The American Legion Twin Cities Post 313, Inc. Larkspur & Corte Madera, California

Monthly Times

O M: T H, S S O A F, V T F, W P P C

Volume 90 Issue 1 “Still Serving America” January 1, 2018

American Legion Twin Cities Post 313, Inc. Commander Kit Kubitz 500 Magnolia Avenue Larkspur, CA 94939-1329 CENTENNIAL OF THE AMERICAN LEGION. 2017, another th 415-924-6283 E-mail: year gone by. 2018 is of course the 100 anniversary of the end of [email protected] Officers and Staff World War I, which led to the formation of the American Legion in Commander Kit Kubitz 1919. This is the Centennial of the American Legion beginning [email protected] 415-412-4393 1st VC/Membership/ Tom Beck with Post 1 in Albany, New York. And the formation of the Legion [email protected] 415-992-1743 also led to Post 313, beginning in 1926. The organizational docu- Financial Officer Chuck Heusser [email protected] (415) 383-4838 ments for Post 313 are displayed on the walls in the clubroom. You 2nd Vice Commander Bill Brennen [email protected] 415-927-0393 can see more information about the American Legion Centennial at 3rd Vice Commander Matt Markham [email protected] 415- 548-0294 the website Past Commander Bob Means [email protected] 623-388-6388 Sergeant- at-Arms Furgus Wilson GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING JANUARY 8 AFTER 9 [email protected], 415-755-8497 Adjutant Bob Gonzalez AM COFFEE. Our first General Membership meeting of 2018 will [email protected] 415-924-6834 Asst. Property Mgmt. Bill Howard be held January 8 after coffee at 9 am. The meeting will not be the [email protected] 415-827-0227 first Monday, Jan 1, because that is New Year's Day. This meeting City of Larkspur Liaison Bill Howard Historian Bob Bonderud will be combined with an Executive Committee meeting to discuss [email protected] 415-457-4439 Facilities Manager Matt Markham membership, office renovation, and 2018 objectives. We have been [email protected] 415- 548-0294 tearing things down and throwing old lumber away as part of the Member-at-Large Bob Gonzalez [email protected] 415-924-6834 office renovation, and now we will see how long it takes to finish Member-at-Large Bill Howard [email protected] 415-924-0227 the new part of the 313 building. Member-at-Large Andy Guralas Chaplain Rev. Palmer O. Wilkins [email protected] 415-897-7859 We sent a number of care packages down range, including to Task Service Officer Sean Stephens [email protected] 415-473-6193 Force Southwest, a Marine group returning to Helmand, Afghani- Auxiliary Unit President Elena Bartley stan, although in much smaller numbers than the past. And we sent [email protected] 415-686-1589 1st Vice President Donna Ford a package to a Post 313 member deployed to Qatar. 415-596-0996 2nd Vice President Maxine Cohen 415-924-3833 BREAKFAST will be Saturday January 13, at 9 am. All Veterans Past President Pauline Angleman 415-924-3447 and their guests are welcome to attend the best $5 breakfast in Mar- Secretary Yolanda Fugate 415-924-0323 in. We will miss John Quinne, a regular attendee at breakfast, but Treasurer remember him as a fine man and friend. Historian: Brenda McKown 415-927-7731 Chaplain: Margaret St. John 415-884-0438 Rentals of the Post 313 Hall and clubroom have been on-going, and thanks to Bob Gonzalez, Bill Brennen and Leslie Barker for keep- (Continued on page 3) .Page 2 Monthly Times 01/01/2018 Page 3 Monthly Times 01/01/2018 ing the flow of rentals going. tenant Commander McCandless, who took the conn for The end of the year and the New Year are also a the rest of the battle. For his conduct, he was awarded good time to check your smoke detector and your the , and promoted to full Commander. stored water supplies, if you didn't do so during the You can see the bridge of the San Francisco at Lands change from daylight savings time. Also, if you End out by the Cliff House, look through 6 inch shell haven't gotten a flu shot, now is a good time to get holes, and imagine what a battle that must have been. one. It takes about two weeks for the flu vaccine to Commander Bruce McCandless's son, also became a be effective, and the flu season is in high gear right naval officer, aviator, and the first astronaut to fly un- now. They say the flu vaccine isn't a good match this tethered from the space shuttle. year, but some protection is better than no protection. Former NASA astronaut Bruce McCandless II, mission SAN FRANCISCO IN WORLD WAR II Back in specialist on the STS-41B and STS-31 missions, 1942, in January, the was preparing to passed away on Dec. 21, 2017, at the age of 80. We respond to the and deciding to still have a few members of Post 313 from World War give priority to the war in Europe and defeat of Ger- II, and we wish them all good health and our respect many before the battle for the Pacific. A key feature for their service. Military families pass their values of was the organization, in January ‘42, of the Com- service, community, and honor down from one genera- bined Chiefs of Staff with Britain to direct the war tion to the next, just as the American Legion does. effort, beginning the Chief of Staff and staff structure that governs the American military today. Happy New Year 2018 to all members and friends of American Legion Post 313, and best wishes to Ameri- can troops everywhere. While the first American troops were arriving in England, the US planned to take the fight to the ene- Auxiliary President Elena Bartley my, by the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo. Later in 1942, "Happy New Year" to all !! The holidays are over and the Marines began the Pacific Campaign by landing It's 2018! There will be a lot going on in this new year on Guadalcanal after the Navy Victory at Midway and we would love to see your smiling faces. You're opened the way. The Navy also fought for Guadalca- always welcome to join in the fun! nal including the USS San Francisco. Japanese gun- fire killed Rear Admiral Daniel J. Callaghan and his staff, including Captain and all other officers on the San Francisco's bridge, except Lieu-

Post 313 Breakfast Saturday, January 13, 2018

9:00 am in Club Room $5.00 (All you can eat!) Includes fruit juice, scrambled eggs with cheese, pancakes, bacon, sausage & coffee. Reservation: Signup in Club Room or Call Bill Brennen (415-927-0393) American Legion Post 313

500 Magnolia Street

Larkspur, CA 94939

Legacy Meets Vision The American Legion Centennial Celebration is not only about honor- ing the past 100 years of our history, but also preparing to continue our legacy of service. Events and activities at posts all around the world will showcase The American Legion "Still Serving America."

Help build the Legion's database of Veterans Memorials

The American Legion’s Veterans Memorial Identification Project is an opportunity for the Legion Family to build a database of memorials and monuments that honor U.S. military service and sacrifice. The online database, at, was launched Novem- ber 2016 and has since reached 1,500 entries from around the country and world.

For Veteran’s Services, see