Portland Daily Press: August 28, 1875
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862. YOL. 13. SATURDAY PORTLAND, MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1875. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS wis over to the ine to at WANTS. REAL ESTATE. entertainments. entertainments. they attempted put treasury speak soma point in your state upon t'nbiished excepted) the THE PBESS. tlie ot every day (Sundays by on a war-footmg. Foiled in theii attempt to questions finance at issue in your can- vass. It is clear that the Wauled. the national eredit war dis- Democratic party of PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO, ttrich House for sale. PORTLAJS D DISTRICT destroy during by state has TNFORMATION of Carl or bis U. Saturday morning, aug. 28,1876 your declared a of inflation Abel, relations, Pleasant Street, near Park Street Church. Boston & Maine B. our our and policy X residents ot in 1865. Please crediting bonds, opposing loans, and repudiation which is at war at t09 Exchange St., Portland. Portland, Maine, Contains ten room. water and gas. with all hon- address C. A. 460 Fulton ON Sebago BRANDT, Street, Brook- to H. Real Es- at our ability to pay, they renewed est finance, and which no citizen who N. Pr'ce $5250. Apply WM. JERR1S, sneering regards Terms: Dollars a Tear in lyn. Y.au27dlw FOR GOVERNOR, the need Fight advance. To tate Agent. aug20<13w* CAMP MEETING! their attempt when the union was saved, by public welfare hesitate to condemn. mall subscribers Seven Dollars a Tear if Inad- If 1 paid —AT— SUNDAY^ TRAIN had the power, I should feel It ance Wanted a addition to the non-interest- my duty favoring great to aid you iu their false SMALL, neat and Tenement a GEN. SELDEN CONNOR. resisting doctrine.” pleasant by Martha’s —TO— bearing debt, and so hopelessly depreciating THE MAINE STATE PRESS A small lamilv. Enquire at W. C, Cobb’s Bak- Grove, Fryeburg, Me., ery, 28 & 30 Pearl Street. au27d3t» REAL ESTATE hold* the currency and forcing the country into ■ Commences Tnesdaj, August 24th, For Senators. published every Thursday Morning at 82.50 a in it in one week or more. Chops the West and Northwest.— yaar, paid advance, at $2.00 a Wanted. ing Cumbcrlatd... of Gorham. bankruptcy. year. .Humphrey Cousens, The American woman to do housework in Philander Tolman, of Harrison. Yet this which has been in Milwaukee Wisconsin of Ang. 21 remarks Rates of general Trains onP. & 0. R. R. leave Portland at 7.10 a* party, engaged Advertising; One inch ot space, the a famiiv of tour, 1£ miles from cii v. Address David W. Merrill, of New Gloucester. that the third of AN m. and 2.10 m. a for week of the harvest in thj column, constitutes a BOX Me. FOR SALE p. James of Portland. conspiracy against the national credit length “square.” POS'T OFFICE, 1510, Portland, m. and 4.15 Bailey, 81.50 per Returning leave Fryeburg at 9.33 a. Oxloru.John P. of Northwestern states had square daily first week; 75 cents per week aug23-dlw* Swasey, Canton. fifteen years, has the hardihood to come be- just closed, with more after; three or p m. Samuel D. of Hiram. insertions, less. ,r Wadsworth, 8100; continuing Fare from Portland. Sebam Lake and intermediate favorable weather thin anticipated, and anoth- every othei day after Orst week, 50 cents. 1875. York.Ivory Lord, of Saco. fore the people and ask to be entrusted with Hall Wanted with the stations to and return. $1.25. > August 29th, er of clear square, rh.ee insertions, or less, 75 cents; one brick dwelling bouse, large lot of Fryeburg Depot Uranus O Brackett, of Berwick. week weather will suffice to secure to cm on the for the control of the and the adminis- week, 81 00; 50 cents per week after. -1 AGENTS to go to work- A good chance to THEland connecied therewith, situated at the cor- Coupons exchanged camp ground Usher B. of Newfleld. treasury (k return ticKets. Thompson, the entire harvest. The harvest is three weeks Special Notices, one third addi ional. _Lv/ make money. Call between 10 and 4 at ner of Free and South streets, and now numbered 27 Special Train w«ll leave Port- For tration of the finances. It it is From all other stations on the P. &. 0. R. R. to Clerk of Courts. pleads that Under head of “Amusements.” and “Auction INVENTOR’S EXCHANGE, South street. land later than last year, and the weather, while it aT»d retura for one fare. lor Alton at 7.00 A. m., Cumberland... .Daniel W. Fessenden, a Sales,” $2.00 per square three au23dlw 69 Federal Screet, Portland. Also the three storied brick store. No. 183 Fore Fryeburg Depor Bay of Portland. hard-money party, and appeals to a record per weeK; insertions from to and re- Oxford.James has been favorable for wheat and other small r less $1.50. street, now occupied by Joseph Coolidge. Transi»ortation depot camp ground leave Alton for S Wright, of Paris. rates. Returning, Bay from which it asks that the last fifteen Advertisements inserted in Also the lot of land on the northwest side of Fore turn at reasonable For t'ommiuioneri years grains, has beau bid for corn. In the “Maine State for board and Portland be- Minnesota, Press” (which has a street, being he lot between land owned by the Ample accommodation lodging. and Way Stations be out. It is doubtful if the large circulation in every part LOST AND FOUND. 00 Cumberland... .John L. Swift, of Brunswick. strickcu Democ- Wisconsin aud all of the fir heirs of Isaac and brick store owued and occu- Board during the week.$5 Nebraska, nearly reports State) $1.00 per wjuare for first insertion, lllsey tween Dover and Portland, at Oxford.Joseph L ot Andover. and 50 cents Jerome 13. Fickett Board by the day. 1 25 Chapman, was ever a It has agree that this will be a of j*er square lor each subsequent nsertion. pied by York.James F. of racy hard-money party. year plenty; wheat > Board or 1 00 3 is Brackett, Limington. Address all comnrinicaiIons to Als the large lotot land in the rear of the last 3 days more, per day. p. m. Lost. the week bed For Treasurer. been an anti-bank party, but it has never op- has mostly been cut and stacked, the PORTLAND PUBLISHING Co mentioned lot, and also in rear of the brick stores Lodging during including good quantity » and 2 50 Regular meeting Tickets is Locust street and the park, a gold Nos. 187,185 and 183 Fore street. bedding. Camp Cumberland... .Oliver D. Dike, of Sebago. posed inflation of credit, and has ever sup- above the average and the quality unexcell- Also the wooden store with the lot on Single lodgings inclu ’ing good bed and bedding. 50 tor C. BETWEENNECKLACE and locket. The finder wiil be passage way sale at the several Stations at Oxford.Christopher Cushman, of Hebron. ed Thesa states will have at least from Central wharf Preachers at reduced rates ported those loose and vague systems of fi- one fourth suitably iewarded by leaving tbe tame at No 4 Lo- leading to Moulton street, being OAE York.Esrett H. Banks, of Biddet'ord. m;siNESS CARDS. tbo store and lot n- w & GEO. L. KIMBALL, Scc’y, FARC for the Round Trip. more wheat for than in cust St. Portland Aug 25. 1875. au26tf occupied by tfryant Burns, For Judge of Probate. nancial policy which have made wild-cat cur- export any previoas Pumn and Bl- ck Makers. auglldSw Portland, Me. year. In Iowa the will in the Also stores and lot on the in the Cars Oxford.Augustus H. Walker, of Lovel. It not a hard- yield be, main, Walcli Lost southeast side of Fore Passengers paying rency possible. certainly is J. A. Cumberland... C. Peabody, of Portland. to the H. HOOPER, street, occupied by Huntington and by J. H. "ill be Henry to of the up average, but there are sections which SILVER Hunting case watch was lost on Sat- Bond & Co. ATTRACTIONS charged fulljiarc. money party day. Iu large sections Register of Probate. have suffered from rains and A urday. The finder <vill be suitably rewarded Also the brick bouse, West it severely tho dep- UPHO three-story dwelling occupied to Cumberland. ...William K. Neal, of Portland. openly favors repudiation. In other LSTERER by leaving it at 31 Temple street. aug241w* the subscriber. No. 77 State street, with land and Tickets—Portland Alton Bay redations of insects. Same counties Will fall by sections it stable, tizc. The lot is on clamors for and the De- Nos. 31 and 33 Free St, say 80 feet State street, and Return. $2.00. Inflation, and others will exceed of and extends back below, the average say 150 feet. An earnest desire to justify your generous confl- mocracy of Maine are to-day infected with MANUFACTURER OF ro Abo four house lots on Anderson street, and two For ! S. H. STEVENS. General previoas years. In Kansas, in spite of the LET. Agent. u/i(( it su utiy it.ywu/u/ i«e uunur unu that Parlor house lots on Oxford street Dog Days heresy. invasion of Suits, Lounges, Spring JAS. T. General fare of our early grasshoppers, there has never All — — FURBER, Sup’t. me with the resolve to the above will be sold on favorable terms. THE State, inspire firm The Beds, Mattresses, Democratic has no settled finan- bei*n a Two-thirds of purchase can remain on mort- aue2Qdlt no no party more beautiful harvest than that of '•'ebone.gb Patent Bed Ko> money spare effort and to consider other consequences I.oengea, HOTEL TO gage at 7 per cent interest per annum.