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CMU’S NEWS SOURCE FOR FACULTY & STAFF 5/12 ISSUE 2 S ILICON V ALLEY C AMPU S C ELEBRATE S D ECA D E OF S UCCE ss 4 QATAR ANNOUNCES CAMPUS SERVICE Hats Off! WINNERS 9 E A S T H ARLEM S TU D ENT S V I S IT CMU, P ITT 11 M EC H ANICAL E NGINEERING R ECOGNIZE D BY L EAGUE OF A MERICAN B ICYCLI S T S Breaking Ground Innovative Hub To House Biomedical, Nanotechnology, Energy Research n Bruce Gerson Carnegie Mellon’s recently approved 10-year master plan won’t be gathering dust anytime soon. The first building to be built under ELLON QATAR the new plan is a new research facility M that will house the Biomedical Engi- neering Department; an energy institute CARNEGIE focused on developing technologies to F Y O improve energy production, efficiency S and sustainability; and a nanotechnology fabrication lab, with space for approxi- HOTO COURTE mately 200 faculty members, researchers P and graduate students. Scheduled to break ground in the M EMBERS OF THE C A RNEGIE M ELLON IN Q A T A R C L A SS OF 2 0 1 2 RECEIVE D THEIR D IPLOM A S A T A M A Y 7 GR ad U A TION fall and to be completed in spring of CEREMONY A T THE Q A T A R N A TION A L C ONVENTION C ENTRE . W ITH 6 1 MEMBERS , THIS YE A R ’ S CL A SS W A S THE L A RGEST TO 2015, the 100,000-square-foot, GR ad U A TE FROM THE D OH A C A MPUS . R E ad A BOUT C A RNEGIE M ELLON ’ S 1 1 5 TH C OMMENCEMENT A CTIVITIES IN P ITTSBURGH IN A SPECI A L PULLOUT SECTION ON P A GES 5 - 8 . C ONTINUE D ON P A GE THREE CMU in NYC Meeting of the Minds University Joins Adviser Helps Undergraduates Research Their Passions NYU Partnership n Abby Simmons sors who mentor students and advise Last summer and fall, King advised them on their undergraduate research Ashley Bravin’s research project on n From an artist’s lens, Elaine A. King Teresa Thomas projects. More than 450 of those violent sports, which was funded by the sees the most important lesson Carnegie Mellon, with New York projects from Carnegie Mellon’s six Undergraduate Research Office’s Small undergraduate students can learn from University (NYU), the Polytechnic undergraduate colleges were on display Undergraduate Research Fellowship and conducting research is how to focus and Institute of New York (NYU-Poly), the at the May 9 Meeting of the Minds in the Small Undergraduate Research Grant integrate. University of Toronto, City University University Center. “At the university, we often think C ONTINUE D ON P A GE TEN of New York, the University of Warwick, of conducting research in fields such as the Indian Institute of Technology computer science, history or medicine; Bombay, IBM and CISCO, among many however, artists, too, must delve deeper others, will be part of the Center for into subjects or processes,” she said. Urban Science and Progress (CUSP), a King, a professor of art history and second step in New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s plans to build strong ties theory encourages her students to select with leading research universities around topics of personal importance and the nation and the world. challenges them to develop tight proposals outlining their scope of work. Mayor Bloomberg, with leaders C ONTINUE D ON P A GE TWELVE She is just one of the many profes- O NE Q&A: Griss Shares Decade of Success at Silicon Valley Campus n Sylvia Leong T HE 10 T H A NNIVERSARY C ELE B RAT I O N Martin L. Griss, director of Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley, has nearly 40 years of experience in software development, education and research. In 2009, he succeeded S AT UR D AY , J UNE 9, S ILI co N V ALLEY C A mp US , James Morris, founding dean of Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley. At the time, Griss M O FFE tt F IEL D , C ALIF . F O R mo RE INF O R M AT I O N VISI T said the demand for faster, leaner and more mobile information technology would continue to grow, and it has. As the campus prepares to celebrate its 10th anniver- H ttp :// SV . cm U . E D U /10 YEARS sary, the Piper caught up with Griss to talk about its developments in education and research and the impact the program has had on the technology capital of the world. What are some of the current only anticipate that this will continue research projects at Carnegie to grow, especially as we engage more Mellon Silicon Valley? with Silicon Valley. Most of our research projects are In fact, we have expanded into a related to the emerging mobile digital new building on campus, with plans to lifestyle and the web of things. Just build even more classrooms, faculty of- recently, it was reported that more than fices, labs and student spaces. Because 50 percent of the mobile phones in the we are so connected in Silicon Valley U.S. are smartphones — this demon- and have our finger on the pulse of what strates a radical shift in how people the new technology trends are, we are communicate and collaborate with able to quickly adapt and grow new social media, and access the Internet, programs and projects that connect us to services and data. Leveraging our the newly emerging needs. strengths in mobile applications, wire- less sensors, machine learning, big data, Are some of the founding industry cloud computing, natural language, partners still involved, and if so in OME networking and security, we are able what way? C to address a wide range of important TO Some of our earliest partners include M A RTIN G RISS problems that have arisen in this new Ericsson, Nokia and Panasonic. With What are some of the major In your opinion, in what area has the age. The synergy between these areas each of these companies the relation- accomplishments and milestones campus made the greatest impact? allows us to innovate in societal areas ships have grown. Some of our students for the campus? We’ve had several areas of impact such as disaster management, mobile have been hired by these companies, In the past 10 years, we have grown due to our leading edge research and education, smart buildings, energy and the companies continue to spon- dramatically. We launched the campus education. management and health. sor practicums and research projects. in 2002 with 56 students and one re- I’d say the greatest impact has been Interestingly enough, they came to the search project, and now we have nearly with the graduates we produce as a Where do you see the Silicon Valley Silicon Valley shortly after we did, to 200 students, more than 600 alumni and direct result of our innovative teaching. campus going in the future? establish their mobile and network- a thriving research program that covers We have pioneered a style of education As the West Coast outpost for Carnegie ing research centers here — the home many applications ranging from disaster here that is being recognized by other Mellon, we see ourselves as critical of mobile innovation. Because of our management to mobility software. institutions as one of the most effective to the university’s long-term goals. focus on mobility research, they quickly We are well connected and recognized ways to learn. We avoided the traditional We have started entrepreneurship recognized us as a key partner in their within the Silicon Valley ecosystem lecture style, favoring instead a team and programs that are connected back to research endeavors and we have been with projects and students from many project-oriented learn-by-doing meth- the main campus, in direct response able to grow with them. Now we have companies across the technology odology. Students work on authentic to student feedback. We have created dozens of corporate partnerships, not spectrum. projects leading to skills that are im- collaborative research and educational only in mobility but in a whole variety mediately transferrable to the workplace. programs that are now thriving. I can of technology. We combine strong technical academics with business and organizational skills so I T T AKES A V ILLA G E the students graduate as software leaders, making an impact in the Valley. When Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley was formed, a number of people from the PIPER With so many graduates from our university and industry helped from the outset. They include*: 5/12 Issue program, we can easily see our finger- Benefactors Drew Perkins Mark Kamlet P U B LISHER Chuck Geschke (S’73) Co-Founder and Chief Tech- Executive Vice President and Teresa Thomas prints all over the Silicon Valley. Chairman & President, nology Officer, Infinera Corp. Provost, Carnegie Mellon Adobe Systems, Inc. E D I to R M ANA G IN G E D I to R Raj Reddy Jim Mitchell (S’71) Bruce Gerson Heidi Opdyke What types of students attend? What Vice President, Sun companies or fields do the students Raymond J. Lane Director, West Coast W RI T ERS General Partner, Kleiner Campus, Carnegie Mellon Laboratories Jocelyn Duffy Byron Spice come from? Perkins Caufield & Byers Gordon Moore (H’01) Bruce Gerson Chriss Swaney We have full-time and part-time pro- Steve Wozniak Teresa Thomas Microsoft Research Co-Founder, Apple Chairman Emeritus, Intel Corp.