Nordic Light Oct 2012
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OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2012 ordic ight NA JOINT SWEDCHAM / NBCC PUBLICATION L Rio TRADITIONAL TRADE FAIR Oil & BRINGS GREAT OPPORTUNITIES Gas Rio Rio’s TRADITIONAL TRADE FAIR Oil & BRINGS GREAT OPPORTUNITIES WWW.SWEDCHAM.COM.BR WWW.NBCC.COM.BR Gas OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2012 >> contents NordicLight NordicLight is the quarterly publication of Swedcham and NBCC 4. The NBCC Rio Oil & Gas Networking Dinner is 12. The Swedish summer brought a harvest considered the highlight of the year by the Norwegian- of closer Swedish-Brazilian relations in the Brazilian business community. form of official visits and new agreements. 14. Young Professionals is a new 24. Swedcham and Kreab Gavin 28. ABB wins US$ 55 million Swedcham project that aims to help young Anderson Brazil (S/A Comunicação) order to supply substations and Swedish graduates connect with Swedish conduct a survey of Swedish transmission infrastructure for the companies in Brazil. companies in this country. Brazilian utility Eólicas do Sul. 33. Aker Solutions signs major contract to supply drilling 35. Bergen Group Dreggen hires new engineer and equipment packages for a series of six deepwater drillships. celebrates new contracts on the Brazilian market. Sections 15. Sweden in Rio >> 16. Brazilcham News >> 26. Swedish Trade Council >> 33. NBCC pages 44. Swedcham News >> 50. Member News >> 54. Legal Framework for Business Development 56. Human Capital >> 57. Innovation & Sustainability >> Cover Story NBCC Rio Oil & Gas event By Runa Hestmann Tierno highlight of the year Photos courtesy of Paulo Rodrigues “The NBCC networking dinner is becoming a tradition and the event is a great opportu- Aldo Flores, João Carlos Ferraz, both from Sete Brasil, nity for Norwegian companies to promote and NBCC Chairman Jon Harald Kilde. themselves,” said Consul General Helle Klem, here accompanied by Deputy Minister of Petroleum and Energy Per Rune Henriksen and NBCC Chairman Jon Harald Kilde he NBCC Rio Oil & Gas (ROG) Net- work, but it is you whose joint efforts and commitment working Dinner is frequently referred produce the results,” Norway’s Deputy Minister of to as the highlight of the year by the Petroleum and Energy, Per Rune Henriksen, said in his Norwegian-Brazilian business com- opening address at the event. munity in Rio de Janeiro. About 600 Several high-profile guests were present, among distinguished guests found their way them the CEO of Sete Brasil, João Carlos Ferraz. to the Itanhangá Golf Club on August 19. “Not coming here tonight was not an option for me T at all. Sete Brasil has close relations with several Nor- The networking dinner is hosted by the NBCC and the Norwegian Embassy, and took place wegian companies. Norway is currently the capital of for the fourth time, on the warmest day of the the international oil and gas industry, especially when it Deputy Minister of season. A variety of dishes and drinks were comes to advanced technology, vessels and rigs. All big, Petroleum and Energy international companies are present in Norway today, Per Rune Henriksen served, from sushi to“caipirinha”, and as the formally opened the temperature reached 41 degrees Celsius, a lot of and I cannot predict the future, but we are working Norwegian Pavilion at guests were looking to quench their thirst and hard to make Rio the next oil capital of the world,” ROG on September 17. “Norway and Brazil have a good time in the elegant surroundings at Ferraz told “NordicLight” during the event. are both great energy the Itanhangá Golf Club. nations,” he said. (Photo courtesy of Runa “Brazil is on the tip of everyone’s tongue in the Biggest offshore market Hestmann Tierno) petroleum industry, and this is an event I’ve been Ferraz’s statement is in line with a recent Int- looking forward to. I understand it has become a sok report that shows that Brazil is about to pass biennial institution during the Rio Oil & Gas Expo. Norway and become the world’s biggest offshore All the people present here tonight have an instru- market. According to the report, the investments mental role in ensuring a successful Norwegian- on the Norwegian continental shelf over the next Brazilian collaboration. Politicians create frame- three years are estimated at US$ 186 billion, while 4 OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2012 the offshore expenditure for Brazil is estimated to presentation to the participants at a seminar on surpass US$ 193 billion. September 18. “Norwegians should look at Brazilian The numbers consolidate Brazil as a very attrac- business more like they look at football. They respect tive market, and the global offshore industry had Brazilian football. Brazil has the same potential its eyes on Rio and the Rio Oil & Gas Expo and when it comes to doing business, and should not be Conference this September. An estimated 50,000 underestimated,” Riccardi said. people visited the trade exhibition, considered the Intsok gave its insights on the oil & gas and off- most important oil and gas event in Latin America, shore market in Brazil during a seminar on Septem- attracting exhibitors from all over the world. The ber 19, and both Carlos Camerini, superintendent Norwegian deputy minister of petroleum and energy at ONIP, the national organization for the Brazilian spent five busy days in Rio during this year’s expo. oil industry, and Sete Brasil CEO Ferraz emphasized “Stable and predictable framework conditions in the plentiful opportunities for Norwegian suppliers combination with huge discoveries in recent years in spite of the Brazilian local content regime. Sete make Brazil an attractive petroleum province for Brasil, an investment company created in 2010 to Norwegian industry and research institutions. With manage asset portfolios, mainly of rigs, has 31 rigs a technology-driven oil company like Petrobras to contracted, and six of them are being built by the unlock the resources, the industry is given great Norwegian companies Odfjell Drilling and Seadrill. opportunities to solve technology challenges and “In the drilling packages 50-80% will be foreign provide products and solutions for the future here content, and in the marine packages, 40-60% will be in Brazil. I know the Norwegian industry has a lot to foreign. Norway will be among the main sources,” offer this country, especially in deep sea drilling and Ferraz said. subsea solutions,” Henriksen said. Camerini recalled that there are only 34 offshore oil fields in production or development in Brazil, Tailor-made events and 314 more exploratory areas. “The future in this The Norwegian Pavilion at the Riocentro Conven- industry is big,” he noted. tion Center was among the biggest international pa- vilions at the ROG exhibition this year, and Henriksen Meeting place formally opened it on September 17. Several events The attendance at the NBCC Networking Dinner and tailor-made seminars took place during the is another fact proving the high temperature in the expo, and on September 17 Henriksen also opened a industry. The Norwegian Embassy and the Consulate seminar on opportunities and cooperation financing General in Rio co-hosted the event, and according the oil, gas and shipping sectors. One of the most to Consul General Helle Klem, it is important for common causes of inefficient cross-border project Norway to mark a presence during a busy week like collaboration is the lack of good communication. the ROG week. “The Norwegian presence in Rio For several years, Pellegrino Riccardi has worked is significant. ROG gives us a great opportunity to within the multicultural oil and gas sector providing mark this presence in a proper way,” she said. advice on how to avoid the most common pitfalls, ”The large participation here tonight reflects and he delivered an entertaining and humorous the high Brazilian activity level, with a substantial Itanhangá Golf Club Bjørn Røstad of SR Transport The band Eletrompete played. Kjetil Hove from Statoil, accompanied by Norwegian participation. The idea is to give our Francesca, the wife of be to meet the Brazilian industry, and an event like NBCC Chairman Jon members and partners a venue for networking, and this networking dinner is the highlight of the week”, Harald Kilde, and Hilde this is a place where suppliers can meet potential and Carl Arnet of BW said NCE Subsea General Manager Trond Olsen. Offshore buyers, where people hook up,” said NBCC Chair- After a couple of years of carefully considering man Jon Harald Kilde. the Brazilian market and talking to possible busi- The importance of networking was frequently ness partners, Managing Director Bjørn Røstad of mentioned by the many guests at the event. “We’re SR Transport signed a shareholder agreement with here to meet people, and keep warm the relations Brazil’s Nicomex on September 19. with our business partners in Brazil. The NBCC has “Our new company SR Logistica will provide managed to gather a considerable group of interest- logistics services and solutions, warehouse facili- ing representatives from both the Brazilian industry ties and transportation of goods to Norwegian and and the Norwegian industry present in Brazil,” said other customers in Brazil. We have been working on Carl Arnet, CEO of BW Offshore. this for a couple of years, and built a close relation- According to Terje Staalstrøm, president of the ship with the Castro family, third-generation owners Brazilian-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in of Nicomex Logistica Internacional through visits, Norway, building close and personal relations is meetings and family dinners,” Røstad said. important to succeeding in Brazil. Helle Moen, direc- tor at Innovation Norway in Rio, agrees. “It’s not Second biggest oil producer only important, it is crucial. In Brazil you need to use Statoil is one of the main sponsors of the time to gain trust and build a personal relationship networking dinner. The company is currently the with your professional partners.