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Winnipeg Child Family Parts 2 & 3 Vol 14 National Inquiry into Enquête nationale Missing and Murdered sur les femmes et les filles Indigenous Women and Girls autochtones disparues et assassinées National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Truth-Gathering Process Parts 2 & 3 Institutional & Expert/Knowledge -Keeper “Child & Family Welfare” Fort Garry Hotel, Grand Ballroom Winnipeg, Manitoba PUBLIC Mixed Part II & III Volume XIV Friday October 5, 2018 Panel 5: Dr. Allan Wade INTERNATIONAL REPORTING INC. 41-5450 Canotek Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1J 9G2 E-mail: [email protected] – Phone: 613-748-6043 – Fax: 613-748-8246 II APPEARANCES Animakee Wa Zhing #37 First Whitney Van Belleghem (Legal Nation / Obashkaandagaang Counsel), Paloma Corrin First Nation / Eagle Lake (Legal Counsel) First Nation/Grassy Narrows First Nation / Ojibway Nation of Saugeen as a single collective party Assembly of First Nations Stuart Wuttke (Legal Counsel) Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Anita Southall (Legal Counsel) Association of Native Child & Katherine Hensel Family Service Agencies (Legal Counsel) Ontario (ANCFSAO) Awo Taan Healing Lodge Darrin Blain (Legal Counsel) Society Battered Women’s Support Brandy Kane, Summer Rain Services Bentham, Viola Thomas, Angela Mare (Representatives) Canadian Association of Ashley Smith (Legal Counsel) Chiefs of Police (CACP) Congress of Aboriginal Alisa Lombard (Legal Counsel) Peoples Directeur des poursuites Anny Bernier (Legal Counsel) criminelles et pénales (Québec) Downtown Eastside Women Carol Martin, Reta Blind Centre (Representatives) Eastern Door Indigenous Natalie D. Clifford Women's Association (Legal Counsel) Families for Justice Suzan E. Fraser (Legal Counsel) III APPEARANCES Government of Alberta Kate Bridgett (Legal Counsel) Government of British Sara Pye (Legal Counsel), Jean Columbia Walters (Legal Counsel) Government of Canada Lucy Bell (Legal Counsel) Government of Manitoba Wendy Post, Coral Lang (Legal Counsel) Government of Newfoundland Dr. Judith Lovas and Labrador (Representative), Denise Spencer (Legal Counsel) Government of Saskatchewan Barbara Mysko (Legal Counsel) Independent First Nations Josephine de Whytell (Legal Counsel) Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) Elizabeth Zarpa (Legal Counsel) Liard Aboriginal Women’s Carly Teillet (Legal Counsel) Society Ann Maje Raider (Representative) Manitoba Keewatinowi Jessica Barlow (Legal Counsel) Okimakanak (MKO) Mishkeegogamang First Nation Paloma Corrin (Legal Counsel), Whitney Van Belleghem (Legal Counsel) Native Women’s Association of Virginia Lomax (Legal Counsel) Canada Native Women’s Association of Caroline Wawzonek Northwest Territories (Legal Counsel) NunatuKavut Community Council Roy Stewart (Legal Counsel) IV APPEARANCES Ontario Federation of Niki Hashie (Representative) Indigenous Friendship Centres Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Beth Symes (Legal Counsel)) Canada, Saturviit Inuit Women’s Association, AnânauKatiget Tumingit Regional Inuit Women’s Association, Ottawa Inuit Children's Centre and Manitoba Inuit Association, as a collective single party Regina Treaty Status Indian Erica Beaudin (Representative) Services Saskatchewan Association of Katrina Swan (Legal Counsel) Chiefs of Police Treaty Alliance Northern Krystyn Ordyniec (Legal Ontario - Nishnawbe Aski Counsel), Anna Betty Nation/Grand Council Treaty Achneepineskum (NAN #3 Representative), Elysia Petrone-Reitberger (Legal Counsel) Vancouver Sex Workers' Rights Carly Teillet (Legal Counsel) Collective Winnipeg Police Service Kimberly D. Carswell (Legal Counsel) V TABLE OF CONTENTS Truth-Gathering Process Mixed Parts 2 & 3 Volume 14 Institutional & Expert / Knowledge-Keeper Hearings: “Family & Child Welfare” Panel 5: Dr. Allan Wade Chair: Jennifer Cox, Commission Counsel Heard by Chief Commissioner Marion Buller & Commissioners Michèle Audette, Brian Eyolfson & Qajaq Robinson (via livestream) Grandmothers, Elders, Family Members & Knowledge-keepers: Lorraine Clements (National Family Advisory Circle – NFAC), Lesa Semmler (NFAC), Louise Haulli, Pénélope Guay, Leslie Spillett, Laureen “Blu” Waters, Bernie Williams, Dave McPherson (Firekeeper), Benjamin Morrisseau (Firekeeper), Annie Bowkett, Thelma Morrisseau & Stan Lapierre, Jenny Lay, Isabella Daniels, Velma Orvis, Mary Crate & Agnes Spence & Dawnis Kennedy Clerks: Maryiam Khoury & Gladys Wraight Registrar: Bryan Zandberg VI TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Opening Remarks 1 Panel 5: Dr. Allan Wade In-Chief Examination by MS. JENNIFER COX 5 CROSS-EXAMINATION OF PANEL 5 BY PARTIES WITH STANDING Cross-Examination by MS. CAROLINE WAWZONEK 97 Cross-Examination by MS. KATHERINE HENSEL 104 Cross-Examination by MS. BRANDY KANE 111 Cross-Examination by MS. KRYSTYN ORDYNIEC 122 Cross-Examination by MS. BETH SYMES 127 Cross-Examination by MS. ANITA SOUTHALL 132 Cross-Examination by MS. ANN MAJE RAIDER/CARLY TEILLET 139 Cross-Examination by MS. AMANDA LEBLANC 151 Cross-Examination by MS. JOSEPHINE DE WHYTELL 156 Cross-Examination by MS. CARLY TEILLET 161 Cross-Examination by MS. CAROL MARTIN 164 Cross-Examination by MS. NATALIE CLIFFORD 174 Cross-Examination by MS. SUZAN FRASER 179 Re-Examination by MS. JENNIFER COX 186 QUESTIONS PUT TO PANEL 5 BY THE COMMISSIONERS Questions from Commissioner Eyolfson 192 Questions from Commissioner Audette 193 Questions from Chief Commissioner Buller 205 CLOSING REMARKS BY THE COMMISSIONERS Closing remarks by COMMISSIONER BRIAN EYOLFSON 211 Closing remarks by COMMISSIONER MICHÈLE AUDETTE 214 Closing remarks by CHIEF COMMISSIONER MARION BULLER 220 VII LIST OF EXHIBITS NO. DESCRIPTION PAGE Panel 5: Dr. Allan Wade 50 CV of Dr. Allan Wade (12 pages) 8 51 Powerpoint “Justice on the Land: Violence, 28 Resistance and the Power in Language” (43 slides/pages) 52 “Language and Violence: Analysis of Four 65 Discursive Operations,” by Linda Coates & Allan Wade in Journal of Family Violence, Volume 22, 2007 (pp. 511–522) 53 “Becoming Better Helpers” (one page) 66 54 “Indigenous Women, RCMP and Service Providers 118 Work Together for Justice: A Response-based Safety Collaboration in the Yukon,” by Cathy Richardson, University of Victoria, April 2013 (22 pages) 55 “Creating Islands of Safety for Victims of 119 Violence: A Critical Systems Approach,” by Catherine Richardson/Kinewesquao, in Systemic Therapy as Transformative Practice (pp. 250-268) 56 “Analysis of Emergency Protection Order Hearings 120 in the NWT: An Analysis and Report Commissioned by the GNWT,” by Linda Coates and Allan Wade, Centre for Response-Based Practice, submitted October 13, 2010 (98 pages) 57 “Dignity Driven Practice,” print date September 5, 121 2018 (25 pages) 1 Opening Ceremony 1 Winnipeg, Manitoba 2 --- The hearing starts on Friday, October 5, 2018 3 at 8:26 4 MS. THELMA MORRISSEAU: So happy we could 5 involve some of the Commissioners in the helping out with 6 the ceremony, just to give them the strength that they 7 need. And, when we do that, we think about all of you, we 8 think about all the Commissioners, we think about the 9 families, we think about all the community that has come 10 out, the participants, people who have given testimony, 11 expert testimony. 12 Before I offer my prayer, I would -- I just 13 want to acknowledge a family member who has been upstairs 14 doing therapeutic beadwork, that is Gerri Pangman 15 McPherson. It has been incredible, the work that she has 16 been doing and the women that have gathered around that 17 table who have -- you know, they share, they share, they 18 talk to each other and share stories, and that has been 19 really, really healing. 20 It may seem simple, but it is so incredible 21 what has transpired this week. And, I just want to give 22 Gerri -- recognize Gerri in that way and that beautiful 23 gift that she carries and the fact that she could share it 24 with the community, with the women. And, it was not just 25 families of the MMIWG, but it was anyone that went to the 2 Opening Ceremony 1 table that wanted to do beadwork, and she was so gracious 2 to help with that. 3 And, you see, I got one here. This 4 beadwork was done by her daughter, Corley. And, Corley 5 never beaded before, she just learned from her mom. And, 6 just so ironic, her mother is quite famous for beading, 7 but she just started this week. But, that is all good, 8 eh? 9 So, this morning, once again, I think about 10 why we are here, and I acknowledge the sacred doorways, 11 (speaking in Anishnabe), acknowledge the sky realm, 12 (speaking in Anishnabe). Those grandmothers who take care 13 of the water, (speaking in Anishnabe). To our mother, the 14 Earth, who continues to give us strength and sustain all 15 of creation, for that water that flows through her, for 16 that water that sits at that third level, midaywabo 17 (phonetic), that most beautiful place we call, 18 gwinajuwingay (phonetic). I think about those things. 19 I think about our relatives who have walked 20 before, seven generations. And, as always, I ask them to 21 come to be with us on this last day, to give us that 22 strength, give us that wisdom, give us the courage to 23 sound our voice, to speak that truth. And, to walk with 24 us even after this day is completed, to walk with us, to 25 continue to walk with the Commissioners, to lift them up 3 Opening Ceremony 1 when they are walking with a heavy heart because this has 2 been a really hard time, Creator God, and you know that. 3 So, we are asking in a pitiful way, petition you to help 4 them through this, give them the strength that they need 5 and the good thoughts, that as they place their words upon 6 that paper, it would be that truth that they have heard. 7 And, that at the end of the time, that all of this will 8 not be for not. 9 I ask Grandfather and Grandmother to 10 continue to take care of our families of the missing and 11 murdered Indigenous women and girls, the LGBTQ community, 12 all of our people who are maybe lost on the streets, our 13 children who are still in child welfare, our young people 14 who are still in the justice institution. And, often, 15 Creator, they graduate to the higher institutions, the 16 jails, adult corrections.
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