THE BOURNEMOUTH ORATORY in Formation Sacred Heart, Bournemouth & University Catholic Chaplaincy served by the Fathers and Brothers of the Oratorian Community of Saint ______

Monthly Newsletter ~ MAY 2018 ______Dear Friends, MARY’S MONTH OF MAY in our PARISH YEAR OF RENEWAL Bishop Philip’s Pastoral Letter “People of Life” is reproduced on page 3. Do read its important teaching about the sanctity of human life, note his request to re-read “the saintly Paul VI’s prophetic Encyclical Humanae Vitae… alongside Pope Francis’ Laudato Si”, and take up his challenge: “We must act!” and “become positive, confident, ‘can-do’ Catholics”. Our Oratorian Bishop Robert visits us at the start of May; details on page 4. He co-founded the Oratory (with our Fr Dominic) 29 years ago, fulfilling Newman’s dream, and is currently Auxiliary Bishop in the Archdiocese of Birmingham. Welcome, Bishop Robert! Brother Andrew will be Instituted as an Acolyte (during Bishop Robert’s visit) as his penultimate step on the path to Priesthood. Bishop Philip is coming to the Oratory later in the year to Ordain him Deacon, and then Priesthood should follow next year (Deo volente!). Please pray for him. Our children receive their First Holy Communion on Sunday 20th May at the 10.30am Solemn , and our young people will be Confirmed in the Cathedral on Saturday 26th May. Congratulations to all of them, and their families, and many thanks to our Catechists. The Confirmations for our Pastoral Area of the Diocese have partially eclipsed the Oratory's Founder, St Philip Neri, whose feast day is also 26th May - so we’ll have a 12.15pm on the actual day, but celebrate his Solemnity in style the previous evening with a at 6pm on Friday 25th May, followed by a parish party. The Novena starts on Wednesday 16th May. “For Lent we gave up heating, and then housing”, Fr Dominic quipped wryly, as the House heating system broke down, and then the Diocese directed us to vacate the House for serious health and safety concerns. Ten days in a hotel preceded our move into neighbouring small flats during Holy Week. Thank you to an anonymous parishioner and a non-parochial donor who bought two flats for the Fathers’ temporary use, and the diocese rented two others for the Brothers. During May all furniture must go into storage before asbestos removal, then dismantling all the contaminated water pipes, replacement of the heating system, and 40-70 year old electrical wiring, to make the house habitable, and comply with multiple occupancy legislation. This will have some knock-on effect on parish life, not to mention our own! Please be patient, as we are trying to be . . . Father Dominic & Father Peter ______ORATORY Fr Dominic Jacob Oratory Moderator & University Chaplain Fr Peter Edwards Parish Priest CLERGY: Brother Andrew Wagstaff, Brother Francisco Hintikka The Oratory House / Parish Office: 1 Albert Road, Richmond Hill, Bournemouth BH1 1BZ Parish & Chaplaincy Office open: Monday - Friday, 9am - 12 noon. Telephone: 01202 411140 Website: Parish Deacon: The Rev’d Roger Carr-Jones [email protected] Telephone: 01202 428451 Administrator: Sharon Head, Contact as above. Youth Ambassador: Adam Bussell: [email protected] Email: [email protected] MONTHLY PRAYER PAGE for MAY 2018 SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: Sheila Brook, Brian Coburn, Roy GOING INTO HOSPITAL: If you, a family member, or Catholic (Christopher) Coombs, Liliana Couch, Bronislawa Konstantin, friend, are going into hospital, it is important to ensure that the Elfin Leahy, Tony McCarthy, Mary Moret, Ann Murray, Arlene Catholic Chaplain knows you’re there, that your religion is Nicol, Laurens Obagi, Pat Pope, Pansy Sattur, Sheila Shelley, Alf recorded as ‘Catholic’ on your admission papers, and that you ask Skee, Rose Smith, Attracta Spears, Michael Sullivan, John & to be visited by the Catholic Chaplain. Hilary Timson, Mary Urwin, Marjorie Walsh and Alan Wright. Please also let the Parish Office know that you’re in hospital, so We pray for sick and housebound parishioners during Wednesday that we can pray for you, and that your own Priests can visit for Eucharistic Adoration. Holy Communion is taken to them weekly pastoral care. Political correctness now prevents this, unless we by our Extraordinary Ministers. The Fathers visit all the know your ward, date of birth, or address. If you’re not yet Housebound during Advent and Lent, and at need, for the registered on the Parish Census, it’s important to do this too. Sacraments of Confession and Anointing. Please tell the Parish Green census cards are at the back of the church. Office of anyone who needs visiting by a priest.

MAY ANNIVERSARIES OF DEATH: 1st May Annie Docherty, Constance Josephine Burgess, 5th Mary Zygmont Mieczyslav Milford, Sarah Byrne, James Edwin Blazier, Maria Teixeira Agviar, 6th Joan Muriel Wolf, 8th Stefania Pilarska, 9th Margaret Kitchen, Eric Peters, 10th Carlos Da Silva, Gladys Berry, Marion Konopelski, 11th Romano Torquati, 13th Frederick Harold Baker, 14th Raffaella Fedullo, 15th Alfred Zygmunt Langer, 17th Marie Kalomeni, 18th Michael Boyle, Sidney Hudson-Cook, 19th Charles Martin Heath, 21st Jacqueline Margaret More, 22nd Edward Musker, 23rd Beryl Constance Luxton, 24th Frank Luxton, Josephine Mary Sonnex, 25th Eileen Adams, Joy Romaine Beak, 26th Pilar Huertas-Lopez, Patrick John Payne, John Gilbert, Francisco Gaspar Da Silva, 27th Cesare Bernardo Zanelli, 28th Essie Ford, 29th Kay Culkin, 30th Jane Isabella Lunn, Merces Viera Paixao, Clive Alexander Hopkins, 31st Margaret Theresa McNamee. Please pray for those who have died recently, especially: Michael Pearson, who died 10th April 2018. MASS INTENTIONS for MAY 2018 Sunday 29th April Sunday 6th May Sunday 13th May Sunday 20th May Sunday 27th May Sat. 5pm Nikki, Exams Sat. 5pm Odile Lawen, Sat. 5pm Holy Souls Sat. 5pm Filipino Community, Sat. 5pm Holy Souls 8:00 Leslie Gardner Thanksgiving 8:00 Pro Populo Thanksgiving 8:00 Pro Populo 10:30 Peter Nye, RIP 8:00 Mike & Peggy Skivington, 10:30 Rosendo Letrado, RIP 8:00 Pro Populo 10:30 Albert & Carmin 4pm Pro Populo Golden Wedding 4pm Marisol Letrado Ochoa, 10:30 Closure of BPAS Abortion Lobo & Patrao Family, RIP 10:30 Stanislawa, Birthday Wellbeing Centre, B’mth 4pm New Job, 4pm Pro Populo 4pm Jose & Leonardo Bustos, RIP Thanksgiving Monday 30th Monday 7th Monday 14th Monday 21st Monday 28th 7:30 For the Pope 7:30 Stephanie Lawen 7:30 Oratory Vocations 7:30 Closure of BPAS, B’mth 7:30 Family Mello Menegon, RIP 12:15 Hermance Lawen 12:15 For all Priests 12:15 Tom McAllen, RIP 12:15 Fr Joseph Majau, RIP 12:15 St Joseph, Thanksgiving Tuesday 1st May Tuesday 8th Tuesday 15th Tuesday 22nd Tuesday 29th 12:15 Edith Edwards, RIP 12:15 Special Intention 12:15 For all Priests 12:15 Closure of BPAS Abortion 12:15 Oratory Vocations (Fr Peter’s Mother’s anniv.) Centre, B’mth Wednesday 2nd Wednesday 9th Wednesday 16th Wednesday 23rd Wednesday 30th 7:30 Oratory Vocations 7:30 Oratory Benefactors 7:30 Andrew McDowell 7:30 Closure of BPAS Abortion 7:30 Maria Ines Ochoa, 12:15 Private Intention 12:15 Benedetto Di Adamo, RIP 12:15 Paul Quinn, RIP Centre, B’mth Birthday Ŧ 6pm Long Forgotten Int. 12:15 Oratory Benefactors 12:15 Oratory Benefactors rd th Thursday 3 Thursday 10th ASCENSION DAY Thursday 17 Thursday 24th Thursday 31st 12:15 Mike Cross, RIP 7:30 Pro Populo 12:15 Intentions of the York 12:15 Closure of BPAS Abortion 12:15pm Peter Nye, RIP 12:15 Brigette Marcel Oratory Centre, B’mth * 6pm Bridget Murphy Friday 4th Friday 11th Friday 18th Friday 25th Friday 1st June 7:30 Oratory Benefactors 7:30 Oratory Vocations 7:30 Closure of BPAS 7:30 Closure of BPAS, B’mth 7:30 Dionisio Menegon, RIP 12:15 John & Eileen 12:15 Holy Souls Abortion Centre, B’mth 12:15 Oratory Vocations 12:15 Josephine & Edwin th Corcoran 12:15 Oratory Benefactors * 6pm Seraphine Lawen & Hodgkiss, 60 Wedding Ŧ 6pm Roy Ware, RIP Brigitte Marcel, Thanksgiving Ŧ 6pm Roy Ware, RIP Saturday 5th Saturday 12th Saturday 19th Saturday 26th ST PHILIP NERI Saturday 2nd 12:15 Timothy Evennett, 12:15 Jacob Vinoj Mathew 12:15 Closure of BPAS 12:15 Closure of BPAS Abortion 12:15 Jesus De Jesus, RIP Health Abortion Centre, B’mth Centre, B’mth Ŧ Extraordinary Form Mass: 6pm on 1st Friday of each month, and the Eve of Holy Days. * Solemn Mass: 6pm on Friday 25th May, Eve of St Philip Neri, Founder of the Oratory.

BOURNEMOUTH PASTORAL AREA Annunciation & St Edmund Campion Corpus Christi Our Lady Immaculate Hospital Chaplains: St Edmund & Polish Chaplain Mass: 6pm (Vigil), Mass: 9:00am, 11am Fr Darryl Jordan OLW Chaplaincy: 01202 704221. Mass: 9am (Polish), Mass: 9am, 7pm (Polish) 9:30am,11am, 5pm Fr Andrew Moore 11am, 6:30pm Royal Bmth & Christchurch Fr Andrzej Zuziak, SChr. Fr Adrian Howell SJ Seamoor Road, Fr Bernardine Nsom 481 Castle Lane West Switchboard: 01202 303626 218 Charminster Rd BH8 9TN 18 St James’s Square Westbourne BH4 9AE (ask for Chaplaincy). BH8 9RW [email protected] Boscombe BH5 2BX Tel: 01202 760640 Dcn McConville for Poole Tel: 01202 513369 Tel: 01202 619668 Tel: 01202 425286 Hospital: 01202 442167 Rev Dcn Barry Jennings BISHOP PHILIP’S PASTORAL LETTER proposes for family life, when natural methods of fertility and family planning are used. Our diocesan My dear People of God, People of Life, Marriage and Family Life Team are keen to help and to Happy Easter! Today, as you leave church, I have a give advice. small Easter Gift for you: a booklet of prayers and reflections that I hope you will like and treasure. More, As a people of life, who celebrate life as a Divine gift, by God’s grace, I hope it will inspire you, your parish full of meaning, purpose and value, we cannot idly and all our Framework and Evangelisation Teams, to stand by before evil, injustice, suffering and violence in prayer, commitment and strategic action. our world, including the abuse of the Earth and its resources. We must act. Next month is the However, here I want to explore again what it means anniversary of Pope Francis’ brilliant Encyclical Letter to be a human person, created by God, fallen through Laudato Si, in which he begs people to live an sin, yet redeemed in Christ. There is now in society authentically human ecology, a more balanced, simple great confusion and conflict about what it means to be life-style, a life that respects the environment, helps human, about relationships, sexuality and love, but end poverty and espouses justice. It would be good to also, most seriously, about the actual value and dignity re-read Laudato Si alongside Humanae Vitae. As of human life itself from conception to natural death. Catholics, we should live an integrally ‘green’ and As Catholics, the Gospel is always a sure guide. natural way of life. To do this, of course, given our Jesus Christ is God, Deum de Deo, but as the Creed fallen nature, we need the love of Christ and the life- also affirms, the New Adam, from the earth the Perfect giving power of the Holy Spirit. Human. He is our Model. It is thrilling that we humans, body and soul, live at the intersection between the two Ours is an era of amazing advances in knowledge and realms of creation, the material and the spiritual! This technology, from science and medicine to the arts and should make us a people of life, a people of joy and humanities. Yet the demise of faith and religion, the good will, people who promote the sanctity of life in all demise even of people praying, is rapidly undermining its beautiful diversity. in Britain the foundations of ethics. This dilution of our Consider this. It’s over fifty years since the 1967 Christian patrimony threatens to usher in a frightening Abortion Act, one of the most liberal in the world, came new Dark Age. No wonder a death-wish is arising for into effect. Since then, ten million babies in the UK assisted suicide and euthanasia. As Catholics, as have been aborted, one in five pregnancies. As a people of life, we cannot ignore these challenges. We people of life, our efforts to defend the unborn child, to must act. We must ask Jesus to help us reach out in care for pregnant mothers and to reverse or blunt this love to those around, to assist people develop a Act have had mixed results and it now looks as if, personal relationship with God. This is fundamental to unjustly, our secularist government will no longer allow the mission of our schools and parishes. us even to pray outside hospitals and clinics. But more than this, we must enable the Catholic Consequently, I’m discussing with pro-life groups and Tradition to engage positively and constructively with with our Justice, Peace and Social Responsibility culture and society in a mutually enriching Team some new forms of witness. We need to conversation. Indeed, in November this year, our change tack. As a start, from this year on, I would like Dialogue with Cultural Sectors Team is organising an us to keep every 23rd October, the day the Act was exciting Symposium called “Science or Religion?” passed, as a diocesan Day of Prayer and Reparation It will tackle positively some of the issues that current for Life. On that day, as we celebrate being people of advances raise: What does it mean to be human? life with various initiatives, I ask our priests to offer a How can we be happy? What does the Gospel say Mass for the Progress of Peoples, but wearing the about life? There will be more details soon in ENews. purple vestments of penitence. “Peace be with you!” says the risen Jesus to His This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the saintly apostles in today’s Gospel. Living a Christian life is Pope Paul VI’s prophetic Encyclical Letter Humanae demanding, but living life without Christ is intolerable. Vitae. It restates the Church’s doctrine on the integrity As we sang in the Easter Exsultet, He came to bring of sexual intercourse, reserved to a husband and wife us life, joyful life, life to the full. Even if at times history in marriage, as an act of love open to life and that seems ambiguous, His victory on Calvary guarantees these two aspects, openness to life and love, must not that good will triumph. So I ask you now: Be people be split or artificially separated. Otherwise, the Pope of life! Love Jesus; keep close to Him and adore Him warned, there would be catastrophic consequences in the Eucharist. Read the Gospels; study the for persons, families and society. Years on, we can Church’s social teaching and be open to the questions now see exactly what he meant in broken family people raise. This will help us to become positive, relationships, the reduction of sex to a casual activity, confident, ‘can-do’ Catholics. May Mary Immaculate, the trafficking of people for prostitution and St Edmund of Abingdon, and Blessed Pier Giorgio pornography, the sexualisation of the young and the Frassati inspire us and pray for us. May they help us explosion of addictive behaviours leading to despair, share our Christian faith and Christian values: shame and guilt. Bringing People Closer to Jesus Christ through I invite everyone to revisit this teaching and to reflect His Church. on the alternative ‘spiritual ecology’ that the Gospel In Corde Iesu. + Philip Bishop of Portsmouth MARY’S MONTH OF MAY WHAT’S ON IN EASTER-TIDE 2018 Each week (or each day) this month pray the Rosary or light a candle at Our Lady’s Altars in our Church. SUNDAYS

5pm Cath. Soc. Fellowship Group Friday 4th May, 7.30 - 9pm after the 4pm Mass - for all students start of 5 week course in catechetics and young people. Continues with which we’re hosting for Portsmouth Diocese. food & fellowship after Benediction. Saturday 5th - Tuesday 8th May 6pm Oratory and Benediction Bishop , Cong. Orat. (Auxiliary in the Archdiocese of Birmingham) is visiting us MONDAYS and will offer the Sunday 10.30am Solemn Mass. 7.30am & 12.15pm Blessing with St Philip’s Relic. 7.30pm Evangelium exploring Catholicism. Sunday 6th May, 10.30am Solemn Mass 7.30pm Schola music practice for Solemn Mass. Brother Andrew Wagstaff to be Instituted to the Ministry of Acolyte. TUESDAYS 7.30pm Bible Study on next Sunday’s readings. Ascension Day (10th) - Holy Day of Obligation Wednesday 9th: Eve of Feast 6pm EF Mass. WEDNESDAYS Thursday 10th: 7.30am, 12.15pm, 6pm (Solemn). 8am - 12 noon Eucharistic Adoration. Wednesday 16th: Start of the Novena preparing 11 - 12 noon Confessions. for the Solemnity of our Founder, St Philip Neri. 6pm Monthly Eucharistic Adoration to 1st Wednesdays (2nd May, 6th June etc) Sunday 20th May, 10.30am Solemn Mass 9pm 7.30-8.30 Confessions, 8.45 Benediction. First Holy Communions. THURSDAYS Monday 21st May: Note the new Memorial of 7.30pm Rise! Catholic Men’s Group The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church. 3rd Thursdays: 17 May, 21 June, 19 July. 7.30am & 12.15pm, usual weekday Mass times. FRIDAYS 6pm Extraordinary Form Mass (1st Fridays SOLEMNITY OF SAINT PHILIP NERI and Eves of Holy Days, Solemnities etc) FOUNDER OF THE ORATORY 6pm Brothers of the Little (Secular) Oratory Friday 25th May (Eve of the Feast Day) 2nd / 4th Fridays: May 11 / 25, June 8 / 22. 6pm SOLEMN MASS SATURDAYS followed by a Parish Party. 9.30am Confirmation preparation (every week) Please bring food to share. 9.30am First Communion prep. (1st & 3rd Sats.) 9.45am First Communion Parents (1st Sats.) Bring your friends to our Parish Fiesta! 10am Sacrament of Baptism (2nd & 4th Sats.) ______11-12 & 4-5pm Confessions.

Saturday 26th May ______12.15pm Low Mass, here in the Oratory. PRO-LIFE peaceful prayer vigil outside one of (11am Confirmations at the Cathedral - See below) Bournemouth’s abortion centres: BPAS Ophir Road BH8 8LS Saturday 26th May, 11am 10am - 11am every Wednesday Our young people will be Confirmed by Bishop (supported by Eucharistic Adoration in our Church) Philip in St John’s Cathedral, Portsmouth. Our Parish is responsible for Wednesdays, when we Our Parishioners are very welcome to go too, invite you to commit to just one hour, once a month, (if recovered from the previous evening’s party!) to join Oratory Parishioners praying the Rosary. There could be similar hours on Wednesday afternoons & Thursday 31st: Feast of Our Lady’s Visitation evenings. Email: [email protected] First Anniversary of the arrival of the Oratory. Other parishes pray there on Tuesdays and Thursdays.