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Cambridge University Press 0521831350 - Europe’s Foreign and Security Policy: The Institutionalization of Cooperation Michael E. Smith Index More information Index accession agreements (see enlargement) Balkans (see Bosnia-Herzegovina,Croatia, acquis communautaire 124 Macedonia,Mostar,and Yugoslavia) acquis politique 124,194 Balladur Plan (see Stability Pact) Adenauer,Konrad 67 Belgium 13,26,259 Afghanistan 34,52,125,131–32,138, and the Amsterdam/Nice Treaties 233 141–42,241,258–60 and the Copenhagen Report 94,96 Africa 79,115–16,123,142,173,193, and the London Report 122,125,129 195,200,204,224 and the Luxembourg Report 65,67,70 African,Caribbean,and Pacific states and the Maastricht Treaty 178,180, (ACP) 163,200 225 Albania 205,233 and the Single European Act 156,160 Algeria 172 Birmingham Declaration (WEU) 205,232 Amsterdam Treaty (Consolidated Version blinding laser weapons 195,201 of the Treaty on European Union; Bosnia-Herzegovina 193,196,222,260 1997) 14,125,195,204,206,210, Brandt,Willy 166 226–37 Brittan,Leon 216,230 Angola 115,129,195,200 Burundi 195,200 anti-personnel landmines 193,195,201, Bush,George W. 236 222,236 anti-trust policy (see competition policy) Carrington,Lord 125 Arab-Israeli conflict (see also Euro-Arab Central/South America 28,52,56,79,88, Dialogue and Middle East) 4,21, 116,139–40,142,162,163,173, 85–87,112 245,248 Arab League 112 Central American Common Market Argentina 129,142 (CACM) 116,140 arms control 102,138,156,191,192, Central/Eastern Europe 51,56,79,81,87, 196,201,202,214,224 133,156,163,164,178,179,192,
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