Antonia Fraser | 448 pages | 01 Feb 2003 | Orion Publishing Co | 9780753814017 | English | London, United Kingdom The Gunpowder Plot by Antonia Fraser

The plan was to blow up the House of Lords during the State Opening of Parliament on 5 November[a] as the prelude to a popular revolt in the Midlands during which James's nine-year-old daughter, Elizabethwas to be installed as the Catholic head of state. Catesby may have embarked on the scheme after hopes of securing greater religious tolerance under King James had faded, leaving many English Catholics disappointed. The plot was revealed to the authorities in an anonymous letter sent to William Parker, 4th Baron Monteagleon 26 October Most of the conspirators fled from London as they learned of the plot's discovery, trying to enlist support along the way. Several made a stand against the pursuing Sheriff of Worcester and his men at Holbeche House The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 in the ensuing battle, Catesby was one of those shot and killed. At their trial on 27 Januaryeight of the survivors, including Fawkes, were convicted and sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered. Details of the assassination attempt were allegedly known by the principal Jesuit of , Father . Although he was convicted of treason and sentenced to death, doubt has been cast on how much he really knew The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 the plot. As its existence was revealed to him through confessionGarnet was prevented from informing the authorities by the absolute confidentiality of the confessional. Although anti-Catholic legislation was introduced soon after the plot's discovery, many important and loyal Catholics retained high office during King James I 's reign. The thwarting of the Gunpowder Plot was commemorated for many years afterwards by special sermons and other public events such as the ringing of church bells, which evolved into the Bonfire Night of today. English Catholics struggled in a society dominated by the The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 separate and increasingly Protestant Church of England. Henry's daughter, Queen Elizabeth Iresponded to the growing religious divide by introducing the Elizabethan Religious Settlementwhich required anyone appointed to a public or church office to swear allegiance to the monarch as head of the Church and state. The penalties for refusal were severe; fines were imposed for recusancyand repeat offenders risked imprisonment and execution. Catholicism became marginalised, but despite the threat of torture or execution, priests continued to practise their faith in secret. Queen Elizabeth, unmarried and childless, steadfastly refused to name an heir. Many Catholics believed that her Catholic cousin, Mary, Queen of Scotswas the legitimate heir to the English throne, but she was executed for treason in In the months before Elizabeth's death on 24 MarchCecil prepared the way for James to succeed her. More moderate Catholics looked to James's and Elizabeth's cousin Arbella Stuarta woman thought to have Catholic sympathies. Despite competing claims to the English throne, the The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 of power following Elizabeth's death went smoothly. Leading papists, rather than causing trouble as anticipated, reacted to the news by offering their enthusiastic support for the new monarch. Jesuit priests, whose presence in England was punishable by death, also demonstrated their support for James, who was widely believed to embody "the natural order of things". For decades, the English had lived under a monarch who refused to provide an heir, but James arrived with a family and a clear line of succession. His wife, Anne of Denmarkwas the daughter of a king. Their eldest child, the nine-year-old Henrywas considered a handsome and confident boy, and their two younger children, Elizabeth and Charleswere proof that James was able to provide heirs to continue the Protestant monarchy. James's attitude towards Catholics was more moderate than that of his predecessor, perhaps even tolerant. He swore that he would not "persecute The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 that will be quiet and give an outward obedience to the law", [9] and believed that exile was a better solution than capital punishment: "I would be glad to have both their The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 and their bodies separated from this whole island and transported beyond seas. For the Catholic expatriates engaged in that struggle, the restoration by force of a Catholic monarchy was an intriguing possibility, but following the failed Spanish invasion of England in the papacy had taken a longer-term view on the return of a Catholic monarch to the English throne. During the late 16th century, Catholics made several assassination attempts on Protestant rulers in Europe and in England, including plans to poison . The Jesuit Juan de Mariana 's On Kings and the Education of Kings explicitly justified the assassination of the French king Henry III — who had been stabbed to death by a Catholic fanatic in —and until the s, some English Catholics believed that regicide was justifiable to remove tyrants from power. In the The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 of any sign that James would move to end the persecution of Catholics, as some had hoped for, several members of the clergy including two anti-Jesuit priests decided to take matters into their own hands. In what became known as the Bye Plotthe priests William Watson and William Clark planned to kidnap James and hold him in the until he agreed to be more tolerant towards Catholics. Cecil received news of the plot from several sources, including the Archpriest George Blackwellwho instructed his priests to have no part in any such schemes. Amongst others, they approached Henry IV of France for funding, but were unsuccessful. All those involved in both plots were arrested in July and tried in autumn ; Sir George Brooke was executed, but James, keen not to have too bloody a start to his reign, reprieved Cobham, Grey, and Markham while they were at the scaffold. Raleigh, who had watched while his colleagues sweated, and who was due to be executed a few days later, was also pardoned. Arbella Stuart denied any knowledge of the . The two priests, condemned and "very bloodily handled", were executed. The Catholic community responded to news of these plots with shock. That the Bye Plot had been revealed by Catholics was instrumental in saving them from further persecution, and James was grateful enough to allow pardons for those recusants who sued for them, as well as postponing payment of their fines for a year. On 19 Februaryshortly after he discovered that his wife, Queen Anne, had been sent a rosary from the pope via one of James's spies, [d] Sir Anthony Standen, James denounced the . Three days later, he ordered all Jesuits and all other Catholic priests to leave the country, and reimposed the collection of fines for recusancy. Some Members of Parliament made it clear that in their view, the "effluxion of people from the Northern parts" was unwelcome, and compared them to "plants which are transported from barren ground into a more fertile one". Even more discontent resulted when the King allowed his Scottish nobles to collect the recusancy fines. Those of more moderate means had to pay two-thirds of their annual rental income; middle class recusants were fined one shilling a week, although the collection of The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 these fines was "haphazard and negligent". On 19 March, the King gave his opening speech to his first English Parliament in which he spoke of his desire to secure peace, but only by "profession of the true religion". He also spoke of a Christian union and reiterated his desire to avoid religious persecution. For the Catholics, the King's speech made it clear that they were not to "increase their number and strength in this Kingdom", that "they might be in hope to erect their Religion again". To Father John Gerardthese words were almost certainly responsible for the heightened levels of persecution the members of his faith now suffered, and for the priest Oswald Tesimond they were a rebuttal of the early claims that the King had made, upon which the papists had built their hopes. The conspirators' principal aim was to kill King James, but many other important targets would also be present The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 the State Opening, including the monarch's nearest relatives and members of the Privy Council. The senior judges of the English legal system, most of the Protestant aristocracy, and the bishops of the Church of England would all have attended in their capacity as members of the House of Lords, along with the members of the House of Commons. Housed at Coombe Abbey near Coventryshe lived only ten miles north of Warwick—convenient for the plotters, most of whom lived in the Midlands. Once the King and his Parliament were dead, the plotters intended to install Elizabeth on the English throne as a titular Queen. The fate of her brothers, Henry and Charles, would The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 improvised; their role in state ceremonies was, as yet, uncertain. The plotters planned to use Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberlandas Elizabeth's regentbut most likely never informed him of this. —a man of "ancient, historic and distinguished lineage", was the inspiration behind the plot. He was described by contemporaries as "a good-looking man, about six feet tall, athletic and a good swordsman". Along with several other conspirators, he took part in the Essex Rebellion induring which he was wounded and captured. Thomas Wintour — was chosen as the emissary, but the Spanish king, although sympathetic to the plight of Catholics in England, was intent on making peace with James. According to contemporary accounts, [g] in February Catesby invited Thomas Wintour to his house in Lambethwhere they discussed Catesby's plan to re-establish Catholicism in England by blowing up the House of Lords during the State Opening of Parliament. Wintour travelled to Flanders to enquire about Spanish support. While there he sought out Guy Fawkes —a committed Catholic who had served as a soldier in the Southern Netherlands under the command of William Stanleyand who in was recommended for a captaincy. Wintour told Fawkes that "some good frends of his wished his company in Ingland", and that certain gentlemen "were uppon a resolution to doe some whatt in Ingland if the pece with healped us nott". The two men returned to England late in Apriltelling Catesby that Spanish support was unlikely. Thomas Percy, Catesby's friend and John Wright's brother-in-law, was introduced to the plot several weeks later. About — he served with his patron in the Low Countries. At The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 point during Northumberland's command in the Low Countries, Percy became his agent in his communications with James. His early years were, according to a Catholic source, marked by a tendency to rely on "his sword and personal courage". Thomas Percy's meetings with James seemed to go well. Percy returned with promises of support for the Catholics, and Northumberland believed that James would go so far as to allow Mass in private houses, so as not to cause public offence. Percy, keen to improve his standing, went further, claiming that the future King would guarantee the safety of English Catholics. The first meeting between the five conspirators took place on 20 Mayprobably at the Duck and Drake Inn, just off the StrandThomas Wintour's usual residence when staying in London. By coincidence, and ignorant of the plot, Father John Gerard a friend of Catesby's was celebrating Mass in another room, and the five men subsequently received the Eucharist. Following their oath, the plotters left London and returned to their homes. The adjournment of Parliament gave them, they thought, until February to finalise their plans. This role gave Percy reason to seek a base in London, and a small property near the Prince's Chamber owned by Henry Ferrers, a tenant of John Whynniard, was chosen. Percy arranged for the use of the house through Northumberland's agents, Carleton and John Hippisley. Fawkes, using the pseudonym "John Johnson", took charge of the building, posing as Percy's servant. The conspirators returned to London in Octoberwhen Robert Keyesa "desperate man, ruined and indebted", was admitted to the group. Keyes's family had notable connections; his wife's employer was the Catholic Lord Mordaunt. Tall, with a red beard, he was seen as trustworthy and, like Fawkes, capable of looking after himself. In December [h] Catesby recruited his servant, Thomas Batesinto the plot, [55] after the latter accidentally became aware of it. It was announced on 24 December that the re-opening of Parliament would be delayed. Concern over the plague meant that rather than sitting in February, The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 the plotters had originally planned for, Parliament would not sit again until 3 October The contemporaneous account of the prosecution claimed that during this delay the conspirators were digging a tunnel beneath Parliament. This may have been a government fabrication, as no evidence for the existence of a tunnel was presented by the prosecution, and no trace of one has ever been found. The account of a The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 comes directly from Thomas Wintour's confession, [43] and Guy Fawkes did not admit the existence of such a scheme until his fifth interrogation. Logistically, digging a tunnel would have proved extremely difficult, especially as none of the conspirators had any experience of mining. They ceased their efforts when, during tunnelling, they heard a noise from above. The noise turned The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 to be the then-tenant's widow, who was clearing out the undercroft directly beneath the House of Lords—the room where the plotters eventually stored the gunpowder. By the time the plotters reconvened at the start of the old style new year on Lady Day25 March, three more had been admitted to their ranks; Robert WintourJohn Grantand The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 Wright. The additions of Wintour and Wright were obvious choices. Along with a small fortune, Robert Wintour inherited Huddington Court a known refuge for priests near Worcesterand was reputedly a generous and well-liked man. A devout Catholic, he married Gertrude, the daughter of John Talbot of Graftona prominent Worcestershire family of recusants. Reputed to be an intelligent, thoughtful man, he sheltered Catholics at his home at Snitterfieldand was another who had been involved in the Essex revolt of In addition, 25 March was the day on which the plotters purchased the lease to the undercroft they had supposedly tunnelled near to, owned by John Whynniard. The in the early 17th century was a warren of buildings clustered around the medieval chambers, chapels, and halls of the former royal palace that housed both Parliament and the various royal law courts. The old palace was easily accessible; merchants, lawyers, and others lived and worked in the lodgings, shops and taverns within its precincts. Whynniard's building was along a right-angle to the House of Lords, alongside a passageway called Parliament Place, which itself led to Parliament Stairs and the River Thames. Gunpowder Plot - Wikipedia

I've not read this but have loved the Frasers I've read in the past. Will have to get a copy of it for when I get to James I in my read-all-the-rulers- of-England goal as it'll help balance the biographies of him. She's awesome, isn't she? I still have a few of her books to read, it'll be a sad day when I've read all of the histories! The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 sounds intriguing. I have an Antonia Fraser book with me. Now to go and dig it out. I will be most interested in reading The Gunpowder Plot for more extensive research, thanks for writing about it and piquing my interest! It's a fascinating period of history. Even though I grew up knowing about it, it wasn't until I read this book that I realised how little I actually knew. Hope you enjoy reading it! Most of what I know about the gunpowder plot is due to watching V For Vendetta. I'm pretty sure I read her book about Henry's wives, I'd just have to check the cover to be sure because it was a while ago - in my pre-blogging days too. You know, I've never read V for Vendetta and didn't know the gunpowder plot was mentioned in it! The book about Henry's wives was great, wasn't it? This sounds like a really interesting read. I'm finding that as an adult I have to sort of plan non- fiction reading because I'm used to just going from one piece of fiction to the next. But then I went off to uni and got a lot more interested in non-fiction. My husband then boyfriend only reads non-fiction and I guess I got sucked into the non-fiction world! I love history books and I love this post. Can't wait to get my hands on this gem. Blogging has done the opposite to me. Or maybe it's aging doing it. I rarely ever used to read nonfiction except for research purposes. But I find myself picking up more and more nonfiction just out of interest. This one sounds good! Labels: englandhistorynon-fictionreviewsscore: 4. Alex in Leeds 22 April at Sam Tiny The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 22 April at Mystica 22 April at Anonymous 22 April at Alyce 23 April at Sam Tiny Library 23 April at Lindsey 23 April at Ryan 23 April at Susan 24 April at Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605. Tiny Library: The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in by Antonia Fraser

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Nov 17, Trevor rated it really liked it Shelves: history. For much of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I the repression meted out against Catholics increased almost annually. You can understand why the Queen might have been a bit annoyed with the Catholics — she might well The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 won the Spanish Armada, but even the joy of winning would have to have been tempered by the fact that these guys literally wanted her dead and were prepared to go to quite an extreme to assure that. A Pope had even named her in what we would probably call today a fatwa — making it v For much of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I the repression meted out against Catholics increased almost annually. A Pope had even named her in what we would probably call today a fatwa — making it virtually the religious responsibility of Catholics to try to kill her. She was considered a devil, not only for being a woman ruler clearly considered a job that could only be done with the right set of genitalia intact — a view that was so wide spread that even Elizabeth thought of The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 as an honorary manbut also a bastard and therefore out of contention for what was basically a holy office from birth — she had even been excommunicated from the Church. You know, the Catholic Church had not exactly done all that much to endear itself to her. Given her near absolute power, all this was hardly likely to be good news for the The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 living in England. James is perhaps my favourite Royal of all time — a king with more numbers than your average king being both James I and James VI, he also spoke with so broad Scottish accent that the English struggled to understand what he was saying. They found it just as hard to understand why he spent so much time chasing male Courtesans around his various palaces. Life for Catholics in England was pretty well intolerable. But their hopes for better days were based on the facts that James was both the son of Mary, who had died a Catholic, and also that he was married to a Catholic. There was even talk that he was just waiting to become King so he could do a Blair and convert to Catholicism. Things were looking up and James The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 was helping to spread these rumours. And then? Well, then if anything things just got worse for Catholics. For the most part the Catholic Church called on its members to do the sorts of things that Churches in such situations often call on their members The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 do: stay calm, have patience and pray. And also typically, a group of youngish men decided that more direct action was called for. Of these young men Guy The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 who had started calling himself Guido was actually one of the least interesting. In one of those twists that history likes to play he become the symbol and supposed ring leader of the plot where in fact as he was always somewhat less than this. In fact, the only injuries caused by gunpowder by this plot both figuratively and literally was to some of the plotters themselves who spread their gunpowder out to dry as they were being hunted by the authorities and found it caught alight and effectively incinerated them. It did not have the support of the majority of Catholics in England, nor was it supported by Catholic powers abroad, nor by The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 doctrine, nor by the Jesuit priests working in England at the time. The whole question of equivocation is fascinating. Oh, did I say crazies, I meant family and fellow countrymen, but then, that is much the same thing This is a story of our times because it shows how easy it is to manipulate people on the basis of fear of an out-group and how those in power love to play precisely these games so as to enhance their power. Unlike September 11, however, the only people hurt by the Gunpowder Plot were Catholics, whereas with September 11 merely most The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 hurt by it have proven to be Muslim. The gleefulness with which authorities of the day set about persecuting those suspected of being involved in this plot — obviously not unlike the gleefulness with which we invaded Iraq - was likewise inversely proportional to the level of responsibility these Catholics had for the plot. They suffered just as those who did plan the plot suffered. The authorities knew all along they had bigger fish to fry than those directly responsible and if the truth had to be somewhat manipulated to make the noose fit, well, there was plenty of rope. This is my first book by Antonia Fraser and I must seek out more. View all 9 comments. Guy Fawkes Day always stood out to me personally as it is the birthday of my estranged half-sister. The pace therefore moves in a steady and narrative way. It is undeniable that Fraser conducted deep and intricate research while avoiding speculation. For those readers hoping to immediately dive into the conspiracy; this may be a little sidetracking and bland not to mention, overwhelming: as a lot of detail is involved. However, in doing so, Fraser sets the case and offers a well-rounded view into what actually played a role in the creation of the plot to begin with. Fraser moves on in The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 second section by introducing the conspirators and revealing the formation of the plot in the third. Fraser has strong sleuth and debunking skills which offers new view points and angles to the reader. The only issue is that sometimes Fraser delves too much into detail and seems to stray on tangents. Some readers may, as a result, do some skimming. Fraser is clear and concise leaving no stone being left unturned. This is irrelevant and really has no place in an academic, scholarly writing. Fraser provides notes although not annotateda list of sources, and not one but three sections of color plates plus genealogical charts to help strengthen the text. There are some tangents and dull moments but the reader is left with a plethora of knowledge on the topic plus an interest to seek out more information regarding the key figures. Oct 30, Juliew. I'm giving this four and half stars. It takes you on a definite journey into the immediate past of and itself. It covers the mood of the country,the plotters lives, connections,intended victims and right into the very heart of the court and to the king himself. The war between the Catholics and Protestants in Europe has always led to casualties and this story is no different. Told in a compelling,detailed,well researched manner the author covers her topic throughly. Loved the timeline aspec I'm giving this four and half stars. Loved the timeline aspect,the interesting descriptions of those involved and their possible motives,the escape attempt recreation and the topic of torture and its methods during this period. This was very well written and kept me on the edge of my seat even though i knew the outcome. By the end of this I very much count myself a new fan of this author. Jun 05, Siria rated it really liked it Shelves: historynonfictionbritish-history. Remember, remember, the 5th of November; Gunpowder, treason and plot At first glance, it might seem The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 little odd that I am reading a book so closely connected with November and Bonfire Night at the beginning of August. But although Fraser manages to untangle much of the still confused circumstances and events which made up the Powder Treason, this book is a lot more than a simple recounting of the The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 of She places them in the context of a continuum of events dating back to the reign Remember, remember, the 5th of November; Gunpowder, treason and plot She places them in the context of a continuum of events dating back to the reign of Elizabeth I, and traces their impact and influence all the way down to the modern day, looking at the struggles associated with being part of a minority - a Catholic - in a country where that had been the majority religion not a hundred years before. The terrors and vagaries of life as a recusant, and the tangled webs of recusant gentry society, are also examined. The most important and most intriguing part of the book, to my mind, though, was when Fraser looked at the question of what kind of faith, what kind of beliefs are they, that would drive a group of men to commit mass murder. That's been a question for a long time where I live, and has rarely been more relevant in the rest of the western world. It's not an easy question, either to ask or to answer; and Fraser does not, in fairness, really try to answer it. She displays the evidence to the best of her ability, and leaves it up to the reader to make up his or her own mind - and that's the best kind of history writing. View The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 comment. Dec 21, Manuel Alfonseca rated it really liked it. ENGLISH: At the beginning there are a few things I did not like, such as some improper comparisons of the plotters with hippies, the suggestion that James I-VI was homosexual, or an unwarranted attack against Saint Augustin whom Fraser calls "fanatic"but soon the book becomes a good historical study of the Gunpowder Plot, full of learning and plentiful references. There is a quite good description of the barbarous way of executing "traitors" used in England hanged, drawn and quarteredalm ENGLISH: At the beginning there are a few things I did not like, such as some improper comparisons of the plotters with hippies, the suggestion that James I-VI was homosexual, or an unwarranted attack against Saint Augustin whom Fraser calls "fanatic"but soon the book becomes a good historical study of the Gunpowder Plot, full of learning and plentiful references. There is a quite good description of the barbarous way of executing "traitors" used in England hanged, drawn and quarteredalmost as good as The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 in Robert Hugh Benson's novel "Come rack, come rope! Compared with this way of execution, those sponsored by the Spanish Inquisition are mild and moderate.