Mr Alan Hunter | 224 pages | 03 Nov 2011 | Little, Brown Book Group | 9781780331485 | English | London, Gently Go Man PDF Book

Rate This. George Gently: Gently Go Man. First posted on my blog My Reader's Block. I find that in general not just in this series but writers make fun of people that believe in God and use, symbols like the Cross, Churches and church people in a bad light. Challenge , Semi-Charmed. He uses Gently's wife's name "Isabella" Gently says "There is meant to be a difference between us and them Sergeant" the killer responds "Yeah I got a pair of balls". Gently suspects it's Webster. Shirley Owen Roe Open Preview See a Problem? The police characters are all in top form, here, and the suspects are interesting enough A tight, solid read if you can get past those dialogue tics. Mount TBR Headquarters. Following the murder of his wife by notorious gangster Webster, Inspector George Gently is pondering retirement. Original Title. But there are traces of another rider who may have run Lister off the road and someone stopped to check on the damage but didn't report the wreck. Jim Herrold rated it really liked it Mar 28, No trivia or quizzes yet. Gently and Bacchus arrive and give chase as Webster flees. Okay, I can only do so much of that. Billy Lister Sean McGinley After the war he managed the antiquarian books department of Charles Cubitt in Norwich. Feb 16, Mayumi rated it liked it Shelves: george-gently. So you make a deal out of Johnny and come pushing us around with it. Director: Euros Lyn. And I have to say that if I didn't know that this was published in and so Hunter must have had a pretty good idea what the lingo of the day for teenagers was, I would think this was a very bad, over-the-top, stereotype of what the early 60s British teenager was like. Gently Go Man was first published in Posted by Bev Hankins at PM. Gently Go Man Writer

They have the free will to do this but in the end we will see who is in charge. John Bacchus : What? Unfortunately, the story and the character of George Gently was nearly buried by the jive-talking jeebies. The teddy boys have given way to jeebies don't ask me, I have no idea. I just don't dig this book, man. Mareike rated it really liked it Feb 17, You dig me, man? His mother says it was a crush. Bacchus lies to him that Laurie was also his son. from a novel by Alan Hunter. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Bacchus and Gently are alerted by the policeman and head out in search of Ricky. Post a Comment. Biography to essays. Other Editions Return to Book Page. He enjoyed dinghy sailing on the Broads, wrote natural history notes for the local newspaper, and wrote poetry, some of which was published while he was in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War. You Want It Darker. I find that in general not just in this series but writers make fun of people that believe in God and use, symbols like the Cross, Churches and church people in a bad light. Plot Keywords. Published November 1st by Constable Robinson first published Still, Gently wondered about the second set of tire marks. Inspector George Gently — There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Valerie Lister goes home and finds Joe Webster in her house. Four years later, in , he established his own bookshop on Maddermarket in the city. Joe Webster had attended the funeral of Billy Lister. Please request permission before reposting. At the end, a killer is trapped and on the ground. He rolled with it and gave as good as he got. The episode then shifts north to the Northumbrian coast to a group of bikers welcoming the morning sunshine and initiating a young man into their group by dunking him in the waves. Latchford, England United Kingdom. Sound Mix: Dolby Digital. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. But there are traces of another rider who may have run Lister off the road and someone stopped to check on the damage but didn't report the wreck. Available on Amazon. Please request permission to use any material in whole or in part elsewhere on the web or in any other format. No trivia or quizzes yet. Photos Add Image. Feb 16, Mayumi rated it liked it Shelves: george-gently. And I have to say that if I didn't know that this was published in and so Hunter must have had a pretty good idea what the lingo of the day for teenagers was, I would think this was a very bad, over-the-top, stereotype of what the early 60s British teenager was like. Chief Superintendent Gently 9. Bacchus arrests a woman who supplies him with some drugs. Readers also enjoyed. Gently goes to the Dice and finds Webster there with a gun. Johnny Lister ran out of road and got killed. Okay, I can only do so much of that. Gently Go Man Reviews

Too many topics, Gently's grief, Bacchus' lies, homosexuality, drug dealing, corrupt cops, vengeance killing and English accents hard to understand. I'm hoping for another good one Actually they never did, the Sexual Offences Act was a private members bill not a government bill introduced by the Earl of Arran, and almost a copy of the bill he first proposed in I have enjoyed the Gently series, written from onwards, despite them being dated, because they have been redolent of the Fifties. Inspector Setters Lee Ingleby Things I liked were not many. Mareike rated it really liked it Feb 17, Company Credits. Photo Gallery. The killer wants him to be shot. First posted on my blog My Reader's Block. Ricky says he will sort Billy Lister out in his own way. Gently searches the room and finds some tablets under a floorboard. Debbie Johnson rated it it was amazing Aug 07, A homosexual victim drew a picture of his lover on a Cross. Things I did NOT like were many: Bacchus and other cops lieing to suspects to get them to confess, hitting suspects in the cell and Gently trying to mock Bacchus views on homosexuality. Gently goes to the Dice and finds Webster there with a gun. Inspector Setters. Five miles of road--a hot, straight strip with a dead tree at the westerly end of it. A car emerges from the darkness and drives into Isabella killing her. China Mates Alvaro Lucchesi A police officer sees Deeming outside his house but Ricky rides away. Please request permission to use any material in whole or in part elsewhere on the web or in any other format. Bacchus lies to him that Laurie was also his son. Dead Yesterday. George Gently and the Breckland bikers. Shirley Owen Roe Posted by Bev Hankins at PM. There is swearing and dirty talk in this as well as description of sadistic torture and violence. The best part of all that was how Inspector Gently didn't let the jeebies get the best of him. The first two that I read of these were really solid mysteries that I've enjoyed. Edit Cast Episode cast overview, first billed only: Martin Shaw Return to Book Page. Other Editions What Are You Reading? Search This Blog. Shooting the ton, that sort of action.

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Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. To ask other readers questions about Gently Go Man , please sign up. Cleric Claire Rushbrook A beatnik-inspired "Jeebie" biker gang and their charismatic leader take center stage in this crime story involving speed demons, stunt driving, and a clandestine reefer trade. Vicki rated it liked it Jan 25, Sort order. Steve--It's really weird. Not into horror or much into YA. It is to be his last case. Want to Read saving…. The story is set in the early '60s and focuses on a group of youngsters who are into racing motorbikes and listening to jazz records. Paul rated it really liked it Nov 18, Welcome back. Parents Guide. But there are traces of another rider who may have run Lister off the road and someone stopped to check on the damage but didn't report the wreck. Gently asks his superiors to be assigned to the case of the biker although there has been an arrest. He rolled with it and gave as good as he got. Alternate Versions. Inspector Setters. And wading through that was pretty tedious. Not sure I will now He left school at 14 and worked on his father's farm near Norwich. Peggy Ann: I read a couple of these before blogging days and really enjoyed them. Roberto Minchella Suzy Lawlor These are jazz-loving, motorcycle-riding teenagers who have had it with the adults and are looking for a way out of squaresville. She denies knowing Joe Webster. Screencap Gallery.