"What Is Wrong
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.' FEB. IS, 1931 THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES . PAGE 15 THREE NEW YORK CLUBS OPEN TRAINING CAMPS .FRIDAY y NO. 8 Shea Gets j Heavy Matmen Clash in Two Yankee ankee, Giant Pilots Biggest ‘Boners’ Cadfe Feature Baseball’s Three bouts are scheduled for Hurlers Sign Chance weekly ” Big Indiana Athletic Club wres- ~ " tling night By Face Many Problems " ’ card Friday at Cadle United Press r Tv>. : tab e r nacle. In NEW YORK. Feb. 18.—Capitula- Eddie Returns to N. Y. Ring the feature bout tion of Herb Penock, veteran left Robinson’s Task at Brooklyn Much Easier With Starting Cowboy Jones. hander, and Johnny Allen, rookie After Six Years to Wyoming heavy- right handed pitcher, today reduced Lineup Practically Certain; McCarthy’s Job weight, will take the New York Yankees “holdout” Meet Francis. on Cyclone Rob- squad to two players. Believed Hardest. inson, Memphis, Pennock and Alle signed contracts By United Press Jjp Tenn. Jones, who Tuesday completing the Yankees BY HENRY M’LEMORE. NEW YORK, Feb. 17.—Eddie lillll has demonstrated battery staff for 1931. Sam Byrd, United Pre* Staff Correspondent Shea, hard-hitting Chicagoan, will his aggressiveness outfielder, and Lyn Lary. shortstop, NEW YORK, Feb. 18.—Batterymen of New York’s three major league have an opportunity Friday to prove in two previous now are the only unsigned players. baseball clubs, chaperoned by half a dozen coaches, will begin their his right to top-ranking in the local matches, is annual trek to wanner climes and spring training Friday. featherweight division when he pitted against a CUE CHAMP TO TOUR A week or so later, the remainder of the athletes will tear them- meets Kid Francis of Italy in the grappler who is selves away from the home and fireside, not to mention filling stations ten-round feature bout at Madison routed as * being Trip and Thurnblad to Open at Mil- grocery stores, and move on St. Petersburg, Clearwater or Square Garden. none too gentle in on March 2. San Antonio. boasting waukee Shea, successive victories his style of wres- By United Press John McGraw, beginning his manager over Fidel twenty-ninth year as of the Labarba and Champion Jones tling. A semi- CHICAGO, Feb. 18.—Arthur Giants, McCarthy, beginning as Battalino, is and Joe his first term head man of the Bat returning to New windup and an Thurnblad, world’s three-cush bil- Yankees, have their work cut out Much York, six for them in spring practice. after an exile of years, and opening bout are being arraged. liard champion, will open a two- more so than has Uncle Wilbert Robinson, genial as an 8 roundest and most of has been established to 5 months’ exhibition tour at Milwau- the Robins. favorite to defeat the European PILKINGTON VICTOR United kee March 2, acoording to tentative Uncle Wilbert, were it at all base. His present solution calls for flash. By Press Na- HAVEN, Conn., plans announced today by the necessary, could sit down right now Johnny Vergez, the $50,000 coast The Chicagoan has engaged in 100 NEW Feb. 18.— and Jackie Pilkington, 137M:, Meriden, tional Billiard Association of Amer- name his starting lineup with- beauty, to play third, while Freddie bouts during the past seven years, out missing a or position. Un- Lindstrom, regular baseman., winning 72 Conn., defeated Gerry Emard, 136, ica. name third by knockouts and losing Thurnblad, who won the title here cle Wilbert’s toughest job at Clear- moves into center field to take only three decisions, one of Holyoke, Mass., in eight rounds care the de- month, will meet all comers. water will be the selection of sub- of the outflled complaint. feats—a four-round knockout by here Tuesday. last stitutes, for Lopez, Bissonette, McCarthy’s troubles are more Champion Phil Rosenberg in 1925 Thompson, Wright, Freder- acute. Gilbert, His pitching needs plenty of almost ended Shea’s ring career. — ick, O’Doul and Herman, unless they attention. The pitching taken care There was little doubt that Shea Union Trust Travel Bureau break an arm or neck, are certain to of, McCarty must decide whether was better than the champion and be the regulars. Chapman is to play third and Laz- when he went out In the fourth Easter Week Community Tour McGraw and McCarthy are not so zeri second, or vice versa, and round, as the “wise money” had fortunate. Both are faced with a whether Lary or Werber is to han- waggered he would, Shea drew a life INDIANAPOLIS to ANNAPOLIS, Md., and lot of high, wide and handsome ex- dle the short-stopping. suspension by the New York Ath- perimenting before their 1931 reg- To add to his worries, McCarthy letic commisison. , WASHINGTON, D. C. ular teams are definitely estab- must locate a left fielder to gallop Rosenberg was backed by a group lished. Both must revamp their alongside Combs jn center and Ruth of gunmen, and these gunmen staffs. Both have infield were pitching in right. McCarthy will make his reported to have visited the Shea Gioriou. worries and both have outfield ail- seelction from Hoag, Byrd or Cooke. dressing room and convinced Eddie .00 indOiive ments. Right now it would seem that Hoag $35 that it would be highly dangerous McGraw's tnfleld worry is third will get the call. for him to answer the fifth round to April 2d bell. During Easter Vacation, March 29th All expenses paid—price includes railroad fare for SEEK GRIFFITH BOUT round trip—all meals—all sightseeing as per itin- ♦Down the Alleys ♦ erary—first-class hotel in Washington. tour for whole family—a wonderful ’ BY LEFTY LEE lowa Heavy Asked to Accept Here is a the educational and pleasure tour to the most beautiful Levinsky Scrap. St. PblUo's No. 1 League carries resulted lng average, and a few more weeks In his and historic spots in our country. in a triple win for Coca Cola from Prlma present form will pull him up to the 300 By United Press Bevera.ee and a two-eame win for Mlchae- average mark. Complete Details May Be Obtained From lls Builders over Gelsen Product. Stewart CHICAGO. Feb. 18.—Unless . member of the Gelsen team, led with Resumption of the GtAy. * Gribben and Tuffy Griffith today to ac- RICHARD A. KURTZ, Manager Travel Bureau 631 total. Schlelmer was next with 615. Gray 190-scratch singles at the Illinois agrees alleys w'U feature the week-end sweep- cept a flat guarantee of $25,000 or The Leading Travel Bureau of Indianapolis Women bowlers are again reminded of stakes at this house. Miditch assumed the 40 per cent of the gate receipts, the 175 singles and 350 doubles to be lead for the SSO diamond ring last Sunday the staged on the St. Philip's alleys. March 1 when he tossed a total of 705. Eddie Collins-Heinie Zimmerman foot race down between Zimm, Collins and catcher Bill Rari- proposed fight between the Sioux and 8. An entry fee of $2 will be charged City (Iowa) heavyweight and King in each event, which Includes bowling THEin the 1917 world series still is a subject of hot den ensued. Collins jockeyed up and down the line charges. A purse of £3O1? guaranteed the stove league discussion. It is unfair to lay the en- until he dipped by Rariden while Zimm was holding Levinsky of Chicago will be aban- -Vinner In each event. For reservations, doned. call Moran at Cherry KUO. Wabash tire blame on Zimmerman, however, as there was a the ball. Too late, to throw, Zimm chased Collins Five mental the play. Here Is across the plate with the winning run. First baseman If Griffitlis does not accept the Moaz, secretary combination of errors on Mrs. Jo. of the Women’s third when Joe Walter Holke, who should have covered the plate, terms the Chicago stadium will at- Central States Bowling Associatlort. Is cer- the setting: Eddie Collins was on union tainly elated over the conditions presented fast asleep first base. Who should have been tempt match Levinsky with rausia'i Trips Earlham Jackson tapped the ball to pitcher Rube Benton. was on to at the Pritchett alleys—for the annual Riley meet of this body, and gives the Benton whirled and caught Collins off third. A run- blamed for the boner? Tommy Loughran here March 6. 120 East Market St. 5341 management credit for the wonderful scores already shot, the surface conditions of the drives being perfect . Local boosters B-y Times Spcciat 6 of the best balanced freshman teams also received the thanks of the secretary, RICHMOND, Ind., Feb. 18.—flfed arrangements being such as to maka, her in recent years. Members are: Job a mere matter of routine. Ralloirds by Chase, Johnson and Howell, who Tuesday Marvin Cutlibert, Kokomo, mile: Steve nacked these drives night to 23 Gary, pole Ivan Fuqua, watch two sounds cf local booster teams divided points between them, Dtvich. vault: In action. with Brazil, dashes: Charles Hornbostel, Evans- I/ondonalre Tobacco led Wabash college netters downed ville. half mile and mile; George Tobias, a score of 1.043. Earlham here Tuesday night, 26-to- Kokomo, pole vault: Jesse Babb. Fort George Hargltt exception Wavne. dashes: James Crawford, Indian- takes to our -19. Bash scored the other three apolis. quarter: Lincoln Dixon, Kendall- referring to him as a veteran, and wants points for Wabash. ville, quarter: Maro Donnelly. Blooming- to know how we get that way. Well. ton. hurdles: Paul James, Bloomington, George, going back to the big flood in The led from the outset, Otto Pine City, the spring of 1913 we And you in the Cavemen distance runs: Kuss.