Existancy and Survey of Medicinal Plants of Bidar District, Karnataka (India)
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World Research Journal of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants ISSN: 2278-9863 & E-ISSN: 2278-9871, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, pp.-14-21. Available online at http://www.bioinfo.in/contents.php?id=159 EXISTANCY AND SURVEY OF MEDICINAL PLANTS OF BIDAR DISTRICT, KARNATAKA (INDIA) KALMATH S.V.1, PATIL M.S.1, KRITIKA S.K.1, MAHANTESH S.P.2 AND PATIL C.S.2 1Karnataka Arts, Science, Commerce College Bidar- 585401, Karnataka, India 2B.V. Bhoomaraddi College of UG and PG Bidar- 585403, Karnataka, India *Corresponding Author: Email- [email protected] Received: June 12, 2012; Accepted: July 20, 2012 Abstract- The Bidar district have several medicinal plants, it helped to develop the traditional knowledge and folk medicine to cure various diseases. This knowledge is used by pharmaceutical agents, suppliers and Phytochemistry researchers to exploit the rich source in the form of raw drugs. An ethno botanical survey of Bidar District was made to collect the information from traditional practitioners with the use of medicinal plants of Bidar district of Karnataka (INDIA). As our survey About 41 plants largely used by the traditional practitioners and local peoples of Bidar district have been enumerated in this paper. These plants contain important phytochemicals and are employed in the vari- ous ailments. The main aim of this work is to survey, document the existence of medicinal plants of Bidar district for the benefit of mankind and further investigation. Keywords- Medicinal plants, Bidar district, Traditional practitioner. Citation: Kalmath S.V., et al. (2012) Existancy and Survey of Medicinal Plants of Bidar District, Karnataka (India). World Research Journal of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, ISSN: 2278-9863 & E-ISSN: 2278-9871, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp.-14-21. Copyright: Copyright©2012 Kalmath S.V., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attrib- ution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Introduction panse of 5448 square kilometers of land lies between 17°35’ and Since Early times, man has used many plants for medicine, tim- 18°25’ North latitudes and 76°42’minutes and 77°39’ east longi- ber, food and fuel., Due to this rich Plant Biodiversity, the tradi- tudes (Fig. 1). tional knowledge on the use of plants as medicine is well docu- As per provisional reports of Census India, population of Bidar in mented. The interest in the ethnobotanical research has in- 2011 is 211,944; of which male and female are 109,435 and creased considerably for the last few decades. Many Investiga- 102,509 respectively. Average literacy rate of Bidar city is 87.65 tors, Research Scholars directed towards valorization of ethno percent of which male and female literacy was 92.88 and 82.08 botany because of belief that traditional medicines remedies may percent respectively. Total children (0-6) in Bidar city are 25,077 be useful sources for the new therapeutic products. About 1/3 as per figure from Census India report on 2011. population of Bidar district depends on the traditional medicine as Bidar city is known for its Bidri handicraft products. Manjira Riv- it is commonly available and does not cause any side effect. er is one of the main rivers supplying drinking water to Bidar. Re- Since there is no so far study reported in the district, the present cently Bidar was ranked 22nd among the cleanest cities in India report is communicated. and 5th cleanest in Karnataka. It has a rich heritage of herbal medicinal plants Methodology During the Year 2010-11, several field trips were undertaken to Bidar district is located on Deccan Plateau in the North-Eastern different villages of Bidar district. In several villages as our survey Part of Karnataka covering total area of Bidar covering an ex- we got 12 famous traditional practitioners were they are regularly World Research Journal of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants ISSN: 2278-9863 & E-ISSN: 2278-9871, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012 Bioinfo Publications 14 Existancy and Survey of Medicinal Plants of Bidar District, Karnataka (India) practicing aid of their knowledge on Ayurvedic medicines and Table 1– Continues traditional knowledge with use of local plant resources (Table Mayatenus No.1) Interviewed information on the use of medicinal plants were senegalensisLawnia Leucorrhoea, coromandaliana, recorded. These Plants species were identified and Herbarium Karaknalli, Menorrhegea, Semen Securinega Karapakpalli, specimens are preserved in Karnataka Arts, Science and Com- leakage, Joint Pain, leucopyrus, Ficus Ramannna Forest area merce College Bidar for Further Research. Paralysis, Abdomen bengalensis, Cassia 4 Shivram and waste land Pain, Asthama, fistula, Kashi gida Bhutale and Field Bidar Jaundice, Child, Citrus, Carulluma, & Humnabad Abdomen Pain, Gymnema, Taluka. Guntamalgi, Piles. Acalypha indica, Abutilon indicum, Phyllanthes niruri Karakanalli Cassia fistula, Cucur- Karpakpalli, Narasareddy Paralyis, bita maxima, Tinospo- Forest area Bakkareddy Tuberculosis, Piles, ra Field and 5 Tumanapalli, Leucoderma and cardifolea, Piper betel, Waste land R/O Karaknalli, Jaundice. Capparis spinosa, Bidar & Age:65 years Gymnema sylvestris Humnabad Taluka. Shanker Nag and Nagesari, Wadagaon Siddappa, Ficus carica, Forest and Snake Bite, Dog Bite, Laxmidoddi, Awalakkigida, Kawal Field and 6 Jaundice, R/O Wadgaon gida Securinega Waste land Leucorrhea. India Map Karnataka map [D], leucopyrus, Aurad & Bhalki Age: 60Years. Boralgida Taluka. Kashinath Wadagaon Tukaram Forest and Rathod, Asthama, Chest Pain, Azadirachta indica, Field and 7 R/O Khernayak Bone Fracture. Tectona grandis Waste land Thanda, Aurad & Bhalki Age: 58Years Taluka. Wadagaon Gangaram Forest and Cattle Food Mogalappa, Acacia nilotica, Croto- Field and 8 Poisoning, Children R/o Khanapur, laria juncea Waste land weakness Age:65 years Aurad & Bhalki Taluka. Wadagaon Forest and Pandurang, Field and 9 R/O Soralli, Jaundice, Somani Bhoj patri Fig. 1- Location Map of Bidar District, Karnataka (INDIA) Waste land Age: 70 years Aurad & Bhalki Table 1- local Traditional Health Practitioners in Bidar Taluka. Vithal Rajappa Name of the Snake bite, Scorpion Narayanpur Sl. Traditional Local Biological Re- Jamadar, NatiVaidya & Locality bite, Dog Bite, Fields and 10 R/O Narayan- No. Knowledge sources Used Leucorrhea and forest. B’kalyan Address pur, Leucoderma Taluka. Coralocarpus Age: 96 years epigeaus, Cancer, Diabetes, Udumnalli Manohar Narayanrao Gymnema sylvistris, Cas- Sterility Snake bite, Narayanpur Endometris, Karpakpalli Jamadar, Gundappa sia fistula, Scorpion Bite, Fields and Leucorrhoea, Forest & 11 R/O Guntur Chowki R/O Phyllanthus niruri, Ricinus Leucorrhea and forest. B’kalyan 1 Asthama, uncultivated Wadi, Udumnalli communis, Punica gran- Leprosy Taluka. Jaundice, land in Bidar Age: 75 years. Bidar atum, Tinospora cardifolia, Piles, Swine flue, & Humnabad Revanappa Narayanpur Age: 55 years Achyranthes aspera and Govindappa, Field and Menorrhegea. taluka. 12 Gantmalgi Ocimum Hirgapnavar, forest. B’kalyan sanctum. R/O Hulgutti Taluka. Prabhuling Karaknalli, Hanmanthappa Abdomen Pain, Aegle mormelos, Aloe Karpakpalli, 2 Mustari, Memory Power, vera, Centalla asciatica, Forest and R/O Mustari, Tooth Ache Citrus medica Results Field. Age: 56 years The recorded Information on 41 Plants Species, used commonly Cattle: Foot and Leaucas aspera, Vitex as remedies for various diseases are listed with their Family and Mouth, Karan Phod, Hanmanth negundo, Allium cepa, Local Ecological status in the Bidar District (Table 2.) fallowed by Bone Fracture, Karaknalli, appa Koneri Ricinus communis, Allium Throat and Malzari, Karpakpalli their habitat. The Plant part used, Local distribution, ecological 3 Byader, R/O sativum, Nagari & Bittil Eye cataract, and sur- status all are enumerated below: Karaknalli, leaves, Acacia catechue, Human: Leucor- rounding field Age: 70 years Semacarpus rhoea, Menor- anacardium rhegea, Jaundice World Research Journal of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants ISSN: 2278-9863 & E-ISSN: 2278-9871, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012 Bioinfo Publications 15 Kalmath S.V., Patil M.S., Kritika S.K., Mahantesh S.P. and Patil C.S. Table 2- Local status of Medicinal plants (wild) in Bidar Dist. (K.S) Local distribution: Forest Area, Chitta, Shahapur, Deva Deva Sl. Vana, Khanapur, Karaknalli, Field Hedges. Habitat Scientific name Family Local ecological status No. Local uses: The leaves are chewed to get relief from throat 1 US Abutilan indicum Malvaceae Low risk least concerned trouble and voice. Musicians eat the dried leaves to clear and tone 2 CI Abrus precatorius Fabaceae Vulnerable up their voice. 3 H Acanthospermum hispidum Asteraceae Endangered 4 H Achyranthus aspera Amaranthaceae vulnerable 5 T Acacia nilotica Mimosaceae Abundant LR&LC 3. Acanthospermum hispidum D.C. 6 T Acacia catechu Mimosaceae Endangered Family: Asteraceae 7 S Adathoda vasica Acanthaceae vulnerable Kannada: Hallu novina gida 8 H Andrographis paniculata Acanthaceae Vulnerable Local distribution: Field, uncultivated waste lands 9 T Aegle mormelos Rutaceae Vulnerable Local ecological status: Vulnerable 10 H Aloe vera Liliaceae vulnerable Causes of threat: Habitat destructions 11 H Argemone mexicana Papavaraceae Low risk least concerned 12 H Asperagus racemosus Liliaceae vulnerable Local uses: Leaves are chewed to get relief from tooth ache. 13 T Azadirachta indica Meliaceae LR and LC Leaves taste like betel leave 14 S Baliospermum montana Euphorbiaceae Vulnerable 15 H Biophytum