U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service BORRADOR DEL PLAN ABARCADOR DE CONSERVACIÓN BORRADOR DELPLANABARCADORDECONSERVACIÓN DELAGUNACARTAGENA REFUGIO NACIONALDEVIDASILVESTRE Susan Silander, Supervisora de los Refugios de Vida Silvestre del Caribe Oscar A. Díaz-Marrero, Administrador del Refugio Refugio Nacional de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de Laguna Cartagena P.O. Box 510 Boquerón, PR 00622 REFUGIOREFUGIO NACIONALNACIONAL DEDE VIDAVIDA Teléfono: (787) 851-7258 SILVESTRESILVESTRE Fax (787) 255-6725 DEDE LAGUNALAGUNA CARTAGENACARTAGENA E-mail
[email protected] BORRADORBORRADOR DELDEL PLANPLAN ABARCADORABARCADOR Servicio Federal de Pesca y Vida Silvestre 1-800-344-WILD DEDE CONSERVACIÓNCONSERVACIÓN http:www.fws.gov julio 2011 Photo provided by Jim Abernethy’s Scuba Adventures Front Cover Photo Credits: Background/open water - David Bocanegra/USFWS Yellow crown night heron - Bryant Marcial/USFWS Whistling duck - Bryant Marcial/USFWS Orange bishop bird - Bryant Marcial/USFWS Photo blind structure - David Bocanegra/USFWS Observation tower - David Bocanegra/USFWS Common moorhen - Bryant Marcial/USFWS White-cheeked Pintail - Bryant Marcial/USFWS Whistling duck - Bryant Marcial/USFWS Refuge sign - David Bocanegra/USFWS Comprehensive Conservation Plans provide long-term guidance for management decisions; set forth goals, objectives, and strategies needed to accomplish refuge purposes; and identify the Fish and Wildlife Service’s best estimate of future needs. These plans detail program planning levels that are sometimes substantially above current budget allocations