SENATE 3187 Ray W
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1950 CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD-SENATE 3187 Ray W. Seiwert Cliffiord L. Stewart Lester A. Van Rooy Carl F. Wlesendanger Roy C. Sell, Jr. "J" "T" Usey, Jr. Lloyd E. Sellman Ernest L. Stewart Vie J. Vaughan James R. Wiggins William H. Sigman Hoyt C. Watkins Lyle H. Sette William S. Stewart Patrick A. C. Verdon Jqseph H. Wilberding Donald G. Silvis Malcolm S. Weir Andrew R. Setzer III · Joseph W. Vessella Lawrence A. Wilder Donald J. Sirdevan Bradford Wells Glenn M. Shaffer Howard H. Stine Anthony L. Vincelett: Tracy H. Wilder, Jr. Gerald L. Smith John B. Wells William C. Shalag Morris E. Stith Vinton C. Vint Johnnie J. Wilkes Hugh J. Smith Harold J. Werst, Jr. Edward J. Shanley Mason L. Stitt Clinton J. Violette Harlan D. Williams Raymond J. Smith James E. Westfall Harry M. Sharp William A. Stone Wayne F. Vollmer Henry J. W1lliams Luther Stephenson Robert B. Williama, Joseph· E. Shaw Graydon T. Stout Victor M. Vissering, Jr.Joe Williams, Jr. George T; Strong Jr. John Shea Lawrence B. Streiff Kenneth W. Wade Paul H. Williams Harry W. Summers Berry D. Willis, Jr. Albert J. Shearn William W. Strong Adrian D. Wagner Robert B. Williams Henry F. Surles, Jr. Joseph H. Wilson, Jr. Doniphan B. Shelton John 0. Stull Theodore_ A. Wagner, Robert E. Williams Cecil 0. Taylor Edgar Wrenn, Jr. Alan B. Shepard, Jr. James L. Sturgeon Jr. Richard E. Williamson Ellsworth Thiem John J. Wright William B. Shepard, James W. Sturgis John F. Walker William T. Wilroy Allen L. Trecartin Leonidas R. Wright Jr. Tom E. Bulick John R. D. Walker Daniel G. Wilshin, Jr. Lawrence F. Twoomey Ronald Sherfy James M. Sullenger Marvin J. Walker Dick G. Wilson Grady w. Sherley Harold H. Sullivan Luther B. Wallace Embree D. Wilson, Jr. Robert O. Sherman John L. Sullivan, Jr. William J. Walsh Frederick G. Wilson Charles Sh·erwood Joseph W. Sullivan Clifford c. Walstrom Gerald H. Wilson Harold L. Shipley, Jr. Will R. Sutherland Joseph F. Walters Harry A. Wilson, Jr. SENATE Richard M. Shively, Jr. Gustaf Swainson, Jr. Marshall D. Ward Herbert B. Wilson Clayton H. Shoemaker Chandler E. Swallow, Leslie B. Ware Irving G. Wilson' MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1950 Alvin L. Short Jr. Robert L. Warner Jenning B. Wilson, Jr. William L. Shull John A. Swank Robert D. Warren Oscar M. Wilson, Jr. <Legislative day of Wednesday, March John H. Sieckenius . George R. Swearingen Robert M. Waters Ronald o. Wilson 8, 1950) Henderson G. Silliman Robert A, Swensen Charles R. Watson Victor E. Wilson William A. Simcox Robert E. Swigart Fred C. Watson Devon F. Winslow The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, Wilbur N. Sims Arthur T. Swirsky, Robert H. Watson, Jr. James H. Wirth on the expiration of the recess. William H. Simpson, Jr. Joe W. Watts John P. Wise The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Jr. Clyde W. Sylv~ster Curtis A. Weaver Eugene R. Wiseman Michael Skees Alphonse J. Szikney Marvin V. Weaver Ellis L. wood Harris, D. D., offered the following Roger E. Skjei George L. Tait Arthur J. Webb Herman N. Wood prayer: Allan P. Slaff Robert J. Tartre Howard T. Webb, Jr. Robert c. Wood Eternal God, amid the darkness in Tison E. Slayton J~mes E. Tarver Mi:tx R. Webb Fred K. Woodburn Allen W. Slifer Lige Tatone William L. Webb Stephen R. Woolard which our sad world lieth, where hatred Daniel J. Slosser Arnett B. Taylor George H. 'Yebster Carson R. Worley and tyranny still contend with good will Barclay W. Smith Donald W. Taylor Jack W. Weidner Francis J. Wright and decency for the mastery of men's Edwin P. Smith Harold A. Taylor Eugene J. ~einbeck James R. Wright bodies and minds, may we steadfastly Ernest E. Smith Grover W. Taylor John A. Weminger Marshall L Yager believe that the morning of a better day Ernest 0. Smith James B. Taylor . Rd "B" Wells Charles F. Yarbrough cometh. For light enough to walk by Hubert W. Smith Thaddeus M. Taylor · John F. Wester Carl H. Yeagle through dark days, for inner strength to John M Smith Warren Taylor Raymond D. Westfall Elmer w. Ylitalo · . Walter N. Temple carry heavy burdens, for uncompromised Lawrence N. Smith John A. Tennant Roland F. Weyland Donald c. Yockers courage to dare policies with no partisan Lawrence R. _Smith Samuels. Terwilliger Raymond C. Whalin John E. Yost Lewis 0. Smith J ' Covert P. White Earle B. Young advantage, for eyes to discern the truth . Paul A. Smith Ho~er B. Thomas, Jr. Edward C. White George L. Young and fearlessly follow it, we lift up our Raymond D. S~ith Guy E. Thompson John N. White Wesley B. Young, Jr. hearts to Thee, help of the helpless. Robert B. Sm~th James c. Thompson Robert F. White Lando w. Zech, Jr. Breathe upon us now Thy benediction Russell L. Smi~h Jerrold w. Thompson Thomas Whychell William T. Zeigler that we may march on as valiant pilgrims Stanley E. Smith Mason E. Thompson George W; Wiedinger Edward F. Zenisek Robert E. Wiegand Donald H. Ziebell sustained by the confident hope that the Wayne R. ~mith Vernon Thompson kingdoms of this world shall become the Edward Smcer Woodrow w. Thomp- FOR PERMANENT APPOINTMENT IN THE NAVY Baird Snyder, Jr. son kingdom of Thy radiant love. Amen. Eudora L. Beadle Violetta L. Johnson Joseph E. Snyder, Jr. Albert H. Thornton Mary C. Bellas Marguerite H. Kiernan THE JOURNAL Joseph M. Snyder, Jr. Richard F. Thorpe Jean D. Gallagher Mary E. Lardner On request of Mr. LucAs, and by unani Edward J. Socha George K. Tilley Elizabeth S. Harrison Muriel J. Lewis Willis L. Somervell, James L. Tillman Helen M. Horne Margaret M. Polatty mous consent, the reading of the Journal Jr. William F. Tobin, Jr. of the proceedings of Friday, March 10, Joseph F. Bowar Edward A. 't'oczko FOR TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT IN THE NAVAL 1950, was dispensed with. Leighton Spadone Leslie L. Tomlinson RESERVE Eugene H. Spangler Owen A. Toon Louis F. Abel Frederick D. Hooks MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Clarence E. Sparks J Harvey E. Toponce Dean D. Abbott Horace N. Hubbs, Jr. APPROVAL OF BILLS Warren G. Sparks Frank L. Tracy Robert C. Amirault Clark W. Hunt Joachim F. Speciale Gilbert L. Tracy Shelby W. Ard Corwin F. Jennings Messages in writing from the President Erwin J. Spencer Wilbur c. Trautman, Charlie H. Barfield Harold N. Klenk of the United States were communicated Franklyn :..-t. Sperberg Jr. George A. Belleau Charles R. Knutson to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his Morris K. Spiess William J. Traynor George B. Bird, Jr. Gerald J. Krueger secretaries, and he announced that the Richard H. Spindler Mark G. Tremaine Charles H. Brennan, Jr.Bonar D. Law President had approved and signed the Curtiss Sprague, Jr. Alfred G. Tn:be, Jr. Frank P. Bradburn Alba E. Leno, Jr. following acts: Dean H. Stafford Roger D. Trumbo Leo M. Broha John C. Leslie Hugh K. Staiger Louis Turansky Frederick M. Brown, Jr.Edwin M. Logan On March 10, 1950: Robert F. Stanton James P. Turman "T" "B" Bundy Peter E. Lunaas S. 1394. An act for the relief of Monroe Herman J. Stansell, Jr. Charles A. Turner Milford C. Button Ralph E. Lyford, Jr. Kelly, rear admiral, United States Navy, re Charles E. Starns, Jr. Milton J. Turner Raymond P. Calcagne ·James W. Maddox tired; Beverly D. Staser William w. Turner W1lliam D. Carlson Wilfred J. Monk S. 1447. An act for the relief of John M. George P. Steele II Jack L. Twedell Hugo Carozza . Donald L. Mullin Hart; Robert D. Steele Murrel D. Twibell James P. Cawley Floyd L. Mullinix S. 2364. An act to provide for the ut1llza Roy M. Steele Ellery E. Tyler Thomas M. Clark Francis P. McElroy tion as a national cemetery of surplus Army Lucius E. Steere III Robert E. Tyler William A. Clement John J. McGarvey Department-owned military real property at Ralph W. Stell, Jr. John H. Underwood, Kenneth M. Crider Jack D. McQuaig Fort Logan, Colo.; William E. Cross Raymond J. Petrash Albert A. Steinbeck Jr. S. 2436. An act to amend the act entitled Leonard D. Stephens Richard L. Underwood James A. C'usick Marion F. Pierceall Lee S. Dolson, Jr. John W. Reagan "An act to authorize the construction, pro Theodore B. Stephens John E. Unger, Jr. tection, operation, and maintenance of pub Cameron N. Stephen- John Urquhart Roy B. Duck Julian B. Rhodes Richard F. Forbes William T. Riordan lic airports in the Territory of Alaska"; and son Howard J. Ursettie S. 2541. An act to amend the act entitled Cl:~~nce B. Stephen- Thomas F. Utegaard Paul E. Geyer Frank R. Romeka. George J. Haluska. Ivan W. Rowley "An act io establish a Department of Medi· William v. Steute- Charles J. Van Brunt Merle V. Halverson Todd D. Rudd cine and Surgery in the Veterans' Adminis· ville Arthur J. Vanek Thomas E. Hand Lowell w. Rund tration," approved January 8, 1946, as William W. Stevens f .rthur J. Vanek Paul M. Harbaugh Anthony Ruoti amended, to extend the period for which em Robert J. Stevenson, Merton D . .Vanorden Orval H. Hancock George H. Ryari ployees may be detailed for training and re Jr. Willis B. Vanoss Samuel C. Holladay Rohert B. Schoonard search, and for other purposes. 3188 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCH 13 On March 11, 1950: Committee on Labor and Public Welfare throughout the Middle West. Now, un S. 1413. An act for the relief of Maria Mar was authorized to sit this afternoon dur fortunately, Congress has passed this un garete Otto.