The Web Magazine 1992, December
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Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The eW b Magazine Gardner-Webb Publications 12-1992 The eW b Magazine 1992, December Robin T. Burton Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Burton, Robin T., "The eW b Magazine 1992, December" (1992). The Web Magazine. 52. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Gardner-Webb Publications at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eW b Magazine by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Dear Friend: In the life of an institution there are often a few major events -- watershed dates - that dramatically impact its future history. In Gardner-Webb’s history there have been four major events: (1) the decision to begin the Boiling Springs High School in 1905, (2) the decision to become a junior college in 1928, (3) the Gardner- Webb name in 1942, and (4) the decision to become a senior college in the late 1960s. It is with great pride and anticipation that I announce to you that on January 1,1993 our name will officially become Gardner-Webb University. This is the culmination of a lengthy process which has involved all major Gardner-Webb constituencies. University status recognizes Gardner-Webb’s current quality, size, complexity, and degree offerings, but it also helps focus our vision for the future. That decision is to become the best regional university of our type. Built on a history of change and growth, Gardner-Webb University will wear her new name with pride. Exciting things are happening at Gardner-Webb. We continue to grow in student numbers. New endowments allow us to make financial aid available to more and more students. In addition to strengthening the undergraduate programs, a School of Divinity will begin offering graduate training for ministers this spring. Plans are well underway for a Graduate School of Business which will offer an MBA degree. Other program expansions are being studied. The name Gardner-Webb University is indicative of growth, change and a look to the future. We hope you will join us — as friends, alumni and supporters — in helping Gardner-Webb University rise to the challenges and needs of a new day. With all this talk of change, however, we must remember that some things will always remain the same — the intimate atmosphere where professors know their students, the Christian environment that is our cornerstone, the beauty of our campus nestled here in the foothills, and the feel that each person who enters our campus gates is special. Gardner-Webb College to Gardner-Webb University ... we will always remain “People Who Care.” Sincerely, M. Christopher White President <5v- -iySZvKKlSn«JR j^£XfwgvFsg fflgps 5v-«xJ!m;w. t • ’'iWj v^y-p. \VW' ■k'Sk,Kv«/: .<vO m yPpo SBiwigaojSiW*5v Ky.-lvCv Ifeg PP& mmm Mpi lw H*; Wmem!& asSssBc |® BSi r’JtOTx,; ».SMU 11IIPIIS mmm mM^mm w .*>« fvm ■^w*’ ;VJ >» 4&k| « CONTENTS I N THE WEB Volume 3. Number 4 December, 1992 AROUND THE WEB ... pages 1-13 A publication of the Division of College Begins School of Divinity College Relations Phil Perrin Climbs Mt. Everest M. Christopher White, Alumnus, Young Alumnus of the Year Named at President Homecoming Ralph W. Dixon Jr., Vice Scholarship Remembers Robbie Dixon, Honors President for College Relations Scoot Dixon Robin T. Burton, Editor Wilson Brooks, Art Director SPORTS Mark Wilson, Sports Editor ... pages 14-18 Pam Sharts, Photographer Hall of Fame Honors Four Football Team Nears Championship The Web is published for alumni, parents and friends of Gardner- Sells Wins Athletic Award Webb College. It is published four times a year, with issues in ALUMNI spring, summer, fall and winter. Please mail information and ... pages 19-26 address changes to: Campos Family Faces Wrath of Hurricane The Web Post Office Box 976 Gallery of Distinguished Graduates Boiling Springs, North Carolina Passages/Class Notes 28017 (704) 434-2361 Your comments are welcome. DECEMBER 1 9 9 2 /1 AROUND THE WEB School of Divinity To Be Launched at Gardner-Webb On Thursday, Aug. 27, of the two graduate level offer¬ Dr. Lamb, noting that the two, the Executive Commit¬ ings. The M.A. in Christian Min¬ however, are two separate de¬ tee of the Gardner- istry is a 42-hour degree de¬ gree programs. Webb College Board of Trustees signed to meet the needs of min¬ "Gardner-Webb has earned formally approved a School of isters with limited time sched¬ the respect of Baptists in North Divinity at Gardner-Webb. ules. The maximum class hour Carolina for being a good Chris¬ Long-time faculty member load for M.A. in Christian Min¬ tian school," said Dr. White. Dr. Robert L. Lamb was named istry students will be six hours "There is a high level of trust for to serve as Dean of the Divinity per semester. Also, an under¬ who we are." School. graduate degree in religion/re¬ White did note, however, "The entrance of this institu¬ ligious education or 18 hours of that Gardner-Webb is not offer¬ tion into theological education undergraduate study in reli¬ ing the higher theological de¬ at the graduate level is a natural, gion is required for admission gree as a means of competition, maybe inevitable, growth pro¬ but to meet the needs of the cess," said Chris White. community. "This institution is White continued, "We have not a part of any controversy, been in theological education nor does it seek to be ... but to for decades," noting that be above that controversy," Gardner-Webb has had sev¬ said White. eral thousand graduates in In offering the Master of Christian ministry. "And, Divinity, Gardner-Webb we have built a faculty joins company with such re¬ widely recognized for excel¬ gional schools as Duke Uni¬ lence — in both academics versity, Emory University's and Christian commit¬ Candler School of Theology, ment," he added. Gardner-Webb University Vanderbilt University, In addition, Gardner- Samford's Beason School, Webb boasts a library facil¬ |£>cI)ool of Btotnttp Columbia Bible College and ity and collection that is to Seminary and Southeastern date superior to that offered Baptist Theological Semi¬ by many seminaries. The nary. school's location is ideal as well, to the M.A. in Christian Minis¬ With the Board's approval. situated in a rural setting yet try. The Master of Divinity is a Dr. Lamb and the Department near the metropolitan centers of three-year (approximately 90 of Religious Studies have devel¬ Charlotte, Greenville and semester hour) basic profes¬ oped curriculum, policies and Asheville. sional degree. It is comparable guidelines for the Divinity The offering of a Master of to similar degrees in theological School. The Divinity School will Divinity at Gardner-Webb fol¬ seminaries and divinity automatically be accredited by lows a recent move by the Col¬ schools. Students will be per¬ the Southern Association of lege to introduce a Master of mitted to take a heavier class Schools and Colleges and will Arts in Christian Ministry. The load and the M.Div. does not seek accreditation from the response to the M.A. in Chris¬ require an undergraduate de¬ American Theological Schools. tian Ministry, which will begin gree in religion as an admission In doing so, many of the devel¬ January 1993, has been over¬ prerequisite. opments involved will be de¬ whelming, according to Dr. "The two programs will signed to meet the ATS guide¬ White. overlap in purpose, educating lines. However, the Gardner- Dr. Lamb explained the roles people for the ministry," said Webb program will have some distinctives. 2 / T H E WEB Dr. Robert L. Lamb Scholastic Appointed Dean Awards of Divinity School Presented II r. Robert L. Lamb has mentor for Doctorate of Minis¬ To Class | JJ been appointed Dean tries students at Drew Univer¬ 1—of the new School of Di¬ sity and Southeastern Baptist vinity. Dr. Lamb is professor of Theological Seminary. From Members religious education and religion 1977 until 1979 he was Associate and in the Department of Reli¬ Director of Seminary Extension Scholastic awards gious Studies and Philosophy. in Nashville, Tenn. were presented during A graduate of Stephen F. Dr. Lamb has served North Fall Convocation to the Austin State University in Carolina Baptists as a member member of each class Nacogdoches, Texas, he holds of the Long Range Study and with the highest scholas¬ both an M.A. in Religious Edu¬ Planning Committee and as tic average. This year's cation and an Educational Doc¬ chair of the Minister Support award winners were: torate from Southwestern Bap¬ Advisory Committee. In addi¬ FRESHMAN tist Theological Seminary. Dr. tion, he has been president of Lamb has done further study at the North Carolina Religious AWARD: Westminster Choir College, Education Association and was Heather Michelle Baylor University, North Caro¬ vice president for the Southern Barnes, daughter of Ri¬ lina State University and Appa¬ Baptist Religious Education As¬ chard and Carolyn lachian State University. sociation in 1990-91. Barnes of Hampton, Va.; During his 27 years of teach¬ A member of Boiling Angela Andrea Orsky, ing at Gardner-Webb, Dr. Lamb Springs Baptist Church, Dr. daughter of Andrew and has served in many capacities. Lamb's professional involve¬ Geraldine Morrison of He has been vice-chair of the ments include the National As¬ Mooresboro; and James faculty, a member of the aca¬ sociation of Baptist Professors Bernard Dress, son of demic council and chaired the of Religion, In-Service Guid¬ John and Lorraine Dress Department of Religious Stud¬ ance Directors, the American of Lilburn, Ga.