Dear Fellow Pilgrim,

Two great English men are waiting to welcome you to their homeland and two great cities form the basis of the tour: and London. Both are inextricably linked to these men. Both cities have tales to tell of the faith and much to ask of you through those tales.

Inside the Vatican and I invite you on a pilgrimage of the mind and the heart as much as through the shires and green fields of . Our guides are the martyr Saint Thomas More and the 19th century intellectual Blessed .

Whether we are walking down the narrow-cobbled lanes of Oxford with their echoes of centuries of learning or through the equally narrow streets of medieval London with their echoes of bloody persecutions, we will be uncovering the secret history held in these streets. And, above all, that history is a Catholic history, maybe hidden, sometimes obscured, but not forgotten. It is a history that still resonates for the modern pilgrim.

You see, the history you will experience on this pilgrimage is a living history. Yes, you will learn of Newman and his spiritual quest, one that led him to the truth of the Catholic faith. But you will also learn of the modern “Newmans” - the twelve Anglican nuns who gave up everything to make the same pilgrimage as Newman did some 150 years earlier. The only thing is, these nuns are as alive today as you are. Their incredible faith - filled story is of today and for today.

Just as Newman’s pilgrimage took him along unexpected paths, this Inside the Vatican pilgrimage is inviting you to journey along equally unexpected paths. We know where we are taking you – what we don’t know is where, after experiencing this pilgrimage, you are going to “arrive at.”

Of course, we will show you the culture and outward history of London and Oxford: you will see the “sights;” you will eat and drink to your heart’s content. All of this you would expect. Rightly. But we offer you something else, something more mysterious still.

London, where both More and Newman were born, is a city where the Catholic history is there for all to “see” - but only if you have the eyes of faith. And you have to “scratch” the city’s ancient stones to find it, or, maybe, more correctly, those ancient stones have to rub against you for you see it.

That’s where we come in. Inside the Vatican and I will help you discover this “other” history. But there is an even greater surprise to all this.

You see, you will hear of martyrs; you will be told of heroism in the face of persecutions; you will walk streets where saints lived and then died rather than renounce the most precious thing they possessed: their Catholic faith. All of that you would expect. Rightly.

What you might not expect is that you are part of that story. You see the surprise ending involves you. But to find that out we need you to travel there with us to discover what it is. We can take you there, but you have to travel the next bit - and where that is only you will know. Join me!

– Kevin Turley

Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages is collaborating with our friend in England, Kevin Turley (writes under K.V. Turley), on this pilgrimage. Kevin is a filmmaker, writer, journalist, scriptwriter, radio presenter, television host, podcast presenter and film and book reviewer. His writing has appeared in: The National Catholic Register, The Catholic World Report, Crisis Magazine, Catholic Exchange, The Catholic Herald, The Chesterton Review, The Imaginative Conservative, LifeSite, The Tablet and The Irish Times, as well as a regular column, “Faith on Film”, for St. Austin Review. Kevin is a regular contributor to EWTN and other media. He is the Master of The Keys: The Catholic Writers’ Guild of England and Wales – established in 1931 by G.K. Chesterton. He is married and lives in London where he runs a media consultancy.

Kevin is a man of many talents. His greatest gift is storytelling. He captivates his listeners by illuminating the history of the particular places visited and the lives of the saints from centuries past. Kevin is not a typical tour guide; you will learn about the places we visit with captivating stories you will always remember.

Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages

In the Footsteps of Saint Thomas More and Blessed John Henry Newman June 15 - 23, 2020 England: Oxford and London

Sunday, June 14 – Depart from the U.S. You will have packed lightly yet have taken all you will need for this unique pilgrimage. Safe flight! Oxford, England

Monday, June 15 – Arrive in Oxford. You will be greeted at Heathrow Airport upon arrival after you have exited customs. Once all the pilgrims have gathered, the group will board the waiting luxury coach for a transfer to Oxford and the Oxford Spires Hotel, which is surrounded by parks alongside the Thames River. The Oxford Spires Hotel will be our home for the next three nights.

The city of Oxford, known as the “City of Dreaming Spires,” which was settled over a thousand years ago, grew around Oxford University, which came into being as a collection of colleges from the 12th century onwards. Oriel College, where Blessed John Henry Newman taught, and Canterbury College, the medieval college where St. Thomas More studied, are just two examples of colleges which have operated under the umbrella of the larger university. Other Oxford attractions include Christ Church Meadow, a picturesque park located along the riverbanks, and the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin, which is a superb example of 13th century church architecture.

We will have time to rest before attending in the evening at Blackfriars Church. Our welcome dinner will be held at the Eagle & Child Pub, the well-known meeting place of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and the other Inklings. Over dinner we will be treated to an orientation talk from Kevin Turley. Overnight in Oxford.

[email protected] u U.S. Office: 14 West Main Street, Front Royal VA 22630 u 202.536 4555 1

Tuesday, June 16 – Faith & Culture in England from Reformation to Revival. After breakfast, we will celebrate Sunday High Mass at the Oxford Oratory of St. Aloysius (photo, left). St. Aloysius Catholic Church was built in 1875 to serve the population of Oxford and the surrounding district.

As the Catholic population of the area increased, eight additional parishes were formed in the outlying areas, reducing the parish of St. Aloysius to its present area, encompassing the historic center of Oxford. Newman preached here, as did the Jesuit poet , who served as a curate here. Our afternoon lunch will be at one of our favorite restaurants in Oxford, The Royal Oak.

Thereafter, we will take a short drive to Littlemore to visit the International Centre of Newman Friends to see the sites where Blessed John Henry Newman lived, prayed and studied from 1842 to 1846. We will explore the area and enjoy afternoon tea with the sisters who oversee the Center. Dinner and overnight in Oxford.

Wednesday, June 17 – Faith and the Religious Orders of Catholic England. After breakfast, we depart for Birmingham to visit (photo, below) for a tour, after which we will attend Mass. Birmingham Oratory was the first English Catholic religious community of the Congregation of the Oratory of St. . The community was founded in 1849 by Blessed John Henry Newman, and is the first house of that congregation in England. Except for four years spent in Ireland, Newman lived here. His private papers are also housed here. This also served as the home parish of J.R.R. Tolkien for nine of his young formative years while attending the prestigious King Edward’s School located in Birmingham.

Lunch will be next door at Plough & Harrow Hotel. After lunch, we head to the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, and the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

This story of the conversion of twelve Anglican sisters to the Catholic faith on January 1, 2013, is an amazing testament of their own steely resolve to follow God’s call to become Catholic and to remain religious, and an example of how God always provides for those that love Him and submit to His Divine Will. The option for the Anglican sisters to convert and remain religious was not possible until November 4, 2009 with the apostolic constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus, given in Rome, at St. Peter’s, on the memorial of St. Charles Borromeo. It provided for the establishment of personal ordinariates, through which Anglican faithful might enter, including in a corporate manner, into full communion with the Catholic Church.

After tea with the nuns (photo, right) and listening to their story we will travel to Maryvale, the first location of the Oratory founded by Newman prior to moving to Birmingham.

[email protected] u U.S. Office: 14 West Main Street, Front Royal VA 22630 u 202.536 4555 2

For nearly 130 years Maryvale housed an orphanage run by the Sisters of Mercy, until they left in 1980 when it assumed its present role as an institute for adult faith formation. Maryvale also contains Britain’s first public shrine to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, established by Bishop Milner in 1814, who built a small chapel to house an image of the Sacred Heart painted in glass as described by Saint Gertrude. In 1999 sisters of the Order of the Most Holy Savior of St Bridget - the Bridgettines - came to live at Maryvale in a new convent given by Saint John Paul II. In addition to a deep devotion to our Lord’s sufferings and to the Blessed Sacrament, which is regularly exposed for adoration in the chapel, the sisters’ special charisms are contemplation, hospitality and prayer to foster unity among Christians. We return to Oxford for dinner. Overnight in Oxford.

London, England

Thursday, June 18 – Free morning in Oxford. After lunch, we will depart Oxford for London in time for Vespers at Westminster Cathedral (photo, below). Mass and dinner nearby.

Our hotel is the four-star Grange Wellington. It will be our home for the next five nights and is only a five-minute walk to Westminster Cathedral. Overnight in London.

[email protected] u U.S. Office: 14 West Main Street, Front Royal VA 22630 u 202.536 4555 3

Friday, June 19 – London: Charity, Spirituality and Literary Gems. After breakfast, we will travel to the Smithfield area of London and visit the Charterhouse, established by Thomas Sutton early in the 17th century, although its history goes much further - back to 1348, prior to the reformation, when the Carthusian Order (or Order of St. Bruno, a religious order of enclosed monastics) arrived in England. We will learn of their historical and spiritual significance as well as the importance of St. Bartholomew the Great.

Then we travel to Newgate Prison, where many martyrs were imprisoned prior to execution there or before heading to Tyburn. The prison building itself has been rebuilt numerous times over the centuries with some effort at reform in its later days; however, for centuries the horrors of Newgate’s cells were dreaded, even more than death itself. The prison jailers had the reputation of being notoriously brutal, cruel and without pity. From 1534, when King Henry VIII appointed Thomas Cromwell Chief Minister, and for many years to come, it was to Newgate Prison and other such places that men and women were herded for no other reason than that they remained true to the Catholic faith.

We will attend Mass at The Church of St. Etheldreda (photo, right), one of the oldest Roman Catholic church buildings in England, and one of only two buildings in London remaining from the reign of Edward I. It is just a stone’s throw from the noise and bustle of modern day London. It is hemmed in by the glittering wealth of Hatton Garden, where gold, silver and diamonds are traded and millions of pound change hands daily. But amid the clamor of mammon, there stands this hidden ancient gem, a spiritual sanctuary of the Middle Ages, a haven of peace and tranquility.

We will leave down the chancery through London’s legal district back through Fleet Street, the center of publishing and journalism, then down a side lane to the Olde Cheshire Cheese, our destination restaurant for lunch.

During the afternoon, we will explore literary London with a visit to Samuel Johnson House and a brief study of pre-reformation Catholic history. The first printing press in England is located just off Fleet Street. We will discuss Chesterton’s and Belloc’s London as we walk to Tower Hill and cross both Blackfriars Bridge and London Bridge (photo, left).

In addition, we will examine the similarities in the lives and deaths of Thomas À Becket and Thomas More as we pass by where both men were born, and how London Bridge is the physical embodiment of their story.

As we proceed on our tour, we will see the Shakespeare Globe Theater on the riverbank and learn about Shakespeare and, in particular, recent research that suggests he was a “recusant” Catholic and part of a covert Catholic resistance.

Dinner will be at the famous Anchor Bankside (photo, right), which is located very near the original Globe Theatre site, which stood from 1598 to 1613. It is supposed that Shakespeare himself enjoyed a pint of ale or two within the walls of the Anchor. Overnight in London.

[email protected] u U.S. Office: 14 West Main Street, Front Royal VA 22630 u 202.536 4555 4

Saturday, June 20 – Westminster Abbey. The role of the Catholic Faith in England’s national identity… yesterday and today. Following breakfast, we will depart our hotel for Westminster Abbey to attend private Mass, which is a rare privilege since the Abbey is protestant. Westminster Abbey (photo, left) was originally built as a Benedictine monastery by St. Edward the Confessor in 1065.

All the British monarchs have been crowned in Westminster Abbey since William the Conqueror in 1066, and it is here that St. Edward the Confessor is buried. Westminster Abbey is dedicated to St. Peter; Eastminster, now known as St. Paul’s Cathedral, is dedicated to St. Paul, and both are Protestant churches.

During the years of public service of Sir Thomas More, Parliament met in the Chapter House of Westminster Abbey. The abbey was later dissolved in 1540 by King Henry VIII.

After lunch in Westminster Abbey’s café, which is on your own, we will have a private tour of the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Hall and enjoy tea with a Member of Parliament.

Westminster Hall is where St. Thomas More was tried and condemned under Henry VIII. It is also where Pope Benedict addressed both houses of Parliament (photo, left), during his visit in 2010, the first time a Pope had visited Britain since the Reformation. St. Thomas More’s coat of arms and the “Woolsack” upon which he sat as Lord Chancellor can be found in the House of Commons and the House of Lords, respectively.

In the afternoon, we will walk to Trafalgar Square, a public square built to commemorate the victory of the October 24, 1805 Battle at Trafalgar in the Napoleonic Wars with France and Spain. After viewing the famous arch, we will walk to the north side of the square to the National Gallery to view some important pieces of art before dinner nearby. Overnight in London.

[email protected] u U.S. Office: 14 West Main Street, Front Royal VA 22630 u 202.536 4555 5

Sunday, June 21 - The History of London - a Catholic city …. Today and yesterday … After breakfast, we will attend Mass at Westminster Cathedral. Thereafter, we head to the British Museum (photo, below right), a museum of the world, for the world. Discover over two million years of human history and culture. Some of the world-famous objects include the Rosetta Stone, the Parthenon sculptures and Egyptian mummies. Lunch will be at a famous British pub across the street from the museum.

After lunch, you will have the choice to have the afternoon on your own to explore. Dinner will be on your own. Those who do not wish for free time may opt to hear more great stories from Kevin while walking with him through SoHo Bloomsbury, an area not particularly known for its piety; however, Catholicism is very much alive and vibrant here. There is located St. Patrick Square, with a connection with Fulton Sheen, the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, and St. Gregory, the Church of the Ordinariate on Warwick St. - all edifying places to visit, following in the steps of martyrs and saints, known and unknown. Overnight in London.

Monday, June 22 – Saint Thomas More, the Martyr. Today is the feast day of St. Thomas More, and our journey today will focus on the great English martyrs. Our first visit will be to the Tower of London. While the Tower of London was originally a famous English prison, today it is a museum holding historic treasures, including a medieval armory and the British Crown Jewels.

We will stop at Tower Hill in Trinity Garden, the execution site of St. Thomas More (image, left). Here he delivered his final words, “I die the king’s good servant but God’s first,” and a small plaque marks the location of the scaffold on which he was beheaded. At the heart of our private tour to the Tower will be our visit to the cell of St. Thomas More, where he was incarcerated for a year before his execution-an area not usually accessible to the public. It was in this cell that More wrote his famous letters to his family members.

We will continue on to St. Peter ad Vincula, the crypt where the remains of St. Thomas More are buried with other martyrs who were hung, drawn and quartered for refusing to reject their Catholic faith.

Nearby is All Hallows Chapel where More’s daughter, Margaret, is said to have prayed for her father during his execution. All Hallows also was a very famous Marian shrine with a statue erected by Edward I to which St. Thomas More was known to go on pilgrimage.

Following lunch, we will visit Tyburn Convent, which commemorates the many Catholic martyrs, including St. Edmund Campion, who were executed nearby. We will have a tour of the crypt where we can venerate relics of the martyrs. We will also attend Vespers and meet with the sisters in residence here. Tyburn is a place of perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, so we will have the opportunity for personal prayer here as well. Every effort will be made to attend a 5:30 Mass for Sunday.

Our farewell dinner will be our opportunity to gather one last time around a table, sharing a meal and conversation. About Thyme, will be the setting and it is one of our favorite restaurants. It showcases high-end European cuisine and a unique international cellar, and is a charming retreat in Victoria. A real treat! Overnight in London.

Tuesday, June 23 – Farewell. After breakfast and farewell, a bus will take you back to Heathrow Airport for your return home. Farewell to all our fellow pilgrims, our friends, until we meet again…

[email protected] u U.S. Office: 14 West Main Street, Front Royal VA 22630 u 202.536 4555 6

In the Footsteps of Saint Thomas More and Blessed John Henry Newman June 15-23, 2020 England: Oxford and London


• Spend three (3) nights at the 4-star Oxford Spires Hotel, (photo, right) alongside the Thames River • Dine at the Eagle & Child pub, the famous meeting place of the Inklings - C. S. Lewis and G. K. Chesterton - and at other famous pubs in Oxford • Attend Sunday High Mass at Oxford Oratory of St. Aloysius Catholic Church • Take an excursion to Littlemore to visit the International Centre of Newman Friends and the sites where Newman lived, prayed and studied before his conversion • Attend Mass in the chapel where Blessed John Henry Newman converted • Tour Birmingham Oratory, found by and home to Blessed John Henry Newman as well as J.R.R. Tolkien during his years as a student at King Edward’s School • Visit with the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, and learn of their amazing journey of conversion from Anglican sisters to Catholic nuns


• Spend five (5) nights at the Grange Wellington Hotel (photo, below) • Tour the Smithfield area of London including the Charterhouse • Attend Mass at The Church of St. Etheldreda, the oldest Roman Catholic Church in England • Do a walking tour of literary London including the Samuel Johnson House, Tower Hill and London Bridge, all while discussing G.K. Chesterton and Shakespeare • Wander through the British Museum and enjoy a private tour of the Catholic churches or historical sites in London led by Kevin Turley, our pilgrim guide and resident Londoner • Attend evening prayer and Mass in beautiful Westminster Cathedral • Visit Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, and Westminster Hall where Thomas More was tried and Pope Benedict XVI delivered his famous address in 2010 • Learn about parliamentary processes from an actual Lord • Walk through Trafalgar Square and the National Museum • Tour the Tower of London and the Tower Hill, the site of St. Thomas More’s execution, on the Feast Day of St. Thomas More • Pray at St. Peter ad Vincula where the remains of St. Thomas More are buried, and visit All Hallows chapel where his daughter, Margaret, prayed for her father during his execution • Tour the Crypt of Tyburn Convent and pray by the relics of the English Martyrs • Dine with friends of Inside the Vatican magazine at some of our favorite pubs and restaurants in England

[email protected] u U.S. Office: 14 West Main Street, Front Royal VA 22630 u 202.536 4555 7


$4,645.00 Land Package Price $ 300.00 Early Booking Discount if booked by December 15, 2019 $ 150.00 Cash Discount for payments by check or wire $4,195.00 Early Booking plus Cash Discount Price

• For Installment Payment Plans - if each payment is made by cash or check, the cash discount of $150.00 will be applied to the final installment. • Single Room Supplement - $970.00 Please note: there is a limited number of single rooms available. • Oxford Hotel Upgrade - The Oxford Spires Hotel common areas are air-conditioned, yet only deluxe rooms are themselves air-conditioned. If you would like to upgrade to a deluxe room, the cost will be an additional $300.00. For our days in Oxford, the average high is in the upper 70s, the average low is in the upper 50s. • Meals - Eight (8) breakfasts, seven (7) daily lunches, and seven (7) dinners included. (Note: Bottled water and house wine will be available with meals). • Bus - Private, first-class motor coach bus and all group transfers are included. • Taxes and Fees - All local taxes, porter fees, and porter tips are included. Bus driver tips are not included. • Entrance Fees - All entrance fees are included. • Arrival Transfers - There will be one (1) group transfer to Oxford after arrival at London’s Heathrow Airport on Monday, June 15, 2020. To be included in this group transfer, please ensure your flight arrives into London’s Heathrow Airport before 11:30 a.m. • Departure Transfers - There will be one (1) group transfer from the London hotel to London’s Heathrow Airport upon departure on Tuesday, June 23, 2020. To be included in the group transfer, please ensure that your flight departure time is no earlier than 10:00 a.m.

Additional Information

• A non-refundable deposit of $500.00 per participant is required at the time of booking. Please make all payments payable to Inside the Vatican. If you prefer to wire funds, contact our office. • Signature Pilgrimage: Our June 15 – 23, 2020 Pilgrimage to England is part of our premier line of Signature Pilgrimages - limiting the number of pilgrims to 15 for a peaceful and personal experience. In addition, Kevin Turley, well-known Catholic writer (writes under KV Turley), and Deborah Tomlinson, President of Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages, will be traveling with the pilgrims for the entire pilgrimage. • Although taxis will be provided for long distances in Oxford and London, our schedule will necessitate walking several blocks at different times while on pilgrimage. We will accommodate in these situations, if needed, by ordering a taxi at the participant’s expense.

[email protected] ◆ U.S. Office: 14 West Main Street, Front Royal VA 22630 ◆ +1-202.536 4555 8

This Pilgrimage Does Not Include: • Airfare to and from England • Airport transfers (for those not arriving within specified time frames to participate in the group transfers) • Meals not specifically identified • Gratuities payable to bus drivers • Other personal expenses, included but not limited to laundry services, internet services, mini-bar in hotel rooms, et cetera • Items not specifically mentioned in the pilgrimage description literature

We will make every effort to adhere to the printed program and itinerary. On rare occasions, it may be necessary to adjust arrangements due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control (including such circumstances as the weather, acts of God, airline schedule changes, hotel requisitions, political disturbances or transportation mechanical problems). Should such adjustment be necessary, a substitution will be made to the best of our abilities.

Join Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages for this once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage!

For more information or to reserve your spot, contact our US Office at +1-202-536-4555 or email us at [email protected]

[email protected] u U.S. Office: 14 West Main Street, Front Royal VA 22630 u 202.536 4555 9

Terms & Conditions In the Footsteps of Saint Thomas More & Blessed John Henry Newman June 15 – 23, 2020 Oxford and London

Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages, Inside the Vatican, delay/cancellation, it is the participant’s responsibility Tour Cancellation by ITVP: On rare occasions a Inc., its employees, shareholders, officers and to notify Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages. pilgrimage may have to be cancelled due to lack of directors are collectively referred to herein as Unused Services: There will be no refund for any participation. In such a case, ITVP’s sole responsibility “ITVP.” unused portions of the pilgrimage. Refunds will not be is to provide a full refund. ITVP is not responsible and Household: ITVP defines household as those made to participants who miss any part of the does not assume responsibility for any additional costs participants who dwell under the same roof and have pilgrimage for any cause whatsoever. or any fees relating to the issuance and/or cancellation the same address for at least 6 months per year. U.S. State Department & Other Agencies: From time of air tickets or other arrangements not made through Rates and Payments: Rates are based on applicable to time the U.S. State Department ( and ITVP. Cancellations due to state advisories and/or rates as of March 2019 and could change due to the Center for Disease Control ( and state warnings, acts of war, war, terrorism, acts of God, fluctuation in currency exchange rates or failure to have other government agencies and departments issue natural disaster or any other circumstance outside the a minimum of 15 passengers. If they change, we will travel advisories or warnings for one or more of the control of ITVP, are not the fault of ITVP. Great effort invoice participants accordingly. destinations that you may be visiting on tour. We will be made to accommodate transfers to another trip Land Package: $4,645.00, does not include airfare. encourage you to contact these agencies directly to or to revise the itinerary; however, cancellation for any 1st Payment: $500.00 non-refundable deposit – Due at obtain the most current information. ITVP cannot of these reasons will not be eligible for a refund. time of booking. change the cancellation terms or conditions based on Room Service and Other Extraneous Charges: 2nd Payment: Due Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 60 the issuance of any such warning or advisory or the Room Service and extraneous charges not expressly days from departure. occurrence of any terror, problems or ill health, or other listed as part of the Pilgrimage Package are not Single Occuupancy Supplement fee: $970.00, if incident in one or more of the places this tour is included. Should a participant request room service, or applicable. Due with 2nd payment. scheduled to visit. All cancellation penalties must any other extraneous charge, including, but not limited remain in full force and effect as outlined on this form. to, mini bar, laundry services, internet charges, or pay- Oxford Hotel Upgrade fee: $300.00, if applicable. Due Travel insurance may or may not cover these possible per-view, the participant will be financially responsible with 2nd payment. causes for cancellations. for those charges to be paid at the time of check-out. If Early Booking Discount: $300.00: if registered by Insurance: Travel insurance is not included in the Land these charges are not paid at check-out, ITVP will bill December 15, 2019. Package; however, we strongly recommend that you the participant accordingly. Cash Discount: A discount of $150.00 for payment in consider purchasing it. Luggage: Baggage is at owner’s risk throughout the full made by cash or check will be applied to the Land Travel Documents: All required travel documents are tour. Package cost. Installment payment plans: if each the responsibility of the participant. For U.S. passport Airfare: No airfare is included in the cost of this payment is made by cash or check, the cash discount of holders, a valid passport is required for travel to United package. To purchase airfare, please contact our office $150.00 will be applied to the final installment. Kingdom and must remain valid until for least 6 for assistance. Reservations and Payment Schedule : A $500.00 per months after your departure date from the United Gratuities: Gratuities are not included. The participant, non-refundable deposit is due at the time Kingdom. For passport holders from other countries recommended daily gratuity per person is (3) euro for of booking. Balance is due 60 days prior to departure. If other than the United States, you are responsible for the escort, (2) euro for the driver and (1) euro for the your reservation is received less than 60 days prior to determining the required travel documents. ITVP will tour guide. departure, then full payment is due at the time of not be responsible for any delays, damages and/or Participation: ITVP reserves the right to decline or booking. Receipt of your non-refundable deposit shall losses, including missed portions of the pilgrimage, due remove any participant on any of its pilgrimages if, in act as your agreement to and understanding of these to improper travel documentation. Cancellations due to its sole discretion, it deems accepting or retaining any terms and conditions. Fax, internet, e-mail or phone lack of appropriate documents will incur the usual such participant as being detrimental to the pilgrimage. reservations are welcome. The non-refundable deposit penalties. In the event any participant is removed from a trip, and/or payment in full must be received within 7 days Photography: Agents of ITVP may take photographs ITVP is not obligated to refund to such person that of booking or reservation will cancel. A contract is or videos of its trips and trip participants. Participants portion of the payment allocable to unused services. made when your reservation and payment are grant ITVP permission to do so and allow ITVP to use Health Requirements accepted by ITVP and any dispute shall be governed : This pilgrimage requires such photos and videos for promotional or commercial significant walking. Any medical conditions or special by Virginia law. use without payment of any fees or royalties. These Form of Payment: Bank/Certified Checks, Money equipment needs must be listed on the registration photos will be available on our photo website form. ITVP is not responsible for any medical condition Orders, ACH or Wire Transfers (please fax a copy of following the pilgrimage. that occurs prior to, during or after the pilgrimage. bank confirmation when wiring funds) are accepted A code is required to download these photos from forms of payment at any time. Personal checks are Final Package: A final package containing documents, Inside the Vatican’s photo gallery. The code will be applicable airline ticket information, local contact acceptable if received more than 30 days prior to provided after the pilgrimage. departure date. Please note that a $30.00 wire fee must information, a pilgrim book, and travel tips will be Private Rooms and Single Supplement: A limited mailed to each participant approximately one (1) to two be added to wire payments. You may also make Direct number of single rooms are available at the single Credit Card Payments to ITVP (Discover, Visa and (2) weeks prior to departure. Upon receipt of your supplement rate. If the allotted number of single rooms documents, you are responsible to check your itinerary, Master Card). Every reservation must be accompanied is booked, any additional single rooms that we may be by a signed Registration Form. Returned checks will spelling of your name, dates, times and other important able to book, if available, incur a fee in addition to the information to ensure their validity. Should your final incur a $50.00 service fee. In case of computer or human Single Supplement fee. billing error, we reserve the right to re-invoice documents have any errors it is the participant’s Cancellations and Refunds: Cancellations must be participants with corrected billing. responsibility to contact ITVP immediately. received in writing in order for any refunds to be Documents, including tickets, are not guaranteed if Transfers: A group transfer to and from the airport is issued, and will be processed according to the date the final payment and booking forms are not received by included. It is the responsibility of a participant to written notice is received. Although a verbal the deadline. notify Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages of any flight cancellation is also appreciated, it will not be accepted Itinerary: delays. If the participant’s flight is delayed and this Although ITVP and its agents and as official notice. Please mail the cancellation notice to representatives will make every effort to adhere to the delay causes the participant to miss the scheduled the address below. In the event of cancellation, monies group transfer, the cost and arrangement of transfer printed program and itinerary, on rare occasions it may will be refunded minus the cancellation fee. The be necessary to adjust arrangements due to unforeseen from the airport to the hotel becomes the participant’s cancellation fee will be calculated as follows: responsibility. Individual transfers to and from the circumstances beyond our control (including, but not • airport are not included in this package. Although 60 days prior to departure: $500.00 per limited to, such circumstances as weather, acts of God, Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages can book an individual participant deposit airline schedule change, hotel requisitions, political transfer to the airport upon request, the participant is • 59 to 30 days prior to departure: $500 disturbances, or transportation mechanical problems). financially responsible for that transfer. Please note: per participant deposit and 50% of total Should such adjustments be necessary, substitutions Transfers will be from and to London’s Heathrow cost* will be made to the best of our abilities. A refund will Airport for arrivals and departures. • 29 days or less prior to departure: 100% not be given. Any additional costs necessitated by such changes are the full responsibility of the participant. We Flight Schedule: Land Package participants are of total cost* do not guarantee preferred seating at events. responsible for purchasing their own tickets to arrive at *Cost includes: Land Package and single London’s Heathrow Airport on Monday, June 15, 2020 supplement, if applicable. Printing Disclaimer: ITVP is not responsible for before 11:30 a.m. and depart London’s Heathrow If you purchase travel insurance, it may cover the typographical or printing errors including errors in trip Airport on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 after 10:00 a.m. amount remaining after refund, depending on the cost. We reserve the right to re-invoice or correct billing Should a participant encounter a flight circumstances of the cancellation and the conditions of at any time. the policy. Check with your travel insurance provider, if applicable.

[email protected] U.S. Office: 14 West Main Street, Front Royal VA 22630 202.536 4555

In the Footsteps of Saint Thomas More and Blessed John Henry Newman Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages, June 15 - 23, 2020

PRICING TERMS: Price stated is as of March 2019 and could change prior to Final PRICE $4,645.00 Land Package Invoicing due to fluctuation in currency exchange rates or failure to have a minimum of 10 -$ 300.00 Book by Dec 15, 2019 Discount pilgrims. If the price increases, an invoice will be issued before the final payment is due, which -$ 150.00 Cash discount for payments is 60 days prior to departure. Payment of the initial deposit for this trip indicates you have $4,195.00 by check or wire accepted these pricing terms and all terms specified in the Terms and Conditions.

Name as it appears on your passport: (Enclose a copy of the picture page of your passport Release: Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages, Inside the Vatican, Inc., with this form. its employees, shareholders, officers and directors (collectively ______“ITVP”) does not own or operate any entity which is to or does provide goods or services for your trip, including, for example, lodging facilities, transportation companies, local ground operators, including, Name you prefer ______without limitation, various entities, which may utilize the ITVP name, guides, sightseeing companies, entertainment, food or drink service Address ______providers, equipment suppliers, etc. As a result, ITVP is not responsible for any negligent or willful act or failure to act of any City______State______Zip______Country ______person or entity it does not own or control. Without limitations ITVP is not liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damage, Home Number ( )______Office ( ) ______injury, death, loss, accident, delay, inconvenience or irregularity of any kind which may be occasioned by reason of any act or omission Cell ( ) ______Will you be traveling with this cell phone? ______beyond its control, including, without limitation any willfully or negligent act, failure to act, breach of contract or violation of local law Email ______or regulation of any third party such as a cruise line, airline, train, hotel, bus, taxi, van, local ground handler or guide, whether or not it uses the Passport Number ______Exp. Date ______ITVP name, financial default or insolvency of any supplier which is to, or does supply any goods or services for this trip. Similarly, ITVP is Date and Place of birth: ______not responsible for any loss, injury, death or inconvenience due to delay or changes in schedule, overbooking of accommodation, default Emergency Contact ______Relationship ______or any third party, attacks or bites by animals, insects or pests, injury or death while on activities sponsored by lodging facilities or by other Contact Numbers ______third parties, sickness, the lack of appropriate medical care, evacuation to same, if necessary, weather, strikes, acts of God or government, acts of terrorism, or the threat thereof, force majeure, war, HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS ❏ Two Twin Beds ❏ One Matrimonial Bed quarantine, epidemics, or the threat thereof, criminal activity or any other cause beyond its control. Should Dr. Robert Moynihan or Name of Roommate:______Deborah Tomlinson be unable to participate in this event, reasonable efforts will be made to secure a substitute. Regardless of the ❏ I would like a roommate; please put me in touch with other pilgrims who would like a participation of Dr. Robert Moynihan or Deborah Tomlinson, the tour roommate. If a roommate cannot be found, I must pay the $970.00 single supplement fee. will proceed as scheduled on the dates listed. By signing this form to participate on this trip you agree that the terms of the cancellation ❏ Single ($970.00 additional cost). I would like a single room. This Single Supplement Fee penalty will be binding upon you regardless of whether Dr. Robert Moynihan or Deborah Tomlinson is able to participate. ITVP is not is due with the final payment. responsible for any loss incurred by participant including lost days of the scheduled cruise/tour, due to a cancelled flight or other means and modes of transportation. We will have daily Mass and strive to be in Checks payable to: Inside the Vatican Credit Card: Visa or Mastercard (circle one) places as indicated. However, sometimes this is not possible as the site may not be available for Mass or itinerary changes are forced upon Name as it appears on Card: ______Amount: $______us. In this case, an alternative site for Mass will be arranged.

Card Number: ______CONSIDERATIONS Do You Use: ❏ walker ❏ cane Security code (back of card) ______Expiration: ______Dietary Restrictions ______Card Billing Address: ______Physical Limitations: (Please check all that apply) ❏ difficulty walking long distances ❏ difficulty standing ❏ difficulty climbing stairs I have received, read and agree to the Terms and Conditions for In the Footsteps of St. Thomas ❏ medical conditions ❏ other ❏ none More & Bl. John Henry Newman, June 15 – 23, 2020 as well as the Pricing Terms, Payment Terms, and the “Release” outlined on the right side of this form. I also agree that Inside the Please Explain: Vatican Pilgrimages cannot be held liable for any injury or loss sustained during the pilgrimage. ______I agree to the cancellation terms and penalties. ______Signature______Date______

Print Name______For more information or to reserve your spot, contact our US Office at 1-202-536-4555 or email Witness (a non-family member) Signature______us at [email protected]

Witness (print name)______Revised: February 2019

[email protected] u U.S. Office: 14 West Main Street, Front Royal VA 22630 u 202.536 4555

Dear Sir or Madame,

Thank you for taking the time to read about In the Footsteps of Saint Thomas More & Blessed John Henry Newman Pilgrimage being offered by Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages.

To join us, please mail the completed forms indicated below along with the appropriate selected payment to reserve your space to our U.S. office. Space is very limited for this pilgrimage, so if you would like to join, we recommend you contact us as soon as possible, either by email at [email protected] or by calling our office at +1-202-536- 4555, extension 3, to have a space reserved for you. We will hold your space for seven (7) days until we receive your registration information and payment.

The following items will need to be mailed to the address below:

1. Registration Form: Each participant is required to complete a registration form and include a copy of the picture page of his or her passport. 2. Non-refundable deposit: Check for $500.00 per participant, made payable to Inside the Vatican. If you prefer to wire funds, please contact our office. 3. Airline Reservations: DO NOT BOOK YOUR FLIGHT UNTIL OUR OFFICE GIVES THE FINAL CLEARANCE THAT THIS PILGRIMAGE HAS MET THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF TEN PILGRIMS AND WILL TRAVEL. Once you have booked your airline reservation, please forward a copy to our office via email or U.S. mail. 4. Cash Discount: To take advantage of the Cash Discount, you must pay the full amount of $4,495.00 per participant by cash or check made payable to Inside the Vatican. For installment payment plans whereby each installment payment is made by cash or check, the cash discount will be applied to the final installment payment. 5. Early Booking Discount: To take advantage of the Early Booking Discount of $300.00, please complete all steps outlined herein to confirm your booking by December 15, 2019.

Inside the Vatican 14 W Main Street Front Royal, VA 22630

Final Payment is Due Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Flight to London: When booking your airline flights into London’s Heathrow Airport (airport code HLR), it is recommended to arrive the day before, Sunday, June 14, 2020, to allow time to rest from your travels. I will be happy to assist you in booking this extra night. If you do not plan to arrive a day early it is best to arrive into Heathrow airport, as early as possible on Monday, June 15, 2020. We plan to depart Heathrow Airport for Oxford about 1:00 p.m. Therefore, your flight to London must arrive by 11:30 am, to give yourself enough time to pass through passport control and baggage claim.

Flight Home: It is best to book your return flight for 10:00 a.m. or later on Tuesday, June 23, 2020. The group departure from our hotel to the London airport on June 23, 2020, will be at 7:00 a.m., which is for flights departing at 10:00 a.m. or later – we schedule departure to the London airport three hours before flight time. If you book a flight departing before

[email protected] ◆ U.S. Office: 14 W Main Street, Front Royal VA 22630 ◆ 202.536.4555

10:00 a.m., an individual transfer will be needed. Although Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages can book this individual transfer, the financial responsibility will be the participant’s.

Should you have any questions about the pilgrimage, please feel free to call us directly at +1-202-536-4555, extension 3. If you would like to reserve your spot after business hours, simply send us an email and we will respond to you on the next business day.

Please let us know how we can assist you in joining this pilgrimage!

Lily Keats Executive Assistant Inside the Vatican

P.S. For more information about our guest pilgrim and friend, Catholic writer and filmmaker, KV Turley, please visit our website:

[email protected] ◆ U.S. Office: 14 W Main Street, Front Royal VA 22630 ◆ 202.536.4555