The potential and perils of partnership: Christian religious entities and collaborative stakeholders responding to HIV and AIDS in Kenya, Malawi and the DRC An ARHAP Report July 2008 This study was made possible with the generous support of Tearfund and UNAIDS REPORT Reporting on a participatory collaborative process Suggested Reference Haddad B, Olivier J, De Gruchy S. 2008. The potential and perils of partnership: Christian religious entities and collaborative stakeholders responding to HIV and AIDS in Kenya, Malawi and the DRC. Study commissioned by Tearfund and UNAIDS. African Religious Health Assets Programme, Cape Town, South Africa. Contact Information African Religious Health Assets Programme Dept. of Religious Studies School of Religion and Theology University of Cape Town University of KwaZulu-Natal Private Bag Private Bag X01 7701 3201 Rondebosch Scottsville South Africa South Africa Email:
[email protected] Phone: +27 33 260 5540 Phone: +27 -21 650 3457/8 The potential and perils of partnership Interim report for a collaborative process 2008 Acknowledgements This research would not have been possible without the contributions made by many people. First of all, we express our gratitude to the many respondents in Kenya, Malawi and the DRC who were willing to give of their valuable time to meet with us and share their knowledge and wisdom. (There are too many to list here, but all participants appear in Appendix 5.) Further, thanks to those who responded with questionnaires and the draft report feedback promptly and, more generally, for the continued enthusiasm that was shown for collaboration and action against the HIV and AIDS epidemic.