiesproperties forfor listinglisting iinJthn e NatNationaionall RegRegisterister.. ~ ---=4~j---'-+--"-a7/4~0--- -;,{__^ SignatuSignature'ore f thethe KeeKee^ rr ofof ththe^ationa l Register ~ HistoricHistoric ResourcesResources ofof MurrayMurray City,City, 1850-19501850-1950 UtahUtah NameName ofof MultipleMultiple PropertyProperty ListingListing StateState TableTable ofof ContentsContents forfor WrittenWritten NarrativeNarrative **' ProvideProvide thethe followingfollowing informationinformation onon continuationcontinuation sheets.sheets. CiteCite thethe letterletter andand thethe titletitle beforbeforee eacheach sectionsection ofof thethe narrative.narrative. AssigAssignn pagepage numbernumberss accordingaccording toto thethe instructionsinstructions forfor continuationcontinuation sheetssheets inin HowHow toto CompleteComplete thethe MultipleMultiple PropertyProperty DocumentationDocumentation FormForm (National(National RegisterRegister BulletinBulletin 16B). FillFill inin pagepage numbersnumbers forfor eacheach sectionsection inin thethe spacespace below. PagPagee NumbersNumbers E.E. StatementStatement ofof HistoricHistoric ContextsContexts 1 {If(If moremore thanthan oneone historichistoric contextcontext isis documented,documented, presentpresent themthem inin sequentialsequential order.order.)) F. AssociateAssociatedd PropertyProperty TypesTypes 9 (Provide(Provide description, significance, andand registratioregistrationn requirements.requirements.)) GG.. GeographicalGeographical DataData 1177 H.H. SummarySummary ofof IdentificationIdentification andand EvaluationEvaluation MethodsMethods I18S (Discuss(Discuss thethe methodsmethods usedused inin developingdeveloping thethe publicpublic propertyproperty listinglisting..) 1 I.I. MajorMajor BibliographicalBibliographical ReferencesReferences n19 (List(List majormajor writtewrittenn worldworkss andand primaryprimary locationlocation ofof additionaladditional documentation: StateState HistoricHistoric PreservationPreservation Office,Office, otherother StateState agency,agency, FederalFederal agency,agency, locallocal government,government, university,university, oror other,other, specifyinspecifyingg repository.)repository.) PaperworkPaperwork ReductionReduction AcActt Statement:Statement: ThisThis informationInformation isis beingbeing collectedcollected forfor applicationsapplications toto thethe NationalNational RegisterRegister ofof HistoricHistoric PlacesPlaces toto nominatenominate propertiesproperties forfor listinglisting oror determinedetermine eligibilityeligibility forfor listing,listing, toto listlist properties,properties, andand toto amendamend existingexisting listings. ResponseResponse toto thithiss requestrequest isis requiredrequired toto obtainobtain a benefitbenefit inin accordanceaccordance witwithh thethe NationalNational HistoricHistoric PreservationPreservation Act,. asas amendedamended (16(16 U.SU.S.C.C. 470470 etet seq.)seq .). EstimatedEstimated BurdenBurden Statement:Statement: PublicPublic reportingreporting burdenburden forfor thisthis formform isis estimatedestimated toto averageaverage 1818..1 hourshours perper responseresponse includingincluding timetime forfor reviewingreviewing instructions, gatheringgathering andand maintainingmaintaining data,data, andand completingcompleting andand revreviewiniewingg thethe form. DirectDirect commentscomments regardingregarding thisthis burdenburden estimateestimate oror anyany aspectaspect ofof thisthis formform toto thethe Chief,Chief, AdministrativAdministrativee ServicesServices Division, NationalNational ParkPark Service, PP.O.O.. BoxBox 37127, Washington, DCDC 20013-7127;20013-7127; andand thethe OfficeOffice ofof ManagementManagement andand Budget, PaperworkPapenwork ReductionsReductions ProjectsProjects (1024-0018),(1024-0018), WashWashingtonington, DCDC 20503. 0MB0MB No. 1024-0018,1024-0018. UnitedUnited StatesStates DepartmentDepartment ofof thethe InteriorInterior NationalNational ParkPark ServiceService • * . t NationalNational RegisterRegister ofof HistoricIHistoric PlacesPlaces - ContinuationContinuation SheetSheet SectionSection No._!;_No._E_ PagePage 1 HistoricHistoric ResourcesResources ofof MurrayMurray City, 1850-1950,1850-1950, SaltSalt LakeLake County,County, UtahUtah E.E. STATEMENTSTATEMENT OFOF HISTORICHISTORIC CONTEXTSCONTEXTS MurrayMurray hashas undergoneundergone fourfour majormajor periodsperiods ofof development.development. TheThe firstfirst wawass a periodperiod ofof agrarianagrarian settlementsettlement lastinglasting fromfrom 18481848 toto 1869.1869. TheThe secondsecond wawass anan industrialindustrial boomboom followinfollowingg thethe comingcoming ofof thethe railroadrailroad andand thethe establishmentestablishment ofof severalseveral smelterssmelters inin thethe area.area. ThoughThough agricultureagriculture continuedcontinued inin MurrayMurray forfor somesome time, thethe agrarianagrarian economeconomyy wawass increasinglyincreasingly supplantedsupplanted byby industryindustry andand commerce.commerce. ThisThis periodperiod lastedlasted fromfrom 18701870 toto 1931,1931, thethe yearyear thethe GreatGreat DepressionDepression reachedreached Murray.. ThisThis periodperiod alsoalso includedincluded
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