Pittie: Gujarat bibliography 107 A bibliography of ornithology in Gujarat, India: 1758–2010 Aasheesh Pittie Pittie, A., A bibliography of ornithology in Gujarat, India: 1758–2010. Indian BIRDS 6 (4&5): 107–136. Aasheesh Pittie, B-4, Trendset Vantage, Road No 14, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500034, Andhra Pradesh, India. Email:
[email protected]. Introduction citrina amadoni (Biswas). JBNHS 62 (2): 305–306. Abdulali, H., 1968. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- This bibliography has been extracted from my larger database, “A bay Natural History Society-1. Gaviiformes to Ciconiiformes. JBNHS bibliographic index to the birds of South Asia.” It comprises pa- 65 (1): 182–199. pers, popular articles, pertinent books, chapters, published and un- Abdulali, H., 1968. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the published reports, trip reports, etc. Books of a general nature, not Bombay Natural History Society-2. Anseriformes. JBNHS 65 (2): dealing largely with the ornithology of Gujarat, have been omitted, 418–430. e.g., country/region handbooks and field guides, family/species Abdulali, H., 1969. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the monographs, etc. It covers a period of two hundred and fifty-one Bombay Natural History Society-3. Falconiformes. JBNHS 65 (3): years, from 1758–2010. A bibliography of this nature cannot pre- 696–723. Abdulali, H., 1969. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the tend to be complete and this is no exception. There are always Bombay Natural History Society-4. Megapodidae, Phasianidae, and publications beyond the reach of the bibliographer.