Use of Next Generation Sequencing to Improve Identification and Quantification of Baculovirus Diversity

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Use of Next Generation Sequencing to Improve Identification and Quantification of Baculovirus Diversity Use of Next Generation Sequencing to Improve Identification and Quantification of Baculovirus Diversity Vom Fachbereich Biologie der Technischen Universität Darmstadt zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doctor rerum naturalium (Dr. rer. nat) Dissertation von Dipl. Biol. (Uni) Gianpiero Gueli Alletti aus Mannheim 1. Referent: Prof. Dr. Johannes A. Jehle 2. Referent: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Thiel Tag der Einreichung: 24.09.2018 Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 07.12.2018 Darmstadt 2018D 17 Gueli Alletti, Gianpiero: Use of Next Generation Sequencing to Improve Identification and Quantification of Baculovirus Diversity Darmstadt, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Jahr der Veröffentlichung der Dissertation auf TUprints: 2018 URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-82879 Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 07.12.2018 Veröffentlicht unter CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International Für meine Frau, Inese Vieško. CONTENT CHAPTER I: GENERAL INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 1 BACULOVIRUSES BASED INSECTICIDES: A BRIEF RETROSPECTIVE ........................................................................ 1 BACULOVIRUSES: MORPHOLOGY, INFECTION CYCLE AND TAXONOMY ................................................................ 1 BACULOVIRUS TAXONOMY AND MOLECULAR PHYLOGENY .................................................................................. 6 “CUTWORMS” AND BACULOVIRUSES INFECTING AGROTIS SPP.............................................................................. 9 THE “CODLING MOTH” AND CYDIA POMONELLA GRANULOVIRUS ...................................................................... 12 NEXT GENERATION SEQUENCING (NGS) IN BACULOVIRUS VIROLOGY AND AIMS OF THE THESIS ....................... 16 CHAPTER II: THE GENOME SEQUENCE OF AGROTIS SEGETUM GRANULOVIRUS, ISOLATE AGSEGV-DA, REVEALS A NEW BETABACULOVIRUS SPECIES OF A SLOW KILLING GRANULOVIRUS .............................................................................................................. 18 ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................................................... 18 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 18 MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................................................................................................................... 20 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................. 22 CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................................................... 33 CHAPTER III: AGROTIS SEGETUM NUCLEOPOLYHEDROVIRUS BUT NOT AGROTIS SEGETUM GRANULOVIRUS REPLICATE IN AIE1611T CELL LINE OF AGROTIS IPSILON ..... 41 ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................................................... 41 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 41 MATERIAL AND METHODS ................................................................................................................................. 42 RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 46 DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................................................................... 49 CHAPTER IV: AGROTIS SEGETUM NUCLEOPOLYHEDROVIRUS B SHOWS HIGH GENOME STABILITY DURING SERIAL IN VITRO PASSAGES IN AIE1611T CELLS ................................ 51 ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................................................... 51 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 51 MATERIAL AND METHODS ................................................................................................................................. 52 RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 55 DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................................................................... 60 CHAPTER V: SOLEXA ILLUMINA SEQUENCING OF BAGSENPV-B REVEALS A DELETION MUTANT BACMID OF AGROTIS SEGETUM NUCLEOPOLYHEDROVIRUS B ......................... 64 ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................................................... 64 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 64 MATERIAL AND METHODS ................................................................................................................................. 66 RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 68 DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................................................................... 72 CHAPTER VI: NEXT GENERATION SEQUENCING TO IDENTIFY AND QUANTIFY THE GENETIC COMPOSITION OF RESISTANCE-BREAKING COMMERCIAL ISOLATES OF CYDIA POMONELLA GRANULOVIRUS ........................................................................................... 74 ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................................................... 74 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 74 MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................................................................................................................... 76 RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 78 DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................................................................... 88 CHAPTER VII: GENERAL DISCUSSION .............................................................................. 91 REFERNCES .................................................................................................................... 97 SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................... 110 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG ..................................................................................................... 112 APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................... 114 EIGENANTEIL DER ARBEIT (OWN WORK) ...................................................................... 120 DANKSAGUNG ................................................................................................................ 121 RESUME: GIANPIERO GUELI ALLETTI ........................................................................... 122 EHRENWÖRTLICHE ERKLÄRUNG ..................................................................................125 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS % per cent ml mililiter × g multiple of g mM milimolar °C degree Celsius MNPV multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus µg microgram n number of tested individuals µl microliter N number of independent replicates µm micrometer n.d. not determined aa amino acid NGS Next Generation Sequencing bp base pair nm nanometer Bt Bacillus thuringiensis NPV nucleopolyhedrovirus BV budded virus nt nucleotide Organisation for Economic Co-operation and cm centimeter OECD Development ddH2O bidistilled water OB occlusion body dpi days post infection ODV occlusion derived virion DNA 2'deoxyribonucleic acid ORF open reading frame dsDNA double stranded DNA p.i. post infection e. g. for example PCR polymerase chain reaction et al. and others pH measure of acidity of basicityof aqueous solutions etc et cetera PM peritrophic membrane EU European Union RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism g gram RNA ribonucleic acid GV granulovirus sec seconds h hour SNPV single nucleopolyhedrovirus International Commitee on ICTV spp. species pluralis; multiple species Taxonomy of Viruses JKI Julius Kühn Institute TAE tris base, acetic acid and EDTA buffer solution kb kilobase pair TBE tris base, boric acid and EDTA buffer solution LD50 median lethal dose UV ultraviolet light m meter V Volt mg miligram v/v volume in volume min minute w/v weight in volume Chapter I: General Introduction Baculoviruses based insecticides: A brief retrospective “Of all viruses known to mankind, baculoviruses are the most beneficial from an anthropocentric [sic!] viewpoint.” (Miller, 1997). Lois Kathryn Miller, always reminds us with her statement that an insect disease can

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