
Exploring the Deep and Beyond themed issue

Measuring currents in : Technological and scientifi c progress in the past 30 years

J.P. Xu U.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefi eld Road, MS-999, Menlo Park, 94025, USA

ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION processes, and summarize and discuss several future research challenges constructed primar- The development and application of The publication of the American Association ily for submarine canyons in temperate climate, acoustic and optical technologies and of of Petroleum Geologists Studies in 8: such as the California . accurate positioning systems in the past Currents in Submarine Canyons and Other Sea 30 years have opened new frontiers in the Valleys (Shepard et al., 1979) marked a signifi - 2. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES submarine research communities. cant milestone in research. IN OBSERVATION IN This paper reviews several key advance- Although there had been studies on the topics of SUBMARINE CANYONS ments in both technology and science in the submarine canyon hydrodynamics and fi eld of currents in submarine canyons since processes in various journals since the 1930s 2.1. Instrumentation the1979 publication of Currents in Subma- (Shepard et al., 1939; Emory and Hulsemann, rine Canyons and Other Sea Valleys by Fran- 1963; Ryan and Heezen 1965; Inman, 1970; Instrument development has come a long way cis Shepard and colleagues. Precise place- Drake and Gorsline, 1973; Shepard, 1975), this in the past 30 yr. The greatest leap in the tech- ments of high-resolution, high-frequency book was the fi rst of its kind to provide descrip- nology of fl ow measurements was the transition instruments have not only allowed research- tion and discussion on the various phenomena from mechanical to acoustic current meters. ers to collect new data that are essential discovered in submarine canyons and sea val- Advances in sensor development and semicon- for advancing and generalizing theories leys, presenting the most detailed fi eld data ductor engineering drastically improved the pre- governing the canyon currents, but have collected with state of the art instrumentation cision and accuracy, from centimeter per second also revealed new natural phenomena that deployed at locations in almost all large water to millimeter per second, of current meters, challenge the understandings of the theo- bodies (, , ) on . In the three reduced the physical size of the instruments, rists and experimenters in their predictions decades since the Shepard et al. (1979) book, and increased their data storage capacities. The of submarine canyon fl ow fi elds. Baroclinic the submarine canyon research community has concurrent reduction of the power draws of sen- motions at tidal frequencies, found to be seen large strides in both science and technol- sors and the improved battery technology made intensifi ed both up canyon and toward the ogy. New instruments with high precision and long fi eld data collection possible. Coupled canyon fl oor, dominate the fl ow fi eld and sampling frequencies that were not imaginable with improved designs, it is now quite control the sediment processes 30 yr ago are being developed and utilized. routine to have continuous year-long observa- in submarine canyons. currents New discoveries are being made in the fi eld and tions of fl ow fi elds in canyons (Khripounoff et are found to frequently occur in active sub- laboratory and new theories are being formu- al., 2003; Xu et al., 2004), a big improvement marine canyons such as . lated based on those discoveries (see review in compared to the days- and month-long time These turbidity currents have maximum Allen and Durrieu de Madron, 2009). I do not series collected 30 yr ago (Shepard et al., 1979). speeds of nearly 200 cm/s, much smaller attempt here to review all aspects of canyon Improvement in material, design, and machin- than the speeds of turbidity currents in - hydrodynamics (e.g., numerical and physical ing afforded sensors and pressure cases that can logical time, but still very destructive. In modeling on mixing or exchanges now withstand pressure at full depth, and addition to traditional Eulerian measure- between canyons and and/or thus currents can now be measured thousands of ments, Lagrangian fl ow data are essential in slope); instead, I review and summarize sev- meters below the sea surface (Khripounoff et al., quantifying water and eral key advances made in the past 30 yr in the 2003, 2009; Xu et al., 2002, 2004). in submarine canyons. A concerted experi- research of submarine canyon hydrodynamics The most signifi cant leap forward in fl ow ment with multiple monitoring stations that are directly related to sediment transport. measuring technology is probably the devel- along the canyon axis and on nearby shelves Herein I review technological advances includ- opment and wide use of acoustic Doppler cur- is required to characterize the -trigger ing fi eld and laboratory instrumentation as well rent profi lers (ADCP). Before the ADCP was mechanism for turbidity currents. as data analysis, then review a number of key invented, velocity profi les were measured at advances in submarine canyon hydrodynamic only a few locations in the canyon by current

Geosphere; August 2011; v. 7; no. 4; p. 868–876; doi: 10.1130/GES00640.1; 5 fi gures.

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meters deployed at different depths on a sin- is its nonintrusive nature, which allows in situ pended particles in the same gle vertical mooring line (Fig. 1). Limited by measurements in highly energetic and hazard- where velocity profi les are measured. There resources and complexities in mooring design ous fl ows such as turbidity currents. Although have been numerous attempts (Thorne et al., and deployment, a typical mooring consisted of ADCP started to appear on the mass market in 1991; Hay and Sheng, 1992; Holdaway et al., 3–5 point current meters that spanned a few hun- the early 1980s, most of the installations were 1999; Gartner, 2004) to convert the acoustic dred meters vertically (Ferentinos et al., 1985; either downward-looking from ships or upward- backscatter signal to sediment concentration, Hunkins, 1988; Xu et al., 2002; Palanques et al., looking on bottom platforms deployed on con- with limited success. One major diffi culty that 2005). These limited numbers of points were tinental shelves, , and lakes. It was not remains to be overcome is that the dis- clearly insuffi cient to fully resolve the current until early 2000 that ADCPs were mounted on tribution in the water column, and particularly profi le. An ADCP, however, can provide current subsurface moorings to measure current profi les in energetic fl ows like turbidity currents, is still profi les consisting of 20 or more data points in submarine canyons (Xu et al., 2004). ADCPs unknown. Without the grain size information, within the same vertical span depending on the can also be mounted on a vessel looking down- the attenuation of the acoustic backscatter due frequency of the source, water depth, ward to collect velocity profi les when the ves- to the presence of sediment particles cannot be mooring confi guration, and sampling rate. For sel is at anchor at multiple locations (Petruncio accurately estimated. example, a low-frequency (75 kHz) ADCP sys- et al., 1998; Flexas et al., 2008), or in transit to tem has a bin size (distance over which data provide information on the spatial variability of 2.2. Seafl oor Mapping are averaged) of tens of meters, while a high- currents (Wang et al., 2008). frequency (1000 kHz) can have a bin size as ADCPs are also useful in obtaining, at least Detailed maps of seafl oor are small as 5 cm. Another advantage of the ADCP semiquantitatively, the concentration of sus- very important for correctly and accurately col- lecting and interpreting current observations in the areas of complex topography such as sub- marine canyons. Multibeam maps are a vast float improvement over the old bathymetric charts, as can be seen by overlaying a shaded relief map of bathymetry based on a multibeam sur- vey on top of an old bathymetric contour of a canyon. Traditionally the majority of fl ow mea- surements in submarine canyons are obtained from moorings. In areas where the topography often varies on scales of a few hundred meters, good bathymetry maps are essential to place the moorings at a desired location. In addition, good upward looking bathymetry greatly aids the interpretation of ADCP observations that may be strongly infl uenced by the surrounding topography. An accurate bathy- downward looking metric map and three-dimensional multibeam ADCP images along with precise global positioning system (GPS) data and accurate acoustic release floats mechanisms can enable scientists to deploy the instrumented moorings to the planned locations current (Xu et al., 2010; Fig. 2). meter The use of remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and automated underwater vehicles acoustic acoustic (AUVs) in submarine canyon research greatly releases releases improved the accuracy of both seafl oor map- ping and instrument placement on the seafl oor. Guided by a multibeam bathymetry obtained anchor anchor from a surface vessel that has a resolution of meters, an AUV equipped with a specially fi tted Figure 1. Schematic diagram of typical subsurface moorings used to multibeam system can collect bathymetric data measure currents in submarine canyons. The mooring on the left is made with centimeter-scale resolution (Paull et al., out of three point current meters that measure time series horizontal 2010). Such high-resolution topographic maps (e.g., north and east components) velocities at three elevations. The allow researchers to pinpoint the planned loca- mooring on the right consists of two acoustic Doppler current profi lers tions for instrument deployment. In addition, (ADCP), one facing upward and the other facing downward. Depend- the high-resolution images of bed morphology ing on the frequencies and setup of the ADCPs, they each can typically from the multibeam and stratigraphic profi les measure three-dimensional velocities (east, north, and vertical) at 20+ from a seismic profi ling system such as Chirp different elevations at vertical intervals ranging from centimeters to tens (compressed high-intensity radar pulse) can aid of meters. Collectively the two ADCPs record the same amount of data researchers understanding the fl ows that gen- equivalent to 40+ point current meters mounted on one mooring. erated the topography and stratigraphy. Based

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on these data, the ROV is capable of installing These long time-series data that have sampling detailed spectral characteristics of the canyon instruments right on the spot in deep and very rates of a few minutes allow a wide variety of fl ows possible. Auto spectra and cross-spectra complex environments such as the Monterey techniques to be used to describe, analyze, and of the velocity and temperature and salin- Submarine Canyon (Paull et al., 2003; 2010). interpret the observations. For example, the spa- ity data defi ne the spatial (both vertically in tially and temporally high resolution data matrix water column and horizontally along a can- 2.3. Quality and Quantity of of current velocity and temperature and salinity yon) variations of the energy of inertial, tidal, Time-Series Data are essential in computing the variations of iso- and higher-frequency processes (Hotchkiss and therm displacement as well as density and veloc- Wunsch, 1982; Butman, 1988; Xu and Noble, Armed with improved instruments and ity structures, all of which are key ingredients for 2009). Rotary spectra, a close variant of the advanced mooring technologies, research- characterizing the amplitudes and frequencies of spectra of vector variables, use the two circu- ers have been able to simultaneously collect internal (baroclinic) (Hotchkiss and Wun- lar components, the amplitude and phase of detailed current velocity profi les and other sch, 1982; Matsuyama et al., 1993; Petruncio et both clockwise and counterclockwise motion, oceanographic data in submarine canyons from al., 1998; Rosenfeld et al., 1999; Palanques et al., to determine the rotary characteristics in fl ow multiple moorings deployed along and across 2005; Wang et al., 2008). Translation of com- fi elds (Emery and Thomson, 2001; Jarosz et the canyon, with multiple current meters and puter programs into a common, user-friendly al., 2007). An advantage of rotary spectra is that other sensors attached to each mooring, and for computing language such as MATLAB has rotary properties like spectral energy and rotary periods of time as long as 2 yr (Hotchkiss and made the processing and analyzing these data coeffi cients are invariant under coordinate rota- Wunsch, 1982; Ferentinos et al., 1985; Butman, sets much easier (Pawlowicz et al., 2002). tion, hence the steering of currents by canyon 1988; Hunkins, 1988; Palanques et al., 2005; The high-resolution, high-frequency data topography may be ignored. Since one of the Khripounoff et al., 2009; Xu and Noble, 2009). collections also made the determination of rotary components (clockwise in the Northern

119°15′ W 119°14′ W 119°13′ W 119°6′ W 119°5′ W

20 N ′ N ′ 34°6

34°8 50 100 150 200 20 N

′ 50 100 N ′ 34°7 34°5 200 150 N ′ 34°6 N Hueneme Mugu ′ 34°4 01kmUTM 11, WGS84 01 km

Figure 2. Multibeam bathymetry of Hueneme (left) and Mugu (right) submarine canyons, with mooring locations shown (red dots). In this particular deployment the moorings needed to be in water depth shallower than 200 m, limited by the depth rating of the instruments. The meter-resolution multibeam bathymetry made the following tasks possible: (1) locate a site in the (axis) of the canyon; (2) ensure the sites to be in a relatively straight section of the canyon to minimize the complexity of the measured current velocities; (3) fi nd the accurate water depth; and (4) safely deploy the moorings. Other instruments such as temperature, salinity, and pressure sensors can also be attached at different heights on the mooring line. UTM—Universal Transverse Mercator.

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Hemisphere, counterclockwise in the Southern wan; Wang et al., 2008), and Monterey Canyons that are responsible for the current oscillations Hemisphere) very often dominates the velocity (Petruncio et al., 1998; Kunze et al., 2002; Xu and the near-bottom and headward intensifi ca- fi eld, analysis of only one component is usually and Noble, 2009). The bottom intensifi cation is tions (see Current Intensifi cation discussion); suffi cient (Emery and Thomson, 2001). Wave- clearly displayed in the shape of tidal ellipses of the other is turbidity currents. Turbidity currents let power spectrum, a sophisticated version of the major constituents. While the ellipses above are episodic, strong, down-canyon fl ows of complex demodulation, is particularly useful the canyon rim are nearly circular, they become water and suspended sediment that are concen- in determining how spectral energies of differ- stronger, with an almost rectilinear fl ow that is trated in the canyon axis near the bottom. They ent frequencies vary over time (Grinsted et al., locally aligned parallel to the canyon axis near are the primary mechanism for transporting sed- 2004; Xu and Noble, 2009). the canyon fl oor (Hunkins, 1988; Xu and Noble, iment from the coast, through the canyon, and The ray theory has been successfully utilized 2009). This strong bottom intensifi cation of can- into the deep basin. Generations of researchers in both laboratory and fi eld studies to explain yon currents at tidal or higher frequencies seems have attempted to measure these currents in situ the generation, propagation, and dissipation of to occur in both up-canyon and down-canyon and document their effects in various environ- internal tidal energy on continental slopes (Cac- currents (Wang et al., 2008). ments (Inman et al., 1976; Hay, 1987; Prior et chione and Wunsch, 1974) and in submarine When internal waves at the canyon mouth al., 1987; Khripounoff et al., 2003; Paull et al., canyons (Hotchkiss and Wunsch, 1982; Baines, propagate toward the canyon head, the power 2003; Xu et al., 2004). However, because of the 1983; Gardner, 1989; Lafuente et al., 1999; densities of the currents increase in the along- episodic and violent nature of turbidity currents, Palanques et al., 2005). The energy of internal canyon direction for both along- and cross- it is not uncommon that instruments deployed tides (1) propagates upward toward the can- canyon velocities, although the former is far to measure these phenomena are destroyed or yon head; (2) propagates parallel to the canyon more energetic than the latter (Hotchkiss and moved by the down-canyon fl ow (Inman et al., bottom; or (3) is refl ected back down canyon, Wunsch, 1982). This was observed in Lydo- 1976; Prior et al., 1987; Paull et al., 2003). It is depending on whether the ratio of s/α is smaller nia Canyon (Butman, 1988), where currents in ironic that the velocity, frequency, and displace- than, equal to, or greater than unity. Here s is the the inertial, semidiurnal, and higher frequency ment caused by turbidity currents can some- slope of the canyon fl oor, and the slope of the bands increased toward the canyon head and times be determined from the fi nal positions of rays for internal tides is toward the fl oor. At places where the slope of instruments damaged during deployments (Gar- the canyon fl oor is near the critical slope for fi eld et al., 1994; Paull et al., 2003; Hsu et al., ω 2 − f 2 α 2 = , (1) semidiurnal and inertial frequency (see equation 2008). In mid- to high-latitude submarine can- 2 −ω2 N 1), the energy in these two frequencies reached yons such as those in the of Lions (Medi- the maximum (Butman, 1988). terranean), gravity fl ows due to dense water cas- where ω is the internal tidal frequency, f is Hotchkiss and Wunsch (1982) rearranged cading have been recognized as a major driver the parameter, and N is the Brunt- equation 1 to the form to transport water and sediment down canyons Vaisala frequency. (Canals et al., 2006; Palanques et al., 2006; 2α 2 + 2 ω 2 = N f Puig et al., 2008). When this density fl ow is fi rst c 2 , (2) 3. IMPROVED UNDERSTANDING OF α + 1 formed by sinking cold water on the shelf, it CURRENTS IN SUBMARINE CANYONS travels slowly downslope at ~30 cm/s, and does and demonstrated that V-shaped submarine not necessarily carry large amount of suspended 3.1. Current Intensifi cation canyons focus the energy of internal waves that sediment. As soon as the dense water enters the enter the canyon from the offshore boundary head of canyons near the shelf break, it accel- After studying hundreds of current records toward the canyon head if the fre- erates down the steeper slope in the canyon to ω collected in dozens of submarine canyons, quencies are greater than a critical value c. For a speed as high as 80 cm/s (Puig et al., 2008). Shepard et al. (1979) concluded that dominant internal waves that enter from above the canyon, During this acceleration phase, it is possible for current components in submarine canyons have the V-shaped canyons focus the internal wave the cascading cold water to entrain enough sedi- oscillations roughly at the mean tidal frequen- energy toward the canyon fl oor if the frequen- ment from the canyon fl oor to transform into a ω cies. Field studies and modeling since then more cies are less than the critical frequency c that . accurately defi ned and explained the frequency is derived from equation 2, but with α being the Field studies carried out between 1993 and structure and two other key properties specifi c slope of the canyon walls (see Fig. 1 in Hotch- 2007 in Monterey Canyon provide some of the to currents in submarine canyons: (1) currents kiss and Wunsch, 1982). In Xu and Noble (2009, most extensive observations of turbidity cur- are dominated by baroclinic (internal) tides, and in Monterey Canyon) it was shown that inter- rents (Fig. 3). Debris fl ows and turbidity cur- (2) currents are intensifi ed both vertically toward nal waves within the frequency range between rents have occurred often in Monterey Canyon the canyon bottom and horizontally toward the 0.06 cph (cycles per hour) and 0.35 cph should in geological time (Normark and Piper, 1991), canyon head. In (North Atlan- focus into the canyon both from above and from but only recently were in situ measurements tic), the energy of the internal wave fi eld grew by the canyon mouth. In other words, semidiurnal available that enabled researchers to charac- a factor of fi ve from the mouth of the canyon to internal tides and higher frequencies are focused terize and parameterize the vertical profi les of a position well inside the canyon (Hotchkiss and but lower frequencies are not. velocity and sediment concentration in a tur- Wunsch, 1982). In Baltimore Canyon (North bidity current (Xu et al., 2002, 2004; Paull et Atlantic) (Hunkins, 1988; Gardner, 1989), tidal 3.2. Turbidity Currents and Other Episodic al., 2003). From 2002 to 2005 there were 12 currents were observed to intensify toward the Strong Flows sediment transport events observed at different canyon fl oor. Similar bottom intensifi cation was water depths in the axis of Monterey Canyon observed in Lydonia (North Atlantic; Noble Shepard et al. (1979) identifi ed two major (Barry et al., 2006). Not all these events were and Butman, 1989), La Linea (Alboran Sea; fl ows that control the dynamics of submarine necessarily turbidity currents, but the currents Lafuente et al., 1999), Kaoping (offshore Tai- canyons. One is the internal waves and/or tides in the events were energetic enough to move,

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knock down, and bury instrument platforms 2001 to 2005, indicating that no turbidity cur- than 150 yr ago (Johnson et al., 2005). Note that (Paull et al., 2003). Moorings at a particular site rent passed the site (Paull et al., 2006). These the impact of the modern-day turbidity currents can record the passing of a turbidity current, measurements and observations suggest that can go beyond 2500 m water depth. The body but unless the mooring arrays had short spa- present-day turbidity currents in Monterey Can- of turbid water (the remnant of the already van- tial scales the array may not be able to defi ne yon are too small to reach beyond 2500 m water ished turbidity current) can become an intrusion the extent of that event. Even though exist- depth. This is in part because the thalweg of into water of similar density and continue to ing mooring data are not dense enough for an Monterey Canyon is substantially wider down fl ow offshore along this density surface. assessment of the spatial scales of the observed canyon of the 2500 m isobath (Fig. 3). A turbid- The two most important parameters of a tur- turbidity currents, the depth at which turbidity ity current from up canyon would probably lose bidity current are velocity and sediment con- currents currently occur can be inferred based both speed and sediment concentration after centration. In situ velocity data are still sparse on movement of moorings, sediment morphol- entering the much wider , and thus dis- despite decades of efforts in collecting fi eld ogy in the canyon axis, or the inferred lack of sipates quickly, unless the turbidity current is a data from , lakes, , and submarine sediment transport. In the example shown in large, ignitive, and self-accelerated fl ow (Parker canyons (Prior et al., 1987; Lambert and Giova- Figure 3, moorings at site N and other locations et al., 1987). Historically turbidity currents were noli, 1988; Zeng et al., 1991; Khripounoff et further up canyon often recorded passing tur- large enough to reach the Monterey fan- al., 2003; Paull et al., 2003; Xu et al., 2004). bidity currents (Xu et al., 2002, 2004), but these system in geological time (Normark and Piper, The maximum velocity of turbidity currents recorded events did not reach W, a site ~50 km 1991), and created and maintained the exis- observed from current meters (ADCP or oth- further down canyon from site N. In addition, tence of Monterey Canyon. Study of sediment erwise) ranged from 120 cm/s in Zaire Canyon the frequent monitoring of the skeleton of a cores taken across the channel near the Shepard (West Africa; Khripounoff et al., 2003) to nearly dead whale found in the axis of Monterey Can- Meander, ~130 km down fl ow from site W 280 cm/s in Hueneme Canyon (California; Xu yon at 2890 m, ~10 km down fl ow from site W, (Fig. 3), showed that the most recent past occur- et al., 2010). When velocity profi les are avail- showed no evidence of any disturbance from rence of such large turbidity currents was more able, the bulk parameters such as the thickness

Figure 3. Locations of the U.S. Geological Survey mooring sites overlaid on the shaded relief bathymetry of the Monterey Submarine Canyon. The top left inset shows the close-up of the canyon head. The inset at the bottom right corner shows the timing and location of the observed turbidity current events (from Barry et al., 2006). The thick purple line along the canyon signifi es the region where present-day turbidity currents often occur. The last major turbidity current that passed the Shepard Meander was 150 yr ago (Johnson et al., 2005). The water depths of the mooring sites are: F—3223; W—2837; N—1445; S—1020; U—820; H—255 m.

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and depth-averaged velocity of a turbidity cur- are unavailable, the acoustic backscatter signal (the water depth of site H). This would sug- rent can be calculated. For example, ADCP data from ADCPs can be used for estimating sedi- gest that submarine , including the from Monterey, Hueneme, and Mugu Canyons ment concentration after the acoustic signals breaching processes of Mastbergen and van den in California showed that the present-day, small- are corrected for two-way transmission loss Berg (2003), are a major cause of the observed scale turbidity currents were 50–200 cm/s in due to attenuation and scattering (Holdaway et turbidity currents in Monterey Canyon. If so, depth-averaged velocity and 15–50 m in thick- al., 1999; Gartner, 2004). Comparable results it would further suggest that submarine land- ness (Xu, 2010). were obtained from applying this method to the slides might occur more often than previously The sediment concentration within a turbidity turbidity current events in Monterey Canyon thought (see discussions in Ferentinos et al., current is even more diffi cult to measure directly (Rosenberger et al., 2006). Another empirical 1985). However, the mooring deployment at because of the current’s destructive nature. To method to assess the bulk sediment concentra- site H was not concurrent with the deployment my knowledge, a transmissometer time series tion in the body of a turbidity current, whose at sites N, S, and U. Thus, the lack of events at obtained from Monterey Canyon (Fig. 4) is the bulk speed is known, is to apply the Chezy-type site H in 2005 and 2007 does not exclude that only in situ measurement from within a fi eld equation (e.g., Bowen et al.,1984) backward (Xu turbidity currents observed at sites U, S, and turbidity current. The sensor was located 10 m et al., 2010). The validity of these two methods N during 2002–2003 originated at the canyon above the canyon fl oor on mooring N deployed relies heavily on the accuracy of estimating the head, caused by, for example, storm wave set at 1445 m water depth (Fig. 3; Xu et al., 2004); grain size value within the turbidity currents. up (Inman et al., 1976). therefore, its data represented the concentration The existing data are not suffi cient to allow in the center of the 50-m-thick turbidity current. the researchers to determine exactly how the 4. FUTURE CHALLENGES Assuming that the suspended inside turbidity currents originated (Xu et al., 2004). the turbidity current were composed of 50% A total of 18 months of ADCP measurements In the past 30 years, researchers have made and 50% , and applying the compos- in Monterey Canyon at site H in 255 m water signifi cant strides in documenting and under- ite calibration relation from Xu et al. (2002), depth near the head of Monterey Canyon standing the processes that occur in submarine the highest concentration during the peak of the (Fig. 3) from the 2005 and 2007 experiments canyon. In particular, some of the progress dis- current reached up to 2.1 g/L. For comparisons, showed no sign of events resembling the turbid- cussed here and other knowledge gained from this concentration would be 4.1 g/L if the sus- ity currents observed in previous deployments. numerical modeling studies (Baines, 1983; She pended sediments were all sands. Note that for This suggests that a subannual frequency of tur- and Klinck, 2000; Allen and Durrieu de Mad- a few hours during each of the two events the bidity current occurrence (Barry et al., 2006) is ron, 2009) have advanced our understanding of transmissometer was blacked out (zero trans- not a robust assumption for the entire Monterey hydrodynamics and sediment transport in sub- mission), suggesting that the highest concentra- Canyon. A possible explanation for the scarcity marine canyons. Despite these advances some tion could have been much greater. of turbidity currents at site H is that some, or key questions related to water and sediment For most of the turbidity current data, where most, of the events observed in previous experi- fl ows in submarine canyons remain partially or direct measurements of sediment concentrations ments originated in places deeper than 255 m completely unanswered. Three of these ques- tions are discussed in the following.

Transmissometer Data, Monterey Canyon Mooring at 1445 m 4.1. Lagrangian Measurements 2.5 5 Nearly all fl ow measurements in submarine canyons are made with moorings at fi xed loca- tions; therefore, only Eulerian current patterns 2.0 4 are obtained from the time-series data. In stud- ies where mooring stations are far apart, these

Volts Eulerian fl ows, and in particular the mean , 1.5 3 fl ows, may suggest signifi cant convergences or divergences in the transport of water and sediments (Hunkins, 1988; Xu and Noble, 1.0 2 2009) that are not corroborated by physical

Transmission evidence, such as and/or Concentration, g/L Concentration, patterns or local bathymetrical changes. This 0.5 1 is because Eulerian means are fundamentally different from Lagrangian means, which are a truer representation of water particle motion. Eulerian means can arise from differential ver- 0 0 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 tical mixing in the bottom boundary layer dur- Dec ing up-canyon or down-canyon fl ow, from an 2002 asymmetry in the up-canyon and down-canyon Figure 4. Time series of measured light transmission (gray line) and converted sediment fl uctuation caused by the geometry of the can- concentration (dark line) during two turbidity current events. The data were measured yon, or from a net fl ow that balances a Rey- 10 m above canyon fl oor from a mooring deployed at 1445 m (site N; see Fig. 3) in Mon- nolds fl ux caused by the internal wave fi elds terey Canyon. Note that during the peak of each turbidity current, the transmissometer was (Butman, 1988). This residual Eulerian current blacked out (zero transmission) for several hours. may not indicate a net Lagrangian transport of

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water or sediment. Thus direct measurements to have a mechanism to periodically release a will continue for the foreseeable future unless of the Lagrangian fl ow are needed in order new fl oat package for needed redundancy. forecasting becomes attainable and to correctly estimate the water and sediment fi eld instruments are drastically improved. transport through submarine canyons. 4.2. Cause of Turbidity Currents In the meantime, research efforts can be It is still logistically diffi cult to measure focused on determining the sources of smaller Lagrangian currents in the fi eld. The work Piper and Normark (2009) summarized the scale, less destructive turbidity currents found strategy presented in Figure 5 is still just a con- initiation processes for turbidity currents into mostly in submarine canyons. Known trigger- cept. In a section of a submarine canyon that three categories: sediment failure due to earth- ing mechanisms include high discharge is relatively simple in bathymetry and curva- quake and other submarine processes, (Mulder and Syvitski, 1995; Khripounoff et ture, and also longer than the tidal excursion of direct fl ow of freshwater sediment-laden fl ows al., 2009), submarine landslides (Mastbergen the dominant frequency (e.g., M2), a series of (hyperpycnal fl ows), and and other and van den Berg, 2003; Johnson et al., 2005), acoustic transducers are deployed at predeter- oceanographic processes. The most spectacular storm waves (Inman et al., 1976; Xu et al., 2002, mined locations on both sidewalls of the can- and well-known modern-day turbidity current 2004, 2010), and cascading of dense shelf water yon. These transducers are used to track and is probably the event associated with the 1929 (Canals et al., 2006). Most of these studies are determine the position of a neutrally buoyant Grand Banks that cut submarine correlative in that they suggest, but do not prove, fl oat later released to the middle of the canyon cables on the slope (Heezen and Ewing, 1952). the sources and mechanisms. What remains to to mimic the water particle motion at a certain For the limited number of earthquake-generated be determined is the probability of, and mecha- depth. The transducers are deployed in such turbidity currents in the past century, all data nisms involved in, the generation of a turbidity a way that at all times at least three transduc- related to the speed or structure of the turbid- current either in parallel or in a sequential chain ers communicate with the acoustic fl oat so an ity currents were circumstantial or inferred from reaction. In the case of Monterey Canyon and accurate position of the fl oat can be triangu- events such as the destruction of communication other similar canyons on the U.S. west coast, lated. In theory, multiple fl oats of distinct fre- cables (Hsu et al., 2008). The physical struc- the temperate climate and lack of larger quencies and different buoyancies may be used tures in turbidity currents could not be observed directly connecting the canyons likely rule out simultaneously to represent the Lagrangian directly because earthquakes are not predictable. dense water cascading and high river discharge motion of different depths (or isopycnal lay- Flow-measuring instruments in the path of such as causes of turbidity currents in these can- ers). Because of the high possibility that the large-scale turbidity current are almost certain yons. induced by convergence fl oat package will get caught by canyon walls to be destroyed. The inability to directly observe of storm waves at the canyon head and pos- while moving along the canyon, it is prudent turbidity currents generated by earthquakes sible subsequent collapse of the rapidly depos- ited sediment pile (or ) are more likely the trigger of the observed turbidity currents. Inman et al. (1976) recognized that transducers surface waves set up a higher water level over the shelf than over the canyon head. This set- up differential generates a local circulation that moves water from the shelf toward the canyon neutrally buoyant float head. This effect is especially strong during storms, when higher wind and/or on both sides of the canyon generate longshore currents that converge on the canyon head. The majority of turbidity currents observed in Monterey Canyon were in fact correlated with local storm waves (Xu et al., 2004; Barry et al., 2006). A well-designed fi eld program, in which shelf and/or surf-zone processes and canyon currents are measured simultaneously, assisted by numerical modeling, should be able to shed light on how increased wave heights and water- level setup near the canyon head initiate turbid- ity currents in submarine canyons. Such fi eld measurements would include (1) wave sensors Plan View Side View from offshore, to the shelf, and to within the so the directional wave propagation Figure 5. Idealized sketch of how Lagrangian current is measured in a sub- could be characterized; (2) along- mea- marine canyon. The positions of the transducers (green diamonds) deployed surements of wave and water-level proper- on the sidewalls are known. Each transducer communicates to the transmit- ties on both sides of the canyon for estimat- ter inside the neutrally buoyant fl oat and records the travel time between ing wave-inducing setup as well as the littoral them. After recovery of the transducers, instantaneous positions of the fl oat sediment transport; (3) along-canyon moorings can be estimated by triangulating the distances between the fl oat and three that monitor the occurrences and measure the or more transducers at any moment. Lagrangian velocities can then be calcu- parameters of turbidity currents; (4) pre-event lated from the instantaneous positions. and post-event high-resolution mapping of the

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canyon head to detect the location and size of and Canyon Study (Butman, 1988) and similar Garcia, M., 1994, Depositional turbidity currents laden the collapse(s); and (5) measurements of geo- studies in Baltimore Canyon (Hunkins, 1988) with poorly sorted sediment: Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, v. 120, p. 1240–1263, doi: 10.1061/ technical properties (e.g., pore pressure) of the and Monterey Canyon. Clearly, advanced instru- ASCE0733–9429(1994120:11(1240). rapidly accumulated sediment deposit at the mentation and numerical and physical modeling Gardner, W.D., 1989, Periodic resuspension in Baltimore Canyon by focusing of internal waves: Journal of canyon head to help estimate the probability skills are to play key roles in such endeavors. 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