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5480 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEl_ ATI~. SEPTEJH13ER 16, By Mr. MORGAN: A bill (H. n: 9300) granting an increase Iall of Lincoln, Ill., 1wot sting a<>'ain. t the Siegel bill· to the of pension to Charles C. Twyford; to the Committee on In"\'alid Committee on Agriculture. ' Pen ions. Also, petition of Sterling Merchant ' A · ·ociation, Sterling, Ill., lly l\11·. SANFORD: A bill (H. n. 9307) for the relief of the containing protest against the Jones bill Senate bill 2904 · to estate of Sarah H. Flack, deceased; to the Committee on Claims. the Committee on the Judiciary. ' ' By l\fr. SELLS: A bill (H. R. 9308) granting an increase of Also, petition of the Travelers' Protective Al ociation of Amer· pension to Edward l\IcClellan; to the Committee on Pensions.. ica, Post D, illinois Division, Springfield, Ill., urging the pa. sage By Mr. SLEMP: A bill (R R. 9309) to authorize the Commis- of House bill 4378; to the Committee on Inter tate and ForeiO'n sioner of Patents to inve tigate the extension of a patent i sued Commerce. to Earnest ,V. Ladd, Hunter Arnold, William H. Rohrer, Harry Also, petition of Sterling Association of Commerce, Sterling, L. Wheatley, B. M. McQuinn, and Thomas J. Farrer; to the Oom- m., urging the pas age of Hou e bill 8080 and Senate bill 2492, to mittee on Patents. create Federal home loan bank; to the Committee on Banking By l\Ir. THO~IPSON of Ohio : A bill (H. R. 9310) granting a and Currency. pension to lary Ellen R. Hatch; to the Committee on Invalid Also, petiti{)n Of Chicago Wheel & l\Ianufacturing Co., Chicago, Pensions. Ill., urging the pa age of Hou::;e bills 5011, G012. and 7010, con- By 1\Ir. WELTY: A bill (H. R. 9311) granting a pen .. ion to cerning the Patent Office; to the Committee on Patents. .Alice G. Donze; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, petition of Hon. S. E. Bradt, superintendent of highways, By ~1r . WILLIAl\fS: A bill (H. R. 9312) ~ranting an increase State of Illinois, containing protest against proposed lt>gislation of pension to John L. Mead; to the Committee on Invalid Pen- to place an embargo on the u e of open-top cars for the carry· sion.'. ing of all materials except coal; to the Committe on the .Judi< cia.ry. PETITIONS, ETC~ Al o, petition of Korth 'Ve. tern Expanded l\Ietal Co., Chicago, Dl.~ urging the passage of House bills 5011, 5012, and 7010 ; to Unller clause 1 of Rule X."XXI, petitions anti papers were laid the Committee on Patents. on t!Je Clerk's desk and referred as follows: Also, petition. of \\T. C. Ritchie & Co., Chicago. Ill., urging By Mr. DOWELL: Petition of resident of Des ~foines, Iowa, pas aooe of Hou. e bills 50ll, 5012, and 7010; to the Committe on relath·e to return of American troops from Russia; to the Com- Patents. mittee on ::Militarv Affairs. · By Mr. FULLER of Illinois: Petition of ,V. C. Ritchie & Co., of Chicago, IlL, concerning patent legislation ; to the Committee SENATE. on Patent~. By Mr. LUFKIN: Petition of Post No. 80, American Legion, TUEsDA-Y, SezJte1nber 16, 1919. Ipswich. :\In~:: ., in favor of congressional im·estigation to place responsibility for all alleged unnece sa.ry wrongs inflicted The Chaplain, Rev. Forr , t J. Prettyman, D._ D., offer(> U the against officer and soldiers of the American Expeclitionary following prayer: · Force ·; to the Committee on :Military Affair . Almighty God, we lift our hearts to Thee. Th Thy pro....-itlence By l\lr. GARNER : Petition of A. \V. Bloor, chairman ~:a. we haYe been brought face to face with great issues affecting tiona! Guard .Association of Te:x:a , a king Congr s to establish the life of the world. The i nes have gi>en rise to large dif and maintain a national militia corps; to the 'ommittee on ference of opinion, and as we face them to-dny we would re Military Affairs. member the divine order, for Thou hast taught us that we By l\lr. McCLINTIC: Petition of sunclry citizens of Okla should seek first the Kingdom of God and His rigbteousne s, lwma in fa Yor of the Kenyon bill, Senate bill 2022; to the Com with the promise that all these things . hall be a<lcl •'d to u~. mittee on IntE>rstate and Foreign Commerce. So we pray that with a consciou nes of our riO'ht relation to By l\Ir. 0' O:NNELL: Petition of George F.. ykes, of New God we may acldre s ourselves boldly and fearle ly to the York, protesting against the pas age of the Longworth bill; to tasks that have been committed to our hearts and minds, and the Committe on Ways and 1\feans. may the outcome of our deliberations justify our plnce of lender· Also, petition of D. Auerbach & Sons, of Kew York, favoring . hjp nnd 11ower among the nations of the earth. For Christ' the passage of House bills Nos. 5011, 5012, and 7010; to the om sake. Amen. mittee on Patents. On request of Mr. BR.c\.i~DEGEE and by unanimous con. ent, the By 1\Ir. RAKER: Petition of Bank of Califoruia .r~<.1tionaJ reading of the J onrnal of ye terday's proceeding. wa dispcn. ed As!O:ociation, San Francisco, Calif., indorsing the bill introduced with nncl the Journal was al)pro>ed. by Senator CALDER to amend that section of t.he revenue act POLICY OF lJ:'ITTI-:D ST.o\TES I~ EUROPE. which provides for a tax on the interest of account<:> of foreign nlr. BR.A....~DEGEE.l. 1\lr. President, I ask unanimous consent corporations and individual~ in this country; to the Committee that a letter written by Frank H. Simonds, pul>li •bed in the on Ways and l\Ieans. New York , unday Tribune, upon the European ituation may Al o, petition of San Francisco hamber of Commerce, San be read by the Secretary. I would read it myself, but I am Francisco, Calif., protesting against the granting to the Inter uffering from a heavy cold. state Commerce Colllll1ission of juri. diction over water car.riers The PTIESIDE.NT- pro tempore. Is there objection? The engaged in port-to-port traffic in interstate commerce; to the Chail· hear. none, and the Secretary will read. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. The , ecretary read as follow : Also, petition of San Franci co Chamber of Commerce, an [:From th New York Tribune, Sunday, ept. H, l!ll9.] Francisco, Calli"' prote ting against the Pluml> 11lan for Gov ".E ROPE RP.SENTS AMERICAN DO~II:-<ATIOX OF HEll .\FF.lms--co:H ernment ownership and operation of the railroad'S, and any other PRO:\IISES YIEWED AS PROOll' BRIT.Al. AND FRAXCll BAD REJECTED plan with that end in view; to the Committee on Interstate and LEAGUE PRINCII'LES-BITTER DISLIKE LS :MANIFE ST I~ :MAXY lx Foreign Commerce. Sl'A~-=-CES OVER COURSE OF Ur..·-ITED TATES POLICY I:.-1 E t:ROPE. AI o, petition of A. S. Fleming, county clerk of Placer ountr ~ "[B:r Frank H. Simonu ·.] Calif., in which the supervisor of Placer indor~es all re olu " Unle ~ all sims fail, the relations hetw en th United States tions pas d to preserve the natural beauty of Lake Tahoe · to and the various countrie of Em·ope are about to enter a new the Committee on the Judiciary. phase. All over- the Continent there are indications that Euro Also, petition of El Dorado County Chrunber of Commerce, pean peoples and government. arec now ·eeking to e cape from requesting support of the Town end national highway measure.; that Yirtnal domination of European affairs by the United to the Committee on Roads. States which, to a greater or les er degree, has endured from .A.l o, petition of railway postal clerk.·, Tracy, Calif., indor the moment when both the as."ociate and enemy governments ing an increa e in alary for po tal employee and asking sup almost a year ago consented to an armistice follo\"'ing an ac port of such legislation; to the Committee on the Po t Office ceptance of the 14 11oint . From that hour to the pre ent and Po ·t Roads. America ha.-.:; consistently dominated the peace conference, and By Mr. ROUSE: Petition of the James Wallace Costigan if _t\merican proposals have frequently been modified we ar<' just Post, No. 11, American Legion, ~ewport, Ky., urging the Mem r<'.aching the point \There they arc beino- deliberately set aside. bers of C'ongr . to refuse to seat VICTOR BERGER as a Member " The immediate justification and warrant of Pr iden t Wil· of Congress; to the Committee on Elections No.1. son's journey to the peac conference was the ace ptance by By l\lr. YATES : Petition of Wunderle garage, 'Veltkamper enemy and associated governments alike of his 14 points as grocery, ::.\Iathein & Pfan cigar tore, Kaiser meat market, the basis of pea e. Mr. 'Vil on concluded that this acceptance Albert J. Feuerbacher drug store, Leininger grocery, StrifHer meant that those who officially a~reed actually . ubscrfbed to Bros. Ice & Cold , torage Co., Vopel bakery, Spellman Lumber the principles expres ed in the e 14 points. He believed that Co., Baker's cigar . tore, Runte meat market, and Lauer Bros., the mas es of the >arions nations, German quite as much as ~ 1919. CONGR.ESSION AL RECORD-SENATE. .: 548]J French, Austrian equally with Italian, saw what he saw in the could without immediately falling accept 1\Ir.