Classified Excellent Dutch’S 11:30—12:30—Cummins Orches.—C Tn E Ads Condition; Cheap

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Classified Excellent Dutch’S 11:30—12:30—Cummins Orches.—C Tn E Ads Condition; Cheap LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT 1 CITATION BY PUBLICATION to the return day hereof. In some I \ in Business Services Merchandise STATE O'"1 TEXAS newspaper published your __ Radio Features OREGON TESTS ! THE —-- Today’s county. To the sheriff or coistable of any Herein fail but have be* SUNDAY. JANUARY 29 (Central and Eastern Standard Timel not. you 6 4 Personal Cameron county—Greeting. (ore said on the first of MASON TRANSFER CO. 54 For Sale • Miacel. fSttNote—All to key and basic chain or group' thereof unless speci court, day programs commanded to the this writ, SPwneoast to coast (c to designation Include.- all available stations.! You are hereby next term hereof, DONT SUFFER with feet Contractors for Missouri c) VALLEY FRUIT your LEATHER Blind bridled seventy subject to MORS IK at summon Rosa Lee whose res- with vour return thereou. showing All foot trouble treated 30 Pacific PMratng change. Day. Davis, yean five cents; lesther tesm hsmess, East. J how you have executed the same. Dr. San (By The Associated Press) Cent. tdenoe is unknown, to appear at the experience. Hillnger. Pick, up and delivery service Witness of the seven fifty; h.une strap*, collar 7:00— 8:00— Muscale—»abc to J. J. Bishop, clerk Benito Highway, San Ben- NBC-WEAF NETWORK Morning (Special The Herald* term ol the Criminal phone Hauling of All Kinds pads. Brownsville Hardware. 1114 8:00— 9:00—Columbia Junior Bugle neat regular District Court of Cameron county, ito 6023 F 11. 1102 BASIC—East: weaf wed wtic ! HARLINGEN. Jan. 28—Samples 1105 ADAMS 8T. — (key) 6.30— #:30— Daily Health Talk—east Court of Cameron Texas. PHONE 139 wj*r wfbr wrc District county, wtag wc*h wfi wht *sy Parade—we-t of various of scale infect- of All 55 & Accessories when Midwest: Melody grades Given under hand and seal Packing Kinds Boats wc«e wtam wwj wsai: 8:45— 9.45—Marian Carley. Piano Texas, to be held at the courthouse my 7 Professional wcfl Wow wdal wmaq kiwi woc-mbo 9t00—10 00—Church of the Air—lo c ed Valley citrus fruit which of said court in the city of Browns- — thereof in the city ot Brownsville, FOR SALE—Inboard motor boat. NORTHWEST A CANADIAN wttlij 9:30—10:30—Compmsay Trio—also c ville. this the 14th of January. r efcf have ben lHissed on by the quar in day almost wlb* keip webc wday kfj ckgw ; — on the second Monday February, JO feet Dory type, 10:00—11.00 Children's Hour—wabc A. D. 1933. long. SOUTH wr\a wptf wwnc w:s wja* Duets ant me division of the federal 13th in Febru- F. W. jI only Arnold and Carliie. 1933, being the day DR. W. A. JONES new; for 1-3 coat. Col. wila-WMin wind w-m v. 11c wsb wap) Makers—also cst bureau J J. Bishop LAWN 10:30—il:30—Melody inspection at Salem, Ore., ary. A. D. 1933. then and there .to MOWERS 'sharpened and Clover. Ft. Brown. wjdx WKtnb k\oo wky wfaa slap kprc 11:0O—12:00— Mormon Choir—ost to cst Clerk of the District Court of woai Mbs have been passed on by the quar- answer a filed in the said Dentist repaired. Complete line of repair kill* 11:30—12:30—Talk from London—to c petition A an- Cameron County, Texas for makes MOUNT IN—kna k4>l ,,*tr rghl Street c of Hart Longmo. he court or. the 14th day o' January, parts all Rommer Weld- 57 Lbr & MatM 1 11:45—12:45—The Singer—alto 1 COAST—ken kfl I. .mo L 403 Bld«~ kgw khq kpo nounced today. A. D. 1933. the file number of whicn By George, deputy. State National Bank ing and Repair Shop. S39 l?th St keca kex kjr kga kfsd kgu (AFTERXOOX) the of Jan- wrote Chat. A. Cole, in- is Issued this 14th day 1104 6x6 12x12 and 3x12 12:00— 1:00—Thirty Mm Men—also c Longin© is 11962. m which suit D J. Davis TIMBERS to iUORMSO) uary. A. D. 1933. Phone 704 12:30— 1:30—Church cf the Air—c t" c spection chief in Oregon, askin» plaintiff and Rosa Lee Davis is de- tor sale or trade. Wanted small Cent. East. 1:00— 2 00—Ed McConnell—also const (1 -15-22-29-5—4t—4504 > him to advise what grades would fendant; the cause of action being Credit Extended 11 34 Insurance building, any kind lumber or what 7:00— 8:00—Melody How'—*avt only 1:15— 2:15—Sunday Matmee—basic De&ired t>e under the as follows: have vou. Wrecker. Armadillo ®:0O— 9:00—Balladeers with Trio 1:15— 2:45—Poetry Reading—- tn c acceptable Oregon alleged 1:30— 9:30— Sparklets Woodwinds 2 00— 3:00—N. Y. Philharmonic—to c law. Of all grades submitted, only A suit for divorce alleging that Mill. • 45— _III! 9:45—Jay Alden Edk'ns, Basso 4.00— 5:00—Roses and Drums. Drams two would be unconditionally con- plaintiff and defendant were mar- • :00—10:00—Southland Sketches, Voc. INSURANCE j demned. Cole advised. ried 18. 1926. and that de- Announcements 50 Flowers 9:30—10:30—The Musical Art Quartet NETWORK April Seeds, Plants, 1 NBC-WJZ DR. S. JUDD EARLEY 10:00—11:00—Songs by Radio Rubes Shippers who are sending ci- fendant. without just cause, left BONDS V 10:15—11:15—Major Bowes—alho coast: BASIC — East: wjs (key) wt»x-wbxa trus fruit to Oregon will be inter- plaintiffs bed and board with in- ENJOY^CTTRUS (ruUsT* ifsununer MARSH SEEDLESS grwpefrult and Adventurer wlw DENTIST will 11:15—12:15—A Vagabond wlal wham kilka wj;ar wjr wsyr; ested in the Information received tention of abandoning him. on the Treat them with “Brintex”. Re- orange trees; guaranteed stock; 11:30—12:30— Impressions of Italy Midwest: wvky kyw kfkx wenr wla W. from that state. believes. 15th of October. 1929. since which duces and B. CLINT ball, trade for itood furniture live ( APTMt.VOOS) kwl. kw<r koil nrrn w maq kso Longino decay shrinkage. Easily 335 Elizabeth St Phone 7S5 — R. Loah. NORTHWEST A. CANADIAN w tmj time such abandonment and deser- now'. Rus- Phone 4 stock or machinery. Ray 12:00— 1:00—To Be Announced applied. Investigate h i.h webc ckgw cfcf Brown*vllle Texas McAllen. Phone 654. IIIS 12:30— k>tp wday kfyr More books have been written tion has continued up to the filing sell Brandt. Brownsville. 1105 1:30—Cleveland “Pop” Concert — SOUTH vma wptf wwnc WI8 WjaX 1:00— 2:00— Inf I Radio Forum—c to c on Abraham Lincoln than of this ] wi.a-wsun wi‘)d wsm wmc wsb wapl any petition. 1:15— 2.15—Doerr’s c DETECTIVES — so- EXTRA FINE two year old rose Saxophones—to wjix wsmb kvoo srky wfaa wbap kpre other man. Napoleon held the You are commanded to so summon Investigations 1:30— 2:30—Moonshine. Honeysuckle and woa* ktbs kths record to 1870. such defendant, and to serve this licited. Finger print and hand- bushes. Radiance. Columbia 2:00— 3:00—Wayne King Or.—also c prior j WOOD and DODD MOUNTAIN—kna kdyl kp-r kiehl citation of writing expert. See Herman V other varieties. 62 50 a dosen. Pixie 2:30— 3:30— Dr. S. P. Cadman—c to c — by publication | PACIFIC COAST kg" kfi kew knmo | making 3:00— 4:00—Jane Froman—also coast 1 the world's this once in each for Bennett, criminologist Flower Shop. 440 West Elizabeth. khq kpo keca kex kjr Wca kind ktar Ninety per cent of i citation, week consulting Announcements INSURANCE 3:15— 4:15—John and Vee—also cat 1 f 1123 is made of cotton. four i4> consecutive weeks Consultation by appointment only "] 3:30— 4:30—Great Medical Moments MORS ISO l clothing previois Phone 66. Alta Vista Port SURETY BONDS 4:00— 5:00—Lowell Thomas—e only Cent. East. i Apts. 4:15— 163 51 Wanted Miscellaneous 6:15—Dream Dramas—basic 7:00— 8:00—Tone Pictures—east only Isabel. 8 Travel Opportunities Phones 100 101 _ _ If are not able to CBS WABC NETWORK 8:00— 9:00—The NBC Children s Hour , you buy Brownsville 9:00—10:00—Mexican Marimba Band ARNOIL STEAM is highly recom- Kowalski WANTED to buy upright piano; BASIC—East: wicc wade the new things that you PLAZA HOTEL Travelers' Bureau. Spivey Building wabc (key) 9:30—10:30—Fiddler* Three A Piano T7JY f f* mended to cure scalp and hair must be reasonable. Phone 1119 J. w->,ko wcao u aab wtutc wgr wkbw \. kre i 9:45—10:45—Lowell Patton. Organist want and need, not fix Those wishing to travel or room 11119 whk ckok wdre »uu why troubles. Visit Amayas Shop ana wip-wfan wjas 10:00—11:0O—Morning Musicale. Vocal X / s\^ X/ X/ for little money phone 486. 191 wean wfbl wsjal wjav; Midwest: wbbuj 11:00—12:00—Baby Rose Mane—wjz up the old? You’ll find be convinced. Free examination. wfbm wcco knmx wowo wrgn kmbe 11:15—12:15—Roxy's Gang—cst to cst 19. 62 Let’s Swap EAST AND CANALIAN —wpg whp listed below men who specialize in their particular wlhw whec wlbs wfea wore efrh ckac ( FTERXOOX) are and welcome Employment in for — line of work.
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