SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGISTS, INC. 7811 Shaffer Parkway • Littleton, CO 80127-3732 USA • Tel: +1.720.981.7882 • Fax: +1.720.981.7874 E-mail: [email protected] Student Chapter Annual Report Form This form is used to report on Student Chapter activities over the previous year. The report provides a useful medium to doc- ument the status and progress of individual chapters. Annual Reports are used to evaluate applications for SEG support and to keep information up-to-date on the SEG website. Please provide a summary of chapter activities in a concise form as suggest- ed below. Description of programs may be supported by a limited number of photographs and figures in a format appropriate for publishing on our website.

Submission Deadline: September 30th Submit to: [email protected]

Month/Year Reported: From ______(mm/yyyy)04/2017 – To ______(mm/yyyy)09/2017 Chapter Name: ______SEG Student Chapter at Institute of Geochemistry, CAS Chapter Mailing Address: ______99 Lincheng West Road, Guanshanhu , , Province 550081, P.R. Chapter E-mail: ______Chapter Website: ______Chapter Facebook: ______

Chapter Executive Committee (in office during the time frame captured on this report) (type “Vacant” if position not filled): President: ______Mingliang Huang [email protected] Name E-mail Vice President: ______Wendou Dong [email protected] Name E-mail Secretary: ______JianHeng Guo [email protected] Name E-mail Treasurer: ______Lan Mu [email protected] Name E-mail

Chapter Academic Sponsor (SEG Fellow membership in good standing): ______Ruizhong Hu [email protected] ______86-851-85891186 Name E-mail Phone ______99 Lincheng West Road, Guanshanhu District, Guiyang, Guizhou Province 550081, P.R.China ______86-851-85895095 Address Fax

Chapter Industry Sponsor (SEG Fellow membership in good standing and not affiliated with the student chapter’s institution): ______Zhaoshan Chang [email protected] ______Name E-mail Phone ______Address Fax

Sponsoring Institution or Company (name): ______

Attach: 1. a list of names of all Student Chapter members (please indicate by * if SEG Student Member). 2. complete Student Chapter Membership Information form with the current Executive Committee listed on page 1.

On a separate page(s) provide a summary of student chapter annual activities: 1. Regular meetings, lectures 4. Organization of conferences, workshops, short 2. Field trips (dates, area visited, field trip leaders, num- courses (theme, number of participants, benefits ber of participants, sponsors, benefits for students). for students) Note: this is not the place for a detailed field trip 5. Participation in conferences, workshops, short report that is required from a chapter who has received courses (theme, number of participants from the funding from the Stewart R. Wallace Fund. chapter, benefits for students) 3. If your chapter received funding from the Stewart R. 6. Fund-raising programs Wallace Fund, please submit a separate actual 7. Other programs accounting of how chapter funds were spent/used. 8. Future plans Aug2015VS Annual Report of SEG Student Chapter at Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2017.04-2017.09

Chapter Executive Committee:

Mingliang Huang

Wendou Dong

Jianheng Guo

Lan Mu

99 Lincheng West Road, Guanshanhu District, Guiyang, Guizhou Province 550081, P.R.China Tel: +86-851-85895239 Email: [email protected] 10.18.2017 Table of Contents

Table of Contents...... 1 Introduction...... 2 Student Chapter Committee...... 3 Student Members List...... 3 1. Regular meetings, lectures...... 4 1) Regular meetings...... 4 2) Regular lectures...... 4 2. Field Trips 3. Accounting of chapter funds 4. Organization of conferences, workshops, short courses...... 5 1) Academic Communication with the Student Chapter from McGill University...... 5 2) Academic lecture of Douglas Kirwin...... 7 5. Participation in conferences, workshops, short Courses...... 8 6. Fund-raising programs 7. Other programs 8. Future plans...... 9

Note: The 2, 3, 6 and 7 part has no content.

濄澳 Introduction

The 11th annual workshop of Ore Deposits Models and Exploration meeting hold in the Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGCAS) in Guiyang, In November 2016, has greatly increased the reputation of SEG in SW China. This was also a golden opportunity to build our chapter, and it was strongly supported by officers of SEG committee. After six months’ efforts, we finally established our student chapter in IGCAS in April, 2017. SEG fellows Prof. Zhaoshan Chang and Ruizhong Hu were invited as our industrial and academic advisors, respectively. During the first academic year, our chapter faced a lot of chanllenges and difficulties. The most important thing we should do is to expand chapter. So we hold a publicity lecture, which is a perfect way to keep gaining insight into our SEG student chapter. Through this lecture we explain the benefits and steps to participating this organization. And there are many students willing to attend our chapter. Next, we communicated with the chapter from McGill University and participated in the conferences and workshop in . In brief, we are trying our best to establish the student chapter at the Institute of Geochemistry and get the chapter on track. This report documents the details of activities we hold over the past half year, and we wish that the new SEG Student Chapter will start a glorious year for chapter students at the Institute of Geochemistry. 澳 澳 澳 澳 澳 澳 澳 澳 澳 澳 澳 澳 澳 澳 澳 澳 澳 澳

濅澳 澳 Student Chapter Committee and Student Member List

Chapter Executive Committee For 2017 President: Mingliang Huang Vice President: Wendou Dong Secretary: Jianheng Guo Treasurer: Lan Mu

Student Member List for 2017 Feng Liang Yan Liu Heqing Liu Songtao Li Zheng Chu Tian Gan Guanghong Zhou Ziqi Jiang Keqiang Peng Qinglin Liang Yingjing Wang Dianzhong Wang Kaiyuan Wang Xiangyuan Sheng Jinxiang Li Zhengdong Tian Qian Feng Chen Wei Yinghua Chen Yusi Hu Xifeng Mi Shan He Longgang Gao Juan Li Feng Tian Yuefu Liu Zhitong Lu Chuan Lyu

濆澳 澳 1. Regular meetings and lectures

1) Regular meetings Chapter executive committee members hold the regular meetings about once a month. If there is an urgent thing, we will have a temporary meeting. The regular meeting summaries the work in the past month and plan the activities what will be held in next month. 2) Regular lectures We hold a publicity lecture for introducing our chapter in July this year. And the lecture will become a regular lecture every year once the new students step into the institute. This publicity lecture aims to introduce the SEG as well as the SEG Student Chapter at IGCAS. The SEG is an international organization which having a long history, and it was dedicated to disseminate basic and applied scientific information, and what is the most important thing is SEG focus on supporting and funding young student. And SEG student membership will get student research grants, enjoy student field trip program and get graduate student fellowship program. So we introduce those benefits to our student. Besides, we encourage student in our institute to become SEG member. And we provide some guidance to help students become the member of SEG. Finally we introduce some future activities for the chapter. The lecture was succeeded to convey the concept and the value of SEG and inspired students to learn from it and benefit from it.

SEG Publicity Lecture

濇澳 澳 4. Organization of conferences, workshops, short courses

In 2017, the student chapter organized or co-organized conferences, workshop and course including: 1) Academic Communication with the Student Chapter from McGill University Invited by the State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry (SKLODG in IGCAS), twelve students from McGill University in Canada visited institute of Geohemistry, Chinese Academic of Sciences(IGCAS) for academic communication and cultural exchange from May 26th to June 1th, 2017. On May 26th, the student chapter from McGill University had a six days’ field trip in southwestern Guizhou, China, accompanied by Prof. Zhang and D. Xie. They visited Shuiyindong, Jingfeng and Nibao Carlin type deposits. On June 1th, the student chapter and student union of Institute of Geochemistry, CAS organized a conference together for welcoming the students from McGill University. And the theme of the conference is to communicate with each other and learn from each other. Besides some academic presentation, students also talk about some field experiences, cultural differences. There are 12 Canadian students and 32 Chinese students participated in the meeting. At first, the host introduced the history and scientific research progress of IGCAS. The visiting students gave brief self-introductions and conveyed their happy feelings about joining this academic communication. Then the IGCAS’s D. Zhuojun Xie, Ph.D. students Aizat and Ting Gan had three presentations titled “Comparison of the Carlin-style Gold deposits, Guizhou Province, China, with Carlin-style Gold deposits, Nevada, USA”, “Element and isotope Geochemistry of Au and Sb deposits at Youjiang basin” and瀡Geochemistry of Lamprophyres from Zhenyuan, Yunnan, China” , respectively. The McGill graduate students including Eleanor Smith, Nicolas Gaillard, Rebecca Paisley, Duncan Meclish and Jethro Sanz-Robinson gave some research reports as well. Their presentations included “Biotite composition as a vector to ore zones”, “Brown Bag Seminar”, “Geochemistry of black shales”, “The Nature and Origin of the BruceJack Epithermal Gold Deposit, British Columbia, Canada” and “Geochemical constraints on outgassing pathways during rhyolitic eruptions”. After the presentations, speakers and audiences had a broad and in-depth exchange of views on the topics including the geochemistry and field characters of Carlin type deposits and hydrothermal deposits. At the end of the meeting, the participants also had conversations regarding the 濈澳 澳 cultural differences between Canada and China. Since it was just two days after the Dragon Boat Festival, the IGCAS students introduced the tradition festival and gave Zongzi and Chinese knots as presents to the McGill students. Both chapters looked forward to more academic and cultural exchange activities in the future.

Field trip in Shuiyindong deposit

Academic communication in GYIG

濉澳 澳 2) Academic lecture of Douglas Kirwin On September 14th, Invited by the State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, Prof. Douglas Kirwin had a short -time academic communications and gave a lecture, which include three presentations titled “The Business of Mineral Exploration”, “The Kyrgyz Carlin-type Gold Deposit” and “Sediment-hosted Gold Deposits in Southeast Asia”, respectively. About twenty five students and professors participated in the conference and discussed together on gold deposit and mineral exploration respectively. Douglas Kirwin is an independent geologist with 45 years of international exploration experience spanning 80 countries. He has held senior positions in several companies and was a successful international geological exploration director. He also is a member of the joint discovery team for the gaint deposits such as Hugo Dummett gold copper deposit at Oyu Tolgoi in Mongolia, Jelai-Mewet epithermal deposits, which spread all around the world. And he has previously been an industry advisor for the Society of Applied Geologists.Prof. Douglas Kirwin narrated to us the experience of himself to give us some good advice on the business and mineral exploration. Finally, Prof. Kirwin took photo with the students and SEG student chapter members.

Prof. Kirwin having lecture and taking photo with student chapter members

濊澳 澳 5. Participation in conferences, workshops, short Courses September 17th to 20th, the SEG 2017 conference, Ore Deposit of Asia: China and Beyond, which is jointly hosted by the Society of Economic Geologists and China University of Geosciences Beijing was held in Beijing. This SEG conference is focused on recent developments in our understanding of the evolution of eastern Asia and formation of its many world-class mineral deposits. There are more than 600 attendees from Asia and elsewhere in the world, and about thirty students, doctors and professors came from Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academic of Science, and nearly all the students are SEG student chapter members. In this conference, fifteen students of IGCAS took the workshops, and more than thirty students participated the conferences on different types of deposits including porphyry Cu-Au deposits, sediment-hosted Zn-Pb deposits, magmatic deposits, orogenic gold deposits, skarn deposits, carlin-type deposits and so on. Every workshop was conducted by recognized leaders in the scientific community. And we ask question timely and discuss with leading professor and peers. All the students got valuable and new acknowledge from the founder of this field, then get better understanding to own field.

SEG conference in Beijing

濋澳 8. Future plants Our new SEG Student Chapter will face many challenges. The list is the plan of Student Chapter of GYIG committee in the next year. 1) Encourage the new students to attend the 12th annual workshop ore deposits models and exploration in . 2) Organize a student academic communication, which in form of presentation competition. And invite some professor to give some guidance. 3) Invite preeminent international and domestic economic geologists to communicate the latest research results; 4) Hold fellowship activities with other SEG student chapters, hoping to enhance the friendship and collaboration between chapters. 5) Encourage chapter students apply for Student Research Grants and Graduate Student Fellowship Program. 6) Apply for The Society of Economic Geologists Foundation, Inc. (SEGF) in 2018, and preparer for field trips in next summer.
