ILLINOIS ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BOARDS 2921 Baker Drive • Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929 Compiled by Deanna L. Sullivan, Director of Governmental Relations – 2017

This calendar contains references exclusively from the Illinois Compiled Statutes. Illinois state administrative agency regulations and federal law are not included. Parentheses ( ) indicate the applicable Illinois statute. Unless otherwise indicated, statutory references are to The School Code of Illinois, (105 ILCS 5/1-1 et seq.).

NOTE: Each school board shall annually prepare a calendar for the school term specifying the opening and closing dates and providing a minimum term of at least 185 days to insure 176 days of actual pupil attendance; provided that any of the four days allowed by law for teachers’ institute, but not used as such, shall increase the minimum term (of 176 days of actual attendance) by such days not used. The calendar for the school term and any changes must be submitted to and approved by the regional superintendent before the calendar or changes may take effect (Section 10-19 of The School Code).

SEPTEMBER 2017 OCTOBER 2017 The Truth in Taxation Act requires 4 – ; a legal school holiday. During October: During the month of boards of education to determine (not (24-2) October the quarterly meeting of less than 20 days prior to the adoption of the aggregate tax levy) the amount regional board of school trustees 11 – September 11th Day of of money to be raised by property Remembrance; a commemorative must be held. (6-18) taxes (35 ILCS 200/18-60). If the school holiday. (24-2) 1 – Sunday – Recycling Day; a estimate of the aggregate tax levy commemorative school holiday. exceeds 105 percent of the amount 20-22 – . extended the previous year, a public (24-2) hearing on the proposed tax levy must 22 – American Indian Day. (27-20) 1 – Sunday – Last day for school be held (35 ILCS 200/18-70). Notice 27-29 – Illinois Association of board to forward administrator of levy hearings must be published School Administrators Annual and teacher salary and benefits no more than 14 days nor less than Conference, Springfield. 7 days prior to the date of the public report to the ISBE. Report must hearing. (35 ILCS 200/18 et seq.) 29-30 – Saturday – . be posted on the school district’s website. (10-20.47) Beginning January 1, 2016 truth in 30 – Saturday – Last day on which taxation notice must be posted on regional superintendents and other 2 – On the first school day of October the school’s website if the website is maintained by the full-time staff of the persons paying money to school the Secretary of the board shall taxing district. (35 ILCS 200/18-75) treasurer shall notify, in writing, the report to the regional superinten- presidents of school trustees and dent and Secretary of State a list clerks and secretaries of school of students who have left school boards the dates and amounts of during the previous attendance quarter. (26-3a) 7 – Saturday – Iraq and Afghanistan money distributed to the school Veterans Remembrance Day; a 2 – Township treasurer reports and treasurer. (3-14.17) commemorative school holiday. submits his books to school trust- 30 – Saturday – This is the end of the (24-2) ees; also, makes semi-annual first quarter of the fiscal year in examination of each school dis- 9 – Leif Erickson Day. (27-19) most Illinois school districts and trict’s records. (8-14 and 8-17) the last day for the school board 9 – ; a legal school to adopt and file with the ISBE its 2 – In Class II counties (Cook): (1) holiday. (24-2) balanced budget for the 2017-2018 Quarterly meeting of township 9-13 – National School Lunch Week. fiscal year. (17-1) Within 30 days school trustees; (5-16) (2) town- of its adoption, the annual budget ship trustees make apportionment must be filed with the county clerk. and distribution of unused funds in (17-1 and 35 ILCS 200/18-50) permanent township fund. (5-17)

Page 1 of 5 15 – Sunday – Last day to submit 15 – Illinois School Board Members’ DECEMBER 2017 annual report to the ISBE disclos- Day. ing the number of teachers dis- 15 – Last day for regional superin- 1 – Deadline for the Reduction in missed or removed as a result of tendent to submit district annual Force (RIF) Joint Committee to the board’s decision to decrease financial reports and audits to the be established and begin its the number of teachers employed. ISBE. (3-7 and 3-15.1) meetings. (24-12) (10-20.26) 15 – Last day for school district to file 3 – Sunday – Illinois Statehood Day. 15 – Sunday – Last day for school with the ISBE, a one-page report 7 – Pearl Harbor Veterans’ Day; a district to present to the regional that lists the actual administrative commemorative school holiday. superintendent an original and expenditures for the prior year (24-2) one copy of the annual audit. (3-7) from the district’s audited Annual 10 – Sunday – Last day for the regional 15 – Sunday – Last day for township Financial Report, and the projected superintendent to certify to the school treasurer and school administrative expenses for the State Board of Elections a list of districts to file the annual report current year from the adopted each unit school district under his with the regional superintendent. budget. (17-1.5) or her supervision and a listing of (3-15.1) 13-17 – American Education Week. each county in which all or any 15 – Sunday – Last day for township 17-19 – Joint Annual Conference of part of each of those districts is land commissioners to file certified Illinois Association of School located. (3-1.1 and 6-5) annual audit with regional superin- Boards, Illinois Association of 12-20 – . tendent and ISBE. (15-27) School Administrators and Illinois 25 – Day; a legal school 15-17 – Illinois Principals Association Association of School Business holiday. (24-2) Annual Fall Conference, Officials; Hyatt Regency, Chicago. Springfield. 26 – The annual tax levy must be certi- 23 – Thanksgiving Day; a legal school fied by the school board and filed 16-20 – National School Bus Safety holiday. (24-2) with the county clerk on or before Week. 30 – Last day for publishing annual the last Tuesday in December. 31 – Last day for filing federal and state fiscal statement of school district, (17-11, 35 ILCS 200/18-15) income tax withholding reports commonly known as the “Annual and paying taxes due for quarter Statement of Affairs” (10-17). The ending September 30, 2017. report must be forwarded to the JANUARY 2018 ISBE and copies must be avail- able in the main administrative During January: During the month of NOVEMBER 2017 office of the district. January the quarterly meeting of Also – Last day to submit to the ISBE regional board of school trustees 1 – Last day for school district to the annual report on all contracts must be held. (6-18) submit to the state superinten- over $25,000 awarded by the Also – At the beginning of each cal- dent reimbursement claim for school district during the previous endar or fiscal year, the school summer school. (18-4.3) fiscal year. (10-20.44) board must give notice of its 5 – Sunday – Standard Time returns; NOTE: The statement shall be schedule of regular meetings, set clocks back one hour. prepared by the township school including dates, times and places. 10 – Korean War Veterans’ Day; a treasurer for those school districts Notice must include publication commemorative school holiday in Cook County that are under the on the school district’s website. (24-2) jurisdiction of township trustees/ (5 ILCS 120/2.02) treasurers. 11 – Saturday – Veterans’ Day; a legal 1 – New Year’s Day; a legal school school holiday. (24-2) holiday. (24-2) 2 – Last day for the school board to adopt resolutions putting public policy questions on the ballot at the March 20, 2018 General Primary Election. (10 ILCS 5/28-2) School board members, superintendents, building principals, heads of departments, NOTE: The local school board employees responsible for negotiating contracts amounting to $1000 or more, hearing election authority is responsible for officers, supervisors with authority over 20 or more employees, and any employee receiving and certifying petitions in a position that requires an administrative or chief business official certificate are and resolutions for referenda. required by law to file a statement of economic interests each calendar year. (10 ILCS 5/28-2 and 28-5) The statement must be filed, in a form provided by law, with the county clerk no later than May 1 each year. (Governmental Ethics Act, 5 ILCS 420/4A-101 et seq.) Anyone required to file the statement of economic interests may obtain a 30-day extension by filing with the county clerk or declaration of intent to defer the filing.

Page 2 of 5 2 – On the first school day of January FEBRUARY 2018 Schools. (24-2) the Secretary of the board shall 5 – Casimir Pulaski birthday obser- report to the regional superinten- 1 – Last day for district superintendent vance; a legal school holiday. dent and Secretary of State a list to certify to the county clerk the (24-2) of students who have left school names and addresses of school during the previous attendance employees who are required to 11 – Sunday – Daylight Savings Time quarter. (26-3a) file the statement of economic begins; set clocks ahead one hour. 8 – In Class II counties (Cook): (1) interests. (Governmental Ethics Quarterly meeting of township Act, 5 ILCS 420/4A-106) 20 – General Primary Election. (10 school trustees (5-16); (2) town- 1 – Last day that the RIF Joint ILCS 5/2A-1.1) ship trustees make apportion- Committee can reach agreement 29 – Vietnam War Veterans’ Day; ment and distribution of unused to apply the sequence of dismissal a commemorative school holiday. funds in permanent township for that school year. (24-12) (24-2) fund. (5-17) Also – Last day to distribute copies 30 – 11 – Last day for the board secretary of the education support 30-April 7 – . to certify public policy questions personnel sequence of dismissal to the election authority for ref- list to the exclusive bargaining erendum at the March 20, 2018 representative. (10-23.5) General Primary Election. (10 6 – Commemorative holiday honoring APRIL 2018 ILCS 5/28-5) Ronald Reagan. (5 ILCS 490/2) During April: During the month of April 15 – Last day for affected school 12 – Abraham Lincoln’s birthday; a the quarterly meeting of regional districts to file a petition with legal school holiday. (24-2) board of school trustees must be the regional superintendent to held. (6-18) opt out of the required summer 15 – Susan B. Anthony’s birthday; a food service program. commemorative school holiday. 1 – Sunday. (24-2) (105 ILCS 126/20) 1 – Sunday – Last day for the school 15 – Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday 15-17 – American Association board to give its superintendent observance; a legal school holiday. of School Administrators’ notice, in writing, if it intends not to (24-2) Conference, Nashville, renew his or her expiring employ- Tennessee. ment contract, stating the specific 28 – Sunday – Christa McAuliffe Day; reason therefore, unless the con- a commemorative school holiday tract specifically provides otherwise. (24-2) MARCH 2018 (10-21.4) 31 – Last day for filing federal and 2 – On the first school day of April the state income tax withholding 1 – Last day for evaluation of princi- Secretary of the board shall report reports and paying taxes due for pals or assistant principals holding to the regional superintendent and quarter ending December 31, a single-year contract or a prin- Secretary of State a list of stu- 2017. cipal in their final year of a multi- dents who have left school during year contract. (24A-15) the previous attendance quarter. 5 – Mayors’ Day; a commemora- (26-3a) tive holiday for Chicago Public 2 – In Class II counties (Cook): (1) Quarterly meeting of township school trustees (5-16); (2) town- ship trustees make apportion- from the school board must be served at least: (1) 45 Written notice to employees ment and distribution of unused days before the end of the school term upon a probationary teacher who is not being reemployed for the following school term, and (2) 45 days, along with a statement of funds in permanent township honorable dismissal and the reason therefor, before the end of the school term for both fund (5-17). tenured and probationary teachers who are being honorably discharged because of a 2 – Township treasurer reports and reduction in staff or discontinuation of a program. A sequence of honorable dismissal per 24-12 must be distributed to the exclusive bargaining representative at least 75 days submits his books to school trust- before the end of the school term. ees; also, makes semi-annual examination of each school dis- Also, at least 75 days before the end of the school term, a list (established in consul- tation with the exclusive bargaining representative) showing the length of continuing trict’s records. (8-14 and 8-17) service of each teacher, or a list showing an alternative method for determining the 7-9 – National School Boards sequence of dismissal established as provided in 24-12, must be distributed to the exclu- Association Annual Conference, sive bargaining representative. Any employee not properly notified is deemed re-em- San Antonio, Texas. ployed for the following year. (24-11 and 24-12) NOTE: Collective bargaining agreements and/or evaluation plans may have different 8-14 – National Library Week. notice requirements from that provided in statute. The employer should be careful to 27 – Arbor and Bird Day; a commemo- meet all relevant notice requirements. rative school holiday. (27-18)

Page 3 of 5 30 – Last day for filing federal and Also – At the beginning of each cal- state income tax withholding endar or fiscal year, the school The Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS reports and paying taxes due for board must give notice of its 120/2.06 requires that each school quarter ending March 31, 2018. schedule of regular meetings, board review minutes from all closed meetings semi-annually. At such including dates, times and places. meetings the board must determine Notice must include publication on the need for confidentiality for all or MAY 2018 the school district’s website. any part of those minutes or that the (5 ILCS 120/2.02) minutes or portions thereof no longer require confidential treatment and are 1 – Last day to file required Statement 1 – Sunday – First day of the fiscal available for public inspection. Action of Economic Interests with the year in most Illinois school dis- under this section must occur in an county clerk. (5 ILCS 420/4A-105) tricts. The board of education shall open session of the board. Although 7-11 – Teacher Appreciation Week. adopt and file with the ISBE an discussion of closed meeting minutes annual balanced budget within or may take place in a closed meeting, 7-11 – Illinois Law Week. (27-20.1) before the first quarter of the fiscal the board’s determinations must be reported in open session. 8 – National Teacher Day. year. (17-1) Within 30 days of its adoption, the annual budget must 3-4 – Illinois Association of School be filed with the county clerk. Business Officials Spring (17-1 and 35 ILCS 200/18-50) Conference, Schaumburg. 1 – Sunday – Last day to file with the 29 – Sunday – Last day for the region- 28 – observance; a legal State Board of Education atten- al superintendent to survey and school holiday. (24-2) dance figures, reporting them by inspect schools and notify each grade level*, for the school year school board, in writing, whether that began in the preceding cal- or not schools in their district have JUNE 2018 endar year. (18-8.05 (F) *PA 100- been kept as required by law 147, effective 1/1/18) under terms of state life-safety 14 – . standards. (3-14.21) 3 – Class II counties (Cook): (1) 30 – Last day on which township Quarterly meeting of township 31 – Last day for filing federal and treasurer shall deliver to region- school trustees (5-16); (2) town- state income tax withholding al superintendent a statement ship trustees make apportion- reports and paying taxes due for showing the condition of town- ment and distribution of unused quarter ending June 30, 2018. ship funds. (8-13) funds in permanent township 30 – Saturday – End of fiscal year for fund (5-17). most school districts. 4 – Independence Day; a legal school AUGUST 2018 30 – Saturday – Effective date of the holiday. (24-2) Before the 30th day of the school annual school audit. (3-7) 7 – Saturday – Secretary or clerk of year: School districts must report the school board shall file annual Also – Last day for school districts certain student assessment infor- statistical report with the treasurer. to determine and post or keep mation using a form developed by (10-8) available for public inspection the the ISBE. (22-82) prevailing wage statement. (820 15 – Sunday – Last day for school dis- 1 – Last day to file with the regional ILCS 130/9) tricts to file a certified copy of the superintendent a list of all unfilled prevailing wage statement with teaching positions in the district. the Illinois Department of Labor. (10-20.27) JULY 2018 (820 ILCS 130/9) 1 – Last day for high school boards 15 – Sunday – Last day for submitting to certify to the non-high school During July: During the month of July, to regional superintendent a state- board the estimated amount of township land commissioners ment of condition of schools within tuition charges for the succeeding must have an audit of the funds each township during previous fis- school year. (12-22) under their jurisdiction. (15-27) cal year. As a practical matter this Also – During the month of July the requirement only applies to school 14 – Last day for school boards to quarterly meeting of regional districts in Cook County sharing a forward a detailed statement of board of school trustees must be relationship with a township treasur- the moneys contributed to the held. (6-18) er or trustee. (5-18) Teachers’ Retirement System, including any additional contri- 15 – Sunday – Last day for the school Also – The first school day in July the butions due the System, to the district to certify to the State Secretary of the school board shall secretary of the System. (40 ILCS Superintendent of Education report to the regional superinten- 5/16-155) dent and Secretary of State a list claim for tuition for children from of students who have left school orphanages and children’s homes. during the previous attendance (18-3) quarter. (26-3a)

Page 4 of 5 15 – Last day for school district to transmit claims to the State This calendar is published for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for Board of Education for extraordi- legal advice from the school district legal counsel. IASB does not guarantee this calen- nary special education services. dar’s accuracy and will not be responsible for damages caused by reliance on it. (14-7.02) 15 – Last day for the school district to transmit claims for special education costs with the State 30 – Last day for the board secretary to 18-19 –Yom Kippur. Superintendent of Education. (14- certify public policy questions to the 28 – American Indian Day. (27-20) 12.01) election authority for referendum at the November 6, 2018 General 30 – Sunday – Last day on which 15 – Last day to submit certification of Election. (10 ILCS 5/28-5) regional superintendents and all student transportation claims other persons paying money to for reimbursement for the school 31 – Last day for regional superintendent school treasurer shall notify, in year ending June 30 to the State to file with the ISBE an affidavit writing, the presidents of school Superintendent of Education. (29-5) showing which treasurers of school trustees and clerks and secretar- districts are properly bonded. ies of school boards the dates and 20 – Last day for the school board to (3-8 and 8-2) adopt resolutions putting public amounts of money distributed to policy questions on the ballot at the school treasurer. (3-14.17) the November 6, 2018 General SEPTEMBER 2018 30 – Sunday – This is the end of the Election. (10 ILCS 5/28-2) first quarter of the fiscal year in NOTE: The local school board 3 – Labor Day; a legal school holiday. most Illinois school districts and election authority is responsible for (24-2) the last day for the school board to adopt and file with the ISBE its receiving and certifying petitions 9-11 – Sunday – Rosh Hashanah. and resolutions for referenda. balanced budget for the 2017-2018 (10 ILCS 5/28-2 and 28-5) 11 – September 11th Day of fiscal year. (17-1) Within 30 days Remembrance; a commemorative of its adoption, the annual budget school holiday. (24-2) must be filed with the county clerk. (17-1 and 35 ILCS 200/18-50)

2921 Baker Drive Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929

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