CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E604 HON
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E604 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 4, 2021 Guo, Sofia Montelibano, Polina Novikova, Throughout her years of public service, Western Europe, signaled the death knell of Makenzie Sing, Lillian Spencer, Melaina Connie has dedicated herself to moving Indi- the German Wehrmacht, and paved the way Thompson, Margaret Tracht, Yutaka Tomokio, ana forward. She was elected to the Indiana to unconditional victory by the Allied Forces Annika Vaughan, Colleen Vine, and Nathan State Senate in 1996, and, in 2006, she be- over the evils of Nazism, fascism, and Japa- Weaver; and from South Fayette High School, came the first woman to serve as Senate Ma- nese imperialism. Zoe McCoy. jority Floor Leader. In 2012, she was ap- It is no exaggeration to say that D-Day I would like to thank these impressive young pointed to serve as Indiana’s 61st Secretary of changed the course of human history. artists for allowing us to share and celebrate State. In these roles, she worked tirelessly to The aim of the meticulously planned D-Day their talents, imagination, and creativity. The strengthen our communities and advance op- operation was to open a second front in the efforts of these students in expressing them- portunities for future generations. Connie truly European war theater from which the Allied selves in a powerful and positive manner are made our state a better place for Hoosiers to Forces could attack the German army and no less than spectacular. live, work, and thrive. push east to capture Berlin. I hope that all of these individuals continue I am grateful to have worked with Connie on With the Russian Army advancing from the to utilize their artistic talents, and I wish them behalf of our state’s businesses, workers, fam- east, coupled with the southern front opened all the best of luck in their future endeavors. ilies, and voters. Her strong conservative val- by the Allied invasion of Italy from North Africa f ues and Hoosier common sense have helped in 1942, the opening of a western front would bring Indiana’s businesses into the 21st cen- set in motion the pincer movement that would RECOGNIZING WARD TRANSPORT tury and ensured our elections remained free, catch the German Army in a trap from which & LOGISTICS fair, and secure. Her unmatched leadership, there would be no escape. tenacity, and integrity, both in the Indiana Sen- The formidable German Army expected that HON. JOHN JOYCE ate and as Secretary of State, have helped the Allied Forces would try to launch an inva- OF PENNSYLVANIA secure Indiana’s status as an economic pow- sion from the western beaches of France. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES erhouse. With a AAA credit rating, fiscally re- They just did not know when or where. So, in anticipation of an Allied invasion, the Friday, June 4, 2021 sponsible budget, and low unemployment rate, our state is among the best places in the Nazis constructed the infamous Atlantic Wall, Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Madam Speak- country to start and grow a business. an extensive system of coastal fortifications er, I rise today to recognize Ward Transport & Governor Eric Holcomb has dubbed Connie built along the western coast of Europe and Logistics for its longstanding dedication to our ‘‘Indiana’s own Iron Lady,’’ and I couldn’t Scandinavia. central Pennsylvania community as it cele- agree more. She is a true patriot with a serv- Under the direction of Field Marshal Rom- brates 90 years of service. For decades, this ant’s heart, and her passion for helping her mel, the Atlantic Wall was reinforced by the nationally recognized trucking company has fellow Hoosiers has always been clear. I have addition of concrete pillboxes built along the been instrumental in supplying and sustaining no doubt her legacy will last far into the future. beaches to house machine guns, antitank our local economy. Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join guns and light artillery. Since W. W. Ward founded the company in me in thanking Indiana’s 61st Secretary of Mines and antitank obstacles were planted 1931, Ward Transport & Logistics has grown State Connie Lawson for her lifelong commit- on the beaches themselves and underwater substantially and now operates 20 locations ment to serving our communities. On behalf of obstacles and mines were placed in waters across the northeastern United States. This 2nd District Hoosiers, I wish her the best as just offshore. success is testament to the hard work and she embarks on this next chapter in life. By the time of the D-Day landing, the Nazis dedication of the Ward family. Ninety years f had laid almost six million mines in northern later, Ward Transport & Logistics is now led France. by the fourth generation of the Ward family COMMEMORATING THE 77TH ANNI- And awaiting Allied soldiers who made their and it employs more than 1,400 workers in VERSARY OF D-DAY AND RE- way onto and away from the beaches were Pennsylvania and beyond. MEMBERING THE MEMBERS OF gun emplacements and minefields extended As the company has expanded, its commu- THE GREATEST GENERATION inland. nity outreach also has grown. Ward Hearts & WHO SAVED FREEDOM IN THE ‘‘War is hell,’’ said General William Tecum- Hands is a volunteer program overseen by WORLD seh Sherman during the Civil War. employees with a heart for service. Their work And that is an apt description of what await- to support critical community projects includes HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE ed the brave Allied warriors who set sail from setting up charity events, serving meals and OF TEXAS England to the beaches of Normandy in the partnering with local food banks, delivering IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES early morning of June 6, 1944, at the begin- supplies to elderly members of the Blair Coun- ning of what has rightly been called ‘‘The Friday, June 4, 2021 ty community, and fostering a children’s men- Longest Day.’’ toring program to grow the next generation of Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, to- But they were buoyed in their resolve by the talent in our community. morrow, June 6, marks the 77th anniversary of millions of prayers from Americans and others Throughout their work to provide essential D-Day, the Allied Forces’ audacious amphib- back home, of all races, religions, and creeds, services, Ward Transport & Logistics has gone ious landing at Normandy, France, on June 6, invoking the Lord’s blessing, mercy, and above and beyond in support of the Blair 1944. grace. County community. As the Ward family and This joint undertaking to liberate the con- With the outcome in doubt, President Frank- their entire team celebrate 90 years of service, tinent of Europe from the clutches of an evil lin Roosevelt asked the nation to join him in I congratulate Ward Transport & Logistics on aggressor enemy was the first and most em- this solemn prayer: this outstanding legacy and wish them contin- phatic demonstration of the invincible strength ‘‘Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our na- ued success. of democratic nations when acting collectively. tion, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our f For more than 70 years, peace in Europe has been secured and no adversary, not the Republic, our religion, and our civiliza- CONGRATULATING INDIANA SEC- old Soviet Union or the contemporary Russian tion, and to set free a suffering human- ity. RETARY OF STATE CONNIE Federation, has dared to risk war by attacking LAWSON ON HER RETIREMENT ‘‘Lead them straight and true; give strength a European ally of the United States because to their arms, stoutness to their every American president has made clear that hearts, steadfastness in their faith. HON. JACKIE WALORSKI the United States is committed to Article V of ‘‘They will need Thy blessings. OF INDIANA the North Atlantic Treaty which holds that an ‘‘For these men are lately drawn from the ways of peace. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES attack on any NATO member is regarded as an attack on all of them. ‘‘They fight not for the lust of conquest. Friday, June 4, 2021 Madam Speaker, Operation Overlord, as D- ‘‘They fight to end conquest. ‘‘They fight to liberate. Mrs. WALORSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise Day was formally known, was the largest sin- ‘‘They fight to let justice arise, and toler- today to congratulate former Indiana Secretary gle amphibious assault in the history of war- ance and goodwill among all Thy peo- of State Connie Lawson on her recent retire- fare. ple. ment and to thank her for many years of dedi- The success of D-Day, which was far from ‘‘They yearn but for the end of battle, for cated service to Hoosiers. certain at the outset, led to the liberation of their return to the haven of home.’’ VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:59 Jun 05, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A04JN8.011 E04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS June 4, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E605 The prayers were needed because the cost bethtown Community Hospital and the hospital RECOGNIZING THE RETIREMENT of D-Day was high; U.S. casualties on D-Day in Ticonderoga 5 years ago. Since then, John OF COLONEL GERALD ‘‘JERRY’’ totaled more than 2,499 dead, 3,184 wound- has helped the hospital through renovations, LUKOWSKI JR ed, 1,928 missing, and 26 captured. additions, and restructuring. He has shown Our British and Canadian allies suffered ter- steadfast leadership in the face of great chal- HON. JOE COURTNEY rible losses on D-Day as well: approximately lenges, most notably throughout the OF CONNECTICUT 2,700 for the British and 946 for the Cana- Coronavirus Pandemic.