1-3 Front CFP 1-3-11.Indd

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1-3 Front CFP 1-3-11.Indd Area/State Colby Free Press Monday, January 3, 2011 Page 3 Weather Republican party planning Corner for long-term control of state From “PLAN,” Page 1 “The diffi cult part is the leg- Barack Obama and his fellow islating portion and the seeing- Democrats. prefer a moderate, centrist gov- long-term portion, and hopefully “I see a real potential threat ernment led by bipartisan coali- we can help with that,” McMillan looming on the horizon, and that tions – like the one that increased said. “It’s essentially that you look would be the emergence of the the state sales tax last year to pre- for a 10-year span of time, and third party that comes out of the vent further cuts in aid to public say, ‘We need consistent and con- tea party movement,” Van Me- schools and to social services. servative leadership.’” teren said, adding that the goal “I think Kansas voters by and Quarterly forums with business would be to make the GOP home National Weather Service large have seen it is important to and community leaders would for tea partiers. Tonight: Mostly clear, with a have a balance of power between give elected offi cials information The state GOP’s plan doesn’t low around 8. West wind around the parties,” said Senate Minority and ideas they need to govern, mention the tea party by name, but 10 mph. Leader Anthony Hensley, a To- while giving the other participants McMillan noted that the ultimate Tuesday: Sunny, with a high peka Democrat. “There’s been a a stake in the GOP, McMillan aim of promoting and sustaining near 34. West wind around 10 moderate coalition basically run- said. Having a “farm team” would anti-tax and small-government mph. ning the Legislature and the gov- deepen the GOP’s political bench. policies is in line with tea party Tuesday Night: Mostly clear, ernor’s offi ce.” The plan calls for boosting to- ideas. She said tea party adherents VERA SLOAN/Colby Free Press with a low around 13. West wind Last year’s election moved tal GOP voter registration by 5 already are infl uential within the Freddie Lamm, research irrigation engineer at the Northwest around 10 mph. state government signifi cantly to percent by 2012, adding nearly party. Kansas Research and Extension Center in Colby was senior Wednesday: Sunny, with the right. Voters gave Kansas a 33,000 new Republicans to the “This is for them,” she added. editor and co-author of a recent book on micro-irrigation. a high near 39. West wind be- new secretary of state, Kris Ko- rolls. It also calls for having a Key Democrats believe such tween 10 and 15 mph. bach, a law professor on leave candidate in 2012 in every state efforts will falter because they Wednesday Night: Mostly who helped draft Arizona’s latest, House and Senate district. In expect the state’s political mood Engineer co-authors clear, with a low around 18. much-debated law against illegal 2008, the last time all legislative to change over time. They an- Thursday: Sunny, with a high immigration, and a new attorney seats were on the ballot, Republi- ticipate Republicans will fi ght in near 44. general, Derek Schmidt, who’s cans had no candidates in two of the future as they have in the past micro-irrigation book Thursday Night: Mostly promised to get Kansas involved 40 Senate districts and 21 of 125 over social issues such as abortion clear, with a low around 20. in litigation against last year’s fed- House districts. – which aren’t mentioned in the From “BOOK,” Page 1 book at his offi ce at the research Friday: Mostly sunny, with a eral health care law. Also, the plan includes a goal of GOP’s plan. station, 105 Experiment Farm high near 41. Republicans also picked up 16 increasing the GOP’s majority to “I am fi rmly convinced that the a student there, Rachel attends Road. They are also available Friday Night: Partly cloudy, seats in the Kansas House, in- 98-27 in the House and 34-6 in the Republicans will over-reach,” said the University of Kansas and online by looking up the book with a low around 17. creasing their majority to 92 seats, Senate in the 2012 elections. House Minority Leader Paul Da- Sarah is a freshman at Colby title. Publisher is Elsevier, a sci- Saturday: Partly sunny, with compared to only 33 for Demo- Other Republicans who want vis, a Lawrence Democrat. “The High School. entifi c publishing company. a high near 37. crats. Those results left antitax, to build the party see its future in public is simply not going to go He said he has copies of the Wednesday: High, 51; Low 14 antiabortion conservatives fi rmly making sure that tea party move- for a one-party state.” Thursday: High, 35; Low -1 in control, shattering the coalition ment participants who voted for Friday: High, 10; Low -2 that passed last year’s sales tax in- GOP candidates last year become Saturday: High, 25; Low -6 crease. The GOP also has a 32-8 active Republicans. Sunday: High, 43; Low 3 majority in the Senate, thanks to “We have a lot of active people L L Precip: Wed. 0.00 inches a party switch by one member last in Kansas,” said outgoing U.S. OCAL TV ISTINGS Thursday 0.07 inches month. Rep. Todd Tiahrt, who’s asking Friday 0.00 inches But Ashley McMillan, the state fellow Republicans to elect him to sponsored by the Saturday 0.00 inches GOP’s executive director, said the party’s national committee. “I Sunday 0.00 inches Republicans need success in sev- just think the Republican Party is December: 0.14 inches eral elections for consistent poli- the natural place for them.” January: 0.00 inches cies favoring lower taxes, smaller One of Tiahrt’s rivals for the 2010: 18.29 inches government and economic growth Republican National Committee 2011: 00.00 inches to take root long-term. The party seat, longtime conservative activ- Normal: 0.45 inches also wants to build even stronger ist Kris Van Meteren, also sees tea (K-State Experiment Station) ties with business leaders in com- party adherents as crucial, noting Sunrise and Sunset munities, so that they’re active that many of them became disillu- Tuesday Evening January 4, 2011 Tuesday 8:05 a.m. 5:34 p.m. in the party and help it develop sioned with the GOP fi rst, before 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Wednesday 8:05 a.m. 5:35 p.m. KAKE/ABC No Ordinary Family V Detroit 1-8-7 Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live (U.S. Naval Observatory) policy. they became upset with President KBSL/CBS Live to Dance NCIS Local Late Show Letterman Late KSNK/NBC The Biggest Loser Parenthood Local Tonight Show w/Leno Late KSAS/FOX Glee Million Dollar Local Area’s state senator Cable Channels A & E The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Photo catches AMC Demolition Man Demolition Man ANIM When Animals Strike When Animals Strike When Animals Strike When Animals Strike When Animals Strike to take over committee BRAVO Matchmaker Matchmaker The Fashion Show Matchmaker Matchmaker suspicious man CMT The Dukes of Hazzard Canadian Bacon Mobile Home Disaster Smarter Smarter From “SENATOR,” Page 1 in favor of the increase to help CNN Parker Spitzer Larry King Live Anderson Cooper 360 Larry King Live schools, which were losing state COMEDY Steve Byrne Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daily Colbert Tosh.0 Tosh.0 at crime scene DISC Dirty Jobs Dirty Jobs Auction Auction Dirty Jobs Dirty Jobs Kansas, he said, such as wildlife, money and already suffering from DISN Wizards-Waver Good Luck Good Luck Wizards Wizards Hannah Hannah From “POLICE,” Page 1 parks and especially water. drops in enrollment. 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That time, Barrett are issues coming up such as shut- Ostmeyer said he hopes the HIST Modern Marvels Top Gear Ax Men Tougher in Alaska Modern Marvels said, the burglar successfully broke ting down wells. Unfortunately, he economy will improve so that the LIFE Reba Reba Wife Swap Wife Swap How I Met How I Met Frasier Frasier one of the glass doors at the front said, there won’t be much money legislature can eventually get rid MTV Teen Mom 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant I Used to Be Fat of the building and took cigarettes of the tax increase without harm- NICK My Wife My Wife Chris Chris Lopez Lopez The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny to work with.
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