Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE L’Chayim 1st September - 31st October 2016 28th Sivan 5776 - 29th Tishrei 5777 Festival Dates to remember Date Event Sunday 2nd October Erev Rosh Hashanah Service commences 7pm, Rabbi Ash Contacts: Monday 3rd October Rosh Hashanah -1st day Synagogue Office: Service commences 10.30am, Lisa Sachs Rabbi Ash (Administrator Wed & Fri 10am-3pm), Tuesday 4th October Rosh Hashanah- 2nd day Princes Street, No service, time for your Southport, PR8 1EG Tel.& Fax. personal reflection? 01704 535950 Saturday 8th Shabbat Shuvah Service October commences 11am: Service leader Fortune Chamberlain email:
[email protected] Tuesday 11th Kol Nidrei, Rabbi Ash website: October Service commences 7pm, fast commences 6:06pm Wednesday Yom Kippur , Rabbi Ash Emergencies: 12th October Shacharit 11am Please contact the office Yizkor ( Memorial Service) The Sternberg Centre 5.00pm (approx) home to the Movement Shofar ( Service Ends) for Reform Judaism 7.00pm: fast ends 7.14pm General Enquires: Sunday 16th October Sukkah decorating , 3pm, 02083495724 meal at 5pm, Erev Sukkot Service starts 6.30pm . Monday 17th October Sukkot: Service commences 11am. PAGE !1 Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE Date Event Sunday 23rd October Erev Simchat Torah 7 pm, For those receiving L’Chayim by e-mail, you can print off your own with Student Rabbi Kath calendar at home. Vardi. Monday 24th October Simchat Torah, Service commences 11am,. Yizkor is recited in this service PLEASE NOTE ALL SYNAGOGUE MEMBERS AND FRIENDS WILL RECEIVE A NUMBERED TICKET FOR HIGH HOLY TICKET DAYS ACCORDING TO THEIR MEMBERSHIP.