Educating Communities for a Sustainable Future – Do Large-Scale Sporting Events Have a Role?
Educating communities for a sustainable future – Do large-scale sporting events have a role? Robert James Harris BA, MBus., Dip. Teach. i Educating communities for a sustainable future – Do large-scale sporting events have a role? Robert James Harris BA, MBus., Dip. Teach. Being a thesis submitted to the University of Technology, Sydney in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Doctor of Education, June 2010 ii Certificate of Authorship and Originality I certify that the work in this thesis has not previously been submitted for a degree nor has it been submitted as part of the requirements of a degree and that the work is the original work of the candidate except where sources are acknowledged. Signature............................................................................................................ iii Acknowledgements I am grateful to the people whose support made the writing of this thesis possible. In particular I wish to thank the following: First and foremost, I would like to thank the case study informants who generously gave of their time, and provided their recollections and forthright perspectives on the process of leveraging either the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games or Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games for education for sustainable development purposes. I am deeply indebted to my supervisor Professor David Boud and co-supervisor Professor Christine Toohey, who provided guidance, support and professional mentoring over an extended period. I am particularly indebted to David for his ability to steer this study in an area where research was absent, his efforts to encourage critical self-reflection, and his ability to find time when there likely wasn’t any to quickly turn around material that was submitted.
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