doi 10.4436/jass. 96009 JASs Invited Reviews e-pub ahead of print Journal of Anthropological Sciences Vol.Vol. 9696 (2018),(2018), pp.pp. 1-207-26

Neutral theory and the of human physical form: an introduction to models and applications

Timothy D. Weaver

Department of Anthropology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA e-mail: [email protected]

Summary -– Anthropologists have long been interested in explaining patterns of variation in human physical form, in both present-day and ancient humans. Starting in the 1950s, their explanations became more firmly rooted in evolutionary theory, but they have typically focused on adaptive accounts. Neutral explanations – those grounded in models of evolution by mutation, genetic drift, and gene flow rather than natural selection – provide an alternative to adaptive explanations, and in recent years, neutral models have become an important tool for researchers investigating the evolution of human physical form. Neutral models have implications for many areas of biological anthropology, including using morphology to reconstruct the histories and migrations of recent human populations, using morphology to infer the evolutionary relationships among hominin taxa, and clarifying how natural selection has acted on physical form throughout human evolution. Their application to anthropological questions has stimulated biological anthropologists to more seriously consider the roles of history and chance in human evolution. In light of the growing importance of neutral explanations in biological anthropology, the goal here is to provide an introduction to neutral models of phenotypic evolution and their application to human physical form.

Keywords –- Human evolution, Human variation, Genetic drift, Mutation, Gene flow, Coalescence.

Introduction form became more firmly rooted in evolutionary theory, but they have typically focused on adap- Anthropologists have long been interested tive explanations (e.g., Washburn, 1951). in explaining patterns of variation in human Neutral models – models of evolution by physical form, in both present-day and ancient mutation, genetic drift, and gene flow rather humans. Indeed, one major division of anthro- than natural selection – for protein and subse- pology, physical anthropology, initially con- quently DNA-sequence evolution were first pro- cerned itself almost exclusively with human posed in the 1960s and 1970s (Kimura, 1968; physical form, skeletal morphology in particu- King & Jukes, 1969; Kimura & Ohta, 1971), lar (Boas, 1899; Hrdlicka, 1908), before this and these foundational neutral models were fol- field diversified into other areas, such as genet- lowed by neutral models of phenotypic evolution ics, non-human primate behaviour and ecology, in the 1970s and 1980s (Lande, 1976; Lynch & and human biology, and began to be commonly Hill, 1986; Turelli et al., 1988). Although the called biological anthropology. As von Cramon- earliest neutral models considered only mutation Taubadel (2014) recently reviewed in this journal and genetic drift, subsequent ones also included in her article about human cranial morphology, gene flow (e.g., Kimura & Maruyama, 1971; early views of human physical form were typo- Lynch, 1988a). Neutral models forever changed logical, with the goals of identifying the charac- evolutionary biology, perhaps most significantly teristics of different human groups and classify- because they highlighted that evolution and ing individuals (e.g., Hooton, 1926). Starting natural selection are not synonyms, which forced in the 1950s, investigations of human physical researchers to evaluate adaptive explanations

the JASs is published by the Istituto Italiano di Antropologia 28 Neutral theory and human physical form

Tab. 1 - Definition of mathematical terms. against an alternative to natural selection that was often difficult to dismiss. Additionally, it became clear that even if one was primarily interested tg split in generations in adaptive changes, neutral models provided a g generation length foundation for any evolutionary investigation, ¯ xi mean of a single phenotypic trait in group i because natural selection will act in concert with x¯ grand mean (mean of the group means) of a the neutral evolutionary processes of mutation, single phenotypic trait genetic drift, and gene flow. d number of groups Neutral models began to make inroads into i number of steps separating two groups in a studies of human physical form in the 1980s and circular stepping-stone model 1990s (Rogers & Harpending, 1983; Lynch, ds number of sampled groups 1989; Relethford, 1994), and they became a VW within-group phenotypic variance prevalent tool in these investigations in the VB between-group phenotypic variance 2000s (reviewed by Roseman & Weaver, 2007; h2 (narrow sense) heritability von Cramon-Taubadel & Weaver, 2009). Many V 2 WA within-group additive genetic variance (h VW) of these studies of human physical form were N population size (number of breeding individuals) based on the global dataset of human cranial var- of each group iation collected by Howells (1973, 1989, 1995). Ne effective population size of each group Neutral models provide a theoretical basis for 2 σm additive genetic variance introduced by mutation using morphology to reconstruct the history and B between-group phenotypic variance-covariance structure of recent human populations and the matrix evolutionary relationships among hominin taxa. P within-group phenotypic variance-covariance They can be used as a baseline against which to matrix evaluate adaptive hypotheses about human phys- G within-group additive-genetic covariance-matrix ical form. Perhaps most fundamentally, studies U additive genetic variances and covariances demonstrating the importance of neutral mod- introduced by mutation els to anthropological questions have stimulated τW average coalescence time of pairs of alleles from biological anthropologists to more seriously con- the same group sider the roles of history and chance in human τB average coalescence time of pairs of alleles from different groups evolution. τ average coalescence time of pairs of alleles With this background in mind, the goal here from the collection of groups sampled is to provide an introduction to neutral models M/2 proportion of individuals exchanged each of phenotypic evolution and their application generation by two adjacent groups, in each to human physical form. More detailed descrip- direction tions of specific neutral models can be found else- FST measure of genetic differentiation calculated where, but there is currently no single source that from genetic data gathers together the models relevant to biologi- QST measure of genetic differentiation calculated cal anthropological investigations and discusses from experimental phenotypic data the connections among them. The mathematical PST measure of genetic differentiation calculated from observational phenotypic data terms used in the paper are defined in Table 1 and c scale factor for the between-group phenotypic as they are discussed. Table 2 provides a glossary variance of terms from quantitative and population genet-

ΔA difference between two groups in their additive- ics and evolutionary biology (see also Relethford, genetic-effect means 2007; Konigsberg, 2012; von Cramon-Taubadel,

ΔO difference between two groups in their other- 2014). Table 3 gives brief explanations for how effect (dominance genetic, key quantitative and population genetic param- interaction genetic, environmental) means eters can be estimated. 2 Neutral theory and human physical form T. D. Weaver 93

Tab. 1 - Definition of mathematical terms. against an alternative to natural selection that was Tab. 2 - Glossary. often difficult to dismiss. Additionally, it became clear that even if one was primarily interested Adaptive evolution. Typically, adaptive evolution refers to evolution (change) due to natural selection, and this is tg split time in generations in adaptive changes, neutral models provided a how this phrase is used here. However, adaptive – and therefore adaptive evolution – is not defined the same way by g generation length foundation for any evolutionary investigation, all evolutionary biologists. See also neutral evolution. ¯ xi mean of a single phenotypic trait in group i because natural selection will act in concert with Additive genetic variance. Variation among individuals for a particular trait is typically quantified by variance, which is the average squared deviation of each individual from the mean (average). Additive genetic variance is the fraction x¯ grand mean (mean of the group means) of a the neutral evolutionary processes of mutation, of the variance that is due to additive genetic effects, which excludes genetic variance from genetic interactions be- single phenotypic trait genetic drift, and gene flow. tween alleles at the same locus (dominance effects) or different loci (epistatic effects). Evolutionary quantitative genetic d number of groups Neutral models began to make inroads into models focus on additive genetic variance because recombination tends to break down genetic interactions across gen- erations. Variance also results from environmental effects. See also environmental variance and phenotypic variance. i number of steps separating two groups in a studies of human physical form in the 1980s and circular stepping-stone model Allele. The genome of any particular individual can be divided up into different locations, or loci, on the individual’s chro- 1990s (Rogers & Harpending, 1983; Lynch, mosomes. At each locus there can be different variants (DNA sequences), and these different variants are called alleles. ds number of sampled groups 1989; Relethford, 1994), and they became a Arithmetic mean. The typical average, which is simply the mean of the quantity of interest. See also harmonic mean. Coalescence. Because of genetic drift, a sample of present-day lineages will share fewer and fewer ancestral lineages VW within-group phenotypic variance prevalent tool in these investigations in the the further back in time one looks. The sample of present-day lineages will eventually share a single, common ancestral VB between-group phenotypic variance 2000s (reviewed by Roseman & Weaver, 2007; lineage at a particular time in the past, which is called the coalescence time (e.g, 9,600 years ago). h2 (narrow sense) heritability von Cramon-Taubadel & Weaver, 2009). Many Effective population size. Roughly, the number of breeding individuals in an idealized population that would have as V 2 much genetic drift as in the actual population. It is often quite different from both the breeding size (number of breeding WA within-group additive genetic variance (h VW) of these studies of human physical form were individuals) and the census size (total number of individuals) of the actual population. N population size (number of breeding individuals) based on the global dataset of human cranial var- Environmental variance. Variance from developmental responses to environmental stimuli. See also additive genetic of each group iation collected by Howells (1973, 1989, 1995). variance and phenotypic variance. Ne effective population size of each group Neutral models provide a theoretical basis for Equilibrium. As used here, an equilibrium is when a balance, or steady state, is reached between different evolution- 2 ary processes (forces). σm additive genetic variance introduced by mutation using morphology to reconstruct the history and Fitness. Roughly, fitness measures reproductive success, which depends on many components, including survival, mat- B between-group phenotypic variance-covariance structure of recent human populations and the ing success, and the production of offspring. F . A measure of the amount of genetic differentiation among groups that varies from zero to one, with zero and one matrix evolutionary relationships among hominin taxa. ST P within-group phenotypic variance-covariance They can be used as a baseline against which to corresponding respectively to the minimum and maximum amounts of differentiation. matrix Gene flow. Exchange of genes among groups, usually through the migration of individuals from one group to another group. evaluate adaptive hypotheses about human phys- Generation length. The average age of the parents when their children are born. G within-group additive-genetic covariance-matrix ical form. Perhaps most fundamentally, studies Genetic drift. Random changes in the genetic composition of a group (population) because there are only a finite U additive genetic variances and covariances demonstrating the importance of neutral mod- number of individuals in the group. introduced by mutation Harmonic mean. The reciprocal of the mean of the reciprocals of the quantity of interest. The harmonic mean is els to anthropological questions have stimulated strongly influenced by small values. τW average coalescence time of pairs of alleles from biological anthropologists to more seriously con- Heritability. The ratio of the additive genetic variance to the phenotypic variance for a trait within a group. Heritabil- the same group sider the roles of history and chance in human ity measures the degree to which offspring resemble their parents, and consequently, it affects the rate of evolution. τB average coalescence time of pairs of alleles from evolution. Importantly, heritability can often be overestimated in humans, because offspring can resemble their parents for non- different groups genetic reasons (e.g., common environment, cultural transmission), and heritability is not fixed but can vary across τ average coalescence time of pairs of alleles With this background in mind, the goal here populations and environments. See also Box 1. from the collection of groups sampled is to provide an introduction to neutral models Heterozygosity. A measure of genetic variation, which reflects that with more alleles, individuals will have a higher chance of being heterozygous. Heterozygous individuals have two different alleles at a particular locus. See also allele. M/2 proportion of individuals exchanged each of phenotypic evolution and their application Linkage disequilibrium. When alleles at different loci tend to be found together. Linkage disequilibrium occurs because generation by two adjacent groups, in each to human physical form. More detailed descrip- blocks of DNA are inherited together, but over time, recombination will break down these associations. See also allele. direction tions of specific neutral models can be found else- Microsatellite. A rapidly evolving block of DNA in which a simple DNA sequence is repeated multiple times and indi- FST measure of genetic differentiation calculated where, but there is currently no single source that viduals vary in their number of repeats. Also called a short tandem repeat (STR). from genetic data Mutation. A change to the DNA sequence, which can be passed on to offspring if it occurs in a cell on the path to be- gathers together the models relevant to biologi- coming a gamete (egg or sperm). QST measure of genetic differentiation calculated cal anthropological investigations and discusses Neutral evolution. Evolution (change) by neutral evolutionary processes (forces): mutation, genetic drift, and gene from experimental phenotypic data the connections among them. The mathematical flow. See also adaptive evolution. P measure of genetic differentiation calculated ST terms used in the paper are defined in Table 1 and Natural selection. Changes in the genetic composition of a group (population) and associated phenotypic traits be- from observational phenotypic data cause there is a causal relationship between aspects of the phenotype and fitness. Directional selection shifts the popu- c scale factor for the between-group phenotypic as they are discussed. Table 2 provides a glossary lation mean up or down, whereas stabilizing selection maintains the status quo. See also adaptive evolution. variance of terms from quantitative and population genet- Pedigreed sample. A sample for which the genealogical relationships among individuals are known from breeding records. Δ difference between two groups in their additive- ics and evolutionary biology (see also Relethford, A Phenotypic variance. A measure of variation among individuals for a particular trait. See also additive genetic vari- genetic-effect means 2007; Konigsberg, 2012; von Cramon-Taubadel, ance and environmental variance. ΔO difference between two groups in their other- 2014). Table 3 gives brief explanations for how Short tandem repeat. See microsatellite. effect (dominance genetic, key quantitative and population genetic param- Stochastic. Random. interaction genetic, environmental) means eters can be estimated. Zygote. The cell that forms when the male and female gametes (egg and sperm) combine. 104 Neutral theory and human physical form

Tab. 3 - Estimating quantitative and population genetic parameters.

Additive genetic variance, covariance, and correlation. Additive genetic variances, covariances, and correlations have traditionally been estimated by fitting a mixed statistical model to a pedigreed sample (see Lynch & Walsh, 1998; Runcie & Mukherjee, 2013). More recently, methods have been developed that leverage genomic data to obtain estimates from unpedigreed individuals (see Lee et al., 2012). Large sample sizes are needed to accurately estimate these quantities, and depending on how the individuals in the sample are related, the effective sample size can be much lower than the number of individuals (Cheverud, 1988). Consequently, phenotypic variances, covariances, and correlations, which are easier to accurately estimate, are often substituted for their additive-genetic counterparts in anthropological studies (e.g., Ackermann & Cheverud, 2004; Weaver et al., 2007; Grabowski & Roseman, 2015). This substitution, termed ”Cheverud’s Conjecture”, is supported by empirical findings in both humans (Sodini et al., 2018) and non-humans (Cheverud, 1988; Roff, 1996). Mixed models have been used to estimate these quantities for a variety of human traits, including cranial (e.g., Carson, 2006; Martínez-Abadías et al., 2009) and dental (e.g., Stojanowski et al., 2017) measurements. There has also been similar work on non- human primates (e.g., Hlusko & Mahaney, 2009; Roseman et al., 2010). Effective population size. Effective population size can be estimated in humans by making assumptions about the relationship between census size and effective size (e.g., effective size is a third of the census size, Cavalli-Sforza et al., 1994; Relethford et al., 1997). However, the relationship between effective size and census size may not be the same for different populations or through time, because of variation in, for example, mating practices, age structure, and demographic history. Phenotypic data could be used to estimate effective population size, if one assumes that the traits were evolving neutrally (e.g., Relethford & Harpending, 1994). Effective population size can also be estimated from molecular genetic data. Older methods focused on what could be inferred about long-term effective population size, or effective population size at a few points in the past, from genetic variation, linkage disequilibrium, or coalescence time (e.g., Harpending & Rogers, 2000; Hayes et al., 2003), whereas newer molecular genetic methods combine genomic data with statistical modeling to estimate a roughly continuous record of changes in effective population size (e.g., Li & Durbin, 2011). The long-term effective population size is the average (harmonic mean) effective population size over a number of generations. Evolutionary quantitative genetic studies of human and non-human primate cranial and dental variation have made use of effective population size estimates from molecular genetic data (e.g., Weaver & Stringer, 2015; Rathmann et al., 2017; Reyes-Centeno et al., 2017; Schroeder & von Cramon-Taubadel, 2017). Generation length. Generation length is estimated in humans (e.g., Fenner, 2005) and non-human primates (e.g., Langergraber et al., 2012), which are slowly reproducing species with overlapping generations, by averaging over all parents in demographic databases. Heritability. Heritability has traditionally been estimated from comparisons of close relatives (e.g., parents to off- spring, full to half siblings, or monozygotic to dizygotic twins) with regression or correlation analyses, or from compar- isons across extended pedigrees with mixed statistical models (see Falconer & Mackay, 1996; Lynch & Walsh, 1998; Visscher et al., 2008; Tenesa & Haley, 2013). More recently, methods have been developed that leverage genomic data to estimate heritability from unpedigreed individuals (see Visscher et al., 2008; Tenesa & Haley, 2013). Mixed models have been used to estimate heritability for a variety of human traits, including cranial (e.g., Carson, 2006; Martínez-Abadías et al., 2009) and dental (e.g., Stojanowski et al., 2017) measurements. There has also been similar work on non-human primates (e.g., Hlusko & Mahaney, 2009; Roseman et al., 2010). Mutational variance. Mutational variance is, more precisely, the additive genetic variance introduced by mutation (per zygote per generation) for a particular phenotypic trait. Mutational variance is usually expressed as a (small) fraction (e.g., 10−4) of the environmental component of the within-group phenotypic variance, and this fraction is called the mutational heritability. Mutational heritability is estimated from experiments conducted on taxa (e.g, fruit flies, mice) that can be readily bred in a controlled manner in the laboratory, so that mating follows a well-defined pattern and natural selection can be minimized (see Lynch, 1988b; McGuigan et al., 2015). Studies of human physical form assume that mutational heritability estimates from other taxa apply to humans. Split time (population divergence time). Split time can be estimated from the fossil record. For example, if the population represented by the Sima de los Huesos fossils is ancestral to Neandertals, then the split between the Neandertal and modern human evolutionary lineages must predate ≈430,000 years ago, the age of the site based on multiple radiometric dating techniques (Arsuaga et al., 2014). Split time can also be estimated from molecular genetic data with a variety of approaches (see Noonan et al., 2006; Prado-Martinez et al., 2013; Prüfer et al., 2014). Evolutionary quantitative genetic studies of human and non-human primate cranial variation have made use of split time estimates from molecular genetic data (e.g., Weaver & Stringer, 2015; Reyes-Centeno et al., 2017; Schroeder & von Cramon-Taubadel, 2017). 4 Neutral theory and human physical form T. D. Weaver 115

Tab. 3 - Estimating quantitative and population genetic parameters. Classic approaches

Genetic drift and mutation Additive genetic variance, covariance, and correlation. Additive genetic variances, covariances, and correlations have traditionally been estimated by fitting a mixed statistical model to a pedigreed sample (see Lynch To begin discussing neutral models of pheno- & Walsh, 1998; Runcie & Mukherjee, 2013). More recently, methods have been developed that leverage genomic typic evolution, imagine that an ancestral human data to obtain estimates from unpedigreed individuals (see Lee et al., 2012). Large sample sizes are needed to group (population, species) gives rise to two accurately estimate these quantities, and depending on how the individuals in the sample are related, the effective descendant groups, and the descendant groups sample size can be much lower than the number of individuals (Cheverud, 1988). Consequently, phenotypic t variances, covariances, and correlations, which are easier to accurately estimate, are often substituted for their evolve independently for tg generations (Fig. 1). additive-genetic counterparts in anthropological studies (e.g., Ackermann & Cheverud, 2004; Weaver et al., 2007; The time in the past of the split in years is given Grabowski & Roseman, 2015). This substitution, termed ”Cheverud’s Conjecture”, is supported by empirical findings by gtg where gg is the generation length (aver- in both humans (Sodini et al., 2018) and non-humans (Cheverud, 1988; Roff, 1996). Mixed models have been used g to estimate these quantities for a variety of human traits, including cranial (e.g., Carson, 2006; Martínez-Abadías et age age of the parents when their children are al., 2009) and dental (e.g., Stojanowski et al., 2017) measurements. There has also been similar work on non- born). This scenario describes, at least to a first Fig.Fig.1 1 1 - Model-Model Model of of a of splita splita intosplit into two into two groups. two groups. groupsAn An. human primates (e.g., Hlusko & Mahaney, 2009; Roseman et al., 2010). approximation, many situations of interest to aancestralAnncestral ancestral groupgroup split groupsplit into into twosplit descendanttwo intodescendant two groupsdescendant t generations groups t generationsin the past. in the past. Effective population size. Effective population size can be estimated in humans by making assumptions about the biological anthropologists (e.g., the split between groups tgg generationsg in the past. relationship between census size and effective size (e.g., effective size is a third of the census size, Cavalli-Sforza et the Neandertal and modern human evolution- al., 1994; Relethford et al., 1997). However, the relationship between effective size and census size may not be the same for different populations or through time, because of variation in, for example, mating practices, age structure, ary lineages from a common ancestor, before fitness, because positive covariances will tend to and demographic history. Phenotypic data could be used to estimate effective population size, if one assumes that the Neandertals and modern humans came into cancel negative covariances. However, it is the traits were evolving neutrally (e.g., Relethford & Harpending, 1994). Effective population size can also be estimated contact many generations later in Eurasia), and it realized covariance each generation, rather than from molecular genetic data. Older methods focused on what could be inferred about long-term effective population size, or effective population size at a few points in the past, from genetic variation, linkage can be extended to more complicated situations the expected covariance, that determines the disequilibrium, or coalescence time (e.g., Harpending & Rogers, 2000; Hayes et al., 2003), whereas newer by positing a series of splits. We are interested in direction and magnitude of evolutionary change. molecular genetic methods combine genomic data with statistical modeling to estimate a roughly continuous record tracking the change through time of a single phe- If only genetic drift is acting, the expected of changes in effective population size (e.g., Li & Durbin, 2011). The long-term effective population size is the notypic trait (e.g., cranial length), which has an between-group phenotypic variance for the two average (harmonic mean) effective population size over a number of generations. Evolutionary quantitative genetic x¯ studies of human and non-human primate cranial and dental variation have made use of effective population size average value ¯x11 in one of the descendant groups descendant groups, estimates from molecular genetic data (e.g., Weaver & Stringer, 2015; Rathmann et al., 2017; Reyes-Centeno et x¯ and ¯x2 in the other descendant group. Suppose 2 2 ¯ ¯ 2 al., 2017; Schroeder & von Cramon-Taubadel, 2017). x¯1+x¯2 x¯1+x¯2 (x1 x2) that the groups are equally variable for the trait – VB = x¯1 + x¯2 = − , − 2 − 2 2 Generation length. Generation length is estimated in humans (e.g., Fenner, 2005) and non-human primates (e.g., i.e., they have the same within-group phenotypic   Langergraber et al., 2012), which are slowly reproducing species with overlapping generations, by averaging over all V . after tg generations is parents in demographic databases. variance, VWW. To start, consider the simplified situation in 2 Heritability. Heritability has traditionally been estimated from comparisons of close relatives (e.g., parents to off- h VW spring, full to half siblings, or monozygotic to dizygotic twins) with regression or correlation analyses, or from compar- which genetic drift is the only evolutionary pro- E VB = tg (1) { } Ne isons across extended pedigrees with mixed statistical models (see Falconer & Mackay, 1996; Lynch & Walsh, 1998; cess (force) acting. A heritable trait will evolve Visscher et al., 2008; Tenesa & Haley, 2013). More recently, methods have been developed that leverage genomic when the covariance for the trait and fitness is where E denotes the average evolutionary out- data to estimate heritability from unpedigreed individuals (see Visscher et al., 2008; Tenesa & Haley, 2013). Mixed h2 models have been used to estimate heritability for a variety of human traits, including cranial (e.g., Carson, 2006; non-zero (e.g., when larger values of the trait are come (mathematical expectation), h is the (nar- Ne Martínez-Abadías et al., 2009) and dental (e.g., Stojanowski et al., 2017) measurements. There has also been associated with higher fitness than smaller values row sense) heritability, and Ne is the effective similar work on non-human primates (e.g., Hlusko & Mahaney, 2009; Roseman et al., 2010). of the trait). We tend to think about this covari- population size of each group (Lande, 1976). Mutational variance. Mutational variance is, more precisely, the additive genetic variance introduced by mutation ance in terms of natural selection – that is, some Heritability measures the degree to which (per zygote per generation) for a particular phenotypic trait. Mutational variance is usually expressed as a (small) values of the trait are more helpful than others offspring resemble their parents. The effective fraction (e.g., 10−4) of the environmental component of the within-group phenotypic variance, and this fraction is called the mutational heritability. Mutational heritability is estimated from experiments conducted on taxa (e.g, fruit or are the cause of differences in fitness – but population size roughly corresponds to the num- flies, mice) that can be readily bred in a controlled manner in the laboratory, so that mating follows a well-defined covariance for a trait and fitness can also arise by ber of breeding individuals in an idealized popu- pattern and natural selection can be minimized (see Lynch, 1988b; McGuigan et al., 2015). Studies of human physical stochastic (random) evolutionary processes, par- lation that would have as much genetic drift as form assume that mutational heritability estimates from other taxa apply to humans. ticularly in small populations, even if there is no in the actual population, and it is often quite Split time (population divergence time). Split time can be estimated from the fossil record. For example, if the causal relationship between different values of a different from both the breeding size (number of population represented by the Sima de los Huesos fossils is ancestral to Neandertals, then the split between the Neandertal and modern human evolutionary lineages must predate ≈430,000 years ago, the age of the site based trait and fitness (Rice, 2004, 2008). In particu- breeding individuals) and the census size (total on multiple radiometric dating techniques (Arsuaga et al., 2014). Split time can also be estimated from molecular lar, genetic drift – random changes in the genetic number of individuals) of the actual popula- genetic data with a variety of approaches (see Noonan et al., 2006; Prado-Martinez et al., 2013; Prüfer et al., 2014). h2 composition of a group (population) because of tion. For simplicity, we assume that h and NNee Evolutionary quantitative genetic studies of human and non-human primate cranial variation have made use of split time estimates from molecular genetic data (e.g., Weaver & Stringer, 2015; Reyes-Centeno et al., 2017; Schroeder finite size – can produce such covariances (Fig. are the same for both groups, but it is possible to & von Cramon-Taubadel, 2017). 2). On average, we would not expect a random modify Eq. (1) to account for differences in these . 2 process to result in covariance for a trait and quantities, and in VVWW. The product h VVW is the 126 Neutral theory and human physical form

the differences in cranial and mandibular meas- urements between taxa separated in time were consistent – given assumptions about herit- ability, effective population size, and generation length – with neutral divergence. They found that many of the possible pairwise comparisons between taxa were consistent with neutrality, although they often detected too much mor- phological divergence, and sometimes too little morphological divergence, to be consistent with neutrality. (x¯ x¯ )2 1− 2 Substituting (¯x1−2 ¯x 2 into Eq. (1) and rearranging terms gives

2 2 (x¯1 x¯2) 2h E − = tg. (2) VW  Ne

Fig. 2 -- IllustrationIllustration ofof howhow geneticgenetic driftdrift cancan The quantity on the left of Eq. (2) is the produce covariance for for a a trait trait and and fitness. fitness .With With (squared) Mahalanobis distance for a single just genetic drift acting, because there is no variable. In general, the Mahalanobis distance natural selection, the expected fitness for each value ofof the trait is the same (fitness=1), so the measures dissimilarity aggregated across multi- expected covariance for the trait and fitness is ple traits in a way that accounts for within-group zero (solid line). However, because of genetic variances and covariances, but in the case of a drift, the realized fitness for eacheach value of the trait is sampled from a distribution, so the real- single trait there are no covariances, only a vari- ized covariance for the trait and fitness can be ance. Although Eq. (2) is for a single trait, it is non-zero (dashed lines). The plot is based on a possible to show that a similar relationship holds population size of ten and a normal fitness dis- for the Mahalanobis distance for multiple traits. tribution (mean=1, standardstandard deviation=0.1). The important point for the discussion here is that Eq. (2) shows that the Mahalanobis distance within-group additive genetic variance, which is is expected to increase linearly with split time the component of variation important for evo- under neutrality (Lynch, 1990). A genetic dis- lutionary change, because it quantifies variation tance for short tandem repeats (STRs, microsat- due to genetic effects on the phenotype that can ellites), (δμ)2, is also expected to increase linearly be passed from parents to offspring. According with split time under neutrality (Goldstein et to Eq. (1), the between-group phenotypic vari- al., 1995b). Harvati & Weaver (2006a,b) made ance increases linearly with time with a rate that use of this correspondence when they compared is faster with more additive genetic variance and Mahalanobis distances calculated from anatomi- smaller effective population size. Note that the cal landmarks collected on recent human crania expected difference between the group means, to a group-matched set of (δμ)2 genetic distances.

EE {x¯x¯ 11− ¯x x¯}x¯,22 remains zero regardless of split time, With this comparison, they assessed how much {{ 1 −−2 }} because positive differences will tend to cancel different cranial regions deviated from neutral negative differences. expectations, as a way to decide which regions Schroeder et al. (2014) used an extension of would be most useful for inferring population Eq. (1) to multiple traits (see section “Multiple history or phylogeny. traits” below) to investigate the transition in Although Eq. (1) focuses on how genetic human evolution from Australopithecus to drift will affect between-group variation, it also Homo. Specifically, they assessed whether or not implicitly assumes that genetic drift will not 6 Neutral theory and human physical form T. D. Weaver 137

the differences in cranial and mandibular meas- affect within-group variation. In fact, with just urements between taxa separated in time were genetic drift acting, within-group variation will consistent – given assumptions about herit- decrease with time at a rate that is faster with ability, effective population size, and generation smaller effective population size and slows as length – with neutral divergence. They found the within-group variation decreases. More that many of the possible pairwise comparisons precisely, the expected change in within-group between taxa were consistent with neutrality, additive genetic variance from one generation to although they often detected too much mor- the next is phological divergence, and sometimes too little morphological divergence, to be consistent with 2 1 2 E h VW(tg+1) = 1 h VW(tg) (3) neutrality. − 2Ne 2   (x¯ x¯ )  1− 2 Substituting (¯x1−2 ¯x 2 into Eq. (1) and rearranging terms gives where the t g subscript indicates the current t + 1 generation, and g the subscript indicates 2 2 (x¯1 x¯2) 2h the next generation (Turelli et al., 1988). E − = tg. (2) VW  Ne Unlike the predictions of Eq. (3), within- group variation often remains fairly constant [as Fig. 2 - Illustration of how genetic drift can The quantity on the left of Eq. (2) is the implicitly assumed by Eq. (1)]; this is because as Fig. 3 - Illustration of how the within-group produce covariance for a trait and fitness. With (squared) Mahalanobis distance for a single genetic drift removes variation, mutation adds additive genetic variance approaches and just genetic drift acting, because there is no variable. In general, the Mahalanobis distance variation. Accordingly, for a more complete neu- stabilizes at an equilibrium value. The plot is natural selection, the expected fitness for each based on neutral evolution with V = 2.75, measures dissimilarity aggregated across multi- tral model one needs to model the effects of both W(initial) value of the trait is the same (fitness=1), so the h2 = 0.4, σ 2 = 2 × 10−4, and N = 2500. expected covariance for the trait and fitness is ple traits in a way that accounts for within-group genetic drift and mutation. Importantly, because m e zero (solid line). However, because of genetic variances and covariances, but in the case of a the addition of variation by mutation is roughly drift, the realized fitness for each value of the trait is sampled from a distribution, so the real- single trait there are no covariances, only a vari- constant per generation but the subtraction of Substituting the equilibrium within-group ized covariance for the trait and fitness can be ance. Although Eq. (2) is for a single trait, it is variation by genetic drift decreases as the within- additive genetic variance given by Eq. (4) into non-zero (dashed lines). The plot is based on a possible to show that a similar relationship holds group variation decreases, eventually, the within- Eq. (1) gives population size of ten and a normal fitness dis- 2 for the Mahalanobis distance for multiple traits. group additive genetic variance will stabilize at E VB = 2σ tg. (5) tribution (mean=1, standard deviation=0.1). { } m The important point for the discussion here is an equilibrium value that Eq. (2) shows that the Mahalanobis distance Eq. (5) shows that under a more complete 2 2 within-group additive genetic variance, which is is expected to increase linearly with split time h VW(equil) = 2Neσm (4) neutral model the rate of increase of between- the component of variation important for evo- under neutrality (Lynch, 1990). A genetic dis- group variation does not depend on effective σ22 lutionary change, because it quantifies variation tance for short tandem repeats (STRs, microsat- where δmm is the additive genetic variance intro- population size; it only depends on how much due to genetic effects on the phenotype that can ellites), (δμ)2, is also expected to increase linearly duced by mutation (per zygote per generation) mutational variation is added each generation. be passed from parents to offspring. According with split time under neutrality (Goldstein et (Lande, 1979, 1980; Lynch & Hill, 1986; Turelli This prediction is analogous to how, according to Eq. (1), the between-group phenotypic vari- al., 1995b). Harvati & Weaver (2006a,b) made et al., 1988). The mutational variance is usually to Kimura’s (1968, 1983, 1989) neutral model ance increases linearly with time with a rate that use of this correspondence when they compared expressed as a (small) fraction (e.g., 10-4) of the of molecular evolution, the rate of molecu- is faster with more additive genetic variance and Mahalanobis distances calculated from anatomi- environmental component of the within-group lar evolution only depends on mutation rate. smaller effective population size. Note that the cal landmarks collected on recent human crania phenotypic variance (environmental variance). Effective population size does not appear in Eq. expected difference between the group means, to a group-matched set of (δμ)2 genetic distances. The environmental variance is equal to the (5) because it cancels when Eqs. (1) and (4) are

EE {x¯x¯ 11− ¯x x¯}x¯,22 remains zero regardless of split time, With this comparison, they assessed how much difference between the phenotypic and additive combined. Intuitively, it is often assumed that {{ 1 −−2 }} because positive differences will tend to cancel different cranial regions deviated from neutral genetic variances in a model for which the phe- neutral divergence between groups will be faster negative differences. expectations, as a way to decide which regions notypic variance is only due to additive genetic with small population sizes, but Eq. (5) shows Schroeder et al. (2014) used an extension of would be most useful for inferring population and environmental effects. Figure 3 illustrates that this is not the case at equilibrium. Eq. (1) to multiple traits (see section “Multiple history or phylogeny. how the within-group additive genetic variance Lynch (1989) used an extension of Eq. (5) traits” below) to investigate the transition in Although Eq. (1) focuses on how genetic approaches and stabilizes at an equilibrium value to multiple traits (see section “Multiple traits” human evolution from Australopithecus to drift will affect between-group variation, it also through the interaction between genetic drift below) in one of the first demonstrations that the Homo. Specifically, they assessed whether or not implicitly assumes that genetic drift will not and mutation. patterns of recent human cranial variation were 148 Neutral theory and human physical form

consistent with neutral divergence. This result time for the variation lost in a founder effect to was somewhat surprising because, at the time, be replenished by mutation. Eq. (4) shows that if most explanations for variation in human cranial a phenotypic trait is evolving neutrally, we expect form were adaptive (e.g., Guglielmino-Matessi the within-group phenotypic variance for the et al., 1979; Beals et al., 1983). In a subsequent trait to decrease with the group’s geographic dis- paper, Lynch (1990) examined the rates of evolu- tance from the source location, because within- tion in mammals, including primates, conclud- group variance is expected to be proportional to ing that in most lineages stabilizing selection effective population size. has slowed the rate of evolution relative to what Present-day human DNA sequences show would be expected under neutrality. Because decreasing heterozygosity with genetic (Eller, these papers appeared in biology journals, they 1999; Harpending & Rogers, 2000) and geo- did not strongly impact the field of anthropol- graphic (Prugnolle et al., 2005; Ramachandran ogy when they were published, but soon after- et al., 2005) distance from sub-Saharan Africa, ward, anthropologists independently reached which has been interpreted to indicate that a similar conclusions using a somewhat different serial founder effect underlies the expansion of approach, and these papers and the studies they modern humans from Africa À50,000 years ago stimulated shifted many biological anthropolo- (Harpending & Rogers, 2000; Prugnolle et al., gists’ views on human cranial variation (see sec- 2005; Ramachandran et al., 2005; Liu et al., tion “PST to FST comparisons” below). 2006; DeGiorgio et al., 2009). Accordingly, if neutral processes played an important role in the evolution of recent human physical form, Eq. (4) Demographic changes would predict a decrease in within-group phe- notypic variance with geographic distance from So far, we have assumed that population size Africa (assuming the heritability of traits does remains constant, but real populations often not vary with geographic distance from Africa in grow or shrink in size, so this section discusses such a way to obscure decreases in within-group how we can model neutral phenotypic evolution additive genetic variance). This pattern has, in in the face of demographic changes. Imagine fact, been found for various measurements of the that a subset of the individuals in an ancestral human cranium, dentition, and pelvis (Manica group establishes a descendant group, a subset of et al., 2007; von Cramon-Taubadel & Lycett, individuals in the descendant group establishes a 2008; Hanihara, 2008; Betti et al., 2009, 2013), new descendant group, and this process contin- although given the modest strength of the rela- ues numerous times as the collection of groups tionships, evolutionary processes other than neu- expands across a geographic area. This process tral ones could still be important. is called a serial founder effect. Because each Building on work on STRs (Goldstein et descendant group is smaller, at least initially, al., 1995a,b; Zhivotovsky & Feldman, 1995; than its ancestral group, we expect the effective Zhivotovsky, 2001), Weaver et al. (2008) population sizes of the groups to decrease with extended Eq. (5) to situations in which the increased geographic distance from the source effective population sizes had grown from the location. Even if all of the groups subsequently ancestral to the descendant groups grow in size, the average effective population size E V = 2σ2 t h2 (V + V 2V ) of a group will stay close to its initial size for some { B} m g − W1 W2 − W12 (6) time. Statistically, this is because the relevant V average is the harmonic mean (rather than the where VWw1 is the within-group phenotypic vari- V arithmetic mean), which is strongly influenced ance for one of the descendant groups, VWw2 is the by small values (i.e., reductions in effective popu- within-group phenotypic variance for the other lation size). Biologically, this is because it takes descendant group, and VWw12 is the within-group 8 Neutral theory and human physical form T. D. Weaver 159

consistent with neutral divergence. This result time for the variation lost in a founder effect to phenotypic variance for the ancestral group. If was somewhat surprising because, at the time, be replenished by mutation. Eq. (4) shows that if the effective population sizes of the descendant most explanations for variation in human cranial a phenotypic trait is evolving neutrally, we expect groups are larger than the effective population form were adaptive (e.g., Guglielmino-Matessi the within-group phenotypic variance for the size of the ancestral group, the second term on the et al., 1979; Beals et al., 1983). In a subsequent trait to decrease with the group’s geographic dis- right-hand side of the equation will be negative, paper, Lynch (1990) examined the rates of evolu- tance from the source location, because within- so the expected between-group phenotypic vari- tion in mammals, including primates, conclud- group variance is expected to be proportional to ance will be lower than at mutation-drift equilib- ing that in most lineages stabilizing selection effective population size. rium [Eq. (5)]. The two groups will diverge phe- has slowed the rate of evolution relative to what Present-day human DNA sequences show notypically at a slower rate than at equilibrium would be expected under neutrality. Because decreasing heterozygosity with genetic (Eller, because they will have too little within-group these papers appeared in biology journals, they 1999; Harpending & Rogers, 2000) and geo- phenotypic variation for their (larger) effective did not strongly impact the field of anthropol- graphic (Prugnolle et al., 2005; Ramachandran population sizes [i.e., the effective population ogy when they were published, but soon after- et al., 2005) distance from sub-Saharan Africa, size that corresponds to the numerator will be ward, anthropologists independently reached which has been interpreted to indicate that a smaller than the effective population size in the similar conclusions using a somewhat different serial founder effect underlies the expansion of denominator of Eq. (1)]. If effective population approach, and these papers and the studies they modern humans from Africa À50,000 years ago size, and thus within-group additive genetic vari- stimulated shifted many biological anthropolo- (Harpending & Rogers, 2000; Prugnolle et al., ance [see Eq. (4)], has not changed from the gists’ views on human cranial variation (see sec- 2005; Ramachandran et al., 2005; Liu et al., ancestral group to the descendant groups, Eq. (6) Fig. 44 -- IllustrationIllustration ofof howhow the the percentage percentage tion “PST to F comparisons” below). 2006; DeGiorgio et al., 2009). Accordingly, if reduces to Eq. (5). Finally, if the split was a long ST ST eerrorrror fromfrom assumingassuming mutation-drift mutation-drift equilibrium equilibrium neutral processes played an important role in the time ago (À35,000 generations), the first term decreases withwith splitsplit time.time .The The plot plot is isbased based on on neutral evolution with h22 = 0.4, σ 2 = 2 × 10−4−4, evolution of recent human physical form, Eq. (4) on the right-hand side of Eq. (6) will dominate, neutral evolution with h = 0.4, σm = 2 × 10 , VW == V VW = = 1 .1.0,0, and and V WVW = =0. 2.0.2. Demographic changes would predict a decrease in within-group phe- so Eqs. (5) and (6) will give similar predictions W1 1 W 22 12 12 notypic variance with geographic distance from for the between-group variance. In other words, to multiplemultiple traits traits by byreplacing replacing the variancesthe variances with So far, we have assumed that population size Africa (assuming the heritability of traits does the percentage error from (incorrectly) assuming withvariance-covariance variance-covariance matrices matrices (Lande, (Lande,1979, remains constant, but real populations often not vary with geographic distance from Africa in mutation-drift equilibrium will be small (<5%) 1980).1979, Matrices1980). areMatrices rectangular are rectangular(row and col(row- grow or shrink in size, so this section discusses such a way to obscure decreases in within-group if the split time was a long time ago (Fig. 4). umn) displays of numbers. A variance-covariance and column) displays of numbers. A variance- how we can model neutral phenotypic evolution additive genetic variance). This pattern has, in Weaver et al. (2008) and Weaver & Stringer matrixcovariance is a squarematrix matrixis a (equalsquare numbermatrix of(equal rows in the face of demographic changes. Imagine fact, been found for various measurements of the (2015) used Eq. (6) in a slightly different form andnumber columns) of rows with and variances columns) in the with cells variancesalong the ttg VB that a subset of the individuals in an ancestral human cranium, dentition, and pelvis (Manica – solved for g instead of VB – to estimate split top-leftin the tocells bottom-right along the diagonal top-left and to covariancesbottom-right group establishes a descendant group, a subset of et al., 2007; von Cramon-Taubadel & Lycett, times from cranial measurements between indiagonal remaining and cells.covariances Importantly, in theseremaining multiple cells. individuals in the descendant group establishes a 2008; Hanihara, 2008; Betti et al., 2009, 2013), Neandertals and modern humans and between traitsImportantly, do not thesehave multipleto be traditional traits do linear not havemea- to new descendant group, and this process contin- although given the modest strength of the rela- subspecies of common chimpanzee. Consistent surements;be traditional they linearcould bemeasurements; the Cartesian theycoordi could- ues numerous times as the collection of groups tionships, evolutionary processes other than neu- with neutral divergence, the split time estimates natesbe theof anatomicalCartesian landmarks coordinates (x, y inof 2-D anatomical or x, expands across a geographic area. This process tral ones could still be important. for Neandertals and modern humans based on y,landmarks z in 3-D (x, for y eachin 2-D landmark). or x, y, z Within 3-D multiple for each is called a serial founder effect. Because each Building on work on STRs (Goldstein et morphology were similar to those based on DNA traits,landmark). Eq. (1) With becomes multiple traits, Eq. (1) becomes descendant group is smaller, at least initially, al., 1995a,b; Zhivotovsky & Feldman, 1995; sequences. In contrast, the split time estimates than its ancestral group, we expect the effective Zhivotovsky, 2001), Weaver et al. (2008) for common chimpanzees based on morphol- h2 population sizes of the groups to decrease with extended Eq. (5) to situations in which the ogy were much lower than those based on DNA E B = Pt (7) { } N g increased geographic distance from the source effective population sizes had grown from the sequences, possibly because cranial divergence in e location. Even if all of the groups subsequently ancestral to the descendant groups common chimpanzees has been constrained by where BB is isthe the between-group between-group phenotypic phenotypic vari- grow in size, the average effective population size stabilizing selection. variance-covarianceance-covariance matrix matrix and Pand is theP is within-group the within- E V = 2σ2 t h2 (V + V 2V ) of a group will stay close to its initial size for some { B} m g − W1 W2 − W12 (6) groupphenotypic phenotypic variance-covariance variance-covariance matrix. Eq.matrix. (7) time. Statistically, this is because the relevant Eq.assumes (7) assumesthat P isthat proportional P is proportional to the within-to the V average is the harmonic mean (rather than the where VWw1 is the within-group phenotypic vari- Multiple traits within-groupgroup additive-genetic additive-genetic covariance matrix,covariance- G, V G 2 arithmetic mean), which is strongly influenced ance for one of the descendant groups, VWw2 is the matrix,where the proportionality, where the proportionality constant is h , constantwhich is by small values (i.e., reductions in effective popu- within-group phenotypic variance for the other It is possible to extend models of between- isoften hh22, whicha reasonable is often assumption a reasonable for assumption morphological for lation size). Biologically, this is because it takes descendant group, and VWw12 is the within-group group divergence by genetic drift and mutation morphologicaltraits (Cheverud, traits 1988; (Cheverud, Roff, 1996). 1988; Roff, 1996). 1016 Neutral theory and human physical form

Similarly, with multiple traits, Eq. (5) becomes to evaluate different explanations, there is evi- dence that natural selection and/or mechanical E B = 2Utg (8) { } responses to shifts in diet shaped skull morphol- where U contains the additive genetic variances ogy (e.g, Carlson & Van Gerven, 1977), but the and covariances introduced by mutation effects appear to be small or localized in compari- (per zygote per generation). If we assume, as son with neutral evolutionary processes mediated with Eq. (7), that P is proportional to G, then by population history (Katz et al., 2016, 2017; P is also proportional to U, because the von Cramon-Taubadel, 2017). G equilibrium value of is 22NNeeU.. Therefore, both Eq. (7) and Eq. (8) agree that E {BB } Ä PP.. { } ∝ Building on these insights, Ackermann & Coalescence-based approaches Cheverud (2002) proposed two statistical tests to detect deviations from neutral divergence (see Reformulating classic models also Lofsvold, 1988; Ackermann & Cheverud, A major theoretical advance in population 2004; Marroig & Cheverud, 2004). For both genetics, starting in the 1980s, was to refor- tests, they decomposed P into its principal com- mulate classic problems in terms of coalescence ponents (eigenvectors), projected the group (reviewed by Rosenberg & Nordborg, 2002). means onto the principal components, and cal- Instead of thinking about time in the typical culated the between-group variance along each of way as advancing forward, coalescence-based the principal components. For the first test, they approaches start at the present and work back- regressed the log-transformed between-group wards in time (Fig. 5). It turns out that all of variances on the log-transformed within-group the classic models discussed here can be reformu- variances (log-transformed eigenvalues) to evalu- lated in terms of the average coalescence times ate whether or not the slope of the regression of pairs of alleles (average pairwise coalescence differed from one. For the second test, which times quantify how far back in time, on average, can only be applied when there are more than two alleles shared a common ancestral allele). two groups (ideally, many more), they evaluated For example, the expected within-group additive whether the group mean scores along the prin- genetic variance under neutrality is cipal components were correlated. Both of these 2 2 E h VW = τWσm (9) tests are designed to detect deviations from E {BB} { }  Ä PP,, with expectations under neutral divergence and the expected between-group variance under ∝∝ corresponding to a slope of one and no correla- neutrality is tion respectively. Weaver et al. (2007) developed 2 E VB = 2σm(τB τW) (10) additional statistical tests, which considered the { } − τ distribution expected under neutrality for the where τW is the average coalescence time of pairs τ ratio of the between-group to the within-group of alleles from the same group and τB is the average variance along each of the principal components. coalescence time of pairs of alleles from different Using these approaches, Ackermann & Cheverud groups (Whitlock, 1999; Weaver, 2016). (2004), Weaver et al. (2007), and Schroeder & These coalescence-based expressions can be Ackermann (2017) argued for the importance connected with classic results. For example, Eq. of neutral evolutionary processes in the evolu- (4) can be derived from Eq. (9) by recognizing tion and diversification of the skull in the genus that τW =22 Nee at mutation-drift equilibrium, and Homo. The implication of these studies is not Eq. (5) can be derived from Eq. (10) by recogniz- τ τ that natural selection played no role but that it ing that τB = tg + τWw at mutation-drift equilibrium. may have been less important than neutral evolu- To make another link with classic results, Eq. (6) tionary processes. Perhaps analogously, in recent can be derived from Eqs. (9) and (10) by recog- humans, for which we have the most information nizing that, when an ancestral group gives rise 10 Neutral theory and human physical form T. D. Weaver 1711

τ = t + τ Similarly, with multiple traits, Eq. (5) becomes to evaluate different explanations, there is evi- to two descendant groups, τBB = tgg + τW12W12 where dence that natural selection and/or mechanical τ W12 is the average coalescence time of pairs of E B = 2Utg (8) W12 { } responses to shifts in diet shaped skull morphol- alleles in the ancestral group (for more details see where U contains the additive genetic variances ogy (e.g, Carlson & Van Gerven, 1977), but the supplementary material for Weaver & Stringer, and covariances introduced by mutation effects appear to be small or localized in compari- 2015). The key point is that with a coalescence- (per zygote per generation). If we assume, as son with neutral evolutionary processes mediated based approach, it is possible to predict expected with Eq. (7), that P is proportional to G, then by population history (Katz et al., 2016, 2017; amounts of within-group and between-group P is also proportional to U, because the von Cramon-Taubadel, 2017). variation for a neutrally-evolving phenotypic G equilibrium value of is 22NNeeU.. Therefore, both trait by sampling – or simulating – neutrally Eq. (7) and Eq. (8) agree that E {BB } Ä PP.. evolving alleles from a collection of groups. All { } ∝ Building on these insights, Ackermann & Coalescence-based approaches one needs is average coalescence times within Cheverud (2002) proposed two statistical tests and between groups, which increasingly will be to detect deviations from neutral divergence (see Reformulating classic models possible to estimate as more DNA sequence data also Lofsvold, 1988; Ackermann & Cheverud, A major theoretical advance in population become available. 2004; Marroig & Cheverud, 2004). For both genetics, starting in the 1980s, was to refor- tests, they decomposed P into its principal com- mulate classic problems in terms of coalescence ponents (eigenvectors), projected the group (reviewed by Rosenberg & Nordborg, 2002). Gene flow means onto the principal components, and cal- Instead of thinking about time in the typical culated the between-group variance along each of way as advancing forward, coalescence-based Until now, we have assumed that different the principal components. For the first test, they approaches start at the present and work back- groups evolve independently; that is, they never Fig. 5 - Coalescence example. Because of genetic drift, not every lineage has descendants in the regressed the log-transformed between-group wards in time (Fig. 5). It turns out that all of exchange migrants, so we can ignore gene flow. next generation, so looking backwards in time, variances on the log-transformed within-group the classic models discussed here can be reformu- However, real groups often exchange migrants, the present-day lineages will eventually share a variances (log-transformed eigenvalues) to evalu- lated in terms of the average coalescence times particularly with adjacent groups. Recent single, common ancestral lineage (coalesce). In ate whether or not the slope of the regression of pairs of alleles (average pairwise coalescence genomic evidence for admixture between homi- this example of coalescence in a population that is constant in size the ten present-day lineages differed from one. For the second test, which times quantify how far back in time, on average, nin lineages (reviewed by Wolf & Akey, 2018) coalesce six generations in the past. The filled can only be applied when there are more than two alleles shared a common ancestral allele). has increased the relevance of models that con- circles indicate which lineages in each genera- two groups (ideally, many more), they evaluated For example, the expected within-group additive sider gene flow to the evolution of human physi- tion have at least one descendant in the present. whether the group mean scores along the prin- genetic variance under neutrality is cal form. These models provide a theoretical basis cipal components were correlated. Both of these 2 2 for interpreting potential morphological evidence four-group model of gene flow is a simple, circu- E h VW = τWσm (9) tests are designed to detect deviations from E {BB} of admixture in the fossil record (e.g., Duarte et lar version of the stepping-stone model, which { }  Ä PP,, with expectations under neutral divergence and the expected between-group variance under al., 1999) as well as the results of hybridization has a long history of investigation in population ∝∝ corresponding to a slope of one and no correla- neutrality is experiments (e.g., Warren et al., 2018). While genetics (Kimura & Weiss, 1964; Slatkin, 1991). tion respectively. Weaver et al. (2007) developed 2 it is possible to discuss gene flow using classic Under this model E VB = 2σm(τB τW) (10) additional statistical tests, which considered the { } − approaches (e.g., Rogers & Harpending, 1983; τ τ = 8N distribution expected under neutrality for the where τW is the average coalescence time of pairs Relethford & Blangero, 1990; Lynch, 1988a; W(step4) (11) τB Lande, 1992), the coalescence-based approaches ratio of the between-group to the within-group of alleles from the same group and B is the average 3 τ = 8N + variance along each of the principal components. coalescence time of pairs of alleles from different we have just discussed can be readily extended to Badj(step4) 2M (12) Using these approaches, Ackermann & Cheverud groups (Whitlock, 1999; Weaver, 2016). incorporate gene flow. (2004), Weaver et al. (2007), and Schroeder & These coalescence-based expressions can be Imagine four groups arranged in a square on 2 τBopp(step4) = 8N + (13) Ackermann (2017) argued for the importance connected with classic results. For example, Eq. the landscape. These groups have been exchang- M of neutral evolutionary processes in the evolu- (4) can be derived from Eq. (9) by recognizing ing migrants for many generations (i.e., an equi-

τ librium state has been reached). The migration where τTw (step4) is the average coalescence time of tion and diversification of the skull in the genus that τW =22 Nee at mutation-drift equilibrium, and where aaaaaaW(step4) is the average coalescence time of T Homo. The implication of these studies is not Eq. (5) can be derived from Eq. (10) by recogniz- between groups is structured so that only adja- pairs of alleles from the same group, aaaaaaaaτBadjadj ((step4)step4 )is is τ τ that natural selection played no role but that it ing that τB = tg + τWw at mutation-drift equilibrium. cent groups exchange migrants, and the propor- the average coalescencecoalescence timetime ofof pairspairs ofof allelesalleles τ may have been less important than neutral evolu- To make another link with classic results, Eq. (6) tion of individuals exchanged each generation is from adjacent groups, and TaaaaaaaaBopp( (step4)step4 )is is the the average average tionary processes. Perhaps analogously, in recent can be derived from Eqs. (9) and (10) by recog- MM/2/2 (Fig. 6). Each group’s population size (num- coalescence time ofof pairspairs ofof allelesalleles fromfrom oppooppo-- humans, for which we have the most information nizing that, when an ancestral group gives rise ber of breeding individuals), N, is constant. This site (diagonally across from each other) groups 1218 Neutral theory and human physical form

τ ( ) where τWW(step)step is the average coalescence time of τ pairs of alleles from the same group and τBBii( step(step)) is the average coalescence time of pairs of alleles from groups i steps apart (Slatkin, 1991). Similarly to above, Eqs. (14) and (15) can be sub- 22 stituted into Eqs. (9) and (10), giving 2Nd2Ndσδmm for the within-group additive genetic variance and ((dd − i)ii)i 2 2 − δm M σm for the between-group variance. ThThee c ircularcircular stepping-stone stepping-stone model model describes describes just just oneone specific specific case case of ofgene gene flo flow,w, but butthis this example example demonstratesdemonstrates how how a a coalescence-based coalescence-based appr approachoach cancan be be used used to to find find the the expected expected within-group within-group andand betwbetween-groupeen-group variancesvariances forfor aa phenotypicphenotypic traittrait when when there there is is gene gene flow flow..

PPSTST to to F FSTST comparisons comparisons

InIn population population genetics, genetics, FFST isis aa classic classic measure measure Fig. 6 - Model of gene flow among four groups. ST Four groups are arranged in a square on ofof genetic genetic differentiation. differentiation. A A paper paper by by Relethford Relethford the landscape. The proportion of individuals && BBlangerolangero (1990)(1990) –– alongalong withwith RelethfordRelethford’s’s exchanged each generation by adjacent groups, freely-availablefreely-available RMETRMET softwaresoftware –– promptedprompted in each direction, is M/2. ST anthropologistsanthropologists toto estimate estimate F FST forfor manymany mor-mor- phologicalphological traitstraits collectedcollected onon humanshumans andand (Slatkin, 1991). According to Eq. (11), the aver- non-humannon-human primatesprimates (e.g.,(e.g., Relethford,Relethford, 1994;1994; age coalescence time within each group increases RelethfordRelethford etet, , 1997;1997; SchillaciSchillaci && Froehlich,Froehlich, linearly with group size. Eqs. (12) and (13) show 2001;2001; LeighLeigh etet, , 2003;2003; RosemanRoseman && WWeaver,eaver, that alleles from opposite groups (which indi- 2004;2004; Roseman, Roseman, 2004; 2004; Hanihara, Hanihara, 2008; 2008; Hubbe Hubbe rectly exchange migrants) tend to coalesce deeper etet al. al., ,2009; 2009; Smith, Smith, 2009; 2009; W Weaver,eaver, 2014; 2014; Reyes- Reyes in the past than alleles from adjacent groups CentenoCenteno et et al. al., ,2017). 2017). In In the the biology biology literature literature (which directly exchange migrants), and that the (Prout(Prout & & Barker, Barker, 1993; 1993; Spitze, Spitze, 1993; 1993; Leinonen Leinonen ST differences between within-group and between- etet al. al., ,2006), 2006), a amorphological morphological estimate estimate of of F STF isis ST ST group average coalescence times decrease as designateddesignated Q QST oror PPST , , toto distinguishdistinguish itit fromfrom aa migration rate increases. typicaltypical estimate,estimate, whichwhich comescomes fromfrom molecularmolecular ST Eqs. (11)-(13) can be substituted into Eqs. datadata (here (here I Iwill will use use P PST forfor a a morphological morphological esti esti-- 22 (9) and (10), giving 88NNσδm for the within- mate;mate; see see Box Box 1 1 for for further further details). details). The The molecu molecu-- 3 2 2 group additive genetic variance, 3M /Mσδmm for the larlar quantityquantity measurmeasureses geneticgenetic differentiationdifferentiation atat 4 2 2 between-adjacent-group variance, and 4 /MM σδmm for thethe genetic genetic loci loci themselves, themselves, and and the the morphologi morphologi-- the between opposite-group variance. calcal quantities quantities measure measure genetic genetic differentiation differentiation at at To generalize this four-group model, imag- thethe genetic genetic loci loci underlying underlying the the phenotypic phenotypic trait. trait. ST ine d groups arranged in a circle, with d an even OOnene common common approach approach is is to to compare compare P PST forfor the the / ST number, and M/M 2 the migration rate between phenotypicphenotypic traits traits of of interest interest to to F STF forfor presumpresum-- adjacent groups. Under this more general model ablyably neutralneutral DNADNA markers as aa wayway toto identifyidentify ST ST τW(step) = 2Nd (14) potentialpotential casescases ofof directional selectionselection ((PPST>>FFST) ) ST< ST (d i)i oror stabilizingstabilizing selectionselection (PST FST) (e.g.,(e.g., RogersRogers && τ = 2Nd + − Bi(step) 2M (15) Harpending,Harpending, 1983; 1983; Roseman Roseman & & W Weaver,eaver, 2004; 2004; Relethford,Relethford, 2002; 2002; W Weaver,eaver, 2014). 2014). 12 Neutral theory and human physical form T. D. Weaver 1913

τ ( ) where τWW(step)step is the average coalescence time of For a single phenotypic trait, according to it was published, given the general preference τ P pairs of alleles from the same group and τBBii( step(step)) Relethford & Blangero (1990), PST is estimated as at the time for adaptive explanations for human is the average coalescence time of pairs of alleles cranial variation. Roseman (2004), Roseman & 2 2 from groups i steps apart (Slatkin, 1991). 1 d (x¯ x¯) 1 d (x¯ x¯) Weaver (2004), Smith (2009), and Hubbe et i − 2 + i − (16) Similarly to above, Eqs. (14) and (15) can be sub- i=1 2 i=1 2 al. (2009) used similar approaches to identify ds hVW  ds hVW Z 2Ndσ22 P stituted into Eqs. (9) and (10), giving 2Ndδmm for the cranial traits or regions for which PSTST cor- d F the within-group additive genetic variance and where dss is the number of groups that have been responded best with FSTST, and which traits were (d − i)i (d i)iδ 2 2 th M− σm x¯¯ M m for the between-group variance. sampled, x¯xiii is the trait mean for the i group, potentially affected by directional natural selec- x¯ The circular stepping-stone model describes just and ¯x is the trait grand mean (mean of the group tion (e.g., cranial breadth, facial shape). These one specific case of gene flow, but this example means). Relethford and colleagues (Relethford examples illustrate that even studies whose focus demonstrates how a coalescence-based approach & Blangero, 1990; Relethford et al., 1997; is on adaptation can make use of neutral models can be used to find the expected within-group Relethford, 1994) present a version for multiple by using neutral expectations as a null hypothe- and between-group variances for a phenotypic traits that depends on matrices rather than sca- sis, which when it is rejected potentially indicates trait when there is gene flow. lars and allows for unequal weighting of groups the action of natural selection. Although not P based on differences in effective population size. precisely a comparison of PSTST to FFSTST, comparing (Note that these authors refer to this quantity as morphological to genetic distances to detect the FST PST to FST comparisons FST in their papers.) action of natural selection (e.g., studies of human If the phenotypic trait is evolving neutrality, cranial variation by Harvati & Weaver, 2006a,b;

In population genetics, F is a classic measure PST as given by Eq. (16) is expected to equal von Cramon-Taubadel, 2009, 2011) is based on Fig. 6 - Model of gene flow among four groups. ST ST of genetic differentiation. A paper by Relethford τ τ the same principle as a comparison of PST to FST Four groups are arranged in a square on − W (17) ST ST the landscape. The proportion of individuals & Blangero (1990) – along with Relethford’s τ – that under neutrality the amount of morph - exchanged each generation by adjacent groups, freely-available RMET software – prompted where τ is the average coalescence time of pairs logical and genetic differentiation should match. in each direction, is M/2. anthropologists to estimate FST for many mor- of alleles from the collection of groups sampled phological traits collected on humans and (Slatkin, 1995; Whitlock, 1999; Weaver, 2016). Conclusions (Slatkin, 1991). According to Eq. (11), the aver- non-human primates (e.g., Relethford, 1994; Eq. (17) connects PST to coalescence times, age coalescence time within each group increases Relethford et al., 1997; Schillaci & Froehlich, which allows expected PST under neutrality to linearly with group size. Eqs. (12) and (13) show 2001; Leigh et al., 2003; Roseman & Weaver, be calculated for models of genetic drift, Neutral models of phenotypic evolution have that alleles from opposite groups (which indi- 2004; Roseman, 2004; Hanihara, 2008; Hubbe mutation, and gene flow. One simply needs to now become an important tool for researchers rectly exchange migrants) tend to coalesce deeper et al., 2009; Smith, 2009; Weaver, 2014; Reyes- work out – analytically or by simulation – τ and investigating the evolution of human physical in the past than alleles from adjacent groups Centeno et al., 2017). In the biology literature τW, which allows for quite a bit of flexibility in form. These models have implications for many (which directly exchange migrants), and that the (Prout & Barker, 1993; Spitze, 1993; Leinonen the specifics of the models. This connection also areas of biological anthropology, including using differences between within-group and between- et al., 2006), a morphological estimate of FST is makes it possible to show that, regardless of morphology to reconstruct the histories and group average coalescence times decrease as designated QST or PST , to distinguish it from a population structure or effective population migrations of recent human populations, using migration rate increases. typical estimate, which comes from molecular size, morphological (PST) and molecular (FST) morphology to infer the evolutionary relation- Eqs. (11)-(13) can be substituted into Eqs. data (here I will use PST for a morphological esti- estimates of genetic differentiation are expected ships among hominin taxa, and clarifying how 22 (9) and (10), giving 88NNσδm for the within- mate; see Box 1 for further details). The molecu- to be equal under neutrality (Whitlock, 1999; natural selection has acted on physical form 3 2 2 group additive genetic variance, 3M /Mσδmm for the lar quantity measures genetic differentiation at Weaver, 2016). throughout human evolution. Their applica- 4 2 2 between-adjacent-group variance, and 4 /MM σδmm for the genetic loci themselves, and the morphologi- Relethford (1994, 2002) used a comparison tion to anthropological questions has stimulated P F the between opposite-group variance. cal quantities measure genetic differentiation at of ST to ST at a global scale to argue for the biological anthropologists to more seriously con- To generalize this four-group model, imag- the genetic loci underlying the phenotypic trait. importance of neutral evolutionary processes in sider the roles of history and chance in human ine d groups arranged in a circle, with d an even One common approach is to compare PST for the shaping human cranial variation. Specifically, he evolution. These formal mathematical models M/M/2 P number, and 2 the migration rate between phenotypic traits of interest to FST for presum- found that when ST was calculated assuming an have the added benefit of forcing researchers to adjacent groups. Under this more general model ably neutral DNA markers as a way to identify average heritability for cranial measurements explicitly incorporate their assumptions about

τW(step) = 2Nd (14) potential cases of directional selection (PST>FST) based on clinical data (Devor, 1987), it the process of evolution into the analysis phase P 1420 Neutral theory and human physical form

Box 1: Connections between FST, QST, PST, and heritability.

Initially in the anthropology literature, both molecular and morphological estimates of genetic differentiation were designated FST ( Relethford & Blangero, 1990; Relethford, 1994). In the biology litera- ture, FST was always reserved for a molecular estimate, and a morphological estimate was designated QST (Prout

& Barker, 1993; Spitze, 1993). More recently, Leinonen et al. (2006) proposed that QST should only be used for morphological estimates based on experimental data, for which additive genetic and other (dominance genetic, interaction genetic, environmental) effects can be separated by controlled breeding, and PST should be used for morphological estimates based on observational data, for which breeding is not controlled. Following this classification, the proper term for human morphological estimates would be PST (Roseman & Weaver, 2007; Reyes-Centeno et al., 2014). Even so, currently, there is no consensus in the anthropological literature about which term to use for morphological estimates of genetic differentiation, but here I follow Leinonen et al. (2006) in using PST (see also Leinonen et al., 2013).

A concern with morphological estimates derived from observational data (PST) is that variance that is not additive genetic could bias estimates, particularly in the direction of too much differentiation. If a large number of groups are being compared, Relethford & Blangero (1990)’s equation for estimating PST [Eq. (16)] can be 2 rewritten as VB /(VB + 2h VW ) (see Weaver, 2016). With the rewritten equation it is apparent that the within- group phenotypic variance is, in principle, adjusted for variance that is not additive genetic by scaling it by h2, but the between-group phenotypic variance is not similarly adjusted. Therefore, if the average phenotypic trait values of two groups differ for reasons other than additive genetic effects (e.g., environmental effects from different diets), PST will be too large; it will be an inflated estimate of the amount of differentiation at the genetic loci underlying the trait.

To address this issue, some researchers have argued that VB should be scaled by a factor c, giving cVB/(cVB 2 +2h VW) as a revised equation for estimating PST, and further that, as a first approximation, c should be set equal to h2 (Brommer, 2011; Zaidi et al., 2016). A similar assumption was implicitly made by Manica et al. (2007) when they compared coefficients of determination for regressions of within-group phenotypic (cranial) variance on group distance from sub-Saharan Africa to h2. The justification for setting c equal to h2 is that, without information to the contrary, it is reasonable to assume that the trait is equally heritable within and between groups (Brommer, 2011; Zaidi et al., 2016). While this justification makes sense intuitively - notwithstanding the pitfalls of equating between-group with within-group sources of variation (Feldman &

Lewontin, 1975) - it overlooks that VW and VB are fundamentally different in that VW measures variation across individuals whereas VB measures variation across group means. Considering the situation of two groups in which each individual’s phenotype is the sum of additive genetic and other effects (i.e., no interaction 2 2 terms), c = ΔA/(ΔA + ΔO) where ΔA is the difference between the groups in their additive-genetic-effect means and Δ is the difference between the groups in their other effect means. In contrast, for each group h2 = V / O WA V where V is the within- group additive genetic variance. Unlike h2, which will be less than one when any W WA of the individual-level variation within a group is not additive genetic (VWA < VW), c will only deviate from ! one if the groups differ in their other-effect means (Δ O 0). In other words, individual-level variation that is not additive genetic will result in h2<1, but only group-level differences for reasons other than additive genetic effects will result in c<1. Consequently, h2 will not be a good proxy for c. Accordingly, while the presence of between-group variance that is not additive genetic can bias PST estimates, and this possibility should be evaluated whenever possible, there is no reason to assume that less biased estimates will be obtained by setting c equal to h2. 14 Neutral theory and human physical form T. D. Weaver 2115

approaches, but as more DNA sequence data Carlson D.S. & Van Gerven D.P. 1977. Masticatory

Box 1: Connections between FST, QST, PST, and heritability. become available, coalescence-based approaches function and post-Pleistocene evolution in promise to provide further insights by being able Nubia. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 46: 495–506. Initially in the anthropology literature, both molecular and morphological estimates of genetic to readily and flexibly leverage these data. Carson E.A. 2006. Maximum likelihood estima- differentiation were designated FST ( Relethford & Blangero, 1990; Relethford, 1994). In the biology litera- tion of human craniometric heritabilities. Am. ture, FST was always reserved for a molecular estimate, and a morphological estimate was designated QST (Prout J. Phys. Anthrop., 131: 169–180.

& Barker, 1993; Spitze, 1993). More recently, Leinonen et al. (2006) proposed that QST should only be used Acknowledgments Cavalli-Sforza L.L., Menozzi P. & Piazza A. for morphological estimates based on experimental data, for which additive genetic and other (dominance 1994. The history and geography of human genes. genetic, interaction genetic, environmental) effects can be separated by controlled breeding, and PST should be I would like to thank D. Katz, N. von Cramon- Princeton University Press, Princeton. used for morphological estimates based on observational data, for which breeding is not controlled. Following Taubadel, and three anonymous reviewers for help- Cheverud J.M. 1988. A comparison of genetic this classification, the proper term for human morphological estimates would be PST (Roseman & Weaver, ful comments on a version of this manuscript, and and phenotypic correlations. Evolution, 42: 2007; Reyes-Centeno et al., 2014). Even so, currently, there is no consensus in the anthropological literature N. von Cramon-Taubadel for inviting me to write 958– 968. about which term to use for morphological estimates of genetic differentiation, but here I follow Leinonen et this paper. DeGiorgio M., Jakobsson M. & Rosenberg N.A. al. (2006) in using PST (see also Leinonen et al., 2013). 2009. Explaining worldwide patterns of hu- A concern with morphological estimates derived from observational data (PST) is that variance that is not man genetic variation using a -based additive genetic could bias estimates, particularly in the direction of too much differentiation. If a large number References serial founder model of migration outward of groups are being compared, Relethford & Blangero (1990)’s equation for estimating PST [Eq. (16)] can be from Africa. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 106: 2 rewritten as VB /(VB + 2h VW ) (see Weaver, 2016). With the rewritten equation it is apparent that the within- Ackermann R.R. & Cheverud J.M. 2002. 16057– 16062. group phenotypic variance is, in principle, adjusted for variance that is not additive genetic by scaling it by Discerning evolutionary processes in patterns Devor E.J. 1987. Transmission of human crani- h2, but the between-group phenotypic variance is not similarly adjusted. Therefore, if the average phenotypic of Tamarin (Genus Saguinus) craniofacial varia- ofacial dimensions. J. Craniofac. Genet. Dev. trait values of two groups differ for reasons other than additive genetic effects (e.g., environmental effects from tion. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 117: 260– 271. Biol., 7: 95–106. different diets), PST will be too large; it will be an inflated estimate of the amount of differentiation at the genetic Ackermann R.R. & Cheverud J.M. 2004. Duarte C., Maurício J., Pettitt P.B., Souto P., loci underlying the trait. Detecting genetic drift versus selection in hu- Trinkaus E., van der Plicht H. et al. 1999. The

To address this issue, some researchers have argued that VB should be scaled by a factor c, giving cVB/(cVB man evolution. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101: early Upper Paleolithic human skeleton from 2 +2h VW) as a revised equation for estimating PST, and further that, as a first approximation, c should be set 17946–17951. the Abrigo do Lagar Velho (Portugal) and mod- equal to h2 (Brommer, 2011; Zaidi et al., 2016). A similar assumption was implicitly made by Manica et al. Arsuaga J.L., Martínez I., Arnold L.J., Aranburu ern human emergence in Iberia. Proc. Natl. (2007) when they compared coefficients of determination for regressions of within-group phenotypic A., Gracia-Téllez A., Sharp W.D. et al. 2014. Acad. Sci. USA, 96: 7604–7609. (cranial) variance on group distance from sub-Saharan Africa to h2. The justification for setting c equal to h2 Neandertal roots: cranial and chronological evi- Eller E. 1999. Population structure and isolation is that, without information to the contrary, it is reasonable to assume that the trait is equally heritable within dence from Sima de los Huesos. Science, 344: by distance in three continental regions. Am. J. and between groups (Brommer, 2011; Zaidi et al., 2016). While this justification makes sense intuitively - 1358– 1363. Phys. Anthrop., 108: 147–159. notwithstanding the pitfalls of equating between-group with within-group sources of variation (Feldman & Beals K.L., Smith C.L. & Dodd S.M. 1983. Falconer D.S. & Mackay T.F.C. 1996. Introduction

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