Whiteinch Community Council Minute of Community Council Meeting, 30/1/18, Whiteinch Centre at 7Pm
Whiteinch Community Council Minute of Community Council Meeting, 30/1/18, Whiteinch Centre at 7pm. 1Present: M.McCrae, B.MacDonald(Treasurer),E.Brown(Secretary), N.Robertson, K.Anderson, I.McKillop, M.Bent, S.Biagi, J.Scrymgeour (for part of meeting), C.McGeoch and Cllrs Dalton & McTernan Apologies: G.Morgan (Chair), Cllr Aibinu. PC M.Ferry. In Attendance: A. Thomson- member of public. 2 Minutes of Previous Meeting: With the amendment of adding J.Scrymgeour to apologies, approved by I.McKillop and seconded by B.MacDonald. 3 Matters Arising: 3.1 Foodbank: volunteers and donations required. 3.2 Environmental issues: approach lights at underpass on order. Cllr Dalton carrying out monthly checks on progress relating to outstanding issues with all other underpass lights. Cllr McTernan would take forward the light issue in Victoria Park Drive South lane, at no 49/50, which had been inoperable since November, inspite of having been reported by residents. Cllr Dalton requested that photographs of potholes continued to be sent to him for action. “Hole in the ground”, Heras fencing down, Cllr. McTernan to investigate. South Street: Scottish water works continue with Jordan St. to Squire St. single lane. Carriageway badly potholed-police: traffic survey undertaken last week, results awaited. Victoria Park Drive South: vibration issue appears to be fixed after resurfacing. Ward 13: e mail report from G. Morgan. Cllrs M. Cullen and B. Butler are acting on issues relating to the west of Primrose St., raised both by WCC and J. Kerr of St. Paul’s Primary School. Additionally Cllr. Cullen walks the area regularly.
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