MY RADIO LISTENING LOG …as I go about my daily activities I routinely scan the radio around southern California for news & shows of various sorts, as well as some of the Christian programs, … some of the stations I check are 640am(), 790am, 870am (“The Answer”), 89.3fm (npr, kpcc), 90.7fm (kpfk), 99.5fm (kkla) among a few others. This is not necessarily an endorsement of any of the above, albeit I am moderately conservative Christian and am therefore more in agreement, in general, with those who are likewise, but I also like to hear what the liberals are saying and thinking, so I can understand where they are going wrong.

Also by listening to liberals AND conservatives I think it helps make me a more balanced moderate-conservative (or “compassionate conservative” as some people like to say). So I try to be an “active listener”, and jot a note or two when something captures my attention, sometimes what I agree with; other times what I definitely disagree with, or think is laughable (see if you can figure it out). This all began when I got a new car and was finally able to listen to the radio normally as I drove (my older car had radio problems which went unfixed for a while,…so I would drive silently…).

It was at this point in time that I first Heard KKLA and the Frank Pastore show . Frank’s excitement & passion for what he did was contagious…highly made the topic that much more interesting. May Frank rest in peace, God bless him (he passed away shortly before Christmas, 2012). This is when my radio log began. Now I know southern California radio much better and here are some of my notes. Perhaps some day I will more formally edit and expound upon some of this,…I have NOT done much editing, and there may be a few typos, but I hope it helps you see what’s “the latest” on and make use of google to find out more. It reads from bottom upward (ie the later dates begin at the bottom and scroll upward. The date is below the topic with an asterisk indicating a new topic. *********************** *gallagher scorned a lady for being upset about the govt looking at her facebook b/c "everybody can see her fb anyways"(gallagher apparently doesn't know that one's fb is only available to who you choose to make it avail ie fb "friends", unless you make it a "business account") *Mike gallagher blasts marco rubio 4pulling out of show bc he didn't want to take phone calls; but then rubio apparenly backed back in 6/11/13

1 *fish christian radio, gal is confessing,lamenting the time she ate a candybar in a stor & didn't pay for it...on the one hand yes "stealing' is wrong, but on the other hand 10 years later such a deed is meaningless, & its "legalism" at such a point to still think of yourself as in a state of sin; also the"bigger economic picture" re economic disparities & injustic makes the act of stealing a candy bar seem like a grain of sand in a huge sea 6/11/13 *Ian masters blames republicans for nsa surveillance of phone records, says utah wareouse is to employ repubs 6/10/13 *turkey more suppressive than any other "free country" (ie not incl commie countries) in terms of suppressing journalist (dexter ---,new yorker) *666 or 6616 ? Npr *aiofa,a musician from ireland 6/8/13 *"becky is I" to be grammatically correct says *New song,"We crave a diff kind of buzz" "royals" by lorde 6/5 Geraldo rivera was born "gerald riviera" 6/4/13 *10th ave north "worn" *CapitolKings "u'll never be alone" *92.7fm,air1 1000-foot-crutch "so far gone in u"building429 new song "we won't b shaken" *audio 6/2/13 JOHN DENSMORE (Doors) re STEWART COPELAND (Police drummer),interview heard on 95.5fm (southern Cal) re Densmore's book "The Doors Unhinged" Doors,jim morrison, ray manzarek,stewart copeland,john densmore,doors unhinged *"Ellis" on home prairie *Bevmo v. Tot wine more * was born in brazil? Mom sold dental to pay his medical? *Music of Green,npr,neil young style 6/1 *Dick gordon,the story, re rose being abducted at 7yo Audio 5/31/13 re OPRAH WINFREY 5.31 Kfi,law day 5/30/13

2 *molly ringwald has a jazz album *mem day was orig "declaration day" *5/27/13 CLASSIC M. MEDVED re BENGHAZI,MEM day @ uss iowa,southern cal,..medved has been talking about obama today..and his "premature" pronouncement of an end of war on terror ..medved thinks drones are good versus liberals saying drones are the worst thing since the atom bomb...I say the answer is somewhere in the appropriate responsible use of drones; here's Medved re Benghazi with a caller who is sympathetic towards Obama medved,870 am,the answer,uss iowa,memorial day Awesome! 5/27/13 The LINDY SISTERS @ USS IOWA! 1st time I've heard them..50's flashback ! Also See id=141241699247758&_rdr uss iowa,memorial day,lindy sisters,boogie woogie *check 5/27/13 DENNIS PRAGER LIVE @ USS IOWA, MEMORIAL DAY ..just took vid clip memorial day,uss iowa,dennis prager,870am,the answer *47 were killed on uss iowa due to big gun accident 1990(?) *prager re cain & abel "the bloods" plural *Prager reminds us "we r dying 4 Muslims" (as opposed to liberals saying we r killing muslims) *Dennis prager: killed more than nazis, see "black book of communism"(?) * ? * (june 1 protest,westwood federal bldg) 5/27/13 *indian giver v white man keeper *hector castillo falsely convicted 5/26/13 5/25/13 HOW GREAT THOU ART,ST PETER & PAUL CHURCH *"this american life" re man who kidnapped frank sinatra's child 5/25/13 *"Doors of perception" ray manzarek re meaning of the name of "the doors" *re rehab at sky forest, john & ken show

3 *good song by white stripes *Good song! Empire of the Sun , "alive" *Brian whitman, alicia cross, ben shapiro, 5/24/13 *Paint,VAN GOGH's "RECTORY AT NUENEN" (I was there)...I actually visited this little Dutch town..I toured all of the of my ancestors..& actually slept in this little town one night not far from the tiny dutch reformed church that Vincent's father pastored. van gogh,nuenen,vincent,dutch reformed,netherlands *Re "END WHITE SUPREMACY", PLEASE TAKE DOWN !..s.this has been on display for SO LONG now at the hammer..and its anachronistic (perhaps purposely so, but nonetheless its not right to keep this up forever & cast a false light on a whole new generation of "whites"...even calling an anglo person "white" is racist..please take it down hammer. This is a new age. Yes still exists but it exists in all forms,shapes, & colors, ...especially in .. Too often, Hammer museum is "preaching" to some "small white town from the 1950"..or even if it is still that way, its "out there" somewhere, not here in the people they are preaching too never see or hear the sermon (ie their message of "tolerance" for all things non-conventional) *prager makes good point that we r in afghanistan to protect muslims, not to kill them *Audio 5/23/13 LONDON TERRORIST re "EYE 4 AN EYE"...he apparently remained in place after he killed an innocent person & started talking to is part of what he allegedly said.. *dennis prager makes good point that until muslim leaders stand up & not just denounce the terror attacks but proclaim that the terrorists will go to hell for this, the terror will continue..b/c these terrorists still think they will be rewarded for their actions 5/23 * re sergio garcia's "eat chicken" comment aimed at tiger woods...larry's fumbling his words as well...he says "obviously white racism exists...but it has no social power..."(problem is that this is latino racism..sergio is latino..not anglo)...then larry says "how many masters did sergio win versus tiger?" 14 for tiger says larry..maybe 14 majors but not 14 masters 5/22 Audio5/22/13 LOIS LERNER (director of tax exemption unit of the IRS) PLEADS 5th AMENDMENT (right to not incriminate one's self) after DENYING GUILT (various persons have pointed out that by beginning with

4 a declaration of innocence she waived her right to plead the 5th...and wonder why Issa didn't ask her a number of questions so she would have to "plead the 5th" after each.. Video at link: "Here is video of IRS Official Lois Lerner claiming “I did nothing wrong,” just before refusing to answer any questions at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing today, by pleading the 5th Amendment. Chairman Darrell Issa attempted asking her a few questions, but each time, Lerner refused to answer. Posted by Brian on Wednesday, May 22nd,..." 5th-amendment-at-house-hearing-refuses-to-answer-any-questions-on-irs- targeting-of-conservatives-video-52213/

Irs,internal revenue service, 5th amendment,conservative targeting,tea party,lois lerner,obama, 5/22 *john hinderacker,huel howet,,"powerline blog" re benghazi emails 5/16/13 Thank you for your gift to the and for helping us expose the liberal media's shameful practice of censoring the news. We could not lead this fight without your help. Confirmation Code: 6Q5I4Y0 You were charged a total of $5.00. 5/15/13 CALLS OUT CARL LEVIN (same last name,different pronunciation, no relation apparently) I had always wondered if Mark (the radio host & former Reagan administration staff member) was related to Carl, but apparently not based on what Mark had to same about Carl (a long-time Michigan senator). Mark blasted Carl...accusing him directly of doing dirty deeds, or engineering such deeds, in terms of picking on conservatives similar to what the IRS has just been exposed for doing....I didn't catch the entire monologue, but I think that's the gist of what Mark was saying. Here's a clip. 5/15/13 RALPH PETERS 2 re the primary question is "WHY didn't we (the usa,our military) at least TRY to save the Benghazi victims"? Of course, the military was ready & willing but was not allowed to go...WHy NOT ?!

5 5/15/13 *philippians the most joyful book in the bible? Despite paul being in prison (rick warren) *if a donkey is in the ditch, help it out..rather than judge it for being in th, by josh meyer? Famous pastor? 5/14/13 OFFERS TO MEET w/ see if he (Rush) can do anything to help the president (not heard in this clip, but earlier in the broadcast he said he was willing to meet w/ Obama "at a location of his choosing" and see if they can "come to an understanding" ...about how he (Rush) can help Obama (presumably without compromising his conservative values).. obama,limbaugh,irs,rush limbaugh

5/14/13 *dennis kucinich: "not victims of the world we see, but victims of the way we see the world..." ...."we responded to iraq with the equivalent of a 911 per day for entire year..."

*michael mann re ,kpfk 5/13/13 *rachel erenfelt hung up on 90.7 915p re zionist/palestine conversation *jason newman, operation rescue *hutchison report briefs current benghazi issues from lib perspective...blaming all of it on republicans trying to "politicize" it...doesn't mention anything about the deaths,perhaps needless deaths.. *Larry King mentions Arch Oboler's "Lights Out" 5/11/13 *"Sojourner truth" Marg prescod very critical of sanford & south carolina...Tom hayden,jacki goldberg ,prescodd scoffs at "republicans" who claim they rep "" but re-elected sanford...they say the "re- districting" is the cause kpfk's marg prescodd repeats word "disgraced" numerous times re sanford election, & mentions "adirondack trail" (isn't it appalachian?) *kpfk re jose efrain rios montt(?) On trial for genocide in guatemala 5/10/13 *good sermon re book of daniel (740am),explanation of symbols,beasts,horns,etc..the main point being the " of God"

6 5/8/13 *hartman's 2 sons (?) Attended u of georgia, hartman continues to blame reagan/bush for all bad things *"doing it in the park" re pickup bball * local bank checks 5/7 *congressman jim bridenstine on mark levin *Ann wright , retired army officer protesting drones *kpfk re "wobblies" (ie industrial workers) *we the people re tebow ? *tom hartman w/ sen. Bernie sanders (vermont dem) *dan hirsch (?) Uc santa cruz re san onofre * re san onofre *, search san onofre,or email,*say No to licensed amendments & no to significant hazards *re kim chi, korean version of kraut (michael pollen,author of "cooked") 5/6/13 *"lounge lizards" "thanks 4 touching me there" *pollution tours of la harbor on "the christina",which aquarium? *zoe chase,npr,always has a light-hearted tone of voice 5/5/13 Saieed & nora ,"chased by the dogs" *"brothers on the line" re uaw in detroit *Re wahabism,tom hartman via richard pearl 5/3 *vatican has an observatory inarizona to search for et's,bk exo vaticana *russel maroon shoats imprisoned for what? *thru the bible (vernon mcgee) *greg laurie mocking the way some people pray..(I didn't like it) 5/2 5/1/13 EVEN the LIBERALS DON'T BELIEVE OBAMA re GUANTANAMO,Jason speaking from,brad freedman show kpfk *hannity show re global warming hoax, Author of "mad mad mand world of climatism" *jeremy konondyk, mercy corps, re somalia *dennis prager re mao tse tung....killed 70 million 58-61? They still stand infront of a poster of him. Would we accept the germans in front of hitler *corchorans, mother-daughter lost limbs in boston bombing

7 *ben shapiro against homosexuality, says nba player coming out is just a publicity stunt "the ability of freewill to overcome biology is the basis of western civ..." *danny glover re haitian revolut that led to end of slavery in usa? *united citizens against sweatshops, re bangladesh,also dignity campaign, david bacon speaking, agreement axctually gives rise to some of these abuses in bangladesh 5/1/13 *dick gordon "the story" re sandusky-norwalk still doing "debtor jail", aclu involvement; also follow-up on the strikedebt guy re student loans, *ian masters & guest re judicial appt backload..they blame it ALL on republicans *limbaugh wondering why obama phone called nba player re comint out as gay *re derek sanderson,former boston bruin 4/30/13 *greg laurie tells details of his childhood...leaving dad in new jersey,going to hawaii, then to california, using pot, then lsd,..becoming apathetic,..harbor high school..,; telling about lonnie frisbee * re gosnell abortionist *limbaugh re falsity of rachel carson re ddt *npr re rolling stones surprise concert @ echoplex *rush limbaugh re dutch scientist who confessed to a fake study at a train station that showed litter increases racist tendencies *640am reports a story re man who cut off own arm/hand for insurance, but was caught..then the radio crudely says " I guess he won't be able to masturbate anymore"..what the hell is thatall about? 4/29 *re shuggie otis 4/28 *Rush limbaugh re danger of football...rush says he & wife won't allow kids to play fball (or is he quoting sb?) 4/26/13 "The Story" 1) re restoration of marshes in iraq 2) re passenger pigeons going extinct Udv church drinks psychadelic tea 4/25 *

8 *8park ranger told not to give tours despite no $ cuts..its just to punish us (levin) *father boyle? Homeboy , "things worse than death, things more powerful than death, incl community of love" *Checnya clean shoes *more re boston bombers, mag "inspire' 4/24/13 *mike gallagher show.he thinks tom cruise movie "oblivion" was terrible *Solartopia * john & ken think everybody back in the "old days" were angry bc they don't smile for the camera, ..but there's a reason for that. *dennis prager re its not surpising that foreigners get a negative impression of usa by liberal university profs (yes) *rush limbaugh re "carbon tax" * re fr lapsley who lost both hands due to a "letter bomb", "restorative justice" bk "redeeming the past..." "...After a police raid in Maseru in 1982 in which 42 people were killed, he moved to Zimbabwe. It was here that in 1990, three months after ANC leader Nelson Mandela ’s release from prison, he was sent a letter bomb by the Civil Cooperation Bureau, a covert outfit of the apartheid security forces. It was hidden inside two religious magazines. He lost both hands and the sight in one eye in the blast, and was seriously burnt..." Tom hartman grew up in mich, defends carl levcin, tom thinks 2nd amendment was intended for natl guard & some slave-related issues only, he mentions *city hall 10am re san onofre *harvey wasserman,,re san onofre *mimi kennedy "that's for darn sure, I sound like a republican..that's for damn sure.." very biased re republicans *Tim dechristopher out of prison..environmentalist...I don't understand why he was arrested 4/22 *jim kweskin plays his folksy music on kpfk *anna quindlen..early for it..come back * "either there's no god or only god & we know there's only god" 4/21 MARK BURNETT & RONA DOWNEY re BIBLE TV SERIES..they r the authors of "A Story of God & All of us" epic tv miniseries "The

9 Bible"...biblical illiteracy..joan of ark is noah's wife, sodom & gomorrah were man & wife *re johnson & johnson dirty deeds,?kpfk, kathleen shop? Bk "blood,medicine..." lots of cheap shots at conservatives & specifically "" *spreadable media "if it doesn't spread,its dead" * was roomate of tommy lee jones 4/21/13 *book or movie called "screamers" re need 4 outrage in response to disasters...incl genocide like cambodia *Residence aaddress of boston suspects, 410 norfolk st, cambridge *all news re MIT officer killed,1 boston suspect killed, 1 at large, boston on lockdown, (apparently suspects r brothers from chechnya) *kpfk re israel & usa providing arms to guatemala 4/19/13 Ucla forum april 23, 730p Ian masters always luiberal emphasis interviews "truth & torture" *author "the passion of bradley manning" on kpfk, says manning isn't getting the same kind of support as ellsberg prob bc there's no draft.."no skin in the game" *author of bk "how terrorism ends" (Audrey kirth konen? Prof @ g. Mason u) *Carlos arredondo "on th record w greta van susteren" (costa rica hero , cowboy hat) *glimpsed interfaith service re boston online , fox news channel *watched ch sheen on leno *watched cyndi lauper on leno *fertilizer plant explosion *Travis rogers ("from arcadia") re padres exec calling greinke "rainman" 4/18/13 *mark rubio on mark levin *carol burnett on huckabee re daughter *stephen ross, hollywood left & right, re louis mayer (mgm) republican emphas early on *ryan seacrest interviews tom cruise re oblivion, apparently tom took a fall at one point but he's "flexible", ryan's mother connie lives in atlanta *funny fresh & easy ad ("f-ing easy way) *crested butte skiing (mcdonalds tv) 4/17/13

10 Gorgiana sanchez re chumash indians in L.A., discrimination against, before downtown l.a was built 4/16 *re lipstick bounty hunters (gerado rivera) *was pablo neruda poisoned? *font just 4 dyslexia *frank pastore archive clip re eastern religions praying to a "force" like electricity rather than a person Audio 4/16/13 R LIMBAUGH re BARNEY FRANK's BOSTON Bombing comment...apparently barney made some sort of generalization about being thankful for a well-funded govt.,...which does seem sort of odd in the aftermath of an the aftermath of deaths & depersonalize it ? Limbaugh is spot-on re the liberal agenda...everything is added to the "political agenda" in the liberal spectacles... 4/15/13 * ...and kpfk's Lila Gerritt(?) Now disappointed with their beloved obama who they elected twice..democrats finally waking up to reality after 4/14/13 *long story "this american life" re "vince" who killed father, huntingtons disease *vegeterian calls tavis & smiley & says u can't be a christian unless you're vegeterian, & she (from Thermal) says Jesus didnt even eat fish *tavis& smiley critical of thatcher & reagan ("white superiority" 4/13/13 * re olive harvest in cyprus..some beat the tree..others say that's not good *charlie chaplin banned from usa? 4/12/13 *robin leslie? Re marg thatcher "the story" *john & ken re rick warren's son,matthew,..apparently bought gun online.., * (re unjust prosecution of medical marijuana farmer) *jim lafferty re yucca mt nuclear (shutdown?) (Author of "Too Hot to Touch" *jim lafferty (radio host on 90.7fm) ...long re brian becker re north korea..his take that usa is to blame re n. Korea situation

*Russel brand,kardashians *re gmo's, danger of genetic modified food *re future of media ecosystem *robert redford interview..he tolda story of "borrowing a car" get to san fran to see a jazz concert..

11 *limbaugh re illegal wiretap of mitch mcconnel's office leak re ways to combat hollywood actress (if she were to run for office)...could this turn into a "watergate"? *mark mazetti,author of "way of the knife" re pakistan...interview on "democracxy now"'s contention that usa is partly to blame re pakistan hostility towards usa 4/10/13 * & lindsey graham re gun control *kfi 640am "john & ken show" re the two missing hikers..they cast doubt on their "hallucination due to dehydration" claims..wondering aloud re drug use *omd (orch maneuvers dark) *polica (?)police-a *sugarman(?)rodriguez *how to destroy angels (9 inch nails? Trent resner) *Bower harlem shake Coachella talk 4/9/13 14053241293 brother alex 8006521114 southwest ministries Re ministry to india 4/8/13 *re funeral costs,kfi 640am talking about consumer "funeral bill" signed by reagan that established certain minimum regulations that mortuaries & funeral homes r required to follow (but don't always do so) incl if u call them they MUST give u prices over the phone (they must have a list of prices so that you can shop & compare etc) *lady on radio thought tonights ncaa championship game pitted "magic johnson's michigan" against louisville..oops,wrong "michigan' lady *lauren steiner,grassroots activist...not sure I agree w/ everything she says...I like her gumption...she's critical of obama's "hypocrisy" re environmental issues 4/8/13 *gary habermas on "stand 4 reason" *Leo laporte the tech guy wondering aloud what's more important..a "piece of paper" showing bachelors degree or what you can actually learn from "free online college courses" such as corsaris(?)et al..that's the fallacy of so many today..thinking "facts & information" can be more valuable than the full integral college process itself, which includes "facts & info" but is so much more. Its probably akin to being full of facts & info re the Bible but not believing it

12 4/7/13 *mike at the radio station on catalina island says woody harrelson is his cousin , from lebanon ohio 4/6/13 *something re reporters being forced to wear nike on shirt..& cancelationof investigative report re abuse of nike factory workers *sean hannity talks to mother of benghazi victim, sean smith...she is bitter...she is angry at the govt incl obama, hilary, et al, ..sean smith is getting an award soon but they would only fly his wife, not mother, so hannity offered to pay for her flight,hotel,meals everything (& companion also) 4/5/13 *" powerball coming to california,day to believe in something bigger", what the heck ? 4/2/13 *brad jones re venice high (he's a teacher there & a utla officer...says utla has lost 10,000 members,..says bloomberg has targeted venice high for a pilot program *Npr interview of walt "clyde" frasier (knicks,cleveland) 3/31/13 *daniel the dog who survived the gas chamber *Re an unknown class of tea "dark tea" 3/30/13 Re tom brown ministries,el paso, against gay marriage 3/25/13 David smilde,jennifer mccoy et al re hugo chavez 3/24/13 *npr re "the sapphites, aborigine soul *limbaugh re "sybaritic pursuits" *limbaugh says prople aren't rejecting conservative values but republican image *Npr re death of "things fall apart" author 3/23/13 *also good 90.9fm (shine) *105.5fm nice christian station phoenix(klove) *re rush limbaugh re uk schools not allowing "best friends" *re housing market: "oversupply of houses,undersupply of mortgages" 3/20/13 *re hi suicide rate in wyoming *richard wagner anti-semite? But he borrowed from semitic sources?

13 *"True meaning of submission,re romans 8?",drawing "line in sand" if govt tries to take away guns ("shot heard around world" re paul revere et al was actually christians who refused to relinquish arms to british) 3/19 "Birdman of rio" 3/18 *pastor saeed, half mill signatures, jay sekulow, state dept failed to show up, & obama hasn't made a demand for his release 3/17/13 *100.1fm re scandal of rodman going to nk,,,he compares it to a celeb socializing w hitler * story re skunks under house as I watch julie clark flying *re pony express *re discovering gold @ sutters fort *trinity radio, paws n tails ...tempermental young man explores forbidden cave, gets red stain on arm 3/16 "Intellectuals & race" by tom sowell? 3/14/13 *roger marsh re new pope,a jesuit, took name francis for founder of franciscans, who 'led mr people to christ' *daniel ellsburg "most dangerous man in america", pentagon papers, leaked to ny times,kpfk *Dr Albert Mohler Re importance of repeating the same mesage over & over bk"the conviction to lead" 3/12/13 * pastor jeffress, "slander causes irreprable damage ("go lay a feather on the door of every go back and retrieve each one, imposs,..wind blew them it is w/ your words..can't take them back) Dr mark waldman re that we hear negative messages much more clearly than positive,..hence negative news so much more, brain scan, "words can change your brain", most powerful drug is placebo, most powerful word depends on what is most important 2 u, , to enhance communication need to pause more often to make sure they have truly heard what u r saying, 3/11/13 * do u think fetal homicide laws are wrong or unjust? The onlyexception is if the woman consents and a doctor does it? Say a woma is on way to abort clinic, and the abort dr. Runs a red and hts the woman and jills the baby..woman unharmed..he's committed a crime even tho the outcome is what the woman wanted

14 * 3/10/13 *guy fr foo fighters,davwe grohol?,re soundboard, where nirvana recorded seminal album *"L.A is a sanctuary city" 3/8 *"electric word" ? Gospel group returns to fame after 40 yrs? * bob knight "power of neg thinking" 3/2 *"Under leftism u r taken care of...under americanism u take care of." (- prager) *Dennis prager talking to author of "evangelical catholicism" (george weigel?) 3/1/13 Dennis prager intrviews woman re male/female rships 2/27 *Pete peterson on npr re sequestration Mike @ staples messed up my gmail backup order (tried to bs me) 2/26 3655 s. Grand 7p re gil scott heron **** Iv re duke & 4 topps, all about michigan & their music success 2/24/13 Clive davis iview *Re crimes against humanity & sanitizing film ,sanitizing crimes against humanity in film re zero dark 30 (michael slate show,90.7) 2/22/13 *re 5 broken cameras, re palestine-israel 2/20/13 *rip alden palmer(?) "Along comes mary" * *90.7 re, pipeline protest *Overheard, "ferrarri the strongest brand in the world" 2/18/13 *re kingdom of god, need more preaching about it says houston bap pres, rob sloane,professor, not just heaven future nor just israel the country, but power now (radio show "the bottom line") *sean hannity to author of bk,"at the brink: will hannity push us over the edge?" 2/18

15 *re nixon. & eisenhouwer, learning how to golf & fly fish bk "Ike & Dick" by Jeffrey Frank(?) *npr re "rhetorical presidency" & state of the union *glenn frankel re "the searchers" by glenn ford, based on true story 2/17/13 *napolean shagnon (?) Bk Noble Savages (green slime?) *Earnestina munoz re latino son accused of compton hate crime *Tavis & Smiley (they're honestly critical of obama, not just liberal cheapshooters) 2/16/13 *tom hartman show (unscrupulously liberal), senator sanders * marg prescott, kpfk, talking to --- says obama thinks he's a "down brother" bc he like tupac? "Takes more than that" 2/15/13 * bruce levine (?) Bk "Fall of the House of Dixie" re civil war,lincoln * re torture, umc church. Highland&Franklin 3p movie re torture, & silent witness @ 415p by kodak *, kkla, re pro-life? 2/14 *330am,Dr. Hall (?) Re women release oxytocin when sharing feelings (reducing stress); men reduce stress when solving (producing testosterone) *npr,fresh air re dead sea scrolls, yale professor, host repeated that "jews"were not initially allowed to interpret or offer she jewish? *94.7 radio lady said "today is ash wed" 2/13 *npr fresh air,ny times re drone warfare,obama's "kill list" * kfi et al re chris dorner possible capture * greg laurie "u have not b/c u ask not" 2/12/13 *npr re lapd history of racism, civil rights lawyer, connie , re "blue grip"..if black spoke out against pd there would be serious repurcussions *, re don siegelman *Medea benjamin re drone, also april 4-7 san diego protest,bk "killing by remote control" 2/11/13 *eric leonard,kfi, gives long personal analysis of where dorner may be...715p *larry elder show,,,he interviewed an lapd officer who used to do new cop applicant screenings, ..also they mentioned that its possible that dorner made

16 a false alleg against his training officer b/c she was being critical of his aptitude for police work in written forms. Aha, that puts things in a new light. * rush limbaugh jokes that people in big bear should give up their guns, that will help *Npr,,Mendocino sheriff re good tactics for forest manhunt,to be slow & methodical, keep in groups,..he said groups of 40 (for police) & "no lone rangers"but I was wondering what if he sets up an ambush? Then he kills a whole bunch w/ one stone. 2/8 * connecticut misrep'd in "lincoln" , they were pro union but spielberg portrayed them as anti union * they talk about the enormous cost of the manhunt, but will any officer forego "overtime"? *cold: 640am I'll crack open a cold one w u if he commits suicide *charlie beck press conf re chris dorner,re search for fired cop who killed 3, says something about "our officers who protect strangers"...which seems like an odd slip of tongue,perhaps revealing police-think re anybody who is not a police officer...we r strangers,rather than fellow citizens *stephanie miller show ,adam schiff, re gun control, liberals *historic malcolm x audio,90.7fm re mao-mao's, they formed the oaau (org af am unity) 2/7/13 *,john weiner show? * let spirit of god dwell in u richly,w covina church, living word,pastor lance sparks? *col wilkerson v * tom hartman discussing bk "spirit level" re nations w/ more equality, etc, and sums up all the problems in usa due to reaganomics *julianna melvo(?) Re commercializing mlk at expense of substantive change *Re, he says to stop global warming, we must keep all fossil fuels in the ground 2/6/13 *"talk of nation" npr, re guns & self-defense, lady calls in & tells a riveting true story of how she scared away a man intent on raping her with her gun. The host of the show replied so casually & ho-hum, "thanks for careful"...and said goodbye to her. *tom hartman illogically critical of christianity, rabidly anti-Christian 2/5/13

17 *rosa parks interview (fascinating, 1 new thing I realized was that she didn't sit in the white section, but simply refused to vacate her seat for a white in the colored section) Bk "Race against machine" discussion re technology progress 2/4/13 2/3/13 Re "long-distance revolutionaries", man in prison for alleg murder cop, off death rown, calls it "slow death row" 2/1 *invisible war , re rape in military

1/31 radio blaming republicans & calvinism Z for bot caring about the poor sen. Harkmen? To thom hartmann radio show ? Kpfk * *indiegogo/be-brave 1/30 *"connectTheDots, lila garret's interview of san diego mayor (bob filmore) , also mike bonham (democrat running 4 city council, L.A. to replace bill rosenthal) homeless issues..she blames reagan for opening up psychiatric hosps causing the problem *feb 2 san clemente rally *, martha sullivan *Mariel hemingway, "running from crazy" 1/28 Music by Severine browne, roz, fplk scene? *dennis kucinich? Feb 4 santa barbara *torture *drone warfare 1/27 *"fruitvale" re shooting @ bart station,oakland *re "the square" @ sundance 1/25 *send me an angel after runnin w devil93.1fm *even if more oil is fracked from usa land, it won't lower gas prices, plus the oil co's in usa are increasing export stations, so the oil pumped here may go overseas., *biased coverage of doctors being "harrassed" by pro-lifers or "anti- choicers"

18 *biased kpfk coverage of hilary *director of sundance documentary films 1/24 * re art by carol hungerford, like it. * hermos beach guy fighting hi-salaries of meter maids ($95,000) * read re warmup funny guys @ sitcoms, ron pearson,mark sweet et al 1/23 *mark levin re how ny times tried to gloss over the holocaust & other acts of genocide *"devastated",william mcraven? Most powerful usa military *re sepulveda basin, police bulldozed wildlife reserve alleging non- documented homeless & criminal issues,actually army corp of engineers responsible? See ? * roger lodge sound like jerk re tebow * re haitians abolishing slavery?,selma james? *Richard branson virg records, parasailing 1/23 *re "search for sugarman"movie *alaina karina (?) Poet *gun press conf, obama *re am idol,nicki minaj v mariah carey 1/16 * (re pharmacy pricing) *"black dog" robert plant ,led zepp (raunchy) *re vietnam bk author "kill anything that moves" (kpfk,democracy now) 1/15 932a, re Aaron Swartz * MARCY WINOGRAD,kpfk ,is a manual arts hs teacher,they have a farm at the school 1/14 founder of code pink re drones,kpfk 1/13 antje duvekot, music kpfk *river rouge,detroit? * 2013, begin 12/30 *wendell potter re health insurance scams 12/27 *Dr. Mathews?,president, APU

19 *kevin mccullough 12/18 * kevin mccullough re death of frank 12/17 *dudley woodberry?, re ruth,boaz,naomi 924a 12/16 *anthony mangieres pizza ,san frab 830p *750p,npr re "Magical Mystery Tour" on PBS in USA for 1st time *89.3 re stealing babies in Spain, began during Franco admin. Nuns & doctors participated. 842am *Empathy deficit, over-exposure, due to multi-tasking *film "regeneration" 90.7fm kpfk 12/14/12 *gossip divides,creates dissension ,"dainty morsels" hurt others,living word radio w covina 12/12 *pastor luke, expressin of freedom thru love *rush limbaugh very adamant about republicans not "putting their fingerprints' on anything obama insists upon re fiscal cliff 1125a *Joyce meyers? Preaching 12/11/12 Wabc: Brian sussman filling in for Mark Levin 12/10/12 *615p ray comfort re john lennon's "imagine" *6p phil cooke *425p stu dauermann 12/7 frank sontag * "radioactive boyscout" (npr) *David cruz re lausd abusing teachers,640am 12/2/12 *precious oil ministries * "the 4th fisherman" author *frank sontag talks to former reds chaplain ("kings domain"

11/30/12 *6pm hillsdale president ? (Last live segment I heard of frank before his accident)...2 hours later he was hit by a car *Re physicalism w/ asuza pastor, we r more than our brain or physical parts

20 11/19 *Victor Marks ? Marx? Re sex abuse recovery 11/16/12 *, "the emmanuel process" 9 month most imp for developing "joy circuits" Trauma freezes relational circuits..need to unfreeze thse circuits after trauma..test them by seeing if they have the ability to appreciate things (offer them a drink,.see if they..) *jim wilder, re neurotheology; he grew up a missionary kid in columbia amongst a terrifying atmosphere *Brian clay , gold medalist, re "reward the effort, not the outcome" 11/15 11/14 mostly fundraising for haiti poverty Fp & guest re ramifications of the election 11/9 ** sovereign america, rob walter (not fp),1st time both dem & repub accepted 2 state israel, is god punishing usa b.c of this? 11/4 *re syria, zuhdi jassar "battle for the soul of " re gold bullion deal *550p Gov Pete Wilson re prop 32 *t-gender conv. 11/2 630p frank turek re politics 10/31 -as far as talking to dead uncle, astrologist,...necromancy..calls up.. (unclear)629p -astrologist,demons can't tell future, but if u go to astrologist & she tells u ur going to meet a person in a blue car, the demon listening will use that info & send a non-Christian in a blue car -demons cannot "repent" b/c they have no body with which to pay for their sin -"Binding strong man" is demon controlling holy spirit, opppression v possession (also "gen 6 stuff" re demons possessing animal bodies ?) pqq p *shawn mcdowell re how to help kids understand halloween w/o being too prohibitive *Norm geisler,various theol issues 10/30

21 *eric black, leads d.min program @ asuza, played mlb? Re changes in d.min training *Uggh: "all the bumper-sticker crud",..wrong frank 10/28 Re ron jeremy porn star at church in michigan

*523p "the real mt sinai" 10/25 10/24 *Lawrence odonnel re tag romney *Dave berg analysis of fundraiser jokes 10/19 625 re fallacy of raising capital gains tax..b/c it discourages wealthy venture capitalists from taking risks, re-investing in new ventures, & creating new jobs @freemarketjay...Jay W. Richards @ FreemarketJay Seattle, WA NYT Bestselling co-author of Indivisible; Director, 's Center on Wealth, Poverty, & Morality; Fellow of Institute for Faith, Work & Economics 550p talking to the author of "defending the "..from Grand Rapids? A priest, robert sirico, see 10/15/12 Pastore re Biden-Ryan debate..Biden re nuclear bomb in ..says not to worry until they have a weapon, krauthamer says the worry is when enrichment is achieved..b>c its the only thing we can monitor from the air (enrichment requires giant facility) whereas a weapon can be done anywhere without it being obvious, Pastore says anything can be used to "weapon" the bomb. 10/12 PASTORE 17if feb martyr brigade, john hitcock Libyan sec guards paid $40/wk 10/12 OTHER RADIO Comment: at one point I heard frank say "oh my god" which bothers me a bit. He doesn't normally talk that way, and should know that many Christians consider it irreverant to use it casually in conversation. 627 wesley j. Smith re nature having same rights as humans arrested fore decapitation of a dandelion

22 525p its the ny times & lib media that tell blacks that republicans hate them.. * re the breaking news re obamagate, benghazi, 10/10 642 obama rhetoric re bigbird...mentioned x13, libya 0 ** jo kissack "the 4th fisherman", 4p joel rosenberg re israel, iran, etc 10/9/12 10/8/12 638 greg frazier re thomas jefferson.....upset w/ d barton misquoting him 547 if u access the official obama website via the, can make donations anonymously (robert roach 19 visits to w house)re foreign donations to obama's campaign..foreign donations not allowed., turns out (68% of internet traffic to this site is from non-american computers) is not owned by obama but a former american in shanghai,..which links to (the actual obama site),..donations less than $50 are untraceable.(under $250 no disclosure, names kept but not disclosed: under $50 no names make unlimited $50 or less donations) $181 million raised in sept ..98% untraceable..peter schweitzer reports re this mystery (speculation that obama may have been upset about this as he arrived at debate) 535p john mccormick "weekly standard" re obama's citations...harvey rosen says obama misrepresented his research/article .457p Stanley kurtz re "regionalism" (prop 31 in calif?) 445p something re columbus...noting he's been marginalized by some...addressing some "myths". *then re free will & the brain (preger university on ytube), 4pm began with brigitte gabriel(?) Act for america,;

9/28 frank & erin sontag...& aaron..lost their job..a couple..sounded grave..mentioned philosophical research instit... 9/27.."urine mohammed" ..just like they've done to our Jesus, 2 of the seals were killed half-mile from the libya consulate..the jist of his political talk was that obama knew almost immed after the ann coulter, omega3 salmon, (Andrew @ mcd, laverne) No see timothy riddle 9/26/12 fries, calvary chapel "whosoevers" (1st day of my radio log)