Coal Resources of the Eastern Regions of Russia for Power Plants of the Asian Super Ring

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Coal Resources of the Eastern Regions of Russia for Power Plants of the Asian Super Ring E3S Web of Conferences 27, 02004 (2018) AEC 2017 Coal resources of the eastern regions of Russia for power plants of the Asian super ring Aleksander Sokolov1, and Liudmila Takaishvili,1 1 Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 130, Lermontov str., Irkutsk, 664033, Russia Abstract. The eastern regions of Russia have a substantial potential for expansion of steaming coal production. The majority of coal deposits in the eastern regions are located close enough to the objects of the Asian super ring. The large coal reserves make it possible to consider it as a reliable fuel source for power plants for a long-term horizon. The coal reserves suitable for using at power plants of the Asian super ring are estimated in the paper by subject of the federation of the eastern regions for operating and new coal producers. The coal deposits of the eastern regions that are promising for the construction of power plants of the Asian super ring are presented. The paper describes both the coal deposits of the eastern regions that are considered in the projects for power plant construction and included in the program documents and the coal deposits that are not included in the program documents. The coal reserves of these deposits and the possible volumes of its production are estimated. The key qualitative coal characteristics of the deposits: heating value, and ash, sulfur, moisture content are presented. The mining-geological and hydrological conditions for deposit development are briefly characterized. The coals of the eastern regions are showed to contain valuable accompanying elements. It is noted that the creation of industrial clusters on the basis of the coal deposits is the most effective from the standpoints of the economy and ecology. The favorable and restraining factors in development of the described coal deposits are estimated. 1 Introduction The eastern regions of Russia (East Siberia and the Far East) possess considerable coal reserves and resources. The majority of coal deposits in the eastern regions are located close enough to the objects of the project “The Asian super ring”. According to the forecasts of U.S. Energy Information Administration [1] and International Energy Agency [2] the electricity demand in the Asian countries will rise and hence, the demand for energy resources will also increase. The coal reserves of the eastern regions are hard and brown coals and anthracite. The steaming coals form the main portion of the coal reserves (90%). The high-quality hard coals are attractive for export. The low-quality products of hard coal washing, the hard coals that do not comply with the quality requirements for export, and the brown coals are the fuel for power plants. The availability of substantial coal resources in the Corresponding author: [email protected] © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 ( E3S Web of Conferences 27, 02004 (2018) AEC 2017 easrn rgins nd roviin i th co rrv (fr bout yer allow i consirin a ri fuel ource or oth exising nd new ower nts or long- rm orin. Th steaming o deposi f h easrn regins f ussi r located in h rgins h diffr in h developmen of rnspor nd oi infrrctures in e ining-geologi ydrologica nd thr chracrii Th ossiiii for th indusry evelopmen in ern rgins f ussi wr studi y many uthors [3, 4]. Howevr, possiiii for sing for owr nts f h ian uper ring re no nalyzed in h works Th studis f co indusry developmn in counry nd i rgins Meleniv nrgy ystems nsiu hav been rri u for mor than 4 yer whi resulted in igning the system f models nd th informatin ystem [5, 6] The study f resources in th easrn rgins f Russi for nsruin f owr nts of in supr ring is seen topi nd ossile. 2 Coal resources The infrred co resources f easrn rgins moun to 3184. biion r 82% of h infrred co resources in ussi (3927. biion t) [7]. Th bnce rrv of h easrn rgins f tegori A+B+C1 (th rrves r promising or evelopmen th currnt sg f technologi vnce make biion (Table 1) In th utur rg olumes of th co rrv f cagory С2 (39. biion nd off-bnce rrves (28.4 biion t) can developed on commri scale Th explorin of rrv (th ri f th bnce rrv to h inerred resources) i w nd mak p ony 2.8%. Hence ther r prospects or inreasing bnce al rrv Thi n achied y rforming th corresponding plorin works include th infrred resources in h bnce ons Table 1. Srctur f ance oa rsoure f th eastern rgins illin Balan reserves by egory Rgion Typ f al To A+B+C1 C2 Off-balance A+B+C1+C2 Easrn rgins total 88.0 39.4 127.4 28.4 rwn 60.7 25.5 86.2 11.9 Har 26.9 13.9 40.7 16.5 ncluding oking 9.0 4.5 13.5 1.4 Anthrcie 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.02 ncluding or open-pi ining 71.3 28.0 99.3 15.2 rwn 57.7 22.6 80.3 10.3 Har 13.6 5.4 19.0 4.9 ncluding oking 2.2 0.4 2.6 0.1 Th bnce rrv of easrn rgins nin rimariy rrv of teaming coals Th w-quiy rodu of king nd teaming washing r nrgy resources Th major r of co rrv in easrn regins (81 of volum of rrves i ui for pn-pit ining to h brown resrv 95% of h rrves re appropri for pn-pi ining Th w-quaiy rown o canno rnsported vr long inces They r used pririy for riiy roduin n h qurry i The r co f majori f deposi in easrn rgins n used a u for ower pnts. 2 E3S Web of Conferences 27, 02004 (2018) AEC 2017 easrn rgins nd roviin i th co rrv (fr bout yer allow i 3 Coal reserves of the eastern regions by subject of the federation consirin a ri fuel ource or oth exising nd new ower nts or long- rm orin. Th steaming o deposi f h easrn regins f ussi r located in h E iri nd r possess suffiin proved rrv for nrgy development, rgins h diffr in h developmen of rnspor nd oi infrrctures in e proviin f omesi nsumrs elecriiy xpor and nsruin f owr nts, whih ining-geologi ydrologica nd thr chracrii Th ossiiii for th poniy n included in ian upr ring Th steaming deposi f he indusry evelopmen in ern rgins f ussi wr studi y many uthors [3, 4]. rnoyrsk, rns-Bial nd riory Trriri Irkutsk, Amur nd hin gins Howevr, possiiii for sing for owr nts f h ian uper ring re nd Repubi f uryi ar siated s nough e bjects f ian upr ring no nalyzed in h works Th studis f co indusry developmn in counry nd (ig.1) i rgins Meleniv nrgy ystems nsiu hav been rri u for mor than 4 yer whi resulted in igning the system f models nd th informatin ystem [5, 6] The study f resources in th easrn rgins f Russi for nsruin f owr nts of in supr ring i seen topi nd ossile. 2 Coal resources The infrred co resources f easrn rgins moun to 3184. biion r 82% of h infrred co resources in ussi (3927. biion t) [7]. Th bnce rrv of h easrn rgins f tegori A+B+C1 (th rrves r promising or evelopmen th currnt sg f technologi vnce make biion (Table 1) In th utur rg olumes of th co rrv f cagory С2 (39. biion nd off-bnce rrves (28.4 biion t) can developed on commri scale Th explorin of rrv (th ri f th bnce rrv to h inerred resources) i w nd mak p ony 2.8%. Hence ther r prospects or inreasing bnce al rrv Thi n achied y rforming th corresponding plorin works include th infrred resources in h bnce ons Fig. 1. Coal deposits for construction of power plants. 1 Table 1. Srctur f ance oa rsoure f th eastern rgins illin Th rnoyrsk rriry ossesses ubstani steaming rrv f categori Balan reserves by egory A+B+C1 – 45.5 biion category С2 – 20.7 biion Th banskoy co deposi only i Rgion Typ f al To siated wihin h Asin upr ring rea th si of is rrv exceeds th to i f th A+B+C1 C2 Off-balance A+B+C1+C2 rrv of remining nsidred eposi. Easrn rgins total 88.0 39.4 127.4 28.4 In he Irkuts Regin h proved rrv of tegori A+B+C1 amoun 8. biion rwn 60.7 25.5 86.2 11.9 t nd os of gory C2 – 6. biion Th sructur of e rrv i racri y th Har 26.9 13.9 40.7 16.5 dominance f rd als (73%) 7. biion (96% of proved rrv r propri or ncluding oking 9.0 4.5 13.5 1.4 open-pit ining Th resrv of th rospeci eposi mak p 6. biion Co Anthrcie 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.02 roductin on es deposi n reach 43.
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