Devotionals and Prayers

From the RUMC Prayer Team

And members of our congregation Bible Verses We worship our Savior, who died for us and rose again that we might, through him, have victory over sin and death. The season of Lent focuses our hearts and minds on this wonderful truth. As we continue in the Season of Lent, here are some Bible verses to reflect on. These passages show how Jesus interacted with all kinds of people and situations. The writers are sharing what spoke to them in those interac- tions, or how they have been encouraged in their faith through them. In sharing these, we draw closer to one another and to Jesus. We suggest that you read and reflect on one devotion and prayer each day during the last 2 weeks of Lent.

Our Mission Statement

RUMC is a welcoming family of worship that reaches out to serve others and spreads the good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman: Luke 7:36-50 Jesus Calms the Storm: Matthew 8:23-27 Devotion: Fortunate individuals who were born and raised in Christian Devotion: The most interesting commentary I found on Matthew 8:23-27 homes with regular involvement in local church worship and youth activities was one that examined Jesus’s sleeping in the boat and our “sleeping faith.” often feel privileged assuming they deserve God’s forgiveness and love. Jesus rested comfortably, knowing his father would keep him safe. How Often those people live their entire lives in a closed Christian community often is my faith asleep-when my first response during storms is to rely on without very many emotional responses to Jesus’ supreme sacrifice which myself, rather that to trust in God? He is always with me, and goes before brought God’s forgiveness for their sins. They often distance themselves me in every storm. I need to continually remember that God is present in all from individuals who live in what they judge to be too sinful a life style for my storms, and it is my eternal hope and trust in Him that will bring me “good” Christians to associate with. peace- not the absence of storms- but peace and trust in the journey. People who were found by God after many years of extremely “sinful living” Prayer: Please help us to remember with great assurance, that you are are much more likely to show emotional thanksgiving for the relief and joy always in our boat. Amen. God’s love brought into their lives. They often readily share His love with -Judy Ludlow people outside the Christian community.

The sinful lady described in this scripture responds emotionally as she be- gins to feel Jesus’ love and forgiveness. Her tears pour out and land on Je- Jesus Appears to Thomas: John 20:24-31 sus’ feet. She can’t stop her tears as she kisses his dirty feet. She doesn’t try Devotion: Thomas was a man who had doubts about Jesus reappearing to to dry his feet with the sleeve of her dress but uses her long hair in an the disciples. Jesus had Thomas put his finger on his hands and side and he attempt to wipe her tears. She doesn’t kiss the hem of his robe but places told him to stop doubting, then he went on to tell Thomas because he had many kisses on his dirty feet. She then opens the precious container of per- seen him he believed, and blessed are those who have not seen but still fume that she used to attract men of her community and pours the entire believe. Jesus was gentle with Thomas when he expressed his doubts, just container onto Jesus’ feet. The privileged Pharisees comment that he as Jesus is gentle with our doubts. Doubt can deepen our faith by leading us shouldn’t let this sinful woman touch him and he rebukes them by empha- to questions, and our questions lead us to answers. Jesus appeared to sizing the much greater love this woman has for him than they do. He then Thomas physically, one on one, but God appears to all of us by the presence forgives her sins and tells her to go in peace. of His Holy Spirit in each of us. We can call his name and he hears us, we In this season of Lent, will we emotionally experience again God’s love and can read his word and know him. Our doubts drive us into the arms of God forgiveness? where we find peace and love. Prayer: Forgiving God, too often we take your forgiveness for granted. Too Prayer: Lord, you lived, you died, you rose again and sit at the right hand often we cling to our sin, believing that it is our right to harbor resent- of the Father. You will come again to judge the living and the dead. We ments and hatred. Be merciful to us, and show us the depth of healing that believe the Holy Spirit lives in each of us. Help us to cast away any doubts is offered when you forgive, for the sake of the one who recognized total and to live each day filled with your peace and love knowing that you sac- surrender to forgiveness and offered it willingly, Jesus Christ our healer. rificed your son for each of us. Amen. -Judy Mayhak -Lionel Hurd Jesus Models Servant Leadership: John 13:1-17 (Life Application Bible) Zacchaeus: Luke 19:1-10 Devotion: …..So he got up from the supper table, took off his robe, wrapped Devotion: For verses 1-5, I would like to paraphrase by using the old Sunday a towel around his loins, poured water into the basin, and began to wash the School from my childhood: disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel he had around him. When he Zacchaeus was a wee little man, a wee little man was he. came to Simon Peter, Peter said to him, “Master, you shouldn’t be washing our feet like this!” Jesus replied, “You don’t understand now why I am doing He climbed up in the sycamore tree, for the Lord he wanted to see. it; someday you will. “No” Peter protested, “you shall never wash my feet!” As the Savior passed that way, he looked up in the tree. “But if I don’t you can’t be my partner,” Jesus replied. Simon Peter exclaimed, “Then wash my hands and head as well- not just my feet!” Jesus replied, And he said, “Zacchaeus, you come down! For I’m going to your “One who has bathed all over needs only to have his feet washed to be en- house today, for I’m going to your house today.” tirely clean. Now you are clean– but that isn’t true of everyone here.” For So he came down at once and Jesus welcomed him gladly. All the people Jesus knew who would betray him. That is what he meant when he said, Not saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.” But all of you are clean.” After washing their feet he put on his robe again and sat Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give down and asked, “Do you understand what I was doing? You call me Master half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of any- and Lord and you do well to say it because it is true. And since I, the Lord and thing, I will pay back four times the amount.” Jesus said to him, “Today sal- teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each others’ feet. I have vation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abra- given you and example to follow: do as I have done to you. How true it is that ham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” a servant is not greater than his master. Nor is the messenger more im- It is interesting to note Zacchaeus was not hiding in the tree, but trying to portant than the one who sent him. You know these things - now do them!” see Jesus. This shows us he wasn’t totally heartless. Jesus would be aware That is the path of blessing. of this, and knew he could make an example of Zacchaeus. What better way If Jesus, God in the flesh, was the first to role model servant leadership, to save the sinner, but to go directly to him? Jesus went to Zacchaeus’ shouldn’t we, His followers, also be servants willing to serve in any way in house, maybe even took a meal with him, and was able to save another lost order to glorify God? It also seems symbolic that Jesus took the dirt (sin) ac- soul. Hopefully, by making an example of Zacchaeus, he was able to save cumulated from his disciples’ connections to this earth and washed them more than one lost soul that day. clean in addition to modeling servanthood to those he loved. He modeled Prayer: Lord, thank you for showing me all I need to do is to turn to you. humility by washing feet which was the job of the lowliest slave of a house- Even though I have sinned, I can still be saved. It is nice to know your com- hold. Are you willing to follow Christ’s example of serving? Whom can you forting hand will be there to hold me, guide me and help me get through. serve today? -Sue Kerbyson Prayer: Precious Lord, you humbled yourself as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to become a servant leader, a leadership style previously unknown to humanity. Please soften my ego and my heart to serve wherever you lead me to do your will. May my actions demonstrate my love for you and my fellow man. In Jesus name. Amen. -Cindy Beel-Bates The Samaritan Woman: John 4: 7-42 A Test of Faith: John 6:1-15 Not Lying isn’t the Same as Telling the Truth. Devotion: I've slowly learned to examine some of the passages that I have Devotion: The Lord knows us intimately, just as Jesus knew everything read before, with a more careful eye and let God speak to me. It's amazing about this woman, She didn’t confess her sexual sins; instead, he had to what I learn! gently point it out to her, God used her subterfuge to reveal his true identi- This is where Jesus was starting to reveal who He was (follows the Woman ty as prophet and Messiah. For those of us who already know the Lord – at the Well, and the Healing of the man at the Pool) and He continues with and we are known by him – such word games are no longer appropriate. the miracle of the Feeding of the 5000. What caught me that I had not Wise is the woman who, when her sins are revealed, confesses, repents, caught before was how the disciple Phillip was tested. It says that Jesus and rejoices in the knowledge that even though Jesus sees through our knew what he was asking when He said “Where are we to buy bread, so smoke screen, he loves us completely. It’s our sins that bring us humbly to that these people may eat?” and it would be just like me to analyze how our knees, exactly where the Lord wants us to be, so he can shower us this would be possible, quick to determine that there is no way. I recall a with grace. time when I was literally lost in the woods, in the rain, the dark, with no -Excerpt from Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs clear way out. After my analysis, there were no good options. Fear and panic set in. As I hit my knees and prayed for a way out, it became clear Prayer: Dear God, our Heavenly Father, you know us, and everything what I needed to do. While this was not a miracle like the Feeding of the about us, yet you love us still. Help us remember to be thankful, deeply 5000, it was certainly a small miracle for me and the lesson "With God, all and humbly thankful, for your grace. Fill us with the joy of your salvation, things are possible"! until our cups run over with your living water; until we can’t contain our- selves and we run to our friends to share the Good News: Jesus is our Savior! Amen. Prayer: Heavenly Father, I have such a small view of you at times even -Val Northcutt though I know you are a big God. Thank you for the tests you give me to grow my faith. In Jesus name, Amen.

-Michael Ferguson Temptation in the Wilderness: Matthew 4:1-11 Devotion: Temptation…that’s a tough one. I think we’ve all been tested and tempted in a variety of ways. To be clear, being tempted is not sinful, but acting on it is. And because we’re Christian, when we do, grace and mercy are available. However, we still need to take sin seriously. In this life, sin comes with consequences: a trust compromised, pounds gained, speeding tickets received, and troubling addictions hooked. Our only hope: do as Jesus did. Verbally tell Satan and his evil forces, “No / absolutely not / no thank you / goodbye / you no longer have power over me!” When Jesus said that, Satan gave up, and the angels came. Don’t be tempted, but if you are, tell Satan where to go. Trust me, he’s heard it before! Prayer: Lord Jesus, please fill our minds with worthwhile stuff, and nudge us when temptation starts, so that your will and way may be done through us, and that your love be the only thing in our hearts. In your name, Amen. – Pastor Greg Buchner Do Not Be Afraid: Matthew 28: 5-8hurst College Gethsemane: Matthew 26: 36-46 Devotion: Many years ago my father passed away on Palm Sunday, losing Devotion: The story in the Garden (Gethsemane) is perhaps one of the most the inevitable battle with ALS. The following week I spent quite a bit of time painful episodes of the Bible. Jesus is in a place of tranquility and rest, where He exploring the yard of a house we had purchased the previous fall looking for often came for peace and contemplation. But now we see our Savior in anguish, signs of spring. While I meandered I sang one of my favorite Easter , and his closest friends, the Disciples, don’t even keep him company as he had “Up From the Grave He Arose” It gave me great comfort and eased my loss asked. knowing my wonderful father and his still sharp mind were no longer What a contrast from the times Jesus was teaching, healing, or traveling. He was trapped in a body that couldn't move but, instead, had passed on to a new an inspiration. He was powerful. He was God’s perfect gift. life. As I sang I also noticed many small signs of spring, new little green shoots poking through the brown soil as if they too had been released from But in the Garden, He is truly someone we can understand and we witness His their dark despair and were getting ready for a new life. being very human. He is alone, afraid, and vulnerable. He turns to God, seeking guidance, asking for direction and help. He cannot do it alone!

Does knowing that Jesus turned to God for help give you comfort? Does knowing Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the wonderful gift you gave us, that Jesus experienced the same feelings you do help you grow closer to Him? Is your son Jesus. Not only did he show us the way to live but he also showed there peace knowing that Jesus trusted his Father so much that He followed His us that death was just a transitory step to eternal life. Thank you also for plan even unto His own brutal death? the beauty of the four different seasons as they are visual examples of how even though living things, both some plants and animals, appear to die Today, our Savior sits at our Father’s right hand. He is our Savior, and is a Savior they also come back to life when the time is right. Amen. who totally experienced our humanness of what it is to feel alone, to be afraid, and to turn to God. -Mary Ann Seymour

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Lord, I love You Lord, for you have sacrificed Your life so that I may live. I thank you for all that You have taught me, and for Your blood freely shed for me. Your love for me, and Your faithfulness to God, our Father, saved me from a life alone and living in darkness. You are worthy of my trust and in You my faith is wholly placed. When I am lost, please guide me. When I have doubts, please strengthen me. When I fail, please help me to rise up in the love and relationship we have to walk anew. I ask these things in humility, in love, and in Your precious name, Jesus Christ. Amen -Chip Stevers The Little Children and Jesus: Matthew 19:13-15 The Triumphal Entry?: John 12:12-16 Devotion: When I was a child in the early to mid-sixties there was the saying, Devotion: Israel was eagerly looking for her king, the Messiah. They heard that this man “Children should be seen and not heard.” I remember not being allowed to Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. He must be the One! Surely he will bring peace and spend time with the adults in the kitchen at my aunt and uncle’s house. At prosperity, end oppression, solve our national problems, and gain the respect of the church, kids had to go to “junior church” time, away from the adults in the world. He will make things right and life will be good! Jesus was ushered in with palm sanctuary during the entire service; kids were not to be a part of the adult ser- branches and praise. Israel’s hopes were high…..Blessed is the King of Israel!” vice. We are in the process of electing a president. Listen to the wonderful promises! Surely our choice would work for peace and prosperity, end oppression, solve the national As I became a teenager, things began to change due to societal changes, and I problems, and gain the respect of the world. He will make things right and life will be believe due to this passage in the Bible. My parents began to encourage us good! Our President will be ushered into office with much fanfare and celebration. kids to be part of some of the adult conversations at home and when visiting Hopes will be high….. “Hail to the Chief!” relatives and friends of our family. In church, we were allowed to attend But… history shows us no leaders have ever “made things right”, and God’s word tells us church as families. it’s beyond our ability. Only He can judge what is right and good and some day bring it to Even though there are appropriate times to separate adults and the children, pass. The good things we desire may seem like all we need, but they are not enough. In having shared time together at church and as families is not only preferred, but fact, they are not the most important to our lives. Were it not for God’s grace, we would essential, for children to learn to become responsible Christian adults. We not even be aware of our greatest need. We need to belong to a different kingdom. A offer family time to worship here together at RUMC, but also offer develop- spiritual kingdom. “My Kingdom is not of this world” Jesus said. “See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey.” Zechariah 9:9 mentally appropriate time for the children to learn of God at J.A.M.s during the second half of our service. “He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross!” Philip- pians 2:8 We can learn a lot from children, who may be naïve, but also have an unbri- dled innocence about them that brings the joy of the kingdom to us all. Humility. Obedience. Righteousness. Salvation. Prayer: Our Precious Lord, You have taught us that “In order to enter the These are the things we truly need and they can be ours through Him. Entering Jerusa- lem that day, Jesus set into motion the series of events that would fulfill God’s purpose kingdom of heaven, we must become as little children,” You word also teach- for Him. He modeled humility, obedience, righteousness, and salvation. His was no es us: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by worldly triumph. He didn’t win an election or rule an earthly nation, but He overcame the renewal of your mind.“ Lord, we pray that today and everyday we con- the world! By offering Himself as a sacrifice for our sin, He triumphed over our enemies, tinue to put our minds on you. Help us to renew our minds through daily sin and death. That was His promise, and He kept it. Our faith in Him enables us to over- prayer, meditation, affirmations, the study of your word, and through your come worldliness and its sinful patterns of life, giving us NEW life. Good life. Eternal life. Holy Spirit. Help us to be mindful of Your presence and of this renewal, so When we live in God’s Kingdom we can live in the world but not be of the world. We we might become the people you want us to be, as little children, with an have His peace. We enjoy the riches we have in Christ. We have freedom and dignity in unwavering faith and living out a joyful life with all of your creation! In Je- Him. And we can offer this to our world. That is God’s loving purpose for us. sus’ name, Amen! So was it a Triumphal Entry? For those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ, the an- -Jeffrey Schroeder swer is a resounding YES! “Hosanna!” He is our King. Prayer: “Out of my bondage, sorrow and night, Jesus I come, Jesus I come; Into Thy freedom, gladness and light, Jesus I come to Thee. Out of my sickness, into Thy health, out of my need and into Thy wealth, Out of my sin and into Thy- self, Jesus I come to Thee.” Thank you, Jesus, for receiving me into Your King- dom. Amen. -Diane Lautenbach

Jesus Talks to the Rich Man: Matthew19:16-30 Jesus Prays for His Disciples: John 17:1-26 Devotion: These verses include a discussion between Jesus and a rich young Devotion: The power of prayer is one of the greatest tools that we have. man. The main message developed within this passage concerns eternal life We always hear “our thoughts and prayers are with you,” but imagine the and how to obtain it. The discussion between this rich young man and Jesus possibility of having sincerity behind that phrase, or even remembering to triggers a discussion about possessions and the kingdom of heaven. The follow up with it. Prayer is something that should be highly regarded, be- young man felt that he had kept all the commandments his whole life and cause even Jesus used the power of prayer. deserved a place in heaven, but Jesus pointed out that he hadn’t by what he In John 17, these are the words that came from Christ’s mouth. These words tells the young man to do. Jesus told him to go and sell everything and were to exalt His own name so others may hear the good news, protection come follow Him. The first commandment instructs us to ‘have no other for his disciples both physically and spiritually, and lastly prayer for all be- gods before me’ and the young man’s actions (he was very burdened by his lievers. possessions and he walked away from Jesus - grieving) made it obvious that his possessions were more important than God. As Christ prays for his disciples, he prays protection specifically from bodily harm and temptation from the evil one. He prays so sincerely for these men The verses in Matthew 19:16-30 invite us to ask ourselves – what posses- that he had spent roughly the last three years with. There was a great rela- sions of ours might be holding us back from following Christ in some ways? tionship between Him and his 12 disciples. His 12 friends. His 12 brothers. How do we free ourselves of the things that have a hold on us that prevent Jesus knew that these men were not of the world just as he himself was not us from following Christ more closely? How do we see that our possessions of the world (John 17:14). These were holy men who had an intentional re- are not the treasure we are looking for? How do we build the lasting treas- lationship with Christ. Prayer is to pray over everyone regardless of their ure of a strong relationship with the Lord? situation or their relationship to ourselves. Everyone needs it. Lent is a great opportunity for us to do a lot of soul searching, to do a lot of I want to encourage you to start praying for those you are close to. No one self-examination, and to allow the Holy Spirit to do some cleanup work. is never godly enough to not need prayer. Something that could greatly im- Sometimes it can feel uncomfortable. Sometimes we do not like to admit prove prayer life is creating a prayer calendar. On a blank calendar with the truth about ourselves, but we do not have to be afraid to go to Jesus and dates 1-31, write down names of those who immediately come to your say that we have something that needs to be dealt with – something that is mind until you fill the calendar. It helps also if you add their picture. When holding us back from allowing Jesus who is ready and able to give us new life the date comes with their number you know who to pray for. here on earth in this life, and eternal life in the next. To God be the glory! Prayer: God, thank you so much for the power of prayer. We are always in Prayer: Where am clinging, grasping, clutching, coveting, and living with need of prayer. There are others who are in need of prayer. There is not a the exhaustion of chronic dissatisfaction? Open my hands to receive with day where anyone does not need this power. I pray that you help us take thanksgiving all that You have graciously provided for me. Lord, You alone this power that we all have a little more seriously. We know we are capa- can satisfy the deepest longing in my heart. No other treasure can com- ble of accomplishing anything in your name. Allow us to lift up those we pare with You. Keep me free from being possessive or discontented and are close to, regardless of what they are going through. Tough times or give me joy in having You alone as my Treasure. Amen. not, no one is sufficient without prayer. We pray these things to further -Jacque Melin your kingdom. Amen. -Josh Warlick