Sun TV NETWORK LIMITED Murasoli Marantowers, 73, MRC Nagarmain Road, MRC Nagar,Chennai -600 028, India

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Sun TV NETWORK LIMITED Murasoli Marantowers, 73, MRC Nagarmain Road, MRC Nagar,Chennai -600 028, India ¢ SuN TV NETWORK LIMITED Murasoli MaranTowers, 73, MRC NagarMain Road, MRC Nagar,Chennai -600 028, India. SUN Tel: +91-44-44676767, Fax: +91-44-40676161 GROUP CIN.: L22110TN1985PLC012491 Sun TV Network Limited Regd office : Muraso li Maran Towers, 73, MRC Nagar Main Road, MRC Nagar , Chenna i - 600 028 1) C IN: L22110T N198 5PL COl249 1 Email: tvinfo@lsunnetwork .in;www -·iuiin STATEMENT Of STAN DALOl'iE FINANC IA L RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER ANO YEAR ENDED MARCH 3 1, 2021 Quarter t:nded Year Ended Decembe r 3 1. March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 March 31, 2021 Marc h 31, 2020 S.No Pa rticu la rs 2020 Audited Audi ted Unaudited Audited Audi ted lt efe r Note 9 Refer Note 9 I Revenue from Operations 781.99 972 .34 735 . 16 3, 116.59 3,40 4.4 2 2 Other Income 50.59 62 .10 57.03 271.44 248 .93 3 Total Incom e (1+2) 832.58 1,034.44 792.19 3,388.03 3,653.35 4 Expenses (a) Operating expenses 113.36 122.39 92.20 40303 499 .24 (b) IPL Franchise Fees - 41.39 - 51.07 46.3 1 (c) Employee benefits expense 66 .97 67.25 73.11 279.69 292.39 (d) Depreciation and Amortisation expense 76 .62 68.70 232.83 382.06 679 .33 (e) Finance Costs 17. 18 1.46 1.86 21.97 7.78 ( f) Other Expenses 54.87 140.63 66.34 315.40 330.42 Total Expenses 329.00 441.82 466 .34 1,453.22 1,855.47 s Profit Before Tax (3 - 4) 503. 58 592.62 325.85 1,934 .81 1,797.88 6 Tax Expenses (a) Current tax 106.36 147.19 98.00 46 2.88 446.5 1 (b)Ta,e s relating to earlier years 373 .64 373.64 (c) Deferred tax (426 .30) 3.6 1 (22.15) (-122. 12) (20 .46) Total 53.70 ISO.SO 75.85 414 .40 426.0S 7 Profit after tax (5 - 6) 449.88 441.82 2~0.00 1,520.41 1,371.83 8 Other Co mprehensive Income for the period Items not to be reclass ified to profit or loss in subsequent periods: Remeasurement gains and (losses) on defined beneli1ob ligations (net of taxes) 1.98 (0 .15) 0 .0-1 1.53 (054 ) 9 Total Comp rehensi,·e income for the per iod (7 + 8) 451.86 44 1.67 250 .04 1,521.94 1,371.29 to Paid-up equity share capital ( Face value of Rs.5.00 /- each) 197.04 197.04 197.0 4 1970-1 197.04 II Reserves excluding revaluation reserve~ ( i.e. Other Equity) 6,75 1.95 5,427 .05 12 Eamings per share ( Fac,e value of Rs.5.00 /- eac h ) - Basic and Diluted - in Rs. 11.42 11.11 6.34 38.58 34.81 Not Annualis ed Page I of 4 ¥ SuN TV NETWORK LIMITED MurasoliMaran Towers, 73, MRC NagarMain Road, MRC Nagar,Chennai - 600 028, India. SUN Tel: +91-44-44676767, Fax: +91-44-40676161 GROUP GIN.:L22110TN1985PLC012491 Sun TV Network Limited Regd office : Murasoli Mara n Towers, 73, MRC Nagar Main Road, MRC Nagar , Che nnai - 600 028 auNTV~ CIN : L221 IOTN 198SPLC0l2491 Emai l :tv;www.suntv .in NSTWO""- Noles I STANDALONE STATEMENT OF'ASSETS AND LIABI LITIES Rs in crorcs As at March 31, 2021 As at March 31, 2020 S.No Particulars Audited Audited ASSETS I Non - Current assets (a) Property, Plant and Equipment 585. 16 63178 (b) Capita l work-in-prog ress 146.27 66.25 (c) Investment Properties 7.79 8.28 (d) Other intangible assets 138.74 250. 15 (e) Right to use assets 36.06 56.07 (f) Investment in Subsidiary/ Join t Ventures 713.55 7 1355 (g) Financial Assets - Investments 657.32 277.49 - Other financia l assets 44.33 11.06 (h) Non current tax assets (net) . 7308 (i) Deferred tax assets (net) 336.98 . U) Other non cur rent assets 163.59 207.89 Total Non - curre nt assets 2,829 .79 2,295.60 2 Current assets (a) Financial assets - Inve .stmen ts 2,393.25 1,957.94 - Trade receivables 1,394.4 1 1,309.98 - Cash and Cash equiva lents 461 .28 402.48 - Bank balances othe r than cash and cash equivalents 414.02 12634 - Othe r financial assets 250.96 185.46 (b) Othe r current assets 33.97 38 86 Total cur rent assets 4,947.89 4,021.06 T0TALA$SETS (I + 2) 7,777 .68 6,316.66 EQUITYAND LIABILITIES I Equity (a) Equity Share Capital 197.04 197.04 (b) Other equ ity 6,751.95 5.427.05 Total Equity 6,948.99 5,624.09 2 Liabilities Non Current liabilities (a} Financial liabilities - Trade payables . - Other financial liabilities 2175 42.73 (b) Government grants 3.33 3.89 (c) Deferred tax liabilities (net) 85. 14 Total Non - current liabilities 25.08 131.76 3 Current liabilitie s (a) Financ ial liabilities - Trade payables 259.43 277.18 - Other current financial liabilities 215.04 212.61 (b) Government grants 0.56 064 (c) Short tenn provisions 240.22 20.87 (d} Othe r current liabilities 88.36 49.5 1 Total current liabilitie s 803 .61 560.81 TOTAL EQUITYAND LIABILITIES (I+ 2+ 3) 7,777.68 6,316.66 Page .2 of 4 ¢ SuN TV NETWORK LtMITED MurasoliMaran Towers , 73, MRC NagarMain Road, MRC Nagar, Chennai- 600028, India. SUN Tel: +91-44-44676767 , Fax: +91-44-40676161 Email: GROUP CIN.: L22110TN1985PLC012491 Sun TV Network Lim ired Regd office: Murasoli Maran Towers, 73, MRC Nagar Main Road, MRC Nagar, Chennai - 600 028 CIN : L22110TNl985PLC012491 Ema il: tvinfo(@sunnetwork. in; 1. STANDALONE STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARC/131, 101/ Rs in crore.s Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 Audited Audited Cas h flow from operating activities Net profit before tax and exce1>1ional item s 1,934.81 1,797.88 Adjustments to reconcile profit before tax to net cash flows: Depreciation on property, plant and equipment and investment properties 94.81 88.70 Amortisation of intangible assets 287.25 590.63 (Profit)/ Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment 048 0.12 TranslaJion loss/ (gain) on monetary assets and liabilities 7.31 (9.42) lmpainnent allowance (allowance for bad and doubtful debts / movie advance and other advances) 46.89 32.41 Provision for litigations and claims (0.66) 1.33 Bad debts wrinen off 4.39 8.13 Liabilities/ provisions no longer required wrinen back ( 14.39) (0.8 4) Interest income (8007 ) (44.02 ) Deferral of 0TH Revenue 6.29 11.09 Export incentives (Government grants) (27.00) (0.78) Dividend income / Net gain on sale of current inveslments (85. 15) (175.8 1) Fair value gain on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss (59.95) (9.67) Finance cost 21.97 7.78 Operating profit before working capital changes 2,136.98 2,297.53 Movements in working capital : (Increase)/ Decrease in trade receivables ( 141.34) (263.53) (Increase)/ Decrease in inventories - 0.24 {Increase)/ Decrease in other current assets/other financial assets (37.05) ( 15.09) (Increase) / Decrease in loans and advances 2.74 3.37 Increase / (Decrease) in trade payables and other liabilities/other linancial liabilities 2 1.41 11.02 Increase / (Decrease) in provisions (0.40 2.17 Cash generated from operations 1,982.34 2,035.71 Direct taxes paid (net of refunds) 1537.94' (425 3T Net cash flow from operating activities (A) 1,444.40 1,610.34 Cash now from investing activities Paymenl ror Purchase of PP&E, investment properties and capital work in progress (including capital advances) (22.97) (28.99) Payment for purchase of intangible assets ( including advanc es paid for purchase / production of movies ) (210.52 ) (629.48) Payment for purchase of financial instruments (current investments) (1, 155.00) ( 1,554.00) Proceeds from sale of financial instruments (current investments) 828.73 1,704.89 Proceeds from sale of Property, Plant & Equipment ( PP&E) 4.44 0.56 Proceeds from maturity of Non current investments 60.48 8.21 Payment for purchase of Non - current investments (492.86) (50.00) Term deposits placed with banks during the year (42 1.99) (125.87) Tem1deposits refunded from banks during the year 125.87 95.86 Interest received (finance income) 56.82 35.56 Dividend income / Net gain on sale of current investments 85.15 175.81 Net c.ash tused in) investing activities (B) (1,141.85) (367..t5) Page3 of 4 ¢ SuN TV NETWORK LIMITED Murasoli MaranTowers , 73, MRC Nagar MainRoad , MRC Nagar, Chennai - 600 028, India. SUN Tel: +91-44-44676767, Fax: +91-44-40676161 Email:tvinfo@sunnetwork .in GROUP Website:www CIN.: L22110TN1985PLC012491 Sun TV Network Limited Regd office: Murasoli Maran Towers, 73, MRC Nagar Main Road, MRC Nagar, Chcnnai - 600 028 CIN : L22110TNl985PLC012491 Email:tvinfo@s;w Rs in crores Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 Audited Audited Cash flow from financing activities Proceeds from Short term borrowings 37.00 280.21 Repayment of Short term borrowings (37.00) (280.21) Repayment of lease liabilities (30.12) (28.41) Interim Dividend Paid (197.0.J) (985.21) Tax on interim dividend paid - (202.51) Interest paid (finance cost) ( 16.33) (0.65) Net cash (used in) financi ng activities (C) (243.49) (1,216.78) Exchange differences on translation of foreign currency cash and cash equivalents (D) ( 0.~6) 1.67 Net (decrease)/ increase in cash and cash equh·alents (A+ B+C+D) 58.80 27.78 Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents [ 402.48 374.70 Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents F 461.28 402.48 3 The above standalone financial results for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2021 have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board in their meeting held on June 11, 2021.
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