

12th May – 2nd June 2012

Bearded Helmetcrest, Nevado del Ruiz, 31st May 2012 (Andy )

Nature Tour Leader: Trevor Ellery Tour Participants Andy Bunting (UK). Simon Colenutt (UK). Andy Deighton (UK) Martin Flack (UK). Ian Merrill (UK). Martin Kennewell (UK/Singapore) Barry Wright (UK) Nature Colombia Trip Report │Eastern, Central and Western Andes and North Coast, Including 2 Santa Marta Mountains and Guajira Peninsula, 2012

The group at El Dorado Lodge.

This tour was customized around the wishes of the clients to see as many endemic and specialty as possible. While many of the group had travelled extensively in South America, only one had visited Colombia previously. The tour was very target focused and this combined with the time of year (very few boreal migrants), did not produce a huge species list. It did however produce a huge number of quality . We recorded 48 Colombian endemics, while non endemic highlights included such mouth watering species as Choco Vireo, Tocuyo Sparrow, Bearded Helmetcrest, Colombian Screech , Finch, Black-fronted Wood Quail, Grey , Blackish Rail, Blue-fronted Parrotlet, Noble Snipe, Lanceolated Monklet, Chestnut Piculet, Fulvous-dotted Treerunner, Chestnut-crested Cotinga, Black-backed Antshrike, Rosy- thrush Tanager, Magdalena Antbird, Ochre-breasted , Ocellated , Andean Condor, White-capped Tanager, Red-ruffed Fruitcrow, Black Solitaire, Masked Saltator and Indigo Flowerpiercer. We also took time to look at large no of interesting subspecies and enjoyed several memorable mammal experiences. All of the above combined with generally good weather, fantastic scenery and friendly Colombian culture, to produce a very memorable trip.

Noble Snipe: Bogota Marshes 12th May 2012. (Trevor Ellery)

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Noble Snipe: Bogota Marshes 12th May 2012. (Barry Wright)

Bogota Rail, Bogota, 12th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

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Yellow-hooded Blackbird, Bogota, 12th May 2012 (Andy Deighton)

Day 1. 12th May 2012. With the group arriving on an afternoon flight we decide to head straight to the marshes on the edge of Bogota. We were greeted by several Noble Snipe displaying overhead and then located a couple of confiding individuals feeding in the marsh. We followed this with good views of three Bogota Rails including a pair showing down to a few metres. A selection of commoner marshland species including, a single Spot-flanked Gallinule (of the isolated subspecies bogotensis) ware seen, before a quick pre-dusk walk adds the near- endemic Rufous-browed Conebill and a Smoky-brown Woodpecker. Our mammal highlight are several Cavy or Brazilian Guinea Pig, that are seen feeding in the marsh.

Chingaza NP, 13th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Rufous Antpitta, Chingaza NP, 13th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

Black-chested Mountain-Tanager, Chingaza NP, 13th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

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Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Chingaza NP, 12th May 2012 (Andy Deighton)

Brown-breasted Parakeet, Chingaza NP, 12th May 2012 (Martin Flack)

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Black-billed Mountain Toucan, Chingaza NP, 12th May 2012 (Andy Deighton)

Masked Trogon, Chingaza NP, 13th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Day 2. 13th May 2012 We have a very early start and head up to Chingaza NP. We are briefly halted by a fallen tree across the road, however the local chainsaw man is soon on site and we are rapidly on our way again. Our initial stop is shrouded in mist so we head up into the higher forest where we quickly locate Pale-bellied Tapaculo and a nice pair of Ruofus (of the vocally distinct but un- described local subspecies). We spend much of the day birding the temperate forest and paramo edge and locate several mixed flocks. These hold three species of hemispingus (including good looks at several Black-headed), three species of conebill and three species of brush-finch (including nice close up looks at the attractive Pale-naped). Skulkers included Ash-coloured Tapaculo, White-browed Spinetail and White-chinned Thistletail, while other highlights include an Amethyst-throated Sunangel (of the clarisse subspecies which some authors treat as a full species, Longuemare’s Sunangel), a small group of Black-collared Jays and good looks at a number of confiding Andean Guans along the roadside. In the late afternoon we screech to a halt for a pair of Black-chested Mountain- (our fourth species of mountain-tanager seen during the day). These prove quite obliging. We then return to lower elevations where we are able to enjoy a group of the endemic Brown-breasted Parakeets which briefly perch close by. The final highlight of the day is a colourful Black-billed Mountain Toucan.

Apolinar’s Wren, La Florida, Bogota, 14th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

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Subtropical Doradito, Parque La Florida, Bogota, 14th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

Tocuyo Sparrow, La Guajira, 14th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

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Tocuyo Sparrow, La Guajira, 14th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Buffy Hummingbird, La Guajira, May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Pearly-vented Tody Tyrant, La Guajira, 14th May 2012, (Andy Deighton)

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Black-crested Antshrike, La Guajira 14th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Double-striped Thickknee, La Guajira 14th May 2012 (Barry Wright)

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Double-striped Thickknee, La Guajira, 14th May 2012 (Andy Deighton)

Day 3. 14th May 2012. We start the morning with our second visit to the marshes near Bogota. Here we quickly locate a couple of Apolinar’s Wren and a Subtropical Doradito. We follow this up with a pair of the endemic Silvery-throated Spinetail, which show well. By mid-morning it is time to head to the airport for a flight to Rioacha on the north coast and by the mid-afternoon we are birding in the semi-desert scrub of the Guajira peninsula. We quickly locate a Tocuyo Sparrow and are to enjoy excellent views of a couple of birds as they feed in the low scrub. Further excitement comes in the form of several handsome White-whiskered Spinetails while other species noted included, Black-crested Antshrike, White-fringed Antwren, Pearly-vented Tody-Tyrant, Pileated Finch and a vocal Pale-tipped Inezia. We also enjoy good views of Buffy Hummingbird, Red-billed Emerald and Ruby Topaz, while a few late northward bound migrants include a vocalizing empidomax which is identified as Willow Flycatcher and a female American Redstart. We finish the day watching a pair of very confiding Double-striped Thick-knee’s which may have a nest nearby, whilst around 50 Lesser Nighthawk forage over the desert scrub.

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Vermilion Cardinal, La Guajira, 15th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

Chestnut Piculet, La Guajira, 15th May 2012 (Andy Deighton)

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Russet-throated Puffbird, La Guajira, 15th May 2012 (Andy Bunting).

Russet-throated Puffbird, La Guajira, 15th May 2012 (Andy Deighton)

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White-whiskered Spinetail, La Guajira, 15th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Ferruginous Pygmy Owl, La Guajira 15th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Green-rumped Parrotlet: La Guajira, 15th May 2012 (Trevor Ellery)

Straight-billed Woodcreeper, La Guajira 15th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Lesser-yellow-headed Vulture, La Guajira (Andy Bunting)

Pearl Kite, Caribbean coast, 15th May 2012 (Andy Deighton)

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White-rumped Sandpiper, Cienega, 15th May 2012 (Barry Wright)

White-rumped Sandpiper, Cienega, 15th May 2012 (Andy Deighton)

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Chestnut-winged Chachalaca, Santa Marta, 15th May 2012 (Martin Flack).

Chestnut-winged Chachalaca: Santa Marta 15th May 2012 (Trevor Ellery)

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Day 4. 15th May 2012. We have a second morning in the Guajira. We quickly find a nice male Vermilion Cardinal and several Pale-legged Horneros (of the longirostris race which is sometimes separated as a full species, Caribbean Hornero). We continue birding in the scrub and are able to locate Orinoco Saltator, Glaucous Tanager, Bare-eyed Pigeon, Brown-throated Parakeet, Trinidad Euphonia and Slender-billed Inezia. We enjoy good views of obliging Chestnut Piculets, Green-rumped Parrotlets and Russet-throated Puffbirds, while a single Ferruginous Pygmy Owl and a couple of Yellow-breasted Flycatchers (of the subspecies aurulentus which is sometimes separated as Ochre-lored Flatbill) also show well. Raptors include both Crane Hawk and Black-collared Hawks. We spend the middle of the day driving across to Santa Marta with a short roadside stop to enjoy a Pearl Kite. We then visit some coastal lagoons which hold a flock of around 200 White- rumped Sandpipers and both Collared and Wilson’s Plover. In the late afternoon we make a final stop to look for the endemic Chestnut-winged Chachalaca and are able to enjoy excellent views of a number of individuals. A keen eyed member of the group spots a roosting Common Potoo and a single perched Grey Hawk gives good scope views.

Rosy-thrush Tanager, Minca, 16th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

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Spectacled Owl, Minca, 16th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

Golden-winged Sparrow, Minca 16th May 2012 (Andy Deighton)

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Scaled Piculet, Minca 16th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Black-backed Antshrike, Minca 16th May 2012 (Barry Wright)

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White-lored Warbler, El Dorado, 16th May 2012 (Barry Wright)

White-necked Jacobin, Hotel Minca, May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Black-throated Mango, Hotel Minca, May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

White-vented Plumleteer, Hotel Minca, May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, Hotel Minca, May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Violet-crowned Woodnymph, El Dorado Lodge, May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Violet-crowned Woodnymph, El Dorado Lodge, May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Day 5. 16th May 2012. We start off with some early morning birding above Minca. On the drive up we flush an owl from the side of the road. We quickly relocate it in nearby trees and it proves to be a rather nice Spectacled Owl. It quickly disappears but the same spot produces Pale-eyed Pygmy-Tyrant and Rufous-breasted Wren. Our next stop produces good views of a male Rosy-thrush Tanager while other highlights included Golden-winged Sparrow, Golden-fronted Greenlet, Rufous-and- white Wren and several obliging Scaled Piculets. We then drop down to lower elevations where we find an arboreal Black-backed Antshrike and a couple of Cinereous Becards. We return to Hotel Minca to enjoy the hummingbirds, which include Rufous-bellied and Pale-bellied Hermits and a Long-billed Starthroat. After lunch we ascended to El Dorado Lodge with some birding stops en route. These produce our first endemics which included White-lored Warbler and both Santa Marta and Sierra Nevada Brush-Finches, while an Orange-billed Nightingale-thrush at an ant swarm is a bonus. We arrive at El Dorado Lodge in the late afternoon where the hummingbird feeders receive our immediate attention and we are rewarded with a dazzling male White-tailed Starfrontlet, a delicately attractive female Santa Marta Woodstar and several Tyrian Metaltails of the subspecies districta which is a potential split as Santa Marta Metaltail. Further birding around the garden produces Streak-capped Spinetail, Blue-naped Chlorophonia and Black-throated Tody-Tyrant and we round the day off with a Santa Marta Antpitta which briefly passes by the worm feeder.

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, 17th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Santa Marta Warbler, El Dorado Reserve, 17th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

Santa Marta Warbler, El Dorado Bird Reserve, 17th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

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Santa Marta Warbler, El Dorado Bird Reserve, 17th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Santa Marta Parakeet, El Dorado Bird Reserve, 17th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

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Santa Marta Parakeet, El Dorado Bird Reserve, 17th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

Santa Marta Brush Finch, El Dorado Bird Reserve, 17th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

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Grey-breasted Wood Wren (the highland subspecies) El Dorado Bird Reserve 17th May 2012 (Barry Wright)

Yellow-crowned Whitestart, El Dorado Bird Reserve, 17th May 2012 (Barry Wright)

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Buff-breasted Mountain Tanager, El Dorado Bird Reserve, 17th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

Santa Marta , El Dorado Bird Reserve, 17th May 2012 (Barry Wright)

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Santa Marta Toucanet: El Dorado Bird Reserve 17th May 2012 (Martin Flack)

Day 6. 17th May 2012. We leave very early and drive up to the ridge above the lodge. Our drive is interrupted by a brief Stygian Owl which crosses the road and we also get nice views of a couple of Band-winged Nightjars. We spend much of the morning birding along the ridge where we locate Yellow- crowned Whitestart, several groups of Santa Marta Warblers, a skulking Flammulated Treehunter, Santa Marta Mountain-Tanager, several Santa Marta Toucanets , Rusty-headed Spinetail and a couple of groups of Santa Marta Parakeets, including some individuals perched close by. A Rufous Antpitta of the vocally distinct subspecies spatiator is seen well and we also find a male Paramo Seedeater (of the subspecies orophelia which is sometimes mooted as a potential species Santa Marta Seedeater.). In the late afternoon we return to the lodge adding a Brown-rumped Tapaculo on the descent. In the evening we head out owling and quickly locate a Santa Marta Screech-Owl which gives excellent views.

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Blossomcrown, El Dorado 18th May 2012, (Barry Wright)

Grey-throated Leaftosser, El Dorado 18th May 2012 (Barry Wright)

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Grey-throated Leaftosser, El Dorado 18th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Santa Marta Tapaculo, El Dorado, 18th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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White-tipped Quetzal: El Dorado Lodge 18th May 2012 (Trevor Ellery)

Day 7. 18th May 2012. We head to lower elevations below the lodge and quickly locate a nice male Blossomcrown visiting some flowers. We then locate a skulking Santa Marta Foliage-gleaner and a more obliging Grey-throated Leaftosser. Other species of interest include Santa Marta Tapaculo, Rusty-breasted Antpitta, Golden-breasted Fruiteater and several Groove-billed Toucanets.

In the afternoon we stake out the compost heap at the lodge and are rewarded with a group of six Black-fronted Wood-Quails which show well. A male Lazuline Sabrewing is also seen visiting the feeders and a single White-tipped Quetzal shows well just below the lodge.

Santa Marta Bush Tyrant: El Dorado Bird Reserve 19th May 2012 (Trevor Ellery).

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Black-fronted Wood Quail, El Dorado Lodge 19th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Day 8. 19th May 2012 We return to the ridge above the lodge in the early morning for a last try for Santa Marta Bush Tyrant and are rewarded with a pair, one of which shows well. We stop at the lodge to pick up bags and get a second look at the Black-fronted Wood Quail before beginning the descent to the coast. As we slowly bumped down the road some way below the lodge we were brought to a stop by a Grey Tinamou which walks slowly across the road providing great views and a real trip highlight. We also pick up White-necked Thrush and Black-headed Tanager. Three Ruddy Turnstones on the beach at the airport attract little attention. After a fish lunch at the airport we catch a flight to Medellin and then make the long drive to the Piha Reserve.

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Tropical Screech Owl, Chestnut-capped Piha Reserve, 20th May 2012, (Ian Merrill)

Cinnamon Screech Owl, Chestnut-capped Piha Reserve, 20th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

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White-mantled Barbet, Chestnut-capped Piha Reserve, 20th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Sooty-headed Wren, Piha Reserve, 20th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Black-headed Brush Finch, Piha Reserve, 20th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

Red-bellied Grackle, Piha Reserve, 20th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

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Bar-crested Antshrike, Chestnut-capped Piha Reserve, 20th May 2012 (Andy Bunting).

Bar-crested Antshrike, Piha Reserve, 20th May 2012 (Andy Bunting).

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Parkers Antbird, Piha Reserve, 20th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Black-faced Tanager, Piha Reserve fruit feeders, May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Silver-throated Tangaer Piha Reserve fruit feeders, May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Scrub Tanager, Piha Reserve fruit feeders, May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

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Green-crowned Woodnymph, Piha Reserve garden, May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Day 9. 20th May 2012. It rained heavily until about 9am confining us to the Lodge garden. As the weather cleared we headed down the road and quickly found a splendid male Parker’s Antbird and a group of Colombian Chachalacas. We followed this up with Sooty-headed Wren, Black-headed Brush- Finch, a confiding male Bar-crested Antshrike and a White-naped Brush Finch (of the subspecies gutturalis which some regard as a separate species Yellow-throated Brush-Finch). We continued down the road and located a small group of White-mantled Barbets and a couple of Red-bellied Grackles. A final highlight before our return for lunch was a pair of Russet-crowned Crakes, which gave excellent, if brief views as they skulked in the undergrowth. In the afternoon we birded in the forest adding Moustached Puffbird, and Stile’s Tapaculo, although a couple of Chestnut Wood-Quail which visited the seed feeder were only seen by some of the group. We continued on birding into the evening and found a White-tailed Nightjar and several Tropical Screech-, one of which gave extremely good views. After dinner we hiked up into the forest where we located a Cinnamon Screech-Owl which showed well. A pair of Mottled Owls were heard calling overhead but we were unable to locate them in the canopy.

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Chestnut-capped Piha, Piha Reserve, 20th May 2012 (Barry Wright)

Lanceolated Monklet, Piha Reserve 21st May 2012 (Barry Wright)

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Lanceolated Monklet, Piha Reserve, 21st May 2012 (Ian Merrill).

Blue-fronted Parrotlet, Piha Reserve 21st May 2012 (Barry Wright)

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Tawny-throated Leaftosser, Piha Reserve 21st May 2012 (Barry Wright)

Red-throated Caracara – Chestnut-capped Piha Reserve, 21st May 2012. (Trevor Ellery)

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Purplish-mantled Tanager, Piha Reserve, 21st May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

Day 10. 21st May 2012. We spent the whole day on the trails. As we walked up to the tower we managed to find a close Chestnut-capped Piha. We then managed brief but good views of a Multicolored Tanager from the tower. We continued on up to the ridge and managed great looks at a Tawny-throated Leaftosser and followed this up with a nice pair of Lanceolated Monklets. Several noisy Red- throated Caracaras showed well and birding along the ridge produced Purplish-mantled Tanager and Indigo Flowerpiercer. We also located a small group of adult and juvenile Blue-fronted Parrotlets which gave great views as they fed in the canopy. In the late afternoon we returned to lower elevations spotting a small group of the endangered White-footed Tamarins on the way down. We returned to the seedfeeder and in the late afternoon a small group of Chestnut Wood-Quail were seen well as they made a brief visit. We returned to the lodge and finished the day enjoying further views of Colombian Chachalaca, with a small group visiting the fruit feeder in the garden.

Magdalena Antbird, near the Piha Reserve, 22nd May 2012 (Barry Wright)

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Moustached Puffbird, near the Piha Reserve, 22nd May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Highland Motmot, at our roadside lunchstop near Medellin, 22nd May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Day 11. 22nd May 2012. We made a second short visit into the forest where we were able to locate a nice male Chestnut- crowned Gnateater. We then left for the long drive to Las Tangaras. We made one stop in the lowlands and were able to find a Magdalena Antbird, a couple of Checker-throated Antwrens and Collared Aracari. We stopped for lunch near Medellin where we enjoyed Acorn Woodpeckers and Flame-rumped Tanagers (of the endemic flammigerus subspecies, another candidate for full species status) which were visiting the fruit feeders. We arrived at Las Tangaras in the evening.

Gold-ringed Tanager, Las Tangaras, 23rd May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Black-and-gold Tanager, Las Tangaras 23nd May 2012 (Barry Wright)

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Black Solitaire, Las Tangaras, 23rd May 2012 (Barry Wright)

Choco Vireo, Las Tangaras Reserve, Choco 23rd May 2012 (Barry Wright)

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Ochre-breasted Antpitta, Las Tangaras 23rd May 2012 (Trevor Ellery)

Fulvous-dotted Treerunner, Las Tangaras, 23rd May 2012 (Andy Bunting).

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Violet-tailed Sylph, Las Tangaras 23rd May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Velvet-purple Coronet, Las Tangaras, 23rd May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Empress Brilliant, Las Tangaras, 23rd May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Purple-throated Woodstar, Las Tangaras, 23rd May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Brown Inca, Las Tangaras, 23rd May 2012, (Andy Bunting).

Colombian Screech Owl, Las Tangaras 23rd May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

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Colombian Screech Owl, Las Tangaras, 23rd May 2012 (Martin Flack)

Colombian Screech Owl, Las Tangaras, 23rd May 2012 (Barry Wright)

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Day 12. 23rd May 2012 We spent the whole day birding at Las Tangaras Reserve. Shortly after arrival we were enjoying the endemic Black-and-gold Tanager while a backup cast included Glistening-green and Rufous- throated Tanagers and Black-chinned Mountain Tanager. A Uniform Treehunter worked along some mossy limbs while a pair of Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonias fed in mistletoe overhead and a couple of Olive Finches skulked along the road. A mixed flock produced nice looks at Yellow-breasted Antwren and then as we birded up the trail we located a couple of Ochre- breasted Antpittas. Continuing higher and a Choco Vireo showed well, even allowing some record shots to be taken. Further mixed flocks contained Buffy Tuftedcheek (of the subspecies johnsoni, which is often split as Pacific Tuftedcheek), Fulvous-dotted Treerunners and Rufous- rumped Antwren, while a nice Black Solitaire also showed well. The understorey produced a Chestnut-breasted Wren and a Narino Tapaculo. At the top of the trail we enjoyed good views of several Gold-ringed Tanagers. We then visited the hummingbird feeders in the forest where we saw a range of Choco hummingbirds including Velvet-purple Coronet, Violet-tailed Sylph and White tailed Hillstar. In the afternoon we birded lower down the road before trying some dusk birding which produced great views of a female Lyre-tailed Nightjar and a Colombian Screech Owl.

White-headed Wren, Las Tangaras, 24th May 2012 (Martin Flack)

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Black-and-gold Tanager, Las Tangaras 24th May 2012 (Trevor Ellery)

Black-and-gold Tanager, Las Tangaras, 24th May 2012 (Martin Flack)

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Handsome Flycatcher, Las Tangaras Reserve, May 2012, (Andy Bunting)

Yellow-breasted Antpitta, (through the windscreen), Las Tangaras, 24th May 2012. (Barry Wright)

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Day 13. 24th May 2012. We spent another day at Las Tangaras. We quickly located an Alto Pisonus Tapaculo (a “new” species currently awaiting formal description), which showed well as did a couple of Yellow- collared Chlorophonias. A Yellow-breasted Antpitta was seen by some as it fed on the road and a Golden-headed Quetzal gave superb views at the start of the main trail. A pair of White-headed Wrens also showed very well and we enjoyed further views of many of the species seen on the previous day including Toucan Barbet, Tricoloured (Choco) Brush-Finch, Olivaceous Piha and Purple-bibbed Whitetip. A couple of Variegated Bristle-Tyrants and a Fulvous-breasted Flatbill were seen in mixed flocks and a couple of Yellow-Vented Woodpecker were much appreciated. We rounded the day off with another Yellow-breasted Antpitta that appeared on the road in the late afternoon and which was seen by those who had missed the earlier bird.

White-capped Tanager, La M, 25th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

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White-capped Tanager, La M, 25th May 2012, (Andy Bunting).

Munchique Wood Wren, La M, 25th May 2012 (Andy Bunting).

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Day 14 25th May 2012. We started the morning birding around the lodge where we enjoyed good views of several Crested Ant-Tanagers that visited to take moths from around the lights. We then drove up to the La M ridge where we quickly found a couple of Munchique Wood-Wrens and followed this with a Tyrannine Woodcreeper. A Spillman’s Tapaculo showed well and a couple of Barred Fruiteaters were also much appreciated. The main highlight however came when we located a responsive group of three White-capped Tangers that gave extremely close views. We continued on to Urrao where we mounted horses and climbed up to the Colibri del Sol cabin, where we enjoyed a nice selection of hummingbirds at the feeders in the late evening.

Dusky Starfrontlet, Colibri del Sol, 26th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Dusky Starfrontlet, Colibri del Sol, 26th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Fenwick’s Antpitta, Colibri del Sol, 26th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Fenwick’s Antpitta, Colibri del Sol, 26th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

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Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer, Colibri-del-Sol, 26th May 2012 (Barry Wright)

Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer, Colibri del Sol, 26th May 2012 (Andy Bunting).

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Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer (juvenile) Colibri del Sol, 26th May 2012 (Martin Flack)

Sword-billed Hummingbird, Colibri del Sol, May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Sword-billed Hummingbird, Colibri del Sol 26th May 2012 (Martin Flack)

Tourmaline Sunangel, Colibri del Sol, May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Long-tailed Sylph, Colibri del Sol, May 2012, (Andy Bunting)

Ocellated Tapaculo, Colibri del Sol, 26th May 2012 (Andy Bunting).

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Kinkajou, Colibri del Sol, 26th May 2012 (Ian Merrill)

Day 15. 26th May. We mounted horses in the early morning and rode up to the paramo where we stopped at the first hummingbird feeders to enjoy the endemic Dusky Starfrontlet. We then climbed to a second set of feeders where we enjoyed more Dusky Starfrontlets, Glowing Pufflegs and both Chestnut- bellied and Black-throated Flowerpiercers. A little higher and we had good views of Paramillo Tapaculo and spectacular views of the surrounding mountain ranges.

We then spent much of the day hiking through the forest which was rather quiet on a very warm day. We did find a nice Ocellated Tapaculo, Powerful Woodpecker and finished the day with great views of a couple of Fenwick’s Antpittas visiting the feeding station. In the evening we spent some time looking for White-throated Screech Owl, we failed to find any but did enjoy good views of a Kinkajou.

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Greyish Piculet, Cauca Valley, 27th May 2012 (Barry Wright).

Greyish Piculet, Cauca Valley, 27th May 2012 (Martin Flack)

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Speckle-breasted Wren (colombianus subspecies) Cauca Valley, 27th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Bar-crested Antshrike, Cauca Valley, 27th May 2012, (Andy Bunting).

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Day 16 27th May. We spent the early morning birding above the lodge where we found Long-tailed Antbird, Plain- breasted Hawk and a nice Slate-crowned Antpitta. We then headed over to the town of Jardin. We stopped in the Cauca Valley en route which produced Apical Flycatcher, Greyish Piculet, the colombianus race of Speckle-breasted Wren and Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher.

Chestnut-crested Cotinga. Yellow-eared Parrot Reserve, 28th May 2012 (Trevor Ellery)

Chestnut-crested Cotinga, Yellow-eared Parrot Reserve, 28th May 2012 (Martin Flack).

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Tanager Finch, Yellow-eared Parrot Reserve, 28th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Day 17. 28th May 2012. We had an early start and headed up to the ridge above Jardin. We had reasonable views of several Rufous-bellied Nighthawks in the early morning light and then enjoyed good views of about 40 Yellow-eared Parrots as they flew around. We then birded down the road quickly finding a pair of Tanager Finches. We dropped further in elevation and had fantastic looks at a couple of Chestnut-crested Cotingas as well as locating several mixed flocks which held Rufous- breasted Flycatcher, Oleaginous Hemispingus White-tailed Tyrannulet and Metallic-green Tanager. We found one more Yellow-eared Parrot, scoped in a distant tree, before we headed back to Medellin. We made some birding stops en route, the highlight of which was a flock of about twenty Spectacled Parrotlets.

Buff-tailed Coronet, Rio Blanco Reserve, May 2012, (Andy Bunting).

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Collared Inca, Rio Blanco Reserve, May 2012 (Andy Bunting).

Day 18. 29th May 2012 We started the morning birding near Medellin where after some time we located a Yellow-headed Manakin. We also saw some small groups of Red-bellied Grackles and several of the group saw Stile’s Tapaculo. In the afternoon we drove to Rio Blanco where we arrived with some time to visit a worm feeder near the lodge. Here we enjoyed good views of Chestnut-crowned and Brown-banded Antpittas. In the evening we tried a little owling, enjoying good, but brief views of a White-throated Screech- Owl.

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Brown-banded Antpitta, Rio Blanco 30th May 2012. (Trevor Ellery)

Brown-banded Antpitta, Rio Blanco Reserve, 30th May 2012 (Martin Flack)

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Bicoloured Antpitta, Rio Blanco, 30th May 2012 (Trevor Ellery)

Chestnut-naped Antpitta, Rio Blanco 30th May 2012 (Trevor Ellery)

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Chestnut-crowned Antpitta, Rio Blanco May 2012 (Trevor Ellery)

Slate-crowned Antpitta, Rio Blanco 30th May 2012 (Trevor Ellery)

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Slaty-backed Nightingale Thrush (subspecies opertaneus) Rio Blanco 30th May 2012 (Martin Flack).

Masked Saltator, Rio Blanco Reserve, 30th May 2012 (Andy Bunting).

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Rufous-crowned Tody Tyrant, Rio Blanco Reserve, 30th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

White-throated Screech Owl, Rio Blanco Reserve, 30th May 2012 (Martin Flack).

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Day 19 30th May 2012. We spent the whole day birding at Rio Blanco. We first visited a feeding station where we were able to watch Brown-banded, Chestnut-crowned and Chestnut-naped Antpittas. Also present were a Slaty-backed Nightingale Thrush (of the rather distinctive subspecies opertaneus) and a Grey-browed Brush-Finch. We moved on to a second feeding station where we enjoyed prolonged views of Bicoloured Antpitta and finally a third station where a Slate-crowned Antpitta showed well. We gradually made our way back to the lodge locating a Masked Saltator in a mixed flock and enjoying a nice group of Rufous-crowned Tody-Tyrants. A fruiting tree next to the accommodation attracted up to five Sickle-winged Guans and a couple of Emerald Toucanets (of the Grey-throated form griseigularis,which is split by the IOC as a Colombian endemic). We then spent much of the afternoon searching for Dusky Piha which we eventually found late in the day. We also enjoyed good views of a Blackish Tapaculo. In the evening we did some more owling obtaining superb prolonged views of a White-throated Screech Owl.

Bearded Helmetcrest, Nevado del Ruiz, 31st May 2012 (Ian Merrill).

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Bearded Helmetcrest, Nevado del Ruiz, 31st May 2012 (Trevor Ellery)

Rufous-fronted Parakeet, Nevado del Ruiz, 31st May 2012 (Andy Bunting).

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Tanwy Antpitta, Nevado del Ruiz, 31st May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Tawny Antpitta, Nevado del Ruiz, 31st May 2012. (Trevor Ellery)

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Andean Condo, Nevado del Ruiz, 31st May 2012 (Barry Wright)

Tapeti/Brazillian Rabbit, Nevado del Ruiz, 31st May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Day 20. 31st May 2012. We spent the morning birding at Nevado del Ruiz. We quickly found several male Beareded Helmetcrests which gave very good views. We also located a couple of Tawny Antpittas, including a confiding juvenile. We then birded slowly down through the paramo adding Andean Tit-Spinetail, Stout-billed Cinclodes and Sedge Wren. A Rufous-fronted Parakeet gave good but brief views and further down an Andean Condor passed low overhead. We then birded in some temperate forest where we found a Black-thighed Puffleg. We spent the late afternoon driving to Otun Quimbaya enjoying good views of four Torrent Ducks on the way.

Torrent Duck, Otun Quimbaya, 31st May 2012. (Trevor Ellery)

Torrent Duck, Otun Quimbaya, 31st May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

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Red-ruffed Fruitcrow, Otun Quimbaya, 2nd June 2012 (Barry Wright)

Crested Ant-tanager, Otun Quimbaya, 1st June 2012, (Andy Bunting)

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Day 21. 1st June 2012. We started the morning birding near the lodge where we quickly found both Red-ruffed Fruitcrow and Cauca Guan. A Plumbeous-crowned Tyrannulet showed well in the canopy, a couple of Whiskered Wrens skulked in the undergrowth and a Wedge-billed Hummingbird showed briefly in the garden. In the afternoon we birded up the road. This produced a couple of skulking Moustached Antpittas that were seen by several of the group. We also found four White-capped Tanagers and a group of six or more Crested Ant-Tanagers.

Cauca Guan, Otun Quimbaya, June 2012, (Martin Flack).

Dwarf Squirrel sp (Western/Central American), Otun Quimbaya, 1st June 2012 (Martin Flack).

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Central American Agouti, Otun Quimbaya, 1st June 2012, (Martin Flack).

Paraque, Otun Quimbaya, 1st June 2012, (Martin Flack).

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Day 22. 2nd June 2012. We spent the final early morning birding the forest near the lodge. We managed to locate a skulking Blackish Rail and a Grey-necked Wood-Rail was also seen briefly. Several of the group obtained better views of Chestnut-breasted Wren and we enjoyed further views of both Red- ruffed Fruitcrow and Cauca Guan. . We headed to the airport mid-morning to return to Bogota where we finished the tour with lunch and a variety of ice creams.

The group at Colibri del Sol, 26th May 2012 (Andy Bunting)

Sunset, Rio Blanco, (Andy Bunting).

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