Characteristics of Hippocampal Primed Burst Potentiation in Vitro and in the Awake Rat
The Journal of Neuroscience, November 1988, 8(11): 4079-4088 Characteristics of Hippocampal Primed Burst Potentiation in vitro and in the Awake Rat D. M. Diamond, T. V. Dunwiddie, and G. M. Rose Medical Research Service, Veterans Administration Medical Center, and Department of Pharmacology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado 80220 A pattern of electrical stimulation based on 2 prominent (McNaughton, 1983; Lynch and Baudry, 1984; Farley and Al- physiological features of the hippocampus, complex spike kon, 1985; Byrne, 1987). Of these, a phenomenontermed long- discharge and theta rhythm, was used to induce lasting in- term potentiation (LTP) has received extensive attention be- creases in responses recorded in area CA1 of hippocampal causeit sharesa number of characteristicswith memory. For slices maintained in vitro and from the hippocampus of be- example, LTP has a rapid onset and long duration and is having rats. This effect, termed primed burst (PB) potentia- strengthenedby repetition (Barnes, 1979; Teyler and Discenna, tion, was elicited by as few as 3 stimuli delivered to the 1987). In addition, the decay of LTP is correlated with the time commissural/associational afferents to CAl. The patterns courseof behaviorally assessedforgetting (Barnes, 1979; Barnes of stimulus presentation consisted of a single priming pulse and McNaughton, 1985). The similarity of LTP and memory followed either 140 or 170 msec later by a high-frequency has fostered an extensive characterization of the conditions un- burst of 2-10 pulses; control stimulation composed of un- derlying the initiation of LTP, as well as its biochemical sub- primed high-frequency trains of up to 10 pulses had no en- strates (Lynch and Baudry, 1984; Wigstrijm and Gustafsson, during effect.
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