RAILROADS APPEAL the Grounds and Nearly Knocking One of the Age
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_ ... — ■ _ 1 await result* with Interest. If your bat- field, constituted my Inglorious record. strikes them a blow when It should ting average picks up I'll know that Din- i AMONG THE CHURCHES 1 was back in my old batting slump, give them a crown, and their only- Jir Meb's bat has done It. But be ready I deeper than a steer. friend Is he who broke bread with to give up the bat when he calls for It | bogged Crossing these orientals is dangerous We lost the two games and the pen- beggars and said: "Come unto me all business. Yours, nant. and the only hisses that crowd ye that are weary and heavy laden and SUNDAY’S SERVICES AT THE L,. C. BILSTRUTHER, M. D. bestowed on anybody were directed at I will give you rest." CHURCHES ALL OF WHICH It was with feelings of trepidation, the troubled head of Walloper Murphy. Oh, America! The land of the free as the novelists that I undone that Two later 1 a call from i and the home of the the EXTEND A HEARTY WEL- say. days got my brave, long bundle. When the last wrapping special policeman, who was more of a world's custodian of chivalry, the COME TO VISITORS. OVER A MILLION AND A HALF was peeled off there was a life size bat sleuth than I gave him credit for being. champion of human rights and the de- WORK AS FARM HANDS It was made out of some heavy, dark He had followed a clew that led him to WOMEN fender of the oppressed—shall we per- IN THE UNITED STATES. colored wood. one of the biggest hotels In the city. mit our maidens fair to be torn from didn't swell in middle HOLLYWOOD M. E. CHURCH It the just to My goggle eyed man had been seen go- the hearthstone by the ruthless hand Peter Radford my liking, but it seemed to huve a good In there, a bat that an- By of and chained to the Roberta and ing carrying destiny plow? Comer Pacific Avenue* balance for Lecturer National Farmers’ Union. all of that. WJien I swung swered the description of the war club Shall we permit our faithful wives, Rev. J. G. Edwards. D. D, It there came a tingling sensation that of Dinjlr Meb. Our government never faced so tre- whom we covenanted with God to cher- shot arms and stirred the Preaching by the pastor at 10.30. up my very 1 was at the hotel as quick as gaso- mendous a problem as that now lying ish and protect, to be hurled from the roots of hair, as the novelists Sunday-sg^ool, 2.30. my say. line and a daredevil chauffeur could dormant at the doors of congress and home to the harvest field, and our I never felt stronger—not even In the Sunday evening service at 7.46 When a man has been chief buster take me. 1 hadn't any more than the legislatures, and which, when mothers dear to be driven from the old brave days when I was twenty-one and and cleanup hitter of a big stepped into the lobby than 1 saw Doc aroused, will shake this nation from arm chair to the cotton patch? o’clock, preceded tty Epworth League kingpin records week. smashing battiug every Bilstruther in an our from the servio« at 7 league for ten seasons he bates to ad- sittiug comfortably center to circumference, and make In rescuing citizens song y’olu.k. I swung from the shoulder and mit he’s lost his batting eye. But armchair and reading a pink sporting civilization hide Its face in shame. forces of civilization, can we not apply Prayer Meeting Wed. Ev'g, 7.45 chopped from the wrist and practiced that’s what I. Walloper Murphy, did section. 1 grabbed him by the shoulder That problem is—women In the field. to our fair Dixieland the rule of the Seats free. All are welcome. all the other batting moves I know to one sunny July morning. I remem- and fairly yelled: The last federal census reports sea—"women and children first?’’ the Imminent danger of the gold plated It *1 * ber the stage setting as well as if it "You're mixed up iu all this business. show we now have 1,614,000 women There must be a readjustment of chandeliers in that bridal soot, and the had been in the fourth act of my favor- Now you tell me where Dinjlr Meb has working In the field, most of them the wage scale of Industry so that the WILDWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH more I swung the club the better I ite dra mmer. taken uiy bat!" south of the Mason and Dixon line. women can be taken from the field or liked it and the stronger grew my sense Comer Maple and Pacific avenues It was in a white and gold bridal soot “I see It’s all up. Walloper," says There were approximately a million given a reasonable wage for her serv- of iiower. at the leading hotel in one of the big- Doe, gentle as a lamb. “Come up to negro slaves working In the fields ices. Perhaps the Issue has never been Rev. Irwin H. Fisher, pastor. It don’t seem quite modest to set gest cities on the circuit—for. as mon- my room and I'll tell you the hull when liberated by the emancipation fairly raised, but the Farmers’ Union, Morning, 10.30 a. m., Sunday schoo down all the batting feats I done in the arch of all the world’s sluggers, didn't thing.” We have freed our with a membership of ten million, puts that but this is a veracious proclamation. 2.80 m.; 7.30 m. game day, I with bless- p. Evening, p. Prayei Walloper Murphy deserve the best dismissed the special my slaves and our women have taken Its organized forces squarely behind record of unimpeachable fact, as 1 once meeting Wednesday evening, 7.80. A there was on the road, and didn’t he ing and his wage, and no sooner had I their In We have the Issue and we now enter upon the heard a stump speaker say. and the places bondage. welcome extended to visitors. always get it? entered Doc's room than l saw Dinjlr broken the shackles off the docket of civilization the case of "The hearty details have got to go with the general negroes contributions "Walloper Murphy.” I Hamletizes to Meb’s bat leaning In the corner. I and them our Woman In the Field” and demand an Supported by voluntary outline of the plot Out of five times welded upon daughters. myself, “it's come at last. The thing pounced upon it. eager-like, and as I The of Civilization. immediate trial. Ml N up I hit for a single and a two bagger Chain-Gang Ml long dreaded has come to pass, as the stood there in the middle of the room, the and lifted three home runs over the A million women In bondage In novelists say. You're a cadaver—a can- crooning over that stick and swinging of HOLLY BEACH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH fence, the last one going through the southern fields form the chain-gang an didate for oblong box in the bush it. Doc lit a cigar and laughed. — window of a blocks civilization the industrial tragedy Corner Pacific and avenue brewery two from Burke league hearse. You have swatted nigh "It’s a shame to tell you about it,” RAILROADS APPEAL the grounds and nearly knocking one of the age. There Is no overseer quite Holly Beach. your last swat in the big leagues. he said. “I’ve n good notion to freeze of our solid Dutch citizens into a beer so cruel as that of unrestrained greed, "It’s been three months slnqe you up.” Rev. Alexander Laird, pastor. vat he was grooming. no whip that stings like the lash of TO PRESIDENT lifted one of those home run things “At your 1 says, and so he Services every Sunday preaching by The sporting writers didn’t whisper peril," suborned destiny, and no auctioneer’s into that small but select crowd on the told me everything. the pastor, at 10.30. Sunday-School at to each other and jot down hints about block quite so revolting as that of or- The Common Carriers Ask for Re- “In the first place there ain't any lief— President Wilson 2.80. the 7.30 my being a lias been without a come- ganized avarice. Directs Preaching by pastor Dinjir Meh." he giving me the back attachment. Instead, they just says, The president of the United States Attention of Public to Prayer meeting every Wednesday cold shock right at the start. "I’m stood up and whooped with the rest was recently lauded by the press, and Their Needs. evening, at 7.30 o’clock. all the Dinjlr Meb there ever was. of the wild, crazy crotvd. I was car- very properly so, for suggesting medi- The committee of railroad execu- You know I've been interested ried otT the grounds to the hotel auto always ation between the engineers and rail- tives, headed by Mr. Prank Trumbull, in the of the effect of the by an admiring delegation of fans from study imagi- road managers In adjusting their representing thirty-five of the leading AT. HIM EON 'S-B Y-TH E-SEA PROTEST AN1 nation upon the organism.