A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of Business & Economic Statistics Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 20 May 2021 Version 1.01 Title word cross-reference (0; 1; 1)12 [Bel87]. 1=2 [GI11]. 4 [Fre85]. α [McC97]. F(d) [CdM19]. L [BC11]. M [TZ19]. N [AW07, CSZZ17, GK14]. = 1 [Bel87]. P [Han97, Ray90]. R [CW96]. R2 [MRW19]. T [AW07, GK14, RSW18, FSC03, IM10, JS10, MV91, NS96, TM19]. U [TZ19]. -Estimators [TZ19]. -Processes [TZ19]. -R [Fre85]. -Squared [CW96]. -Statistic [IM10, TM19]. -Statistics [BC11]. 100 [ACW97]. 11 [McK84, dBM90]. 225 [ACW97]. 2SLS [Lee18]. 500 [ACW97]. 1 2 a.m [HRV20]. Ability [CM09, Han05, Son12]. Abnormal [MlM87]. Absorbing [KK15]. Abuse [Die15a]. Accelerated [KLS15]. Access [AKO12]. Accessibility [FM97]. Accident [GFdH87]. Accommodating [KDM20]. Accountability [BDJ12]. Accounting [HPSW88, HW84, MPTK91]. Accounts [Che12]. Accumulated [DM01]. Accumulation [Cag03, DM01]. Accuracies [Fom86]. Accuracy [DM95a, DM02, Die15a, McN86a, NP90, PG93, Wec89]. Accurate [McK18]. Acidic [PR87]. Acknowledgment [Ano93a]. Acreages [HF87]. Across [PG93, PP11]. Act [Fre85]. Action [GW85]. Activities [AC03, But85]. Activity [FS93, JLR11, Li11, RS94b]. Actually [CO19]. Adaptive [CZ14, CHL18, CL17, HHK11, HF19, Tsa93b, ZS15]. Addiction [BG01]. Additional [LZ95]. Additive [Abe99, FZ18, FH94, Lia12, OHS14]. Addressing [Mel18]. Adequacy [HM89]. Adjust [Nev03]. Adjusted [AW84, LD19, MS03, NTP94, Rad83, Rub86, Son10]. Adjusting [vdHH86]. Adjustment [BH84a, BH02, BW84, CW86b, DM84, DL87, EG98, ES01a, FMB+98a, Ghy90, GGS96a, Ghy97, HR91, HKR97, Hil85, Jai89, Jor99, Lin86, LHM20, McE17, ML90, McK84, Pat86, Pfe91a, Pie83, Pie84, PGC84, Sim85, Tay02, dBM90].