April 2012 Recovering Valuable Resources From Our Waste Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan Document •A•G•M•A• Planning Team, GMGU (C/O Salford City Council), Emerson House, Albert Street, Eccles, M30 OTE T: 0161 275 0180 E:
[email protected] W: www.gmwastedpd.co.uk English 0161 275 0180 - Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan Document April 2012 1 Executive Summary i i Executive Summary Introduction 1 The Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA) agreed to produce a Joint Waste Development Plan Document (the ‘Waste Plan’) in 2006. AGMA consists of all ten Greater Manchester local authorities. The Waste Plan will form part of each Authority's statutory development plan and runs from 2012 to 2027. 2 The Waste Plan was produced by Greater Manchester Geological Unit (GMGU) on behalf of each Authority. A Joint Committee was established to act as an Executive, with responsibility for approval of the Waste Plan and accompanying documents up to publication and adoption, at which point the Waste Plan was agreed by each Authority's Full Council. Consultation Process 3 Plan preparation included a comprehensive consultation process based on a dedicated web site. The waste industry, landowners and interest groups as well as the general public and local councillors were involved from the start of plan preparation. The main consultation stages involved holding stakeholder workshops. During the preparation of the Plan a total of 6 formal ‘calls for sites’ were made to encourage contributions from the waste industry and landowners. Feedback from consultees has played a key role in shaping the Waste Plan.