MAY 23-25, 2017 PENNACE P I O N E E R I N G H I G H I M P A C T P R A C T I C E S & D Y N A M I C P R O G R A M M I N G

1 5 T H A N N U A L C O N F E R E N C E S T A T E C O L L E G E , P A PENNACE MAY 23-25, 2017

Celebrating Fifteen Years of Dedication to the Industry

This year's conference is especially exciting as PennACE embarks on its 15th year of offering networking and professional development 1opportunities to its members and indust5ry. The conference lineup is sure to inspire you and will provide numerous takeaways. Don't forget to speak with myself or any of the board members if you'd like to become more involved, and I'll see you at the conference in Happy Valley! ~ Katy Rush, Conference Chair PAGE 1 PENNACE PAGE 2


TUES. MAY 23rd

10:00am – 11:00am Conference Committee Meeting (meet in Atrium Lobby by Ballroom)

11:30am – 2:30pm Executive Board Luncheon and Meeting (TBD)

3:00pm – 6:00pm Pre-Conference Activity (TBD - all conference registrants will receive an email by May 1st detailing the optional group outing)

6:00pm onward Group Dinners or Dinner on Your Own

Be sure to check-in at the Inn's Front Desk upon your arrival. While check-in is 4:00pm, your room may be available sooner. If not, Bell Services is happy to hold your bags for you. Additionally, every visitor/guest will need to obtain a parking lanyard for their car in order to park on the premise. Conference registration will take place from 8-10am on Wednesday.

Should you wish to go downtown to explore the shops and restaurants of State College, the Inn does offer free shuttle transporation. Inquire at the front desk to request a drop-off and/or to learn more about of their service. PENNACE Conference Map MAY 23-25, 2017

PAGE 3 PENNACE Schedule at a Glance MAY 23-25, 2017

WED. MAY 24th 8:00am – 10:00am Registration (Atrium Lobby outside of Ballroom C)

9:00am – 11:00am Continental Breakfast (Atrium Lobby outside of Ballroom C)

9:15am - 9:45am Pre-Conference Panel Discussion on Career Clustering (Ballroom C)

10:00am-10:30am Welcome & Ice Breaker (Ballroom C)

10:30am-11:30am Keynote: Embracing a Philosophy of Positivity, Perseverance, and Peace Dr. Tammy Manko, MeaningfulLife LLC (Please bring along your favorite hat)

11:30am-11:45am Break

11:45am-12:15pm Express Session (4 concurrent) Ballroom A: Introducing Career Readiness to Your Campus Ballroom B: Mindfulness for Undecided Students Ballroom D: Year One, Day One: Innovative Programs to Engage First Year Students in Career Development Ballroom E: Assuring Equity; Recognizing Microaggression in Career Counseling

12:15pm-1:45pm Lunch ( Atrium Lobby outside of Ballroom C)

1:45pm-2:45pm Knowledge Session (4 concurrent) Ballroom A: Impacting International/Multilingual Students with Dynamic Programming Ballroom B: Translating User-Centric Design Thinking to Career Services Ballroom D: Plan, Assess, Reflect: A 3 Step Model for Student Internships Ballroom E: Enhance Your Career Programs with Strategic Partnerships

2:00pm – 4:00pm Afternoon Snack Break (Atrium Lobby outside of Ballroom C)

2:45pm-3:30pm Exhibitors /Idea Exchange (Atrium - Exhibitors will give out drink tickets)

3:30pm -4:00pm Express Session (4 concurrent) Ballroom A: Crafternoons with Career Conversations - Taking Career Development to Students Ballroom B: Enhancing Communication and a Positive Work Environment among Career Consultant Staff through Cross-Training Ballroom D: PennACE Grant Sponsored Program: 'Year Two, Brand You' Ballroom E: Innovation Week: Serving Entrepreneurial Students and Alumni with Non-Traditional Career Goals PAGE 4 PENNACE Schedule at a Glance MAY 23-25, 2017

WED. MAY 24th CONT’D. 4:00-4:15pm Break

4:15pm-4:45pm Express Session (4 concurrent) Ballroom A: Year One, Day One: Innovative Programs to Engage First Year Students in Career Development Ballroom B: What is PDE up to Now? Ballroom D: Mindfulness for Undecided Students Ballroom E: Assuring Equity; Recognizing Microaggression in Career Counseling

4:45pm-5:45pm PennACE Game & Wine Down (Happy Hour & Game in Ballroom C)

6:30pm Group Dinners or Dinner on Your Own (Sign-ups and Options at Registration Table)

THURS. MAY 25th 9:00am – 11:00am Continental Breakfast (Atrium Lobby outside of Ballroom C)

9:15am – 10:15am Knowledge Session (4 concurrent) Ballroom A: Increasing Student Engagement and Learning through Gamification Ballroom B: Integrating Professional Competencies into Student Employment Ballroom D: Ballroom E: Beyond Networking: Using Mentorships to Engage Alumni and Enhance the Student Experience

10:15am – 10:30am Break

10:30am – 11:00am Express Session (4 concurrent) Ballroom A: Putting into Practice a Career Certificate Program Ballroom B: Career Counselors within the Colleges Ballroom D: Innovation Week: Serving Entrepreneurial Students and Alumni with Non- Traditional Career Goals Ballroom E: Crafternoons with Career Conversations – Taking Career Development to Students

11:00am – 11:15am Break

11:15am – 12:15pm Industry Leader Roundtables (Ballroom C)

12:15pm – 2:00pm Lunch & Board Meeting (Atrium Lobby outside of Ballroom C) PAGE 5 PENNACE Presentation Descriptions MAY 23-25, 2017

Pre-Conference Panel Discussion

Career Clustering - How it can Prepare, Launch, and Sustain Students on Trajectories of Success with Lori Lyons, Kristin Laudenslager, Brenda Porter, and Anne Landon

Learn about their transformation from a traditional Career Services model into a new Center for Enhanced Academic Experiences (CEAE) built around an innovative discipline-specific cluster model for career advising. The CEAE is headed by an Associate Provost with academic oversight in the Academic Affairs division of the College rather than Student Affairs. This model includes four full-time Career Advisors in four clusters that include Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Social Sciences, and Business related disciplines. Grab some coffee and pastries and join us in the ballroom to learn how career clustering can improve your service delivery and increase collaboration between college stakeholders! Sponsors/Exhibitors

CareerSpots is a -based company that specializes in creating and producing original video content via the internet and other emerging technologies. Our dedicated team of highly experienced video producers, photographers, writers, researchers and career advisors creates “short stories” that people can relate to and find invaluable in their job searches. Our virtual library of 600+ short, high quality videos includes 56 videos on “how to” find a job, 24 videos on “how to” land internships/co-ops, and 550 videos on careers (occupations). Our videos feature expert advice from professionals at 50+ global companies and can be used EVERYWHERE (social media, websites, job boards, emails & more).

Eventus was founded in late 2013 in Austin, TX by four guys on a mission. Their mission was broad but simple - create event apps that left good impressions on attendees with measurable ROI to event planners. Today, Eventus powers over 100 customer projects internationally, including career fairs in the United States, conferences in Australia, and hack conventions in Israel. The event app was never about making an app for the sake of making an app. It was a means to a more meaningful end - what better way to give event planners a direct outlet to attendees. Though our platform is now mature, we continue to look to expand our offering by asking questions that tie directly back to event planner ROI.

CampusTap understands students and knows that software in higher education has been lacking in design and innovation. We are raising the bar in these categories to provide students, faculty and administrators with great user experiences. By providing students with an intuitive and engaging platform we can provide administrators insights into student trends to help optimize the college experience.

PAGE 6 PENNACE Presentation Descriptions MAY 23-25, 2017

Keynote: "Embracing a Philosophy of Positivity, Perseverance, and Peace"

Dr. Tammy Manko, Director of IUP Career & Professional Development Center and Owner of MeaningfulLife LLC Are you tired of the seemingly endless running, the increasing workload, the feelings of negativity and discontentment? Do you desire to lead the dynamic life you know you're destined to lead? Or are you already on a positive path, but would appreciate some additional encouragement and ideas to continue on this path? If any one of these resonates with you, you'll enjoy this program on embracing a philosophy of positivity, perseverance, and peace. Life comes at us fast. That gives us all the more reason to come back at life in a positive manner, with a great deal of determination and grit, and to find our peace in the midst of the chaos and craziness! Please join me in grabbing hold of a life philosophy of enthusiasm, resoluteness, tenacity, and tranquility. Embrace it!

"Introducing Career Readiness to Your Campus"

Jenelle Henry, Assistant Director, Kutztown University Career Development Center Learn how to introduce a Career Readiness (Soft Skills) program to your campus population. Kutztown University introduced this program to campus supervisors two years ago with the hopes that they would "buy in" to the idea that students can learn these soft skills from their campus jobs. At this express session, you will view the student presentation as well as the steps taken to introduce this to the Kutztown campus community.

PAGE 7 PENNACE Presentation Descriptions MAY 23-25, 2017

"Mindfulness for Undecided Students"

Danielle Watson, Career Consultant Graduate Intern, University of Pittsburgh Learn how to use mindfulness with undecided students to help with major and career indecision as implemented through a Mindfulness for Undecided Students program. The 4- session program focused on reducing stress and clarifying values by teaching mindfulness techniques through meditations, group discussions, homework assignments, and a guest speaker in order to help students explore majors and careers. There will be a discussion of the results from spring 2017 and information needed to implement a similar program in your career office.

"Year One, Day One: Innovative Programs to Engage First Year Students in Career Development"

Lesli Somerset, Coordinator for Career Development, Chatham University Dr. Mary Utter, Assistant Dean of Students Chatham University Career exploration and planning is critical to student success and achievement. With this, Chatham University has a commitment to engaging students starting year one, day one in Career Development. This program will explore innovative strategies for infusing Career Development throughout the First Year Experience including orientation, first year seminar and student employment.

"Assuring Equity; Recognizing Microaggression in Career Coaching"

Dr. John Rindy, Director, Career Education & Development, Slippery Rock University Heather Hodges, Graduate Assistant Career Coach, Slippery Rock University Alex Ciorra, Graduate Assistant Career Coach, Slippery Rock University Microaggression is a brief and commonplace verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignity, often unintentional, that communicates hostile, derogatory, or negative ethnic, religious, racial, gender or other slights. This study was a literature review study and questionnaire of career coaching professionals, and reveals sources of microaggression in a career office or in career coaching.

PAGE 8 PENNACE Presentation Descriptions MAY 23-25, 2017

"Impacting International/Multilingual Students with Dynamic Programming"

Byron Louw, American and Academic Literacy Coordinator, The Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg How do we tailor our services to meet the needs of our international/multilingual students? What is it that we need to understand about these students to reach them more effectively in our marketing efforts? This session will offer practical strategies from progressive education practice that can be applied to workshops and professional development and training events. In addition to discussions about how different worldviews might affect interactions, strategies for effective communication across language and cultural barriers will be shared.

"Translating User-Centric Design Thinking to Career Services"

Remy Carpinito, CEO & Founder, CampusTap Carlos Cardenas, Vice President , THE MEME Design No matter your goals, the process behind user-centric design thinking is proven to unearth the customer/end user's behaviors and needs that determine success. CampusTap CEO Remy Carpinito and THE MEME Vice President Carlos Cardenas detail how the user research, analysis and insights, prototype testing and final design iterations led to the development of a mobile application facilitating private mentoring communities. In addition, Career Services professionals will learn how to translate that process to all efforts of your career center, ensuring they’re meeting the career needs of students and alumni, as well as employer demands.

"Plan, Assess, Reflect: A 3 Step Model for Student Internships"

Lesli Somerset, Coordinator for Career Development, Chatham University Internships are invaluable experiences that provide opportunities for students to practice their technical skills and frame their professional competencies. The presenter will walk you through Chatham University’s preparation, evaluation, and reflection model guided by core competencies comprised from NACE and AACU. Additionally, the presenter will demonstrate how to utilize reflection as a key component during the internship process using research by Nash and Murray which suggests students who reflect on their experiences are better able to make meaning from them.

PAGE 9 PENNACE Presentation Descriptions MAY 23-25, 2017

"It Takes a Village: Strategies to Increase Organizational Support for the Collection of First Destination Survey Data"

Renee Starek, Director of the Career and Professional Development Center, Seton Hill University The responsibility for the collection of first destination survey data often belongs to career services. However, you do not need to face this task alone! This session will summarize the NACE First Destination Standards and Protocols and offer career service professionals ideas to obtain organizational support to increase knowledge and resolution rates.

"Crafternoons with Career Conversations - Taking Career Development to Students"

Julie Novotny, Career Advisor, Kent State University How do crafts relate to careers? How can coloring or beading encourage students to explore their major options or write a resume? How can creating paper snowflakes help LGBTQ+ students talk about coming out in the workplace? This session will explore how the presenter integrated career development conversations into Crafternoons, a weekly crafting session with the LGBTQ+ community. Participants will also have the opportunity to brainstorm other ways meet students where they are physical and developmentally to open guided career conversations.

"Enhancing Communication and a Positive Work Environment among Career Consultant Staff through Cross-Training"

Emily Bennett, Career Consultant, University of Pittsburgh The University of Pittsburgh's Office of Career Development and Placement Assistance examined the advantages and challenges of a career counseling staff with various educational backgrounds. In order to enhance better working relationships, a cross-training model that included individual theories and best practices was implemented.

PAGE 10 PENNACE Presentation Descriptions MAY 23-25, 2017

"PennACE Grant Sponsored Program: Year Two, Brand You"

Dr. John Rindy, Director, Career Education & Development, Slippery Rock University Lauren Fagan, Graduate Assistant Career Coach, Slippery Rock University Jesse DeFazio, Graduate Assistant Career Coach, Slippery Rock University This sophomore retreat supports retention and student success through a two-day weekend branding program that gets students out of their common element where they can focus on that tough interview question “Why should someone hire you, and not the other five people they might be interviewing?” Partially funded by the PennACE grant of $500, this program is a collaboration between The Office of Career Education and Development and their Office of Residence Life.

"Innovation Week: Serving Entrepreneurial Students and Alumni with Non-Traditional Career Goals"

Megan Zimmerman Employment Development Specialist, University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh is a growing hub for innovation and technology. Pitt’s Office of Career Development and Placement Assistance (CDPA) recognized the need to create impactful programming catered to the professional development of students and alumni pursuing non- traditional career paths focused on entrepreneurial and startup opportunities. CDPA led a collaborative effort with the Alumni Association, Innovation Institute, CMU, and Pittsburgh Technology Council to plan Innovation Week—a weeklong series of robust and innovative programs designed to benefit students and alumni.

"What Is PDE Up To Now?"

John Snyder, Associate Director, Slippery Rock University Education majors have a variety of challenges to meet before they are eligible for certification from the PA Department of Education. As in years past, PDE has been changing the testing requirements this year whether that is at the basic skills level or the content level. This session will get you up-to-date about what testing requirements and options our education majors face now. As far as predicting the future - who knows what lies ahead?

PAGE 11 PENNACE Presentation Descriptions MAY 23-25, 2017

"Increasing Student Engagement and Learning through Gamification"

Josh Domitrovich, Coordinator of Mentoring and Internships, Clarion University Erin Lewis, Assistant Director, Clarion University What do Pokémon Go, Candy Crush and career programming have in common? …Student engagement! Attracting large numbers of students to job fairs, programs and using services is a universal struggle for career centers. In this session, we will explore why gamification motivates, the technology behind digital badging, as well as the engagement and assessment factors. Participants will walk away with how to begin using gamification techniques with preexisting programs to increase student engagement and learning.

"Integrating Professional Competencies into Student Employment"

Kate Sheridan, Assistant Director of Career Development Chatham University Jessica Caolo, Director of Career Development Chatham University Career Development Offices are uniquely situated to help students develop professional readiness through co-curricular experiences. This presentation highlights a competency- based student employment program that integrates existing research on professional competency development with an innovative approach to campus employment that provides opportunities for students to assess and develop key competencies sought by employers and critical to personal and professional success.

"Enhance Your Career Programs with Strategic Partnerships"

Monica Clem, Director of Career Development Edinboro University Do your career programs feel stale - or do you wish you could increase campus engagement with your career programming? This session outlines specific strategies that career development professionals can use to enhance their existing career programming by partnering with community resources, faculty, employers, admissions and others. Collaboration can help you develop innovative, dynamic programming that attracts new interest and engagement. Ideas for creating program goals and measuring success will also be presented.

PAGE 12 PENNACE Presentation Descriptions MAY 23-25, 2017

"Beyond Networking: Using Mentorship to Engage Alumni and Enhance the Student Experience"

Dana DePasquale, Associate Director of Alumni Relations & Advancement Communications, Chatham University Lauren Tudor, Coordinator for Career Development - External Relations, Chatham University Mentorship is an important component of student’s experiential learning and vocational training. This session highlights the collaborative efforts between Career Development and Alumni Relations to build programs and services that serve current students. Highlighted in this session is the development of a professional mentorship program for first year students which engages them in career development from year one, day one.

"Putting into Practice a Career Certificate Program"

Jenelle Henry, Assistant Director, Kutztown University Career Development Center Autumn Moser, Graduate Assistant, Kutztown University Career Development Center This presentation will provide information on creating and implementing a career certificate program. We will review learning outcomes and look at how Kutztown assesses student learning in our programs. We will then discuss marketing strategies for encouraging both student and faculty participation in a certificate program. Attend this session to learn about the planning, implementation, and results of our career certificate program and develop your own strategies for implementing a certificate program on your campus.

"Career Counselors within the Colleges"

Cassie Rosas-Carson, Career Counselor, Career Services, The Pennsylvania State University Dr. Ann Marie Daniel, Career Development Coordinator, Office of Science Engagement, The Pennsylvania State University As a means to expand programming and reach to students, share resources, plus cross- train personnel, Penn State University Park Career Services launched the "Career Counselors in the Colleges" initiative two years ago. Come learn about the services provided, logistics for setting up the services, impact, and future direction from the perspectives of a career services counselor and a college representative.



Happy Valley is a popular tag for State College, PA. Even though the town is hours away from the sprawling metropolises of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, visitors don't feel like they’re stuck in the middle of nowhere. The entire town buzzes with this amazing energy, a contagious mix of joy, dedication, good times, and hard work.

But where exactly did the term "Happy Valley" come from? According to a Town & Gown Magazine article entitled “The Origins of Happy Valley,” the phrase started with one man: Pat O’Brien. O’Brien and his family came to State College in the 1905s so he could finish his Ph.D. in speech communications, and he was later hired by the university as a speech instructor. But before that, O’Brien was a tank commander in the South Pacific. For O’Brien and his wife Harriet, State College was an escape from the chaos and commotion of their lives. In fact, Pat O’Brien called State College his very own “Happy Valley.”

He used the term informally, throwing it around with his friends and family. Until one day, his friend and column writer for the Centre Daily Times, Katey Lehman started using it in her writing and the phrase has been around for decades ever since! Zola Kitchen & Wine Bar

324 W College Ave, State College, PA 16801 (814) 237-8474

Mon. - Thurs. 11:30AM–9PM $$ Bistro

Cozy Thai Bistro

232 S Allen St, State College, PA (814) 237-0139

Mon. - Thurs. 11AM–3PM, 5–9PM $$ Thai Restaurant

The Corner Room

100 W College Ave, State College, PA 16801 (814) 237-3051

Mon. - Thurs. 7AM-10PM $$ American Restaurant

PAGE 15 The Tavern

220 E College Ave, State College, PA 16801 (814) 237-8474

Mon. - Tues. 11:30AM–3PM, 5–9:15PM Wed. - Thurs. 11:30AM–3PM, 5–10PM $$ American Restaurant

India Pavilion

222 E Calder Way, State College, PA 16801 (814) 237-3400

Mon. - Thurs. 11:30AM–2:25PM, 5–9:45PM $$ Indian Restaurant

Primanti Bros.

130 Hiester St, State College, PA 16801 (814) 862-9367 ate-college/

Mon. - Thurs. 11AM-2AM $$ Bar & Grill

PAGE 16 Spats Cafe & Speakeasy

142 E College Ave, State College, PA 16801 (814) 238-7010

Mon. - Thurs. 11:30AM–3PM, 5–9PM $$ Cajun Restaurant

The Dining Room at The Inn

Penn State University, 200 W Park Ave, State College, PA 16803 (814) 865-8590 dining-room

Mon. - Thurs. 6:45–11AM, 11:30AM–2PM, 5–9PM $$$ Fine Dining Restaurant

Tadashi Japanese Restaurant

206 W College Ave, State College, PA 16801 (814) 862-9111

Mon. - Thurs. 11AM–9:30PM $$ Authentic Japanese Restaurant

PAGE 17 Allen Street Grill

100 West College Ave. State College, PA 16801 (814) 231-4745

Mon. - Thurs. 11AM-10PM $-$$ American Restaurant

Mad Mex

240 South Pugh Street, State College, PA 16801 (814) 272-5656

Mon. - Thurs. 6:45–11AM, 11:30AM–2PM, 5–9PM $$ Mexican Restaurant

Pho 11 Vietnamese Restaurant

146 N Atherton St, State College, PA 16801 (814) 231-1367

Wed.. - Thurs. 11:30AM–8:45PM $$ Vietnamese Restaurant



When you think of State College, there’s a good chance that one thing comes to mind: Penn State football. And while the team is a big draw for the region, there are plenty of other great things to do in State College and the rest of Centre County.

Some of them, like the All-State Museum or the Penn State Creamery are well known. However, others might be a bit of a surprise for even the most knowledgable of residents and visitors. Here are some old favorites in addition to several surprising things you can do in State College and the surrounding area

Remember to check with the Inn's Front Desk to learn about their free shuttle service.

Uber is another good ride option for the area but does require the download of their app on your smart phone.

Uber fare estimates available at: Columbus Chapel & Boal Mansion Museum

163A Boal Estate Drive, Boalsburg PA 16827 (814) 466-9266 information.html

Tues. - Thurs. 1:30PM - 5PM $10 to tour the chapel, mansion, & estate

Penn State Berkey Creamery

119 Rodney A. Erickson Food Science Building, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 (814) 865-7535

Mon. - Thurs. 7AM - 10PM $3.50 and up

Penn's Cave

222 Penns Cave Rd. Centre Hall, PA 16828 (814) 364-1664

See website for hours and tour times $18.50 for a Cavern Tour $31.99 for Cavern & Farm-Nature-Wildlife Tour

PAGE 20 Arboretum at Penn State

336 Forest Resources Building University Park, PA 16802 (814) 865-9118

Open daily from dusk to dawn No admission charge

Vamos! Lion Chariots

Penn State and State College State College, PA 16801 (814) 404-2782

Mon. - Thurs. 11AM - 10PM $30 for a half hour ride for two (covers 1/3 to 1/2 of campus) and $60 for an hour ride for two (covers 2/3 to 3/4 of campus) and $90 for an hour and a half ride for two for a complete tour of campus

Penn State All- Sports Musuem

1 Beaver Stadium University Park, PA 16802 (814) 865-0044

Tues. - Thurs. 10AM - 4PM No admission charge but donations appreciated PAGE 21 Happy Valley Vineyard & Winery

576 S. Foxpointe Dr. State College, PA 16801 (814) 308-8756 ome

Tues. – Thurs. 11:00AM – 6:00PM Tast 5 house wines free ($1/additional taste)

Palmer Museum of Art

The Pennsylvania State University Curtin Road University Park, PA 16802 (814) 865-7672

Mon. - Thurs. 10AM - 4:30PM No admission charge

Mount Nittany Vineyard & Winery

350 Houser Rd. Centre Hall, PA 16828 (814) 466-6373

Tues. - Thurs. 11AM - 5PM Complimentary tasting (or call to arrange a tasting and tour with souvenir glass for $7.95/person) PAGE 22 Robin Hood Brewing Company

1820 S. Atherton St., State College (814) 357-8399

Tues. – Thurs. 11:00AM – 11:00PM See website for beer and food menu

Pennsylvania Military Museum

51 Boal Avenue, Boalsburg, PA 16827 (814) 466-6263

Wed.. - Thurs. 10AM - 4:00PM $6 Admission fee

Happy Valley Brewing Company

137 Elmwood St. State College, PA 16801 (814) 234-4406

Tues. - Thurs. 11AM - 2AM Please see website for beer and food menu